THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1930 PAGE SEVEN COLONIAL HOMES ONCE OWNED BY SHIP MASTERS Many Fortunes Made in Foreign Exchange in Early Ds Yortland, Mo, --HBack in the days | when the Maine-hullt elipper ships, speed queens of the deep, leaned before the winds of seven seas, skippers through the manipulation of money exchange, eae Into gront wealth, Testimony of that wealth Is now found in the colonial man- slons and fine estates situated in sich seaconst citins as York, Kenne- {dea which gold for §6,020, Waldoboro and Rogkland, These homes, now mostly used as summer asiates by the weslthy, were onee the abodes of affluent ship masters, In those days, IL wis the duty of the captain to man his crafl Lo is destination, sell Hy cargo and take hig money in the billy of exchange, Ohviously, he had 1o he well posted as to money yulnes The owner of the vessel had to he paid on wf eqn) basis of exchange hut any gin hy the skipper wis pocketed hy him An old account hook unearthed in Bath recently indicates thal ons Captain Parker M. Whitmore, of the ship Helle Morse, vemitied 1000 pounds sterling in Monteyl nel profit of $460 on the ene remit tance, Captain VI Perey of Phipps hiurg in the ship General Bhepley, remitted H00 pounds sieving which sold for $2,760, a profit of $320 resulting The difference in exchange did not always favor the American ship Wyman of the ship Mout Blane while in Liverpool Pound It neces: pry Lo draw on the owner of his ship for 1000 pounds sterling. 't'e make the sum of $4860 In Ameri: eh I required a deposit of $6,600 to eover the tes of exchange which was then in favor of Eng land, These, of course, wera min or transpetions, Soma of the deals ingn Involved small fortunes Caplaing sought the most advan Lugeous eavgoes, The heavy freight wis placed In the hold to effect he best. possible stability for (he eral whan In sall, while lightey matey inl were plied hetween decks, A common cargo from southern porig destined ahrond wes cotton, The hale, heavily compressed, were piled into the hold, The lust few ware foread In with jacks known In (hig Any ax "eotton seraws," In carrying lighter cargoes us | cotton, ten and silk, It hecume neces sary to placa ballast in the lowar prt of the ship Praguently, roek wis used an the stabilizing agent "For your family's protectionthe bathroom should always be health. fully clean." This accomplished by cleaning the tub and wash cach using, because Old Dutch not only! removes the visible dirt, but the often-dangerous impurities, as well," For greater Stonoiy Old Dutch Ie owl after WAIN POTATO CROP 1 SHORT Blight Caused hy Rainy Weather Takes Heavy Toll Carthan, - Me Araostonk Coun | Ly' potto erop this year will #p proximate only half of Insl year's in the opinign of many well ine | formed observers hey hight hug tnken heavy toll duving long apuiin | of vilny weatiloy and thousands of | acres of the great staple crop will | Ny AN, nol pay the cost of production and | hitvyoen! | aon, Bas However, although the majority | I | of the yields wre frvevocalily raipen A thers is no doubt that if thers were | 10 he a decided change in the wey o cleaning preparation unequalled, N Dutch and nons does so much as Old ean do it so well, Made in Canada they immedintely, many haveely pei were could still he added 'nh Wer, which are alveady done, muy make a fale yield in sogie eases, hit the condition of Mounluine is very had Indeed Many helds eannof Along the coust of Maine, close tn owners, however Captain 4, 8 the shove, piles of