Oshawa Daily Times, 29 Oct 1930, p. 10

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1930 Eastern Ontario News FALLS OUT OF CAR Kingston.--Falling out of the sar when it turned a corner and 'he door suddenly swung open, Miss Bertha Paynter sustained a frac- tured hip and other injurfes, which necessitated her removal to the General Hospital. ATTACKED BY BULL Cornwall--M. J. McKay, promi- nent breeder of Grant's Corners, a few miles from Cornwall, is in the hospital here suffering from a frac- tured collar-bone and hip, as a re- sult of being attacked by one of hig prize bulls in one of his barns, ALUMNAE OFFICERS Kingston --Queen's Alumnae As- sociation has elected the following officers: President, Miss A. K. Mac- Gregor of Ottawa; First Vice-Prosi- dent, Miss May Chown of Kingston; Second Vice-President, Miss Helen Macintosh of Toronto; Third Vice- President, Miss Mary Rowland of Montreal; Secretary, Miss Ada Birch of Kingston; Treasurer, Miss Bessie MacPherson of Toronto; Councillors, Mrs. E. H. Coon of To- ronto, Miss E. Tett of Newburgh, Miss Mary McNabb of Ottawa, Miss Marje Stock of Toronto Miss K. Teskey of Edmonton. Miss Roberts and Miss Truax of Montreal. CAR RAMS TRAIN Napance.-- What might have re- sulted in a very serious dccident occurred at the Selby crossing when a motor car plunged into the side of a train, The car was coming to Napanee from Selby, the driver be- ing E. Fenn. In the front seat be- side Mr, Fenn. was Myytle Boom- hower, while in the rear seat were Mr. and Mrs, Boomhower, but fortunately no one was serious- ly injured, Fenn, the driver, hav-| ing three stitches owing to head in- juries, and he wag badly shaken up. The other members of the party were not hurt, FIRE INVESTIGATED curred at the village of Verona, and Barney | Boomhower and Herm Hartin. The car hit the train with some force, | 21 y was caused by the driver losing control. 8S. Ingles of Gananoque was the-owner and driver. - He bad with him Redmond Naylon, Scbera Slack and Earl Lappan of Ganano- gue, and a man named Arthur, whe gave his address as Montreal. 80 BUSHELS TO THE ACRE Stirling.--Many residents of this district have been guessing as to the yield of the 20 acre oat fleld of Mr. J. B. Thompson, whose farm is about one and one half miles north of Stirling on the Stirling-Marmora highway. This field yielded 1600 bushels of grain, 23TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Belleville --An enjoyable even- ing was spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Carter, 60 South George St, when fifty friends and neighbors gathered to celebrate with them their twenty-fifth wed- ding anniversary, BOY INJURED Perth.--Gilbert Nichol, son of Fred Nichol, Perth, reecived a punc- ture wound in the right temple and a fractured skull when he ran into the side of a car driven by James Haley. He was attended by Dr. Hobson at the Perth General Hos- pital and his conditon is reported as satisfactory. FUNDS FOR RELIEF Belleville.--Forty-five thousand dollars of winter relief construc- tion work has been authorized in Belleville according to information which Mayor Geo. A. Reid received from the Municipal branch of the Department of Highways handling municipal unemployment relief. BUS DESTROYED Belleville.--Within a few beneath the engine hood the Belle ville-Pieton bus owned by Frank Smith Burnham Street was a mass of smoking wreckage at Mountain View Prince Edward County, The two passengers in the motor one an Fenn of this city, escaped uninjur- only the good work of thie volunteer ed, while Mr. Smith, who wes at fire department saved a serious con- | the wheel was also unhurt, flagration. Lumber piles on the right-of-way of the Canadian Pacl- fic Railway were destroyed with a heavy loss. The cause of the fire Is | not known. Provincial Constable | G. V. Clubbe, of Kingston, has heen asked to conduct an investigation, MAN SEVERELY HURT Brighton.--Fred Emmons, Brigh- ton, processor for the Quality Can- ners at Trenton, received severe head injuries when his car left the highway and crashed into the ditch near here CAR GOES 112 MILES, MODERATOR AT LINDSAY Lindsay.