Oshawa Daily Times, 24 Oct 1930, p. 7

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PACE SEVEN ews of Youthful Oshawa A PAGE FOR BOYS and GIRLS Today we are offering to the teen~ folks of Oshawa something new all their own, feat- THE STORY OF HOW THE "" CHESTNUT GOT ITS NAME Dolly and Joan were on their wa Two tiny horses galloped the home ir dy They had been tres A fn out on 8 mb, There 88 8 recOR~ ' talk pul the Nature story that | they stopped, when out from a bud growing imporiause Miss Smith had just told them sbout | stepped & fairy and an elf snd each I organizations the maple tree, and wondering, ay of them mounted gave 4 slap of the ing to bri 50 many maple trees were all difter- | bridle rein and fike & fish were are sook| to ng teen-age and Yi into healthful, ghar- ent, gone, huliing "Here's one with big leaves," said | "Oh, oh!" ssid Joan, waking with Sfdidd SILVER WINGS |= a The First. Class mest | showing at hike, A vote was ith thelr passin ai Rast Comers ot | 1lken as 1 Which Guides shou veh | o60BmE hat. mor 4 4 215 day, November 1st, | our Badge Convener who is in the | #04 More of the young people of "What is it?" said Dolly, also ros All other arrangements are in charge tal, the v ng in favor of |SOMMultny are interesting them- f I" ing herself from & nap, of those who are trying the test, | A Fyreh and Fy bins. " The 1st |%0lves in these organizations, In Mildred Flew Morryman "Joan did Jou vee them?" ---- company all Mrs, Morphy, our short, it Is intended to be the sPee- | myers are trails that # lad 'may Grazing the broad blue sky light keys," said Joan, as they continued " ee what?" On Saturday at 2 pm, in the coun- | convener, will have a speedy recov- ial news of the youth of the follow Up where the falcons fare down the street, "Did you see the fairy and the elf if chamber will be held the second | ery, Mrs, Wilson then told the girls oy. py es A week, 80d | wo, (he years of bis boyhood slip, Riding the realms of twilight "Oh, here is one with whole bunch- | get on" the tiny horses and ride of the autumn hed e josts, The Dome | 8 Guide story which was realy en io ne with the activities In which | pus 1 snail sonr Iike a swallow, Brushed by a comet's hair; es of little fruit keys so different wart éstic service will be taken by Mr | joyed by all present, Hap was | the7 Fe (aking part. On the wings of a silver ship, 4 from the other," added Dolly, Ride away where=what are you Valleau, us Mire, suwvn will not be then sung and all left for home, This Is your own page, and there The many varieties of the maple | talking about Joan, This law fs one of the greatest fae ! is & splendid opportunity tor every Guiding my bird of melal, family puzzled the little girls so much Oh, I saw them, There wan "8 | oo0s (or the promotion of world peace "Here's one with leaves all cut up," said Dolly, . "Here's one with great big fruit Snug in my coat of leather, Watching the skyline swing, #ble to be there this time, and the Laundress will be taken by Mrs, Bot- rel, 'as usual, / rre-- The Homemaker's requir ts #re not very specific about what is wanted in the matter of repairing household linen, - If each candidate will darnyeither a linen table napkin, pr tablecloth or tray cloth or art similar where there is a worn spot, or # hole, and patch a sheet or pil. low. case, that will be sufficient, Of course the jam or Selly or pickle should be made soon now before the {ruits are gone, There ought to be plenty of early risers now, as a Guid has 50 much to do hefore she goes to sehool if she is sop to qualify as a "homemaker," This badge I» to be tested on November 15th, Are you having Court of Honor wsegularly? Are you keeping proper minutes? Have you a company Lox Book, in which you keep a recor of all the doings of the company? It will not be long before the annual reports of the companies must be in for the yearly district report, and it is from such records as these that a secretary gets her information, Not only for this reason should the Court of Henor be held regularly, but through it Captain is able to meet the Leaders and find out just how satisfied each patrol is, and what they want, Then, Court of Honor draws up the programs, or suggests what is wanted and either the Captain or one of the Lieuten- ants draws it up. A meeting must have a quorum to be proper, and re- cord any minutes or do any business, and should include the lieutenants in the count for the querum, Brownies The Second Oshawa Pack met last Wednesday, Games were played and many pther interesting things happened, § The Brownies are making