Oshawa Daily Times, 12 Sep 1930, p. 8

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low pvel- man Tike rant and shed m A ither Mee. 'y as ang- enti ls in nuch d of tra- a di- cap: own itory mer n be ance rath. Once bout elf ) CAN ves! ce nto ' the sity. une than Mee avel- oral- The d up t Ap been ago. § -- rie a PAGE EIGHT RL AO A AES EA ha BA A THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1930 - v ATHLETES THRILL CROWD BY FINE PERFORMANCES ON NEW TRACK First Oshawa Athletic Meet Proves Successful Affair Wonderful Performances by Visiting and Local Ath. letes Thrill Large Crowd on Second Day of Track and Field Meet--Central Y Produces Many Win- ners--Alex., Wilson, Billy Reynolds, Art Ravensdale, Dudley Powell, Bill Chris- Fair Stamdish, Jimmy Bartlett, Geo, Moss, Doug, Maundrcll and It, Me- Laren made a good showing in the open ovents, It was an wonderful meet, The spectators were kept informed by announcers, of all the events and there was absolutely no waiting The ovents succeeded each other rapidly and the fans had hardly stopped applauding one event he- fore they were ready to watch the finish of the next, Judging from the enthusiasm shown, Oshawa and district is very lable to have | "Big Bill" Tilden oe ' Still in Running Porvest Hills, N.Y., sept, 12-/I'he old regime in United Btulgs tennis bas not yet fallen, Frank Hunter, a6-yonr-0ld veteran, was beaten yesterday hy young Johuny Doeg in the quarter-final round hut Big BI} Tiidon nt 4% gave Johnny Van Iyn a tennis lesson and Is still the fav. orite to capture (he. title for the olghth time, second Heat==J, It, ghirubb, Bow- manvyille, Ist; 2nd, 1. Northam Port Whitby; wd. RR. MeLaren Whithy, "Time, 56.2 Thivd Heat--=Ii, Armitage, Osh awn 1st; 2nd, Halmon, Oshawn; ard, (i, Colmer, Bowmanville, Time, h6.A Fyvent No, First Heats 11, 220 Yds, Open | tie, Art Keay Percy Pick: ! # real honest to goodness Athletic 1g, Bill Christie, Central Y: 2nd, ' ' . | Club by this time next season, 1, Stewart, Central Y; 3rd, ¥, Car ard, Bob Stoddart, Bill THE RESULTS [ter, West End Y, Time, 24 fiat, d J k B d All| Events No, 1, Five-Mile Race second Heat==1st, Tom Ritchie, Engel an ac on | dae, Billy Reynolds, Galt Track [Central Y; 2nd, W. B. Hawken, i] Club; «2nd, Fred Sargent, Gall T.|Central Y, Time, 25.1 Win Events |; ard, Harold Webster, Hamilton Thiva' Heat==Dy, Murphy, Co S-- {Olymples; 4th, Geo, Ball, Wood: |bourg, Ist; XE Dore, - Hamilton (By Geo, Campbell) bridge; 6th, Loakler, Central Y.|[Olympics, 2nd Time 24.1 The tinal day of the OshaWa |p. youn) district entrant to fin-| Event No, 12, 880 Yds, Run, Fair Athletic Meeting climaxed iy "og Mogg, of Orono, Time 27, | Finale one of tho finest Track and Feld | Perey Plekard, Hamilton Olym meets ever held in Ontario, The Event No, 2 High Jump Open. | ples, 15t; 2nd, Brant Little, Notre large crowd which was on hand (!, Stargratt, Hamilton Olympics: | Dame University Ord WwW. John yesterday afternoon to seo the ly, 4 w Surphlis, Central Y.; 4rd, ston, West End Y Time, 2.08.1 men's events were treated to ONG ip pane Central Y, Height 6 (t.