Oshawa Daily Times, 4 Sep 1930, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR - Bs AR A aT THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, He rin y pn The Oshawa Daily Times A DAILY THE OSHAWA DAILY REFORMER (Established 1871) An independent newspaper published eve afternoon except s and legs hol as 8 Oshawa, Cam 8 bud he Fines rinting mpany, L has, Mundy, Srampany A Alloway, Hes. etary, 1 The Orava Daily Times is 8 member of the Cane Press, the Canadian Dail apers Association, the Ontario Previneisl Miles and the Audit Borer) of Pb Mor SUBSCRIPTION RATES Delivered by carrier, 15¢ a week, pd mall n Canada (outside Oshawa carrier deliv imits) $4.00 » yom; United States, $5.0 8 year, TORONTO OFFICE S18 Bond Building, 66 Temperance Street Telephone Adelaide 0107, H, D, '[1esidder, representative, REPRESENTATIVES IN U.S, Powers and Stone Ine, New York and Chicage THURN Fa-------- . WHY? Tt is hard to understand why the majority of the city council, at Monday's meeting, voted down the resolution of Alderman Mae Donald that the subway construetion he gone ahead with as an unemployment relief meas ure, that as much of the work as possible he done by manual labor, and that a depu tation walt on the government to place these requests before It, If ever there was a com: mon-sense motion there was one, and in view of the definite and drastic need of pros viding work for the unemployed, one would have expected that the normal course for the council to pursue would have heen to pass the resolution unanimously, and follow it up energetically, : There is reason to belleve that the subway scheme is progressing as rapidly as engin. eering negotiations and other technicalities will permit, and there is some encourage ment in the statement that tenders will be called for before October 1, But the motion which was rejected by the council did not affect that phase of the subway proposals, It had to do with the method hy which the work was to he done, and with the assis: tance which might he expected from the federal government were this project to he undertaken as a relief measure, Murely these are of importance to Oshawa, and to the eity council, On the one hand, there Is the certainty that, unless council requests otherwise, the work will he done by modern machinery of large dimensions, cutting the employment of labor down to a bare mini mum, On the other hand, there is the pros posal of Alderman MacDonald that manual labor be employed to as great an extent as possible, with the federal government hear ing a share of the extra cost, Under the present conditions in Oshawa; the latter pros posal is by far the soundest from the stand: point of relieving unemployment, and that should always be a major comsideration of the council, It may be, of course, that the majority of council are in agreement with Mayor Mit. chell in saying that the hylaw vote of last Thursday meant that the council was de: barred from making any capital expendi: tures, If that is so, it is time that they gol rid of that attitude, Aa The Times has al ready pointed out, the bylaw vote meant nothing of the kind, The bylaws were de: feated largely because the people felt that other types of public work could be under taken with advantage, and would provide more employment, The subway project ia one of them, and it is the duty of the coun: ell to take vigorous action to see that the subway projeet is undertaken in auch A WAY as to give as much work as possible to Osh: awa labor, and to explore every avenue of governmental assistance towards that end, That was Alderman MacDonald's proposal, - Why it was defeated is hard to Understand, Perhaps the aldermen who voted to vefer the matter back to committee of the whole, vather than. adopt it unanimously, do not themselves know the reason, DOING WORK AT HOME * Public bodies of a municipal character have & direet veaponaibility to the workers of thelr own community when giving cons tracta for work within their power to ore ate, That vesponaibility Is that they shall, unleas there ave very exceptional eiveum- stances to provent it, give the work to local contractors who will employ local labor, vather than send the work out of the eity to employ workmen in other places, There is a tendency on the part of some . public bodies to overlook this important prineiple, and in times like the present, when nearly every town or oity has ita hands full caring for the unemployed, citizens