fine pro- gress with their "Box Gagdens" which have to he «finished by Nov. 10, . We are very sorry that no more Borwnies can be accepted at present, as the Pack is full, 1st Oshawa Gompaty . The 1st Company held their regu. Jar meeting Monday evening with a good attendance, After the opening and patrol work the Guides who are rying for the Domestic Service and undress Badges were instructed by rs, Wilson for about half an hour, After this period arrangements were de in regards to the first class Tile which is being held on Navem- ber 1st, Keen interest was shown by all present and it is expected that the Ist company will make a good igle | the necessary ingred rom---- 0 nd Oshawa ne of you to have a 4 Jtaronting, readable and wort 8, rt in makin, It will contain each week, The Bluebird 'Patrol is helping 4 | reports and notices for the various new company that is being formed | organizations of boys and girls, but in Ontario in ane of the smaller vil: lages. The patrol each earned some |# record of incidents, we want it to be more than simply It 18 our de- money, and with the Proceeds bought | sire to develop it by giving the boys which thy made at the home of the . | publication, patrol leader, la, Valleau, on Thurs on this page, every week, for sueh ts | and girls an op nis for. candy, thelr own stories and articles for rtunity of writing There will be space day, afternoon, This candy ls to be contributions, and we cordially in- and the profits sent to help the sister Guides, . vite an incline icles of a nature which they believe boys or girls who feel so to send in stories and art The Second Oshawa Oshawa com-| would be interesting to others of pany met on Wednesday, their own age, Btories of interest. Any girls trying for their Domestic ing experiences, or story of an im- Service and undress Badges, | #8inative character, will be wel: One with her throbbing frame Ploating down lke a petal, Roaring up like a bame; Winding the wind that scatters Smoke from the chimney's lp Tearing the clouds to tatiers With the wings of a sliver ship, When Shedding the world like a feather From the tip of a tilted wing, about it next day, Having begun the game of looking m There are trails that on lad may) "ees, they continued it down the the yenrs of his boyhood wane But I' let a r#inbow ravel Through the wings of my silver plane, street until they were home, "Here we are home, and the old chestnut tree," said Join, "Well that's one tree we know all about," said Dolly, as she threw her school bag at its foot, and sat down ye LSD UT, DN Ma (1 the shade, It was a very hot day, and school comed, and will be published as (If you like this first attempt at a | had heen close and both page for Youthtul Oshawa or i you | were tired, so it wasn't many minutes space can be found for them, This opportunity 1s open to #1). | have any suggestions to offer write You ean do your part in making nnd tell the editor of the page. dress letters to editor of Boys' and we will weleome your co-operation,' Girls' Page, Oshawa Dally Times, your own page interesting to your friends as well as to yourselves, and children until the desultory conversation gris Ad. | dually stopped entirely, and quiet reigned, Clippety! Clappety! = Clippety! Clappety! please be at the Fire Hall at 2 pm, Company is filled up again now, 80 we are sorry to say that no more girls can be taken in, vd Oshawa The regular. mesting was held on Thursday evening at 7 o'clock in the YMCA, After the ovening devo- tional period, Miss Lois Mun ly went on with the attractive set of "sport" exercises she is teaching, adding the baseball to the running, A abet time was spent in a circle while Miss Moyse continued the sewing, which is being put into books when com. pleted and saved for the oy when it would be possible for the new Guides to enter for the Needle: woman's test, * Junior Library i ------ Notes From The Every day more and more boys "The Black Nag" a jolly new |#0d Birls are flocking to the Junior Library, It you are one of those gountry dance was tried and the first os ATE A Be Bhs, NB id figure learned, Then Miss Hagle- wood told star stories, and taught fall, why not pay a visit to this lovely children's book room some the Guides how to find the north by day after school and see for your locating Polaris by the big dipper, self how delightful a place it is "Ursa ajor" and showed them dia: On Saturday mornings Miss Hare, grams of Orion, the mighty hunter" fue yhoo sian. tells stories and start: #0 they might find it later in the | oo "nore No oa eadey after four evening in the south