at SN RCA op . THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1930 D SECTION meets Mr. Seller "050\00de0 Simcoe jattendance. Fraser, B.A. fouls Ss. HYMAN, BART Solicitor, Notary, ey to loan. 16 Simcoe Store. god Phone 67. Resi dence 3473W. REER M sisters, Solicitors, etc, 24% Sim- coe St. N, Phone 3160. Money to Loan. . LL, 2A. Ja : , ets, Conveyancing and genera hoc dice. 22% Kirg B5t, East Phone 3237. . . ay ; . PARKHILL, BARK A Noney to loan. Alger Bidz. op 4s Prst Office. Phone 1614. {3 A ' Meitor, >ublic, Convey- vy money 'to loan. Third floor new Alger Bulidin-, opposite Poa Qttica._Phove 2996: Medical DRS. H A Di » Dispey Block. Phone 2050. Of tice Pours 9 a.m. to 8.30 pm. Dr. B. J rgery and X-Ray Dr. B. The , special attention to chila- Tend Diseases and Obstetrics. Sun- y and night calls 2416 or 122. 3 McKAY PHYSIZIAN, su 4 Accoucher. Office and resi- rf i a Phone 94 Ye toria St, Oshawa. > 94. DRG - [ BERRY »' (SICIAN Sirgeon, Obstetrician, diseases of infants and children, Office and residence, 97 Bond East. Phone 1155. LE 2. DAVID ARCHER, M.D., C.M. oe C. P. and S. Edinburgh. Phy: , Surgeon and Obstetrician. fice 143 Simcoe St. N. Phone 3020, residence 40 Cadillac Ave, North. Phone 31665. DR. J. ARCHER 2RUWH, PHYS): cian, Surgeon an tetrician, offi and renter, a Simcoe Street, North ohone A . GRAHAM, M.D., B.S.C., IiM.C.C. Physician Surgeon, Ob- sletrician, successor to Dr. A. E. swart, 3. years post-graduate, special attention to Obstetrics and. diseases of women. 3% years gen- eral practice. Last year post grad- uate surgery. Office 143 Simcoe street north. Residence, Simcoe Manor. Phone 3020. Office hour 2-45 7-9. (Sep.t_22-1 mo) TAROLD TRICK, OBSTET- rician Physician and Surgeon. Special yeférence to maternity work and dis- pases peculiar to women. Office and yesidence 167 Simcoe Street North. Phone 303. re DR. SHIRLEY, VETBRINARIAN Specialist Diseases Domestic Anim- als, Cat and Dog Hospital. 203 King West. Telephone 629. 4 * (6 aug. tn) BR. W. D. FORSYTHE, V.S. honorary graduate of Ontario Vet- erinary College, seventeen years' experience. Fees moderate. Thorn- ton's Corners: Phone 202 r. 2. ' Oct, 11-1 mo) 3 * . Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist DR. De BRE4NS oy el BLOOR 'West. Toronto at his ar Jutv & Lovell's Drug ore each Saturday from 1 till 4 ; for consultation "#nd treat- met of diseases of ear, nose and oat only. Appointments may oe made at drug store; 'Phone 97. a] ye, Lar, R 7. [CHARDSON, Doctalist. Office over Mitchell's yruz; Store. Phone 2660 and 432J. ting and Decorating » SS PA- , painting and graining. right; work guaranteed, 340 Ave., phone 3065w or 3067m. : g ) || MRS. cents. - Box number 10c addi tiopal. ¥ 200 SED Hazlewood, special attepicr ¢ | Simcoe street north. 959. 1312, ) M, ,/9 SIMOOB §T north, over Mitchell's Drug Store Gas for extraction. Phone 64. J. FB "DENTIST, 186 Simcoe St. N, over Dewland's Phone 1957. Res, 292W. Evening by ntment. : attention to gas extraction and X- ray work. Nurser in sttendanee. Phones 1248 and 864. " CG NH !. cd all (BTRIST, specialist in mascle anomalies, bt and glasses. Author-of Eye and Eye Strain, Tbe Chila and Its Development. Dis ney Block opposite Post Office Phone 1516. (Sept. 18-1 mo) Undertaking LUKE BURIAL CO. 67 KING ST. East, Ambulance. Residence ' 542 Simcoe street, north, Phone 210J and 210W. LC oi: MF S Armstrong & Son, - Proprietors. Puneral and Ambulance Service, day and night. Phone 1083W, 87 Celina. (4t0) DAVIS AND SON, INSURANCE. 19 King St. west, Oshawa, The old: est Fire Agency in Oshawa. 