Oshawa Daily Times, 18 Sep 1930, p. 1

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A ' Growing Newspaper in a Growing City Che Oshawa Daily Times Succeeding The Oshawa Daily Reformer "All the News While It Is News" VOL. 7=-NO. 66 Published ot Oshaws, Unt. Vay Escort Sunday , Every * and rrr Bh rnld OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 930 15 Cents a Week; 3 Cents a Copy FOURTEEN PAGES a News in Brief By Canadian Prom) Says Capone Heads Auto Ring Now York.--Al (Scarface) Cap- one, Chicago underworld chief, was sccused of being the head of a nation-wide automobile theft ring yesterday by Willlam 8, Hayes who was arrested on a charge of selling stolen cars, A . LJ L Giets Vive-Year Term Woodstock, --Five years penal servitude was imposed on Alexan- der H, volley by Mr. Justico Rose in Supreme Court here yosterday afternoon, when he wus found guilty of shooting a former em- ployer, James Henderson, Fast Nissour! farmer, with Intent to kill, in the latter's home, March 15 last. . Honor Colonial Premiers London, Eug.--The prime min- isters of Canada, Australia and New Zealand, will be proseuted with the honorary freedom of the city of London on the occasion of thelr attendance at the imperial conference, LJ King Lauds Marquis of Aberdeen London, Eng.-- His Majesty has went a congratulatory telegram to the Marquis of Aberdeen upon having attained his fiftieth year as Lord Lieutenant of Aberdeen- shire . . ' Killed «luth Alexan was killed when at Loma- Aviatriy Han Diego, Calif der, local aviatrlx, her noroplane chashed portal, within the city limits here carly today shortly after she had taken off for a proposed one stop flight to New York. . Hurt in Blast Wash. -- Fifty ono seriously, and miles around was an explosion of 5,000 dynamite which des Fifty Everett, were injured, property for damaged by pounds of persons WHITBY MAN BADLY HURT IN BLAST Morrison Sentenced to Ferm of Life Imprisonment| ELIMINATING DANGEROUS CROSSING ON KINGSTON ROAD SENTENCE PASSED TODAY FOLLOWING CONVICTION ON MANSLAUGHTER COUNT Judge Raney Declares He| "Woman Killed at Did Not See How the Jur-| ors Could Have Arrived at Any Other Verdict INSANITY PLEA IS DISCOUNTED | track of the Colborne | when struck by a race horse owned ! | Howard, | formerly Jury Out Over Four Hours | Framing Their Verdict, | Which Was Returned at crowd from the track Colborne Fair Tho Times) { 18, «Mrs. Frank | Windsor, | killed | the race | Fall Fair | (Bpecial to Colborne, Sept. 112 Oak Ave, of Grafton, was { Wednesday afternoon ut Howard | Inadver barrier | the | nied | ter by James Thomas , Mrs, who was 69 years of age, tently got inside the rope which was supposed to divide She half hour vin nn after rece 4, 30 Yesterday Afternoon | rible injuries s about tho throat and (By Whithy Staff Reportier) Whithy Sept, 18.=Willlam Morrison of Oshawa found guilty by a jury yesterday of manslaughter in connection with the death of his wife in thelr home In Oshawa on April 20 last, was this afternoon sentenced to a teem of life Im. prisonment in the Vortsmouth ruget Sound and Al- troyed the Powder Plant yesterday. anka Over 250 Injured As Police Rush Mob | (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Bombay, India, Sept, 188, More than 250 persons including many women were injured in police at. tacks on obstructive mobs swarm- ing about the town hall pollinz place where the. Dombay legisla tive election was. helt tonay. The police arrested 352 women and 18 men the women were re ad tor Penitentiary by Mr, Justice Raney. In passing sentence, Justice Rancy sald, "I have no alter. native but to give you life imprisonment. However, you may make application, on re. commendation of the attorney. general, to the governorsgeners al of Cannda for alleviation of the sentence." He remark. ed that the jury might well have found Morrison guilty of the charge of marder on which he was tried, and added an recommendation that he nent, PERREAULT HEADS GOOD ROADS ASSN. (By Canadian Press Linsed Wire) Quebec, Sept, 18. The Canadian Goodl Noads Association yestorday chose ns its prosident for 'the in- coming year Hon, J. K Perreault, K.C., minister of highways of Que- bac. Mon. D, A, Stewart, minister of public works, New Brunswick, bacameo honorary president and Hon, N. B. Lougheed, minister of public works, British . Columbia, Hon, A, C. Stowart, minister of highways, Saskatchewan and Hon. R. Hibbs, muster of public works, Newfoundland, bocame respectively first, second and third vice-presi- dents, Goorgn A, McNamoen, Mont. real, was re-elocted necrotary-tromns- urer, . A long list of directors, in- cluding representatives of aach pro- vince, wag named. IN PARLIAMENT (By Canadian Prose Lossed Wire) Ottawa, Sept, 18.