east, o'clock Miss Jean Merritt, from the ~wow eircle Miss Mundy |adult library department upstairs is company very much, The round sod i the sorkiah dhe little colored | going to start a cyole of King Ar- , Epimonai ich amused the | thur Stories, They are just the very h things for boys and girls too, so be "Three Blind Mice," and the song of |#ure to be there nest ednesday af- the poor little ny e sung, Af-|ter school, ter a short talk rs. Ratcliffe, the Here are reviews of some new company sang ps" and dismissed, | books that have come in, during the _ NOTICE If the members of any youth- ful organization in the city, not represented on this page would care to submit weekly reports of its, activities, get in touch with Louls Mundy 'at The Times Office, either by letter or by phoning number 35, Inst week! j "A Good Little box. by Eimer and ' Hert or ad This is the story of Bingo, a good little dog Who becomes a hero with. out exactly meaning to he one, Bingo is jealous of the doll Matilda, but when fire threatens to burn Matilda up, Bingo forgets that he is jealous and rushes in, In to save her, Ho he becomes a hero, and, besides, he learns to like Matilda, breaks out and You will love littld Bingo in this story, and you will be glad that two of the best artists for children's in the country drew and Enjoy the Comfort of "7 Restful Light ~ painted the you A GOOD he becomes a hero, "About riot, a little olty girl, the days of the week! how she helps fotures which show TTLE DOG and how Harriet" by Clara Whitehill Hunt ni The story of the doings of Har- rough all her mother bake and prepare for a plenic at the shore; what happened at the plenie; going to chureh, story-telling and Mifsic; a day shop' ping In the big stores; the subway and the elevated; the butcher's and the grocer's and the fruit shop, in each of wileh Harrfet has a friend of different nationality, which, nat~ urally bring in stories of other countries, The whole atmosphere of the little family is charmingly shown and thw hook will be enjoyed by every little boy and giv "The Fork in the Romd" hy Edith Ballinger Price This is the story of the growing up of the Glenway twins; of Faith, imaginative, artistic, heart-broken at leaving the lovely old country house where she had always lived straightforward, with a warm heart and a quick vision of the needs and sufferings of others, Faith thought from were threatening their car Start For his work, this boy was severely | something to start work on when the injured by the bandits and is in a | activities commence, very dangerous condition, While this example of good Scouts ing Is not a very pleasapt one Io By reports received the 2nd Troop points out very foreib point ta, it the Scout principle of helpig others Boy Scout Activities SCOUT EDITORIAL During the last week we have read | dire poverty and distress of some of in the newspapers of the heroic act of an American Scout in attempting | we hope that by Christmas we may to. save some girls_of his acquaint some hold-up men who | these homes by our efforts As we stated last week in our co fumn, it is a Scout's duty to think of the comfort and safety of every | George's Parish Hall the 5th Troop body else before thinking of his own | has run inte the difficulty of having well being > And speaking of thinking and dreamed; of Flona practical, | i... Pony how about the Toy Shop? News of what the Boy Scouts of Oshawa are doing contributed by the scout lead. ers. Contributions to this column will be welcomed, and should be sent io the Times office not later than Tuesday meming each week, It is not necessary for us to re mind the Scouts of Oshawa of the the families of this community, and be able to bring a little sunshine into collecting now and have 7 Scout Notes Y | were out hiking on Saturday last, Members of the 8th. Troop were also seen carrying signalling flags down the street Since starting to meet down in St, a superabundance of prospecting ahout | members With the roll now over fifty in the What have you done about this | Fifth Troop and some of the mem: work this year? time hers of the Seventh Troop beginning is now very short and [to sift back a secious problem of num they wera drifting upart=-that they we shall have to work very hard onee | hers has started to make itself felt, had réached a fork in the road of life, Into Faith's life came Godfrey Keene, her hrother's roomsmate----- poetic, charming and mysterious too, Into Flona's life came: the Rysiks, a poor Russian family where genius lay hidden and fear stalked, How all these forces and factors met and