Oshawa Daily Times, 23 Oct 1930, p. 14

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1930 _ Gr use of S¢. Charles unsweetened, évaporat- ed Milk gives you old~ * fashioned cream cook- ing at the cost of milk, BecauseSt.CharlesMilk is double rich incream, undiluted it gives that subtle cooked-with- market if it was proved Canadian industry suffered, anthracite weed in Canada to something less than 4,000, tons, and of this amount about 3,200000 tons comes from the United States, For the most part the, 0 coal distri 5 have Be aes or a auton of shew ries for supply r needs of anthrae dh y voiced their objections, which grew In cre tones when there were rus mors of ten or a dozen shi ing in Russia for Montreal before € id Canadian Government there- fore had to choose from two courses, It could either cla thracite which probably would have resulted in raising the price of this product all round, or it could bar the Russian anthracite from entry into Canada and thus leave the field open the Welsh and the United States wthracite mines, anada has chosen the latter :Qurse, and after vessels now on the high seas have discharged thelr car~ goes no more Russian coal will be ad- mitted into the Dominion, Dumping of Russian wheat on the world mar. ket has demoralized the grain trade and hurt Canada immensely; the Dominion now replies in words the Soviet Government will understand when it takes action to prevent its Lis not THE BORDEN CO, LIMITED, 140 8¢, Poul Street West, Montreal, Pleses send ae, free, 8¢. Charles Recipe Book, illustrated in colore and containing nerly 200 tested recipes. ODERN science now brings the Tomid Zone like o stems pr | {id r i r & Libby Ltd. 23 CELINA STREET, OSHAWA, ONT. . mong t | Song bor Td calm cos trade being demoralized, While the quantity of anthracite affected large, the precedent may be followed and have farr reaching effects, Canada has told Soviet Russia hat drastic action will be taken gainst a nation that sells its pro- lucts to establish credits rather than iimarily to build up profitable trade, SUGGEST QUOTA elsewhere ON MANY PRODUCTS Butter, Canned Fruits and Canned Fish as Well as Wheat ' (By Canadian Frese Lessed Wire) London, Eng., Oct, 28,~The pur- hase by Great Britain by quota of butter, canned fruits and canned fish is under consideration by the Graham economic committet of the Imperial Conference, it was disclosed here, As in the case of wheat the sug- gestion is to establish a preferential quota in favor of empire products without imposing tariffs, The amount of British needs will first be deter: mined, then the dominions will be al- lotted a percentage of the quota of imports required. Within that per- centage the dominions' market would he assured, as the foreign purchases by Great Britain would not be made until the empire quota was exhaust- ed, The scheme, however, is enly in a tentative state, with no government acting as its formal spansor, PILOT RIDES THROUGH SEVEN STORMS IN ABOUT THREE HOURS (By Conadian Press Leased Wire) Toronto, Oct, 38--~Winter has ar- rived with all its trimmings so far as Captain Roy Maxwell, dirgetor of the provincial alr force is concerned From Sault Ste, Marie to Toronto harbor is about 350 miles as the crow flies, but not even a crow could have flown on a direct line under the con- ditions encountered hy the airman, To be exact Capt, Maxwell passed Ahrough seven local snowstorms and for a great part of the flight he was forced to fly "blind" owing te the poor visibility. He landed safely, however, at the local airport, cover: ing the distance in the fast time of three hours and 30 minutes. He was aided by a 25-mile tail wind most of the way, but detours delayed him somewhat, RISK LIVES TO STEAL .. HIGH TENSION WIRE Grand Rapids, Mich, Oct, 88. Three men were arrested here yesterday, charged with stealing 160 miles of copper wire from high tension lines hetween Grand Rapids and Marshall, Mich, Neal R, Black, head of the detective' division of the Michigan department of justice, maid the men risked thelr lives to ¢limh steel towers and dismantle ' "as ohargd with 144,000 volts, BRITISH STRESS * DIFFICULTIES IN PALESTINE Present Treatment of Jews and Arabs Fair, Is Claim London, Oct, 22-While warld Jewry protests against conditions in the new statement of British policy in Palestine, British commentators stress the difficult realities of the Ntvation and the Himes Socjyees ox tremists among the Arab papulati will be as disappointed as Trem ows. i Daily Herald declar- t would surely modify ssionate statements of Dr, 'eizmann who resigned his presidency of the world Zionist ors ganization, The Morning: Post des clared the government's canclusions het Juice of the ute "he Tums Ithe first Chaim 'Vor those wuneos # duty on ans | PO to & fair fight and no favor between | POOF necessity of limiting Jewish immi- to the absorption capacity of FE tig he Times, declaring the statement of and ihe j report would prove a disappointment to ex- treme Jews and Arabs alike, sald there was no comfort in their pages omising Zionists successive. British ernmen mit unrestricted ewish wi fon and to make over all state lands to Jewish colon- ists in the hope that Palestine might not only become a Jewish national home but mainly a Jewish