-Today Parliament: The Eenate will continue consid. eration of the Unemployment Re lief Bill in committees of the whole, The House of Commons will continue the debate on the tariff changes, Yesterday in Parliament; The Renate gave first and sec: ond readings to the Unemployment Relief Bill and considered it in commitlee, The House of Commens debated the new tani schedules, Royal Couple In Motor Race (By Canadian Press p Prot Lossed Wire) Monza, Italy, Sept, 18,--Crown Prince Humbert abd Princess Mario Jose of Belgium, his bride of nine months explained to their intimates today the thrills of a race at 94 miles an hour which they enjoyed in the Monza international motor. drome yesterday afternoon, * The Prince and Princess raced against each other, WEATHER Nressure is high over the Great Lakes and Kastern States, with a deep low area in western Canada and a shale low depression over eastern Quebec. Light showers have ocourred in northern Ontario and the St. Lawrence Valley while in the west the weather has been fair and warm, but is becomng cool with showers in Alberta, Moderate temperature prevalls from Manitoba casts ward to the Maritimes, Lower Lakes and Georglan Bay==Moderate to fresh west and Northwest winds: fair: eool tonight, Friday--=i'resh in southerly winds: fale and warm, a | I the overs in whose" charge Morrison was kept would send him to the proper Institution with as little delay as possible, Whithy, Sept," 18~William rison of Oshawa, on trial 1 the murder of his wife in theiz home on Kingsdale Avenue, Oshawa, on April 29 last, was vesterday afternoon found guilty by the jury trying the case, on a charge of manslaughter The jury was out for over four hours considering the evidence, and return ed at 430 p with its verdict as given above, clearing Morrison of the dread charge of wilful murder, finding him guilty of the lesser crime in connection with the tragic death of his wire, - In commenting on the verdict the jury, Mr. Justice Raney, the pre. siding Judge, said he did not see how the jurors could have arrived at any other verdict, He deferred ey until the conclusion of the other criminal case on the docket of the court, the trial in which is under way today The crime for which Morris found guilty was committed on morning of April 29, last, when his wife was found dead in her bed, her skull battered to a pulp by blows from a hatchet Morrison himself was missing, but was located later in t' + day by police: officers in a field adjoining Park Road North. He had made a feeble attempt at his own life by drinking a quantity of lysol, and trying to cut his throat, but his effort failed, and he recovered from his self-inflicted injuries At the trial, the defense counsel, Alex Hall, put up a strong plea of insanity, but the jury in its verdict, dircounted the insanity plea, and found the accused guilty of mane slaughter, FRANGE BUDGETS MORE FOR DEFENCE Increase of 750,000,000 Francs Announced to Cabinet Today Mot I} ol MW the (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Rambouillet, France, Sept, 18, An increase of 750,000,000 francs in IPrance"s defense budget was made known when the finance min. ister's figures for the wext year wore handed to the cibinet today. While Premier Tardieu's econ omy orders had been made effec. tive and the cabinet had approved the proposals at an overall figure slightly under the current budget the total Is 60,100,000,000 frunes (about $2,004,000,000), About 6.000,000,000 francs ware pared off the estimates so that taxes might not have to he Increaged, The war, navy and alr ministries and other' military departments were allowed 12,200,000,000 francs, nearly one fourth of the budget, and | | | wero body. the will be purivd « ditui Four Killed in Pottsville, Pa Mine Blast Four miner killed and two Injured seri ously by a gas explosion at the Sherman mine late yesterday Waterloo many by a In the water Kitchener turnip crops have been ruined attack of disease turnips lice and County localities two-fold form of core in | Turnip Crop Ruined | $150,000 JOB tha most trafficked and dangerous of highway grade crossings on the Kingston Road will soon be climinated through the construction of an. overhead highway bridge, which is now being erected on the highway near Scarboro' Post: ffice, s ome ten miles eact of fic hy t being contributed by the railways, the Province and the Dominion Grad ¢ Crossing Fund One of is expected to be ready | IS PROGRESSING WE Toronto, T ddle of November, will cos he work, which was started last July, t $150,000, of which a percentage is The approaches each five hundred feet in length, con tain some 15,000 cubic yards to hill, and provide a gentle gradient to the new high-level crossing. ready for placing. Are Making America' s Cup Series All Over Enterprise Away Ahead | And Will Probably Win | Fourth Straight Race | ty Canadian Press Leased Wire) U.S5 Kane, of America's Cup course, Sopt, 18.