THE OSHAWA, DAILY. TIMES, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1930 PAGE NINE TANNERY LOSES 1st. GAME TO OWEN SOUND - TEXTILES ELIMINATED Geo. Simpson Beats Tolan BASEBALL ResULYS [Textiles Eliminated by In Both Century and 220. | 7%: Snappy Hamilton Team Tannery Nine Loses First Game of Playoffs 10-6 With A TRACK AND Smart Owen Sound Team John Shrubb, Son of Al. Lice vacing his fastest until he passes | Jersey City yovenie 50H Hamilton Team Gives Smart| ike called, Martin doubled but ---- FIELD MEET Christie Bros, Owen Sound strike-outs and allowing only one hd the O0-yard mark, Up to this time | Reading 000000 My wi W" caught oo Shrubb of Bowmanville, Tolan vas giining but in the fast rr Display of Softball, Hav. pd fl oul wing Jo. wast ord ' : walk, Moore had two walks and only a Entry in O.AS.A. Inter- four strikeouts to his credit, but he { From the standpoint of wthletics MON op ( MONDAY'S OSHAWA FAIR Lord Burghley Beaten bia ie 8 Lose Second Game 5.0 'Bultala ; iear0000: B) 7 5 -------- : A ET -------------- . ea efie i is aw alt . p § SCORES / 9 First pitched more efieetively and allowed the success of the Oshawa Fair third of the rage, Bimpson eld his |, ( - one' go k 0 rin 1, 0) srrers, mediate Series, Wins only five hits while Guiltingn al- | Track and Field meet, to he held on Wins 100 Yards Open lead and if anything was drawing Faronto 1412 Rochester ing Only One Error Vis Fonts Brad, tnd | held i strike Game of Playoffs With [lowed ten, The Owen Bound earned | Wednesday "and Thursday, Sept, 10 Handicap--~Oshawa Boys away, alersey Gf 12 Newark iting Hurler Has Twelve| calcd, After several fouls, Creamer h T 10. their victory by their ability to hit {and 11, is assured, With u galax) Al As Tolan sald after the yun: "1 | Montreal 6-10 Buffalo / i popped out to Cheyne, Young Kol #4 Robson Leather Team, and to ohikin Strabane slow. kr. of athletic talents such as hus never so Do Well in This wis hot even in the race until 50 Bultimary WU} L Reading Strikeouts and Gives No crate hit, Bradd struck out, 0 runs, rors proved much more costly to the | before heen assembled in CUshawa, virds," Vitggpatrick and Miller were wNight game called off==rain 0 hits, 0 errors, : 6--Score B Runs in Last Oshawa team than to the visitors and with officials of long experience Event bath scratched VENRERL Walks and Allows Only ii "bith Inning Two Innings to Take De- The gue Vi witnessed by ' good and reliahility booked to he present, " ' 4 Wr : u In the 220 yards event, Simpson NATIONAL TEAGUE ve Four Hits--Never Has to! 1iselavs=Turmbull walked but was crowd, The Tannery team feel cone | the meeting is being regarded hy | Toronto; Sept, g-=ntars from Unit=tand Tolan ran one, two, Simpson's von Lost PG, fi I out at and f GF cision --= Game Is Well. dent, tha they can defeat the Swen sporting authorities as one of the " pie who competed in the much= time of 209.5 seconds hettered the Chi " Ri : A a big Pitch to Mere Than Four iis pi Rha rasnies . Sound team right in Owen Sound, on | outstanding events of the year, and |leatured sprint events oi the Cana | existing Canadian mark but it je | JW FOTR cover 70 oh #4 Bradd mi Chevn's \ ; I Played and Very Interest Wednesday, when they play the ve- | there is going to he a large attend. [din National Exhibition trick meet [doubtful it will become a record as |! LOWE oinenen 74 i] 557 Batters in One Inning wo-- itd asad ests pop fy. Wein, ing -- 'Homers Feature | turn game, The game here wis not [ance of sporting fans from Toronto | held on Saturday afternoon, outs {there wag a strong wind at the backs Brooklyn iovneeer 73 4 fi } ' won until the last. couple of innings [to see the events on both days, M,|shone all their opponents, By their fof (he runners, For the first hyn | PItsburgh cone, 08 63 819 Textiles Try Hard But|nd on thie throw in, Stout was cilled out, Cheyne scored on a passed Are Outclassed ~-- Large | ial, Jieosler singled and took and Crowd Sees Game Game and the Tannery pitcher was not ace | McIntyre Hood, secretury and mani: brilliant victories they occupied the | jred, the United States experts were Boston ners | 71 {id corded his usual support ger of the meet, spent