Oshawa Daily Times, 18 Sep 1930, p. 10

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PAGE TEN "THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1930 OFFICER'S WIFE ADHITS SHOOTING is Now Charged With Mur- der Attempt While Hus- band Is Freed Toronto, Sept. 18.--Faced with sew facts which had been develop- »d during yesterday by Detective- Bergeants Harold Waterhouse and Joseph Ewing, Mrs. Dolly Lloyd late yesterday afternoon admitted In a signed statement to the police that she had shot her husband, Harold Lloyd provincial detective. As a result of her confession and sther evidence secured by the po- lice, she willbe charged with at~ tempted murer when she is able to leave St. Michael's Hospital where she is now confined, un- der guard, suffering from'a ner- vous breakdown. The charge of at- tempted murder when she is able been withdrawn. New United Church Hymnal Omits Many Old-Time Songs London, Ont, Sept, 18.--The new hymn book of the United Church of Canada was released for the first time at the close of the opening session of the General Council here yesterday. Nearly 700 hymns, including 60 psalms in metre, make up the new book. Canticles and psalms in prose which are yet to be added will bring the total to 740 num- bers, Many well-known hymns of the older type have been excluded from the hymnal, Rudyard Kipling's famous Recessional, which was at first omitted on account of its al- leged warlike spirit, has been re- stored to & place among the hymns on national and international life, CANADIAN HISTORY TO BE BROADCAST Montreal, Sept. 18.--Canadiap bistory, in dramatized form, wil! go on the alr this fall and winter. Sir Henry Thornton last night announced that in addition to the symphony concerts presented by Canadian musicians from Toronto on the national system, an attempt would be made to kindle in Cana- dians generally a deeper interest in the romantic early history of their country. WRECKAGE FOUND, SHIP FEARED LOST San Francisco, Sept 18, -- Wreckage of the steam schooner South Coast, which apparently foundered 200 miles north of San Francisco, was located by two steamers late yesterday. Coastguards headquarters or- dered the cutter Cahokia to steam full speed to the spot in an effort to save surviving crew members Between 15 and 20 men: were aboard the South Coast. FALL BOWLING TOURNAMENT HELD AT WHITBY GREENS Farewell Cup and Swanson Trophy Up For Competition In Elimination Tourney Play was commence] yesterday afternoon in the elimination bowl- ing tournament for the Colonel Farewell Cup, at the greens of the Whitby Lawn Bowling Club. Twenty-two rinks were present to start play with the greens in fine condition. The rinks were repre- sentative of Toronto, Peterborough, Cannington, Newcastle, Oshawa, Bowmanville and Port Hope. It was expected that the finals would not be completed until late in the evening. The results of the preliminary draw for the Farewell Cup are as follaws: FAREWELL Cup Preliminary WwW. J. Oke, Peterborough 14, Ed, Goodman, Oshawa 7. H. Breton Newcastle, 4; son St. Johns, Toronto, 17. Rev. McConachie, Highland Creek, 7; Detenbeck, Oshawa, 16, A. E, Sturgess, Whitby, 18; T. J. Reexon, Dentonia Park, 6 C. C. Stenhouse, Oshawa, 10; Fitzpatrick, Peterborough, 7. Livingstone, Cannington, 8; melle, Oshawa, 16. Jame- Do- FLOOR WAX "Cleans as well as Polishes" ou can't get good results with a poor wax---and you cannot get a good wax unless it contains good quality ingredi- ents. That is why you, too, should use HAWES'. Ask for it by name, Made by Edward Hawes & Co. Limited Toronto 27 AS FAMOUS AS HAWES' LEMON [0] | Sp an --] "i, PASTE OR LIQUID Shortening 11h, Pkg. ..0oes © 2 ""Easifirst" or 'Domestic' Take Advantage of | Special Offerings This Week End Cottage Butter io. 29c ie Qe ae Qe 00 6 AQ 4300 Wn 20 00 D0 00 AQ 130 W040 "Monarch" or "Five Roses' 4 1-1-1-2-2-2-1-1-1-1-.2_b.01_.=%-2-2-2--1] Victory, Sweet Mixed or Sweet "Flour Mustard for 29, 24 1b. Bag Pickles .... These 89. 33 oz 00r De Evaporated Milk, Tall Tin . i "Nestles"' or '""Carnation" for Ire Chateau Cheese, Plain or Pimento 1/5 1h. Pkgs. 2 Pkgs. Sle P.&G. Soap ...unases 10 Bars J Ae Fry's Cocoa... ...... 15 tb. Tin le Campbell's Tomato Soup .. 2 Tins 19¢ Date Jam Biscuits . . SL | Icing Sugar .. .....0 3 be. 2 le Toilet Paper, "Holly" Brand B ro: 23¢ Kipper Snacks .. ...... J mie 2c Quick or Regular Quaker Oats . . . Lge. Pkg. 2 J C u" Grape Nuts ..... rn. .pkg. 16¢ Kelloggs Pep .......pkg 12¢ 3 Small_Packages, 25¢ Crossed Fish Sardines. . .tin 15¢ Vinegar, Heinz 16 oz... . . bil. 18¢c Puppy or Dog Biscuits . 