Oshawa Daily Times, 10 Sep 1930, p. 5

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_ y a Ea Nao A wy Ey aaa af mata ia NT NM THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1930 PACE FIVE 'Women's Interests in the Home --- and the Community y Angus M, Hood, Richmond #Htreet Fast, returned to Toronto yester- day for the opening of (he (ull term of Upper Caundu College, M. Mcintyre Hood was In To- ronto last night attending u meats Ing of the provincial officers of the Canidian Leglon Miss E£., Cousineay, IL.N,, of Toe ronto, and Mr, Douglas. Cralg, of Timmins, are the guests of Miss N, K. Gough, 311 Athol treet East, While enroute (o her home in "Jamaica, Migs Mabel Murray, RN, of Toronto, stopped hers yesterday to visit with Miss N. K, Gough, Athol Street East Mr, and Mrs, Jack Mharpe and Master Sharpe have returned to thelr home In Rochester, New York, after spending their vacation with Mr, and Mrs, George Burke, Arlington Avenue Miss Helen Bowden, doughter of Mr, and Mrs, W, (0, Bowden, of this city, left on Monday to attend sehool at Ontario Ladies' College, at Whithy, a -- l,l Sheer Ohition ull Fashioned HOSIERY At ATKINS HOSIERY & LINGERIE SHOP Near Cor. King & Simeon Me, wv PUT yl JUST ARRIVED Full range of Ladies' I'n)l Coats and Dresses at the FASHION SHOPPE il ®4 Simcoe Street Mouth A plensant afternoon was spent on. Tuenduy when members of Christ Church Auxiliary held thelr first wewing meeting since June, Two quilts were completed snd plans for activities for the coming term were discussed. All the ladies have promised to help with con tributions of cakes and capdy for the home cooking sale that 1s to be held down town on Meptember 2bth, Ten wow werved before the moesting adjourned, WOMEN'S MEETINCS WESTMOUNT PARENT AND TEACHER ASSOCIATION A splendid attendance was at the first meeting since the vacation, of the Westmount Parent und Teachers' Association last evening, Miss Blass, the president was presiding. During the business session the club decid ed to donate a dollar a month to ch room with the highest attend. ance of mothers at the meeting, for pietiures, There is a fine staff of teachers at the school this year wid wl imterested in the elub Cluly. members ure looking forward to a very pleasant and profitable win. Westmount School and its Parents and Teachers' Association, Following the business meeting those present were entertained by Mr, and Mrs, Brunel who contributed plano violin duets, Miss Hinman and Nancy Griffith who gave read: Refreshments were served be the meeting was brought to a Iv in "we SIMCOE STREET LADIES' AID, SOCIETY A large attendance turned out to yesterday's meeting of Siméoe Street Ladies' Ald Boclety, This Is the first since the month of June, Mrs, E. Bradley was presiding. Much business was discussed, It wan determined to hold a church a A I lL i 7 HHH fl ii ji ii fi i ! Ii i il | Ht | Hi A Hin Ww il | Hifi dl TERT po : wip : wit wi Double Boiler for the Coupons you get with Quaker Corn Flakes The handiest aluminum boiler you could have, Two-quart size, with heavy rolled edges, Strictly first quality from a leading Canadian maker, You can get this double boiler for the coupons you find in packages of Quaker Corn Flakes, One of the mest popular premiums in the whole Quaker list, And you will enjoy the distinctively fine flavour and crispness of Quaker Corn Flakes, too, They are protected till they reach you with a triple seal and wax wrapper. If you don't agree that Quaker Corn Flakes are the best flavou we will refund your money. printed on every package. Write for the handsome offers more than ono hun ty. Thin first class quality, £ h have ever used, al is our guarantee uaker Premium Book, It | gifts of usefulness and you have wanted, Every article of We buy in such quantities that the value is the finest you can get, There is a © coupon in every Quaker cercal package, See the list of packages on the coupon, Get Quaker Corn Flakes to- morrow, Save the coupons, and soon you will have enough to some of the handsome and