TN me mr sh i OE ago -- A Growing Newspaper in Growing City | VOL. 7--NO. 69 ===IPARLEY TO CONSIDER Build Dyke to Give Work Brantford. --Erection of a dyke to protect low-lying lands of the Water Commission in the river bend is the next likely step to provide work for Brantford unemployed. $ - "All the News While It Is News" he Oshawa Daily Times Succeeding The Oshawa Daily Reformer OSHAWA, ONTARIO, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1920 15 Cents a Week; 3 Cents a Copy EIGHT PAGES EMPIRE TRADE eb ------------ orner Stone New Ukrainian Church Laid Saturday' DELEGATES FROM BRITISH 'DOMINIONS GATHERING FOR Zublished at Oshawa, On E y Except Sundays and une Holidays Sun Life Still Barred Mexico City ~The Mexican Su- FEE FORWARD STEP IN LIFE OF PRESBYTERIAN BODY IN IMPORTANT CONFERENCE OSHAWA IS CELEBRATED Ea Cg TOMS WARNS [mer vince in Pa : -- r a, 0. 7 | ered by Statesmen From pT ity ted Sy 1 CHILEAN REVOLT " Es shana | NANSTRANG apo n com R . A. S, G 1] .| ev rant, Secre IS SOON QUELLED tion Will Pull Country CHIEF QUESTION monwealth of Nations ot France, Saturday visited as an or- tary of Mission Board Through Crisis re. dinary spectator one of the current theatrical successes in Paris * Four Tribesmen Killed -- | ? Nagpur, India.--Four hill tribesmen | Efforts of Insur ents, Carried y ; were reported killed and 50 wound- MAYOR T. B. MITCHELL | S. ) g 7 -- . Many Suggestions Which in u. P ancs, Come (By Canadian Press lLecased Wire) Have Been Put Forward to Increase Inter-Empire ed by police suppressing a riot in LAUDS CONGREGATION - to Naught Commerce Will Be Pre- Bordehia village, Betuld district. * % Rev. John Lindeay, Whitby, -_--™ (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) trade depression at the opening of | the wool research conference of sented to Delegates For Consideration CORNER-STONE OF NEW CHURCH LAID Limbatqer "Ban Lifted Kitchener.--The ban on limburger cheese, imposed early in the summer when several Kitchener people be- came violently ill from eating infect- ed cheese, has been lifted by the Provincial Department of Health LJ] . . British Grit and Determina- EMPIRE TRADE IS Hon, J. H, Thomas, secretary for Dominions, voiced a warning again- J London, Eng., Sept. 22.--Rt. | | l gt panic in the presentsperiod of Old Plane Crashes, Killing Two Madera, Calif--An airplane built 12 years ago crashed near here, kill- Presides, Other Speakers | ing its two occupants, Norman B, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Sept. Price, aviator of the USS. Lexing Including Rev. L. Stand. | 22.--The Chilean embassy said to bth IT ite tate it whe was on furloogh. and T. Earl | day that the Chillan government | |% D Impgeria. ins e today. { : No -- 30 Fisjough, and 3 ret, Pastor; Rev. M. Fes-| had frustrated a projected rebellion | | | a" 'We in the old country', he said, | sl . % tad enko, Toronto, and Rev. HEaiDst the administration of Pres | | Pi iz thiongh r Joie) wu | (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) High Diver il sident Colone aro nanez. e a ? i % oe aitlar London, Eng., sept, 22.--From New York.--Norman J. Terry, 24, Duncan Munro, Oshawa entire country was said to be tran- | BA ye 2 opie terns | across the seven 4d delegates a professional high diver and para- -- quil now. oad can nmi | are gathering for the opening of chute-jumper of Kittaning, Penn,l The corner stone oi the new I'he embassy received informa- a Ju: the imperial conference on Sep- tion from its government that ut i | was killed Sunday in a dive from the | Ukrainian Presbyterian Church on ' : = hi P site (iva ve gush to avdid In time tember 30. And their task will be paritlly constructed Hudson river}, coe. street south was "well and|4 p.m. Sunday a tri-motored air IMPRESSIVE CEREMONY. HELD ON SATURDAY. AFTERNOON { "I Have every confidence that tha | no light one, Before them they will bridge to the water, 275 feet below. | rio 1aid" at an impressive service | Plane piloted by two North Ameri- i On Saturday afternoon, a large | Church on Simcoe Street South The