Oshawa Daily Times, 23 Oct 1930, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1930 "omen's Interests in the Home -~- and the Community , ue SER What New York Is Wearing Social and Personal | Mrs, F, BE. W. McMaster, of To- ronto, and Mrs, H. H. Twilley, of Oshawa, have been suddenly called to Petrolia, Ontario, owing to the death of their uncle, the late Mr. John Smith, of that town. Mrs, O. 8, Hobbs, president of the ison, and there was tendance to hear the wa er. Mrs, Hobbs' subject was "Child Welfare." At '& euchre party given for the. ladies of Westmount Home - and School Club on Monday afternoon Mrs. D. McDonald won the first prize, 'and the second, a basket of apples, donated by Mrs. Read, wag won by Mrs. Weeks. The cousola- tion prize went to Mrs. Davenport. Afternoon tea was served by the la- dies of the group: Mrs. Weeks, Mrs, Simpson, Mrs. Read, Mrs, Gutsole, and Mrs. McDonald. . Among those who attended the recital given at Ontario Ladies Col+ lege, Whitby, last evening by the Polish musician Mieczyslaw Munz, were Mrs, J. McGibbon, Mrs, W. Karn, Miss Margaret Luke, Mrs. W. A. Luke, Miss E. R. Emsley, of Osh- awa, Mr. H J. Elton, of Toronto Symphony Orchestra, Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Atkinson, Mr. Phillip Atkin- son, Mrs. H. M. Carscallen, Mrs. Gordon Lapp, and Mr. Paul Hahn, of Toronto, the students of Bishop Bethune College, Oshawa, accom- panied by Miss Rittenhouse, teach- er of piano, and a number of the students of Hatfield Hall, Cobours. Place you order for your Fall Coat or Suit w H A LADIES' TAILOR 14 Simcoe St. N. Phone 162 JUST ARRIVED I Full range ot Ladies' Fall | Coats ana Dresses at the FASHION SHOPPE 84 Simcoe Street South | Head Aching Why suffer headache, or any other pain, when ZUTOO TABLETS, taken when | feel it coming on, will give relief in 20 , Harmless and ro- y Used by thous. | | Norman McLeod is president. On even- | behalf of the teachers presentations | which all the members of the staff The annual social gathering of the members of the Oshawa Collegi- ate and Vocational Institute teach- ing staff took place last evening in the form of 'an Informal dinner party at sixthirty o'clock 'at the school. The atfair was given under the auspices of the executive of the Staff Players of which Mr. were made to Mr, A. F. Brown and Mr. W. J. Barley, two members of the staff who were married during the summer. The gifts to both were sets of open book cases, that had been made fn the wood working de- partment of the technical school. This being the first occasion on had met-together since the open- ing of school in September an-of- ficial welcome was extended to two Young People's Meetings HOLY TRINITY YOUNG PEOPLE The Young People's Club of Holy Trinity Church held a mock trial last evening. All the characters in a real trial were represented, Capt. Jagrett acting as judge. The case was won by the plantitf, Miss Dunn, Next Wednesday evening the young people of Holy Trinity will hold « masquerade dance, and admission fees of 25 cents will be charged. GROCERS ADVOCATE EATING AT HOME Atlantie City, N.J., Oct. 23.-- Plans for a revival of the "art of eating at home" by grocers, and for a $1,000,000 advertising campaign by hardware dealers, were announced at conventions yesterday, George .D. Olds, Jr, of New York, speaking before the American Grocery Manufacturers' Association, urged that eating be new teachers and their wives, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Morrison and Mr. and Mrs, Leslie Earle. Regret was expressed last evening that Mr C. C. Ashcroft, at present a teacher on the staff of the technical school, is leaving on November 1st, to go to the Teachers' Training College in Hamilton. After the dinner and short speeches there was bridge and dancing. Decorations carrying out the Hal- lowe'en scheme in orange and black were much in evidence at St. George's Parish Hall yesterday af- ternoon when the ladies of the Guild were hostesses at a bridge and tea. Thirty card tables were set in the room and each with covers and tally cards of orange and black. Mrs. (Dr) James and Mrs. Clayton Downey, president and vice presi- dent of the Guild received the guests. Tea was served late in the afternoon by a group of ladies un- der the convenorship of Mrs. Tre- vail, Prizes for auction bridge were won by Mrs, Complin, Mrs. McDow- ell, Mrs. Patter and Mrs. Hebert, and for contract bridee by Mrs. Erie Henry and Miss Maude Marshall, TYRONE Tyrone, Oct. 164~Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Souch, of Bowmanville, visited Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hawkey. Miss Rena McGill, Mr. and Mrs. George Scott, of Oshawa, and Mr. Wm. Peniton, of Toronto, were Sun- day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Norman oodley. | Mr. and Mrs. Lorne McCoy, of Brooklin, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Mec. Roberts and Stewart, of Oshawa, visited Mr. and Mrs. S. McCoy on Sunday, Miss Ada Annis and Mr, and Mrs. George Annis, of Ebenezer, Rev. P, L. Jull, of