30 Re- putable Fire Companies. WHEN PLACIN INSURANC consult RH. N. Johns, &0 Simcoe north. Your insurance wants at tended to and your interests pro- tected. Transportation CARTAGE AND STORAGE COLE- man's, 85 Bond west, Specialists in furniture moving storage ware- house and moving van equipment. Phone 82. © CARTAGE, MOVING, GRAVEL sand and cinders. Local and long distance hauling. Smith & Cox Phone 924, 10 Bond St. West, OSHAWA'S LDEST ESTAB- lished furniture moveérs. Park Road cartage. Local and long distance, Frank Cowle Prop. 65 Park Rd. South, Phone 215. (Sept. 23-1 mo) GIBSON BROS., CARTAGE AND moving sand, gravel and cinders. Phone 1326F. (Oct. 13-1 mo) Beauty Parlors BETTY LOU PERMANENT WAVE Shops: - Specialists in permanent; finger and marcel waving. Per manent wave prices $5, $7.60. $10 and $15. All other lines of Beauty Culture. Phone 2968. Apply 86 EXPERT MARCELLING BY BET- ty Ward at Betty Lou Permanent Wave Shoppe. Marcel and sham- poo $1. Phone 2068. ATSON'S BARBER A Beauty Shop, 5 Celina St. We spec. falize in ladies' hair cutting, mar celling, shampooing, facials. Marcel 50 cants, For apprintments phone 2653. (Sept. 18-1 mo) PRACTICAL NURSE DISEN- gaged. Maternity work preferred. Phone 1618. (Sept. 20-1 mo) Auctioneer PHONE 716) W. J. SULLEY AUC: op So grad dh ag t. atten Souscholg furniture sales and Farm. stock and Implements. Your Patron- age solicil . a ng F. A, VON GOUNTEN BXPBRT Swiss watchmaker, repair shop at 44% King Street West, Your pat. ronage fis eolicited. Money to Loan | ~ LOANS ON GOOD CITY PROPER: ty and farms. Apply A. J. Park- bill, 8¢ King St. East. Phone 1614. (July 31-tf) ON YOUR AUTOMOBILE. CARS re-financed. Payments reduced. Additional cash given. Terms rea- sonable. Motor Loans and Dis- counts, Suite 2, 14% King St. E. (upstairs). Phone 2790, Open even- ings. (Aug. 15tt.) 1 ' ' nine cents a yard. Skirts pleated, one dollar, All kinds of beautiful embroidery worked goods, smock- ing, ete. Alterations and dress making. The Dell Shop, 261; Sim- coe south, phome 1666. (Sept, 22-1 mo) i Spirella Shop STYLE, health, comfort. Persona) atten- tion and service. Phone Mrs. Blat { ter, District Manager, 2189M, ' i + + (Sept. 23-1 mo) Corsetfere, north' east district. 'Phone 2343J. (Sept. 23-1 mn.) Vocal . E."ROSS, A. W. C. M., MARION will' accept pupils in volce produc tion and singing. Phone 6. (Sent. 18-1 mo! MADAME RENA, PALMIST, 345 Buena Vista. FIA aby Plione 1168W. (Oct. 6-1 mo) 'CONTRACTING == CONCERTE accounts of this nature. telephone call will bring a All Classified Advertising Coming Events, Etc. STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE This rule has been found necessary because of expense and loss arising from handling a large number of small For the convenience of Oshawa customers who find it inconvenient to come personally to The Times' office, a messenger who will receive the advertisement and collect for same. Times Classified Ads Bring Results Telephone 35 ASK FOR CLASSIFIED AD DEPARTMENT Agents Wanted AGENTS MAKING $15 PER WEEK UP, IN SPARE TIMB (more according to time given) selling "Imperial Art" made-in- Canada Personal Greeting Christ mas Cards, acknowledged by agents and public the greatest selection in value, price and new variety, Season in full swing: Write for sample book on ap- proval, British Canadian Publish ing Company, 51 Wellirgton West, Teronta (Sept. 12 to Oct. 81) Dressmaking AND CHILDREN'S also smocking and em- broidery work. Phone 577J. 211 Albert Street. (Oct. 15-1mo) Room and Board BOARD AND ROOM IN PRIVATE family, 3 minutes walk to Motors. Aldo garage. Phone 1052F. (88¢) NOW IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY to get your house caulked, makes house warmer, saves fuel, shuts out insects, drafts and dampness, stops window leaks, gives comfort. For estimates apply to J, H. Law- son, Oshawa. Phone 723 r 2. {Sept. 22-1 mo) LADIES' dresses, 4BTORM GAGE; MADE IN OSH- awa, measured installed complete. Caulking. Phone 3126W for prices. Plowright & Sharp. (Oct. 1-1mo) HOUSES CAULKED, WINDOWS cleaned, storms replaced. Have it done by an Oshawa man. Phone prices 2927). (Oct. 9-1mo) eng MADAME HENDRIE'S SCHOOL of dancing and physical culture for For Rent SIMCOE MANOR -- FOUR AND five room suites, electric stoves, refrigeration, laundry, conveni- FOR RENT-STORE PREMISES, with residence above at 444 Simcoe street, south, Oshawa. Possession October first. Apply Conant and Annis, Barristers, Oshawa. (S.T.T, tf) 7 TAKING small house at once any part Osh. awa would rent rooms furnishea or unfurnished or share halt house. Cheap to steady people. Mrs. Hudson, Hampton Post Of- fice, Hampton, Ontario. (88¢) Articles For Sale fOR SALE DRY HARDWOOD $14 per cord. Dry tamarack $12 a cord. Norman Sanders, King St. E. Phone 1774M. (88) MIXED HARL AND 30F1 WO('D slabs, $3.50 per 'load. Also e drv body wood. Waterous Meek Limited Phon (Aor, 2611) FOR SALE --- PA , VARN- {shes. We have the largest assort- ment of paints, varnishes, etc., in in the city. The Paint Store, 80 King streat west. (Apr. 26 tf) LES, $1 EKLY, LITTLE down, "e2lso automobile tires and tubes, all sizes, cheap, 264 Eulalie Avenue. (Sept. 18-1 mo) SAND, AVEL 8 # IN- ders, black loam. $1.50 per yrad. For quality and service phone Es- sory Bros. 332 r 11. (Oct. 3-1 mo) FOR SALE--JEWELL _ COOK stove, burns coal or wood. Cheap for quick sale. Apply 206 Albert St. (89¢c) FOR SALE -- DINING ROOM suite, new. Sacrifice, $50. $246 Que- bec Street. (90h) ences. Apply superintendent ph 2671. (B5tr) VICTORIA APARTMENTS -- AT new low rentals, electric refrigera- tion, electric stove, washing mach- ine and dryer. Apply superintend- ent. Phone 25633F. (65tL) STORE AND DWELLING = ON Prince street, all newly decorated. §35 per month. Apply J. D. Ruth- erford, 134 Celina street. Phone 638J, (58tL) | HOUSE FOR RENT, NEAR MOT- ors office All conveniences, Hard- wood. floors throughout, fireplace, sun parlor. Apply 91 Ritson road north, (Sept. 25-1 mo) FOR RENT--TWO "OR THREE nice rooms, Central. Phone 3081J. (Oct, 1-1 mo) TWO FURNISHED ROOMS, every convenience for light house- keeping. Phone 3338W, (88e) FURNISHED FRONT BEDROOM, suitable for one or two gentlemen or young married couple. Apply 137 Simcoe north. Phone 1236W. (82tr) 3 AND 4 ROOM APARTMENTS, modern to the minute. Moderate rentales Phone «2650 or 2347W. (871) SIX ROOM K HOUSE TO rent, all conveniences, garage, close to car line, immediate possession. Phone 1354W. (88c) APARTMENT 4 ROOMS AND tiled bath. Murphy bed, water, electric light, telephone, central, steam heat. Newly decorated. Ap- ply Box 992 Times. (88tf) FIVE UPSTAIRS ROOMS TO rent, on Gibbons street. All con- children and adults. Lessons given every evening from 6.30 p.m. and on Saturday's from 2 p.m. For particulars call at 169 Church street, Oshawa, or phone 874M at above hours. (Oct. 6-1 mo) Music LEONARD RICHER, LP.AM, Su- pervisor of Music Public Schools, di- rector of Music Oshawa Collegiate. Lessons: Violin, Theory, etc. Onl limited' number of pupils eeipt od 652 Carnegie Ave. Phone 2578F. (Aug. 25tf) RTC. HERBERT C., TRENES M., Organist and Choirmaster of King Street Church, will accept pupils in plano, pipe organ and vocal music. 