Oshawa Daily Times, 10 Oct 1930, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1930 PACE FIVE Women's Interests in the Home --- and the Communit A | sociaL AND | "PERSONAL Mrs, Woon, Division street, 'is the of her sister, Mrs. A. J. Courtice, Brockville, Ontario. Mfr. and Mrs. Sam Gummow and daughter, Marion, are visiting Mrs. A. J.-Courtice, of Brockville. "Mrs, M. L. Schmidt' of' Detroit, Mich,, is the guest of her sister. Mrs. White, Rowe street. Mrs. Frank Mason who has been visiting her parents, Mr, and Mps, J. Cooper, Celina street, for t past week, has peturned to her home in London, Ontario, She was accompanied by Mrs. Earl Larmer of Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Renwick, Connaught street, were in Peter- borough, on Wednesday to attend the Matthew-Lamb wedding. Mr, Renwick played «the wedding march, The Pythian Sister met last even- ing for their regular meeting and performed the 'sad duty of drap- ing the charter in memory of the late Mr. F. Locke, who was a char- ter member of Ontario Temple No. 1. After the meeting a euchre was held, the prizes befag won by the following: Mrs. J. Missett, Mrs, M, Love, Mrs. Wallace, Mrs. Thomp- Place. your order for your. Fall Coat or Suit H. ATKINS LADIES' TAILOR 14 Simcoe St. N. Phone 182 Full range of Ladies' Fall Coats ana Dresses at the FASHION SHOPPE WORM POWDERS § REBEKAH LODGE INSTALS OFFICERS Important Ceremony Is Well Attended At the last regular meeting of Oshawa Rebekah Lodge, No. 3, I. 0.0.F., the installation of officers took place. Sister Mabel Parsons, D.D.P, of Rebekah No, 222, of Oshawa, being the presiding of- ficer of the installation ceremony and with the support of her in. stalling staff installed the officers into their respective chairs in a most éfficient manner. At the opening of the meeting the fol- lowing Grand Lodge Officers were introduced and welcomed, Sister Mabel Disney, Assembly Grand Warden introduced by Sister Ina Follest; Sister Mabel Parsons, District Deputy President, by Sis- ter Ethel Holdsworht and Brother Gordon Bunker, Grand Marshall, of the Grand Lodge of Ontario in- troduced by Sister Edna Cranfield. The elected Officers installed were as follows: Junior as Noble Grand, Sister Flossie Moynes; Noble Grand Sis- ter, Evelyn Sanders; Vice Grand Sister, Edna Jex; Secretary, Sis- ter, Mary Shaw; Financial Treas- urer, Sister Evelyn Fickes; Treas- urer, Sister Edith Evans; appoint- ed Right Support of the Noble Grand, Sister Isobel McDonald; Left Support, N.G., Sister Gertie Flintoff; Warden, Sister Letty DeGuerre; Conductor, Sister, Mary Dyer; Chaplain, Bister, Kva Hast- ings; Right Support of the Vice Grand, | Sister Beatrice Gillard; Left Support V.G. Sister, Ida Whit tington; Inside Guardian, Sister Olive Parfit; Outside Guardian, Frank Hastings. After the installing took place gpeeches were made by the Grand Lodge Officers and other promin- ent members, Sister Parsons, D. D.P., was presented with a gift of beautiful glassware and Sister Annie Shemilt, thé retiring Jun. for Past Noble Grand with a Past Grand's Collar, the gift of the Past Grands of Oshawa Lodge No. 3, the business of the evening being concluded all partook of the wonderful feast that was prepared for them in the dining hall, Many beautiful decorations in the colors of the order were prevalent on the tables. son, Charles Holder and Mr. Dem- arse. The Whist drive héld in the Osh- awa Club rooms under the aushicoy of thé Women's Auxiliary of the Canadian Legion, last evening Was ell 'attended. Prizes were won by Mrs. J. Massey, Mrs. Beatty, Mrs, Wilson, and Messrs. D. Boye, A. R. Robins, and George Lakas, 0 tempt the children's appetites when they tire of the usual glass of milk, serve Kellogg's Corn Flakes. They'll love milk then! A helpful idea for - mothers PW BL Canadian Girls in Training | SABA AL SS 20.8000 0808000080800 8000800880048 PW WWW Sd vv ry J Young Péople's Meetings "WANTED!" Every Oshawa Canadign Girl in Training at St. Andrew's Sunday School Rooms on Tuesday next, October 14th. The main subject for discussion for the evening is "Does Oshawa want and need a @ir's Council?" This question will be left to the girls for decision. The Girl's Work Board have been fortunate in securing Miss Jessie MacPherson, Ontario Girl's Work Secretary as speaker. No girl will want to miss this opportunity of hearing her. Instead of regular group meetings on this night, the hawa Girl's Work Board asks all C.G.LT. leaders to. co-bperate by attending this rally with their entire groups. GIRLS' WORK BOARD The first monthly . discussion group of the Girls' Work