Oshawa Daily Times, 12 Sep 1930, p. 3

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1930 PAGE THREE shawa Fair Is Brought to a Successful Close Last Night " | " . | CI 1 iordan Dies From |P.U.C. DECLINE |Horses, Cattle and Swine ITAGESETFOR |Large Crowd Visited Grounds Thomas Riordan Dies OFFERTORONTER | Judged au Pal esterday \WAWLGEVRAL "Yocterday and Programme of - Biects of Fall From the go pyygpupny co cope =| "wins mow) YES is Was Much Enicved Grandstand at Fair Grounds Consider Conditions Do Not| ited by he. Jutgen A fare [Lys * **0 Lone COW | oo CL Will Take Place vent: as uc .njoye WEIS 1930 REVUE os tod / Warrant Expenditure at ui he (air thin. your imohudimg Pig Ml Jonas, Tomorrow, No Change Dre sutoings veo COURT REMANDS ay Bk Hi it PROVIDES FINE | Be Condon in Bu envy draught anfinls, ght hors Leman." oewata Cowan, jured Spi ski GRANDSTAND SHOW | ostawa ram i Present Time a, carriage hopes, riding horses Golden Musselg--J. IV Osborne & ---- and ponies Prominent winners fous, BH, W. Forler, L, Hoekin, INQUEST WILL BE SHAWA FAIR HELD, CORONER SAYS GOING STRONG #t Its meeling last. night, not W. A. Dryden, of Brooklln, won Malden Blush--W, 1), Dyer, A. A, {te kind which will take place Li ------------ a to accept an offer of George W.|a large number of firsts in the (Knight, Lakeview Park tamorrow Liha y J n J g W. H Carrothers| thing 1s in readiness for the b ont Allen, of Toronto, well known Kus | cattle clansees Tolmin Sweet ; { Man Is Given Three M outhority, to SUpArViNG the devel The balence of the prize list |& Hons, J, F, Osborne & Bons, A, A, | family gathering of the Motors staff in Jail for Having opment of the gas business here | follows: during the next year. Alhough it Knight and employees and the only thing oe | the | Included ¥. Batty, M. J, Dulf, I, E The stage has heen wet {or ihe eit Says of conditions in the R, Mclaughlin, G. N. Irwin, Oswald Kings Leslie Collacutt, J. F, ahnusl piven Motors of Canada lle Utittios commission decided | Cowan and others Osborne & sons, Vi. K, Akiokon | oll, one of the bigiost events of 4 Survived by Parents and Two Sisters--Funeral to Thomas Riordan 16 year old son of Mr. and Mrs, T, Riordan, of William Street Fast, who suffered serious Injuries to his spine when he fell from the grandstand at the Fair on Wednesday afternoon pas- sod away late yesterday afternoon after a valiant fight for his life The young man was perched on the north rail of the grandstand shortly after lunch time on Wed- nesday when he slipped and fell A distance of twenty feet Lo the ground causing injuries to his spine which left hig legs paralyzed and his arms partially so The accel. dent, which was seen by hundreds of spectators, happened so sudden ly that nothing conld be done to stay the lad's fall He was Im mediately rushed to the Oshawa General Hospital and placed under the care of Dr. Ei, A. Btewart An X-ray taken yesterday morn ing revealed that he had fractured the Bth cervical vertebra of 'his spine, While hope was still para- mount during yesterday morning the lad took a turn for the worse shfrtly after noon and by mid-after- noon his life wag desprired of, He died at five o'clock In the evening Tommy was the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs, T, Riordan who sur. vives him. He is also survived by two sist Gwendoline, attending the Collegiate Institute, and Cer aldipe, attending King street Pub. lle School An inquest will ba held inte the death according to a erport from Dr, ¥. J, Rundle, Coroner, this morning A Jury was impanelled this morning and a preliminary in. quest was held and adjourned unt] a date yet to be set, The funeral will take place from St. Gregory's Church at nine o'clogk on Saturday morning with the Rev Father Bench ofcinting at the last rites ------------ A ----t CONSTABLE KILLS WIFE, THEN SELF (Continued from lage 1) back part of his skull was partially blown off and police believe that he had to use both hands to get the gun to the back of his head, From the mute evidence in the house, and the deaths, Chief Cor. oner Dr M, M. Crawford and the police were able to partly plece together just what occurred RC, MP, Statement The