Oshawa Daily Times, 29 Oct 1930, p. 1

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ES: Li i » i SPA CATES EEEE 1 SOAS tm Tg vise d==E0 Aaa 3-4 3! - EB - nr rm yr RPI MPT SH Srp The Osh aa Daily Time: Succeeding The Oshawa Daily Reformer / "All the News While It Is News" | Published ot Oshawa, Ont. C Every a a I oor OSHAWA, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1930 12 Cents a Week; 3 Cents a Copy TEN PAGES VOL. 7--NO. 101 News in Brief hy Canadian Frees) Mine Victims Buried SOLLOWAY AND MILLS PLEAD GUILTY ---------------------------- Saarbrucken, Germany, Im- pressive funeral services were held today in the little black- draped Catholic chapel on the Maybach mining estate for the 95 vietims of the mine disaster there last Saturday. v LJ True Bill in Murder Case Walkerton.--At the fall assizes bere before Mr. Justice Wright, the grand jury returned a true bil) against Harry Longe of Southamp- ton, who is charged with the mur- der of Earl Yeomans, algo { Southampton, near .that village on April 10 last, The trial opens today. PRACTICE WILL ENDANGER RELATIONS BETWEEN THE COUNTRIES, MOSCOW TOLD ------ + Pe Mak by Sot x PEAT REECE a ay T0 MAKE COMMENT BRL Eg | Door Not Closed to Empire Trade Improvement, Is Belief (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) London, Eng., Oct, 29.--Right Hon, Rt, B, Bennett, Canadian Prime minister, declined to commeat to- day on Prime Minister MacDonald's announcement in the House of Com- mons that the Labor government cannot impose food taxes in order ~ Ld \d LJ Find Miners' Bodies i McAlester, Okla.--The bodies of 5 of the 29 miners trapped by an explosion in the Wheatley No, o! coal mine near here were found on the 18th level shortly before 8 o'clock this morning, it was an- nounced at the mine top, | » LJ] id Guilty of Assanlting Officer Brampton. -- Thomas Haywood, | Toronto, was foufid guilty ot the reduced charge of assaulting a po- ice officer in the execution of h's Juty in police court here ami was given cne year suspende] sentence. aos sa Government Says It Is Will- | Ferguson Refuses to Ia rtations| ing to Stop Propaganda It- Talk on Deportations| self, But Cannot Control Loudon, Eng., Oct. 29,--Premier . . : 3. H, Ferguson of Ontario today de- Offending Third Interna *L'ned to make any comment on the tionale sgitn*.on sur-ounding the duepor- tation of several women by the On- aric government to England on the (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) srounds they wera mentally or| London, Eng., Oct. 29.--The [to accord preference to. dominion otherwise unfit. He had received | British government has made | products. nn official information on the 1at- In Canadian Circles; . ibwevar. representations to Soviet Russia that the Moscow government has not been observing its pledge against propaganda ex- changed between the two coun- tries on the resumption of rela- { tions. Rt, Hon, Arthur Hendersos there is a tendency not to regard the declaration as closing the door on discussions having as their goal the improving of empire trade, The attitude of the MacDonald government regarding food taxes had long been known, and the do- minfon statesmen are now hopig that study of other means for de- ter, Premier Facgueen said, SHAW TAKES ROLL WITH MOVIE STAR divulgs vulig a | ed in House of Commons today that | velopment of mutual trade may . H { his representation had been made as | yield concrete results, Shows Exact How Fight | result of inquiry into propaganda | x rd Internation ul other parts i carried on by the 1 | ale in Great Britain a of the empire, "1 asked the ambassads | seriously on his vernment | continuation of this propaganda calls for a | ar ! would be calculated to endanger re- Should Be Fought for Films r to impress that Cable Did Not Elstree, Eng., Oct, 29.--~When George Bervuard Shaw | * " : f his | tigus in the Serpt of one of bis} lations between the two countries Di d ter plays, : 4 . 1 The ambassador", continued Mr | He denionstrated this person Henderson, "said that the Soviet 7 0 lay ally during the filming of his p would continue. 40. obs «+ Lgovernment "How He Lied to Her Husband, ye Layo auL SAIC hel The Tépeareald.. [righ dramatist 4giye She pig Ige but, could ul t ng | Connection to Aileron Broke tivities of the ' literally rolled about on the floor with the leading man of the flim in an effort to show him how & Shavian fight should be conduet- | | ernationale, Ne | After R-101 Crashed -- WORKMEN CUT WAGES, Thompson Urged Caution + Britain Protests to Soviet Against Its Propaganda Ti( TORONTO BROKERS ARE Wolves Fierce Near Lindsay Sheep Flocks Ravaged, Children Menaced by Packs Lindsay, Oct, 29.