ple. Fey. My. Standret is the pas-| old spirit of grit and determina- have problems, constitutional and - we Aen held last Saturday afternoon. The|¢an pilots and containing four [crowd stood and sat in the rain for | photograph above shows part of . ' | tion that saw this country through | ¢conomic, of the first magnitude. ACTING PRESIDENT Chillan deputies 'had landed at [the Iaying of the: cornerstone of |the gathering at the ceremony, with | °F °F this growing and progressive |... ot its difficulties in the past | They will have for consideration Concepcion, shall wii Chile the. new Ukrainian Presbyterian Mayor Mitchell addressing the pe©- | congregation | will 'pull us through in the future." | the report of the experts com- mittee that in a series of recom- event marks a great forward step in OF CHINA IS DEAD the history of the Ukrainian Pres- byterian congregation of this city (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) and the fine new church building mendations, sought to apply prizciples on equality of status Nanking, China, Sept 22.--The [now stands as a monument to the Russia Withholds Crop Figures; - [rizcioles of ie Qily 21 ads death was announced here to-day |courage and faith of a handful of : Terrific Storm on , French Coast nf General Tan Yen-Hai, acting |Christian people who are determined | Dumping Wheat on World Mebrset ar lamen Abates, Leaying Trail of Death ference of four years ago. They will have the ever-present prob- president of the National govern-| that they and their children shall be | -- ment of China in the absence of |good citizens of Oshava and of | | General Chiang Kai-shek, on the | Canada Urs, Hamblton, Canadian | battlefront Rev. Andrew S, Grant, M.D, D.D, | I ORD hg owl hbo nt) : General Tan Yen-Kai was 100g a | secretary of the General Board of | force for political advancement in| Missions of the Presbyterian C hurch| Russia has cast over. her wheat ex. | 1 China in Canada, performed the simple, | CHOSEN A) ACTING on a veil of darkest mystery. The | f ou ; - iain N .: nformation concerning crops which ya spell of cold and ran a--n solemn ceremony: in the presence of every other wheat-growmg country | his iternoon During its three days winds rang ing in velocity from RO to 100 mites | | members of the church tesenee ot 1 oy A | LIPTON WANTS RACE and a large namber of friends." With | Jt Bl {Sod Hite bt x | 3,30 Yeloghy rom Bi 1a 100 hes IN BRITISH WATERS a small silver trowel he cerented the i ia, b n ngpdly withheld by | 1 . g to th fosco i . v of mine Ne en and sailors BENNETT MUST LEAVE] and did damage to the costal coun=| | | | y Cansdisn Press Lassed: Wire) [lems of empire defense by sea, it Rady et 27 The Great | land and air; of empire com- France, pt. ed-- rea munications, of foreign relations, | storm which ravaged the Frencl 1 y M of empire development since the three days blew itself out last conference 9 But above all these will be the effort to translate equality of status into terms of empire trade. What can the mother country buy from the dominions and colonies which she now burs from foreign couptries? In return what can the ' dominions and colonies buy from All Implements, Season's | (ireat Britain which they now buy : Ti | elsewhere? By what system, or I hei re curate form] w-- vening in Cherbourg Roads twelve Crops and Toe Calves by what agreements, can mutual / 0 nung 1 quan y ( Ww ; | . . Bo . a a by ' y . Juank "!! | Public Hearings on: Tariff to « heltered at Brest and seven | Are Destroyed trade best be fostered and stim- L'Orient, on the south coast] Le : Biated 2 How best can 'the empire : : a more closely 1i (Special to The Times) be Jove x ely linked in bonds Newtonville, Sept. 22.--Mac Empire Trade Big Issue the night and gave way today stone firmly in position and dedicat. T1 ; i 1 f sequ e. 1 a puzzler ed the church to the "glory of God, ------ ER Si a | TONIGHT TO ATTEND (By Canadisn Pros Leased Wire) he & i the Holy Ghost." Sealed . S 2" 8 he Son and the oly Ghost." © . 