following statement was is sued by Supt. E. I. Jennings of the RCMP, "I know of no reason for the ac. tion of Constable McIntosh, He was a godd, steady, reliable ofo- er, with about two years of satis. factory service, Under the R.C.M, P, regulations constables are only allowed to marry upon approval of the commissioner after a certain number of years' service, The force did not know McIntosh was married He wag obliged under the regulations to gleep in bar. racks every night, and last night was heard to say to one of his comrades that he was in trouble," Melntosh came from Elgin, Morayshire. Scotland where his mother, Mrs, A MelIntosh stil) lives, RECEIVES INSTRUCTORSHIP C. A. Annis, of Pickering, Ont, 1980 graduate of Vietorla College, in commerce and finance, has been appointed to an instructorship In economics at Cornell University, where he will study for a post-grad. uate degree. A fine career is pre. dicted. for him, CORRECTION Owing to a typographical error it was reported in The Times re. cently that R, 8. McLaughlin had been awarded a prize In the Hol: stein Classes at the Canadian Na. tional Exhibition in Toronto, This should have read Ray McLaughlin and the Times regrets the error made and any inconvenience it may have caused Mr, Ray MeLaughlin, Mount Robson Mt. Rébson, with an elevation of 12,072 feet, ix shown on Sheet 3% of the map of the houndary bhe- tween Alberta and British Columbia published by the Topographieal Survey, Department of the Iiterior, Geodetic Surveying hy Aeroplane By the use of thé aeroplans by the Geodetic Survey of* Canada over rough and broken country, parties have heen landed much clos. or to the geodetic stations than if they had been _ transported by canoe, The aeroplane is taking an increasing part in geodetic apera- tions, especially in the undeveloped but well. watered sections of North. ern Canada where ordinary means of trave! present so many ditficul: ties. Liquor Judgment wag eperved untyl next Monday in the case of Dertam Golowich, who appunred hefore Magistrate J. Willis in police court this morning to answer to a charge of assault, D, A, J, Bwanson Is act- fog for the defendant Three months fn juil was the pentence meted out to W, Kapohoys when he was convicted on na cherge of having liquor in un | illegal place, My, Bwanson also acted as Kapohoyz's counsel GREAT INTEREST TAKEN IN JINR SECTION OF FAIR Young Farmers Arranged by Kiwanis Club The Oshawa Junior Fair got un der way in fina style yesterday when fudging in the respective events conducted under the auspl- cos of the Oshawa Kiwanis Club and the Department of Agriculture Was commenced The Oshawa Kiwanis Club are to be highly congratulated on thelr Initiative in forming this section of the Fair as there is little doubt of the atd it will give young farm ers In their future profession Then on the exhthitors side it might he sald that the young peo pla entered the competitive classes the Kiwanis displayed in arranging with even more enthusiasm than the events for the exhibits were equally as high in quality as those shown by the fathers and big brothers of the exhibitors The livestock nection was full of good exhibits which proved every Bit as Interesting to visitors as did the oxhibits of the farmers Fruits and vegetables were alan on display and were as neatly arranged and In many cases larger and of better quality than those shown In other sections of the fair Results of the judging already completed in the Junior Fair will be found on another page of this issue of The Times Curiosities of the Welland Canal The figure 8 and its multiples are curlously in evidence in the construction of the new Welland ship eanal. For bullding purposes the canal was divided inte 8 sec: tions, There are 8 locks to the canal: it takes 8 minutes te fil) each lock with water, and § hours for a vessal to paws through the entire canal The 8& locks have each a usable length of 820 feet with a depth of 80 feet, and 82 feet is the height of the lower mtire gates, The greatest height of lock wall is 180.8 feet and the weight of metal In the valves of locks is 3,800 tons A pond RO) fest deep covering 84 acres feeds tha (light locks, The