Oshawa Daily Times, 9 Sep 1930, p. 12

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PAGE FOUR THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1930 Oshawa Fair the Show-Window of Fertile Farming District Midway Attractions Are Order of Re -- TEE LARGE SEIZURE i Provided at Fair Events at i pes 10 ys con LK AS OF LIQUOR MADE Harry Lottridge Co. The Fair | ar" 7. ST MH Police Near St, Thomas Make Largest Haul of Recent Years The Oshawa Vair has always been (tions at large fairs throughout the fated for the excellence of Its Mid-| country, This year's collection Is | The tollowing Is the order uf the Rp . | y wey entertainment, This part of the [one of the finest he hus ever an | events it the twordiy sthietic meet f ; J 4 é wir attractions has u strong appes! [sembled under his management, and [jpg to be held at the Oshawa Val ) 4 A ' M) -- to people of all classes und ages, as | the visitors to the Oshawa Vair ean | on Wednesday and Thursday, \ (by Canadian Vion Loused Wire) is evidenced hy the Irge crowds [he nesured that the entertainment y {, Thomms, Sept, 9=The largest which frequent the various shows | which will be provided for them will Wednesday's Events ay % 4 [ |] Waar seizure in recent years in the and attractions, and. give it their lib. | be clean anid wholesome, and that Starting ut 2 pm, Bofthull Tow ht \ ' A J | lat riet, made Maturduy night is re. eral patronage, Vor this reson, the | there will he no fakes, snd nothipg | nament, draw to be made on the Fry d y ' / i ported hy provineinl pollee after n Pair directors. have always heen [that would be leoked upon with diss | grounds between the Ontario Mal ' Vi PR A " a fv he [Vidlt to the tobacco farm of Jak careful to maintain # high standard | favor by even the most diseriminat- | leables, of Oshywa, Whithy Kuvers . hy Why . Nove, near Itiehmond, In Bayham of midway entertiinment, and this | ing of visitors to the Fair, Part of | and Supremes and Parkdales of To ier a Big Sr KU " township, 16 included, necording year's booking is well up to the | the equipment of the Harry Lotteidge | ronto : - to the oMaeers, 745 hotties of home standard that has heen established, | Shows arrived in the eity Inst week, Marting ut 4 pan, Girls' and Boyy' HOW THEY WILL LOOK ON THURSDAY heaw, (wo ten-gallon erocks of After looking around to find the best, [and was set up at the Fair Grounds | Athletic Events, A field of over 300 runners, including Canada's best, is assured in the five mile race at the Ohaw, Pale [Proving materials, two ton allan ihe directors decided to secure the on Veiday and Saturday, so as to he Kvem No, LelLadies' 100 yards, Athletic Meet on Thursday, Sept, 11, Above pleture gives an iden of how they will look at the ah This oppar holiors filed with Fah C HE arry Lottridge Shows to provide {veady for operation on the opening | Open-=Preliminary (five hents), ' mash, H2 bottles of government con. this part of the entertainment for | day, The ie arrived or and | Tvent No, 2 = Giel' high Jump, vietura shires the tar of the 12 mile race at the CN, E. and Includes many of these who will he seen trol heer and empty hotties, Ginswes HORE, GIONSE O'NEILL the 1930 Val this morning, and today the grounds | open : and holtle openers Constable Mr, Harry Lottridge 1s one of the | were husy with netivity as the show Event No, J=Boys' 100 yards, con I ------ . SY A -------------------- - > wenn | Khorville repovied that Nove's Hyg benno me in the ny ol i seo "work 0 ave ever hing ned Ontario and Durham en: | Font No. ded00 yards open, pre | 00D NHIGHION quire wane dor Vari Abowd BUSES ao | ow wil pun nth 100. yards y M y uss lov Ve wa tig Boveri No. bogivle' WO yards. son Hminary heat Hv he '") Covi Mu, Nothe"Da. You "niiss ho Tanchar; "Now ehfldron, 141 me | six weeks, as woll uk some whiskey, Fk nee wt the Oshawa Fair fined to Ontario and Durham Coun ven, in 14 5 " mid | turks nant daor: alnea' they moved the apposite of the word misery," Omorrow, ties, preliminary heats (three heats) a 4 a po away?" "Happiness, replien the clans And now that Mencken has sips] = - ---- Lyent No, S==Ciely' apen 100 virds Voort Ny, y a) ak _--- , And for sadness' Onturla's chnmplon gle! sprinter nnd former world's record Wolds heen operating a high hiss company {dave which are of rides, shows and other tires Land on Thursday | a : (ind combed to matrimony, we don't ' fm | sarmd=final (two heats) | Hidpnry heats (four