2 Ibs. 25¢ Sunwheat Biscuits . . . . pkg. 23¢ Lux .... ALYMER Peas Tea nd 3 tins 25C RED LABEL = 2m. Hic Crisco 3m. 65¢ Fresh Lean For Stewing or Meat Pies Beef Cuttings 2 bs. 235¢ Fresh Shoulders of Pork Ih. 20¢ BEEF Komp. 1Be wb. ile "Flat Rib Brisket ..... ib. 19¢ Round Steak Roast GENUINE SPRING LAM FRONTS 1h. 14e Beef Bologna, , Sticed 0 20¢ Fray Bentos Corned Beef, Sliced . . ib. 22¢ Weiners .... Ib. 22¢ First Round Oke, 8; Jameson, 14, Detenbeck, 12; Sturgees,5. Stenhouse, 10; Domelle, 13. Cochrane, Oshawa, 12; Thomp- son, St, John's, 13. Carruthers, Bowmanville, 'homas, Whitby, 12. Ford, Norwood, 9; Dawson, Port Hope, 11. McTaggart, Port Hope, 19; Dud- ley, Whitby, 6, Stevens, Cannington, stone, Whitby, 4. Second Round Thomas, 8; Dawson, 13. SWANSON TROPHY Consolation Played in Oshawa. Goodman, vs. Breton. Rev. McConachie, 8; Reesor, 17. Fitzpatrick, vs. Livingston. Cochrane vs. Caruthers Ford vs. Dudley. Vanstone vs, Oke. Sturgess vs. Stenhouse, 11; 18; Van. Here and There (609) As a nerve tonic more effectual than anything conceived by med- fcal skill, Canada's rocky high- lands and placid lakes were given first place by Sir Willlam Decour- cy Wheeler, M.D,, F.R.C.S,, inter- viewed recently st Lake Louise where he rested after attending the arduous convention of members of the British Medical Association held last month at Winnipeg. A note of confidence and sin- cere optimism in the soundness of Canada's economic position at the present time and faith in her fu- ture development was sounded by 2. W. Beatty, chairman and presi- dent of the Caradian Pacific Rall- way, at the banquet given recent- ly at Saint John by the Board of | confined | Columbia; | fn Canada this year. Trade of that city in celebration of the first sailing of the Princess Helene, new C.P.R. coastal steam- er, on the Saint John-Digby route, | Mr. Beatty said he hoped to see a second boat run alongside the Prin- cess Helene In the not distant fu- ture. Determination of the Canadian Pacific Rallway to maintain for Canada the pride of owning the lar- gest, (astest and finest ocean liner | on the Pacific and the company's | foresight in providing for needs beyond those of the present in the realm of transportation were laud- ed at Vancouver recently, at a din- i ner held aboard the liner Empress | of Japan, mew 26,000-ton Pacific vessel. Hon. R, Randolph Bruce, Lt.-Governor of British Columbia, added his tribute to those of nine other speakers at the function. Mrs. L. N. Calverley, wife of the | famous British surgeon, was cred- | ited with taking the largest fish, other than salmon, to be caught in British Columbia waters this sea- son, when she landed an 18%-1b Rainbow trout from the sparkling waters of Shuswap Lake recently. She Is a cousin of Lady Diana Duff Cooper who as Lady Diana Man- ners gained world-wide fame as the heroine of "The Miracle." The Banff Highland Gathering of 1930 goes down not only as the greatest yet so far as events and entrants are concerned but also for | | attendances since more than 10,000 spectators were present. Eight events ran continuously and con- currently; atheletic events were to Alberta and British dancing events added Manitoba to the list, while the pi- ping contests brought in the whole of Canada, Scotland, China and the State of Washington. Marking the earliest opening of the apple shipping season from Hal- ifax to Europe, over a week in ad- vance of last year, the first over- seas shipment of the fruit went September 2 In a cargo estimated at about 4,000 barrels of Nova Sco- tia apples. 'There is a record crop of polatoes It will total 66,500,000 bushels or 46 per cent. more than in 1929, according _to the latest official estimate. Poll toes are grown in commercial quantities in all the provinces of Canada. According to a statistical report, if all the wealth in the Dominion of Canada were equally divided it would provide $2,996 for each per- son. This does not include the value of Canada's undeveloped na- tural resources. The national wealth is placed at $28,940,000,000, an increase of $1,272,000,000 over the previous year, _ ...iiveil o This Great Healing Oil Must Banish Eczema and Skin Troubles Or Your Money Back Make up your mind today that you are going to give your skin a fea! chance to get well. Never mind what caused it--you've probably been, like a lot of other reople, convinced that the only thing to use was an oint- ment or salve (some of them are very rood), but in {2 big majority of «ci ses these sticky salves simply clog the pores, and, the condition primar- ily remains the same. Go to Jury & Lovell Ltd, today and get an original bottle of Moone's Emerald Oil (rull strength). The very first aplication will oi "you felief, and a few short treéat- ments will thor vu: lilv convince vou that by sti~king faithfally to it for a short while v1 <kin troubles will be a thing of th