| Event No, 13, One-Mile Open of the most intereeting sporting yy, nehes 16f, Art, Keay 'Tovonto Police | events ever held in this city, Event No, 8, 100 Yds, Openi= | I'orce; 2nd, K, Neitz, Central Y Despite tho fact that the NEW. | gj heat | ard, P, Suttle, West End Y. Time two-day old track was not in condi- Bill Christie, Central Y 160: 14 36 tion to make records possible, [ang WwW, Hawken, Contral Y.; 4rd,| Event No, 14, Pole Vault Open kome very fine marks wero turned |p gyeennan, West End Y. Time, | Ist, It, Stoddart, Goderich; 2nd, in, Alex Wilson, Br, Empire Quar-{yq» | D, Mapundrell, Oshawa; drd, DA) ter Milo Champion, breczed around second heat-- Earl Deacon, Ham. mag, Hamilton Olympics, Helght the oval in the smart time of 9 Hoiton Olympics, 1st: 2nd, Dudley [12 ft and Dudly Powell, -ot West Knd |, 0, "welt" v Dr, Murphy, | Event No, 15. 220 Ydw., Open Y won the Century Open with Cobourg, dvd I'ime, 10.2 Finale the time of 10.1 and he wan run. | "ppp 0' yon i'n "Kendall. | 1st, Bil Christie, Central Y.; ning ngninst a head wind [West End Y nt dtandish Oshawa | 2nd. Tom Ritenle, Contral Yo! 8rd Thrilling Finish in Relay ond. Time. 10 " ! 1 Dore, Hamilton Olympics, Time The Mile Relay Race, the mec & ' J 4 nn ; h ourth heat==1:, Dore, Hamilton | #4 ond to lak event on the program {Olympics, 1st: 2nd, I. Carter, West | went No, 16, 440 Yds, Ontar jroved Lhe most thrilling race of (Bod Y Mime. 10 8 ' {to and. Durham, Finale the day, Percy Plekard, anchor) ™ Gof Nog First Heat, 100 Ist, Jack Bond, Oshawa: 2nd Kd mau for Hamilton Olymples and |g 0 Ontario and Durham Coun. | dle Salmon, Oshawa; dvd, F. Ar vtewart of Central Y, staged "i " mitage, Oshawa Time, 66.2 great finish, Hamilton had a large H., Colmer, RBowmanviMe. 1st: | Event No, 17. One-mile Relay carly lead but It was slowly cul 2nd, E. Northam, Dort Whithy: | Race down and these two anchor men |... Cyril Weeks, Oshawa, Time 1st, Hamilton Olymples: 2nd ran the last sixty yards, neck nnd 104 / ; Central Y.M.C.A,; 3rd, Toronto Pol neck, It looked like a dead-heat Second Heat==R. D1. McLaren, ice. Time, 4.372 but 'after a lengthy discussion, | wiiihy 1st: and, Bin Engel, Osh-| Fvent No IK. 440 Relay Race Hamilton Olympics were given the | oo.) po "Go awa, * Time. | Opene-- decigion, Pickard won hy loss than [y,50" : ! | "1st, West End Y.; 2nd, Central two inches and he collapsed after | Kyent No. 5. 120 Yard Hur |Y trd, Hamilton Olympics. Time the Face. dies 1 nil th fal Alex Wilson gave the fans a real | yu Apt. Ravensdale Cobourk THE OFFICIALK thrill when he took the 440 opan | Harrls. West End Y. 2nd: 4rd | Noferee -P. J Mulqueen in fine style, making excellent [Ww piordon Central Y. Time 15.4| Inspectors Thos, ~ A, Murphy time, R. Stoddart of Goderich boat!| vent No, 6. 100 Yds, Open. Sheriff J. F. Paston, Rosa McKin out Doug. Maundrell of Oshawa, | Somis Finale : : Pon. non for first place In the Open Pole 1st Heat--1st Bari Deacon. Ham Chiet Judge Charles Higgin Vault, ths jump being 12 feet, C |{110n Olympics: 2nd, Bob Standish. | bottom Stargratt won the High Jump. Art| Oshawa Time, 10.2 | Judges Robert Terr, Walte Keay, of 'Torento polles force Second Hent Dudlay Powell, | Knox, ¢.. M_ Mundy, W. J. D'Ales ran A beautiful race in the Open 1st, West End Y nd, NR Ken. andro Mila, to sake first place, Percy [gall West End Y. Time. 10.2 | Starter - John (Duke) MeGare Pickard, Hamilton O, ¢, wan the Event No, 7. 440 Yds, Open Chief Timekeeper-- Alhy Robin £80 Run, and Bill Christie Won [Jini e : : I non the 220 Open, [ 1st, Alex Wilion,- Br. Empire! Timekeep: A.B teel, RN Reynolds Wins 5-Mile Champion, Notre Dame University: | Strain, W. A. Hewitt, Robert Fal Billy Reynolds of Galt "'vack'| 2nd, Russ, Potter, Hamilton Olym- |coner, Rk, B Morden, J, H, Crocker Club won the I'ive-Mile race and pies: 2rd, A Muliss, Weet End Y.