rock, undouhind | bunk. Yarmouth, Bath, Wisenrsnt, a a x i a make over one-third of a crop m hu marketable potatoes Mare spray material heen | wold, und spraying has heen done | more thoroughly this year than ever | "Two QUALITIES = = ED TABEL T Onanet Pesop vages of hlight have haen The value of spraying 1s a point of tontroyers wong ohsayyers hit | most of them are wgresd that the | ground |i hould he nelyded wil dine far Lhe WOVEL foes tar the bite, fol pi wens Luks works al a prob ly jettisoned from incoming ships muy still be found, The days of the argosy are dons Ko are tha days of the ship Cap thing who came up from the sen | with gold 'that mult the domestic Inndmuarka that vemain to this day. | FIFTY YEARS IN POSTMASTERSHIP Remarkable Record Is Made by Cape Breton Official -- Christmas Island, N§ MeDougall, postmaster ul mus Island, Cape Braton, has un most the 1a great urn ikl I oR flint Pekin dun fn he preload pt the age uf hits dumnge i hint STRENGTH for a few cents periments Lhe shim Hing spraying hus helped a great deal The planting wousoy wis (evap while and during the Arpt fawn weeks taps made vapid progress Hence, the warn In excellent con Whether or not rot will develop AN ty effects, and for medical ayer wos a a result of the hight and wel ve iion PETRY du f im afl reed nied duekling af Bi fiith mun ern, bith 1 will he aialbout R760; fo J ( indgment | When marketed at thi miracle of MW does not wile entered will | Eu pre kine gre died Al tha Parm Bureau Vield a! LAL Len weeks no green duck weighs opis an ight dition far the rust to do is In he remarkable record in the postal | Prasgua tule yeeently, A, 1, Doer Hp ta ile James | duel Chrint haul six pound Proll 1 hk the Daminlan trate of growth 1s Green Duck here | Frantty Division of unl point, hii I'he foathers chimnige nn retargng Wane the tenth wen Lhe Chases Dirt honor ta my tarbhear snd | qT] nung, sid other per eent Ian | (4) Potatoes, In the past, ha . Inrge num | I-liwr of shipper hin [ han del Fave growny | few Inrge rap HEAT WITH ALL THE BRAN ' OF. THE WHOLE WHEAT E SANADIAM ANARDDRD WHEAT COMPANY LTD, aE eR AE THE WHITH NAPTHA moe Captain Waltgaig von tad aaa hiram of panna auren Lhe Ani Win whiop | t KOth your of his age, having heen keting He outlined four precont muscle and bone and furnishes energy : w-- The Marathon Record for sinee When he took oMen the | marketing from Port Hastings, and Mr. Mo: | of | nssiats In the establishment of re " heal fond thal ean he found aniwhere, al Lhe narrowest margin of --and it costs but a few cents. Deli. Rrataon was taken over op the LOR, [far aliend, | must take | Ee ANF ailvE NIRS Fist, whieh If It continies, will pre morning and evening, and during lt! | irenen system (0 Asal with ef BUTTER 2 iw. 63 Nothwithatanding his years, Mr.| I {heen handled hy a yey (ENCEIT A trwln wt Christmas Island morning | IN ---------- prapartion AF this county's SUGAR REDPATH) 10 Ibs, 48. Inte Malcolm MeDaougall established PAWAF'A Interests dre ide Island 101 years ago, when he was (Ty Fheees ptver 4 4 | ! "i i A ' AYLMER GHEEN LABEL ORANGE : REGAL OR 10DIRED fipinin Bring New Rooms 13 to Your Home ' Al with Gyproe AVE: ROOM for you ~a play-toom for the youngsters in the basement, An extra bedroom or two in plang damuped thal auvenis nang hipped antntly Captiln nelle whence (1 wa fnetory and « the hand nf andl his ue For the Arat time dinciples of lTeank ib. 15¢ Ib. 28¢ ib, 20¢ [I J MEAK the on ronan EAll, the postmaster, Some 00 or I the A) ofea until 1876, when for politica) ) rigged tandem