--Fierce wolf pucks are terrorizing farmers and | settlers in the vicinity of Stanhope | township, Halfburton, | So seriously have | ravaged shecp flocks that only one farmer continues his efforts to- ward sheep raising, Only a few | years ago no fewer than 25 men I were employed in this way but | continual attacks by the grey mar- | auders gradually decreased the flocks until frantic farmers sold the remainder to prevent further loss. Each night the lone raiser i forced to securely locks the strong doors of his pens to ward off the efforts of the brazen attackers. | i Such are the reports trickling Into Lindsay from Stanhope town- ship, 80 plentiful and daring are the Intruders that childrea who used to daily make thely way across the fields to the school house are now driven to the door by their par- ents in motor cars or buggies, Ro ports say Stanhope residents will attempt to organize a hunt to ex terminat the packs in their dis- trict. INSECTICIDE 700 STRONG IS CLAIM Ate Finish Of Hardware, Says Merchant, Suing for Damages | }.. Landon, Oct 29wAn insecticide so | strong that it is alleged to have eat the wolves | ASKED TO STEP DOWN | | | Toronto Broker FINED TOTAL OF $250,000; Takes Own Life TWO CHARGES WITHDRAWN ASHSTUDENTS TO anes om PAY ALL DAMAGES Convicted on Charge of "Gaming in Stocks" CONSPIRACY COUNTS Attack on Kingston Firemen ARE NOT PRESSED May Also Resuit in | , | -- : Due to Actions Pending in Prosecutions . . Alberta Courts, Two Charges Are Dropped, end | Friends Mystified at Suicide of W. L. Caldow, of Easson and Caldow (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Toronto, Oct, 29.--~8hot through | the face, the body of W, L. Caldow, member of the local gtockbrokerage firm of Easson and Caldow, was found early today in the garage at Iiis home. A gun wag found at his | side, | Friends of the broker could give | | 1] (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) f no reason why Mr, Caldow should . 1 his life He spent the evening Kingston, Oct,' 28. --That fire I d ene AL} p 3 3 : eve ' Nim ® . . on at home Mrs. Caldow returned | chief James Armstrong ia y hefo}e Jail Term Is Not mpose a --__ i » Mrs, b , city solicitor all the facts in . A "y IRE | " untry on Sunday | the city solicl % RT. HON, STANLEY BALDWIN yom the old couyiry v gh the case with a view to prosecuting | by Ontario Judge Tn i an the uilty parties who made an ------ Who it is reported Las been asked I'he stockbroker's body was found the gt on Fw firemen in the dis- (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) by forty of his former follower: in the rear seat of i nator ak charge of their duty, and that the Toronto, Oct, 29.--Within an The si " ¢ Fi mn - t 2 y o | to resign as leader of the Con Wi hid 9 ha head ag ven na chairman ascertain the damage 10 Jour after they had pleaded guilty' ~ red y 6 discharge rom a 1 # ra apart ¥ AEG Yorn x " servaticve party in Britain, Th hig try v ved HD aEainst the property of the fire depar AL charge of 'gaming in stocks", statement was said today, how gun which was proppec up asainbt i o...¢ and also to the clothing of jgaac W. C. Solloway and Harvey atement 4 Ye * the front seat ot the oat irventic 1 11e firemen, and notify the Alwa (Milly, partners in the defunct brok ever, to have heen "unauthoriscy Detactive Sergeant Dawn ny Mater Soclety of Queen's Univer arape concern bearing the same and incorrect", gated and after the body had been | fo 0 0 "societ, will be called [yame, paid fines totalling $250,000 removed to the morgue it Was Vor upon to pay the damage, was the [imposed by Mr. Justice Jeffrey in eased by Chief Coroner M. M. | gocicion of the fire and light com- l4he criminal assizes today. council today. the committee Cr ford LLOYD GEORGE ~~ + WANTS PALESTINE Originally indicted in the Ontario. | ourt on three counts in connection city mittee of the sson when notified of the The decision of declared: "There's no | ¢o11owed reports submitted bY lwith stock market operations- earthly reason why he should have | gpjer Armstrong of the clash of loonepivacy to defraud the public, done a thing like that, Mr. Cal-| (pg jocal fire-fighters with Queen's conspiracy to affect the market dow wae a temperate man, of regul- | gtydents when they endeavored