u miums wo u t ul ve to users of HE QUAKER NY ER. BOROUGH, ONTARIO. | | This isthe latest portrait of Dr, Marie Montessori, who was recently received by Premier Mussolini, 1] Duce had previously recalled her from ahroad to help with the intre. duction of her methods of juvenile education in Italy's schools, supper In October and to redec- orate the parsonage Iu the near future, Mrs, Lesy delighted the Ind®s with two vocal solos and Miss Evelyn Trick gave a charming reading. Afternoon tea was served, SOUTH SIMOOE HOME AND NCHOOL CLUB Mouth Mimcoe Home and Hchool Club began the (all term with un interesting and well attended meeting last evening," The chulr wis occupied by the president, Mrs, H. Gray, wlio extended her deepest and most sincere sympathy to the many members who have been bereaved during the summer and best wishes for a speedy re- covery of all children who are still slek or have met with eet donts, Hplendid reports of sewing done In the summer wore given, Hearty thanks was extended to Mrs, C, J, Wilson and = her daughter, Mis Emily who have made a beautiful quilt for the club, A rummuge sale will be held near the end of this month, Miss Annand's class won the dollar prize for having the most mothers present at the meet. Ing. At the close of meeting br, W, Il, livered an address both Interest. Ing and helpful, The following musical numbers were given a vocal solo by Mra, Carkeok, a plano nolo by Miss M, Latimer and a solo by Miss V. Langmaid, Refresh ments wore served, RECIPES GREEN CHOPPED PICKLE 1 Peck of Green Tomatoes 2 Large Cauliflowers i 1 Hoad of White Cabbage | 3 Pounds of Sugar, Vinegar 6 Red Peppers (seeded) 5 Largs Onlony, 1 Cupful of Salt '% Ounce of White Mustard seed 14 Ounce of Whole Cloves '9 Ounce of Celery Seed 1 Dessortspoonful of Mace. Put through the meat grinder or chop, tomatoes, cauliflower, cab. bake, onions and peppers, Sprinkle over these one cupful of salt and lot stand overnight, In the mor: ning, drain off the water, cover with vinegar and add the other ingre dients, Cook until tender, WOMAN MAULED BY BEAR IS IMPROVING (By Canadian Press Lessed Wire) Belleville, Sept, 10, Mrs, Thos Reeves of McArthur's Mills, who was badly mauled by a bear re- cently {s suffering mainly from shock and Is not otherwise weri- ously injured, it way stated yoster- day. Mrs, Reeves' arms and chest were soratched by the bear but she is nure it did not bite her ut any time, Hunters have been in the vicinity during the past two days but no trace of the hear or her cubs has been found, -- the business Gifford des Ground Cautious Lawyer--"Well=erif my honest opinion" Client -~ "No, no « I want vour grotastiond advice." New . Goblin, Montreal, you want Broad Hint He~"Don't you think that travel broadens the mind}" She--="Yes; vou should try a trip around the world"=-Answers GIVTH I would have given you other gifts than thig-- Songs and clear days and prayers fulfilled But rest is His, And rest Ix ull He willed, little \ I would have reared you up with little joys ! Sheathed you with love as llunets from the sun, But all my toys Are poorer than His one, I would have laid life's harvest in your arms, Not these small windflowers silver. ing on the stem, Thelr baby charms Bidding you match with them. I would have let you where meadows waken Flung you the summer's treasure that they keep But you have taken God's early rose of sleep, MARJORIE PICKTHALL COFFEE AND HOW TO MAKE IT : Steaming, fragrant coffee sparkling In the cup on a erisp, cold morning! Cream so rich and thick that it hay to be ussisted dn its descent from its appointed pitcher! And a soup- con of sugar! A drink? No, a meal, nourishing, stimulating and sagisfy- Ing, This liquid is not as simple as it appears, The grades and varieties of coTee are legion, Many years ugo some trader from the Far East brought an English gentleman # present, On opening the package hit found one or two pounds of curious yellowish-green beans, ugly to look ut, not especially pleasant to smell A less imaginative person would have