Oshawa Daily Times, 16 Oct 1930, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA DAILY Times. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16, 19.v PAGE FIVE 'omen's Interests in the Home --- J and the Community RETURNS WITH WIFE TO CANADA George Sashlas, who left Oshawa in March to attend the convention of the Ahepa Lodge of the United States and Canada returned to town recently, but not alone, For while he was in his native land he entered the order of Benedicts and brought his wife home to Canada. All friends are off 'their congratu- lations. Mr, Sac! is the owner of O. K, Billiard Parlour and Tobac- co Store, on King Street West. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL rm . ' The Young People's Club of Holy Trinity Church held a social in the form of a Hara Times) party, Just evening in the ish ©! was Boh and games, and every- one had a most enjoyable time. During the last two weeks, t enty seven new members have joined the slab. This brganization holds its meetings on. Wednesday evening CONCERT HELD of the Ladies' Auxiliary to the Cana avery week. M. Melntyre Hood was in Toron- to last night attending a dinner tendered by Mayor Wemp and the sity council of Toronto to the dele- gates at the provincial convention dian Legion. ' Mrs. Foote, president, Mrs, Arm- itage, secretary, and Mrs. J. T. Dalby of the Oshawa Ladies' Auxil- lary to-the Canadian Legion, are in Toronté attending the annual pro- vincial convention of the organiza- tion. The Executive Commttee of the Twentieth Century Club met last svening in Mr. Sinclair's office to discuss pans for the social evening that is to be held on Monday even- ing, October 20th, in the Oshawa Club rooms. This affair will be the AT THE B.B.C. Mr, Christopher Wood, a cellist from Toronto assisted by Miss Rit- tenhouse and Miss Athley, both teachers at Bishop Bethune College gave a concert for the pupils and a few outsiders in the music room of the school last evening. It was the first occasion for many of the pupils to hear cello music and they found it particularly delightful. The numbers that they enjoyed most were Spanish Serenade by Glazou- now, and Kol Midrei, by Bruch. Mr, Wood, was accompanied at the piano by Miss kittenhouse. Miss Ainley's solos were appreciated as they are always by 'the pupils. Her last group which she chose in particul- ar for the younger;pupils consisted of "So Early in the Morning" by Frank Bridge and 'The Shadow Lodge." first the club has attempted since ee ------ the banquet before the election. All who are interested in this young DUNNING ACCEPTS Liberals club are' invited to come | « COMMERCI Al POST Montreal, Oct, 15.--Hon. C. Av Dunning, formerly Minister of Fin- ance in the Federal Government, has accepted thé -pesition of vice- president and general mapager of '""Lucerne-in-Quebec," and will enter upon his new duties at once The appointment: was made public here last evening by BE, W. Beatty, as president of that organization. Place your order for yo Fall Coat or Suit © with H. ATKINS - LADIES' TAILOR 14 Simcoe St. N. Phone 162 A beautiful young lady and her bashful suitor were alone in the parlor. After several minutes of silence. she finally said: She -- "What are you 'thinking about, Jokn:" He--"The s-s-same thing as you f JUST ARRIVED if Full rangy of Ladies" Fal ll Coats ang Dresses at the FASHION SHOPPE ; 8a Simcoe Street South | are. She--"Oh, yqu bad boy. I'ye a good notion to slap you." FOR SALE PONTYPOOL POTATOES $1.25" = COX MOTOR. SALES 10 Bond Street West Phone 924 on Monday evening. Some of the guests who are expected to be pres- ent are Mr. and Mrs, W. H, Moore, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. N. Sinclair, Mr, and Mrs. W. A, Dryden, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Conant and Mr. and Mrs. Alex, Bell, t A 5 OH 50 CAN YOU WAIT A HALF HOUR TIL | DO THIS [ IT WOULDN'T TAKE 10 MIN. 4. AT LOOSENS GREASE INA. DISHES ARE DONE. UTES IF YOU USED RINSO. FLASH. RINSE, AND s right of f hues hive thin they '| minute at little expense. On . 