heats) Min, Batt Na, They navel iol HEB know whether 10 eall blew bene it filace whera some rieh #0 1 hardly knew 'And for woe! diet or un Benedict Arnold Neal 032) men's sons shift for themselves 1s In Varied Attractions to Suit PIAA Rg boi jut | ove I No, Rot yards, einfing J ham "Oosap! Huri thelr father's cur=Sault Dally Star All Types of Citizens Are a) i Oniario wid le 18 i | ent Nu Y. Pole ) . Bo BI ----h-- " ' BE -------- CE AA A five, eind-hial heat Event No, B=100 yards confined | ven No, 11-480 var confined On the Oshawa Fair Program| © "© Fa bol dn co \ | » - -- rs ------ - vent No 0 0 vards vrdle nekminry ah 9 ey a Solar if Si ras wasnon ay im Congratulations the annual South Ontario Agrienltm . ' Hotliry heat Event No, 11 Girls" Jundor 400 Pvert No, 13=0ne mile open al Society Fall Fair, Fo me the | is: vel now the dates Sept. 9, 10 and 11] { 4 Re Yap hd e's 12.-Giiel ; Event No, 14280 ards, open, | ky 7 vs vent No P4 Arle dntermedinte | gama! heats have been kept before the public : 3 10 la talus | # and | A [ [ | the dates carrying the most meaning i | Jal i 48 Girls! ro Event No, | HO vard canhned ; 3 hhed ' i" fio to Ontario and Durham final in then during the earl Pull | ww varde. ain; Jd bar " ogeth ( i diy ale po | ) Ar eh K gether 13+ h 018 poe=Final game of {thal friends to rene walntanees, w da 4 tournament p 9 10 for friendly competition in the man : [ a » Thursday's Events, to the channels provided for this part of : Fvent No, be=live mille race, op the program that's the byword of ¢ | ( : the Oshawa Fair for 1930 | | Fvent No, d=High Jump, open inal | vary . oar Yu rian Ho 0 yards hurdles | South Ontario vent No Ards, con fyed Thus the opening day of the ah on (l . to ntarlo une Jarham Countie y 7 2 earvies with it a meaning wll 1s own ge | Sactie with i. 8 wesnlig ull iv 8 liminary heats it No. 20-440 yards rela Agricultural Society the raiser of price stocks for the hor : L NG, le One mile rela | 0 PY. Zleating ile way, : Officers and tieulturnl exhibitor, for the cook, and for countless others who will take d g tendance every afternoon und even ava the finals and relay races have a advantage of the splendid opportu ng, and Is none other than the On. {been left to the last of the program J M b tario Regimental Band which will | so that those who dre st work rr { | em ors nities to display visitors in the hope that they will capture one of the also play for all performances. This five or fivethirty will still he whe many varied prize splendid musienl organiaation 1s one [to see the feature events of the pro / -" BT vue (he wads of the president of the best military bands in the [gram withont losing tii or! 4 May the 1930 Fair Eclipse of 'the Society, Oxcas Powney, "The Province and always presents a pleas. [Qn Thursda profean, te vill | : En i Wak Those of Former Years agricultural community in the neigh Ing program mnjorty of the events wil horhood of Oshawa never had a het H, WW. NIcowr, > staged until after 530 po \ he | : Who will be one of the officials st In Alexandra Park, Oshawa has a | five mile rice and the pole vault and Ly Alexanc i gone int ter chance to show thelr wares or the 'Oshawa Fair Athletic. Meat splendid and pieturesqu ) tion | hig) I take larger prizes home and the hb A Ana aly Heth "ol ' ) i i LA ALL OERLION | high Jump will aecur the ire 4 ' ing, or 8 Fall Fale. No further Informa: | period of the nrowras IAS De Yue riney oftered sow) "8 tion {x wecessury 10 tell citizens of | HAE pup All Kinds of Insurance . . « [this elty and disteiet in what fine en hibitors p a ' vironment the Fair operates, hut this "Well, Tammy, | wee ] . ; » Besides the excellent entertain Ihe committees chon ! the | dg 4. & J an ca st te : year the Directorate are looking fore | ther has a handaged ) 1, tax) ny P n $ h n . atu 1 f | IT direetorstec to si PEFvIne « | ection ndaged hane 'A 14 . 