thrown them away, disgusted But one Englishman wus wise and enter prising: He roasted, ground, boiled, tasted these bearis and realized that new gustatory delight had been in troduced to English speaking world He spread the good news, and Little by little, coffee houses grew and Pes ple rejoiced over the cup that could cheer and--not inebriate «hut ulate and give glow to the But the East, Java and cold not supply the demand the beans were carried to vast South America I'here the mountain slopes und in the fertile valleys the seeds were planted and the greatest the tim hour Arabia and on industry in all South America was begun, The swil of the Island of Ji vi has become so impoverished that] better coffee of the flavor and | variety is grown on the neighboring | Island of Sumatra, In the district | around Aden in Arabin, Mocha col | fee is still produced and ity ugly, ire | regular bean still gives "pep" to the | mild patric coffee of Sumatra | I'here are many varieties now to take | | | | 1 | pI mn the place of the original Mocha and Java, but South Americar so rich in flavor and so heavy i body, so thoroughly satisfying that there in complete satisfaction for | ne coffee | every Od crop coffee 1s the best and w enjoy its mellow here . ure | muny "roasts" for in United States a full roast is used Collec is a sensitive being, It is gregarious and it will adept the flavour cheese or kerosencs, Gagoling favorite viee of coffee, atid the house wite must guard against the two he ing placed near to each other, Asx it is the "roast" not the grind that mikes good coffee why bother to grind your own every day? Coffee keeps better in a paper bag than in A tin because of its custom to "sweat" and the old coffee in the tin contaminates the fresh that you may add from time to time Buy your coffee often and In small quantities There are every so many 'ways of making coffee. Perhaps the one our readers are most interested in is cof fee made for home use, In a Pers colator=-use cold water and fill the percolator just over the opening of the spout, no more=-no less-=then hil just to the inside rim, the cup with very finely ground coffee, Put on the spreader plate and the cover and put the whole thing in the per colator. Place on the stove and in an incredibly short time the steam taste coffee, 18 a a ET A WLLL CARTAN HER CROSS LITTLE BOY WOULDN'T EAT OR SLEEP "My little son had poor appotite, couldn't sleep and was cross, gave him Vigo! and it ended these troubles like maglo."==Mvs, L, Du- Crest, . Vinol supplies the body impor. tant mineral slements of iron, cals colum with cod liver peptone, This Ix Just what thin, nervous children or adults need, and the QUICK res sults are surprising. The very IFIRST bottle brings sound sleep and a BIG appetite, Vinol tastes delicious! (Jury & Lovell Ltd, Drugs.) rises und your coffec-making has be- gun, Reduce the flame under the percolator and let the coffee "perc" for u short time, Vor your evening demi-tasse increase the time of per colating and decr ase the water, Another way is boiled coffee, Al low a tablespoonful to each cup, mix u fresh egy, beaten a tiny bit, to the coffee and a tablespoon of cold wa ter, Put this mixture in your white enamel coffee pot, Pour in at once as many cups of boiling water as you hive tablespoonfuls of coffee Let it stand ten minutes to steam, not boll, 'I'hen pour one fourth cup of cold water down the spout and one fourth om the pot, Strain into your regular coffee pot, That is all, and an excellent way to make coffee 1t is! GOVT. 15 FACING A SEVERE TEST By-Election in Shipley Will Try Forces of Laborites Bradford, Kng., Sept, 10,-=Wil Ham MacKinder, the Labor mem her for the Shipley division, In dead, and his death renders vacant in sont in the textile wection of Yorkshire--=n county which, per hap, more than any other has oxperienced the rigors of a coun try-wide depression In the Shipley hy-election the government will face nu wovere test of 1's administration, The result will determine whether the gov ernment still