have the vight to expect that whatever publie funds are to he expended on public works ahould be spent at home, even if there ia some alight difference in the price to the disadvantage of the local contractor, This is a principle which should not be for gotten by the public bodies of Oshawa in their expenditures, for the creating of em. ployment for Oshawa Workers 18 a duty which weighs heavily on them at the present time, : ' ONTARIO'S TOURIST TRADK Reports from many parts of Ontario state that there has been a decided decline this year in the traffic of Ontario toukists through the province, This does not seem apparent to the motorist on the highways, but from many centres there are reports that this is a poor year for tourist trade In the provinee, The general Impression will be that this is due to the depression which exists in the United Btates, where it is a great deal worse than it is in Canada, Yet that argument cannot be necepted as valid In view of the faet that the tourist traffic in the Maritime provinces has increased by over fifty per vent, and Quebec has also had a greater in- flux of tourists than In any previous year, Rather might one say that Ontario has allowed itself to he left behind by these other provinces, One has only to scan the wonders ful literature sent out by these provinces to attract tourists, and to read the newspaper and other publicity used, to realize that this might be a strong reason for Ontario secur- ing less tourist traffic while these provinces are securing more, In past years, Ontario has been the mecea for millions of United Btates motorists, and this has apparently caused a relaxation of effort to build up this valuable trade, This province should be sec ond to none In making known its attractions for tourists, [It can tell the world about Just as many wonderful attractions as can either Quebec or the Maritime provinces, hut i seems to be neglecting that opportunity, With such keen competition for this trade, Ontario must ever be on the alert, and by using the available means of publicity extensively and intensively, must enter with west into the fight to attract the United Btates tourists and the money they spend In this country ONE BRIGHT 8PO1 It is intensely gratifying to note that, in apite of the recession In most lines of husls ness and industry during the present year, there 1s one primary Industry of Canada which has made progress, which has set up a record in advance of that of last year, The semi-annual report of the Ontario depart ment of mines, issued a few days ago, shown # somewhat remarkable condition, in that the production of Ontario's mines and sme! ters has Increased In value hy $2,708,401 over that of the same period for the previous YOAr, It ia highly satisfactory, in considering this report, to note that the period of tem porary depression has not retarded the de velopment of the mineral resources of the province, and that It has been possible to in. oreane the vate of produetion, After all, the wealth of Canada in primarily derived from ita natural resources, and so long ans the basic Industries of agriculture and mining remain on a progressive and sound basis, there need he little worry about temporary periods of industrial depression, Thus the increase in mineral products is one of the pleasing signa of the tigiea, one of the aligns which Indicate that the era of prosperity for which all the people of Canada are anxiously waiting and looking, in not very far off, mm TTT -- WHAT ABOUT THE MONEY? The Stratford Beacon-Herald makes a very pointed comment on the sentences of three years Imprisonment imposed on two Ottawa hrokers found guilty of conspiring to defraud the publie, Tt points out that thease two men had put up $560,000 cash bail each, and that this ia possibly only a portion of their ill-gotten gains, They still have the money, and when they complete thelr terms of Imprisonment, they will have it, and will he able to rehabilitate themselves .in life without much diffieulty, But what of the people whom they de: frauded, the rightful owhera of the money which they have cached away pending the day of tiieir release, These innocent losers, in many cases people who could ill afford to lose, can whistle for their money, The hrokera will pay for their offences by prison terms, it in true, but there should also be some way of compelling them to disgorge the money they extorted from olienta by fraudulent