Oshawa Daily Times, 29 Oct 1930, p. 9

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THE ®SHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1930 PAGE NINE LIAS RhIY 'DS meets Na] BONANT & ANNIS CARRISTERS licitors. Notaries Public. Ete opveyancing aud geners! prae tire of Law Offices 1% St. south, Oshawa, Phone 4 OG b Conapt, BA: LLB; A. PF. Ap nls j i" ray work. Over | Phones 1243 K.C., 7. K. Creighton, B.A, N, 0. Vyaser, B.A, ' BA oT d Notary, over Dewisnd's npey to loan. 16 Simcoe Balleitor, Phone 67. , Store. hoe street porth, dence BATHW ER A 8 BA visters, Solicitors, ete, 24% Sim- soe St. N. Phone 3160, Money to Loan. A ' A. ter, ety, Conveysnelpg and general racties. 28% Kivg Bt, East hone , 3237, i) A J. PARKHILL, BARKISPER te, Money fo loan. Alger Bldg op He Me fee. Pane 1616 YRANK ©, ; Solicitor, Notary 'ublle, Convey: ancer, money to loan, Third floor new Alger Bulldin:, opposite Pos Office. Phone 2090 Medical PETRI dette BE EE DRE, HAZLEWOOD & HARPER, Disnes ulock, Phone 2060. of: fice hours § a.m. to 8.30 pm Dr. B, J. Hazlewood, special attention ta Surgery snd X-Ray pr. B. R Harper, special attention to entio- ren's Diseases and Obstetrics. Bun: day and night calls 2416 or 122, Dit McRAY PHYSIZIAN, BUN geon, Accoucher. Office apd real dence King: St. East, corner Vie torla 8t., Oshawa. Phove 04. Di GRANT DERIY, PHYSICIAN Surgeon, Obstetrician, diseases of infauts apd children, Office and residence, 97 Bond East, Phone RAVE ARCHER, MD. OM . iD A , M.D, OM. PF n, y HK 8, Edinburgh Phby- siclan, Surgeon and Obstetrician. Office 143 Simgae Ht, N. Phone 2020, residence 40 Cadiling Ave. North, Phone 8185. To R, 1. ARCHER AROWN, 81 PR. ron and Obstetrician, office and vesiden:e, 185 Simcoe Strest North phone 3107 oir PR. TTAROLD TRICK, OBSTET. rician Physician and Surgeon. Special reference to maternity work and dis: cases peculiar to women, Office anc residence 167 Simcoe Street North, Phone 103 et 2 oe sm 1, W, GRAHAM, 8,07, 8c, LM. C.C,, physician, surgeon, obstetric fan, 3 years' post graduate, 3% years general practice. Special at- tention te maternity work, Office 142 Simcoe St. N, Office and resid ence, Phone 85020, (Oct, 28-1 mo) "Ocean Tickets GEDA TICKETS, ALL COMPAN: jes, 40 Simcoe St, South, Tele phone 616 for a personal call, if desired. (Oct, 8-1 mo) [ fy" BOORWD VOR all lines by expert staff, C.P.R, of- fice, 13 King E, Phope 40 or 41 for private interview at your home, (Qct, 91 mo) TIRE Ee a] Veterinary urgeon Pit, SHIRLEY, VETERINARTAN Specialist Diseases Domestic Anim: als, Cat and Dog Hospital, 203 King West. Telephone 620, (6 aug. tn OW, 0D, YOREYTHE, V.5. honorary graduate of Ontario Vet erinary College, seveutcen years experience. I'ees moderate, Thorp: ton's Corners. Phone 203 r 2, Oct, 11-1 mo) Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist DR. I" T. BRYANS OF 160 BLOOR Street West Toronto will be at bis offive over Jurv & Lovells Drug Store each Saturday from 1 till 4 p.m., for consultation and treat ment of diseases of ear, nose and jhroat only. Appointments may bo made at drug store Phone 87 ye, ose oat DR otis so a I ce over 0 Lf Phone 2680 and 432) ------------------ Rates for Classified Ads First losertion = 1% ceuts per word, Minimum charge for one insertion 80c. Each subsequent cons secutive insertion 1¢ per word, Three consecutive inser tions for the price of two first [Insertions {threo cents a word). Minimum charge for threes Insertions, 60 cents, Pox number 0c addi * tlonal, Profesrional or Dusiness Cards, $3.80 per month for 20 words or lesa; 10 cents a word per month for eash ad: ditlonal word, Phone 35 sak for Classified Ad Department extraction, slineoe | attendance, Phone 959. .