possesses the confld- | of the textile workers and of the north The government will | dofonsive more than in any othw by-election, it will need to strain and rlunew to win the enee ms on the avery nerve t decision In lust year goneral slection, when the Labor government swept Inte power, William MacKinder obtained 18,6054 votes In Shipley; sir THIRD SKELETON by un sudden catastrophe such as a AID FOR FALL FAIRS Conservative, Hirst, Liberal, Robert Clough, 15,603 and ¥, W, 11,712, But in 1924 the Labor candidate secured a majority of only a few hundred votes, the poll being: Labor, 11,862 voles, Con- wervaltves, 11,266, and Liberals 9,800, Before the 1924 election the constituency was In the Conserv tive fold, #ir Robert Clough will probably be the Conservative candidate this time. He has been mayor of Kelghley and was member for the Kelghley constituency from 1918 to 1922, It appears likely that the Ship. ley fight will be a fourcornered one with a left-wing Laborite or n Communist running, 4 FOUND IN NORTH Remains of Another Member of Andree Expedition Uncovered (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Stockholm, Sept, 10 Discov ery of a human skeleton, believed to be that of Knut Vrankel, third member of the Andree expedition, among the remains of Andree's camp on White Island, was report. ed by the whaler Jubjoern which haw n party of Jouralists aboard, A number of sclentific instru mants, woupons, pleces of the gondola of the Andree bhulloon and Frankel's note hooks also were re- ported found, The camp was in excallent order Members of the purty expressed the bellef that the death of the explorers was caused bitzzard HINTED BY PRICE London, Sept, 10 Hon, W, H Price, Attorney-General of On- arin onday officially opaned the sixty-third annual exhibition of the Western Falr Association, and unofficially stated that the time has arrived for greater support on the part of the Federal and Pro / oe EA ~ <TH L] P - By Thornton THE HEAD OF THE HOME [W ho struts and boasts and swage | plenty of room, gers 'round Fools but himself it will he found, Old Mother Nature Little Miss ¥elnky was now little Mrs, ITmpy A vary protty litle Chipmunk she was and ITmpy was very proud of her She wus even more proud of Impy, for you know his cout wus conl black and a blnck-conted Chipmunk seldom It had pleased Impy that Impy had heen so pleased his home To he sure, she had changed the entrance, Impy had to admit that it was. hettor hidden than the entrance Lie had made Otherwise, she had been quite satisfied Now that ha had a home and a mate Impy the black Chipmunk folt very important, Yes indeed, he felt very importnat. He strut tad. Why shouldn't he strut? Was he not the head of a home? Me thought he wax anyway, Yen, indeod,® ha thought he was very much the head of an home He and Mre, Impy had heen Hving together happily for several weeks and Impy was not aware that thers had been any changes to amount to anything To be sure, he discovered that Mrs, Impy had enlarged one of his stores rooms; but he thought nothing of this, In fact, he decided it was an improvement. He was quite sitin. fled to have It so, for now that there were two of them, more storage space' would be needed. Then his second storeroom was enlarged. 1t was done without his knowledge, He happened to he passing one day when he peapad In and discoverad how much hig gor it was than he remembered it. "Did you make this roam hig. kor?" he inquired of little Mra, Timpy. ¥en, sid she. "It veally was. n't big enough, It might have done all right for you alone, hut now in Hoon Mrs; with W. Burgess that there are two of uk we need By the way, we'll butld a third storeroom shortly," "WIL we?" inquired Impy, look Ing a little surprised | "Yon,' replied little Mrs, Impy "Come with me and I'll show you where we will start i | Impy did as he was told to do He followed little Mrs, Impy and when she showed him the place where the new storeroom wag to be he not only agreed that that was a good place, but actually went to work digging