means, not only as a measure of Justice required hy law, hut as a means of ensuring that they will pay the full price for their mindeeds, EDITORIAL NOTES Are you a dynamiter? Help to make the 1980 Oshawa Fair the moat succesaful in history, The city council should not ait down and do nothing juat because the building bylaws were defeated, The time ia more ripe than ever for aggressive action to oreate work for the unemployed, And aldermen should remember that the unemployed==or moat of them, have votes in municipal elections, It used to be anid that newapapermen were the champion gate orashera and dead. heads at all kinda of sporting &nd other events, But the palm must now be given to the Toronto aldermen who not only de, manded special privileges at the Canadian National Exhibition, but also demanded complimentary tickets for the Mann Cup las croase final, Other Editor's Comments AGE THAT 18 RICH (Hivattord Henvon-Heruld) Pittesn peoples In Kilehensr Waterloo hosphial submitied (0 the operation required In taking some of thelr Wood to help those who have heen aiiaeked hy infane the paralysis, "These (ifiesn pave sons had previously had the dis GRRE, And thelr Wood formu the hain of the serum used in Hight Ing the disease in others, Iisre in something more In this then the mere technienl deinlls of going through the operation, "hers was tht willingness 10 ausint others The netlon of peoples who sihmil 10 wich operations may mean Lhe saving of Wie and the use of Wmhs WAITE THAT no ciheen In a ven! sition unihl he takes a veal intovest In the home ity, Laders ure (he people who wre up and doing wil the time, When trouble meets progressive eitigonn, they smooth I ow and hasp wong, The mun who puts the most in to hig home ety In the one who goin the most out of I The ellen who lose ave the men who, wee wlwign going (to do something (omoreow, HOME, PROPEL ARK CEPIZAKNA THRE BEARONED OPINIONS OFHEIE JUST LIVI (Industry und Labor) Ona of the biggest stockholders In the New England (exile in dustry said: "IV's not the eight hour day of abhor (hat 1s hurting New Kngland;, I's the flvahouy dny. and five-Any week of (he hosses, Thay don't work as thelr Andes Aid, nor an thelr help work now," A young hustler sald: "I's the dead hand of conservative mons that Is holdiug us haek, They do not trust us to make New Wns Iand hum as she did when they Were youn." Bld a tahor man: "Our people have gol tn he turned haok ta think mors of thelr work ani less of thelr pay snvelopes ar we'll fing IHF move fuetaories moving oul wii | they Maap, | Crnek all of these nuts! They're good and sound or A CIy THY YOU sHOULD NOT ONLY 1 A HHOGULAR VEIOW, BUT A Jib GULAI CYIIZPN AB WELL, That Body of Pours ly James W. Darton, M.D, WORK YOUR BODY CAN DO Sr eh hearing shot il th bowit emlarion, oi ul uni phout nent ind re, ERI What Tuts thil you muy wom Koliig 10 he dine ered whout Sood und food values fpeinhih Tix ul vila WHY NOT LEAVE THEM |i ihe ALONKY | der | | whit! next | (Hirt fara Bescon -Hemid) aplorers have wraund the shore MEEing Lieorginn | § fH IVT Bay, and clatin in have found |, I health will eat exintenes of Intian Hie that had | kind of | duy, he 1m moeivitiaation all is own i ion gel We imagine ihe Indinns must | of each food and the vita have had a (alrly goed time 4 pe No person even honked a horn | V ini EhEniling the tat | ul Hem and made them Jump Ti | ! paris Ihey never had to step look nd Haten ni uw vallway orossin | Out In the eauntry nn one evar | hollered fore' &t them hey never hag to take a hand ful of corn and a hire NERY. mest and run tha whistle hlew in the mornin The REYBI' had to m6 In tha Ielephone and find aut that It w | RR WFONE number | No barter eve paused ta rel i I doing UL C1 MAFK 108 getting a 11s thin on | hort perl | fy Ahint 11 Kept uj the 1 1 Wii FEU S be | | hang nf | Vd yer our food experts all spre | hin being i | wo htle of ene h | i ever od nih | | health Inte (hut CF or crenin) and A pares vegetalile nr dried far It || | Ihe} Hee | ) adult d | He needy ol that | | | when | | | Th | tap The wivas J played hridgn BO WHY does thie rest isk nie | can Want Io wo digging Up the hones of | N ih under Wreat: stil ua Men wha lived and died in pence? . in Fest ¢ spoken helore of Dia, Hens | nd Magsard of Yale, and | Bits of Humor || ui of ih "tal sg ste Af the haves navar i "a ¥ ih fun rr JB | I hey I fT Amen in Pe A they min dies do An they Mather, "Have you made Hp ¥oup