on [pric e of stocks and gaming in stocks ar habits and apparent peace of | Friday night to extinguish a hug |= the brokers, with the consent of | TR bonfire the students had started|w N. Tilley, K.C., special crown POLICY DF Al k I Tan MacLare n, a friend. stated | on Queen's lower campus, prosecutor, pleaded guilty to the | J) that Caldow spent last night at a ------------------ third charge, preferred to in stock {home. "] went to pay a visit and market parlance as "bucketing" and Mrs, Caldow told ma be Nad goue His Lordship immediately imposed sentence. Solloway the senior part- ner, was ordered to pay $200,000 jens Mills $50,000, Mr, Justice Jeffrey stated that in |view of pending action in the Al- |berta courts on counts one and two {in the indictment he would not im- out to the garage When 1 got out there hes Had been dead for sonic {time I called the police,. Mrs, Caldow told me he had secined well all evening, but had Yecome upset shortly before he went out." Sele Algom Power Dispute | Calls Upon House of Com- | mons to "Clear Up" Re- cent Statement | (By Canadian Press sased Wire) | r---- -- | London, Eng., Oct. 29,--~Rt, Hon, i pose a prison semtence. On June 3 {David Lloyd George, Liberal leader, at Calgary, Solloway was fined V 11%225,000 'and "sentenced to fouy Development of Montrea INSISTS FREED | and Mississauga Rivers Will Now Proceed (today ealled upon the House of {Commons for debate of the govern- {months in jail by Mr. Justice Ives {while his partner was fined $25,000 and sentenced to one month in jail, | These sentences were appealed by late and the brokers remanded on ed interest in the production of his play as a movie, which is in pro- | gress at this town, Britain's lead- ing motion picture centre, Some of the rehearsals have been held In his London home, The film has to climax in a fight between a lady's admirer and her ausband, and it was in this scene that the dramatist person- ally took a hand today, SEVERF STORMS RAGE IN FUROPE Gales 'and Floods Block | Roads and Stop Communications (By Canadian Press Leased Wie) London, Oct, 29.---Gales, torren- tial rains and heavy snowfalls swept over a large aren of Europe yesterday, blocking roads, interrup- ting communications and causing widespread damage, From Istanbul to Southern Ger- many, reports have come in of flood- ed rivers, broken telegraph and tele- phone lines and blocking of roads by impassable snowdrifts, Austria reports the worst weath- er experienced in 70 years. At Istanbul and far into Asia Minor excessive rainfall has produce ed serious floods. The lower por- tions of the city of Smyrna were inundated, at least 68 persons per. ishing. Czechslovakla has = experienced severe snowstorms and floods hroughout the country. In Lower --8ilesia the rivers have overflowed heir banks, obliging inhabitants of many riverside towns to abandon heir homes, A heavy gale is raging n the Eastern Mediterranean. WEATHER Showers have occurred in On- tario and western Quebec while in the other provinces the weath- er has been for the most part fair. A disturbance is centred over James Bay and' extends southward to the Great Lakes, while high pressure and compar- atively cool weather covers the western half of the continent, Lower Lake Region, Ottawa and Upper St. Lawrence: Fresh to strong west to northwest winds: partly cloudy and cooler tonight and Thursday : Georgian Bay -- Fresh to st ant west to northwest winds; mo-t'y cloudy and cooler tonight and Thursday, with some local . ! Mr. Shaw is taking an active Chatham, Oct, 29,--Practical I steps to assist in relieving the un- employment of Chatham bave been taken by the employees of the Chat. | ham Hydro-Electric System. At u meeting held recently it was decid- ed that $45 per month would be de ducted from the wages and used to | assist the families of men out of | work. Fire Threatens Village St. Gabrlel de Brandon, Que,-- Fire which raged for yesterday threatened to engulf this little Northern village, sweeping through a garment factory, a gar- age and two dwellings, with dam age estimated at $25,000, Drowns in New Canal Catharines.