Suturday ul brightest spots in 'the meet where close hut from then on Simpson Lincinnat) rrr 3 74 130 Owen Sound's snappy entry in the BOX SCORE ternoon in Toronto as an oficial of | athletes of international repute, gath- drew aw Philadelphis i 0er 43 B7 141 Intérmediate section of the O.AS.A, Robson Leather AB R HPO A E|the Canadian National Exhibition | ered Sousiher hy : wood Hughes, Oshawa Boys Do Well ' eI Ay Jr pad / i PIT ( ( y 0 M(H y : Christie Bros, got off to a good Fans, 1h : J 110 0 athletic meeting, and came hack en ain pi vide uch competition ) 100 yards, open handicap, first heat . : MONTIAY (Onl Ihe Riseley Coal Co, softhall team, | great catch of Fairbanks' drive 1 start in the second round of the Reeves, 2b ,., $1 34 thusiastic over the success which at. | make dnother fine succkss for the I, 1, R, Schrubb, Bowmanville; 2 ew Yor Bd Philadelphia Hamilton's representatives in the | runs, J hits, 3 error playoffs with the Robson Leather Co, B, McDonald, « ' 1 1:00 tended his efforts, not only to line up | sports director of the GNI Had ¢ Yee, Central Y, Time, 9 7-10 secs. | Cincinnity ¢ Chicign OANA. Senior "B" series and last] Textil Rodgers fved oul io Team of Oshawa, when they won the H, McDonald, ¢f ,.., 04.01 the highest class athletics in Onta the Canadian sprint ace, Percy Wil Second heat=1, I, Cameron, Camp | Boston ! Rraoklvn year's champions of the Intermediate | Wainwright, Hale ingled ta centre first game by a score of 10 to 6, at Hura, «f | H 24! Yio, but sliv 10 sisure thar compe ha fot injured hs Jeg oy il Borden: 2, RK. Kendall, West Jind to Lou I Pittshurgh section of the OA 8A, continued in| Parish fanned on a ugh ene, Morris at 4 { h y ( ( tish Empire games the ight ' . PP ht 34 4 » ' Cowan's Park, here, on Monday af- Richarty, { ) 0 ing officials will be here to handle gale fbive gal 8 th i Nave Fime, 101-5 secs their march far the 1030 title when | ved out to right, 0 runs, 1 hit, ternoon, Ui ekined La J (18 program, heen # Gilstont sory in Le Ahi] Third heat--=1, ¥. A. Haley, Osh AMERICAN LEAGUE they eliminated the Oshawi entry, |0 error Taking the field, all decked out in pub 4 . ' S------ Co te dasirady JR Racers 10 and, [awii 3 H, G. Garter, Central ¥.| Won Lost 'Textiles, in the second game of the | 6th Inning their snappy red und black uniforms, |* Ryior, 4b wht of "i I " oak ova ie Point ny Iver of the ni i" Time, 10 secs Phitadelph ' first round of the playoffs hy a score | Rigelayvs == Haley made a brilliant ; ¢ of o 5 already f and. toe 0 "je Wiashin | . l ; y ¥ the Christie Bros, did not make a ite Bg Rag 0 Wh ol dh honors Fourth heat=1, \V, Engel, Oshawi a! h y of 5100, at the Motor City Stadium {one-handed catch of Morris' wild very impressive showing in the pre ! ffi George lil bly held 10 Sheehan, West End Y, Time, ER ree : Wan Saturday night throw to retire Turnbull, Greenlee game workout but no doubt they will be the official sturter, At the 00Tig- Rijpson could possibly he ty, 0p Lo Clevelind iit } The ganie was witnessed hy a large | was safe on Paris ror, MeRae 4 i om the effects | Christie Bros, other end, the timers will be in charge | selected as the most effective man HOCH Detroit 78 [Was pie on Lali FEO mo ta were still suffering from the efiects P, Christie, ef of Alby Robinson, the veteran |at the meet, The Ohio State Lin Final=1, J. RB. Schrubb, Bowman hi A crowd of fang, who were given al flew out to centre, Cheyne doubled of their long ride but once the game Fidgar, 2b dina sports official of Woodstock. himself | versity expert outsped Eddie Tolan {¥illei & A. } Haley, Oshawa 8, R11 pray' wn | Tare exhibition of. softhall and he [10 right, Creamer pulled in Wain " f #0 carreras MNCK, | 4 ' | " " « kot under way they proceeded to Colin. an old time sprint champion. and for | of Detrait, Michigan, his greatest 1 Kendall, West End Y, Time, 9810170000 / [11 can De pitched h Gordie" Faire | weight's hoist, 0 runs, | hit, 1 erro dish wp a smart brand of softball ina, Addasbad 4 JC op the ol I $1 s 100-vard das | scored | pecs F280 81s banks, diminutive hut effective hurler | Foxe Gower replaced Turner . ws had | Healy, € vivvnniins years regarded as the dean of timers [val