WEDNESDAY, A OCTOBER 29, 1930 ------ ------------------------ The Whitby Advertising, subscriptions and sews will be received Whitly Branch Office a ys fvntved te After Business Hours--Phone 358, REPRESENTATIVE-JAMES H, ORMISTON _COBOUR( RECTOR 15 APPOINTED T0 WHITBY CHURCH Tarouto Diocese Confirms Announcement--Rev, E. R. S. Adye Is PP pulas Clergyman (Special to The Times) Toronto, Oct, 29.---Appointment of the Rev. BE. R. G, Adye, L TH,, assistant rector of St. Peter's Ang- lean Church, Cebourg, to be rector of St." Peter's Auglican Church, Whitby was confirmed at the of- {ices of the Diocese of Toronto to- day. Mr. Adye will assume the duties of his new pastorate en No- vembeg 30, it is understood. { Rev, Mr, Ayde graduated with high honors from Wycliffe College in 1925, and was appointed rector at Kinmount following hi# ordin- ation. He accepted the post of as- sistant rector of St. Peter's Church, Cobourg, in June 1928 . The new rector-designate of All Daily Times at oigted goue director of the 12th istrict, including Central Ontario east of Toronto to Belleville, He has been very active in the organiz- ation and growth of the Canadian Legion Branch at Cobourg of which post's executive he has been 8 valu. ed officer. He is a lieutenant of "A" Com- pany of the Northumberland Regl- ment and Junior Steward of St, John's Lodge No. 17, AV. & AM, Cobourg. Mr, Adye's splendid work amongst the children of St, Peter's Parish has been outstanding, He is Cubmaster of the Cobourg Wolf Pack: and the zeal of Bt, Peter's Men's Club members is largely as- cribed to his inspiring efforts, WHITBY LEGION PLANS READY FOR REV, E, RALPH ADYE ed as recior of All Saints' can Church, Whitby, suceceding Rev. J. Mi Crisall, who is now as sistant ai St, Paul's Anglican Church, Toronto. ENGLISH PRINCE IS NOW IN ETHIOPIA ARMISTICE DAY Services Sunday, November 9th, and Tuesday Nov. 11th Sturgeon Falls, Oct, to see the approach of a fast east- bound freight train at a level cross. ing at Warren yesterday one man was instantly killed and another probably fatally injured when tnefr motor car was struck and demol- ished, Theodore Rindell of 435 High 98 |Street, Of Cobourg, who has been appoint. | Angie | Vail | nual collection =F uliing 'Bowmanville Daily Times News, advertising and subscriptions will be received at the Bowmanville Office of The Times in the Cowan Block, King Street. Telephonesw-Offico--587; House---131, Bowmanville Reptosotative--8s Herbert Mortlock Ladies' Hospital Auxiliary Had Very Successful Year Mrs. Dr. V. "H. Si Storey Is Re.| elected President -- Ane nual Meeting Report Shows Splendid Work Ac- complished by Ladies for the Hospital The annual meeting of the Ladies' Hospital Auxillary was held in the Nurses' Home on Sat- urdsy, October 8 the minutes of this meeting being teleased for publication today, A very success: ful year was reported, At the anp- in December a very generous sum was contribut- ed by citizens. There was the usual Christmas tree for the patients and nurses. In March the hospital birthday party was held afd lib- eral donations In cash were ro- ceived at this party, tea being served ut the conclusion, In May the hospital bridge party was held in the now auditorium of the High meeting the election of officers was held with the following res sults, President, (re-elected) Mrs, V, H. Storey; 1st vice-president, Mrs, I", W. Goddard; 2nd vice: president, Mrs, 1. A, Tole; treas- urer, Mrs, A. L. Nichollg; cor.sec., Mr. J, Q'Nell; recrsec., Miss 1. Peters: executive, Mrs, T, KE. Flax- man, Mrs, ¥, J. Manning, Mrs, T. Todd, Mrs, M, H. Minore, and Mrs, J. Spencer, BOYS OF DURHAM T0 GET FREE TRIP ROYAL WINTER FAIR Many Local Boys Win Prizes | in Judging Competition Emery Smith of Cavan, won the cup donated by the Durham County Holstein Clun for the highest score in Dalry Cattle. The Canadian National Exhibi tion Shield for the highest scoring novice judge was won by Arthur Pollard of Canton, The following is a list