4 Wednesday, October22 $1.00 For Sale at tf i pis we and Kam's Drug Store {this model. POST CARD FIRST | INTRODUCED JUST SIXTY YEARS AGO London, Eng.#-It is 60 years since the postcard was first {issued in England and so great was the inter- est taken in the new medium of correspondence in London that crowds gathered at St. Martin'sle- Grand to get specimens of the post- card, while at some provincial post 'offices there were free fights. The card mado its first public appear- ance on Oct. 1, 1870. Today the postcard is thoroughly out of favor. Just before the war 1,000,000,000 a year were being used, but in 1928 the sales had gone down to, 470,000,000. © Trade is doubtless one reason for this. The introduc tion of notepaper consisting of one sheet, which without bearing the ap- pearance of curtness encourages short letters, is certainly another. Running from creditors is a very unmanly way to take exercise. Teacher of Hygiene -- And why must we keep our houses fresh and clean? Small Girl--Because company may come any moment. What New York Is Wearing Here is as smart a wearable day dress as one would wish to find. It has all sorts of slenderizing fea- tures to say nothing of its dash and chic. f Its lines are so utterly distinctive, it doesn't require any trimming. | The yoked bodice with panel effect | carried down into the skirt is clever and slimming. Black canton crepe is stunning for Bordeaux red flat crepe is also very charming. Wool crepe, silk and wool mix- tures, transparent velvet and crepe satin may also be used. Style No. 2691 may be had in sizes 14, 16, 18, 20 years, 36, 38, 40 and 42 inches bust, Size 36 requires 3 3-8 yards 39- inch 'material. Pattern price 20 cents in stamps or coin (coin preferred). Be sure to fill in size of pattern. Address Pat. tern Department. Spend 10c to save $10. How? By ordering a copy of our new Fall and Winter Fashions. It gives the answer to the often ask- ed question, "How does she do it?" For it shows how to dress up to the You can save on every dress and save on the children's cloth¢s too. . That means more and better frocks for you and yours. Order your copy now. Just enclose 10 cents in stamps or coin and mail with your name and address to Fashion Department. No. 2691. . Size .....isy res sess anna Young People's Meetings ALICE JACKSON Y.W.A. The regular meeting of the Alice Jackson Y.W.A. met on Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs, H. 5. White, 34 Burke St. The meeting opened with Mrs, H. S. Myers, pre- sident, in the chair. Reports vere given from Strang- ers' secretary reporting 28 calls made during the month and Temperance Secretary, Mrs, H. S. White, gave a short account of Temperance work. Further arrangements were made for the Gift Sale. A definite date will be announced later. A Rummage Sale was arranged for Oct. 2i. Any articles contributed will be very nmch appreciated. The Scripture Lesson was read by Mrs. H. Barker, The Study Book was well given by three group members, Vivian Mc- Ritchie, Velma Blewett and Norma Glagpell, : A reading by Bernice McQuade was much enjoyed. The meeting closed with hymn 239 and a prayer. Refreshments were served by the group in charge. Weddings REDPATH-- WEBB A quiet wedding took place at 'lithe residence of Rev, J. S. I. Wilson, Buckingham Manor on Wednesday, October 16th, when Mr. Wilson united in marriage Mrs, Hattie Webb and Mr. John Redpath, both of Cobourg, STAFF FORCED INTO VAULT BY ROBBERS Winnipeg, Oct. 16.