50 William Strest East, Phene 2896. (Sept. 2 tf) MISS MARY MAUDE COOPER, AT.CM., will accept pupils in Piano and Theory at her home in Colum- bus, Ont, Phone 1306 Brooklin. : (89¢ INSTRUETRESS ---~ HAWAIIAN Guitar.. Phone 1221]. Special at- tention given, (89¢) Architects architectural work. "Fecond floor. Royal Bank Building. Phone 1406. Res. phone 909J. THOMSON AND JOHNSON, AS- soclate architects, Simcoe St. 8. Over Felt Bros. Real Estate For Sale FIOUSE FOR SALE--AT COST price. Small payment - down. A real bargain. Central, Apply Box 1 Times. (89¢c) E i ) water. $13.00. Apply 46 Royal St. veni Phone 3096F. (89¢) THREE FURNISHED DOWN- stairs rooms, all conveniences. Ap- ply 108 Agnes street. (90a) MODERN FIVE ROOM AND bath apartment. All electric, re- frigeration, with garage. Reason- able prices. 161 King East, Osh- awa. (90¢c) BRIGHT APARTMENT, CEN- tral, 3"rooms, electric refrigerator. hot water, steam heat. Also 6 roomed house. Phone 1400. (90¢) THREE CHOICELY SITUATED rooms at 137 Alice street, Light, heat and water, unfurnished or partly furnished. Phone 3225W. (90c) SIX ROOM HOUSE, MODERN conveniences. $20 per month, 239 King St.. West, (90c) A J, (90¢c) D SI room home and garage, in good locality. $35 per month. Phone 1142M. (88¢c) LARGE COMFORTABLY FUR- nished two room apartment. Hot water, private entrance, conveni- ences, Very central. 96 Centre. . (89¢c) ---- five rooms, Phone 348, (89¢c) unfurnished or furnished rooms. All conveniences. Redsonable rent. Apply 730 Simcoe, street south. Phone 1502W, (8%¢) "= TWO OR T { FOR SALE-- PARSNIPS, CAR- rots, beets, pumpkins, turnips. Mike Gravelle, north of Tooley's Mill; Darlington Township. (901) FOR SALE--A SOUVENIR KIT- chen range and walnut piano cased organ, 6 octaves. Apply 122 Church St., or phone 1364M. (90b) FOR SALE-- RE-CONDITIONED stoves, 1 Quebec cook, 2 cook stoves, 1 heater, 2 oll stoves, 3 electric and 2 gas ranges. Apply Harry D. Wilson Hardware, 23 King West. Phone 46. (00h) For Exchange FOR EXCHANGE~ NEW RUG brick house, 2 acres of land, on highway, east of Oshawa. All con- veniences, Would exchange for Oshawa property: 329 Alice street, Phone 3078W. (870) EXCHANGE -- ONE HUNDRED acres of good clay loam, brick house, good out buildings. Owner retiring. Bargain at $5,600. Will take property in or near Oshawa, Horton & French, Times Bldg. (89¢c) {OT 10 x 140 WILL EXCHANGE for car. -What have you? Phone 2401F. (90¢) Motor Cars 75 STAR COUPE, GOOD RUN- ning order. No reasonable offer refused. Collie and police puppy, male, Cheap. 716 Cedar street. (88¢c) GIT YOUR CAR WASHED AT Jominfon Garage, §8 Bond strect west. Phone 3198. All cars at one price $1.00. (Sept. 18-1 mo.) FOR SALE-1923 FORD TOURING Make an offer. Good shape, Phone L135M, mi (90a) Ocean Tickets OCEAN TICKETS, ALL COMPAN- fes, 39 Simcoe St. South. Tele- phone 515 for a personal call, +f desired. (Oct. 8-1 mo) OOBAN TICKETS BOOKED FOR all lines by expert staff. C.P.R. of- fice. 11 King E. Phone 40 or 41 for private interview at your home. (Oct, 9-1 mo) Building Supplies CEMENT BLOCRS, SAND AND grave! for sale--To farure prompt delivery, place 'rders in advance of delivery date, W. Borrowdale. Phone 1618. -- Pets and Livestock GOOD USEFUL FARM OR WA- on horses, 4 years old up. Gordon ardy, Hampton, Phone Bowman- ville 133r22, | (88¢c FOR SALE--1 MALE FERR Apply E. P. Burns, 61 Alexandra 8t., City. (89b) Elocution MiSs BVELYN TRICK, ~MIST- ress of elocution, will prepare pup- ils for examinations set by Toron- to Conservatory. Phone 134, (Oct. 14-1 mo) LESSONS IN HLOCUTION AND public. speaking, - private or 'in classes, For terms phone Lois Mundy, No. 35 or 812, (Oct, 13-1 mo) i ders.