Oshawa Daily Times, 23 Oct 1930, p. 15

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1930 BG OVATIONFOR SIR HENRY WOOD: TORONTO TELEGRAM Two-Minute Silence APPEAL DISMISSED on Armistice Day (By Conadion Prose Lovers Wie) Ottaws, Oct, 23 ~Consds observe the customery two-minute Toronto, Oct, 28, ~The sppes) of | silence on the morning of Armetice the Toronto Kvening Telegram. Day, Tuesdsy, November 11, The against the judgment of Mr, Justice following statement 4n respect (0 Jetirey, Who awarded $5,000 to for- | it was issued {rom the office of the mer in a Hibel dance fa prime minister: "In accor action, was dismissed by sscond di. | with arrangements for the obser- at Osgoode Hall to- vance of Armistice Da, sanction people of Canada mark the occasion by a wo-mimates gS 11 a.m, on Tuesday, N CLUBMEN START FAMILY OF SIX BUSINESS. REVIVAL SLAIN BY FATHER|, . , Club Members in U.S. Promise to Spend $100 Within Week Chieago, Oct, 22. = Luncheon clube started the wheels of business whirling again in Muskegon, Mich,, so simply and so easily last week that 2,200 Lion Clubs inaugurated the same scheme on 8 nations! scale last night, Thon International headquarters there estimated the project would BROKER ADMITS dustion hue not yoi been made but ¥| IGNORING ORDERS | Firm Made $200,000 in Few Months by Not Buying Stocks (By "ansdion Viess Lessed Wire) Montreal, Oct, 23.~The firm u aed, git ne §30g00 000 5 i ov Mone "by the hig ap not buying the urls ordered by oe George Bias, fa! former genera! manager of the ll Me firm, testified yesterday during the Boulisnne, of ory + MR for theft, bp fitatz was asked and received the Sins pped | protection of the court before giv- winge. The legs were very short ing testimony. He stated he had in i vavied too usual habitat is Jone 2 Ty ahi ve! on | how they could make a grest des 11s South. Atianyic const. In the win- lof money in 8 short time by the # the mountains of | "metohd of not buying the stocks Brien North meries in the Sum- | ordered by clients." According to mer. This specimen, it is thou, k, witness, he entered Into an sgres- must have smysd from a f ment with Boulianne by which he aosdnd south and come to rest heh was Lo get 25 per cent, of profits & space on the Georgian Bay where up to $60,000; 33 1-3 per cent. up Mr. pA On, y for # {to $100,000 end over $100,000; 50 fargo duck, shot it, per eent, » 2 A\24 3) Lemon Oil FOR FINE FURNITURE PIANOS ¥1¢ The appeal was dismissed on a 2-2 vote. Mr, Justice Masten and Mr. Justice Orde. favoring a new trind both on the claim and counter. BYRON MEMORIAL caim, while Chief Justice Latehford and oy Justice Fisher were in {ave 'Ancient Portion ¢ of Newstead or of omiseal, oT harefore on un Abbey Donated by Sir | Tos. Ryo w Julien Cahn Nottingham, Bg he most an lent portions of Newstead Abbey, rf AAT ven y neg ham by Sir, Jullen Cahn, prominent] (#7 Cansdian Press Losssd Wire) eridhaies and anthrone yA Washburn, Wis, Oct, %5,~A |] some time family of six was slain today by Plrcit ihe b 30ers id Wi sarirn George Vroseth, assistant postmast. or for many years, who killed his Ll Tar, il be en a, ety y [wife and four childen with & ham. to say the neecept the on "ihe General Purposes mer and then slashed his throat in yommittes of the Council having re Som a au bis home here, Captain Charles Tan Fraser, New-| The dead, in addition to Froseth, Abbey, from whom Sir Julien [60 years old, are Mrs, Froseth, 45; a jury under Mr. Justice Jeffrey on charges of conspiracy to defraud the public and gambling in stocks, was refused by his lordship yesterday. Vf 2h A A hk A City $6,000 members of the club made similar promises. That in itself means that more than forty-two million dollars will be spent by Bsturday. The Lions, in addition, sought and obtained co- operation from chambers of com- merce, merchants' associstions snd governments) officials throughout the land to get the whole population to open its purse, FARM HAND ADMITS POISONING YOUTH Stratford, Oct, 25. ~~Robert Free man, former Listowel farm hand, pleaded guilty before Judge James I, Killoran yesterday to a charge of administering