4 . : | | ke T ch f ; fle W tl i pert; 3 L Sep ha Ne, within the stone were a history of | Is Son of Former Oshawa hight experienced in the business of | CONFERENCE | e French fishing Jeets were the Some Livlon Jay sa] od lof Dow the congregation written by Rev. L. Rector and Attended ceping an ear to the ground frankly | | : vie f . oo Derare he left he expressed the Standret, the pastor, a document giv: hope that Harold S. Vanderbilt ing the names of the church mem: School Here still remaining in Russia for expe would bring the Enterprise to Eng- id 2d 4 co py of Fridays Issue Of aim-- At the headauarters of a i bial 1e mes cu al \ hh ois DO eR nw ri land next year so that she could race aunt ot the service. Inscribed vhich is importing Russia wheat ofr | . ru of these it had had. their the London market requests for the Session | ie g on their bridges swept away eqtin on at ymilions of francs nteen ships took refuge last | Be Held Before Next (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) fe amendments ) iti ters. "Cowal boats on British Valens date and year and the words "Ukrain- | gelection Saturday of Most Rev. the. reply that the company br nde ; { er ian Presbyterian Church" in Eng-|Dr, C. 1. Worrell as acting primate in tractions to supply npany hihi or (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) | The Greek steamer Theodorus Bul vg ving oge Julle oust and again and again will arise during : of the Church of England in Can-| ply: Win " on. S > _.. Parlia.! garis, 2767 tons, was abandoned and |one mile west of the village o (Continued on Page 2 (Continued on Page #) ada the House of Bishops solved x We ! an a) an ting further, | Ottawa, Sept. 22, Parlia let ht an the path of Newtonville, sustained the loss of a 5 ) vas the reply, "but it would obvious | large barn on his farm, along with . J y | 3 CHAMBERLAIN'S : In Parliament Matheson, metropclitan of Rupert : time" {the House of Commons | ' Land and for 21 years primate o al oe : steamer British Advocate succeeded iM the Church. ; I'he only information available is | iourned until 2:15 with its work lin taking off those on board unknown origin last night. The ---- Archbishop Matheson's resigna- | that within the last two months | practically completed. [ "The British steamer Mingsworth | fire was observed by the members (By Conslion Prene Isard Wire | During the aijournm the BOV- | reported her third engineer had been [Of the Stapleton family about 9.15 Ottawa, Sept, 22.--A ¢lause will | p.m, standard time, at which time |pe jngerted jnto the new tariff bill . Speculation as to Future tinue consideration of the tariff |feared that the church would be Grain men describe Russian wheat | will form the basis of new t | | 1 | | 1 y s with the hope of conclud- | without a primate until the meet- | .¢ heing of good quality although in a i) eT | sank in the channe Saturday, the Leadership of Party ag ro the day De inz of the next general synod, ferior 10 the Canadian, There is al bi . It will b nize oad on wit | master of Fouxhod, his wife and their ed, and endeavored to render a5 lin which imports under this clause i Saturday in parliament is Archbishop Matheson retired | rong feeling, however, both in|." } RE wit | two-gwir old baby perished. _ |sistance, but they were totally un-imay enter will expire on December J¢ passed dan. opporiuniy. ) A cabin boy whose name was giv-|able to do anything. 1, Hon. R. B. Bennett informed (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) . a Commons approve London, Eng, Sept. 22--=The week The House of Co Novi . | : i who is the Archbishop of Nova. | nourished while it dumps wheat at | ni : Y end speech of the Rt. How. Neville some 59 of the proposed tariff SI a wan (he aan ot Reverand J. | wn. Ie x ii 2 Both carats) Liscyssion raised b the Jegitlation chip was drifting away from the |the building for some time previous aa . nf * . 4 . . bn . mn ¢ house anc sendte, buy 1 wi . i € ¥ - Chamber ain, former Chance of B. Worrell, who was rector in Osh- | fee] the situation cannot last but out- on in place : beers sin breakwater at Havre. to He fire being observed, For London, Eng.