past. One bottle we know will show you Leyond all question that you have at last discovered ope sure way to re- store your skin to perfect health, Remember that Moone's Emerald Oil is a clean, powerful, penetrating antiseptic oil that does not stain or leave a greasy residue, and that it nust give complete satisfaction or your money cheerfully refunded. Bladder Weakness Getting -Up-Nights Quickly Relieved! Pleasant Home Treatment Works Fine; U-ec by Doctor for Many Ye. rs What a wonderful comfort it is to sleep at night and not get up once from Bladder Weakness and Irrita- tion, The daily annoyance, restless nights of misery, backaches, ner- vous irritability that result froin functional = Blalder Troubles are wrecking the lives of thousands who might otherwise be in the best of health, To be at your best, you must have peaceful, health-giving sleep and freedom 1-om daily irrit tion--that' why Dr. Southworth's URATABS give such wonderful satisfaction, Made from a special formula and used by the Doctor for many years ~URATABS, now obtainable from your druggist for inexpensive home use, have brought quick = help and comfort to many thousand No matter what your age may b: or how many medicines you have us- cd without vou want to forget you have a Bladder and en joy the rest of peaceful, unbroken sleep, try URATABS today Your druggist will 'refund the small cost if you are not well pleased, success, 1 BENNETT FACES SHARP CENSURE (Continued from Page 1) | | | | | | | {the primary Industries, agriculture, fishing, mining and lumbering, [thus making it more difficult for | Canadian producers in these indus- [ tries to meer world competition in| | marketing their products." | Protest Bennett's Method In opening nts speed Mr. King protested ag the manner in which the wernment introduced | ite many tariff change The ent session, he had been wil pres- | ald, ed to deal specifically with unem- ployment, with emergent conditions| "and not for the purpose of amend { ing the tariff of Canada.' | "Today Mi King continued under the emergent Canada | being alter its tariff to a de tensive than has been the cage since the tariff was placed on the books of thi parliament to changes between now | Monday so as to permit the premi rl to attend the ral conference in London was "in the nature of ce ercion of the most extreme form' The Liberal leader protested again | st the nature and extent cloak of an session, asked to ree more ex- tatute | 1." To ask] with thes | and next parliame deal fmpe the British preferenc ties and then said, "They ask us in the interval before going to the Imperial ee the statute hooks of short nference, to place on Canada Wn creases of duties agamst goods com | Ing from Great Britain to this cot try. 1s at conimon courtesy i | decency alone would have demand | that any that were to be with respect to | from other rts of | changes made in the dutic | goods coming | the British Empire left until aft I Centerence British Rates Increased Mr. King noted increases of percent in the British rates | and steel plates and on other li this cla:sification. Rates frigerators were increased 75 percent. | | : | | been 200 on 1rol items on re- | under the Brit preference and 30 | vercent under the general rates | Washing ine had been taken | off the Britain | and a duty of 1 provided | + hile the general rate was increased l from to - 3 percent wringe: mney wishers wor Iso taken from the free list from Great Britain and the 'ritish preference was increased on kitchenware, cream cans, and other similar goods, sometimes as much as as 100 or 1235 percent, he noted. The British rate on clothing had been increased and a specific impost add- ed; the rates on blankets, fisherman's sails, socks and stockings, boots and shoes had bee. raised, { Dealing with farm machinery, Mr King observed that the duties on one item, including drills and cultivators, had been raised 250 percent. On p'oughs, the increasg was 150 per- cent; on mowir~ machines 300 per- cent; on hay and potato machinéry 150 percent; on incubators 150 per- cent; on threshing machines, 1350 percent and on pasteurizing machines 150 percent, "Star Chamber" Tactics The Liberal Leader charged "star chambei" tactics against the Bennett government in determining the new duties, There had been no public hearing before a tariff boord where laobr, consumer and producer inter- ests might be heard. Mr. King suggested to the govern- ment, that in view of the fact th new tariffs were in effect, the debate be adjourned at the close of the veek, to be resumed upon the cle of the Imperial conference, ny other method of procedure, he said, would be railroading through this house, under coercive measures, the most inquitous tariff measure