[H. WW. Nicoll his clubmate, 'red Sargent was |Time, 45.1 ' Clerk of Course---George H second, Harold Webster was (hird Event No, 8, 100 Yds, Ontaps | Beedhnm Geo. Moss of Orono was the (rst io and Durham, Finale Assistant Clerks of Course. W local district runner to finish 1st, BIN Engel, Oshawa: 2nd. H. | M. Gilbert, Dr, W. H, Gifford, Leon Local Athletes Do Well [Colmer, NowmanyMle: 2rd, 1, D.!Osior, George Walsh, Art Flack One of the most pleasing feal- | McLaren, Whithy. Time, 10% Chief Scorer-- Geo, Campbell ures of the program was the ox Event No, 0. 100 Yds, Open Assistant Heorey Raymond cellent races provided by the en: | Finale : Hughes, George Duthie, Nohert trants from Durham and Ontarlo Jet, Dudley I'owell, West End Y; | Holden, Ernin Wyer Counties, BUI Engel won 'the Dur-| 2nd, Karl Deacon, Hamilton Olym-| I'riza Steward Neil Felt, John ham and Ontario Century in the [pies; Spd, R. Kendall, West Ind Y. | Degruchy \ smart time of 10.2, The different {Time 10.1 Announcer Norman Walker heats in the local district 440 race Event No, 10, 4140 Yds, Ontar. Manager and Secretary of Games | provided some wonderful exhibls [io and Durham Only First Heate Jack Bond won the final by | 1st Jack Bond Oshawa; Bill Con ie margin from Eddie Salmon inor, Oshawa; fird, Cyril Weeks, | Armitage way third lob |o hawap Time, 66.4 | Su, EB BE TE Tin 308 FLITE | | STARTS SATURDAY q at Mun cognt!t show "Th yg Nn vapamont K€ 1 mal SA " Direct, Kers From C Tivoll Theatre Toronto Daily Matinees 2.30 p.m. | Ni aprecy NIC riain.n | Last Thnes TONIGHT Lon Chaney "The Man of A Thousand IacoseeNow Talks in | "THE UNHOLY 3" [The man who put the first Oshawa M Mcintyre Hood M. MACINTYRE HOOD Fale Athletic Meet across. A great deal of the credit for the goat success of the Track and Field Moet which was completed | yesterday, goes to "Mac" Hood, Manager and Secretary of the Mecting, He and his assistants put the meet across with only three weeks preparation, sah Rb i fr ---- i 1g pi ' ih 2 / ¢ j : ' dy { bins bys 3 bo MAKE GOOD SHOWING several of these boys, whose plc turse nre reproduced above, made uw very ereditable showing In the races yesterday at the Fair, Bil) Engel, the boy on the extreme left won the Ontavio and Durham 100 sd. race, Geo, Moss, second from the right, now resident of Orono and formerally of Oshawa, wis the first local district entrant to fin. ish in the B-mile race, He finished about tenth in the field, €, Dod. well, the vight, van a nice race in the S-mile event, PORT SNAPSHOT By Geo, Canrsmu, Sports Bditer A Very Successiul Meeting vill be brought to a I'he first of what we annual event, the Oshawa ¢ und Field Mect, was Oshawa have taken expect ai ye sterda Field Was o sniu) close k und [her treat ' to the Tra sport great Accord sport. {a ul vith even more enthusiasm than was expected vesterday and the re given a real Kr % tu be during 1! iK to statements made by me of wiest workers int and Field sport, it was « of the best fine held in Canada turned in Some ave the crowd a treat when he wo Just Like Clockwork I'} pleas { ture of the me wits the pie ind efficie I'te spechators did not have nt followed in Oshawa Becomes Real Track Centre and fhe ( Le tra | at ti was of cd and yesterda t, Mackinnon, 2 I ang known Osh (Wi wortsmen, who became wenry seeing the After ndstand in use but much effort and a great deal of work VOFSCTA KB ocour install d, Hood, who undert th that 1 stand will eir eset Ha'l cer, foutba fair Rt other vea N {thriving rt pereation atin it He trac may gleaned trom the r the Ales, Wilson, returning to Notue 40 1.3 se I'he quality ol ults of the various events, champmon Lnmiversity, cove in the e British Empire, who.) Dan sprints ll th ter=-mitle in onds, while the time hay turing compared tavorah with the times made vn other tracks during nmer In eannection with the quarter-mile event, a line example © good sportsmanship was displayed | Norman Penlington, an athlete from West Ind YMCA In the draw for lanes, Alex Wilson seen ed the pole position, while the bespecia led Toronto youth drew the econd lane I'he lane on the pole was a trifle soft, and, realizing that Wilson, who was favored to win the even! would have a much better chance of making fastér time in the second lane, the loronto runner volunta ugested that Wilson exchange places with him, Wilson won the race with ease, while Penlington was unplaced Taken from the Toronto Globe . . . . Chevys, vs. Wawas Tonight Tonight's the night of the second game of the series hetween the and the Owen Sound Wawanekas, You can't afford to Stadium, Wawas" Oshawa Chevs miss this game tonight which will played at the Motog at 0.00 o'clock sharp, The Cheys, ean eliminate Be on hand te cheer them along, LJ » . . Oshawa Bakery Jrs, Play Tomorrow Tomorrow afternoon at Viaduct Park, Toronto, the Oshhwa Bakery Jrs, and Hamilton Gurrys will meet the third time, to decide which team will go on in the OASA, junior playofis, The game is called City stafting the by a victory tonight to start at 4.00 pm, and the officials, in charge of the game are McLeod and Taylor, of Toronte, LJ » . . Our Error In an account of the Lawn Bowliug tournament held at the Osh: awa Greens on \\ednesday, it was given in yesterday's paper that J Comrie's rink was defeated by H, McTaggart's rink, by 18 to 17, ) Coinrie's rink won this match, in fact they had three victories during the day's play, A terrific right to the Jaw, which! AMERICY Philadelphia, New York Cleveland Detroit #t, Louis Boston Claveland n xChicago ,.. 4 x12 Inning | Bt, Louis , 7 Only threo x NATIONAL | Chicago St, Lou) Brooklyn Now York | Pittsburg | Boston Cincinnati | Philadelphia Brooklyn ! Chicago 'a | | Bt, Louis Y New York .. 4 | Phlladelphia 15 Cincinnati i | Pittshurg i Boston ve | Washington ... Chicago ...... Yesterday's BASEBALL RESULTS INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE Won Lost P.C Rochester ....00. 100 bE B35 Eultimore vase U2 60 080 Montreal ..ovveee 80 T0 BOY Toronto oversees 86 90 BUS Newark ova veee 184 BD 4060 Buffalo over eee B9 85 A4N Roading co veivioe 83.908 34} Jorsey Clty sone BAT A374 Yesterdny's Results Rochester 12 Toronto ......% Buffalo «8 Montreal ,,...! Hending .. 11 Jersey City ...0 Baltimore ,, 3 Newark 1 AN LEAGUE Won Lost P.C APE $4. 41 481 sees BB BB 634 viral 80 58D sean h 87 a ceria 15 AR2 wees ch BA A400 sea shh Ad BIG 'oe vr 48 2 494 Yesterday's Hesultn New York h Doston Hi N Washington 1 ames sehednled LEAGUE Won Lost PC, 0 ho 76 9 bh b7? ' 50 #0 B11 14 #2 bb4 73 nh ney ' Gh ih 441 oh Kl A04 47 H3 nas Results wo wo | Al, Singer Is K.Od. by McLarnin New \ 01 Fept | Al Sing ar's first ring battle as a world's title-holder was a complete crush ing, humiliating fatlure without {affecting hin lightweight champion {ship, The Bronx lund, who only rec ently knocked .out Samm Mandel | for the 1506pound erown, was him |selt knocked ou | second time in hig career, when he {the succumbed to t t last night for