9 an ls ey ; hi " . oo of the stock a d citl Ny CU ward to record attendance every duv | had an accident?' ' 2 rl dd t one 7 2 ( Hpe oh ATI 1 ' ah ' keenly contested in the man od A 5 | especinlly adapted for their | of the Fair, and the enthusiasm which You, alr, Reckless driving | i L hus always heen shown In this an "In a motor ear, | presume provided, will this vear he elled to that the ire well-known nual a A "el " {out the country ns critics and Juddes | has Increased tremendously, Oh, no sir---a nail Iotheir particular classe A TL a ------------ EE " . . R * : a SU ( list, complete in every detil is in hands of the publishers, the min ute following of whieh will exhibitors much trouble and darsant ie ie vn w)l Don't Fail to See the «4 expected to surpa ll ether both in quali ind guantit cess) Whippet and Willys-Overland agenda. hy the Directorate which will greatly improve the showing \ Baby show, carried on under | . Frigid restrictiong, In the big tent at | fi Display at the fernaon is certatn to attract wid only way Sail OSHAWA FAIR THIS WEEK | Er la \ Kap would not he a Fal | : : cided that 0 i a i pis sent i" (i ir the attractions hogked for the | . . * the ih gic | New Models, New E New B d New Pri i ROSS WeRINNON the fanios Wallace Bros. Shaws ew oaeis, ew Lngineering, ew eauty an ew rrices | of a high One of the officials of the Oshawa which will provide entertainment 5] A new ein Fair Athletic Meeting during the day as well an the night ! 4 which this I'hese shows are noted for their EE. 3 lized that wenn | Cleanliness in presentation, and no ol ji fy the peo doubt will merit the patronage which bial is OT 1 ' 3 i So, when ahh LA Wk i ol { . : hi tyre How tary for | meet the demands of the Directorate This body announces that every side of the whole three-day program ha necessarily been enlarged, a fact _. . - ¢ ; y only Instr which will make Oshawa's Pair this | A " g y 4a fr | 'go the vear an outstanding event, and long ; ; y ' Wi a ; at § | hi can | to he remembered ks ) iL g ; W of Oshawi Ontario, being highly an agricul pio 4 f Hh Y ) \ These we ral center, a center also where - the i. +a how well breeds of the stock are of the high shown hy est standard, is given its oppartunity pion athlet of displaying the same to hundréds race track of outsiders as well us to our awn nesday ul inhabitants, Friendly competition is Most of tl the great means by which the stan thedr resp dard of the stock is upheld, and not n ' ol ha 'a 7) . i signed up only this but other redeeming reas b or A ) { Wa | » program o sons as well, tend to pomt out that " hip : ey ' which will showing in the Oshawa Fair has its fecided advantages, New Whippets, With Outstanding Improvements W/ Since ita introduction the Whippet Four has been in a class by itself for low coat of upkeep, The New illys Eight anoline economy, general m a) simplicity and freedom from repairs, Mo i The brilliant performing Willys Eight is the newest addition to the Willys distinctive features have howe added. The specifications now include the following! DR F. E; HENRY : Overland line, 1ts 80 horsepower straight eight motor, 120«nch wheelhase N \ y 8 3 A head.) hs shiluman oor She ay and new mechanical features, pio hu with the faultless taste of ite | GE by fo rd eliminators by Ney ui oap oration he w WA modern p14 (design and interior Sppsist ments, make it one of the most outstandin of alae vibration 10.6K) son horn mounted on front tie bar Co track for the Oshawa Falr Ath Willys:Overland's o erings, Rl oh X otle: Metting 'Thin is a completely new model incorporating the moat advanced engineers SHEE 13, Improved upholstery ing practices. We invite comparison hh hill climbing ability, gas bus wih ( % Ad Aaadt In sedan 3 Sarl Sipoiated invatios they done ive speed, pickup, and roominess of the interior, Included - in the Whippet line is he Wii pot Six Sian De Ls, whith withits 113 duch n Phuvaday afternoon and Wed ul v nterior an motor, has no close competitor for value at its noon and We Available in five:passenger Sedan and four-passenger Coupe body tm, Tov pri Wp we Four re $620 $620 to $760. Whippet Six Sedan Deo Luxe price $890 nesday and Thuraday evenings, ther | will be free acts S Ain Th oe Price $1495, f.0.b, factory, Toronto, taxes extra, (wi foi a Ts $930). Il prices are f.0.h, foot taxes extra, front of the Grand Stand featuring the famous Webb's Revie. In ad dition to this there will be two splen- did displays of fireworks on Weds : nesday and Thursday evenings, Spes cial attention has been given to the RICHARD a. PRY "A choice "of free attractions, Extra VivesPresident, Ontavio Hwanch A, | money has been expended in order 1): ) A, Uo of €, will be chief seover | to provide a program that will sur- Courtice, Ontario D ler for Oshawa and District at the Oshawa Fale Athleotio | pass uny of the prey ions shows of Meeting this natures A band®will be in ats 11, Attractive new colours

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