FIVE ad printed printed Lumps or sure to ean Pat est Fall ine con les for ven Kiddie iy effect anadian Central 1 Pro reciahly repke in and un Barred (ntehew contest, | (0 Ha 0H 1UBK ATA with 111 | Borer Hants Kn far v laying 00 eggs ried learned (re pie ie than Leader ing that I nus i ER -- PAGE BIEIWS THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1930 The Whitby Advertising, subseri) Branch Off ne and news will be vesoived st the , at Gazette and Chronicle ~Telsphone 23, Hours--Phone 359, REPRESENTATIVE--JAMES H, ORMISTON Daily Times | United Church Leaders Are in Conference at Ontario Ladies, College ey. George Jackson, DD Praghytory Ovganizntion = Hey CG, €, Washington, Hey nv Hillman How to meet Officinl Boards lev, Wm, Munroe, DD widder 12,80 noon Lunch 2.00 p.m, Devotions "Ihe splritunl slonary ltev, A, J | Round lay, Peter dinnen mpllcations of the Mis nd Maintenance Vand', Langford, Table Conferences lad hy Bryce, DD, Dr. Cleon. Distinguished Clergy and and Laymen Assemble in Whitby to "0," [ihex Tin elones Ties Consider Many Vital Church Problems -- Missionary | Work at Home and Abroad, and Methods for Effective. | ly Carrying It on Are Discussed--Inspiring Addresses by Missionaries From Foreign Fields --- Conference Closes Today With about one hundred United Church ministers and laymen rep resenting the five central church conferances in attendance, an im portant missionary and educations al conference was opened Wed: is theideal food for thebottle-fed baby because it is clean, uniform in composition, nutritious, most easily digested of all artificial foods and always ready for instant use when diluted with plain boiled water. It isused more often than all ether artificial foods combined, THE BORDEN CO, LIMITED 140 84. Poul W., Montreal Send Pros Baby Book to; and Jee Cream , , thousands of ea STONE GINGE cherished recipe. JW, "Try This "Shandy" EY are serving it at all the fountains v + + O'Keefe's STONE GINGER bringing a "y taste delight to increasing drink , . . in O'Keefe's from a Taste its new silvery, foaming excellence at home, Order a 12 bottle carton from grocer or druggist-- 'KEEFE'S STONE GINGER OKEEFE'S BEVERAGES LIMITED alee manufacturem of Tad ' MP or r--r--------_ , nesdny at the Ontario Ladies' Cols lega, It will continue until Thurs duy evening, Wome of the outstanding minis ers and laymen In attendance are Nev, George Jackson, DD, pros fessor emeritus of Didsbury Col lege, Manchester, Kugland, nnd formerly of Victorian College, To ronto: who gave the opening des votional address; fev, Dr, I, B Cochrane, secretary of Home Mis slons; Nev Peter Dryee, DD, Missionary Fund, who welcomed the delegates; Itov, J, H Rev, Dr turned from | Donald, of India; Nev, VV, C, Bley anson, Missionary Cochrane, Missions In* Northern Guy Temhs of Montreal, chal man of the Laymen's Missionary Kdueation; Rey, J, CO Congres Committees Alderman Alex, Chisholm of Taranto, and others In his opening address Itev, Di Inckson speaking from the tex "Jesus Came, the Doors lieing | f Bhut, emphasized that Christ and | not man always took the Initintive in religion Too much iuitiniive was laid on the part taken hy man in obtaining salvation It Wis Christ who came to men, Christ found man lost and saved Him On Wednesday afteryoon ad dresses were given hy Hev, IL. HW Cochrane, DD, and Rev, J H \roup, DD, following which the Conference Committees mel AL the evening session addresses ware given by Nev, C.D, Donald {| of Indian, Nev, rank Langford bn 1D, and Mr. W, J, Cairns, a lnys | man, Then followed an (Hustrated | uddress hy Nev, D, G, Nidout which depicted the missionary needs of the various church mins fon fields I'he afternoon recreation Was led hy Mr, Alex, Maclaren Lunch was served at 12.90 noon, and supper at 4.30 The delegates speak vary highly of the heautiful college and itn ox collant equipment