--~Armed robbers late yesterday held up the office staff of the Canada Malting Company on William Avenue, and escaped with the payroll, be- lieved to he about $2,000. Two men enfered the factory office a few minutes before the envelopes were to be distributed to employ- eas, Clerks in the office were herd- ed into-a large vault while the robders escaped with the payroll " est Colds Rub well over throat and chest VICKS MILLION JARS ED YEARLY V for Women N Women need not endure periodic pains and headaches. They can spare themselves this suffering by taking ZUTOO TABLETS. Mm. Allen Wright, of Fulford, who was relieved in 30 minutes of severe pain and headache, wrote saying: "Every woman in the land should know about ZUTOO TABLETS and what they will do." Just try the tablets and know for yourself how quickly they stop the pain. Zutoo FOR SALE EVERYWHERE 25 VER 2 Quick Relief tlantic City | is always 'in season" There's never a dull moment at Atlantic City...all-year-rounc is vacationstime! Bracing air--sporte-- N wonderfulfood--relax- sation! Spendaweek,or a week-end, with us... you'll return homefesl- ingfit-fresh~vigorou f RATES | American Plan Single. . $7 : Dosbiadideesi? 'desired + For a weak ur « week-end the finest Sooointments wi prio, Broklet, Write or wire for reservations. 290 ROOMS ~. OVERLOONING THE OCEAN oem oe BEA WATER BATHE P. Auchter, Mgr. A. C. Andrews, Pres. itr inmni, add me AL Be Mb dt 4 A MAPLE GROVE gregations attended both services here on Sunday when Rev, Faulkner, Colborne, preached a very interest- ing and helpful sermon. Mr, and Mrs. H, G. Freeman and family visited her. cousin, Mrs. George Taylor, Hampton, on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Samuel Snowden, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Vancamp and Miss Ethel Axford enjoyed a motor trip to Bethany on Tuesday. Miss Vera Trimble and Mr, Fare well, Blackburn, who are attending Normal School in Peterboro spent the week-end with their parents here, Mr. and Mrs, Cyril' Luke and Mr. and Mrs. Butler, Oshawa, visited Mr. and Mrs. Noble Metealf on Sun- day. . Mr. and Mrs. Roy Metcalf and fam- ily visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Trenouth, Hampton, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Snowden and Marion, Mr, L, C. Snowden, and Miss Ethel Axford visited Miss Nel lie Snowden, Lakehurst, on Sunday. Misses Vera Power, B. E. Souch, and Susie Laird, attended the teach- ers' convention in Port Hope on Thursday and Friday. _ GREAT PIANIST TO VISIT WHITBY | Of the great pianist, Mieczyslaw Munz, who comes to the Ontario Ladies' College on Wednesday even- ing next, for a very special engage- ment, the musical critic of the 'foronto Globe has this to say: Well, Mieczyslaw Munz has visit- ed, conquered, and left us. again. Must we wait another two years for his reappearance, or will one of our enterprising concert-managers give us the great pleasure of hear- ing him in a recital The untoward weather kept down the attendance at last Tuesday's Twilight concert, but the intensity and insistence of the applause showed very gratify- ingly that Toronto audiences appre- ciate plano music, when they have a chance to hear it, instead of plano acrobatics. In the face of shouts and whistles, hitherto unknown in Massey Hall, the rule against en- cores simply had to be broken in order to quiet the clamor and Mr, Munz, who had prepared no encore and was not in the best of health, owing to a bad night on the sleeper and a meal which disagreed with him---this probably explains why the present reviewer was slightly disappointed in his performance-- had to be persuaded, much against his inclination, to play another sel- ection, He sensed the situation and very kindly consented to oblige the management, the result being that the audience was regaled with a further display of the sheer beauty of planism at its choicest, It is finteresting to know as a vindica- tion of the Toronto Symphony Or- chestra management's good judg- ment in providing twilight eoncert | patrons with the /best attractions available, that the all-powerful Mr. Strock, czar of the transpacific en- | tertainment field, has just engaged | Mr. Mung, as second choice to Pad- { erawski himself, for a series of elghty concerts in the Orient. | --aa-- - LAWYER FACES A | SERIOUS CHARGE | | Windsor, Oct. 16.