-=The United Statos Sloop Knterprise today completed a successful defense of the Historie Ameri ca's Cup when she won the fourth straight ence and the International series, four vices tories to none, U.B.8,, Kone, off America's Cup Course, Sept, 15. The internation nl series for custody of the Ameri c's Cup. Most famousx of all yacht ing trophios, appeared be all over at the ten mile mark of the fourth race today with the Ameri can defender Enterprise leading Shamrock' V, the challenger, by elght minutees and 60 seconds, The Enterprise, away first from the starting line, lost her advant- age after n fow minutes and trail- ed the British boat by 200 yards 20 minutes after the start But she did not stay behind long. Crossing over to the weather berth and holding close to the (Continued on Page LORD BEAVERBROOK SUFFERING FROM PARA-TYPHOID While Case Not Considered Serious, He Is Being Closely Watched (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) London, Eng, Sept, 18,--Lor Beaverbrook is {ll with para- typhoid. His case, however, is not believed to be serious, "His friends," sald porson close to the nowspaper peer to- day, "are encouraged to believe he will have a speedy recovery." Lord Beaverbrook took 11 three weeks ago while on a yachting holiday and was brought into the port: of Dover for consultation with physicians there. It was an- nounced he had food poisoning. Later his home in Londen gave out the news of his pdrtial r\ov- ery but sald he would not be able (no koep public engagement for rome time, Today's announcement 'af his tHiness, although couched in reas: suring terme, gave rige to consid- erable comment and his progress will be watched most closely, to on w) n Canada's Tariff Changes France Uneasy (By Canadian Press Lotsed Wire) Parls, Yesute, abt 18. Can: ada's uel tari Fos are creat. thE uneasiness Jo Yrance, Al | though full detalls are not yet av. aflable' there is already a hint in| French official circles of Pols reprisals, t's net gencrally Canada. ' sald a high cial to the Canadian Press today, "that France ls the second largest realized in Importer of Canadian wheat, being [surpassed only by Britain, | "Canadlan statistics do nol nc curately revoal the situation, They show the volume of Canadian wheat exports to Britain but they do not indicate the amount of those British purchases of Canadian wheat which is subsequently divert. ed to France, France indeed buys most of her Canadian wheat cn the British market "In 1920," the official continued "France bought about $23,000,000 worth of Canadian wheat on the British market It Is quite trie that France this year has a .poor wheat crop. We shall have to im port more than usual, But there In lots of wheat in the world just now und if French exports to Can- nda are affected seriously France may have to consider her position in regard to Canadian wheat," Blast Brings Death to Seven Ten Others Narrowly Escape Death in Nova Scotia Coal Mine (By Canadian Press Leassd Wire) River Herbert, N.8., Sept. 18. Men and women of this little Cum- berland county town clustered last night near the pit head of "Old Victoria mine, while rescue crows labored 1,200 feet beneath the sur- face to bring out the bodies of seven men who died when a gas pocket exploded in a now seam. Of gov- enteen men working in the mine when the explosion occurred: at seven p.m, last night, ten escaped, soveral more or less seriously burn. od or suffering from the effects of gas, It was the first mine explo son or major tragedy in the his- ory of the town. The dead ~~ Phillip Brine, mar- rind and the father of two chil: dren; Willlam Burke, married, nine two children; Wilfred White, wid- owor, three children, (the Whites wore not brothers); Clarence Mee Grath, single, Amele . Krawlick, single. Simon Fowler The men in the mine at the time of the explosion were on the three to eleven o'clock shift. Had the accident happened a few hours earlier, a much larger number would have been affected. Im- mediately the alarm was given, Charles Kent, manager, Oswald Fife; Robeet Belmano, and Charles Gates went down in a rescue at: tempt, but were themselves over: come and were dragged' out un- conscious, French offi- | Reliof Worl Bennett Faces Sharp Censure 'On New Tariff | King Moves Want-of-Con- | fidence Motion in Con- servative Government (Py Canadian Fress Leased Wire) Ottawa, Sept. 18 Debate on the government's tariff proporals will continue in the House of Commons | en-| today At tho same time, the 8 ute will be deciding the fate of the government hill (to extablish a fund of $20,000,000 for Unemployment The upper chamber! yesterday gave first and ind | readings to this measure The first attacl the ment's tariff changes came day from Rt. Hon, MacKenzie King, opposition leader He moved an amendment which had the a want-of confidence motion lows: Want of Confidence Motion ""Thig