of the first and second prize winners in the various classes of Live Block: Dairy Cattle--1st, Emery Smith, Cavan; 2nd, George McKnight, Millbrook, Bheep--1st, feboro; %nd, Joe Barnerd, Balls James Hancock, Courtice, Hogs==1st, John Hope; 2nd, Bruce Beer, Bethany. Horses--1st, Jim Tamblyn, Orono; 2nd, J. Whittington, South Monaghan. Beef ¢attle--1gt, Moon, Port Jim Brown, Orono; Znd, Fraserville, Stanloy Theobald, Kar! Smith, Beth Carllug Tamblyn Poultry=--1st, any; Znd, Qrong, The Competition wag In charge of £. A, Bummer, Port Hope, with the following acting op judges: ---- Wm, Croskery, Agricultural Je presentative of Qutario County; J. Baker, Hampton; D. M, McKinnon, Dominion Hog Grader, Peterboro; F. P, Bradt, Agricultural Buper- visor, Boys' Traluing School, Bows manville; W. Reynolds, Port Hope; Mr, Webber, Assistant Agricultura) Representative, Northumberland County, In the evening a banquet cater- ed to by the Ladies' Ald of Can- ton, was held in the basement of the Canton Community Hall, Bach of tho judges gave his placing and reasone on the classes he had Judged, after which the results of the Competition were announced, Miss Gwen v Williams, Ad-l olph Koldofsky and Mary | Francis James Delivered | Fine Program to Large Audience-- Bowmanville Club Entertained Port Hope and Oshawa Alusic Noted Artists Render Fine Program in O pera House on Music > Study Club Guest Night blended well with the accompani- ment of Miss Willlams, The two in fact appeared wonderfully at eas together the one harmonizing with the other with perfect rhythm and staccato eaectulon, Mary Frances James with five numbers of which per haps the most heartily applauded was "0 Lovely Night" which is so well known to every music lovey and which she delivered in delight- | followed delivered by the artist, It 1s sel- dom that a program of as fine 4 nature as that which was heard last evening comes Lo Bowmanville and ft was gratifying to sec puch a large turnout for the affair, the hall being crowded to the doors, Previous to the concert the Port Hope snd Osliawa Music Study Jlubs were guest of the Bowman ville club at Giuuer in Lhe geno room of Trinity Church, whet about 130 sat down to a dellelous meal served hy the Bowmanville ladies. The tables which radiated from a center table in front of the platform were prettily decorated with mums and other fall blooms while the serviettes and general decorative scheme gerved to re- mind onc that Hallowe'en was just around the corner, Lighted candles burned on every table and the gleaming silver added greatly to the appearance of the dining room, The Bowmanville eluh are to be congratulated on their entertain- ment of thelr fellow music lovers and also for providing a program of such merit for the townsfolk? of Bowmanville, LOCAL W.C.T.U. HELD OCTOBER MEET ATST. PAUL'S §.5. Speaker States "Cure for Evils of Prohibition Is More Prohibition" Sudbury, a passenger in the The Whitby Post of the Canadian |¢ar, 18 dead, while Huko Wieno of Legion has completed plans for the [246 Whittaker Street, Sudbury, observance of Armistice Day, driver of the car, suffered -a fractur- On Sunday, November oth. there jed jaw and thigh and many minor will ke a memorial service in the injuries, and tonight was in a dan- Town Hall following a parade of the |gerous condition in hospital here. veterans and civic bodies from the | town park, The speaker will be the | Rev. E. Ralph Adye recently ap- pointed Tector of All Saints' Angll- can Church and district representa- tive of the Canadian Legion, Rev, Mr. Adye is a fluent speaker and one who served with distinction overseas. Preceeding this service the ceremony of presenting a flag to {the Vxbridge branch of the Legion, a gift from a friend, will take place Study Clubs The Musle Hopo guests, citizens, ful style, her sweet soprane voice taking the whole compass of the song with great ease, Miss James who has been with the CPR, for a considerable time has made a great name for herself