--A., A. Kam- | ins, Windsor lawyer, was remanded | for one week and granted bail of | $1,000 when he appeared before Magistrate D, M. Brodie yesterday on a charge of indecent assault. | The charge was laid by Agnes Simpson who alleges that Kamins tore practically all her clothing from her, before she escaped his clutches, when she visited his apart- ment. Kamins is stated to have a family now resident in Hamilton, where he at one time practised law, Those who seek for much are left in want of much. Happy is he to whom God has given, with sparing hand, as much as is enough.--Hor- ace. . One Skinny Man Gained 4 Pounds With One Box McCOY'S Cod Liver Extract Tablets He only took one box and be- sides gaining 4 pounds he writes, "1 am much stronger and have more pep and seem to take a new interest in life--It's the best medi- cine for a system builder I have ever used." When you need more 'weight just say, "I want. McCoy's""--60 sugar coated tablets for 60 cents at Jury & Lovell Ltd; T. B. Mit- chell, W. H, Karn 'or any drug- gist anywhere--just ask for Mc- Coy's. J Maple Grove, Oct. 15.~Good con-|- SHIP IS LAUNCHED FULLY EQUIPPED Bath, Me.~For the first: time in the history of ship building, it is be- lieved, a large vessel was launched here a few days ago completely fitted out for service. She is the 190 foot diesel yacht Gielow and when she slid down the ways she had aboard all her furniture, hangings, draper- ies, silverware, dishes and even food supplied, The yacht was built for Joseph A. MacDonald, president of Henry J. Gielow, Inc. naval architects, and ranks among the twenty largest pri- vate yachts in the world, Her length on the water line is 154 feet and she has a beam of 26 feet, 6 inches, Pow- TEA Carefully selected leaves and all carefully blended' "SALADA" ' . 'Fresh from the gardens' ered by two diesel engines of 425 horsepower each, the boat will de- velop a cruising speed of 15 knots and a high speed of 17 knots. Athens.--Charles'Rahmer met with an accident while at Hartley Mill. Some new plates hav- work in the ing been installed in the grinder, one exploded, some pieces having entered his arm and leg, : way. TEA PEAS We celebrate our 11th Anniversary this week with a long list of SPECIAL VALUES in FINER FOODS. Week after week, year after year, Dominion Stores has led the way in bringing quality foods within the reach of every purse, and this week is an out- standing example of such service. It's cheaper today the Dominion Stores Sealed at SALMON D.S.L. RAISINS Tune in to Station 11 Years of Service! CFRB every week day at 12.45 p.m. Enjoy 15 minutes of good music. OUR FAMOUS "TA LOAF Wrapped and BREAD STY" CHOICE--BAYSIDE OR AYLMER FRESH STOCK FINEST QUALITY BLUE ROSE SELECTED QUALITY RICE PICKLES x tose sce3 3c 39c CATSU 2 for 2 Be o BISCUITS ..o idiom, wn. 2 Ge POST'S BRAN" = ru. 11¢ EET pack ™ 19¢ yb. Tin J Ge 1b. 2 4 A RICH DARK FRUIT CAKE With Cherries, Nuts and Selected Fruits and Spices SWEET MIXED DOMINO BRAND Made and Packed Expressly for Us. We Guarantee Its Quality. RICHMELLO COFFEE BON-BONS Made in Our Own Bakery me: FRUIT CAK ib. 25¢ 6-LB. SLAB $1.45 CRYSTAL A SPECIAL BIRTHDAY CAKE "A Wonderful HALLS BONELESS CHICKEN ~~ 350 FLOUR Goob PASTRY ae 80c SHIRRIFF'S--A DELICIOUS PRESERVE i 19e w §9¢ wn 19¢ = 35¢ DELMONTE COFFEE DOMINO @ BAKING POWDER TODHUNTER'S ® cHOC. NIBS ' 1 w PUTS BEEF INTO YOU VACUUM PACK '® BOVRIL ta 37e OH. TiILLIE COME ON AN RIDE HOME 1TH US I WiLL, SuBBLES, a} iE | CAN RIDE IN THE RUMBLE SEAT 1 " BURR FIANCE' CERTAINLY HAS A POWERFWL¢{ ARP AND | DT] MEAN MAYBE Sd SS RERRaTISESSTa RoR E LLEL hn

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