mind to stay In?" Daughter mothey I've TL and MAAS up my face 10 go oul | i He thes I Wars Nn | meh wor BO YOu decided not to get the | NOW Oar You wers talking about? Oh somebody elas held the Ieky tioket | isuall ahi Consider CAUTIOUN | : Awe) Wall o opesit you tt fun bat. taand Aha WARE my honest opinions" oh Tou J Client WO==|. WA trating for hard athlete von 3 ¢ than th wolenslo dvies y professional advie weats # day. which u ed before tn hut four the amsunt needed when th men nals dl "Ni YOu arding Alpes | meni Hlawaridess Madam tended ta you As hest ve mt I van, and | asl THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1930 which vequire sitention to oLher paris of the hody us well as the varraction to the eyes, You can't hive your glasses and your eyes udjumed too often; unless they ure properly covveelsd they calinol give propery service, (Fo hs Continued) BROUGHAM Brougham, Sept, 2. «The fam) Hes of Dongld and Kimer Wilkon have returned to the eity Ouy ahureh wttendunces | proving with the close of holiday season Our schoo! opened on liesdiy with Mr, MeWhirier, of Hastings County, In churgn Mr, Holmes haw ustalied a donhle gus tank on his proper) lies during the past week Travel In hewvy on No, 7 High way In spite of the bud condition In places dus to the levelling pros (aN KOInK on west ang sant Brougham Allan Verryman. spent his holt: days with his grandpsrenis In Acton : Min, Georges Philip snd Min Brodie spent the past weak In {he uty Minn Lioiiine Biavanson, ol Gysanwood, and niece and nephew | of Kinsule with Miss HB Mra, CO, Buralay Is slowly under the care of davighier, Miss Halon, IN with her at home, Mis, Maywood, of Dunville, hag haan visiting har peaple here dug Ing the past week Mis, WW. Walluce ana Mi Aj thir Harvey, of Toronto pent Friday nt the Brown home have hson Plavaghon haliduying hoy Iie | of | | Improving | who Ie | Veahuks=Comp,, C5 IM, 4} Mod, Wist,, 3; Geom, 4; frig., 1; kat, A, (; Im, C, € ihy |e hll, ©, IAan Murphy-=Comy., 4 Doris Mureay=Comp., 2% Geom, (! Dorot hen Mod. Hist, 2; Trig., 3; Vr. A, 3 Donglnn Nesmith Arvw MottComp,, €; Mod, Hist, (! Dorothy Vrowtbest mt, A, 8 Frances Rulnes--Comp,, 3, Baveriey smullman-=Comp Chem, 4 Helen Vickery Cr Mod, Hist, % AC Tal: C..0 Wy Mr, nnd Mrs, Smith, of Beaver ve Lon, wers with Miss Brodie ani Mre, Philip on Munday Min Agnes Cowan, of Oshuwh, hin heen with Mr, und Mrs, Holl hy Quring the past week Mr, and Mrs, B, Carter und son, | of Graenriver, wears with the A Grey fwmily on Sundng WW, J, Brown and tsmily spent Lashov Diny with thelr people Lit, Masmith iM, 2 Ag, C4 Geom, 14 Vr, C., 1 Vhy., 4, IA, £3 PORT PERRY Part Very Mrs, H mre the friends Mis, A: M, Mevisr, of Luo gale, Cullf,, who hus heen he knelt. of My, J. OC, Coukhurn tnd | tum ly for the past few weeks, has | returned home | Mr, Bavearley Bmulliman hing re | tirned home wfier sponding we Bde washu In Copper CHIH Mr, snd Mrs, | WwW. Wruale have announced the engi | thelr daughter, Marion Noreen to Mr. Juhi Ross Maveneour!, of | Oshinwn The murviage | pines on Hog, 16h Miss Cavig Garrow wus the gues | uf hoy cousin, lad Collin Inet weak : Austen Mitehsll wa ih Loaf friends In Port Parry holldu oppor Sohiond High Grave Cuwhog Al { I'rig |] y Ienhel (pw Mud Hint he, Hi Trig, # Crim, O, Ci Ir, Ad wept. 4 My, und Nile, ul Coldwular, guests of Port Parry Comp, 3; Guom, 1 Aft Ay 1 fvien Willnen hy £, § Ak, 8 Chem , cy PUTTING OVER A SWIFT ONY, (Landon Answars) mel He hind proposed snd the girl had Liivned Wim down, Aly, well," he sighed dejected) ' Hpposa 1°11 nayer marry now," The girl couldnt help laughing Woe, whe 0 Auttered "You sitly hoy!" she entd fia CRG 1've turned vou daw n, thu! Ansa't mean What other givls will do the sama," Of conyee will tue' Wii Hen | BO) Wy | Eu Over | the it dosw,' he mile 'If who will)" returned wit} J won't PPIT nofilit thao! Part 01 | Parry hives ne Mud Hint, €} PARENTAL AUTHORITY - (Chilean Dally News) key Loam ¥ Iai re. Wilton we your Chem, 14% a.m? Milton Wihni was the rumpus Kwealhaurt's house ahout A fre alarm?" "No, un sire alarm," Ioan Cuwhoar-- Trig ( Sa VAVH -- Thousands Are Pleased Dally Kyory day thousands of people visit the Superior Chaln Stoves display In the Pure Food Budding nt the Canadian Nationa) Exhibition, They ave all unanimous in thelr praise of the delicious Hoya! York Ovange Pekoe Tea and Kara Coffes that In served, You, too will enjoy It If you haven't teled Its=hy all means