spun of the life hridge at Peter street, Thorold, is 80 feet and lock 8 with a length of 1,380 feet. is the longest in the world The greatest width of the entrance to Port Weller in 800 fest. Over 8,000,000 cubie yards of rock have been excavated, and more than 28,000,000 bs. of reinforcing steel used. It ia interesting to note that the first Welland canal wan § fest deep and was practical} completed In 1828 over 100 years ago, the first vessels having heen locked through early in the following year, Besides ercellent cahbages, ture nips, and other vegetables, the hest potatoes of the Mackenzie valley Northwest Territories, are grown at Good Hope, close to the Aretie eir- cle Lake Bottom Below Sea:Level Great Rear lake in the North. weal Territories has long heen known to he very deep, but previous to 1927, when officers of the North West. Territories Branch, Depart ment of the Interior, Canada, visit- ed the lake, no actual gonndings had aver heen made, [In their sey- oral traverses of the lake, they took in all 65 soundings, The average depth of the lake was found to be between 50 and 60 fathoms, The greatest depth was 75 fathoms, and finee Great Hear lake is only 801 feet above the wea, the lake hot. tom at this spot is below the lave) of the sea ~~ Trees on the Prairies The number of settlers visited lant year hy the inspectors of tree plantations was 13,012, of whom 1,634 were in Manitoba, 7,771 in Saskatchewan, and 8,717 in Al berta, | The total number eof trees distributed by the Forest Service Department of the Interior, since the Inauguration of the scheme in 1901 is 110,768,076; of these 1,788,181 were conifers and the re- painder broad-leaved, Enter Wholeheartedly Into Classes | In generally admitted that Mr, Al lan did good work here during the course of the Industrial sur vey, which he made upon authors ity of the commission, it was fall that owing to new phases which are entering Into the production and distribution of gas in the pro vines, It would be hetter to walt before taking any further steps along the lines suggested hy Mr Allen, F, L. Mason, chairman, humor ously commented last night that | the commission was never able tu hold a meeting of any kind with. out the gas question coming up In some shape or form And as # matter of fact, the chairman wus not far wrong operation of the city-owned gas plant Is one of the higgest problems on the hands of the commission, and whenever two or three members of (hig hody Are gathered together it is cartain to crop up Not Bound by Council A request from the owner of rogidence in the township, just outside the northern mits of the city, for a water main to he ax tended to his house was Intd on the table tor further consideration by the commission Three years Ago a policy was Iaid down hy the elty ecounell whieh prevented the old water commission fro mex. tending mains anywhere in the township but as the chalrman and others stated ! + Eht the utilities commission in not ruled by any poliey of the elty counell "I. think we had better leave this matter until the next meet. Ing when the maver and Mr. Saray may he present," Mr Mason com mented To Improve Property In order to continue improve ments which have heen made fn the pumping station at the lake and the property surrounding it, the commission last night author feed City Engineer WwW. ( Bmith to construct am fron fence with Ornamental gate, i. DD. Conant, A member of the commission, has generously donated to the offy L] Strip of land 35 feet wide which may be used as a road on the oan! side of the pumping station and which ultimately might be a means of nceess to a splendid bathing beach which Is owned by the rity near Ronnie Bras Point The fence will horder this road and will not only protect the pumping station but should alse add mueh to the appearance of the property Those present at the meeting Inst night included F, 1. Mason, chalrman; G. ND. Conant, W H Ross, City Clerk PB Hare, C', T and City Engineer, W, , Smith Barnes, utilities superintendent, robe b ade doef of dob deeded doh pot ! WHAT OTHERS SAY | POA iedpdpdedp debs] dpe ON DAYLIGHT SAVING Oshawa, Ont, Sept. 10 Editor, Oshawa Daily Times, Oshawa, Ont, Dear