--Detroit News. ) |triend's birthday?" Radiv Service BATTERIES . CHARGED Tot with rectal $1.00. I#epaired ano rebuilt. Called for and delivered. Prompt serzice. n Bligdon,, 20 Mill St. Phone 1885W. ; : _ ASept. 23-1 mo) REPAIRS ON ALL MAKES OF sets, Prices reasonable. Your radio ested whils i operation, Bafteties recharged. George Burroughs, Ra- diotrician. - Phone 2806W. Sm pairs on radios, power packs and eliminators. Tubes tested and supplied, radio poles for cale. Batteries charged and repaired. Phone 83560J. Charles Wales 146 Elgin east. (Oct, 13-1 mo) AR 0 TP . called' for and delivered. 76c. Phone 1566J. (Sept. 19-1 mo) Wanted to Rent GROWING DEAF WITH HEAD NOISES? TRY THIS If you are growing hard of hear- ing, and fear catarrhal deafness, or if you have roaring, rumbling, hissing noises in your ears, go to your druggist and get 1 ounce of Parmint (double strength) and add to it 3% pint of hot water and a little sugar. Take 1 tablespoon- ful four times a day. This will often bring quick re- lef from thé distressing head noises. Clogged nostrils should open, breathing become easy, and the mucous stop dr throat. It is easy to take. Anyone who is threatened with catarrhal deafness or who has head noises should give this prescription a trial. ! WOMAN REQUIRES LIGH" hougekeeping room, -small, very central, two children. Children recommended for quietness. Must be cheap rent. Mrs, Hudson, Hampton Post Office. (88¢) Work Wanted FURNITURE RBFINISHED AND upholstered. Chesterfields made to order. ' Satisfaction guaranteed. Phone Whitby 549, Oshawa 2932J, Bowmanville 68. George A. Con- stable. (Sept. 30-1 mo) Hydro-electric power distributed in Canada is sold at the lowest aver age cost in the world. According to official figures given out at Ottawa, Canada is producing 74 per cent. of the world's supply of asbestos, pe TIME TABLE: | COLLEGE GIRL WILLING TO work afternoons for room, board and small wage, references. Phone 2053]. (88¢c) CHIMNEYS, BOILERS, FURN- aves, stoves and stove pipes cleaned, work guaranteed, Phone 2582W. Ro- bert Ball, 93 William west, (89¢) Second Hand Dealer NEW AND SECOND HAND FUR- niture bought and sold. 186 Bloor street east. Phone 1617M, (Sept. 24-1 mo) Help Wanted--Female STENOGRAPHER WITH SHORT- band, typewriting, dictaphone, etc. Applicant must give experi- ence, reference, address and tele- phone number. Apply Box 998 Times. (88¢) WANTED AT ONCE -- THREE Salesladies, over 22, for pleasant, re- munerative work in Oshawa, Hust- lers make real money. Ask for Mr. Laphen, Commercial Hotel, from 3 to 5 p.m. Friday, Oct. 17th. (90a) ~ Help Wanted--Male STORE MANAGER WANTED for Oshawa, Experience unnecessary. $50 weekly and substantial share of pPofits to start. $1250 cash, deposit required on merchandise. Manager 4083 St. Denis St., Montreal. (89¢) For Sale or Exchange FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE--2 acres, 7 roomed house, barn and garage, 4 miles north of Oshawa, Apply Fred Conlin, North Oshawa, (88¢c) STORM WINDOWS SAVE MONEY ON READY Glazed Storm Windows. Order now at old prices, before glass goes up. Phone 2830W and we will measure your windows free. (Oct 6, 9, 13, 16, 20, 23, 27, 30) Situations Vacant CADY OR GENTLEMAN TO ACT as local representative in Oshawa and district for old established firm with very popular line of Personal Christe mas Greeting Cards. Whole or part time. Generous commissions. Regal Art Co, 310 Spadina Ave. Toronto. (80-82-84-86-88-90-92) -- Books ROBERTSHAW'S OIRCULATING Itbrary. You will enjoy reading the latest Fiction at minimum cost. (T-F-8 tf) Wanted To Buy WANTED-- SMALL KITCHEX table and also 2 plate electric burner. Phone' 2476W. (00m) v4.35 pn. CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS Effective September 28th, 1930 (Standard Time) Eastbound Daily, 2 except Sunday. 