Brosklin, and Mr. Lévi Annis were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Annis. Mrs. Jabez Moore. of Enniskillen, Mr, and Mrs. Joe Wight, Mr. and Mrs, Fred Wight, of Bowmanville, Mr, and Mrs, John Hoidge and Miss Margaret, of Toronto, and Miss Ivy Park, of Newcastle, were Sunday visitors at Mr, Harry Collacutt's, : NOTICE ! The Oshawa Welfare rooms in The Times Building will not be open on Saturdays but will be open | Wednesday and Friday afternoons | rom 2.30 and 5.30 o'clock. © CANADAS FINEST ELECT ony one of these Eddy Tissues and you may be sure of two things--e sefe, soft, pure, Sterilised Tis we; and velue for your money @ For oll of these rolls ore big valve rolls, And mode to @ high standard that "qualifies an Eddy Tissve for a place In the well-appointed bathroom @ Ask for any one of themby name » «+ = THE E. 8, EDDY COMPANY LIMITED HULL - = CANADA Finest Sterilised Tissue. Served from pushed up to the supremacy in in- dustry from which it was ousted by the motor car. The old art of eating, with emphasis on family and neighborhood, 'must be revived "Skinny" Sick Father Gains 15 Lbs. 3 Weeks, New Pep Anselmo, Alta~~Mr, E. Kother says: "I was so run-down, weak nervous, couldn't work. Then tried Ironized Yeast. Gained 156 Ibs. in 3 weeks. Regained my health," , "Skinny," weak, nervous people amazed at gains of 6 to 15 1bs, In 8 weeks. Ugly hollows, bony limbs fill out. Blemished skin clears. New pep first day. Constipation, in- digestion, "nerves" go overnight. Avoids danger of serious ills. ' Ironized Yeast is two great tonics n one, yeast plus strengthening, blood-en- riching iron. Many times more effective than unmedicated yeast, Results in half the time, Don't be "skinny", weak, nerv- ous. Take these pleasant little tablets. No yeasty taste; no gas. It not delighted with quick gains, manufacturer refunds money, Get fronized Yeast from druggist to- day. Feel great tomorrow. New pounds quick. : MOTHER BROWN'S GREAT SURPRISE By Thornton W. Burgess The obstinate will always find It difficult to change bis mind. --Farmer Brown's Boy. Farmer Brown's Boy suspected Flip the Terrier of stealing Black Pussy's dinner each night. Mother Brown was sure that Flip had noth ing to do with it. In spite of the fact that Black Pussy had grown more and more thin, Mother Brown was certain that she got her big din. ner every night just the same. She insisted that Flip had no chance to get it. However, Farmer Brown's Boy wasn't satisfied and decided to ech an eye on Flip, *I have it," said Farmer Brown's Boy to himself. "I'll take Flip for a walk about the time that Black Pus- sy's dinner is put out in the shed for her." So that Fantier "Brown's Boy whistled to Bowser the Hound and Flip the Terrier and they fook a long walk down to the Green Mea- dows. When they returned Farmer Brown's Boy saw at once that Black Pussy's dishes were empty. Black Pussy herself, however, was nowhere To Build Up Young Mothers EB. Fitiuars pound a rundown condition before my was born. I saw it adver- in a booklet and a friend told me about it too. It cer- good spirits and feel well. You may use my letter and 1 will write to in By Thornton W. Burgess about. Presently, she came from the barn, She rubbed up against one of Farmer Brown's Boy's legs, arching her back and purring and saying "Meow!" It was the way she had always done when she was hungry and was teasing for something to eat. She acted exactly as if she had- n't had a mouthful. Farmer Brown's Boy went into the house and got her a saucer of milk. It seemed as if Black Pussy couldn't lap it up fast enough. er master watched her and he was doing some hard thinking. "Black Pussy certainly did't get that dinner tonight," said he, "Neith- er did Flip nor Bowser the Hound. But somebody got it. It was some- body of whom Black Pussy is afraid. It must be somebody from outside, It must be somebody that goes in through that round doorway that we made for Black Pussy I think I'l have a look at that doorway. Per- haps I'll learn something." He went over to the little round hole, by which Black Pussy could enter and leave the shed, and careful. ly examined the edge all around. In a moment or two he picked up some- thing. Rather, he picked it from the edge. It was a hair. It was a much longer hair than one of Black Pus- sy's. Black Pussy's hair is, you know, all black. Farmer Brown's Boy grinned, "Nothing but a hair," said he, "but it tells the whole story. Tonight Black Pussy shall have her supper. I'm going to put out another supper and just close this little doorway." So Farmer Brown's Boy took Black Pussy into the house; then he went out into the shed and closed a little sliding door over the doorway that Black Pussy used. After this, he went to the pantey and began to prepare a good meal for Black Pussy. "What are you doing?" demanded Mother Brown as she came into the kitchen. "I'm getting this half-starved Cat something to eat," replied Farmer Brown's Boy. "Something to eat!" exclaimed Mother Brown, "Why, that Cat has cleaned up a plateful of food and a saucer of milk already." Farmer Brown's Boy merely smil- ed, Then he took the food he had prepared out to the shed and called lack Pussy. Black Pussy came as far as the kitchen door and there she hesitated. She acted as if she were afraid. It took a lot of coaxing on the part of Farmer Brown's Boy to get Black Pussy down to those dishes of food.. But when she did come, she ate as only a half-starved Cat can eat. Mother. Brown stood in the doorway looking on and She was surprised--there was on doubt about it. Black Pussy ate everything and then teased for more. Mother Brown looked at her in amazement. 