poison to Gordon Jackson, son of his Listowel em- ployer. He was remanded for sen~ is always | At the end of the program Sir Henry was presented with s laurel wreath 'in se ason' tied with ved ribbon. Thete were more cheers, the sudience singing "For He's a Jolly Good Yellow," and throwing thelr programs and umbrel 1as==many with bats tied on top~in to the air, At last in order to stop the tu mult the lights were lowersd, and Sir Henry bad to return to the plat | #te form nearly 20 times, After a quar ter of an hour, he flung his arms wide, gave the signal for his orches tra to leave the platform, and the Cahn purchased the the Nottingham corporation the fur- niture and other relics which he longed to Lord Byron, together with property in |Neil, 10; question, has offered to present to twine, 9; snd Adelaide 5. George and William, | -------- BUILDING PERMITS put between one hupdred million |dollars and two hundred million |dollars in efrenlation before the end jof the week, enough money to tip tence, Reviewing the details of the case his counsel, John Murrky; told his honor that the accused had been very fond of Gordon Jacksov, but, {the scales of the present business ABOVE THE HE AVERAGE dsprossion the other day. In Muskegon the clubmen promis. {ed simply to spend $100 sach in one Ottawa, Oct, 23. ~Total value of (week and to got five of thelr friends building permits. issued in 61 cities [to do likewise, The spending eam in Canada for first 9 months of the | putgn resulted In $1,000,000 extra year was $123844489, according to | business for merchants there, which 8 report issued to-day by the Domin- [in turn eaused orders for severs! lon Bureau of Statistics. This figure [times that mueh to be placed with was practically one«third lower than [factories over the land, In adopts the corresponding total for last year [Ing the scheme for use through the but was 1.7 per cent. higher than the Ination, Internationa! Lion Secretary average for the past 10-year period. [Melvin Jones explained that the ball was plunged into darkness, The season that just closed was the 86th series which had been conducted by Sir Henry Wood, DRAMATIC UNION | INTERESTS LONDON po -- Gordon Craig and C. B. Cochrane Will Collaborate in Plays London. ~~ London pluy-goers are especially interested in the alliance recently formed between Edward Gordon Cralg and C, B, Cochrane, Mr, Cralg is 8 specialist in wood en graving and the art of the theatre and has written a number of books on both subjects, Mr. Cochrane is manager of the Phoenix Theatre and also Albert Hall, Mr, Cochrane hus offered Mr; Cralg a free hand in the productions at the Phoenix Theatre after the pre sent run of Noel Coward's "Private Lives," but just when the first pro. duet of this alliance will appear is at present uncertain, It may sue goed Mr. Coward's play at the Phoe nix three months hence, Final choice of the opening pro- & portrait of the poet by Phillips and a pleture of Byron's dog Bost swain, To Boatswain's memory By- ron erected a memorial in the grounds of the abbey after his dog had saved his life while he was bathing in the lake. Newstead Abbey was purchased by Sir Julien Cahn early this year, Sir Julien, who won $310,000 last yeur #8 the holder of a half share of one of the winning tickets in the Stock Exchange Derby sweepstakes, is a member of the Nottingham Cricket Club. Recently he took a ericket team to Argentine, He gave $50, 000 for new stands at Trent Bridge, Nottingham, where the first of the Test matches was played this year, LANDMARK WILL DISAPPEAR SOON Brunswick Hotel, Black. wall, Being Demolished-- Was Society Haunt London, ~ Another famous land mark of the Thames is shortly dis appearing. The Brunswick Hotel, at Dlackwall, six miles down from 1ondon Bridge, 1s in the hands of the housabreakers, Built just over & ceptary ago the patron of this hos telry commanded an enlivening view of the Thames shipping from its | enormous bow-windows, | On the opposite bank of the | 'Thames once stood the gallows whereon were hanged the last. of the river pirates. During the War an antiaireraft gun was mounted