house regrets that the gov ernment has seen {it at a special session called to deal only with un- employment to propose great in- creases In customg taxation on a wide range of commodities under cireumstances which preclude this house and the country from secur ing ndequate information regarding the proposals and prevent proper parlimentary discussion of them, "In the opinion of this Houge the tremendous increases in taxation proposed will not end unemploy- ment, hut will inevitably increase the cost of living, and will also in- crease the coset of production in (Continued on Page 10) ROC on govern yester as fol- NEW MODERATOR REV. DR. E. H. OLIVER, Principal of St. Anfrew's College, Saskatoon, who last night was olected Moderator of the General Council of the United Church of Canada, effect of | The picture shows some of the steel work al ready in position, with other beams AS GASOLINE Marconi Heads (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) | | | | | Rome, Italy, Sept. 18.---Gugliel- | mo Marconi was elected president | | of the Italian Royal Academy by | acclamation today. Senator Marconi succeeded Sena- for Tittoni, who resigned for sons of health, The election wag most that Senator Marconi not belonged to the unusual thus far academy in had | itself Premier Mussolini today obtain ed King Victor Emmanuel's signa- | ture to decree making Marconi both an academician and the presideut of the body. The premier, | ter, accepted the | President Titton! in a laudatory let resignation of | Paralysis Case in Guelph | Guelph Infantile paralysis has | made its appearance in Guelph, one case having been reported Bishop Matheson Improves Ottawa Most Rev, 5. PP. Mathe- ton, primate of the Chureh of Eng- land in Canada, who entered hos- pital Tuesday was reported today to be considerably improved October 29 is Date Set For Nine Ontario By-Elections Toronto, Sept. 18.--Announce- ent was mude yesterday by Pre- un Ferguson; following the first | Council of his reorganized Cabinet that Lo AHO nine by-elections » held on Wednesday, Oct, Pio, nomination day will Saturday, Oct, 18 Five of theso by-elections are made necessary by the recent ele- vation to full Cabinet rank of Hon Edward A. Dunlop, former Minis ter without portfolio, North Ren frew, and four private members o | the Legislature, Brig-Gen, Thoma (1, Kennedy, Peel: Leopold Mac- | aulay, South York: Di. John M, Robb, Algoma: and Rey G. Martin, Brantford.- The four other elections are to fill the vacancies in South Perth and South Lanark caused by thee deaths of David Bonis and «Dr, J. Anderson, and the vacancies | created in South Waterloo and Nip- | Issing when Karl K. Homuth and | Harry Morel resigned to participate fn the last I"ederal election, Premier Ferguson will not take part in the campaign, inasmuch as he is slated to sail from Quebec for England next Tuesday on hig first extended holiday in two years, Hon, George 8S. Henry, Minister of High- ways, who will be Acting Prime Minister while Mr, Ferguson is away, will take charge of the elec toral battle, Race Issue in Africa Revived London Opinion Differs on White Paper Issued by ' Colonial Office (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) * London, Eng., Sept. 18.--The old controversy in Africa of "Black versus white" so vehemently reviv- W. Grobler, the Hertzog differing toria of the Hon, P. G, minister of 'ands in cabinet, has produced ochoes in London. Mr. Grobler attacked the white paper recently issued by the colouniyl office, under Lord Passfield, or the subject of the treatment of the nativees of East Africa, declaring thant Bri. wan bound to affect injuriously the tain's soft policy in East Africa interests of South Africa. The Morniug Post: describes the much-debutsd white papi az 'a subordination of justice laying down as it Joes the principle that the interests of the African natives must «be paramount instad ot en. unciating the princip'e of equal Justice. The post hopes ths speech of Mr, Grobler will be a warning to White-hall. $50,000 Loot Pn Bank Robbery Lincoln, Neb.--1'6sses maintain vigils throughout southeastern Neb- raska for six bandits who robbed the Lincoln National Bank here of more than $50,000 yesterday. Willlam | ed yesterday by the speech at Pre- | &* - Ontario Seeks "To Quash Act | Wants Declaration That Do- minion Insurance Act Is Ultra Vires | (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Toronto, Sept, 18.