---Frank Derardl {of Thorold is the first drowning {victim of the Welland Ship Canal {since the canal was opened, NEW STAMP ISSUE IN VARIED COLORS (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Ottawa, Oct, 29,--~Fall styles in postage stamps will show a radical change in color scheme, Within a month, or sooner if present stocks are exhausted, a new issue of stamps up to the eight-cent denom- ination will be released by Canada's Postoffice Department. Basie col- ors will be changed in conformity with regulations of the Universal Postal Union,yof which Canada is a member. The one-cent stamp will change its "dress" from orange to green; the two-cent stamp will be red, in place of green, as at present; the mauve five-cent' stamp will make way for one of blue, St. AS AID TO JOBLESS three hours | (By Canadien Press Leased Wire) | London, Eng., Oct. 29.-- A broken cable controlling an aileron, or lift- ling fin, apparently did not contrib- ute to the R-101 disaster, Sir Wil- liam Jowlitt, attorney-general, sald lat this afternoon's session of the [public inquiry into the British air- {ship's loss with 48 lives. In the wreckage on the hillside ot Beauvals, France, where the ship |crashed and burned Oct, b, the part- | ed metal cable was found. ; Microspie tests, attorney-general Jowitt asserted, indicated that the cible had parted after the fire had occurred, {| "That fs a highly important fact" commented Sir John Simon, who is presiding at the inquiry, That evidence showed that Lord Thomsop, air minister, had urged caution in preparing for the flight to India, | Summarizing. evidence to be in- {troduced at the hearing, Sir Wil- en the finish off $1500 worth of {ment's attiude on Palestine, hardware in a London store the | Lloyd George, who was prime basis of a county court action, be- {minister when the Balfour Declara- gun before Judge Joseph Wearing {tion was made, speaking during the The hardware merchant, A. FE. Rob. {debate on the reply to the speech inson, js suing E, W, Curtright of {from the throne, sald there was a Toronto, for the alleged damage to |"good deal which should be clear- at he had hired {ed up," about Great Britain's recent his [#tatement of policy on the mandate, The premier had sald there was his stock, claiming t! the Toronto t through landlord to exterminate vermin in his store at 701 Hamilton Road {no departure in policy, the Welsh After hearing the plaintiff's Iman asserted, adding, "Well, Judge Wearing ordered an adj there is no departure in policy it is special case, ur ment so that Mr. Curtwright |very remarkable that all of the secure services of counsel, The case [Jews in the world have taken a will probabry be resumed later Le |different view." week. Premier MacDonald vesterday - ' was asked If the statement repre Air Mail to Peace River sentéd a changed policy on the part Ottawa, Announcement was lof Great Britain and he had stated made yesterday by the post-master- [emphatically that it did not, Hut general's department of the {n- that contradictory elements in rre- auguration of a regular air mail [vious declarations had made the service between Peace River and {statement necessary to clarify pol- North Vermilion Alberta. Hey. : Early Start Factor in Cash Option Contest llam said Lord Thomas never knew that a trial previously given the R-101 would be of less than the {24 hours originally contemplated. rh ------------------------ Church Invited to Britain Toronto, Rumours that T, L, Those With Early Start Have Best Chance of Winning Cap- ital Prizes--100 or More Cash Bonus Cheques Will Be Awarded--Get in on the Weekly Pay Roll--Anyone May Enter and All Active Workers Will Be Paid Cash Church, K.C,, former member of the House of Commons for Toronto Cen~ tre West, had been invited .to con- test a seat as a Conservative candi- date in the next British election have been confirmed by Mr, Church. Dies in Fire Sault Ste, Marie, Ont. -- Francis Payment, 52, 'died of suffocation when trapped in his burning home here. From the position of the bod it is believed he was trying to reach the kitchen door when he collapsed, times wished you had one too? Of course you have, person living who does not enjoy the pleasures of motoring, and es- pecially so, in a nice new "up to the minute" motor car, Times and Gazette and Chronlele --Contest Officially Opens Friday--Start Now When you have seen friénds spin are giving away, absolutely free, by in a real up-to-date, handsome [the choice of some high class uuto- new automobile, haven't you some- [mobiles, and a large number of oth- er costly and valuable prizes in the form of cash bonus cheques and cash commission cheques to mem- bers who enroll in the big contest and assist in securing subscriptions (New and Old) to either The Daily Times or The Gazette and Chronicle (Continued on Page 1) There is not a Do you know that The Daily Loudon, Eng, Oct, 29.