Sir Seeing your news item concerning Inspector Cannon's statement re garding the ill effects of davlight sa ing is quoted in Toronto Globe, an his stand opposed by a Toronto In spector, I wish to add my experience and uphold our Inspector in his statement As a mother of school children since the first daylight saving days years ago, | have found the cruelty of loss of sleep for kiddies, the great est argument against the innavation Dr. Donovan's exeellent remarks regarding the life of school children at the Musical Festival this year wera splendid, He advocated much sleep, much fresh air and much milk in the child's diet, While listening to him I wondered how can I possibly give my children these requisites? [i | put them to bed at the hour of nine (day-light saving time) it ia still light and the shouts of their playmates come in through the open window and they get fresh air but tor seme hours no sleep. If 1 close the win- dow the noise is deadened but What is the air like? I have tried in every possible way to solve the problem but still fail to have my school children sleep the res quired hours, To some children the effect may be drowsiness but to mine it seems ugliness and af increased desire for activity, By all means the mothers, at least, should uphold our Inspector's stand for the welfare of our children Sincerely, A Mother, ---- ---- ANNIVERSARY MARKED BY UXBRIDGE 0OUPLE Uxbridge, Sept, 10.--Mr, and Mrs, Walter Lapp of Uxhridge will on Tuesday next, celebivate their golden wedding anniversary, which will be observed with a family re union at their home, Prior to set. ting in Uxhridge elghteon years ago, Mr. Lapp farmed in Seott Township, which he gave up to en- ter the sead and grain business in which he is atil]l actively eugagea For ssveral years he way a memher of the Uxbridge Town Counell, ana was Mayor fn 1016 and 1917, Hive of Fach : Baldwins--A. A, Knight, W H Local Pastor Above all, in spite 6f the heavy burdens which they hear, | wan Impressed wit) the charm, the wingomenes ana the fairness of the English people Chile, nn brief, sums up the opin len gnlpned Hh Ray, | Harston pastor of Sine oe sireat United Chureh vho returned to the elry Tuesdny night after spending over elght weeks In England and Wales Although he saw evidences of the crushing burden of the heavy na tonal debt and the serious situs fton cansed | | unemployment He Harston stated In sn inters view with The Times today that a gplrit of optimism prevailed in the old land : It was tha happy experience of this well known local pastor to have heen nhle to visit every elly and avery county in Englang and Wales hy means of a motorbike He travelled thousand nf miles, Interviewed hundreds of people and enjoved the hunt le of tha rural weenery for which England is justly famed This wan Ne Harion's Hieet | Toroute Stock Exchange Rtock High Low Close Br. A, Ol) 19% A 108 Brag, 1 } ad Can 15t fa na Cockshutt 2014 10% a0 14 Cty, Dry, 681 A814 CER Dig Em 108 fig 108 Gypsum 04 04 20 Hr, Wal SY "RN LE Mord ny ] ll Int. Util 14 i} i" Int. Nki 1 hy 28 4 36 4 Int, Pat 19 Ay 18% 18% Ind. Aleh HR HRY ] Imp, Of 24 LR) Mu, Hi SIRT J] f Me. Fri, 108 10% 10 & Mt. Pr (HE id 65% Pg. Hy 001g 0014 0% Shaw 0 in 0 | | Standard Mining Exchange Station 444 41% ty ------ Alay 191 16) 103 Amulet hE} kl fid Nig Mie fi ft je | Da, Mrs 044 93h Neh Holl @00 won ann Ha, O1} 245 fan AKA Hy Gold #8 hE 18 Hd, Bay 800 £00 100 Lk. Bh, 2810 2400 2810 man, 2400 2490 2400 TT French was bis to be in Hull, whole city turned out Johnson Gira Rs (Continued on Page 6) Deeply Impressed With Charm And Fairness of the English fu Kngland since touehnd Rery in Lancashire to visit many of the scenes of boyhood wequaintanee friend and relative In addition to touring England Harston France, always had a punple her Australia, The nation was thrilled lo the eore The Eleh profitable the church will ba crowded to the when sermon a week from Sunday Stock Market Prices Marks, Nummary by Canadian Press Toronto and New York wock Quotations Supplied by Biggar and Ormmwrord, Alger Bullding, Ushawa FE EA) RY £2 120 Hg. 478 Hr. 180 shores of the old land on his returp to Canada after tortunute