blended and exerts ed thelr Influence, fs told in this most thoughtful hook Miss Price has written for young people, With its character delineation, its tnsight Into the problems of the two sisters, it 18 truly a junior npovel---and It will he enjoyed, too, by older folk for its charm of style and sympa: thetig approach to youth, "The Dauntless Company" by Rue Canadian Girls in Training | C, G, I 1 The Girls Council which was formed only a week ago and of which iss Dorothy VanLuven is the spon- sor will meet this evening at St. An- rew's United Church at 7.30 o'clock. everal very important issues are to be brought up at this meeting, rb-- SIMCOE STREET CHURCH "Other" group had a most inter esting meeting Tuesday evening, One of the poems of Fay Inchfawn were read and the story of her fascinating life was studied. Group games were at the conclusion of the busi: ness meeting, "Excelsior" group at Simcoe Street United Church have begun the work on their Canadian Art project, "Rainbow" girls are planning te entertain the children of the Primary Jepartment of the Sunday Scheel, gestions for the kiddies enters tainment were talked «vo ' shove al good games were practised. -- \ » 8 the ¢ of roup of Albert ting on th comes { r------ KING STREET CHURCH n's net . ery one wi » | impossible, Therefore, if you keep to «| meaning of melancholy; never feel ary treasurer, Grace Marting news reporter, Isla Barker, The girls of this group are planning for a Hale lowe'en party at the next 'meeting, A girl's idea of a happy dream is: one in which either a title or a dias mond necklace looms up o @spicus ously ~Detroit News, DEPRESSION "oe ---- "Two years ago 1 boghn to get de pressed, and everything was too much trouble for me, 1 was a misery to myself and everyone around me, 1 wis advised to take Glauber Salts by my friends who said it was the same as Kruschen but it did me no good, #0 at last my husband got me a bottle of Kruschen and ho one would rea. lige the different woman 1 am, have been taking Kruschen now con: stantly, for two years, My daughter also would not be without it, 1 have got my neighbor to take Kruschen as well and she has found its worth as she feels a different woman" : (Mra, Go A K) The commonest cause of depres: slon is partial constipation. an insidi- ous complaint because the sufferer is seldom aware of it, It means the gradual accumulation of bady pols: ons which dull' the mind, damp the Aptis, sap the Jota strength and r the whale vitality, Kruschen Salts make constipation Kruschen you need never know the "nervy" or depressed. we start We expect to announces the start | run entirely by Patrol Leaders and of activities in the very near Tutiire | Assistant Scoutmasters, is struggling and we hope that every Scout will | valiantly to get the Troop moving have collected something by the time Jon a comprehensive schedule of work we The Court of Honour, which is now and games, all in silver, and they came right out of thet big sticky brown bud, and they got on the two ponies that had just dashed yp the tree, and then they rode away" "Ho! Ho! you are funny, There was no such thing" "There was so, and | can show you," said Joan, very indignant at having her word doubted, So the two little girls went across to the big old horses chestnut tree, and pointing with her finger, Joan said "There, there," And true enough, there on the branch was the imprint of tiny horses hoofs) And you ean see them yet, if you care to look, they went right down Besides this, plans for the raising of sufficient funds to run this overs size Troop are being laid and among other things a Father's & Son's Ban- quet is being arranged for on No- vember 25th, The Wolf Cubs under the com- mand of Cubmaster G, Bickel: meet from 6.30 pom, till 7.30 pm, and are up in numbers to about the forty mark, and so Friday nights in St, Gregory's Parish Hall are the scene of many activities between 0.30 pm, and 915 pm, At last Friday's meeting, Scout Lawrence Kinlan was invested as a member of the Troop, and next Fri. day it is expected that several more boys will be invested, The Fourth Scout Law "A Scout is a friend to all and a brother to every other Scout" This law is one which is almost self explanatory, and means that when a Scout meets anyone he is to difficulties if they need his aid, Besides this, he is to have a spe: cial fraternal spirit towards a brother Scout, No Scout is a snob, He does not look down on a poor boy if his fam. ily is possgssed of an abundance of this world's goods, and likewise he does not' look down on, nor resent another because the other