--There was a fresh act in the swiftly moving drama within the Conser- vative party today. Col. J, Gretton, M.P., today declared the state- ment issued last night over the signatures of 44 Conservative members of parliament, demand- ing hte resignation of Rt, Hon, Stanley Baldwin as Conservativa leader, was "unauthorized and in: correct', Ool, Gretton presided over last night's meeting of the dissatisfied Conservatives, and his signature led all the rest on the statement, He declined however, to discuss today in what point the statement was lacking in authority or cor rectness, Sir John Power, one of those snow. w whose names appears on the list, Document Asking Resignation of Baldwin Declared Unauthorized declared today he aid not attend the meeting and was not invited, and was ignorant any such lotter existed, Other commoners whose signatures appeared declined to discuss the matter, though some admitted attending and signing a document, * Created Sensation London, Eng, Oct, 20.--De- mands by Conservative members of parliament for the resignation of Rt. Hon, Stanley Baldwin, their leader provided last fight one of the major political sensations of the year, Forty-four Conservatives pre. sented a potition to the chief whip of the Conservative . party submitting that a change in lead: ership was "essential to the na INFORMATION BLANK I IT'S CASH YOU WANT MAIL THIS COUPON TODAY 10 THE PRIZE CAMPAIGN DEPARTMENT HEADQUAR! ERS OF THE DAILY TIMES, OSHAWA, OR THE GAZETTE AND CHRONICLE, WHITBY VENTLEMEN : --- . Kindly send me receipt books Yor taking subscriptions to the Daily Times and Gazette and Chronicle and full details relative to the choice of Free Autos offered and Cash Awards to be made in Lhe great profit-sharing campaign, MY NAME IS . ADDRINS v.% ibey civics PHONE NO, ov. 0a 8 NO, 6s for bn Candidates should enroll their names now and get started at once. Sond for receipt books now and get the early start, Be one of the hig winners, 100,000 Bonus Votes given with the nomination for each new member when entering. KVERY ACTIVE MEMBER WILL WIN A CASH PRIZE, THERE WILL BE NO LOSERS, ER EEE I RI tional interest", if | Ea IESE Tr AS SA | Declares Fontaine and La | Casse Held Him Up, Des- | pite Others' Confessions | (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) | Ottawa, Oct, 29.--Despite the fact two other men have confessed {to robbing him of $300 in a hold-up [last year, Austin Simpson, milk driver of Ottawa, declared from the {witness stand in county criminal |court yesterday that Lionel Fon- taine and Ernest Lacasse were the Imen who committed the crime, Fontaine and Lacasse were origin- ally arrested for the hold up and had served some four months of the four year sentenced in.posed on them when Eugene Barnabe and Duncan Larocque confessed to the erima. The first pair subsequently | were released from penitentiary and {the confessed robbers sent to the |reformatory under sentences of two |vears definite and two indetermin- late, | The present court hearing was |opened at the request of Fontaine jand LaCusse, on the ground that fonly by such procedure can they completely clear their names, They were sent to prison largely on the evidence of Simpson, who original- |ly declared his identification of [them as the masked men who held {him up early on the morning of Nov, 2, 1929, was positive, The case continued today. ESCAPES JAIL AT OWEN SOUND Prisoner Scales Wall and Is Still Free--Police Net : Closing Owen Sound, Oct, 29, -- John' Baird, waiting trial here on severay charges of obtaining money under false pretences, made his escape from the Grey county jail about 10,30 o'clock this morning. Baird appeared nefore His Honor Judge Sutherland on Tuesday afternoon and elected to be tried on Novem- ber 17th, in county criminal court. He was out tn the yard with a num- ber of other. prisoners this morning and soon afterwards was misse] and It is said that he must have succeerd- ed in scaling the walls, On the outside of the wall is a pile of ashes and marks there in- dicated that he jumped into them, Police are spreading a net around the countryside in an effort to round up their man. None of the other prisoners in the jail yard will admit having seen Baird scale the walls, [ . [the attorney-general of Alberta on | oe Cons ¢ Loniad. Wired {the ground that they were inadequ- (By Canadian Press ase Sault Ste, Marie, Ont., Oct. 29. hail