Board proved a real success. It was held at the home of Mrs. Harston and Miss Van Luven conducted the dis- cussion into which the leaders en- tered most heartily, Worth while projects were outlined, and mis- sionary programmes discussed with a general exchange of ideas that should prove helpful to those in- terested in the C.G.1.T, girl. The next meeting will be led by Miss Velma Harris. CHURCH OF ALL NATIONS The Canadian Girls in Training group of the Church of All Nations, Albany Street, held their regular meeting oh Friday evening,. Oct. 3rd, the president, Miss Josephine Barrow in the ¢hair, A period of worship was conducted by some of the members. Following this, a business meet- ing was held in which plans were made for the fall and winter work of the group. After the business, the girls Joined enthusiastically in games, thén the meeting closed with Taps. FIDELIS GROUP The outlook for the future of the Fidelis Intermediate group of Senior C.G.IT. girls under Mrs. Tait looks most cheery. Twenty- six girls belong and all are de- sirous of becoming C.G.I.T. leaders. These girls range in age from 17 to 20 and represent C.G.I.T. gradu- ates from 7 churches. Saturday afternoon last marked their get- acquainted meet. Twenty-four were present and held an outdoor meeting at Greenwood. First, as an exploring party they followed the creek some distance--=then re- turned to enjoy cooking and eating their meal of steak, onions, peas, bananas, cookies and coffee. Supe pér was arranged by Phyliss Clem- ents and Muriel Gjllott. This was followed by a camp-fire, and a sing-song led by President "Phil" and before returning home Mrs. Tait introduced the girls to some 2 FTP T TTT TT TTT TT TYT IT TTITTTT TITTY ITY TY TITY T Tre of the stars and star groups ,such as the Big Dipper. On Monday evening last, at their regular weekly meeting the Fidelis roup listened with interest to Rev, r. Irvine speak on "Leadership." Miss Margaret Thompson took the devotional period--Phyliss Clem- ents taught the girls a new game and a song. Much business was discussed and plang laid fQr future study of the League of Nations and of "Handcraft." The girls will be attending church as a unit next Sunday. ST. ANDREW'S The C. G. 1. TT, groups of Bt. An- drew's met on Tuesday evening at the church. The chief purpose. of the meeting was the organization of groups and the election of officers, Three groups were arranged. In the senior group, which is under the leadership of Mrs. Kirkland, the following officers were elected: President, Greta Maxwell, vices president, Helen McGill; secretary treasurer, Olga Rolson, Mrs, Ceay- ley's group of intermediates elects ed: President, 'Margaret Dulmer; vice-president, Lorraine Drew; secs retary-treasurer, Doris Doige. The junior group, under the leadership of Miss Wragg, elected; President, Jean Baird; vice-president, Made- line Gamble; secretary, Agnes Me Lelland; treasurer, Jean Connolly. At the close of the business meeting the girls enjoyed games in the gyms nasium. ALBERT STREET CHURCH : Hope Group Hope group of C.G.IT. of Albert Street Church met in their class room on Thursday evening, President Mabel Coakwell was in the chair, The meeting proceeded as usual until roll eall when the President asked the members to re- spond by a verse of scripture, Every girl answered cheerfully and readi- ly. During the business part of meeting, plans were discussed, then Elsie Reynolds, spiritual leader took the chair. Rae Lee told the story of A Serbian Peasant. Alma Canning read the Outlook, Closed with Taps. Beaver Group Beaver group of C. G. 1. T, met as usual on Friday, October 3rd, with fifteen members attending. Proceeded with meeting as usual, After the business part of meeting the spiritual leader took the chair and conducted the rest of the meet- ing. Ora Wilson, Leader. SIMCOE STREET UNITED CHURCH Others Group The Others Group of Simcoe Street United Church meets on Tuesday evening. At the last meet- ing there was much discussion in connection with the redecorating that is being done in the group's What New York Is Wearing By Annebelle Worthington Illustrated Dressmaking Lesson Fur: nished with Every Pattern Dashing youth will love this cape tivating model of Princess sugges tion. It's simple to make and you'll find it 80 useful for general day wear. Note the graceful swing the skirt is given through circular godets at either side. The panel front and back give it lengthened line And em- phasize the snugness of the hips. The neckline is new and charming. It is earried out in modish silk and wool mixture in becoming