--The Daily Herald the exciequer anc now, org BE ._"pe awa between 1860 and 1869. The | side of Moscow "nobody knows." oi eloek this evening tunately, most of his live stock Was |gaiq today that thousands of mer- J ® ius 8. out on pasture, only three calves | nants in Bengal were facing ruin i ill prorogue this after- | ('! Crile Stra the problem created by the resig- ment will p 7 : hips plying between channel ports : § pro ly not be to our interests to supp! ; R tie PRE all his implements and sea- TARIFF RATES NOT TO (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) . i'n TARIFF SPEECH Ota Sept.t 23 --Today In [tion came at a time When the] about 00.000 tons of Russian wheat : i parliament: method of chopsing a primate was has been put on the London market, [ernment will prepare a resolution swept off the deck by a wave. ' al | And Moscow refuses to tell the am- | embodying the The trawler, Notre Dame docked |it had secured so strong a hold [which will provide for the non-ap- that it was impossible to save plication of the new rates ugon The Senate adjourned after a [Saturday on his 78th birthday London and Paris that the Soviet| 1 he o o the 'sen ou : : ; : brief Ai ing y government, hard pressed for wonev. | tN be | given : AL ti rate 19 le 11 an as Urvoy was killed aboard the Mr. Stapleton is at a loss to ac-|{he House of Commons today. He ; : ot [with at briefly, The time ol proro- | yy,i6q © States rreighter Oregon [count for the starting of the fire, would introduce an amendment the Conservative party, has aroused . . . > new Primate of the Anglican . : all grades of politicians from, their Taxi Driver 1s Church attended high school, then Ottawa, Sept. 22--Faced with being in the bullding which Was |jargely as a consequence of the Nae 4 4 4 definite time-hmit if Preniier RB ree Kil od destroyed, and they were burned | (ionalist picketing of their shops. Bennett is to attend the imperial con- with it. The implements were all -- practically new, and Mr. Staple- [ noon, Shortly after one o'clock | | Gibraltar and South Africa. Two son's crops of hay and grain, and a disastrous fire of APPLY TO CONTRACTS i der consideration by a special 4 The Senate will sit. on ount of the remainder | which it 1s propose a, to make to at Boulogne with two survivors of either the barn or any of its con-|hopa fide contracts entered into | as there was no one in or around ||ater to cover this. present out-of-session apathy by its i startling declaration that one of the Slugged Robbed kagw ax graves school hers dur. : first acts of a conservative govern- ' ng YW araal 4 ded ference in London, parliament will ---- end J. B. Worrell was succeeded - be cory eff td te ; ; ) Z send every effort today to complete ton's automobile was also destroy-| JONES Ledds I'or ver ee - n ed. The loss, which was only par- gainst the Shamrock and other "J" ' Rgainst i d J upon the face of the stone are the| Ottawa, Sept. 22.--With the | (oO BE ve met will , ; i p ration have met with tov wind and ol av L Stapleton, farmer, of Clarke town- These are the questions which yy ) 8. Pp, | nation of Most Rev. Dr | such information at the present ad- | of her crew were drowned before the three calves, in ¢ The House of Commons will con- | committee, and it was for a time i) r } " ) . v chedules ns hrought dow nh the . A Aner FB Hie he Dutch schooner Fouxhod, which » tents. Neighbours quckly gather-|prior to September 16. The period The Most Reverend Dr. Worrell. | ic feaving its own population under-| alin ciroth or . | | gation depends on the length of the when a steel cable snapped while the iment would be the institution of an , as rector here by Canon Willlam its business of the session and then : tially covered by insurance, could Amateur I itle emergency tariff. (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) y ! n Belt, father of Dr. R. W. Belt, 13 prorogue. It will be necessary for the House of Commons and then the not be definitely stated pending a (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Considerable speculation has been Brockville, Sept. 22--Driving his | yh (400s 3 ! Gang IS Caught senate fo affix approval today Io, the ------ visit of the insurance appraisers, remaining item in the tarif "n 1 3 + 4 " oY n Aviator Dies When Glider | but will run into several thousand Marion ee CI Ardmone. aroused because the pronouncement! ... ajong a narrow winding road, comes from Mr. Chamberlain and not | jaading through woods to the sum- fhe Canadian delegation is to sail tos ollars, d Penn,, Sept. 22.