| eve south, plone 1646, OF £7 PHILLIPE OVER BAS setts. § | attention to X-ray work. Gas Nurse Iv Housr 1312 Dit e CON 8 north, over Mitchell's Drug Store Gaz for estraction. Phone 64. ' ; ENTIET 16 fmeoe St. N, over Dewland's bone 1967. Res, 202W. Evenlnge bv appointment. a » DAVIES, Dencists, 37 King 6£t EB Specin' attention to estraction aid Zz urse in sttendanne and Red. specialist In eyesight and glasses, Author of Eye Care snd Eye Strain, fbr Chilg sad ite Development. Dis oey Block opporite Posy Office Phone 1516, LUKE BURIAL CO. 67 KING 87 | East, Ambulance. Residence (4? Simcoe street, north, Phone 214) quo. siowW. 7 OSHAWA BURIAL CO, M, ¥ Armstrong & Son, Proprietors. Funeral snd Ambulances Service, day and night, Phone 1082W, 87 Celina, (ater _. Insurance DAVIS AND BON, INSURANCE 19 King St. west, Oshawa, The old est Fire Agency In Oshawa 20 Re putable Fire Companies, WHEN PLACING INSURANGE consuls RN. N. Johns, 50 Simcoe gorth, Your insurance wants at tended to and your Interests pro tected ; a . CANADIAN MOTO UNDER writers, Automobile insurance pol fey holders received 25 per cent refunds pust eighteen years Agency Germond Clgar Store, Open evenings (Qet, 37-1 ma) Daa I a Transportation CAWTAGEH AND STORAGE COLY man's, 86 Bond west, Specialists in furni'ure moving slorage ware house and moving van equipment Plone 82, CARTAGE, MOVING, QRAVEL sand and cinders. Local sud long digtance hauling. Smith & Cox Phone 924, 10 Bond St, West, OSHAWA'S OLDEST ESTAB lished furniture movers. Park losd cartage. Local and long distance Frank Cowle Prop. 66 Park Rd | South, . Phone 215. a ' (Oot, 34-1 mol | GIBEON "BHOE, CARTAGE AND | moving id gravel and cinders Mone 13306F, (Oct, 13-1 mo! a aaa x we Painting and Decorating i GUTSOLE, FIRST GLABS PA painting and graining. 'rices right, work guarauteed, 340 Pine Ave., phone 3000w or 2067w (7211) SRF BETA TIES Ta aes Beauty Parlors BETTY LOU PERMANENT WAVE Shop, Spaeclalists in permanent, nger and marce! waving, Per anent wave prices $5, 87.60 $10 and $15, All other lines of Beauty Culture. Phone 2068, Apply 86 Simcoe street nope. EXPERT MARCELLING BY DRT ty Ward at Betty Lou Permanent Wave Shoppe, Marcel and shaw poa $1, Phone 2068, heb WATEON'S ~~ BARBER AND Beauty Shop, 6 Celina Bt, We spec falize Ip ladles' bair cutting, war eolling, shampooing, facials, Marcel 50 cents, IFFor appiintments phote 2653. (Oct, 18-1 ma) | every evening from 6.30 p.m, and | on Saturday's All Classified This sule has been found accounts of this nature, inconvenient to come p the advertisement and collect Coming Events, Etc. STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE necessary becouse of expense and loss arising from handling a large number of small For the convenience of Oshawa customers who find it ersonally to The Times' office, a telephone call will bring a messenger vho will receive Times Classified Ads Bring Results