in the world of music and she was fully appreci ated last night, She has a fine stage appeffrance and Ler singing | 18 of the type heard two years ago when. Madame Dusseau sang here, Perhaps the best recelved num- bers on the program were the two which followed by Miss Williams on the plane, The (first nums- ber Ravel's Minuet, was perfectly interpreted and the various moods of the plece were treated with exquisite delicacy or vigorous at- tuck which carried the audience completely with it, DeBussy's "Jardins Sous La Pluie" came next and though of an entirely dit ferent nature to the former piece it was treated In a llke manner with all the emotional detajls coms plete and she concluded with n brilliant appargio which seemed naturally to lead to the thunder- ous applause with which she was received, Iollowing her number she was presented with a bouquet of mums, Later in the evening Miss James was also presented with a bouquet mums by her namesake Miss Ruth James of Bowmanville, There were many more ful numbers on the program avery one of which were well re- colved 'and which werg artistically The October meeting of the W.C TU, was held in Paul! B Sunday School room on 1 with the president, Mra, LC A, Tole presiding if] ole also ad charge of vor exereise and a nu ladies offered short prayer Final pleted for which | church ne in whieh all are parti School with the refreshments and decorations provided by the auxili- ary. Refreshments and decorations were also provided for the nurses' graduation in June, In yesterday's issue of The | Times we spoke of the very worthy work heing done by this organiza« tion and It is of interest to note the following list of articles which are provided for the hospital by the auxiliary in the past year pairs flannelette blankets, 6 Saints' Church, Whitby, who suc ceeds the Rev, J. M. Crisall, now in Toronto, is 32 years of age and was born in London, England. He came to Canada with his parents in 1906, He graduated from the Hamilton Collegiate Institute in 1912 and, in addition to serving his' time for the printer's trade, gained wide business experience with the Dominion Power and Transmission Company and Cana- dian Westinghouse Ltd In 1915 he enlisted in the 120th Battalion, went overseas with the 134th Battalion, and served in France with the 19th Battalion, He was gassed and wounded in August 1917 at the Battle of Hill 70. Af- at the park. ter returning to Canada in 1919 he ' " " , ) Gi ) was for a time on the staff of the n Tuesgay morning, November ® w | 11th, there will he a brief service Dojattmant ot Soldiers ivil Re-! at the War INemaral plot of Don ia ishment. Wryeclift Hee 4 das Street Fast, when tributes will ie entered ycliffe College in fy0" 010" those who passed hevond | the fall of 1920, and marked his) y y { 23rd birthday, which fell on Oeto-| '! the Bteat war. Wreaths will be it ber 6-of that year, by beginning yi ig TR evening at the Mas- his studies for the Anglican priest~| ojo Hall there Will be the annual O00. sas Mr Armistice banquet, when several Edith Holden, 'daughter of Mr. and Wpsaliers ei D8 Jeard and a good Mrs. W, H. Holden of Cobourg. One § . Whitby Legton will attend son, Edwin Ralph Jr., was born Sep tember 25. 1928. The regret of memorial service at Brooklin Pdi . y. | Sunday evening, November 9th, Cobourg parishiovers of St. Peter's \ 8 y Church at losing Mr. Adye will be increased by the fact that his going means the losa of Mrs. Adye and their happy little son, At the recent Provincial Conven- tion of the Canadian Legion at Hamilton, Rev. Mr, Adye was ap- -------- 1 Sl 22 0. 