--Starting his final from Mr. Baldwin, the Conservative mer resort of Hillcrest yesterday, chief, A frequent question is "Is|myomas Danjele, a taxi-cab driver $2,000 1 IN WATCHES A Tha a Crashes--Two Killed in ? i "sn battle to sweep the golf boards for Baldwin to be sacrificed and Cham-| ojaims to have been stopped by a - - STOLEN, BELLEVILLE Three Arrested in Niagara In order to expedite proceedings, Auto Mishaps FOUR KILLED )IN 1930 Bobby Jones shot a brilliant berlain given the leadership to secure : the support of the great newspaper pl TL roprietors who are not friendly to Ballwin id The Manchester Guardian consid- ers Mr. Chamberlain's tone of con- fidence is probably justified for were an elections held now, admits the great Liberal. paper, . the Con. servatives would very likely be re- turned. "The appalling measure © unemployemnt makes them bold in suggesting measures which, in ors dinary times, the country would re- ject in a most decided manner," says the Guardian, WEATHER Pressure is high over the Great Lakes and southeastern states, also in thé Mackenzie Valley, and low over the west. ern provinces, and in northern Quebec. Light showers have occurred in somé parts of . Quebec and the Maritimes, and is becoming cool and showery in Alberta and Saskatchewan, while in other parts of the Do- minion the weather continues fair and moderately warm. Forecasts: -- Lower Takes and Georgean Bay----Moderate winds; mostly southwesterly fair and moderately warm to day and Tuesday, 2 man who asked for a ride and who slugged him, rendering him unconscious, as he opened the door When Daniels recovered conscious. ness and started for the main road, he found the car afire near under- brush not far from the road, where it. was completely consumed. Some tmoney in the man's pockets was taken. (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Belleville, Sept. 22.--Using a cheap screw driver to force a rear window that was insecurely fast- ened, unknown persons entered the jewellery store of J. O. H. McCurdy, of this city early today and stole watches to the value of $2000, Grave Results of Dumping by Soviet Told League of Nations Geneva, Switzerland, Sept, 22,-- In the economic committee of the League of Nations today the alleged grave consequences of Sovi- et dumping of agricultural products were called to attention by repre- sentatives of Roumania and Fin. land. Virgil Madgeru, the Roumania minister of industry and commerce, urged that the most favored nation clause be restricted to commerce and cereals. Southeastern Europ ean agricultural countries he de- clared, are ahout to he crushed between the "unlimited competition of gralp exporters overseas aud the Soviet dumping', Unless some joint remedial action can be decid ed upon to relieve the farming stat- es of Europe, Roumania, he said, will be forced to revise her tariffs upwards, "This dumping," asserted the Rumanian 'presents a very grave aspect because of its political char- acter. When a people' exports ils products without taking into ac- count its internal needs, it shows that it is pursuing political purpos< es." Kyosti Jarvinen, Finland dele. gate, joined the Rumanian in de- ploring the situation and urging concerted defensive action, He was particularly concerned for Finland's exports of wood, wood pulp and paper. ¢ Falls and Fourth in Hamilton (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Niagara Falls, Ont., Sept. 22.