Telephone 35 ASK FOR CLASSIFIED AD DEPARTMENT Advertising for same. grave! for sale--To fnrure prompt | delivery, place wders io advance of delivery date, Phone 1618 "Caulking STORM BABA, MADE IN OBH- | awa, measured installed complete Caulking. Phone 3126W for prices | Plowright & Sharp. (Qet, 1=<1mo) HOUSES CAULKED, WINDOWS Have '| | storms replaced, Qshawa man. Phone (Oct, 9-1mo) cleaned, done by an prices 2927). Dancing MADAME HENDKIL'S SCHOOL | of dancing and physical culture for | children and adults Lessons given from ¢ pm. For particulars call at 169 Church street, Oshawa, or phone 874M at above hours, (Oct, 6-1 mo) Music HERDERT CG TRENEER, ATV M., Organist and Cholrmaster ©! King street Church, wlll aceept pupils io plave, pips organ aud vocal wusle, 60 Willlam Streit | Last, Phone 2806. | (Sept, 2 (I) LEONARD RICHER. TRAM. SU | pervisor of Music, 025 Avenue, 25781, (Aug asi | Ee iii Pa itn ben ie nl | Architects CC TETENHAUSE 7 GENERAL | architectural work, 'econd floor. | Royal Bank Bullding. Phone 1406 Res. phone 9007, 3) | THOMSON AND JOWNEON, 48: | Simeoe St, 8. | soclate architects, Over Pelt Bros TR PV 5 VW WL TT Work Wanted FURNTFUNE REFINISAED AND | upholstered. Chesterfields made to | order. Satisfaction guaranteed. Phone Whitby 649, Oshawa 20424, | Bowmanville 08, George A, Con | stable. (Sept. 30-1 mo) YOURE, WEPFAIRED, REMODEL led, coats made to order. Jixpert workmanship, Phone 2873J, 140 | Prince Street, | (Oct. 20-1 mo) | BE a a a hh | Radiv Service BATTERIES CHARGED ~ a pp rm PERE a Lupa ge tne] Auctioneer PHONE 716) W J. SULLEY AUT tioneer. 346 Simcoe St. 8. Oshawa Qut, Special attention given to household furniture sales and Farm. stock and Implements. Your Patron age solicited ---- Watch Repairing iA, VON GUNTEN uXPEWT Swiss watchmaker, repair shop at 44'% King Strest West, Your pat ronage 1s solicited S : Money to Loan [OANS oN GooD ony PROPER. ty aud farws, Apply A, J Park bill, 37 King Et, East, Phone 1014, (July ditty ON YOU AUTOMOVILE, OARS co-financed, Payments reduced Additional cash given, Terms rea sopuble. Motor Loaus aud Dis counts, Suite 8, 14% King 8t BD (upstairs), Phone 2700, Open'even Inga, (Aug 168) Hemstitching AUNETITOHING, ~ PICOTING, ning gonts a yard, Skirts pleated, one dollar. All kinds of beautiful embroidery worked goods, smock. mg, ete. Alterations and dress | maklpg, 'the Dell Shop, d4Y% Sl {Oct TERR RE Spirella Shop SPTREGEA DRINGS © ik nealth, comfort. Personal atiep tion and service. Phone Mrs llat ter, District Mapayor, 218M (Oct, 4441 mo) SIRE DERUMAUS, SPIRELLA Uorsetiere, north east district Phone 3343), (Det, 2441 ma) Do ----]) + Dowd WIT INIRIISSRES, t MADAME WENA. PALMIST, 840 Buepa Vista: Appointments Phone 1168W, (Oct, 6+1 mo) MADAME BROWN. PALMIST, Tot with rental 81.00 rebuilt, Called for and delivered Prompt sereice. Stan Bligdon, 20 Mill St. Phone 1880W. (Oct, 24-1 mo) REPAIRS ON ALL MAKLS Ol sets, Prices reasonable, Your radio tested while in operation. Batteries George Burroughs, Ri. Plione 2806W. 1 (Oct, 4:1 m) | OSHAWA WADIO BERVICE~RE pulrs on radios, power packs aud || eliminators, Tubes tested ano | supplied, radio poles for ecale || Datteriea charged aud repaired Phone 3360J. Charles Wale |, 146 Plgin east, (Oct, 18-1 mo) OAL OR™ RADIO BATIERY |, called for aud delivered. ic