--Right Rev. ¥ H Oli- ver, D.D., principal of St, Andrew's College, Saskatoon, and moderator of the Unted Church in Canada, dedicated the new memorial en.) . trance to the First United Church London--As and preached to the congregation. Sugme as hrs ne re -- y driven 1 TYPHOID SOURCE FOUND Brighton and back distance of 112 Belleville. -- The typhoid out- iviles, on something less than twe kreak in Belleville has been traced: gallons of fuel oil. As this oil i to a carrier working on a farm near marketed at 10¢ per gallon, the cost Plainfield, health authorities stated. | in fuel alone worked out at 18¢ for The man was working until recent-| the trip, ly for Frank Knight, who supplied This is an outstanding perform. milk from his farm to a dairy, The | ance, first indicating that the outbreak here is dying down as the | Diesel engine, essentially a bulky and source of the disease has been shut affair has at last Leen reduc- off with the closing of the dairy and | cd in weight and dimensions to car the final discovery of the carrier to ii and further as showing that whom the disease was traced. No| in this, small compass and in the new cests ure reported. i cumstances set up by road a cone -- | ar with a Diesel] t, has recent- | been London | as CAR DROPS 30 FEET L Kingston.--Five members of an | wutomobile party had a remarkable sscgpe when an auto in which they | were traveling east crashed through the frod railing at the La Salle Causeway, making a drop of 30 'eet, The car first struck the rocks and then poked its nose into the water and came to a sudden stop much damaged, but all the mem- bers escaped injury, Traffic Con- Reduced Your Fuel Bill? MALLETT BROS. Coal Importers Albert St. Phone 3060 I ew hin | fll fi | e--- Will you face another Winter in an uninsulated home? Will you burn fuel merely to melt the snow on the roof or will you seal heat and comfort in your home with Donnacona Insulating Board. With Donnacona installed in the roof you will feel the added warmth in every room. It will save you 23%, of your fuel bills this Winter. A product of PRICE BROTHERS & COMPANY Limited, Quebec, Can- ada. (Established over 100 years.) Uninswlated roofs are responsible for 259% of the beat loss in the average home, For added comfort and lower fuel bills make sure the voof is insulated, W.R. Tracy Courtney Johnson, general sales manager, Hudson Motor Car Com- pany, announces the addition of W. RK. Tracy to the Hudson sales staff, Mr. Tracy has been appointed sales manager and will have charge of all domestic sales activities, Through many years' con with automobile merchandising, Mr. Tracy is one of the best known automobile sales executives, new connection with the sale of Hudson-Essex cars marks the cone field ju which he has long been a prominent figure, NEED RAIN BADLY | minu- | tes of the time flames leaped from | Fear That Cold Weather May | he |unknown woman who boarded the | Kingston.--A spectacular fire oc- bus at Picton, and the other, Harry | nee ere | bas FUEL COSTS 18 CENTS awa {made | Archie, and | son + Set In Before Wells Are Filled Ashbury Cet, & led 1 us rand Mrs city on Wednesday and Mrs, Harold H and Mrs, George and Mrs. Down / Ie Mr. Christop Haye of ( r Val » oi Sunda The young ladie held a sewing b Miss Hazel Mol up Sone 1g relatives number her Capt, special service Rev. at 1} e Sunday. MANCHESTER NEWS Manchester, Oct Fergus mm, { f | nor week end at the Mr. A wering a for y$ier is rec 1 operation ap Mr. sale? of cattle, t 1 The Auxiliz { the WW.) at the home of rs. Isaac on Friday, Oct A good ur ing and enjoyable time was Lunch was served at the eting. " eet lsth. held, close ery f will be with Rey. th SCr held as usual next Mr. Neville of aker, Mr. and Mrs, W Coltoes and Mr, an of Greenbank, Spent Claremont 'and visited Sunda ¢ there was Blackstoc ¢ as Sunday the home at {of Mr. and Mrs. Condy while there and John- W. Crosier and Mrs. F and Doreen, spent an evening last week at the home of Mr, and Mrs. George Sannells, Scugog. Mr, Mrs, Mr, and WOULD BE AUTHORS URGED T0 TRY LUCK Dr. Douglas Encourages Timid to Write Their Stories Montreal, Que.