-- The fourth of a gang of alleged safe blowers wag arrested late last night in Hamilton and brought back to face trial with three other men captured yesterday, Albert Fairhurst 26, who escaped when three other men were found carry Ing stolen safe blowing equipment, near St. David's yesterday, got as far as Hamilton but talked too much with the result that the pol- ice were tipped off and provincial and city policemen left Niagara Falls and brought him back this morning. The other men, Jack McCauley, allas McPherson 26, Windsor, Fred Turnbull 19, and Henry Gariepy, 25. both of Montreal, were ar- raigned on open charges and ro- manded for a week. Big Beer Seizure Guelph --=Kaiding the premises of Sleeman's Brewery Provincial and city. police seized 153 cases of unla- helled heer from a shed adjacent to the brewery. The seizure was the largest since the davs of the O.T.A Police suspect the ale was for illegal export, PRIMATE RETIRES ARCHBISHOP MATHESON Primate of €anada in the Anglican church, whose resignation was ac- cepted Saturday by the House of Bishops. Most Rev. Dr. O. L. Wor. rell, Metropolitan of Eastern Can. ada, Halifax, has been named act- (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Toronto, Sept. 22--Three persons lost their lives in week-end accid- ents in Ontario. An experienced aviator was killed in a glider crash, while two died as a result of auto- mobile accidents. Several suffered injury in other mishaps, W. R. Steel 30, a member of the Windsor Glider Club, was killed last evening at the club grounds when ho attempted to make a loop in a glider which crashed Iollowing his nine-year d sis- ter across the street, Horace Proud- love, 5, Toronto stepped into the path of an approaching automobile on Sunday and was fatally injured. Joseph Magur, Hill Street, Lon- don was fatally injured Sunday afternoon. when the machine in which he was viding overturned on the Niagara Boulevard, five miles north of Bridgeburg. Crash near Cobourg Cobourg, Sept. 22.--About mid- night Saturday a Quebec car, when travelling east. about four miles west of Cobourg, 'was in collision with an automobile that was park- ed on the south side of the high. way and turned over in the ditch, The threa occupants of the Quebec car are now in Cobourg Hospital, cut and brused about their heads and bodies, 69, one under par, to take the lead FACTORY BLAST in the first 18 holes of the 36 hole Toledo, O., Sept. 22.--~TFouf bodies were taken from the ruins of the Carl Weber Manufacturing Company plant here early today, after a series of oxplosions in the building were followed by fire. The explosions shattered the sec- ond story of the brick building and blew out a wall. qualifying play for the National Amateur Golf Championship today. The triple champion was in fine form and experienced trouble only on four holes. Twice he was in traps and twice in the rough but recovered sensationally, He was over par on only one hole, the 378 vard 11th, where his drive found deep rough, MetaH-ung Restores Life to Infantile Paralysis Victim Chicago, Ills, Sept. 22--A metal lung today afforded Frances Mec- Gaan another day of life--the ninth since her chest muscles became paralyzed and shc was placed in a mechanical respirator, Attending physicians and the pa- tient herself were optimistic of the girl's chances for recovery, Her condition, slightly improved recently, was reported as virtually unchanged today although she took nourish- ment regularly and appeared to have gained strength Every two hours Sunday Miss MecGaan was removed. from the res- pirator for ten minute periods and ' was able to breathe although great effort was required, When nature failed nine days ago in a swift attack of infantile paraly- sis, science was called upon to save the young student nurse's life. She was placed in , aluminum cabinet that encased her body from neck to feet. An electrically operated pump alternately created air pressure and vacuum within the compartment forcing the girl's lungs to function and gradually compelling helpless chest muscles to return to normaley, Doctor believe the serum, injected a- week ago to counteract the dis- ease, has taken effect,