experience congregation Church pastor has returned safe New York Exchange ------------------ Can Tel Inter Anaconda sirop Hendix itoel Pac | Fl. Co 'hryslsr (lan iim | Mot Tel Kelvinator Ward Cash Ra. Coe Paramount N, Jor Radio Radio Kth Hlmmons N.J Rubher Steel Vanadium Truck Money 814 Ford Windshield Resists Blow of Iron Horseshoe A HORSESHOE may be luc Holtman, of 8t, Louis, Mo,, it might not been for the shatterless glass in Mrs, sHoltman was dri along ident the Hi RB the chop. 4 for some peo vo Dee a windahield of # concrete subi windshield and wtterless glass, Jt was a lucky break for Mrs, H lulta and three children who accom vas hurt. The car Janine for 14 Atl embedded. ta vandalield her, for not one of them the proverbial lueky Panied with ban highway when pdged snugly in the ol and the twa Old Bol. Last year Jupiter Pluvius put n kink in the program when it started to rain in the middie of the afternoon, It 18 hoped however that there will he no ghower Hainr day The plenie, 1 will be recalled, vas postponed from Boaturdey, August 16th, on account of the our break of fnfantile paralysis, 'There are very few cases In the clly now however and ag the outhresk hie heen rapidly diminishing It ie eon pidared quite safe to hold this big apen-iir gathering No changes will be made in the program and even the swimming events will be run off, the com mittee In charge having heen in. formed by the health ntharities that the water off the beach will hs pale to swim in The program of sporting events In ar (oll sporting Events 0.00 AM loft Ball Tournament Praliminaris In morning and Final at 7 pom, on No.d Diamond 10,00 AM Harvseshos Vitehing (Post Fntries only) 10.156 AM Tug-of-War (£8 man pully Heavy -welghts Mami Finals 10,46 AM Fug-of-Whar Light walght (Under 1100 1hs,) 1.00 PM Girlg' Boftball fjame Factory ve. Ofc i.40 P.M Fug-of-War- Finals h.oo PM Executives Softhall fame Buperintendants. vu. Of flea Executives on No, 2 Diam ond 6.00 PM Prosentation of Cor Swimming Events PM wimming Event 12 years and under, 50 yds Girls 18 years and under, 50 yds, Boys aver 14 years 10h vde (Hrlg over 14 vears 100 vds Hacing Byents children's lima 1 46 P.M, sharp 1. Bablos' Race under § yeary 4. Girls' Race fi yours and under v 25 yde i, Boys' Race h years aud under y yds 4 Gir) Race, § vears and undnoy bt ydw 6. Boys' Rave, & years and under . hi yds Jer under 75 yds 7. Boys' Race, 11 years and under ih yds B. Girls' Race, 14 years and under ih vds fh, Dova' "Race 14 yenrs and under 100 yds 10. Boys' Bhoe Ruce, 14 years and under (each way) 50 yds 11. Wheelbarrow Race (mia ed), 14 years and under , 40 yds, 13: Hoys' Rack Race, 14 years and under 4 00 yds, 13, Girls' Back Race, 14 years and under re a0 yds 14. Boys' Race, 17 vears and under ,., vay 100 yds, (Winners not eligibde for event Na, 17) 1h. Girlg' Race, 17 years and under ' 15 yds (Winners not eligible for event No, 18) 20 yds 230 PM 16. Ladies' Back Race 60 yds 17. Men's Race : ' LOO yds, 18, Bingle Ladies' Race 5 ya, 10, Donkey Race + BO yds, 20, Cinderella Race , 50 vda 21, 'Foreman's Race A100 yds 82, Married Ladies Race 60 yda, 28. Men's Race (b0 years and over) ., ' Bo yds 84. Three Legged Raca (mixed) : vor AO yds, U5, Ladies' Baloon Race , 50 Yus, 26, Mixed Relay (Team «4 enuplew) veevaaas BO yds, 3% Point Race ........ 40 yda, (Prives for the above events will he presented at completion of each event), ) Prizes for events other {han the above will ha presentad at § pm, at the Car Platform, No pervs son allowed to win more than (wo prizes COAL VESSEL LATR Word wan received here early thin afternoon to the effeot that that Nteamer Glenelg, whieh 1s bringing a cargo of 2000 tons of Ruselan Anthracite Coal, consigned to Mallett Brothers of this ofty will hot arrive until midnight toniyvht or early tomarrow morning, It was expected that the vessel would an vive around noon today, but {1 has heen delayed by fome unknown Oh use, x ERROR IN PRIZE 118 An error ooourred in the prise list of the Oshawa Fall Fair in yeaterday's issue of the Times in the statement that Russell Perking Was awarded first prize for section $42--Callection of Planty in Flow. or, This fivat prize