8 Held at Canton music loving Bowmanville Study Club with the Port and Oshawa clubs as thelr and large number o spent one of the most enjoyable evenings of the year in the Opera House last night when Gwen Williams, noted planist and a native of Bowmanville, Adolph Koldofsky, violinist and Mary Frances James. soprano, presented nn concert of classical musie, the | qualities of which were so high | that it is doubtful whether How» manville has ever had a finer musical treat before. Miss Willlams received a great ovation when she appeared on the tastefully decorated stage to open the program with "0 Canada' The firet number on the program was "Handel's Bonata in E" with the adaglo, allegro, largo and al- legro movements played most bril- llantly by Adolph Koldofsky, Mr, Koldofsky is typical Russian and he showed traces of the typical The Annual Seed and Stock Judging Competition of Durham County was held at Canton, ¥Yri- day, October 24th, with forty-nine boys taking part twenty-one of whom were trying for a free trip to the Royal Winter alr, Toron- to. The winner are as follow Stanle I'heobald R.R. No. 1; Lawrence Port Hope, R.I No, 1 Smith, Cavan, R.It, No, 1: Brown, Millbrook; Archie Courtice; Jame Hancock, tice; Harry McCamus, Ilda: Ough, Port Hope RR, George Noals, Bethany Fallls, Millbrook The high competition i de mhber of rangement the Temperanc heing wld Sunday at 3 pm, and induay 10011 in Di in. HOC retary of t provincial Union will be the 5 ker and there will be special music by prominent local soloists Mry ceptionall vincial con in Belleville teu ng of Were cons Wife: Henry, do you realize that : rally you have forgotten this is my birth day? Husband: Yes, dearie, T did for- get, and it's quite natural that I should There really isn't any-| " thing about you to remind me that | PA!" Woolen blankets, 38 yards of you are a day older than you were linen, 50 yards linen tea towels, 4 year ago.~~The Humorist | 238 yards of sheeting, 107 yards ash towelling, 2 dozen face towels, 2 towels, 2 dozen bath towels, 2 dozen bath towels, 62 vards of pillow cotton of curtain net, ¢ strainers. children's bed gowns, halt dozen patients' dressing gowns, 2 dozen | napking, 2 dozen damask napkins, ! doren dish cloths, 1 finger sew- ing machine, 1 Nesco oll holt of curtain me: of curtain net, 6 straluers. Kitehe 1. ter i ) ale of the Free Trip H Fraserville, ipatin Dunbar, Mervyn Arnold Muir, Cours Allan No, 2: Kenneth linen cri DO YOU SUFFER WITH HEADACHE? So easy to get quick relief and pre- vent an attack in the future. Avoid bromidesand dope. They relievequick- dq but affect the heart and are very angerous, They are depressing and only give temporary relief, the cause of the headache still remains within, The sane and harmless way. First | correct the cause, sweeten the sour { and acid stomach, relieve the intes= | r tines of the decayed and poisonous | food matter, gently stimulate the liver, start the bile flowing and the bowels | pass off the waste matter which causes your headache. Try Carter's Little Liver Pills. Druggists 25¢ red pkgs, ONTH END SAL A GOOD Silk Hose 19c Allen Hose with Dollar Splendid range of shades, Month End Sale, W Iirunner gave an ex- in ereport of the pro- ition which was held recent]y, Bhe stressed scientific Temper- and among other items said that "Temperance is the highest patriotism the eure for the evils of prohibition ix mere prohibi- tion and also that the proble sm 1o= la moderate drinker," The shenkie in her report presented ful thoughts from Mrs provinejal president el ell known workers in Temperance cause, She also r andience that there would be world Temperance convention held in Toronto next June with delegates praesent from fifty-three countries, This will be the firgt convention of this kind to be held in Canada in thirty-three Years, vards the Adoring boy in the ance in sehools wus James Drown, Orono, but us this same standing Sas won by Mr, Brown last year, the award which | Short Course at the O,A.C. Guelph, is to be given to the #econd high | Russian genius on the violin, The boy, Ralph Staples, Cavan, very beautiful but subdued adagio, The coach of the t the bright and vigorous allegro boy oring the highe agkre- | and the solemness of the largo kate also gets a two weeks' course, | were equally well interpreted by Ralph Staples won this honor hut | this