the he devasting powe Track Prominent Men in All Lines | of Canada's Track and] Field Athletics, Extend) Hearty Congratulations to Men in Charge of Oshawa | Fair Athletic Meeting -- | Predict Bright Future for | Oshawa in This Line of | Sport | The warmest of pralse for Lhe Oshawn men who had been respon. wible for the installation of (he new cihder track at Alexandra ark, and for the successful com pletion of the amateur athletic measting held here on Wednesday end Thursday, was expressed b) high officials of the Amateur Ath letie. Unfon of Canada at an In« formal dinner tendered the offic! als and club representatives at the of yesterday's program of athletics, The dinner was held In the Hosvital Auxiliary dining tent | at I'alr Grounds, and at the close with M, McIntyre Hood manager and secretary of the meet un master of ceremonies, there | wan a short program of speeches pecial tributes were pald Dr, ¥, 1, Henry, ehalrman of the Parks Board; W, M, Gilhart, chaly man of the sports committes of the alr, and tn Ross McKinnon for thelr splendid and untiring work In bringing the cinder track hein nnd the chalrman of the occaglon for the capable or. sanization of tha athletic menting Dr. Hen in responding, voleed close the in into fo Boxer Loses Fight K.O'D. By Referee Okanogan, Wash sept 12 Jimmy Downey, boxer, was having |difficulty in connecting with his op iponent's chin here 'Wednesday Inight, wo he shut his eyes, and | whanged away hopefully, None of | the potential haymakers landed on opponent, Cotton Fryant but of them caught Neferce Gene one back of the punches of Jimmy Mes {putin in the mouth Yritte forgot | Larnin, Congt Irishman, in the (411 ahout refereeing and sent a siz {third round of what was to have | ;)ing left to Jimmy's chin and al [been a tenround battle at the Yan. pea pight aross to top it off, Jim. | | lier indium A crowd of about my went down for the count | 125,000 men and women hoxing fans : - - which paid receipts estimated nl " | $200,000, paw MeLarnin polish off Al Ba fert | the lightweight champion after ey Ad | actly 2 minates, 21 saconds of the i third round, nde | omprehens pions this sinlw leona ered [a1 [title ve tinetion of « made Finger nct affected bh ruler of 1h Under the pun went down, one nine, and then f ishing eount of exciting and pul tle ax has been Win the without ling nnothar to the Het cof ring cham art of boxing ha enjoying the hitving won a ver na it hin vertebrae Wins Bout | From Siki Toronto, Bept, 12 Al Baffort, | : | the sensational French wrastler, | the blow finished | 5,06 more defeated Rog Siki, the uh Labepound closs, | Apyusinian, when he scored two eh, Finger (wico| out of three. falls in the main efor the count of | oye at the Avena Gardens last or the full and fine | yen In all the mateh lasted ten seconds. in as | ane hour, 35 minutes and 32 see pe-throbbing a bat | uae , pre | Are | acen here in years The bout, which was a lang known, who 440 yd. race Ontario entra vestorday it has been expect neason, JACK BOND Well known local athlete, age un to tho other competitors in the afternoon, Now can run, when he wants to, we him to step, high and wide with the Blue Devils thiy showed his heels for Durham and nts, at the meet that Jack proven that drawn-out affair, did not appeal to the majority of those present «n recount of ita duration, 'he wrest ling, however, was first-class, with the result being in doubt til the last Baffert was conceded the first fall In 60 