Thursday Programme The programme outlined far to day (Thursday) is as follows R00 am ~=Rreakfast DOO am Devotion led hy - ney + & "Shandy" that's tongues. This new s the real old English Murphy Co'y, Ltd, | USED CARS ALL OUR USED CARS REDUCED TO 'FALL PRICES' reduced 1929 ESSEX COUPE. Looks and runs like 'new car Greatly ; 1920 ESSEX SEDAN in new car condition, . | 1928 CHEV. COACH in beautiful condition, A real snap 1927 CHEV, SEDAN completely overhauled 1927 WHIPPET 6 SEDAN, A real buy, See this one, m Ross, Ames & 138 King St. W,, Oshawa Gartshore Ltd. Phone 1160 ESE EEEREERRERERN A : gacretary of the Maintenances and | Arnup, D | 1, secretary of Foreign Missions; | Daniel Norman, just res | Japan; Rav, C, D secretary of Young People's | superintendent of Homa | Ontario; | Allocations, Tha Congress My, (uy 1.80:5,00 Cloning High Sc *hool | Student Gets | "Sc holarship Orville Roherisin, a clever pusik of Whithy Wigh Nehool, han heen awurded the dred Uni versity College Alumnae Nehol- arship, valued at '$400, for gen: eral proficiency in the upper school examinations, on which he wrote last June, He will re ceive $100 cash, and the hal: ance in tuition fees at the Uni versity of Toronto, Orville haw been a student of the loenl school for some time, and al ways stood high in his work, His father lives at Sutton, and he in a grandson of Mre, George | Roberston, who moved with her family to Toronto last year, I'he winning of the scholarship In not only a credit to Orville, but it brings high honor to the Whithy High School, Principal Arthur Archibald this week ox. pressed himself as very much pleased wikh Orville's suecess, (GURRENT TAXES Tombs MUST BE PAID ON 12: COM. HOLSES Housing Commission Will Allow No Arrears to Accumulate | I'he Town Counell an Tussday ey aning endorsed a resolution passed recently by the Whithy Housing Commission, direeting the tax col: lector to colleet the taxes for the year 1980 and ench subsequent year before the roll is returned from the occupants of Housing Commission houses, In other words, the Com mission will not allow taxes on the houses under thelr control to go into arrears, because these houses leannot he sold for taxes | Counell that the Commission take [the position of uw mortgagee that it will not he responsible for the taxe on houses under their control he Counell folt that the endorsa tion of the resolution would be good | business, In that it might help to gel the taxes in Monthly Police Report The report of Chief Constable H Ww, Quantal for the month of Aug ust showed fines collected amounting to $202.00, and fees and costs of | $45.00, or a total of $447,00 for the month, There were 28 cases prose cuted, 10 convictions and three di missnle, Other cases were transfer red until next month, The report was filed Donald G, Cameron, of Port Whit by, was appointed inspector of side walk construction at 40¢ an how The Property Committees wa authorized to purchase a new unl form for Night Constable Thoma The chairman of the Property Committee reported that the inter dor of the walls in the town office had been repainted, also some paper ing done at the caretakers house The total cost wan $60.00, and the work, done by Frank Welly, he con. sldergd very natinfactory, Whitby Tennis Club Winner League Title Whithy Tennis Club won the group title from their rivals, the hi A Club, in the group play: off, which was concluded Ia Saturday at Whithy, The lee won in three out of five sections, 'I'his win entitles Whithy to pars ticipate in the League finals to * blayed on the courts at Bel. rei on Saturday afternoon, Thin, incidentally, is the first {ma a tennis title han come to Whitby, and special commenda- tion » ould ho given, an this in the first year that Whithy hax taken part in League tennis, Whitby will take the strongest team to Helleville on Saturday with the hope of bringing