on hi Lady Somers, With Male | | Dahle 1310817 oy fA Conservative government in 187% no Wier Culprato, and hough or | These are now . | wiioe, Booklet, Wits ar wire for reasivatinng | Mantrenl Gyproc Wallboard that dees Walton in this elty were ahla tn ay) and jorge eatohes from docks i mada with hook and line, ) 0 Easily and quickly applied, orted, In the lower hays and i ' I structurally Sony I 10 ands, haskats and nets wo vides firessafe walls, cellings and partitions, brought inte play, and thousand of pounds wera hrought in. Old time Ashermen say that it is the Your dealer's name is first time In years that mackerel | listed below, Consult him Juve, heen Jean In any numhep in today and ask for full infor. the. Taner Navoer mation regarding Gyproe Wallboard or write for ine teresting free hook "Build: i Remodelling with LORD CORNWALLIS i 1s Bg RL ng an Ll w and up + Luropean Plan Ope MAY VISIT HALIFAX Jy pneu aa GYPSUM, LIME AND TOR NTO ALABASTINE, CANADA, LIMITED MANOS FOR AND . Ontario VCTORA NN BION \ $ Bape 1 dar Lavy Tag 9 Nf =lLiord Cornwallis THE MOVIE RAMA 40 "Soe of Linton Park, Maidstone, Went, . \ Sa' Blah Linchaaa + 1 Kngland, & direct descendant of Le \ " Towa Jia dle Boe Hon, Hdward Qornwallis, founder 1H CATER IA of Halifax, may attend the cere Sambal mas mony to he held in this oity on Nats BRE SE il faa al. Day, 1001, aepording to a letter received recently hy 1D, MaeGill vray, ohadrman of the Cornwallis Memorial Committee, Mp, MaoGil liveay some time ago wrote to Lorq Cornwallis, Inviting him to attend the coremony and stating that the Pravinoial Government last year aoquivred & very good and authen He portrait of Hon, Rdward Corns wallls, painted In Minorca in 1766 hy Biv George Chalmers, He also asked if Lord Cornwallis knew of rellos, personal or otherwise, of the founder of Halifax, which on the unveiling occasion could he placed in the loeal archives, Following 1x Lord reply: 0 1h. 150 Ib. 330 . LI, ahe wed Ihe 290 ih. 450 would 1 owant to travel tn a passens gor 'plane piloted hy a woman, 1 consider that thin 18 a man's aphere HAZARDOUS TO OWN DOG IN 8. AFRICA Pretoprin, H Afrios. == Rvery day maken (+ more hasardous (0 own a dom, fn thin country at any wate, Deolalon In & recent case gave im nenss damages to two famitigs wha olnimed that & man's dog got in the Way of a motor oyole and so ennsed the death of several ohildren, In another instanes a woman of A sued the aowner of an Alsatinn dow for damages for a4 bite Hho gave ovidenon that after the bite she hecamn sertously 11 and ox hibited grave nervous symptoms, heing indisposed for a considerable time, though she had naw apparents y made & complete yeeavery, 'Fhe Wakintrate accepted her ovidenvs, hut disallowed damages tor shook and ita affects an heing ton remote, On appeal, however, the Court said that as the shook and (ts effects were cleanly the diveet yesull af the LT ib. 22¢ revi J Me Descendant of Founder May Be Present at 1931 Ceremony Halifax, d 4 So easy to get Health and Strength for srvice of (ansdn Ing, Assistant ivseior of the KK that very day hl years ago (1570) | (1) The Marketing Act wi ' . ' [1 ' a §] Ma of ram wali whole wheat in a digestible form -- Cape Breton Ratlway had not heen | LAIR Lo MB in in this eounty who wre sxperienced mall to and from the Grand Nar miles Later the Hastings routs [ore w TT aly ane | Brower awned and controlled ' ' ' ' cious with milk and stewed fruits, whout forty years ago, Mr. MeDouy- | sid 0 | J of | (Ant problems of marketing never BOK A R i 47 fii if 444 . would