that cver has been prosented to any parli- ament," | Stevens Replies Hon. H. H. Stevens, minister of trade and commerce, who was the government member to answer Mr King, said the tariff was being am ended to give tens of thousands of Canadians jobs who had been thrown out of work by the innundation of foreign imports. Measures, also, he said, would be taken to assist agri- culture; particularly the marketing of Canadian wheat, ; It was only proper he said, tor the government to proceed to the imper- mac! om Great percemt free Li: { 25 Clothes fire cx firc en and ial conference after disclosing its tare iff principles rather than wait until after that event to make a general revision, The delegates would go "with their cards on the table" so that the governments' of the other nations would know Canada's fiscal policy without doubt. Charles B. Howard (Lib, Sher- brooke) said assurances should be secured from the manufacturers that the increases in protection would re- sult in higher wages for labor. A. A. "leaps ('abor, Winnipeg North) E. J. Young (Lib, Weyburn and Michael Luchkovich (UF.A., Vegreville) spoke against the pro- posals. YANKEES" RALLY NOT Ei "UGH St. Louis, Sept. 18--Despite a sev en-run rally b the Yankees in the eighth innin~, the Browns evened the series with Mew York yesterday, winning, 9 to 8 Fiwe pitchers, ost of them wild, toiled for the two teams, and each sct yielded nine h't Collins was credited with the victory, although Blacholder finished the game for th: Browns. TIGERS WIM IN COMEDY GAME Detroit, Sept. 17 Red Sox and Tigers put cn a slapstick comedy vesterday each .eam collecting fifteen hits, as Detroit won by 9 to 7 Earl Whitehill started for the Ti -- The ers, and was credited with his six- | t enth victory, although he allowed thirteen hits in six and one-third in nings George Uhle relieved him, ind held Boston to two hits for the rest of the game LJ ------------------ Awarded Bursary jrantford ~--~Word has ceived here that Miss Hartley, B.A., native of has been awarded the ernment 1930 bursary and will safl for Paris next month Last May heen Ethel this re- M. city, he completed a brilliant course at | the University graduating with honors in French and Latin. 0.A.C, Team Does Well Guelph Ontario Agricultural College officials here have received word the students' judging representing the college in products judging competition at the Eastern United States tion at Springfield, Mass., ed second place. The team JURY & LOVELL'S OPTICAL PARLOKS J. W. Wornull, Oph. D. Eyesight Specialist Phone 8215 French gov-| team | dairy | exposl- | captur- | won | INVINCIBLE OLIVES] first place in judging ice cream, while W, G, Loveless, won the dis- tinction of being the best individu- al judge in the competition. John R. Brinkley, goat gland re juvenation specialist, guilty of "gross immorality and unprofes- sional conduct," the Kansas Medic- al Board yesterday revoked his license to practice medicine and surgery in the state. Te | (@) Travel The King's Highway Daily Coach Service OSHAWA - TORONTO FARE 85¢ LEAVE TORONTO Gland Specialist Ousted Topeka, Kan.--After finding Dr, LEAVE OSHAWA Eastern Standard M. P.M. Time 5.00 1.30 w 5.30 2.30 30 3.20 00 4.30 .30 5.20 10.20 Zz 6.20 11.30 7.30 P.M, z 8.30 12.30 9.30 v 10.00 v--3Sunday only. w---Daily except z--=Saturday, Sunday and Holidays only. i ---------------------- Coach connections at Toronto for Barrie, Orillia, Brampton, Schomberg, Hamilton, B. intford, Muskoka Whart, Wasaga Beach, Midland, Ottawa, Niagara Falls, Buffalo and intermediate points, Coach connections at Puffalo for all U. points. AM, 6.20 7.30 8.30 9.30 10.30 11.30 P.M. 12.30 1.30 Sunday. B. A. Tickets and information at GRAY COACH LINES Genosha Hotel OSHAWA Phone 2825 "TRUE PERFORMANCE" --two simple words with a wealth of meaning--a victory long sou now achi ht, eved by the new 1631 Brunswick Radio--a receiving set that faithfully recreates sound adde: eddy as it is put on the air, nothing , nothing taken away. what "TRUE PERFORMANCE" means to you--perfect home enter- tainment. Completely armoured chassis, one dial control 'uni-selector,"' tone control, rigid tuning scale, power, seleciily, sensitivity, all these perfected, as only Brunswick could, to the highest dope makes possible Brunswick Ug PERFO INCE." ® By what it does a radio proves what It is. Performance is something definite, something you can easily judge for yourself. Visit your Brunswick dealer today, note the supreme beauty of the new cabinets, arrange for a demonstra- tion, this'only can reveal to you what "TRUE PERFORMANCE" really means. BRUNSWICK RADIO OF CANADA LIMITED Subsidiary of Warner Bros. Pictures Ine.

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