furs ther honors to the county town, Prominem members of the club who have heen inatrumental in bringing this henor te Whithy were Miss Queenie Astley, Miss Helen Richardson, Miss Nina Ross, Miss Hetty Odum, and Nin Aller Correll, wl Mesura. H, "J, Geale, Reg, Arthur, De, IN. Milly, Word indy Joe Hanscom, Hob Halliday and M, Feltenstein, The present ten. nin season in Whithy has heen a mont successful one, with a very encouraging enrolment of members, Sale pf Hone cooking and afters noon ten on Baptist Chureh lawn on Friday afternoon, Meet your friends there and enjoy a soolal hour, Afs tea 20¢, Publicity planseMy, H, D, Tre | | | | pupil would get «Whitby High School Has pin we es tho Go Over The 2 School Opened on Tuesday With an Attendance of 193, Exclusive of Agricultural Class Pupils, Which Is Much Larger Than on Opening Day Last Year--Principal and | School Trustees Gave Addresses at the Opening Session in Assembly Hall--Look Sor Good Term library. f be J With un ntolment of 193, exclu Mre, Portland snd daughter, of | §oiiore ure going out to wil mem sive of agricultural class pupils, oF | egiiingwood, Ont, spent the week bers and adherents of Whithy Bap twenty move thin on the opening Land with My, and Mrs, W. 1. Ash WIR and adh i | " diy last year, Whithy High, commenced a new term on Tuesday morning, The pupils taking the agri cultural course, to appedr at the school before end of the week, will Liring the en rolment to well over two hundred, | Last years' attendance in the middle of the term. will most certainly be exceeded, The agricultural classe, | will start next Monday, Principal Arthur Archibald and members of the Bowrd of duction were on hand to welcome the pupil #1) . " \ smith, and ehildren, of Bandwieh, a who met in the Assembly Hall before | (4 Lveturned with him on Tuesds: Mr, and Mes, ¥, W. Johnston, of | duughter, and Mr." and Mre, Geo HOSPITAL SPORTS DAY going to their elusses ' Detroit; Mr, and Mrs, Harry Bure| MeNee and daughter, of Belwood,| The third annual sports day at iS i n h y Hore gD ¥ A La y | rd nnnuu ports diy a ie principal, Triste Ceero Me, and Mr oscon HB, Downey, | gons, of Toronto; Mins Rope Meteo 0 000 vacont visitors with Mr, | the Ontario Hospital, Whitby, will chatrmnn of the School Management [who have been visiting at the home | calfe, of Niagara Walls, a former | A XW {he held on the Hospital grounds Committee, and Trustee Ross, chinir- [of Miss Bmith, Byron Ht. No, have | Whithy High Behool tencher, und [And Mew, WP Ashton | Tuesday ufternoon nest, eptember Hin ol the Property, Committee, | yeturned to thelr home in Peterboro, | far wi ter, Mis, Byers, of Toronto, | Mr, and Mi In Ballard, of | 9th, A "programme of 26 events ha Ie riel addres fenton wi y A . p " 5 ade brief addresses ay ye a. Mr, Ved Little, envetuker of the [accompanied by another lady tench. | Nobleton, Mr. and Mis, Far! Buckle | ln a arranged for He henefit of the tages wh an educational stitution, [town haildings, in spending his ans for from Toronto, spent Sunday lust | and won Bruee, of Auvors, spent Pi quia, yi ul oA hn a Mw I L " I ) x a p oo Wary ring ) 1 mono ll anid to the many improvements made gy two week wutlon in Toren: |p town, the guests of the former Sunday with Mr, und Mrs Rishurd [y and of the Ontario Regiment, Oxhe to ihe building fuking He bliiner ud brother and his wife, Mr, und Myx, | Brown wi, Will vender w munsienl program, month ie fuet tht much damage | ; tihbasn t. of Montran) . at Jane BE West : We sports duy is now one of the ad Seals done I paar Years 40 will Mies Ka Wan fi 4 ' ho ' haa Bert Johnston, Dunda ' | Mr. Charles Btewart, of Detroit, ih p oo ay A it and equipment was mentioned and orl 3 Kil ne "Green aver! Mrs, A, Macpherson has bean vi har been vigiting his parents, Mr | [ast year-over 400 partieipated the need for care on the part of | week ond and