~Strong encourage- ment to these who felt the urge to express themselves by writing fiction was given to the members of Do- minion Douglas Ladies' Literary : by -Dr, Lloyd D. Douglas, of James United Church. "Every- body has one story," he said. Dr. Douglas pointed out that many of the difficulties which deter an as- pirant for literary honors from try- ing his luck really do not exist ex- cept in the mind of the too timid. The chief requirements were a fer- tile imagination, an ability to express oneself in ordinary and understand- able language, and a sense of the fit- ness of things. Dy the latter: was meant that the chances for success were much increased if the would- be author dealt with people and places with which he was. fairly familiar. Above all things, the speaker stress- ed the necessity for the writer to be natural. He felt that the percentage of authors who have achieved suc- cess by writing of either characters or scenes of which they knew noth- ing was too small for that plan to be recommended. : BETHESDA GROWERS FIND READY MARKET FOR THEIR APPLES | Truckers and Private Fami- lies Have Bought Up Most of Crop Bethesda, Oct, 25 ~Truckers and private families have been in this district looking for apples and have succeeded in clearing up most of the good fruit in this immediate neigh- borhood., Miss Olive Millson, who has been staying with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Werry has gone to Toronto to be with her mother. Mrs. McGill, Misses McGill and Mr, McGill motored from Toronto and spent the day with the former's sister, Mrs, Roy, Miss May Gilmour of Stevensville, who has been visiting Miss Winnifred Cole has returned to Toronto, His | tinuance of his sales efforts in the | i Toronto, | | | | Granshy | | | Messrs, Vietor Scott and John | Chalmers spent Sunday in Bowman- | ville, Mrs. Rundle is visiting her nicce, Mrs, Herman Gray, of Hamilton, Mrs, Ernest Werry is spending a few days with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. I. 1. T, Cole, of Enniskillen, Miss Nora and Mr, Ralph Johns motored from Thornhill on Saturday and visited at the homes of Messrs. JR. Rand T. ]..T. Cole. Mr. and Mrs, Victor Hooper, of pent a few days with Mr, Hooper's sister, Mrs. Frank Werry. Mr. and Mrs, T. J. T, Cole and Mr. Douglas Cole were guests of Mr. and Mrs, Wes. Ashton at Shaw's on I) ay Miss Tamblyn, Dr. Master Sunday R. ( nd Mrs, Edgar lie of To- guests at the m Sunday. and re ere Mrs, y, Toront Mr. Chas Solina wild i at John Baker pick nough for their tea and Miss Vera ked garden fruit f tea. well for the weather- limate of Ontario when such things happen in October Mr. and Mrs. J } for lor hn Baker with her "| TIME TABLE | CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS Effective September 28th, 1930 (Standard Time) Eastbound Daly, except Bunday. Daily Dai £2) am 9.55 a.m, 12.5 g.m 213 pm Lp, 9.38 pn 2.08 a.m 12.3] am . except Bundey. $ vy, except Suuday. except Satuiday. 4.26 a.m, 5.55 a.m 6.04 a.n. 9.08 un, 210 pom, 403 pw, 7.04 p.m. 802 pm GRAY COACH LINES Effective September 26th, (Standard Time) wa Leave Toronto P.M, AM, P.M, 12% 1.9 except Sunday, except Sunday. od . Daily, except Sunday. 1930 Leave Osha AM, m7.) 8.50 2% 9.3% 3.30 10.30 4% 11% 59 6.3 PY) 820 ! B10 mn =Escept Sunday. . a=Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays only. b-Sundays ouly CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Effective September 20th, 1930 (Standard Time) ) Eastbound 0.50 a.m. Daily. JW pan, Daily, - 9.08 pra. Daily, except Sunday. 1.05 a.m. Dail sthound 6.28 am. Daily, 7.21 a.m, Daily, : 8.25 a.m, Daily, except Sunday 3.23 p.m, Daily. 7.5 p.m, Daily, WHITBY, OSHAWA, BOWMANYVLLE BUS LINES WEEK DAY fZHEDULE (Effective on and after October 6th, 1330) (Standard Time) Gol West Arrive 'Whitby ing Leave Leave Arrive Bowmanville Oshawa Hospital . 1240 pm, | 4.00 p.m, 6.45 pm, Hospital 1.25 p.m, 4.25 p.m, 2.15 pm, 3 pom, 10,10 p.m, 11.3 pa, 11.45 pam, SUNDAY AND HOLIDAY SCHEDULE Going West ww Leave Leave Bowmanville Oshawa 00 9.30 a.m, 11.30 a.m, 2.30 p.m, 4.30 p.m, 4.30 pm, 6.30 p.m, 8.00 p.m, 10.30 pum, Going Eas Leave Oshawa Bowmanville . 