pending the outcome of the de- --Completion of an agreement be [cision of a higher court, tween the Ontagio government, the Algoma Central the Algoma District Power Com- pany, in regard to the long dispute over the power sites on the Mont- real river, ninety-two miles north of Sault Ste. Marle, is announced by the Sault Ste. Marie Star, Under this agreement the goma District Power Company is given the right under lease to develop the upper and lower falls of the Montreal! river subject to government control, The local company agrees to turn over to the government all its legal rights on the Montreal river as well as its rights on the Mississaugi river, The arrangement finally worked | out consisted of the surrender to the crown by the Algoma Central f and Hudson Bay Railway Company of its title to the f2a of the upper falls of the Montreal river, to- gether with certain flooding rights, The Algoma District Pawer Company, Limited, has definitely surrendered to the provincial gove ernment its ownership of the Grand Portage Falls on the Missis- saugi river and its power site and power rights on the tunnel site, on the same river.' Discussing the effect of the new agreement the Sault Ste, Marie Star says: "The consummation of these negotiations cannot fail to be of the utmost importance to the Al district, It portends of the carry- ing out of development on = the Mississaugi river through the Hydro-Electric Power Commission and also the supplementing of the existing power supplies, available to Sault Ste, Marie, by the devel- opment of the Montreal river powers, in connection with which the company's engineering staff is Railway and | Sentence was passed by Mr, Jus- tice Jeffrey this morning before a crowded courtroom. Solloway and Mills stood erect as .His Lordship delivered his decision. CANADIAN JAILED - BY DETROIT JUDGE Gets Ten Days for Breach of Traffic Law--Arouses Criticism (By Canadian Press <elsed Wire) . Detroit Oct. 29.--~Canadians whe Infringe on Detroit traffic laws have little chance of escaping under the "Golden Rule" plea, as Thornton Prest, a recent arrival from Halifax learned when he was arraigned be- fore Judge John J. Maher in traffic Court as the result of his automo- bile colliding with another car here on Saturday. "You Canadians think you ean come over here and drive just as you please, You wouldn't be able to get away with this in Halifax, and you can't here. You would get a jajl sentence in Canada for a thing like this, so I'll give you ten days in which you can reflect that laws here, as in Canada, must be obeyed." With this valedictory ringing in his ears, Prest was led back to the "bull-pen." In view of the leniency with which Provincial traffic offi- cers have been instructed to treat United States visitors to Canada the punishment meted out to Prest, a already busy", stranger in the city, has aroused some criticism, Tariff Protection is on Trial, Must Bring Quality and Low Price: (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Toronto, Oct. 20--="Tariff protec~ tion in Canada is on trial for the next few months, We can justiry it by low prices and high quality of agricultural and manufactured goods and its success or failure will be judg ed only from the view point of the country as a whole," said Elmer Da- vis, president of the Canadian Manu facturer's Association, in an address at the annual banquet of the Associ- ation, of Canadian Advertisers last night, Mr, Davis outlined the var- fous trends in the closely allied fields of manufacturing, agriculture and ad- vertising and insisted upon the value and necessity of coseperation hes tween these various hranches of ace tivity and beiw.en the constituent. provinces of Canada. After sketching the old methods of advertising and the spectaculir rise of its technique and practise, evi- dent in last few years. Mr. Davis went on to show the advantages to both producer. and consumer, It meant, he said, increased production of higher quality goods at lower prices, and increased consumption of finer produce by a greater number of people, One of the most practical forms of . co-operation, he said, was the recent- ly inaugurated "Buy Canada Made Goods" campaign, This campaign, however, could only urge a principle and it remained with the advertising fraternity, he thought, to point out to Canadian people what were aCnadian goods and where were the Canadian distributors, y - I Bins

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