Phoue 1666J, (Ogt, 20:1 mo? Personal s ( WANTEG==THOFI INTERESTED recharged, diotrician, to please write the C.J.A, office, |, 380 Herkimer St, Hamilton, Ont,, Tree Plan, (100¢) ! refrigeration, W. Borrowdale | ences, Apply superintendent 2671, Carnegle | #ble prices, | TWO epaired ano | I'OR flat, nigely tric GARAGE TO TENT, Arthur Street. every convenience, TO TET=SMALLT HEATED Ab. artiment, 7 Simcoe St. S. TO RENT=? ROOMED HOUSE in Justice For And By The People | JousE. vear cheap, For Rent SIMCOE MANOK -- FOUR AND tive room suites, electric stoves | laundry, couven! | | VICTORTA APARTMENTS -- A1 | new low rentals, electric refrigera tion, electric stove, washing mach ine and dryer. Apply superintend out. Phone 2633F. (boLL BTORE™ FOR" NENT--COMMEI- clal Hotel block, steam heat, hot and cold water, conveniences, Ap- ply Commercial Hotel, * (100b) FOR RENT uice rooms, Central, Phone 2051), (Oct, 1-1 mo) FURNIBHED THONT BEDROOM, sultable for one or two geutlemen or young married couple. Apply 157 Simcoe north, Phone 1386W. (83L1) 3 AND 4 ROOM APARTMENTS modern to the minute, Moderate rentals, Phone 1560 or 2347TW, (8711) | APATFMENT™ T "HOOME AND tiled bath. Murphy (bed, water. electric ght, telephone, central, steam heat, Newly decorated, Ap- ply Box 492 Times, (85121) MODERN ¥IVE™ "ROOM AND hath apartment. All elgetrie, re. frigeration, with garage, Heason- 161 King Kast, Osh- awa, (99¢) TO RUNT--BACHBLOR APART: | == ment, partly furnished, Steam heat, newly decorated, centrally located. Apply Box 14 Times. (D6tLe) APARTMENT TO RENT--NEW- ly decorated, O11 heated, Center of the city, Apply D. M, Tod, phones 500 and 140 (09¢) SIX ROOMED HOMI -- wooed throughout, fixtures, blinds, storm windows, und garage. In good locality, Phone 1142M, (00¢) LARGE "WAKNM™ FRONT "HED room for lady or gentleman, 57 Lligin E. Phone 3184M (100¢) NEWT ROOMED BUNGALOW ON | I 'urk Rd. North Phane 920r2 (100h) FURNISHED "Rooms, Vivery couvenlence for light house koeping, Phone J338W, (fhe) RENT «« THREE ROOM furnished or unfur- nished. All conveniences, Wlee and gas, Also garage. Phone S195), (101e) APPLY Phone 069W, $10 per month 251 ; (101) 1'0 RENT-- TWO FURNISHED coms, Bathroom, lght, heat and as, 20 Maple stroet, hone 799W, le a (1010) O RENT=TAREE UNFURNISH: d reoms, centrally located, leat, ight and water. Phone 215 W py sR MERLE ICATSSEPARATE ENTRANCE, g $10 furnished or furnished. Phone 475F, (101a) Losstasion Noy, lst, ply Dr. F. J, . lle. Telephone pi (101¢) hicken house, garage and good gure len, lots of fruit. Will lease by the Phone 1652 r 5, (1013) lc ROOM BRICK, phone | (Boer) | HARD: | French doors, | bullt in ¢uphboardy, electrlo mantle, | $20 | § ROOM, ONE STOREY, GAS electric light and stove, on Colborne St, E. $1700 a month. Immediate possession. FURNISHED, all conveniences and garage on paved street near General Motors, $35 a month, Immediate possession. Apply 1, C. Young, 4% Prince St, Oshawa, Phone 793. Res. phone 2495. (100c) TO RENT--VIVE™ KOOM™ COT- tage, furnnge, in good condition, Apply 213 Albert St, (100¢) yom ~~ nERT -- TWO LIGHT housekeeping rooms, partly fur- nizhed If desired, Close to Motors, Apply 118 Wood Street. (100b) FOR RENT-- 286" JARVIE #7, Apply to Conant & Annis, (M-W-P tI) FOR RERT--7 PAWTLY OK UK: furnished rooms for light