in the 100-yard dash, ane r famil | and when the full nine innings fae Bune db rire on the athletic track, Dick Fry, who |& vigtory by a foot and a hall na Lord Burghley Beaten NT for the Hamilton team airbanks | and struck out, Brady singled, Cream been played, ney Were siting on the NIGHot tf area has charge of the CN. Athletic] gin. Ever a bad man to heat at the Great Britain's athletic prowess re-| Cleveland hid an sven Hosen $hikeout i er it to short, Brady Wits forced out ong ne of a his i eis A, meet; Elwood Hughes, sports direc. | start, Simpson lived up to his vepusLeeved a jolt in the 120 vards invi- | Detront { nad ie hdd hn Loan ' pi at second but Turnbull's error gave y CHIE ' ] 5 ( i te shut-=0 { oth teams playet Mati Tan King, If ; tor of the CN. P, J). Mulqueen, | tation Mis success over Tolan mtation hurdles. Lord David Burghle | | N put , 3 toni ll h fo sam the ih u he Creamer a life He tried to tke erro ap ' : L shaw § wld ne f ll x d ' RVing only hve wk dh ently » McDonald, 3b chairman of the Canadian Olympic [the century can great) he attribut: Fwho is rated as one of the best in| Washington ) oe hi el i ef HW Hee0) / dnd hut was tagged out, 0 runs, 0 nery : Srron proy Abd) a Committee; Charles 1. Higginhot- [ed ta the slight margin he gained [this race, and who was vietorious a sol ve hits p h i He d £0 y ! 2 [ hits, 0 error ne wp gf " The ie 010 10 27 14 5 tom, president of the Ontarin Branch [overdhis opponent at the break from [the British Empire garies, did not eh " ¢ : wl wil | Risel Jb Inning tn Dradd iB ary ou bh k t, hy Guiltinan, 9; by [of the Amateur Athletic Un {the mark even figure In the first place ' y y A hd db db Ni Liselay stout dyed out tn Drade § e led to hit their stride struc ou ) Autitima ) Al n I \ on « Hr ¥ ¥ 4 DIDN'T LIKE THE IDEA low:wielders : : d ; Mp Sound lam failed ta wh Nn They Moore, 4, Walked, by Guiltinan 1, | Canada; Bill White, of Hamilton Simpson Breaks Ahead Johnny Mores, of South Western A rich Ami redoril | The Foon iid wot pla ti Ine ie fouled ¢ " | # ores Mu 4 2 v A one 5 8 \ wice the runne vere hrought | College, U.S, had the English noble : \RErcan \hLAg 1 his 2 A 4 nag tin drew a walk airbanks hae 16 by Moore Tworbase hits, B, Me he of the best timekeepers in the Iwi £ rane A J i A ! : 8 otor car and hought an weroplane, [ brand of hall the are capable ol | 3¢d ane called, 0 runs, 0 hits, 0 ey when Brady fumbled the pieckyp Wialnwright scored, Ieseler stole 3rd i) a AE RIEL) > as 1 > ta | wall | Moore, p, voiiinniis --_---- tn Rae { Christie Bros for me Robson Leather Umpires, Forrester Scorer=R, Bell meets and athletics 1s not worth . nero the plate £ : ) shaved two Fung. Aeros ple 'I Donald; three-base hits, Collins; | game; Billy D'Alesandro, leader in |back for an unfair start, Simpson he. fman heaten to the finish and in the I an ' thanks to one error and a single by x . : Vien he invited his black chauffeur | playing Too many of the batters | por Christie. They followed this up. with Home runs, Healy and ichol; | girls' athletics, and many others have [ing the hrst to hreak in each in second place, Burghley kicked over A) dh X ; BRT to wah tite nitcher aul : : a i ht) ; "double play, Oshawa, Jacobi, to|consented to come here for the two (stance, On the third attempt, Simp three hurdles and was automatically | M' THHAH ' lim as pilot, he was ( W a | 4 | Pextiles=Young Ayed out tn Stout two more in the fourth, the first one , v | h iis lifed Art) Ravensdale. wi yo he met with oa decided [In an attempt to draw a walk but | Bradd grounded out, drd to 1st, Red bein nice homer hv Healy, Bunt Reeves, to Evans, in 7th day athletic meet and act as officials, [son wis successful and the jump that disqualihe rthur Ravensdale V0 Hi aris rs rot Jascifk anv. eee) \ . i ge | } ph singled | Score by innings 50 that there is every assurance that [he secured at this part of the dash was second after the disqualiheation, AIThANKA We iy vr A gers out, Martin to Turnbull, 0 runs scored the other one when he singles 2 ' vi $A Ti He w Bibi : | and vias behind. 