he delayed for hours hy sev. + ARE NOW VAL UABLE prrange last year was dauble that Pougall was never known to fail NUR OWN BLNNYFIEILD may ha sean today, as for the la t| aperated to aecura the hes faith] public savant ¢] an ti C Frank jeompatition and lower the price i ¢ ity 10 i sans 34e has continued antablished at Christmas Island ung | h ' ath RATES A VERY ATTRACTIVE NPECIAL=BUY NOW Ing come into power in 1874, tha! [If Mle Weared | FS he Heel Hiner, Minnewa AYEMER FANCY QUALITY 2 Tine 2 5e ahove stated, th . TT Above stated, the oes came ha the nase of the chip was Contes] Australian to Darwin, 4 HA In Atlantic Cily around peraplane on some long stages of ossible in your home at MACKEREL = MEATS $ Amy Johnson, in her fAnnl speech AT BA WATE BATHS | nn YIoam glad to he gaing, not he ation (when panelled) will for mackerel within stone's throw LOINS - to gel on with my Jab, whieh ARE { HU Ty \ : : a id] nh 1} ad ns 4 a CE wrapped up in [ oNnrd an i - he x taund that Australie grows on one LAMB LOINS IF DERIRBD * v more marvelously, and some day M nn vin Ni I hope (to come huek I am nti : NLICED | ee frit Miss Johnson sald that sha Hked get quit and comfortable in aviation, but she did not think B IL \ M wouger aeroplanes, "1 would never HONKED AND ROLLED FREAN LRAN LR, LYON! L) TEA --=Rlack, Ris, J 2 a few cents if you know what food to On the 1st, day of Heptember | tension Harvie Hnivereity if he enterad upon the duties of post passed, 'Phin places govern hullt and the western malls cama . |] proteins, carbohydrates and mineral iil tha movement, wha established Is Held by A & P was extended tn North die the i i hier (fH An Increase in potato wpe i gall tank the contrast of eavrying lent i 4 afore encountered, and that will Nectar Orange Pekoe Tea Ib. 7§e FAO years ngn, and more than Ao Nova Scotians Have Pieces | In delivery and receiving the mails | | Pasteurized Creamery 2 Ibs. 67¢ 40 yours, standing hy the rall sid for the Hot tnday a His father had an PPL as | Can "i ahinined hy growers unless soma in always whew It Arh LW Aso CHANEN DIR) 3 rime 2% , and that busines IR Fitp oe: ali peat round |! \ M aver sines without ry in vneation timel nany tn Ne J iin A b any intermission and is today com | pt ) ! traeniand ang J oly The fr} \ fan] Spend hn hi 4 ' Malealm MeDougall became the! Aawn on he Amsrivan Plan oMee wan transferred to a neigh | 1 HEY ol Nunn) | 2 MERE Wiel Inf the wirif Melbourne, Australie. In hoy | awn Moth aeroplane, with & mule | SPINACH 2 phot, Lady Bomoers vetumed to (his No, to James MeDougall, the son of the and fram par lin" §9e Hae 35. Foran weekoraweek-and enloy the lusurvef re ohituined the trip ittle expense. Partland, Me ] WT ws, ew hofore lonving far England (a ro Naw 2kmon strive PRONTS « TW Af cuss | odo not regret having on of thelr home Thousm | give you additional space in A, Thousunds ot tin PAVIER OLD ENGLINH © URED Wil THING Aving I am not bhutlt for social (ol {A kh Wan [my Hie work, For that yveuson | hi VE PEAMEAL BACK 8 { ( convinced that the hest route to 10 ¢ Smaked BOO Women taking an interest Breakfast B eon LAL LLL that they would ever ha ongnged FINEAT QUALITY A & P BERY dream of helug pilot of a passes RUMP... Round oF Nquare Nide Shoulders Ib. 1 9c Butt Roast Ib, 2§¢ ] MAGIC RAKING rORhEN LLL (LAA A "ANRORTRD Vidi buy. It is what you digest that builds Mi MeDougall eitevs upon the Mulne, spoke on eoonperative nip horn Heptember 1, 1861, and on developments in the movement ' ' to the body. Shredded Wheat 18 the master and has held that oMes