went to I, B King, of King's 'Nurseries, Whitby, While the second prize was awarded to Russell Parking, of Oshawa Silicon carbide ia, with the ex. caption of diamond, the hardest known substance eccurring nature ally on this planet although it has been identified in meteorites. FRUIT Stark ---~W, H. Carruthers & Sons, | that remains to make rhe plenie a . a Claws 46 Commercial Apples J. V, Oshorne & Sons, W, D success Is the kindly hilessing of Large Crowd Enjoyed Per. formance at Fair Last Night A grandstand filled almost to ca pacity greeted the Wehh Bhowe last night on thelr first presentation or the evening performance at the Oshawa Vale. The erowd was one of the hest that has attended the avening performance on the first night of the fulr in several YEArY Twa hourg of enjoyable enter talnment were provided by the art. I6LE, the feature of the evening he ing "Wehh's 1080 Hevye" which Included many einging and dancing numbers ax well as numerous comie Bhite An amplifying system g¢hps ried the dialogue and music clearly Lo- all parts of the grandstand eng made the evening much more ens Joyahle tor the audience Vaudeville stunts on rings, mals ana swings, including some perfor mances that were hair-raising in thelr thrills, preceded the main purl of the program These ine cluded the Relvys, In various ae robatie tricks, and the Flying Aces who performed on the swings A pajama-clad girl orchestra played suitable musie during the perfop MuanRee The "Country Cousin' at the fair to wee the sights provided much Amusement during the Revue, and the entertainment provided for him hy the girls of the troupe was also | found very acceptable hy the off stage spectators, One number that proved particularly popular with the hoys and girls was the imita- tion of a number of hird calls and SOnEs hy a male whistler, while the Juggler of the troupe alse drew many laughs, Step and toe dan ers completed the hill Hrilliant. Fireworks A brilliant and dessling display hrought the first day at the fair to A happy elose Varied eolored rockets, star shells and. other fire works provided a spectacle which almost rivalled the fall of Pompei Born DIXON Born to Mr, and Mrs, EI mar W, Dixon, at the Private Patients Pavillon, Torontn Gen oral Hospital on September 11, 1080, a daughter (fla) DIED NATRWARTJesus called a little child in Oshawa on Thursday, Reptember 11, Kathleen Pats ricla Btewart, Infant daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Stewart, Funeral from the family resid enee, H80 Nt, Lawrence Rtreet on Haturday, HNeptember 18, 1080, Herviea at 4 o'clock dayliglit sav ng time, Interment Union Ceme- tery, Oshawa RIORDAN---~Died in Oshawa on Thursday, Reptember 11, 1080, Thomas Frederick Riordan, son of Mr, and Mrs, Thomas Riors dan in his 17th year, Funeral from the family resid. ence, 160 William Street Hast, Baturday morning, September 18 at 540 o'clock for mass in 8, Gregory's Church at # o'clock. Ine terment Bt, Gregory's Cemetery, HUDRON----At vest In Oshawa, Thursday, Heptembher 11, 1080, Charles Alexander Hudson, in his 68th year Funeral from (he residence of his nephew, W, J, Hudson, 278 Albert street on Saturday, Neptems her 18, 1080, Nervice at ? n'vlock (Ntandard Time), Interment Hampton Cemetery, ES Sa Too Late To Classify COUPLE WANT Two ™ Lia HT housekeeping rooms, phone, State full partieulars to Box H30 Times cs (fla) FOU HATH OW RENT-NEW FIVi room house near Motors' office, hardwood throughout, coal man- tel, tiled kitohen and bathroom, laundry tubs. Apply 143 Patricia Avenue, Coming Events word each fm - Br ano, OLDE TYME DANCE WITH CORN and welner roast, Gene Goods all's Hall, Courtice, Wednesday and Friday evenings. Come and have a good time. (he) THE PEARSON HAT SHOP ARR having a showing of Fall Milli. nery on Saturday, September 14, {15 Simeoa Street North (ups stairs), (fla) MEMBERS OF ORANGE A8S8OQI- ation are asked to mest in lodwe ream. Saturday afternoon at 8.18 to hury our Late Rrother ¢, A Hudson of Winnipeg, HM Bateman, PCI, (fla) Men's Athletic Mest and Livestock Parade Wers Popular Features--Grands stand Performance Ended With Brilliant Fireworks' Display Oshawa'e falr of 1080 is how Ll thing