1015 a.m, 1045 aun, 3.30 pom, 5.30 pam, 7.30 pm, m, 8.30 pm. 9.00 pu 11.00 pan. 11.30 pm. Whitby with y Busses. tor. al useoe occasions Ragsogable i, Rates and Careful Drivers BOWMAN Lind TON, PROPRIETO! VILLE PHONE 412 or 346 Oshawa Wal Room, 10 Price Street father, Mr, W. J. Bragg, Dowman- ville, Our sympathy goes out to the re- latives of Mr, John Pascoe who was found dead in Bowmanville church shed, 'Miss Vera Baker was one of the guests at a progressive cuchre party held at Mrs. Cecil Crossman's, North Oshawa, Mr, and Mrs, Harry Hardy family, and Miss James Hardy, visit- ed with Mr, James Reeson, Columbus, on Sunday, Mr, and Mrs. Harry Grooms and family, Toronto, Mr, and Mrs, Chas, Osborne and family, Ebenezer, Mrs. J. W. Brooks, Bowmanville, Mr, and Mrs. Jack Brooks and son Orley, of Oshawa, visited Mrs, S, E, Werry, Mr. and Mrs, Lows Luke and Mr, and Mrs, Scofield Jrwin and John called at Mr. Thos, Baker's on Sun- day. Mr, and Mrs. Harry Phillips and | family, Toronto, visited af Mr. John | Baker's home recently, Sunday School at Fldad was held in the usual form with Messrs, Me- Kessock and Werry presiding, Church service followed with Rey, Mr, taking charge and preaching from 2nd Ephesians on "TheMaking of a Good Citizen," on which he preached a thoughtful sermon. League meeting on Monday was opened by singing a hy an Jick i which Mr. B. G. Stevc prayer, Mr, Er president then took charge, Mr. Den found in Thessalonians and Timothy, Mr, B. G, Stevens took | up the topic on "Money and how | we get it" He gave 2 splendid talk and this was followed by an instru topic, { plano, Mr. Alan Len Barton, mouth McKessock gave a Engineer's Story." Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Arm Maple Grove, visited with Mr Mrs. R, C, Scott and attended funeral of the late John Pascoe Mr, and Mrs, J. A, MeL manville, were recent visit Mr, Thos. Baker. Balson, eul gan, Mr, reading, an, DEATH DUTIES T0 TOTALS 125.000 | J. Fred Booth, Lumber King, Left Estate of $8,- 000,000 (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Toronto, Oct. 29 Provincial | | treasury coffers will benefit to the | { extent of between $1,125,000 and | $1,500,000 in death duties from the estate of the late J. Fred Booth, millionaire lumber king, whose will disposes of an estate valued at approximately $85,000, | 000. Queen's Park officials were un- | able to say off-hand last night just how much the province will ob- tain from the estate, but were positive that it was a long way over the million-dollar mark, The millionaire Jumberman dled Au- gust 5, and his widow the Toronto General Trusts, an1 a son, ¥F, H, Booth, are executors of the estate. The widow and threc children are each bequeathed #1,600,000 and | life insurance policies account for | $1,200,000. Charitable bequests, | which are exempt from death | duties, total about $500,000, GREAT POWER SEEN IN WOMEN'S CLUBS' | Montreal, Que.--~Women's clubs are | an invincible power for health, hap piness and humanity, Mrs, A. A, Packard, of Springfield, Mass, past | president of the Massachusetts Feder- ation of Women's Clubs, stated in an address on "Women's Clubs" at the opening meeting the. American Women's Club lately. "It is a difficult thing for us won to realize how great we have become," | Mrs. Packard declared in discussing the present position enjoyed by wo | men's clubs. It was quite a far cry, | she pointed out, from the limited | scope of the early culture clubs that | devoted themselves to the study of | Tennyson's "In Memoriam," or the | civic clubs that were content with en nis Pickard took up the devotional | | mental trio with Miss Eileen Balson, | | ear be left alone. | Were on | last two the merely theoretical considerations of social questions, The present day club had combined the interests of these two pioneers and had intro- duced the new clement of the intelli- gent woman into international af- fzirs, she felt, BETTER POULTRY Nation-Wide Grading Move- | ment Sponsored by Fed- eral Department (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Ottawa, Oct, 29---The people of Can- | ada will cat better poultry this sea son than cyer before, That promise is held out-as the result of a nation. wide movement to introduce poul- | try gradmg for the present poultry on, Canada's poultry season ex- roughly from Oct, 20, to the | ar. During that time approx- | 15,000,000 chickens and older | will he marketed in the country | in addition to the turkeys, geese, duc veight of | ut four The average il : pounds The REOF. 2 service i slture and | handling | agreed to grading ed by the egg i in the departmer hers ay have grade, will really onto get une later this depart- | f conler- | and be in CK | priced. | chase -- for Evening | tin and Velvet in Jewel PARTY FROCKS For Young Women and Women who stay young. A special pur. Wear. Frocks of Sa- tones, very specizlly $6.95 $9.95 ARCADE * SIX LIONS CONTROL SAFETY DIRECTOR SENT UP FOR TRIAL M. M. MacBride, Ontario Employee, Commitleed for Striking Officer Oet. 29 Magistrate ! vesterday, of Brantford, before Police Dunnville MacBride, here Supervisor Traffic Safety for Ontario, ted trial hefore the next Court of Gen- eral Sessions, He was charged with assaulting and obstructing a police officer in the discharge of his dut- fes, but the obstructing charge, which arose out of the same in- cident the assault charge, was withdrawn. by The story ele as cousent, revealed wad that na ear owned by Grant Moffatt had heen stolen and driven into the C.N.R. subway excavation hero. Moffatt went to the scend, intend- ing to take the car away. An al- tercation arose, M. M, MacBride, according to Moffatt, contending that he was th enfor officer present, and ordering that the He also ordered the arrest of (rant Moffatt, and C, CC, Bowden .and J. McCahe, who the scene, the evidence not showing why in the case of the Moffatt believed that Mr Wild Beasts MacBride thought he, Moffatt, was the driver of the truck at the time that it was driven into the excava- tion, The evidence further showed that MacBride addressed the crowd, and then went to get into a | taxi, On his way, MacBride, ac- cording to Sergeant Cara, made a pass at him, 'a ducked, but thought that MacBride must have grazed his chin. P.C., Sudden grab- bed Mac#8ride from behind, and Cara caught him by the arm and | twisted it, and MacBride fainted. He was then taken to his home in a taxi, TOURIST BAGGAGE Visitors a Lively Time Cive African Japan's degree of elvilization will be determined by the number of | women who refuse to reveal their age in the nation's second cengug ---- | Chicago Lvening Post, | London | is A Jazz band plays every day at a railway stator idea Lo encourage pa not to he | loiter about and miss their traing-- { The VE- | 1 a party m Highway | i gine, bu were una the lions off, One oi only a yard or so trom al stuffs, and refused to 1 One of t! ec men hred Ss into the air with « Then he med & the nl struck the head to sec did not decided 1 Dor resuit sid while party police picket I native to the can still 'in possessi tease, Théy lai ce of sack the lio effect and the lions retreated g way, cnabling them to collect tain amount of their food and nants of blankets, suitcase, clothing, ete, with an audience six not more than 20 yards awa) J te d spent On reported r in ch su The the the follo n ev the matter to. the rar These lions are all over the park and have learned in three years that or car is not an en they are not afraid of of Trustees and the Warden do not approve of tourists camping out away from the proper rest camps, found boy and Ih him | < | thing o Leader, and there | therwise it the | | Humorist (London), Whatever this mercurial people gets in place of Prohibition--in the improbable event {it gets anything-- practically certain be some~ ft doesn't want,.--Weston is to FOR SALE PONTYPOOL POTATOES 31,25 re COX MOTOR SALES 10 Bond Street West I'hone 921 House For Sale Seven rooms and garage at 314 Athol St, East, Ime mediate possession. Apply Housing Commis sion, Municipal Offices, Simcoe St, South, to Secy, ROYAL YORK Toe: Tea Fekoe Half Po: re. ASC At all Superior Stores EXAMPLES 15¢ Epsom Salts, 2 for ..... 50c Vapure, 2 for 50¢ Jonteel Cream, 2 for . $1.00 Russian'Oijl, 2 for .... 25¢ Meloids, 2 for ......... weno Ge wan 166 25¢ Triodine, 2 for ......ccivunnnn..26¢ 25¢ Tooth Brush, 2 for ....u.....26¢ 35¢ Tooth Paste, 2 for ............38¢ | wn Ble | | Don't Fail to Attend This Sale Thursday, Friday and Saturday 25¢ 15¢ KING ST. E. PHONE 28 Jury & Lovell 50¢ 75¢ 50¢ SIMCOE ST. S, IPHONE 08 | THIS WEEK AT THE "REXALL" DRUG STORE 300 Genuine Bargains on This Profit-Sharing Advertising Sale of Regular Rexall Remedies and Sundries. LJ EXAMPLES 25¢ Tar Shampoo, 2 for i... 26g Orderlies, 2 for iin. 26¢ Writing Pad, 2 for ...........16¢ Aromatic Cascara, Playing Cards, 2 for ... French Balm, 2 for $1.00 "93" Hair Tonic, 2 for $1.01 35¢ Hair Fix, 2 for .... ' ..Ble .. 76¢ Sle for 36¢

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