fellow is better off than he is, It works both ways and a poor boy can be just as much of a snob as a rich hoy, A Scout is friendly with a brother Scout, regardless of racial or religious differences, and allows no petty antl- pathies to spoil the peaceful harmony of his friendship, that they decided to ask Miss Smith | beautiful white fairy and a tiny elf, | oo ic oe work in the world today, and if Scouting only had this one law in its whole system, it would jus- tify its existence hy this fact, Sth and 7th Troop The above Troops will meet at St, George's Parish Hall on Friday next, Court of Honour, 700 p.m, Troop meeting, 7.50 pm Boys should come with shoes, Owing to the greatly increased size of the Troop it will be necessary to refuse applications of any more hrand new boys for admission, but ex-mem= *hers of the 7th Troop are urged to attend these meetings if not yet af- fillated with another Troop, 3rd Troop ' The following were the officers for the "Mock Trial" on Friday: R. Fitehes, judge; elerk of court, A, Turner; defendant, H, Bateman; prosecutor, A, Turner; witness, K, Arkles; attorney for defendant, NS, Terry, The charge was breach of promise, One of the boys is mapping out a course for the last hike of the season, It is to be run in cohjunes tion with the 1st Bowmanville Troop, The next meeting will be held on Fri« day, October 4th, at Albany St, Church, All boys are asked to be present, rubber Sea Scout Section The Bth Oshawa Sea Scouts held a successful meeting on Tuesday, Oct, 14, at which several badges were givs en out, A court of honour was held after the meeting, A meeting of the older boys held on Wednesday, Oct, 15, at the house of their wer, Mr. J, H, Rigg, at which the€y had a clags of First Class First Aid and it is expected that all of these boys will pass this test soon, A successful signalling hike was held on Saturday at 2.30, On this hike three boys passed their fires endeavour to help them over their | jici ing test, As the W, A, of Christ Church will he using the hall until 7.30 next Tuesday, Octiber 21, the Troop will not meet until 7.30 of the same evens ing at twhieh time it has been de- cided to take a night hike if the weather is favourable, The Scouts are advised to bring a sweater or coat, and a flashlight if possible, If the weather is not favourable, however, the boys will come at the same time 7.30, and help the ladies clear up the hall; afterward the regular meeting will be held until 900 pm, Tt is re- quested that all hoys attend this hike as it is expected that everyone will oy it, Court of Honour will be held at 9.05 pm, for the Patrol Leaders, LADIES - With each B0c of Jonteel Creams We Will Give FREE One 88c Cake of Highly Per JURY & OPEN LENDING LIBRARY In keeping with our policy of giving our customers gen uine BERVICE, we have installed an extensive stock of the very latest flotion and classien by the best authors this is to serve, your mental natures, fumed Jonteel Noap, 75¢ Value for 50¢ Regesan Fruit Saline 000 Velvo © Sanitary Pads 39¢ withdraw, trance fee, merely a nominal charge for each book you Ask for list of books and authors, LOVELL There is no en. A Reliable 50¢ Windproof and B80c Tube of Lavender MEN Cigarette Lighter Mentholated Shaving Cream BOTH FOR 50¢ aches A refreshing effervescent laxative, liousness, slek Pleasant to take, Regu: lar price, $1.00, Sale Price ,,.. YHOOTN" Relieves bil- heads and indigestion, 19¢ three ordinary 400 Castoria Boe William's Pink Pilla 38¢ ate Hromo Seltwer 28¢ rr-- 50¢ a tube, Boe odd's Kidney Pilla 80 Bisurated Magnesia 80 Woodward's Gripe Water 87¢ $1.80 Scott's Emulsion 99¢ 800 Robinson's Pat. Barley BOA colora, $1.26, Avnken Leta Rexalarm Clock ou on time, In Spetial 98¢ Mi ANTISEPTIS One of the finest Germigidal mouth washes, 6 on, bottle 600 Mi TOOTH P ASTE Wud oream tha Of the same fine properties, Leaves the mouth fresh and healthy and stimulates the gums, Large tube, the aize of THE AROVE TWO FOR 'Maraschine | Cherries | .0. Riker's soothing, and smooth, price B0¢, Sale Price v4 French Balm the hands and face soll thick t keeps Regular 39¢ tubes, sells at abo. Krusghen Salt 69¢ 000 Virel 48¢ Be Sloan's Liniment 29¢ 80c Gin Pills 38¢ Wie Meooa Ointment 000 Chase's Nerve Food Paste 39¢ titan Balm 29¢ ado Minard's Milk of ~ Magnesia: Tooth Paste Use "it daily and keo, your Teeth wh sparkling. Reg. eo for LAR E ALR) ite an 39¢ MAKE OUR FOUNTAIN YOUR Vous When. in Need of Drugs Quickly, Phone THE REXALL STORES | JURY and KING 8%, RB, PROUNR 28 TO ALL PARTS OF OSHAWA

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