house- keeping, heated, 78 Drew street, . (100¢) VOR NENT--3 ROOMED APART: ment, furnished and heated, cen. tral, rent reasonable, 221 Arthur st, (100¢) A Fa ara rE p------ Articles For Sale FORT SALE. DRY HARDWOOD $14 per cord, Dry tamarack $12 a cord, Nerman Sanders, King St. E. Phone 1774M. (1001) VOI BALE= bb repeating rifle in first classy bb condition, Phone 2123F, (99¢) | IOUSEHOLD FURNITURE IN good condition, for sale. Phone 1760M for particulars (100c) COOKING APPLES 25¢ AND 3 large basket; Russet pears 0c and Sc large basket delivered, Phone { 2806\W (Oct, 21-1mo) | FOI SALE=ONW TADY'S MUSK- rat coat, good condition, gas heat- or, hoys' winter overcoat, size mattress, size 4 foot, 1144M | OAK (101e) DINING ROOM & Risch piano, phone 3142W GIRL'S WINTER COAT sale, Phone 2785) (1001) 291 College Ave = oi (100 MIXED HARD AND 350F1 WOU labs, $3.50 per load. Also bone dr hody wood. Waterous Meek Limited Phone '288 (Apr 260 FOI HALE = PAINTH, VARN shes. sale, Phone 2571). The Paint Store, King street west. (Apr. 25 LD) SAND, GRAVEL STON¥, CIN- ders, black loam. $1.60 per yrad For quality and service phone Es- sory Bros, 333 r 11, (Oot. 8 "Vocal fn the city. 1 no) MARION EB ROSE ATC MM, | will neeept pupils in voles produc | tion and singing. Phoue #6, | (Oct, 20-1 mo) Dressmaking UADIES™ AND dresses, also gmocking and em- | broldery work, Phone B77). 211 Albert Street, (Qct, 1b6-1ma) "Second Hand Dealer NEW AND SECOND HAND ¥FUR- niture bought and gold, 156 Bloor Phone 1617M, (Cct, 24-1 mo) EE A __ Motor Cars | GFT YOUR CARL \WASHED Al street east, | Jomiplon Garage, wast. price $1.00, (Oct 18-1 mo) Er RR a Fr Wanted To Buy | HIGHEST CASI "PRICES PAID | for good used turniture and stoves | Phone ¢71 or 56 King Street, west (Oct, 21:1 mo.) RR EEE TR a Lost and Found LOST=BETWEEN NITSON ROD. and four corners a crank for a Reo car. Reward, Westman Mach- ine Shop. (100g) CORB ROWN™ RAINCOAT ON Celina street. Finder please phone 1933W, (101a) TOURND=REYS ON RING NEAR Albert street school. Owner please phone 539, (101a) Real Estate For Sale VIFTEEN ACRE LOTS FOR SALE. Close to Oshawa, Nagy payments. Apply 140 Agnes St, (1000) FOW SATE=-F6 AUNT YARM, 40 acres plowed. Good buildings, trout stream and goed wood, Ap- ply W. Martin, R.R, No. 6, Bows manville, (101¢) Lal b ALL bE STEER ahaa Nursing PRACTICAL NURSE MATERNITY work, Jxcellent references, Mrs, Borrowdale, phone 1618, (Oct. 20-1 mo) 14, | Phone "SUITE, Moffatt electric cabinet range, Mason (100¢) FOR HEATER, SELF FEEDER, FOR We have the largest assort- | ment of paints, varnishes, etc, in 80 | TCHILDRENSR 8% Bond street Phone 3198, All cars at ous oT "SUITABLE for two business gentlemen, cen trally located, breakfast If desired. Phone $11, (9%¢) home, very central, Phone 1062F. TOOM AN ¢omfortable home, Bond street west, (99¢) BOARD AND TWOOW YOK YOUNG gentlemen, private Some, Apply 10 #imeoe north, (99¢) EE Br ts i RS RN" STi! TT aa For Sale or Exchang FOI BALE Oil EXCHANGE--S good lots. What have you te offer. Must dispose of at ence, Apply 128 Nassau Bt, (99¢) UAL ATTRACTIVE 80 ACHE farm fn Bowmanville district for sale or exchange on central Osh awa property. Good buildings, Hydro. Rich soil. Box 21 Times, (100b) Weather Stripping ATTENTION -- KTOP THAT draught with Chamberlain's meta} weather