clhnamén brown tones. The collar ahd cuffs are of white crepe silk. The tie of plain blending bfowh crepe. Style No. 2679 may be had in sizes 14, 16, 18, 20 years, 36, 38, 40 and 42 inches bust. Navy blue wool crepe with white fajlle crepe is jaunty. ize 36 requires 434 yards 39-inch material with 34 yard 39-ingh con- trasting and % yard 32-inch for tie- string. Pattern pl 20 cents in stamps or coin (coin preferred). Be Sure to fill n size of pattern, Address Pattern artment. Spend 10c tp save $10. jow? By orderig a y of our new Fall and Winter Fashions, It gives the answer to the often asked Jue tion: "How does she do it?" For it shows how 6 dress up to the minute at little expense. You can saye on every dress and save on th childrens clothes too. mt eans That means} more and better frocks for you and yours. Order your copy now. Just enclose 10 cents in stamps or coin and mail with your name and address hion Department. [ROR Bhesnvseibadtilonanininenennnnboninnes Name Peet et sess snabonbones treet Address HOLY TRINITY YOUNG PEOPLE'S CLUB The activities of this Club be- come more pronounced as the weeks pass, as was evidenced on Wednesday evening, when quite a number of new members were en- rolled. New additions to the Club Advisory Board were as follows: Mrs. E. Attersley, Treasurer; Miss Mackie, Miss Dunn, Mr, Stan Tur ner and Mr, W. Bellingham, The evening was passed in a sociable manner and enjoyed thor- oughly by one and all. On Wed- nesday noxt they will hold a hard time party, which promises to be a huge success, judging by the en- thusiasm of the members, For this event a charge of 10e will be made and refreshments will, bas served during the evening, On Wednesday, Oct. 22nd they will stage a mock trial, which above everything else promises to be exceptionally funny, although perhaps not for the prisoner, as he is accused. of breach of promise, A special invitation is being sent to the Women's Auxiliary and the Brotherhood to attend this affair, when a sflver collection will be taken. On Wednesday, Oct. 20th they will hold a fancy dress social to celebrate Hallowe'en Dress will be optiona and a charge will be made of 20c per couple. room. Means of raising money were suggested and one that will be acted upon is to sell candy at the Ladies' Aid Supper that is to be held on October 23. During the work period the girls framed pie- tures. Excelsior Group The Excelsior Group of Simcoe Street United Church held their usual weekly meeting Tuesday ev- ening. Plans were completed for thelr winter programme, an an- nouncement of which will be made later. At the same hour the Rain- bow Group held their organization meeting and discussed plans for the coming winter season. The follow- ing officers were elected: Leader, Mrs. Olive Retley; president, Len- ore Glass; vice-president, Evelyn Meclnrof; treasurer, Marjory Maule; secretary, Marion Cook. The two groups held their yearly opening ceremony together, follow- ing which Miss Van Luven, leader of the "Excelsior" Group, took charge of games. KING STREET CHURCH Last Sunday was promotion day in King Street Sunday school and the Canadian Girls In Training met for the first time with their new leaders on Tuesday night. In all groups lively discussions took place about sueh things as "Group name and motto, duties of officers," and last but not least, "what shall we do this year?" 8 Nominating committees were ap- pointed and the election of officers in each group will take place a week from next Tuesday. of the new groups there was a great While this was the first meeting of the groups A hae deal of enthusiasm an interest which points to a Successful year. At present there Are six groups organized and there is a possibility of a seventh being organized in the near future. -------- NORTHMINSTER CHURCH Snowbirds' Group The Snowbirds' Group ef C.G.I T. Notfthminster, held a meeting at the home of Misses Beatrice and Mildred Perry, Hortop Avenue, on See Our Annual Fall Fashion Show Regent Theatre Tuesday and Wednesday, Oct. 14th and 15th of (Prosperity Week) Lock's Ladies Wear 24 Simcoe St. North OSHAWA EEE REL ER > City " Prov, Tuesday evening, Oct. 7. There was a splendid _ attendance. EI- mora Blakely, Pr¥sident, convened the meeting. Following the usual opening exercises and a good re- port from the Secretary, Martha Robertson, several important ques tions were discussed. The girls gave excellent ideas for ways and means of raising funds for their work, The group took as their motto: "The richest child is poor without friendship" and passed a motion that they would in every way with everyone