make It a POINE to take advantage of this opportunity to do so, WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS -- -- items for Week Ending September 10, 1930 Chateau Cheese Wholesome and sutriitous, It spreads or slives Premium Tea With Premiums Free L've supplind every are wtih unsatisfied WAR! now?! Mulering lady WARE the earth? want, but you |' mn | ta da wo for i "What do you | Fool time which actual | 10 tor times as ich Passengel || | \ 3 Hoan f | nelertul capabilities of that bod | W WHER Necessity arises Flas work uses up the food © we bovky, ues up the hady tissues that & or 10 pounds Ty and nae ain that must he paid hack after the CONTRARY MINDED { Fhe argumentative town onuns | olor wan on hin feet, bent on pub |! Yerlging his apponenta i UME Ohalrman he sid Coun. | HY olor Jones says this 1a a vase o! Sly OF one and a half a dogen of the other Bul | say Ro mont empha Heatly no! 1 In exactly the von teary einanlves wm ono HE LIRRLIAN Wp OXYEPN A ROO As possible stone have work alain Wir \tey rest In worth an much an fond dows the gen taken from the tissues, to he ve placed LE ONY Khe: ""Dan't you think that a WOMAN In clever enough to do any Work that a man oan dot" Hei "Oh, you! But a woman (8 a 100 oleverar than that, dhe usual Iy gota nome man to do it for her" ms GIVE HIM AN BVEN BREAK (Registered In Aceordance With the Copyright Act) vw 59¢ BORDEN'S CHOCOLATE Malted Milk 16 ox, 49c¢ Tin 25¢ 25¢ dlc 29¢. ROYAL YORK TEA Aluminum Package NEW PACK PEAS Standard Quality 2"3"19¢ Campbell's Tomato oup 2 for Nunwheat MHiseuits per phe Pure Mtinwherey dam, 40 os Jar Roman Meal per phe Va Grape Nuts Seeded RAISINS ha wae 17¢ 14¢ 15¢ per phe Ron Ami, powder or cake Heans Creamery Butter 2 mv. 69¢ Waxed, atan dard wive 2 tin Granulated POST'S Bran Flakes "This vase In 2,000 years old, Pe very careful n carrying it." "You oan depend on me, profes sori UI he an oaveful of 16 an if 1 ore new! eo Munioh Lustige Binet: (Ohloago Dally News) Wo="Didn't you work today?" Ahe=="No, I stayed home to get A mood night's alesp." ] Bits of Verse BLUEBERRY MAGIC They come from the far-off places, Blue hilly and shimmering plain With fragrance of wide, wile spaces, And freshness of summer rains by €. N, Tuek, Opt, D, (Copyright, 1028) NIGNTITCANCOR OF OCULAR NYMPTOMA Part 'WY Headache (nthe majority of canes 1a dus to some error of the AYAR OF eye muscles remaining un corrected, I'he reason a very full ooular examination should he made In every cane 1a because It th not wise to Jump to the eonein sion that every headache ta due to AN BPFOY of Lhe ayes oF aye muscles and unless this examination mw complete the condition 1a only par tally corrected, The examination either proves or dlaproves the axis tence of An evvar or weakness which may he the oause of he trouble existing, Also the inter protation of certain symptoms will bho different an the age of thin pal ent changes and likewlss tha cov Teotion 16 the errar may ha Aller ant. In the diferdht dae of the patient, After the acllar error 1 ate tended to, 1h ln necessary fn many onsen to have the physical condi tion correoted, Many reflex dim orders ahow ocular aympowms They take from the tranquil heavens Their color so pure and cool} They oarry the magle essence flowers by a pine-girt pool Magle! Tt Kft and bears me An light ax a thistlesdown, Away from the erowded dwellings And streets of the busy town When | hear the song of the white: thyoat And the swish of the firs, wind HAL When | pL the hlueherry serves, Long ago left and low, I know the Tamp of Aladdin In potent ax onee of old, And 1 ogmther a harvest of gladness, Ax much ax my heart ean hold welilian Laveridge, 2 ee. 23C KELLOGG'S All Bran ois. 19C SUGAR 10m. 49¢ Mustard FRENCH'S PREPARED Per Jar 14¢ pkg. Rowntrees" Chocolate Bars Always In Stock Oatanp, Tiger, large hottle Ninouite, Viau'a Chocolate, per 1b, Ily Bwatters, long handle (rubbery) 10¢ Malmon, pink, halt pint tine, 2 for 25¢ a 836 oe 25¢ Lily Maddie, INGERSOLL CREAM CHEESE 2». 25€C per tin tue Berries, per tin "oC Mason Jar 23¢ Interlake Tollat Paper, 3 rolla for 25¢ NONSUCH Liquid Stove Polish Per Bottle 17¢ Neville, "a ERE EEE Olives, BENSON'S Corn Starch Per Phy. X2C FINEST PINK CLARK'S Pork & Beans od, 1 9° Size Tine Peanut Butter, 14 op bottle 20¢ Land, Hilleveat 1h pa, 19¢ sane, PD Thick por bottle (vio 15¢ 8 on, [ Bott! ¢ Perrin's Fig Bars ». 19C

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