strip and caulking, | Cheaper and better than storm sash. It's better because it's cor. rugated, All work guaranteed. Estimates gladly given, T, A. Mor- gan, 172 Mary Bt, Phone 496, (Oct, 21-1 mo) = Elocution { ress of elocution, will prepare pup | lg for esxaminationg set by Torou- ! | to Conservatory, Phone 1324, | (Oct. 14-1 mo) CPSEONE IN BLOCUTION AND public speaking, private or in classes, For terms phone Lois Mundy, No. 85 or 312, (Oct, 'also garage. (99¢) Central, 17% 13-1 mo) | Pets and Livestock PVDIGREFED GERMAN SHEP- herd dog for sale, male, ideal house- dog. Phone 2928W. (101¢) -- Wanted to Rent ATOM... Contracting CONTRACTING -- TCO} plastering, electric or alterations. Phone 139 for estimates. (130) SS a a aE i UES Auction Sale AUCTION SALE~HAVING RE- ceived instructions to scll by public auction on Friday, October 31, 1930, on the premises, 82 Rit. son Road South, all the household effects and chaitles of the Tonkin Estate, among which are 1 player plano, cabinet of nearly 60 rolls, diniug room. suite, parlor suite, number of beds and couches, num- ber of dressers, sewing machine, number of chairs, floor tamp, book case, violet ray, kitchen cabinet, bathroom eabinet, eongoleum rugs, cooking utensils and dishes, lawn mower, lawn roller, plough, har- rows, one pump, 14 ft. wire gate, 2 ladders. A quantity of hot bed frames and sashes, quantity of hot house plants, Other things too numerous to mention, Sale at 1 p. m. sharp. Terms cash, W. J. Sul- ley, Auctioneer. (100¢e) BOARD REFUSES HALIFAX HEARING Will Not Consider Granting Disney Offers Beautiful home in north end. 6 rooms, sunreowm, hardwood floors, coal grate, garage, Cosy well bulls home. Priced way down below value for quick sale. Phone 1550 Ed -- EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Specializing exclusively in muscle ssemalis syssight apd glasses, 1516--~Phone--1518 Disney Block Opposite Post Office Machinery Repaitin Reduced Rate On Grain to Coast (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Halifax, N.B., Oct, 29.--~Surprise japproaching consternation was ex- pressed in official eircles here when it was learned that the Board of Rallway Commissioners had re- fused the application by the Halifax Harbor Commission for an extension of Halifax of the grain rate given to the cty of Quebec, plus one cent. A declaration that Halifax would carry its case to the governor-in- A ron -- > iki | WANTED FURNISHED APART. ment, 4 or § rooms. Apply Bex "22" Times R (101) | SE SR Help Wanted--Female [ADIES™ WANTED AT ONCE] with some knowledge with artist's brush. Apply after noon or evening. | Fireside Art Novelties, 203 King bt. | Last, Oshawa, (Oct. 25-1ma) WANTED-HOUSEKEEPER FOR | vo ladies living in apartment, Ap-| ply Box "22" Time (1014) | EXCEPTIONAL WAGE BY WO-| men selling exclusive patented | Hygienic Product, No competition. | | No investment. Pro-tex Manfg. Co. | | 18 Dundas Sq., Toronto. (W, | A Bo BRS For Sale or Rent | --------y | FOR BALE OI RENT=NO, 24% Court St, Oshawa, brick house, | convenjences, No. 486 Oubert St. frame house, water and | electricity, Cromwell Ave. (near | Elmgrove Ave), small frawe | house. All immediate possession | "| Apply ta Conant & Annls, Barris | | ters, &e., Oshawa, Ont, Phone No. | | 4, (Wand ¥ tf) | rM) Oshawa, Agents Wanted 