holiday, iting relatives In Toronto | unit Mrs, dames Stewart | every pupil stressed Principal Archibald congratulated the Sehool Management Committe on being able 10 keep the staff of Inst year together, there being but one new tencher on the stafl this veur He expressed the hope that down to husiness « oun #8 possible, and that the term now beginning ould he one of the most successful in the school Ii tor I'he veteran secretar f the Be f Fducation, Dr, Chas, F, McGilli viay, "who hus missed few, il af fos School openings over a long wrod of veurs, was. unavoidably de fron taking his wecustome on Ae platform) He arrived! {i I'l chairs H td Lr, HH, Bascom, wis avoldably absent at the ope § Included in the school eurriculun this ver is the hiner and not tric utaty Hrses, the two ear | commercial course and the 1 Lagricultural course The | i Lith farms thi TE rowded hut can be divide of the other classes are not so large In tl agricaltural department | agricultural subjects, including me | anics, will be taken wy he pupil will spend ahout hall of their time studying acade | literature nipositi | eograph history, pl grap! Lookkeep und t | NEW RECORD) IN WATER PUMPAGE DURING AUGUST Hot, Dry Spell Increased Water Consumption Heavy Power Demand of water delivered Fown of Whithy Ihe amount the mains of the the month of August wis 15213400 imperin) gallons, and over a million | more gallons than ever before pump | ed in the history of the plant, It iv] John | iin average of 490,754 gallons per da) I'he greatest pumped in any one diy wits A572.200 gallons on Thursday | Aug. 7th; the least 415,300 gallon wm Sunday, August dist, In Angust 1020, the record for the month wa 1420490; in 1928 it was LLI6GR000 | [Fhe hot dey spell would appear to] [he the undoubted reason for this in | crease, Water on lawns and garden plots and for refrigeration purpose is thought to account for most of the increase Pawer and Light Ihe peak demand for power ap pears to have oceurred at 11.45 am | on Thursday, Aug, 7th, and amounted to 978 horse power, The KW.H Jeonsumption lor the month was J07,520, A vear ago, the peal de mand was 937 ILE and the KWH | consumption was 28,200 As the peak demands for both water and power ocurred on the one | andy the same day, It would appear reasonable to assume that they must he cosrelated There are vacant premises in town served hy hoth these utilities, so it Ia certainly not due to an increase in population, A little. consideration of the electric light bills {ssued in August Is suff cient to show that the average home is doing mest of thelr cooking by olectricity during the hot weather; hence, the higher power demand for 1930 which 1s reflected divectly in mont customers' hills, This increase in demand took place in spite of the restricted operations of a certain falely large power user, August billing records ure: Power Light Water 1020 « 1408.17 4087.02 1063.28 1930 «= 13126) AOR 55 089.18 Substantial increases in power and light revenues are shown, rE --------_-- The Week in Whiy Mra, Elma and sons, Harold and CGleorge, who have spent the sume mer at Rock Lake, Algonquin Park, have returned home, Mr, and Mya, Basil Quinn, of Rel. leville, are vigiting with the fers mer's father, and other relatives bese, a---- ra Hehool | oy, and others expected and duughter Hilde gn tw | week | Muskoka Mr, Wm, went un operation in Oshawa Heo Fpital: Inst week, and who ha . sid du, iid il, Is now Improving, Mr, Ceell Pettit und wife, from children, of Whithy, spe nt the work | J 4 New York, visited st Mrs, Whites |¢0d with Mr, and Mrs, Staples, of 4 Welcome, Ont end in -Detrait, His Vernon Rowe nie 200 Mark! vention, The V, 0, N, will mest in the audi torium of the Pubhie Mbraty on Monday, September #th, 4 pm A members are naked " he on hand, The County of Ontario Old Girly Association will held their Septem her