national state, The jon of such would be br: of the international obllgat s from which this country no intention of receding, the imes said, "But there are abundant indica- tions that not only the Jewish re- visionists and the Jewish Labor Party in Palestine, but other import: ant and more moderate elements are to regard the statement of y #8 an attack on Zionism in general) the Times continued, "Yet, when studied impartially, the stats ment does no more than affirm the necessity of limiting Jewish immigra- tion to the absorptive eapacity of a country, On the other hand the extremist Arab element will certainly protest. against the intention of the government to limit the powers of the proposed legislative council, Legitimate Arab interests arc no more threatened than the legitimate interests of Zionism, The policy of who have bret A lowed since treating peoples of the Holy Land as Palestinians without distinction of race and creed, which had heen fol the conquest of the country by the British armies, is the only possible road tg attain prosper: tyand selscontontitent under the) mandate, and demands and reserves the willing cooperation of both races and the moral support.of all men of goodwill here and abroad," JEWS CONTINUE T0 SCORE BRITAIN Hebrew Newspapers in Jer. usslem Declare Zionists Will Remain in Fight (By Canadian Press Lensed Wire) Jerusalem Oct, £8---~Hebrew news. papers here continued eriticism oi t « British statement regarding the administration of Palestine and de- £lared the Jew: will continue to fight for & "national! home for free Jewish people," A proclamation by the Jewish La- bor Party says the blow hurst mere because it was inflicted by a labor government, An official connected closely with the Zionist execufive says Dr, Chaim Welizmann's resignations "not an act of desperation hut an acceptance of the war declared by the British goy- ernment" Argh ewspapers continue 19 re- | frain from comment and the official | views of the Arab. executive ave not | available, | UNION ISSUED FOR | STRIKE DAMAGES | (By Consdion Press Lansed Wire) Ottawn, Oct, 28,~The questio of whether 8 trade union een he held legally responsible for dam-~ wien rising out of 8 sirike Is being argued before the Supreme Court of Canada here In the esse o Bociety Brand Clothes Limited against the Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America, The setion Is a sequel Lo pn strike called by the union sgeinst the company and the other concerns manufacturing garments in Mont real, The chief point in the cose is whether a trade union, heing an unincorporated body, can he sued, On his point the eourts of the province of Qushee riled Against the company | i 3 | LEAD THE WAY TO THE SIX-HOUR DAY Claveland, Oct, 258,-The sevell ratirond Yahor unions of Canada ans $247.50 THE NEW VICTOR RADIO CONSQLE ~ R-35 Complete with tubes oUICK PUDDINGs leadership of organized labor in the movement seeking a six-hour work. ing dey without reduction of pay, It was virtually the same group of unions which 14 years ago won for raflrond workers the eight-hour n- plead of the 10-hour day, which was followed by shorter hours in num erous other industries, PRICELESS RUBY | FOUND IN BURMA Rangoon Burma, Oct, 24- the United Biates have taken the | wid to he a wonderful gem weighing A roby will, Park Street, about 100 carats has heen found in Mogok, Upper Burma, recy is being maintained sbowt the discovery but it is said that the ruby is fawless and of excellent color, If this is the case it will yank among the world's most priceless gems, Great secs BREAKS BOTH ARMS Vort Hope ~Suffering from a suds den fainting spell, Mrs, W, J, Cole Port Hope, felt down the cellar steps at her residence and broke both arms loday- al all Victor Dealers the Completely lew VICTOR RADIO NY Victor offers you radio performance which is ' not merely an improvement but the setting of an entirely new standard in reception . , , the firse and only screen-grid five«circuit micro-synchronous radio = the new Victor Radio, past supremacies -- Here, in a choice of two beautiful cabinets is a surplus of radio performance , , , greater sensitivity , , , unpre. cedented selectivity , , ; and tone surpassing even Victor's the radio of tomorrow that comes to you today! This newest Victor Radio is entirely new and better, Its rad- ical improvements have spanned the gap between accepted radio entertainment and com. plete and wnalloyed musical enjoyment, Tone brilliance control = new improved volume regulator = exclusive Victor full-vision dial + + all these modern features are of course to be found in this newest Victor Radio, Cabinets are beautiful, itely de- signed, tastefully finished amd acoustically engineered. You will like everything about the ing to it. newest Victor Radio == but, most of all, you will like listen. See your Victor Dealer today Victor Radio | . his demonstration will muke clear the marked superiority of « he will ex- HIS MASTERS ain the convenience of the Victor payment plan. ) The these all-important SCREEN GRID LV) Radio combini ora foaires 5 CIRCUIT" VOICE MICRO SYNCHRONOUS == VICTOR TALKING MACHINE COMPANY OF CANADA LIMITED Montreal A Said That when studied: Impartial ai and pas al |

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