practice friendship, First aid is an important feat- ure. The gitls made a decision that they would take it up again. The group have planned to sell home-made candy at the fowl supper, date of which will be an- nounced shortly, The girls have invited their mothers to be with them at theiy meeting on the last Tuesday of the month, Kitchekewana Group The meeting of the Kilcheke- wana C. G. I, T. of Northminster Church, met at the home of their leader, Miss Moore, in Simcoe Manor, with their president, Grace Richer in the chair. After the usual business, Beatrice Sterling presented the proposed programme to carry the group through until Cheistmas. Chief among the sug- gestions for the programme were that the group makes fairly inten- sive study of the League of Na- tions and of International Peace; that they hold a Hallowe'en Pro- gressive Dinner Party, before whieh "they will have studied Table Service and the Art of Table Decorating: that they visit the Art Gallery Muséum and the Rel- evence Library in Toronto;. that they organise a hockey team; that they make a study of economy and economic conditions which chuse unemployment; and that they send Christmas baskets to needy families. ing, on World Fellowship and Miss Moore gave a short talk on War and what it would mean. The meet- ing closed with a sing song and After the business Eva Yeo led | MINIATURE GOLFER - GOES ON RAMPAGE BR Los Angeles~This is the story of what miniature golt did to Cjerard C. Dyt of Hynes. Dyt played on a pee-wee course at Downey. He missed a putt. It made him angry. He growled aloud. He missed another putt. It was too much. He ran amuck. Throwing the ball as far as he could over a fence and using his put- ter as a weapdn, he chased all the other players off the course. Then he started looking for more courses to conquer. He had to go to Bellflower, another town, to find it. After he had driven away all the players there, a squad of ' deputy sheriffs arrived. It took them 20 minutes to overcome Dyt. Dyt was in jail today, under 15- day sentence for disturbing the fds peace. He also was under observ tion for insanity, Lord Mayor Pensioned REEERY > £ : E Berlin--~The City of Berlin has ré= tired Lord Mayor Gustave Boess a pension of about $7,500 annual "for reasons of health." " a wn The difference between a statess man and a politician is that © thinks. SUNSET is Truly a Revelation in Home Dyeing Coa eclour everywhere~inhats, shoes, stockings, ensembles, sports wear, coats, wraps for is, boys, women--and men too} Brilliant black, real navy blue, restful green, warm brown, sunshiny yellow, fashionable tans-- color everywhere! It's all 50 easy $0 achieve with Sanset Soap Dyes ~ the modern, clean method. that dyes so quickly --with no One little cake of concentrated dye ~no guessing --silk, cotton, 3 are wool and mixed goods come out the some shade in the one bath. And fast too!--does not rub off. Sunset Soap Dyes stain hands or tenth the cost of professi are truly a revelation in home dyeing--never il utensils=a perfect. result every timeat one- Let Sunset keep your things inthe newest fashionable shades. 1t is easy to use Ask the clerk to show you . Get t at your-dealer. Only 16¢ a cake. oy ded by Color Card. y o If he cannot supply Sunset Dyes, sendtlbc per cake to NorTH AMERICAN Dye ComrroRATION, LrD., Toromto, Ont. the devotional part of the meet- | . "Taps". SUNSET sear DYES MADE IN CANADA ex Vidi 77 OMINION rua LINOLEU "My Kitchen" How proudly you'll display the "work-shop" of your home. . , its gleaming enamel and paint and spotless drapes set off by the colourful 'and permanent Dominion Inlaid Linoleum floog you have chosen. It's the same with any room. Its appearance will be enhanced and your housework lessened from the minute Dominion Inlaid Linoleum is laid on its floor. Delightful designs and colours ings . . . otiginal and appro- priate . . . to choose from, all made more beautiful by the loves ly soft-lustre Domolac Finish. Dominion Inlaid Linoleum is permanent because inlaid, easy to lay and to clean, odourless and moderately priced. Other Beautiful Dominion Floors Dominion Printed Linoleum and Do- sition Linoleum Rugs offer lovely and appropriate for every room. Durable, practial, work-sav- ing and sold, of coursé, at popular prices. MITH TO » Mi, A a 0, Sey SUP ~ TILLIE THE TOILER--Fresdom of Speech _____ BUBBLES TONIGHT WASNT vr? MAC: "THEY SURE A Oy. = Vis rn ld XL. LECO, MAC: DONT ORK 0 LATE £5 | Qoov NIGHT Wl a A ING 3 NE » SHE'S ) NN AR THE | Rosesar Sait BRE joe SITY! ~- BT A

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