'You see, she was sure that this was the second supper that Black Pussy had had and she was too surprised for words, when Black Pussy began teasing. for more. (Copyright, 1930, by T. W. Burgess) The next story: "Mother Brown Has Another Surprise." "Nothing but a hair," said he, "but it tells the whole story Welght-building brewer's |' Tailored chic expresses this model perfectly. It Apia from shoulders to hem which makes it most interest- ing for the home seamstress, The, front inverted plait secures snug hips stitched from the waist- line to decorative embroidered ar- rows. The deep flared cuffs and jaunty collar are youthful, Novelty wool crepe made the original Paris model with linen col- lar and cuffs. Other exceedingly effective fab ries are patterned wool jersey, sheer tweed, canton crepe and flat crepe silk. Style No, 2676 may be had in sizes 14, 16, 18 and 20 years. Size 16 requires 3% yards of 89- inch material with % yard of 35- of 20-inch dark contrasting, Pattern price 20 cents in stamps or coin (coin preferred). Be sure to fill in size of pattern. Address Pattern Department. Spend 10c¢ to save $10. How? By ordering a copy of our mew Fall and Winter Fashions. It gives the answer to the often asked question, "How does she do it?" For it shows how to dress up to the minute at little expense. You can save on every dress and save on the children's clothes too. That means more and better frocks for you and yours, Order your copy now. Just enclose 10 cents in stamps or coin and mail with your name "and address to Fashion Department, No, 2676. Size ...... LEE EE EER Name Addo Rh RT AF Vy si "Province ere inch light contrasting and % yards Bullet Fired at Gautemalan Consul San Francisco, Oct. 23.--A bul- fet crashed through a window in the office of Juan Anino, Consul General for Guatemala, here last night and narrowly missed the diplomat. Anino immediately telephoned detective headquarters that he be- lieved an attempt had been made to assassinate him or Consul Gen- eral Monte Alegre of Nicaragua, who occupies offices next to his. HOME BY PROXY Dora was busy all. day, but in the long evenings~--how she missed her tamily and her home-town friends! One night it was necessary for her to telephone her mother. Both discovered how pleasant a "Long Distance" visit was, and now they have weekly chats. Dora feels al- most as though she were 'back home." BUILDING NEW WHARF Deseronto--Work has been started tearing up the old wharl, It is to be replaced with a new base und a complete new wharf, YOUR STEP up ENERGY Energy comes from food that contains the elements of nutrition in well. balanced proportion and easily di- gested form. Get into partnership with Nature and step up your energy by eating Shredded Wheat with milk. All the carbohydrates you need to furnish heat and energy, all the min- eral salts for bones and teeth. Deli cious for any meal with sliced bananas or stewed fruits, z SHREDDED | HEAT WITH ALL THE BRAN OF THE WHOLE WHEAT 1 WONDER HOW SHE LOOK, MOTHER... MRS. BARNES IS TAKING IN HER WASH, TOO. IT'S MUCH WHITER THAN OURS DOES IT ESPECIALLY IN THE HARD WATER WE HAVE HERE AND ON WASHDAY * WHITE AS MRS. BARNES" | USED RINSO, THE HARD-WATER SOAP ) SEE, EDNA=MY WASH 18 AS AND | DIDN'T SCRUB A BIT. @ nN I soaks out dirt | clothes whiter... A OM, SO THAT'S THE DIFFERENCE... RINSO MUST BE WONDERFUL THE no GRANULATED HARD-WATER END OF WEEK COME INTO THIS STORE WHILE | GET SOME RINSO. | DON'T DARE FACE WASHDAY WITHOUT IT (Millions ' My, says "My, what a diffe come so white they look I} \lous in Without the help of pow the clothes, too, they do scrubbed threadbare. all cleaning: Rich suds--no softener Rinso is a granulated, a asm for cup it gives aA 50 compact. est water. leading washing machines Get the BIG package: -up $04 ds even in he makers of 38 recommend Rinso. Guarantesd by the makers of os ase Risse: Thoussnds write 68 what a difference --saves clothes, too! Mrs. H. rence Rinso makes! Clothes LUXe=Lover OH, IS THAT HOW YOU GET YOUR CLOTHES SO WHITE, MRS. BARNES? I'M GOING TO GET SOME, TOO Letters like this) Budrich Rinso is mate ck, lasting suds, ders or softeners. It saves n't need to be bot : 1 use Rinso for dishes an It's very economical. led and. MRS. H. BUDRICH. needed hard-water soap: Cup uch suds as lightweight, Creamy, las Brothers Limited, Toronto: N ' | TORGE [Summ er | PUT YOUR MIND LON ov BURBLES' FIANCE

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