ever mant qunrel hehind cooperative to lena hy the Orvangedala route | Dongnll for some years carried tha | yi This hoard fosters encourages, and ' . salts for building food bones and teeth rows ferry, & distance of (hr oli | [ | ie ara | elannl and natiopnl gale kar thieescate and (en years A A FB has hid A single RHrpose-stn sell (he | PORE possible When the postal servies of Cipe | i In taking place throughout he GROCERIES the walls to and from ithe train lol (mY i [need diffavent machinery from {he all these years. sven when trains |! {elently Far axsample, this county's Hu FINEST QUALITY FANCY BILVERBRROOK CREAMERY are snow and rain storms, Mr. Me greater than ware at the mall car of Aeroplane Which MoD TEM 1 netive al Flew Atlantic Individual 01En yet quite netl uni FINE GRANULATED BROWN OR WHIT) awaiting the arrival of the (NR IATA concerng ure shipping a and evening to perform his duty asl | | nie tripned 1 { ithe This will operate tn lessen WORLD'S LARGEST BELLING ROAP mAarkahle career in the service, The mathofl oan he davised wharahy tha '1 ) Ing hoi nition a mercantile husiness at Christmas In Season puately protected than al present utch 16 years of age tat Atlant nade (heie 1 fight from fier MAR a ducted hy his son, James MeDou- ! vme ship had previous! on used © more Years ago a post oMee was! Frank ( BY AUSTRAI IAN YOUR : SALT it. 2 av. pigs. first postmaster, He continued In| aut inane of the | f Single + LATE] A] ronsons, & Liheral ating for same hours he on Cam bell TOMATO N Mans Ay #ovariment ha Furopgan Plan and his companions were pleked Pilot, Flies 4,700 | LLL hid whe held it until th t 0 he 8 return of a A Latte | wlvaged hy 1} Hal when on september 1, 1870 | n While haing hoisted on oity in July after hep fight through FOR THIN WEEK-END ony 2 3 " aud Ars postmaster (ne of the Tine sl Hole Is ' (00 miles In all Aha piloted the Brooms * bi yf the Attic, the hrea SAE LARGE CATCHES OF "TINKERY - inte Wt euerhiteg , A } ! PINKER" | the Rael appointments withaul suarh bent The Culprato euvrted he That more notable fier Minn AN0 ROBME OVERLOOKING THE GERAN 11 The new Ivory coloured In many - yoars, 0 the ported as snxing y : "ow wot burn and needs no decors vitify. themaelves with wishing LAM LEGS lonve Anstralia, but hoenisn 1 want ker mackerel invaded the inner hat MED, GAMAM( 0 our present home, 4 ongagements or festivities, 1 am fi / Hb ACH 8 The wm glad to he going, but | have Po IN CHARS " BACON "etd Australia In the aly route / eh f PRAGAY tn Centrally leated in the husipesy ditiicd an ¢ FINERT THINLY RLICED ne lnrgs numbers in piloting pas gor plane she added. "Neither PR FRESH CUT YOUNG ROARTING PORK ¥ (he SALMON Sh Riot 1) Jb. ade EEE EEE EERE EE ERE EN EER 20 he 4 MARARCHING didi bit Ne L hl W varanagen BIER He LLL NW He i Wine vin ee NOUSENOLD SUGGESTIONS Noruh ATH Floor NV Coday hoy Map Hand AHR Polish AAT Lines "a LL Maps Arann FRUITS and VEGETABLES Fresh fruits and vegetables delivered daily to all of our stores, A complete Hat uf all native and imported fralts and vegetables ean be had at attractive prices, The Great Atlantic & Pacifico Tea Co. Uma coin LAMITRD, OF CANADA Wi Mo Lireprool Wallboard EE ---------- For Male By: Waterous-Meek Limited . McLaughlin Coal & Supplies, Limited Oshawa Lumber Company, The Carew Lumber Company, Limited W. J. Trick Company, Limited SL LLE Ha ba W BES GRR LRA RUA JL led Te Sin MAL 2 AL hit ib | A yh ~\ AINECLON OF i nl SAME WR SE Oshawa, Ont, Oshawa, Ont, Oshawa, Ont, Oshawa, Ont, Oshawa, Ont, Cornwallis! AR he Jen AN ------