Oshawa Daily Times, 18 Sep 1930, p. 7

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1930 PAGE SEVEN REV. DR. OLIVER NEW MODERATOR UNITED CHURCH Principal of St. Andrew's College, Saskatoon, Re- ceives High Honor London, Ont., Sept. 18.--Rev. Dr. Edmund H. Oliver of Saska- toon was last night elected Mod- erator of the General Council of the United Church of Canada. His election fs regarded as a tribute to his record as scholar and preacher and a recognition of the part played by Western Can- ada in the work of the United Chureh, Although principal of St. Andrew's College, Saskatoon, he is more widely noted for his lead- ership in other activities, The new Moderator is interna- tionally known as a leader of the Canadian West, but he was born At Eberts, Kent County, Ont, on Feb, 8, 1882. He attended Chath- am Collegiate Institute, Brilliant Scholar At the University of Toronto, Principal Oliver won many more scholarships, graduating as Me- Caul gold medallist in classics In 1902, The same year he was ap- pointed {instructor in Greek and Alexander MacKenzie fellow In political science. From Toronto he wont to New York, winning a scholarship and his doctorate In philosophy for a thesis on "Roman Economic Conditions in the Re- public." From 1905 to 1909 the new Moderator served as head of the department of higtory in Me- Master University. In 1909, Dr, Oliver was ap- pointed professor of history and economics in the University of Saskatchewan, In 1013 he became first principal of St. Andrew's Col- lege at Saskatoon, His chair is that of New Testament and Early Church History. Served Overscas After going overseas in 1916 as chaplain of the 196th Western University Battalion, Dr. Oliver founded the University of Vimy Ridge, also known as the Khaki University, in France, and was di- rector of eucational work for all Canadian troops on the continent, He was mentioned in despatches and promoted to a lleutenant-col- onency, In 1921 he was elected a fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, The new Moderator was a cham- pion of church union, representing its case on two commissions and before four Private Bills Com- mittges, In 1025 and 1926 he was elected president of the Saskatche. wan Conference in the United Church of Canada. Successful Author Among Dr. Oliver's many pub leations are: The History of Saskatchewan: and Alberta in Cae and its Provinces; eo Early yelopment and Kobisative Ree ords of the Prairies: The Liquor Traffic in the Prairie Provinces: The Winning of the Frontier, and The Social Achievements of the Christian Church. He was married to Margaret Cowling of Toronto in 1911, They have five sons, KEDRON NEWS Kedron, Sept, 15.~Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Nesbitt and boys, Columbus, were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. E. Davis. Mr. and Mrs, W, L. Mountjoy, Marion. and Willa and Miss Olive Luke were guests of Mr, A, L, Pas- coes, Solina, recently, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mountjoy and family visited their cousins, Mr, and Mrs. Norman Mountjoy, Blackstock, recently. Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Hoskin at- tended the funeral of Mrs, Hoskin's grandiather, the late Mr. J. Buckley, Orono, on Saturday, Sept, 6th. Miss Lorraine Pascoe spent the week end with Dr, and Mrs, McCul- loch, Orono, Mrs. Arthur Saunders, Toronto, spent the week end at the home of We N. Hoskins and C, W, Hoskins, Mrs. J. A. Werry and Mr. Ernest Werry, Enniskillen, and Miss Berta Cole, Bethesda, recently visited at Mr, H. F. Wenys : Miss Sybil angmaid, Oshawa, visited on Sunday with her sister, Mrs, Everett Mountjoy, who is ill, Mr. Harold Mountjoy, Mrs. John Mountjoy and Beatrice, Mrs, C. W Hoskin and Mrs. Arthur Saunders visited Mr. and Mrs, Wm, Samell's, Nestleton, Messrs. Howard and Frank, and Miss Lena Hoskin visited friends in Woodville on Sunday. Mr. Wm, Jolliffe, Lindsay, has been visiting his nephew, Mr. Leslic Hancock. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Taylor, Re. gina, were recent visitors with Mr, and Mrs, C. W. Hoskin, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ross and Miss Gladys Ross, Columbus, visited with Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Werry. Mark Hancock spent the week end with his cousin, David Beath, Barrie, Mr. Howard Van Dyke has gone to Detroit, Messrs. G. L. Scott, H, F, Werry, C. F. Werry and Percy Mountjoy yore successful exhibitors at Oshawa Fair. Dr. and Mrs, McCulloch, Orono, visited with Mr, and Mrs, Harvey Pascoe on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, A, D, Van Dyke, Messrs, Howard and Earle Van Dyke were regent visitors at the home of Mr. George Van Dyke, Darlington, and 'Mr, Cecil Jeffrey, Maple Grove. Mrs. J. Nesbitt, Oshawa. spent' a few days with her daughter, Mrs, E, Davis. . Mr. and Mrs, T. W. Scott, Mr, ud Mrs, Harvey Pascoe und Lor- ralne, Mr, Fay Conlin and Miss Mar- wrenite Conlin were guests at the Pascoe-McCulloch nuptials in Colum- bus on Wednesday, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Crossman and Irene visited with cousins in Lindsay. : Mr, and drs, Ross Lee recently visited Mr, and Mrs, Hansen Rich- ards, Oshawa, Mrs, Wm. Batty, Oshawa, spent a few days with her daughter, Mrs, H. Ir. Werry. The young people's classes held their monthly meeting at the home of Mr, apd Ms. Everett Mountjoy I'riday evening. After the meeting they enjoyed u corn roast, Mr, and Mrs, Charles Roberts and Miss Norma and Miss Florence Wheeler, Toronto, visited with Mr and Mrs, I, Crossman, recently. Mr, and Mrs, J. Finucan have re- turned home to Taronto after visit. ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 5. Conlin for aifew days last week. Mr. . George Skinner, Toronto, spent a day last week with Mr. A. D. Van Dyke. Mr. and Mrs. George Maynard, Toronto, were recent guests of Mr. | and Mrs, Frank Crossman, Mrs, George Goings, Atlantic City, Mrs. Wm, Sarvis, Hanover, called on Mr. and Mrs, S. Conlin on Sunday. Misses Mabel and Minnie Mitchell ff have returned home after a pleasant |! holiday with their sister, Mrs, A, D Van Dyke. Mr, and Mrs. Ross Lee visite! their parents, Mr, and Mrs, A. IT Stainton, Zion. Mr. Norman Mclntyre and Miss Alice - Edmondson, 'Toronto, were week end guests of Mr, and Mrs, R, J. Luke. Mrs. Thos, Finucan, Misses Annie and Marie Finucan, Toronto, visited with Mr. S. Conlin on Sunday. Mr, Arthur Saunders, Mr. Arthur Crapper and Miss Helen Saunders visited at Mr. C. W. Hoskins on Sunday. Mrs. Saunders returning home with them, Miss Beatrice Mountjoy spent a week with her cousin, Mrs, Merlin Hepburn, Enfield, HAMPTON Hampton, Sept, 16, -- Mrs. Wm, Jeffrey and Sergeant and Mrs, Er nost Hobson, Toronto, were week: end guests of Mr. and Mrs. WW. G Doldge. Mr. W, W. Horn and son, Wallace, were on a business trip to Kingston on Monday. Sunday services were well attend. ed. Our pastor, Rev. J. R. Bleck, oc cuplied the pulpit. The congregation was pleased by Wallace Horn's vocal solo, "Guard thou my slumber." Mrs. Payne and son, Oshawa, visit ed at the home of Mrs, W. Green away. The funeral of Mrs. W, Greenaway was well attended. Rev. J. R. Bick conducted the service at the house and graveside, Interment took place at/ Welcome, Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Pascae, Enfield, accompanied Mr. and Mrs, J. Col will, Jr, on a motor trip to Owen Sound, where they spent a few days. Mr, and Mrs. Milton Avery, Buf falo, were Sunday visitors at the home of R. Avery. Miss L. Horn spent a few days with Oshawa friends, and