8! except Sunday. - Ef SAH i y except Sunday. ily, except Saturday. Bret pErOPPOES puapoona ERvonton 31 B33 BpBRpR2E3 il? Westbound Daily, except Sunday. Daily. Daily. Daily, except Sunday. . Daily, except Sunday. . Daily. p.m, Daily. p.m. Daily, except Sunday. GRAY COACH LINES Effective ber 25th, 1930 (Standard Time) Leave Oshawa Leave Toronto AM. P.M. A} x m7.00 12.30 m7.30 1.3 8 2.30 9. 3.30 0. 4.30 1. |28sR24R peseee 885 i eg POPN nan ~LT Bessa. 27.30 8.30 29.30 10.30 bl1.00 m-Except Sunday, pr vim, + Bg Sundays and Holidays only. b-Sundays only. --- 00 CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Effective September 28th, 1930 (Standard Time) Eastbound p.m. Daily. p.m. Daily, except Sunday. a.m. Daily. a.m. Daily, : 5 a.m, Daily, except Sunday. p.m. Daily. wm, Daily. WHITBY, OSHAWA, BOWMANVILLE BUS LINES WEEK DAY fCHEDULE (Effective on and after October 6th, 1930) (Standard Time) k West Going Veu Arrive Lea: -, Hospital Leave Arrive Bowmanville Oshawa Whit] tp PRIAA N= 3222 Bab: S8338 sus PPP vEs h-B- 3 7.15 p.m, ed 4 pm. 12.15 p.m. HEDULE B { 3 Mabel--"Could something suitable you for suggest a girl Clerk--"How about these book ends?' * Mabel--"Just the thing! She al- ways reads the ends before she does the beginnings." That revolution in Brazil would be news if South American republics did not have the habit.--~Brockville Re- corder and Times. 1 It takes a woman to pick a quar- rel with a neighbor and shift the consequences to her husband's shoul- an, 10.15 a.m, 10.45 am, 12.15 p.m, 3.00 pan. 5.00 p.m, 7.00 p.m, 8.30 p.m, m. am. P om, 11.00 p.m. a Pp P p.m. Pp. Pp P. Times marked * connect at Whitby with Lindsay Busses, \ ul Special Busses for all occasions Rates and Careful Drivers T. A. GARTON, PROPRIETOR BOWMANVILLE PHONE 412 or 346 Oshawa Wai Room, 10 Prince Street DISNEY OFFERS Prosperity Week 6 room house, electric lights, furnace, garage, house mewly decorated. full size veranda, lot 44 x 133. See this special at 110 Gibbon St., and make us an offer. Disney, opposite Post Office ping into the | EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Specializing exclusively i» muscle anomalie eyesight and glasses, 16--Phone--] 15! 1516 Disney Block - Opposite Post Office COAL COAL Phone 108 'W. J. SARGANT Yard--#89 Bloor Atrest B. Machinery Repairin NOTHING TOO LARG NOTHING TOO SMALL Adanac Machine Shop 161 King St. W. Phone 1214 \ PHONE 22 For Your Drug Needs THOMPSON'S 10 Simcoe St. S. We Deliver LUMBER F. L. BEECROFT Whitby Lumber and Wood Yard. Phone Oshawa 324 Whitby 12 Felt Bros. The Leading Jeweler Established 1886 12 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH For automobile, house and contents insurance, in good sound companies, Apply J. H. R. LUKE 52 King Street Kast Phone 871, Residence 687W Special Reduction A few 1930 model Philco and Radiola Radios at 33 per cent. off, terms. Ontario Motor Sales Limited 99 Simcoe Street South Ye CAREW Lumber (0 4 ATHOI BRINGING UP FATHER NG wr -- > \ BY GEO. McMANUS MEADOWS: GO TELL MR IGGS BREAKFAST plastering, electric or alterations. Phone 139 for estimates, (13), | SAY: ARE YOu UP? COME'. COME". COME" THIS MAKES THE FOURTH TIME I'VE CALLED YO WHE IN THE WORLD CAN THAT BE AT THE FRONT DOOR SO EH EARLY INTHE |] MORNING? WHY. MEADOWS" HOW DID You GET OUTSIDE? MRIGLS ASKED ME TO COME INTO MIS ROOM: | DID- AND | HE THREW ME OUT OF THE WINDOW,