meeting next, Tuesday, the Oth; nt 4 pm, in the auditorium of the Round Table Sonterance ley, Robt, Laird, DD, ' y Conference Ovganizotions-=Tey | E l Ww ill drew's Church, Kiddies' rst A, ¥ W. oho, no, Rev | Large nro ment; l flev, A, 1, Richards and family fi s courses 90 like fieorge Williams | will return on Thursday from thelr magic where the dessert i McLAREN'S INVINCIBLE JELLY POWDERS tet Chureh urging stbendance ut ae the Communion serviee to be held ut Gandfallow | the close of the morning service nest Fr jodi How Hunday, Negular Baptist ehure hosers | Curl motored to Bali.on Bundy und |v) Vilgin House, | viees wre being resumed spent the week cond with friends, | Geo en didi Miss Luellu MacCurl returned with |end A Te " of ink, Mich, them after a wonth's - visit with week end and holdiy atl geiande at thelr summer cottnge Whithy, with his ; LJ foot und Mrs, Best Mr, und Mis, Walter MaceCur! and aaa an aa ee l- Maosnre, Dick and Norman Mud Mi Mv, and Mis, GG. M end holiday nt spent, the "Killurney Grean," parents, Nev, 1, ¥ Emith, wha under Mra, Arthur | | been | | Mr, Vread Walters spent the week | jaw's, College Bt, during the week sinter, Mrs, Noy |end, Mr and Mrs, Wim, Camphell and Canada ls the proud possessor of at last two organizations that 4 reveal the real and romantie spirit of our young nation, The ons, the Canadian National Exhibition ranks first among the world's Anest Exhibitions, giving visitors a peep into th romance and reality of the ace tivities of other nations, as well as the wealth of Canada's awn fisheries, mines, forests and farms. The other, the Loblaw Groce | noe with cTio} n ominion, are the stores that exhibit te the housewife "dally the vast production of food come modities that the world has te offer, A, TE visited at the home of Mr, Vimn Green, of Newmuarkel, und Mr werk ichurdgan, over the The auction wule of household of und other articles belonging to the eotate of the lute John ice, vertised to he held on Baturday Heriann Inst, ha definitely, These Specials on Sale Week of September 4th to September 10th PRIDE of ARABIA ar COFFEE VoeLB. 25° "So Good You'll Want More" 1.LB. 49° When visiting the Exhibition there is a refreshing welcome foryouat the LOBLAW Booths in the Pure Food Building -- PRIDE of ARABIA Coffee in hoot hs Noa, 72.73, EGYPTIAN BLEND Tea at booths 172-3+4, TIN 93 MILLION MILES BLEND In the distance travelled by the sun' ' healing rays before they reach Mothe Earth, To capture thess wonderful -- and present them to mankind--men of science have spent endless time and fortune, Till at last they have donated EGYPTIA "Winning Favor Vath, 23° ORANGE PEKOE adh, Tin TEA 45° tothe world, an immessurable tumph dressed in the samaly fos t known as the SUN HEAT fH Contained in this wonderfulSunwheat Risouit are five of the six vitamine known to man. Hence, the through ita SPECIAL-~-CHARM BRAND BAKING POWDER : 7° CHARMS YOUR BAKING TO A REAL SUCCESS importanse of it having a place in SPECIAL--~INVINCIBLE~FAMILY CARTON lo » ol ~ ren's, . oh ' ibis) doe \ Packages Torantalospital for TRUE FRUIT FLAVORS AND COLOR Sick Children. So start today the SUNWHEAT way to health, SPECIAL ~SUNMAID--PUFFED RAISINS 2 »- "e A SURE AND EASY WAY TO TAKE YOUR IRON 24° Fruit J Medi Si ori ry a Bee $1.09 PACKAGE SPECIAL--~AYLMER CHOICE QUALITY No, 2 Pork & Beans 3 ust HANDY TO HAVE FOR A "RAINY DAY" (Fruit Jarsa--Small Sige, 98¢ Corona Brand... Dozen Parowag-lmperial 12 SPECIAL--The Antiseptic Hand Cleaner © Ee % ISNAP 2 ma | Jar Ri Good, Peat? sua, om Dozen 15¢ : HAS MANY IMITATORS DOMESTIC EXTRA SPECIAL=~Ayimer Cholos Shortening el £1, No. 2 PEAS 2: Tina Carton Ld No, 4 Sieve Shirriff'sOrange MARMALADE her 33¢ SPECIAL--FOR BETTER HEALTH AND VIGOR--EAT KELLOGG'S A L L B R A MN Indiapenaible for Pkg. 17° Combating Disease 28 Groceterias .in Ontario We Sell al heen postponed 4 - § « sd >