near the site of the gallows, but. now thers is no trace of the instruments of punishment which awaited the eighteenth century raiders from the River and the twentieth century raiders from the alr, A hundred years ago the spacious rooms of the Brunswick were filled with gay. Soclety people who came down the River from London to dine, It in said that the Duke of Clarence, who became Wiliam 1V, disliking the formal atmosphere of the Court, frequantly went to the Brunswick to enjoy himself in the breezier company of the ofeers of the Bast Indiamen. Cabinet Ministers were among the famous visitors, for the annual Ministerial Whitebait Dinner, insti: tuted at Dagenham, was in later years held at the Brunswick Hotel until the rendesvous waa fnally changed to Gres Greenwich. {| YOUNG LADY KILLED IN AUTO ACCIDENT (By Canadian Press ' Prose Leased Wir) Winnipeg, Man, Oct, 38.«=Mis Ruth Bannon, 39, died here as re- sult of injuries received in a motor car nocident on a highway neav Winnipeg yesterday, W, R, Bawif, grain merchant, who was a passeng- or {n the car, was slightly hurt, It {a understood the machine turned over while travelllhg along the road to Stonewall, Man, ' QUEBEC SIGNS PACT FOR UNEMPLOYMENT Ottawa, Oct, 28,-=Quebec pro- vince and the dominion have signed an agrooment on unemployment re- lief, , Yosterday afternoon Hom, J, H, Trancouer, Quebec minister of ublie works, and. Senator Gideon . Robertson, dominfon minister of labor, slgned the document under which the ddminion will contribute $2,860,000 for construction of pub lle works to provide work in Quebec, The province will also share in the $4,000,000 "direct rellet" fund: SUSPEND LICENSE OF KINGSTON BREWERY Toronto, Oct, , 33=-AnBOUROSMONt has been made by Btewart Moe Clonaghan, acting ohalrman of the Liquor Control Board, that the lies ense of the Lake Ontario Brewing Company of Kingston had been suse when Jackson began keepire r- pany with other hoys, the accused, for some unknown rescon, had be- come very jealous, TORONTO BROKERS ARE REFUSED BAIL Toronto, Oct, 23~Application for bail made by William J. Smart and Maurice E. Young, stockbrokers, who were Tuesdgy found guilty by Dependability If it is price which concerns you most, we can sell cheap lumber o little cheaper than you would an- ticipate but if quality is uppermost there is no competition. In any event you will be told truthfully the grade of lumber you are get ting, and the grades will not be mixed in order to get down to » price, Oshawa Lumber COMPANY, LIMITED 26 Ritson Rd. North ww PEA WATER BATHS. P. Aushter, Mgr, A. C, Andrews, Pres, I 5 H-- 5.171750 WE. AA we! Jl » -- lead and Shouldars Above x FLAVOR YOUR own sense of taste quickly tells you that AYLMER Soups do excel in Flavor. This is due to the finer natural flavor of Canadian-grown Vege- tables. § AYLMER Soups are healthful, convenient, inexpensive. A Canadian production from the field to the can, AYLMER Soups bring you finer flavor at less cost. : DOES VALUE COUNT WITH YOU? Then study this Ust of fine foodstuffs and be assured that the quality has NOT BEEN SACRIFICED to price, wtih Hwa Ble lg TOMATOES ETAT hy A 23S WHITE BEANS us. mw. 5 * DOMINO TEA 6 049-3 ¢ CALAY SOAP v3 cone DY lo 3 = Jolly POWDERS 315: | : | CORN New Crop-Good Quality 2:23 * o Guassic NEW BULK NO. 2 TIN oi Cleanser Tin 8c Mincemeat 2 lbs, 25¢ Peaches™ st, me 23¢ * FRAY BENTOR NOL TIN Floor Wer. ww 43c Blusberris ¥' 17¢ Comed Beef 23¢ . CLARK'S RBADY COOKED CADBURY'S DAIRY MILK Polish Bot, |4c Spaghetti 2 Tins 2c Che. Bars™ 3 forb 4c ¥ BASOR OREEN GIANT Pkg. Me Peas '23 Com Meal Ib. 5¢ |@ DELMONTSE CRUSHED NO. 3 TIN MACKAY'S CREAM OF bo BE" 23¢ Pineapple 29c Barley * pended, The company was recently # fined $1,000 for selling strong beer bre wh ch a had been retailed by a Kings: i Sula ond nd hatin lof HAR eS and | it ge 1 is nde a brewery in th he wast Wager of low : RR | 4 i -- Spy M-- Tune In to Station CFRB every week day at ly dane pm, 0 Better Because of Their Finer Canadian ALYMER PRODUCTS ARE SOLD BY ALL SUPERIOR STORES OSHAWA Flavor | pS: : .

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