--The attor- | ney general for Ontario before Jus- tice Garrow at Osgoode Hall today sought a declaration that the Dom- infon Insurance Act is ultra vires. W. N. Tilley, K.C., who with R. Leighton Foster and C, H, F. Cay- son appealed for the attorney gen- eral explained the dominion and provincial insurance acts were in serious conflict on important mut- ters, The action is one between the attorney general of Ontario as plaintiff and the attorney general for Canada, the minister of finance, the minister and George D. ¥iniay- son, superintendent of. the Domin- fon insurgnce department: as de- fendants. R.. 5. Robertson, K.C'., and J.T. Garrow appealed for defendants. The statement of claim sets out that the dominion act exercises a broad jurisdiction over insurance business in Canada. ANGLIGAN RECTOR FAVORS DOLE ON NATIONAL LINES Canon Vernon Would Have System Include Farm Laborer, He Reports (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Ottawa, Sept. 18. --Employment insurance along national lines, under Dominion government juris- diction with joint contributions from labor and industry carrying the scheme as completely as pos- sible, and with provision made to include the farm laborer, wag ad- vanced by Rev. Canon C. W, Ver: non of Toronto, when he made his annual report today as general secretary to the council for social service of the Church of England in Canada. Need for a native ministry in church in China was stressed by Rt. Rev. Phillip IL, Tsen, assist- ant bishop of Honan, when he: ad- dressed a mass meeting of Angli- can communion members here last night, The necessity of occidental missionaries remaining with their converts, ag a fundamental of suc- cess in mignionary work in his na- tive country, also was strongly pressed by Rev. Tsen, thoroughly trained the Anglican ) Italian Academy) rea- | WM. LOACH BADLY INJURED TANK BURSTS ENVELOPING HIM IN FIRE > - : | Whitby Farmer Now Lies in Oshawa Hospital in Seri- ous Condition, Suffering | From Terrible Burns -- | Brother Also Injured 'FARM BUILDINGS ARE DESTROYED Occurred When Brothers, William and Arthur Loach, Were Transferring Gasoline From One Tank to Ans other by Lantern Light | Accident (By Whithy Staff Reporter) Whiths 18 William Loach, on Thomas Loach, Kingston Toad lies in Osh- awa. Hospital in a sions condi tion as the result of burns received when the tank of a trac tor on the Ballard farm, north of Whitby exploded last night, Dr McGillivray, of Whitby, informed The Times thiz morning that the condition of Loach was somewhat fmpsoved since last night but he was not yet out of danger Late last night Arthur Loach, brother of the injured man drove in to the Ballard farm .and founda on his arrival that the supply of gasoline in his car had been ex. hausted. William Loach who waa at the farm veluntoered to get some gas from the tank of a trac« tor in a driving shed on the farm. While the two brothers were taking the gas from the tank the inflammable fuel hecame igaited from the flame in the lantern which they were carrying, In the ensuing fire and explosion Wils liam Loach received terrible burns about the body. His condition was such that he was rushed to Osh- awa Hospital-and it was at firs: thought that he had no chance for recovery. Arthur Loach, who was with him algo received burns about the hands and legs The driving shed was complete. ly destroyed, the tractor and all the implements in the building being consumed. Had the wind been in a different direction the large bank barn would also have been burned, William Loach 1: a brother of EZna Loach who lost her life on fhe Kingston Highway about three vears ago. His mother was killed in a similar manner this spring near their home, Farm Laborer Near Kitchener Suicides Sept, of woet gasoline (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Kitchener, Sept, 18.--The body of John Lehman, 28 year old farm laborer employed by C. D. Bowman, farmer at West Monte rose, 12 miles north of here, was' found in his employer's barn with a bullet wound in his head, He had been missing since yesterday morn- ing, The body was fouad in the straw loft, near-the floor between the straw and the outside boards of the barn, with a revolver be- side it. He had been in good health aud no reason for his rash act is known, Naval Parley Not Concluded Rome, Italy. -- The Giornale D'Italia is an evidently government inspired front page note today says the Italo-French naval conserva- tions are "not only not concluded but apparently not anywhere near solution," FREED OF WURDER ON INSANITY PLEA Mrs. Dora Peterson to be Held for Examination After Axe Slaying (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Regina, Sask., Sept. 18.---Mrs. Dora Petersen, 40, was dec'ared not guilty through insanity by a jury in Court of King's Bench last night after a two-day 'trial on a charge of murdering her husband, John, G4-year-old Criak district farmer. The jurors took two hours to decide on a verdict. : Mr. Justice G, 1. Taylor ordered that Mrs, Petersen be held in cus- tody at Prince Albert jail pending official action, Seven doctors gave testimony in the trial, On June 10, Petersen was found dead in bed, his head shattered by an axe.

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