minutes 48 seconds when tha cartilage of Siki's right log meizcd up, causing him great pain and fore ing him to retire to the dressing room, where he was troated hy Dr, Crawford After having his leg treated Siki proceeded where he left off in a very businesslike mannar, and hee fore long had Baffert securely loash- ed with an arm scissors and wrist lock, keeping him in that position for almoat % minutes, after whieh timo ha released his opponent and tried to secure a hold for a body slam, but was checked. Close Match After 43 minutes 13 seconds of the hardest kind of grappling Siki aprung a surprise on the ¥rench- man by pinning his shoulders to the mat for the second fall after a Well Known Sportsmen Congratulate Sponsors of and Field Meet | his opinion {the that a new ora of development hud opened up for Alexandra Park os the centre of athletie activity in Oshawa, and this thought was echoed hy W, M, Gllhert, rwho predicted that Oshe awn would swoon become the home of many outstanding young nthe letes, My, Melinnou, in as brief address, sald that through the pube He sehools and colleginte Institute of the city, the work of training ung developing athletes, so ug Lo have vepresentative teams of Ophe awn and digtrict boye, would be carvied 'on more intensively than ever now that there wns proper equipment and a proper track and athletic field for them , ¥. Higginhottom, of the Ontario Branch of the president Aman tour Athletic -Unlon of Canada, in wn onpirited wpeech warmly com phmented wll those who had part In organizing snd promoting the meeting, which he gald was one of the most guceersful ho had ever witended, He expressed nmazement ut the short time in which the work was done "If anyone asked me he sald, to slugs an athletic meeting of this calibre with only three weeks fo do It In, I would tell them that it would not he done, But theus men in Oshawa did not know that it could not he done, #0 they went nhead and did it," Mr, Higginbottom predicied a bright future for Oshawa in track and field athle'ic tnd expressed the opinfon that in all probability the Ontario champlonships would be conducted in this city next suine me Alby Robinson and Robert Fale coner,, veteran time-keopers at athlete meetings, also highly coms manded the local officials on their work, and Dave Strain, of the West End Y.M.C.A, Toronto, expressed thanks of the visiting athletes for the splendid hospitality whic hud been shown to them, In bringing the gathering tn # close, the chairman intimated the possibility of the formation fn Oshe awn In the near future of a track and field club operating under the sponsorship of tha Oshawg Amateur Athletic Associntion, -- ' ART. RAVENSDALE ! Well known Cobourg boy, Cana dian Champion 120 yd, hurdle who caslly won the 120 yd, hur die race at the Fale yesterday. Art, Is golng to Marquette Unid vorsity, U.S.A, fora fow months body slam, ' When Bafert returned to the ring he showed grim determination, but Siki seemed to be able to take all he had to offer, until after 5 minutes and 83 geconds, when the Frenchman was able to apply' hia famous fiylng head sclssors grip to take the third and declining fall,' Siki's welght was 214, while Pat fort's wan 195, Me CAREW AEC 4 ATHOL ST W PY i's BRINGING UP FATHER OH. DEAR! I'M OFF MY GOLF TO DAY- \ pod df Hh wat A fg GRACIOLS WHAT 1% THAT CROWD DOING IH : il iy ii | ix i il i ~ ® BY GEO. McMANUS JUST LOOK AT Tyna FOR A TER

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