as Mrs, Tmpy told him to, Moreover, he kept at {t Lit. tio Mrs, Impy helped at times but most of the time there was only room for one to work and, of course, Impy was that one Impy no longer remained out af- ter the coming of the Black Shas dows, as he had once done He would have told you that he no longer cared to stay out, That wasn't it at all, No, indeed, that wasn't it. It wag all due to little Mra, Impy She had told him to come in with the setting of jolly, round, red Mr, Sun and so he had done as she desired. When they went on little expeditions in search of food, little Mrs, Impy always de. cided where they should go and when they should go. Impy never decided anything, Mrs, Impy de- cided everything, Still Impy thought himself head of the home Little Mrs, Impy watched him strut and swagger and hoast and ghe grinned as she watch. ed. Sometimes, right in the midst of his strutting she would tell Im. py to do pomething and right away he would do It, In short, that Chipmunk home was managed and managed very well indeed by little Mrs. Tmpy, who had bheon lively, pretty little Miss Frisky, And she was quite willing that Tmpy should opntinue to think himself the head of the home If {t gave him any plea- sure, (Copyright, 1080, T. W. Burgess.) The next story: "A Dreadful! Right." Canada Puts Embargo on cattle, Kenwood, Lammermoor, Ayers, Brantforde Are four famous names in the Blanket Industry of Scotland and Canada This store carries at all times a wide variety of colorings and qualities in all these beautiful Blankets, They are sold at a standard price by every exclusive dealer in Canada and that price is the low- est for which they can be sold. Qual. ity for quality, no other fine wool Blankets :an equal them in value. i aL d Inventor Bell was a prophet ug an Inventor, The long distance calls In Ontario and Quebec are a exhibis Hpeaking vincinl Governments for tions in this Province unofficially, the Minister declared | that If the association asked the City of London and the Govern. ments of the day for increased ns sistance the request might bring results Prophet a AMexander Graham well as 70,000 daily | remarkable fulfillment of what he | foresaw fifty years ngo, He real- | lent thot distance would he no | aren to the telephone, | British Cattle on FUR COATS REPAIRED AND RE.LINED 92 Nassau Street Ottawa, Sept, 10,««An embargo wheep and swine ship. ments from England to Canada has been placed following an out bhrenk of foot and mouth disease in Leeds, Eng It wns announced Monday from the Dominion Department of Agriculture that an order hae hoen signed cancelling all permits for the Importation of cattle, sheep and swine from the Old Country, except those shipments nirendy route an In washing lingerie and nsllks don't let the material remain In the water any longer than neces sary as it Is likely to harm the | shean of the garments Travel The King's Highway Daily Coach Service OSHAWA - TORONTO FARE 85¢ LEAVE TORONTO AM, P.M, 6.80 2.80 7.80 1.30 8.50 4.30 8,80 5.30 10.80 x 6.80 11,80 7.80 PM, 8.80 0.30 0.30 - || /EAVE OBHAWA Eastern Standard AM, Time 6.00 - 6,80 7.30 8.30 9.30 10.80 11.30 P.M, 13.30 PM, 1.80 2.30 3.80 4.80 5.30 6.80 7.80 8.30 9.80 v 10,00 ve=Sunday only, w==Daily except Sunday, s---8aturday, Sunday and Holidays only. -------------------- Coach conndctions at Toronto for Barrie, Orillia, Brampton, Schomberg, Hamilton, Brantford, Muskoka Whart, Wasaga Beach, Midland, Ottawa, Niagara Falls, Butfalo and intermediate points, Seach connections at Ruffalo for all U, 8 A. points, w . 12.30 1.30 1 ---------------- Tickets and information at GRAY COACH LINES Genosha Holel OSHAWA Phone 2828 TILLIE THE TOILER » Ou CAN'T MAKE \T, BUD? GEE, THAT'S TO / r~ A \ [TLL GIVE MAC A BREMW. AND LET HIM "TARE ME" . FROM THE OFFICE NEXT DOOR. 'M SIMPLY STARVED! => %.\ © 190, Ring Features rE, the, Qrond B81) WISH WEID GET BACK. ET BACK By Russ Westover TELL THE BOSS (LL 1 "oa BE BACK IN A COUPLE OF HOURS , TILLIE, I'M TARING vv

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