of the past It. passed inte history last night after twn days of perfect weather, Twn days of splendid attractions and two dave In which the crowd, while report ed an being smaller than that of last year, wa highly satisfactory in view of the present conditions OF husiness and Industry in Oshe Awa But whatever the attends ance may have heen in Ngures, there could be no questioning the Eatistaction of the people who ats tended the Fair with the program provided for them The athlete meating of yesterday afternoon will ha the talk of the city for a long time to come; the avening performance in the grand stand not only attracted huge crowds to the evening performances, but ale #0 delighted these crowds, and the agricultural departments of the Falr held the interest of those from the rural community on both days of the affair, And last night, when the final "good night" sign Was flashed out In letters of fire, Is was the general concensus of opinlon that the Oshawa Fair is BULL going strong, and 1s one of the few fairs In Ontario that is Eoing forward instesd of backs wards The crowd of Wednesday afters hoon was far excelled yesterday, The grand stand was almost coms pletely filled for the. athletie pro= Kram, and thousands of people Ktood around the track or used their cars as places of Vantage from which te view the events, The program was a sparkling one, and the chief events were so closes ly contested that in five of them the Judges disagreed as to whieh runner was first or second, and had to appeal to the chief Judge to make the final decision, The officials. handled the events to pers fection, and there was not a dufl moment, AS BOOM an one event Was completed, another was. ready to start, and the announcer at the microphone kept the erowd well Informed as to what was Kolng on that everybody was keyed up to a high pitch of interest and excites ment Many Attractions But the athletic meeting was anly ene of the hig events of the day The haby show was another great attraction, and it drew a large number of entries and an admiring ovowd of spectators, Re Interested did some of the specs tators hecome that ope of them volunteered a special prize for the heaviest baby, and another a prige for the tallest baby, and the same ehild won them both, y The completion of the horse Idging, with spirited competi ton In the elasses for carriage and saddles turnouts, was another feature of the afternoon, while the live stock parade, which was held in spite of the athletic meets Ing monopoliging the track In front of the grandstand, was ans other spectacular event Athletes on Parade One of the opening features of the afternoon's athletic program Was tha parade of athletes, led by the Ontario Regiment band, The athletes paraded vound the track, the way being led by elght athletes who were not anly Canadian ochams plons, but who have represented Canada at the Olympla games in 1088 and at the British Empire games at Hamilton and the Inter national games at Ohfcago a few weeks ago, Next came a large party of milers and five mila rune ners from the Gladstone Athletle Club of Toronto, a larga team from the West End Y.M.C.A, and the Central Y,M.0,A, of Hamilton, four stalwart athletes from the Tow ronta Police Athletio Association, a contingent from the Hamilton Olymple Club and a large number of athletes from Ontario and Durs ham counties, The parade of the officials of the meeting brought up the rear of what was an ine tarasting and colorful parade, and the crowd cheered to the echo as the athletes marched along In front of the grand stand, It waa something new for an Oshawa crowd, and the people liked it, A Lavge Evening Crowd In the evening a huge crowd of people attended the Fair, The grandstand was well filled and the track in front of it was jammed With people, All along the Mid. Way thera was a marry, jostling orowd, The dancing platform was erawded all evening and the young folks certainly enjoyed this ine novation of the fair, Then, te complete the day, there was the afaplay of fireworks, even better than that of last night, and the Fafr visitors were ready to call it a day.

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