was pre sent at Miss Vivian Goyne's trou soaux tea on Saturday afternoon, Mr, and Mrs. Will Ranton, Tren. ton, visited the latter's sister, Mrs Gertrude Virtue, on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Thompson, Dr. and Mrs. Davies, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. G. Ndger and Rosina. Courtice, were Sunday visitors at the home of H. W. Wilcox. The weather so far this week has been showery, The Metropolitan United Chureh, Toronto, was the scene of a pretty wedding on Saturday, Sept, 6, when Verna May, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Archibald Harris, 72 Belbam Rd, Toronto, was wedded to Mr, Wallace Philp Jeffrey, 76 Alexan: dra Mivd, Toronto, Rev, Dr. W. Sedgewick officiated, ' The bride, who was given in mar: riage by her father, was becomingly attired in eggshell satin, and veil of blossoms, She carried a lovely bou quet of talisman roses and lilies the valley. The bride was attended by Miss Nina Hicks, who was exquisitely gowned in orchid satin, and by Miss Rosalie Donnill who was charmingly attired in yellow printed chiffon, and carried tallsman roses. Little Miss Mary Vanstone, who acted as flower girl, looked pretty in her frock of pink georgette. The groom was supported by Mr. Ross Van stone Whig the ushers were Mr. Jack Suthérland and Mr. Bernie Black, The wedding music was played by Mr. Frank Houston and Miss Sarah Willlams sang "Be. oause." Following the ceremony a recep. tion was held at the home of the groom's parents, 76 Alexandra Blvd, The rooms were tastefully decorated with roses and gladioll. The bride and groom and the mothers of both, received in the spacious living room, Mrs. Harris wore black lace, with hat to match and Mrs, Jeffrey a gown of blue stk lace, and georgette crepe, with match ing hat, Each carried ophelia roses. Mrs. Garnet Flyn, Montreal, accom: panied Miss Dorothy Hobson, To ronto, who played a violin solo, The room's gift to the bride was a neck lace of pearls, to the bridesmaids, gold bar pins, and the ushers, gold cuff links, The happy couple left by motor for Youngstown, Oblo, and other points. On their return they will reside at 247 Eglinton Ave. W Toronto, The out of town guests were Mr, and Mrs, Fred Preston, Midland; Mr, and Mrs. F, E, Jeffrey Weston, Mrs. B. J. Roe, Highland Park; Mrs, I. Perry and Miss Ruth Perry, Ottawa; Mr. and Mrs, Samuel P. Mulldrew, Los Angeles; Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Flyn, Montreal, MANCHESTER Manchester; Sept, 10.--~The tractor plowing demonstration put on by the Massey-Harris Co, on Tuesday, Sept 9, in the field of Mr: Frank John ston, was quite a success. Much in. terest was shown by the farmers present. Mrs, McLean, of Lindsay, visited at the home of friends here lust week, Mrs, Fursey has returned after spending most of the summer with relatives In Toronto and Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Lamb and son, Bob, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mr, Frank say they wero accompanied Ly ab older son, Franklin, who has spent the summer with bis grandparents, and is returning to school in Lind say. Miss Rilla Windmere of Lindsay was nu week-end visitor at the home of her uncle, Mr. Charles Lamb. Miss Helen Crozier was a visitor to Toronto on Wednesday last. Mr, and Mrs, W, 1. Walker spent Nonday with friends in Greenbank, Mr. and Mrs, Willlam Munro and family, Mr. and Mrs, Spencer Nora spent « day at Port Bolster 'The threshing machine is steadily at work in this district, wenther is warm fit is are hoping the rain keeps off for a few more days, The W.M.8, will meet on Friday, Sept. 19, at the home of Mrs, W. I, Walker, A full attendance is re- quosted, PROSPECT NEWS Prospect, Sept. 12, -- Mr, George Smith wus successful in winning