2b PER. CENT, COMMISSION! | You can earn this in your spare time by taking orders for private | Greeting Christmas Cards from | triends and neighbours, Mand- some sample album, gent rr. | Experience UNNeCLsEAry, Oldest | Christmas Card House in Capada Write today, Managet, Dept, 11, § Winchester Ave,, Westmount, Montreal. (83-89-00-101) NOTICE OF NMEGISTRATION OF BY-LAW Notice is hereby given that a by-law was passed by the Council of the City of Oshawa on the 20th day of October, 1930, providing for the issue of debentures to the amount of $7,000.00 for the pups chape of certain lands required for Industrial Sites, and that sugh by- law wus registered in the registry offi of Whitby in the County of Untralo, on the 24th day of Octo: ber, 1030, Apy motion to quash or set aside the samo or any part thereof must be made within three months after the first pub- lication of this notice and cannot be made thereafter, (one the 28th day of October, 930, I'. KE. HARE, Clerk, (101.107.1123) council at Ottawa was voiced by Mayor L, A. Gassoonguay, If the decision of the railway | commissioners was correct ported, sald Colonel! E, C, chairman of the Halifax Commission to see that the trans- continental raflway was operated for the purpose for which it was constructed, as re- "The matter should be taken to a higher court, and the case pressed to the utmost," declared ©. H, Wright, president' of the Halifax Board of Trade. WHEEL ALONG A witness in a Welsh police court | was asked if he would like an in. terpreter, "No, sir," lie replied emphatical. ly, "I speak two spokes." Do You Need Money ? Do Not Lose Your Car. Let Us Finance You. G. L. SCOTT Motor Loans and Discounts Ltd. Felt Block, upstairs 1435 King St. J. Phone 2790 REPAIRING W. TCHFS OUR SPECIALLY If your watch 18 not giving satigfaction we ean repair and make it tell the correct time, D. J. BROWN THE JUWELER Official Watch Inspector for GCavadian National and Osh. awa Railroads Phinney, | Harbor | NOTHING TOO SMALL | Adanac Machine Shop | 161 King St. W. Phone 1214 PHONE 22 For Your Drug Needs THOMPSON'S 10 Simcoe St, 8, We Delives NOTHING TOO LARG | an LUMBER | F. L. BEECROFT Whithy Lumber and Wood Yard. Phone Oshawa 823 Whitby 12 Felt Bros. | The Leading Jeweler | Established 1886 12 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH 4 Men's Suits. Regular | special... 912 50 , Dominion Clo |b King St. W. Phone R104 | Diamonds! Bassett's | On Oshawa's Main Corner | EATON GROCETERIA It Pays To Shop Here Always Special Reduction A few 1930 model Philco and Radiola Radios at 33 per cent. off, terms. Ontario Motor Sales Limited 20 King St, W, Phone 189 99 Simcoe Street South Ye CART W TAIN | N )SH BRINGING UP FATHER WANT ME TO G0 HWUNTIN' AN I'M | ARHAMED TO LET THEM WRG THA | DONT KNOW FU MTHe FIRST I THING ABOUT | : business private, 93 Loulsa Sreett. Phone 20300, (Oct, 21-1 mo) i [SAGs AR THE GANG GHQOTIN'~ Nu La r---------G 0 © 1900, Int) Panture Survias, Ine, Groat Brivain Hgdts reserved eter CHIN A (2 (/ I'M JOST EEK 4 ATHOLL ST w BY GEO. McMANUS sECALM=] MOTHER vg I \R4 IR " HITS 714 [Ie OH DEAR OHDEAR! YOUR FATHER HAD A GUN AND WA THE TEMPER HE HAS DEVELOPED-) KNOW SOMETHING DREADFOL WILL HAPPEN - TO THINK To Sek Tee SVE | co a \ QA RENN oe

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