talented artist. His playing the second high coach Anson Bal-| was such that it carried one far son of Hampton get award, away from the dral surroundings The cup donated by the Junior | of the Opera House Into new 87.13, | Farmers' Club, Dethany, for worlds the worlds pletured by] high boy in the Live Stock class | Handet in thw sonata, His play- was won by James Brown, ing was never harsh and {t always stove, 1 1rd . of uw two weeks Ayde married Miss some bea Gordon, nd Financial Statement Recelpts--Dalance on hand, $165.42; Fees, $12.00; Christmas collection $365.83; Interest, annual donatiops, $54.01; $2.50; home cooking sala, party, $199.05; the on am of three a atl the inf ormed lie of Canadians Guests of King Londen, Eng.--~The entire Cana- dian delegation to the Imperial Con- ference were guests of His Majesty | at a reception at Buckingham Pal. ace this afternoon. bridge § the Total, $817.47, Kxpenditures~Tolal $0 Balapea on hand---$230.54. Following the regular business delight- the THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY Pearl Buttons, 2 doz. ........Be GIRLS' Past Buttaoy, Jaye size, Sez. 8 Fey Trimmi uttons, doz... ey Trimming VELVET Wash Elastic, 6 yards ......18¢ Mending Wool, 3 skeins .,...10¢c Safety Pins, 2 cards ........16¢c Pin Booklets ......ccovve...8¢ Fancy Trimming Braids, card .5e Rubber Gloves, pair ..... ...25¢c Velvet Dicoses - for .. the young Mise up to 14 years. Also for the little girl of 2 years, Regular values, $4.95 and $5.95. One price, Girl's Wool Gauntlet Gloves Palr ... ' ' 39¢ 45¢ 39¢ 17¢ Ladies' Silk and Wool Gloves. 78¢ quality for pair ,... Silk and Wool Hose, 76¢ quality, substandards, All Linen Tea Towels Reg. 26c quality, each pair English Colored Bath Towels at each ,, Girls' Navy Pleated Skirts, Slzes 4 to 14 years, Regular $1.50, on sale 98¢ Girls' Drill Middies. Navy or Ited Collars, $1.30 quality for ....,, 98¢ 35¢ "$l. 00 98¢ White Ric Rac Braid, card Fancy Buckles, each ........28¢c Children's School Handkerchiefs, Flannelette Pyiumay, Ladies' sizes: Suit .,....,., Silknit Slips, opera top \ Wheeling Yarn skein .. Vlannclette Nightgowns Long sleeves Men's Fancy Cashmere Socks Girls' Silk and Wool Pullover Sweaters, Sizes up to 14 years, Regular ro 39 $1.05 quality 98¢c Quality of materials, "e styles and workman- ship suggest the for- KY ~~ mer values of $12.95 and $14.95, bought especially for this Month End Sale at, $9.95 You must see the to know PER EER A Silk the value, Silk Lingerie Exceptional value offered in this Month End Sale of Girls' Silk Lingerie. Girls' Flannelette Pyjamas. Sizes 6 to 14 years ,....,.... Children's Fleece Lined Waists, Regular 40c, Sale, each Faja Silk that sells regularly 55¢ yd. on sale yd. . 45¢ HOUSE DRESSES - 79¢ Print and Dimity Wash Dresses in Sleeveless and short sleeve styles, Size 14 10 Month End Sale, 79, ¢ Vests and Bloomers, 2 to 6 yrs, Bertier 406 ot, on ASE Vers and Bloomer. 8 to 14 For ea ---- 48¢ Night Gowns, 2 to 14 years, Dowd: 9% for... 49C 19¢ quality wonderful offered. Dressing Combs, each ..... i Cashmere Sport Socks of cashmere yarna POE vusrinsivinnsnciiisiessisisiviinmsstsoensinse A soft heavy qual. ity worth much more. 49¢ PAIR pair. Month End Sale, pair ........ White or sand, Month End Sale, 35¢ 3 Red or Navy Flannel Blazers. Neatly Every wanted shade. 49¢ \ CENTS 6 for pritsataisnsasese RE Dome Fasteners, 2 cards ..,..5¢ Sizes 814 to 10, Sub-standartls of 75¢ WOOL MITTS, 25¢ PAIR Sale, pair .... Mente End 25¢ Soft, pliable chamoisette gloves in grey and CASHMERE HOSE, 35¢ PAIR 1 OA GIRLS' TAMS, 49¢ Er wa bound. Sells regularly $1 80 Curling Tongs, each .....4. ANKLE SPORT SOCKS, 28c PAIR qualities. 28¢ Children's Wool Mitts, PULL-ON CHAMOISETTE GLOVES sand shades, A quality worth 75¢ 49c Children's Cashmere Hose in sizes 4 to 514. GIRLS' FLANNEL BLAZERS Felt Beret Tams for Girls and Misses. $2.95. Month End Sale .... V V « A. Dew land Ltd. CE TE LE PEP TR Slips, 2 to 14 years. Regular 98¢ for wai.