quite a number of prizes 'on his herd of Holstein cattle at the Oshawa Fair. Mr, George Williams has sold his farm fo Mr. Ball of Greenbank, who is to take possession on Oclober 1st. Mr. Williams is moving to Toronto for the winter. Mr. Will Martin purchased a team of Western broncos at the sale of Mr. Joe Willson's on Saturday last. Miss Mary Martin spent the weck: end in Toronto where she attended the wedding of her friend, Miss Mary Burns, which took place on Saturday afternoon, The Prospect school was well re presented at the school fair which was held at Manchester on Wednes- day last. Master Lloyd Smith won the most prizes in the school, Bob bie Vernon coming second, 'I'his will entitle Lloyd to the bus trip to Toronto, Mrs, Chris Willson and Miss Incas of Fagland spent Wednesday ufter- noon at the home of W, Martin Mr. and Mrs, H, Walker and tam fly, Mr. and Mrs, C. W, Lakey, had a very enjoyable trip to Niagara Falls on Saturday returning home Sunday evening. Miss Lveline Ballard entertained a few of her friends at a birthday party on Wednesday evening .in our net, caught with a wreath of Hes Lamb. On their return home to Lind- ON'T you wish all your food could be bathed in sunshine during its making? During the whole process of mixing akery, Sunshine Bread is flooded with the rays from a battery of ultra violet ray lamps. Every particle saturated with vitalizing, en- ergizing sunshine rays. But even without this exclusive pro- cess hi would prefer Sunshine Brea It has an entirely new flavour ... just a suggestion of sweetness. It is an extra long loaf which cuts into daintier slices, more slices. Let your family taste Sunshine Bread today. Order a loaf from your grocer, or you may get a loaf from our sales- man. A telephone call will bring him to your door. TELEPHONE 2420 or ORDER from your GROCER Mr. and Mig, J. Barber visited with their daughter," Mrs. Harry Aukwood of Oshawa one day this week. Miss Katherine Kines spent ri day evening at the home of Mrs George. Williams, Mr, W. W. Holtby has purchased a new Massey-Harrvis tractor and has started his fall plowing. England To Have New Garter King of Arms London, ---- As Hereditary Tarl Marshall of England it will fall to the youthful Duke of Norfolk, who celebrated his coming-of-age only lagt year, to recommend to the Sovareign a successor to the late Slr Henry [Farnham Burke in the more more august office of Garter King of Arm This official is head of the College of Arms, and is responsible for the granting of armorial bearings in kngland and the Empire Overseas The late Garter King of Arms came of a family which had long been assoclated with matters gen- calogical Hig grandfather was John Burke, who founded the well- known book of reference, "Burke's P'ecrage," which first appeared a little over a century ago as a "gen- ecological and heraldic dictionary." Hi father was Ulster King of Arms and Keeper of the State Pa- pers in Ireland, Sir Henry Burke's immediate predecessor as Garter King was Sir Alfred Scott Gatty, member of a family whose literary efforts rendered them well-known in a much wider circle thap that of the peerage and baronetage. Sir Alfred wrote the once popular song, 'True till Death." One of his sigters, Mrs, Ewing, was author of the delightful story, "Jackapa- pes." A -------------- ALL IN THE FAMILY She called to visit a young lieu: tenant in a war hospital, but the matron sald: "We don't allow ordinary vigit- ors at present, Only relatives" "Oh, that will be all right, then," said the girl, - "You see, I'm Lieu- tenant Smith's sister." The matron laughed. "My good- ness," she said, "I'm awfully glad to meet you. I'm his mether." h ==) ly Y SU / ip 4% NOURISHING DELICIOUS ECONOMICAL M770 i

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