1} passes, Not one of the Textile play-[( wits, 0 errors d scored on Guiltinan's error. The L002210025-10]the whole meeting will be run off in| placed him ahea ' [] eran a great race an as behind the I tow tui \olitars walk Bot] ' : ane on Ly f " \ 100004100... 0] splendid style, What these men do [overhauled Simpson, it seems, 18 Headers by only a small margin, neg | | head Ao yen 4 | J A x A' i rbd Ath Inning scaped one in the fifth and then took and Nichol not know about handling athletic | | 1 are nat | they tried hard he Cshawa bat: | Riselays L'urnbull flied out 'te a rest until the eighth inning, ' ee -- ------------ A ET -- fraid nein good mech. | 1! seemed to let the good strikes [Young Greenlee out, Morris te Ha Maanwhile the Tanvety team had i ~ knowing, and the citizens of Oshawa a hurling battle of it hut Herring master asked go by and swing o" he hod ne Ie MeRae w atked ( h ne walked, gradually got to Moore's offerings can rest assured that the air ath ed . a e bad ft on his versatile agponsnt in replied Sam, "I ain't 6 Oshawa a) 0 Creamer gathered in Wainwright's They had scored | ane d the igs Bell Telephone Team letic meeting 1s in the best possible 5 teadiness. Herring held the Wings fh of or going up in de All [Shave Jail sue apt iol the ane had long fiv, 0 runs, 0 hits, 0 errors when Reeves singled and scored on) o 2 a' Gam hands, | to two hits for Ave innings out when i asks me [NNINK, UR, y ha ! | oxtiles aley singles arlsh McDonald's error. They broke out Wins First [J] From a | wo TOM --- ' B and crank it up errors, all with men on bases, Bradd, | yaicived the Jed strike go by, Morris in the sixth inning and by means of Belleville Nationals As for athletes, the worries of the | Montreal Maroons . frad and Farish were the offenders, | fived out 1a right, Gower watched ] one double, one walk and two errors, pin " Ds 7 2 I tendid + I'he Riselavs took full advantage of [two strikes go by and fanned on a NANARer, »o far a ing splendid | e mgs Si U Five Me ber / - the misplays and three walks by fyiah ane, 0 rins, 1 hit, 0 errors | ' gn Up mbers Rodgers, to grab off three hits, The | " ' BCE 50 tie po A " they scored four runs and so tied up Toronto, Sept. 2.-~Rell Telephone | talent is concerned, are now over ] th Inning Before placing Automobile In surance, get my apecial ra Bargain prices for lota in Dears born Park, subdivision, west of Simcoe N. * J. H. R. LUKE | Regent Theatre Bldg. UGLAS FINDLAY Of Forest Hill, Ontario, is a real champion, This year he won the Slemin Cup, intermediate alle round sports championship, Cam" Kagawong, Ontario; last year he won the Gooderham Cup, junior sports champions ship, and Hud Brown shield for camp leadership, and in 1097 wou the Juveplle champlonabin: the game, They came right back in : : defeated Belleville Nationals, 11 to 4, | For the women's events, one of the | ~ W result of three walks, three errors | their hart of he seventh and, with at Conboy Park on Saturday in the [stellar attractions will be the appear- | of Allan Cup Team J RO ree Mite war tour rans. his | Riselays=Stout fiyed ous to. Haley, wo oy i A na | i gle hs first of home-and-home games in the [ance of Rosa Grosse O'Neill, former ---- j not only practically put the game "on | Kessler out, Rodgers 10 Haley, Mars ans: 10 He with ano Rep 1 Leth first round of senior O.BAA, play: [world's record holder for girls'| Toronte, Rept 2 ~Laboring in Montreal, Sept, 2 «The Montreal ice" for the Hamilton te AY hut [tin grounded out to Haley, 0 runs, ' searing syle ne putting i. sh downs. The Bells were much the het: | sprints, who has this year made a {dusiriously and In a Anished Way | Star yesterday says the Montreal took a reat deal of the Asht oul 10 hits, O errors, AVE 102m mn io Road, ter on the dny, and from the 'third | sensational comeback, "and won in fen Labor Day, our Leafs rather | Maroons have signed up five mem: of the Oshawa team, Neither teany | Textiles=Hrady struck aut, Cream . od Fine Finish frame on were apparent victors, The | splendid style at the CINE, on Sat- [threw confusion: into the camp of [harg of the Montreal Amateur Ath. scared {ur the remainder of the lt popped out to Fairbanks, Young J Going into the eighth with the [winners added to their reputation is |urday, She will have keen competi- [the pace-seiting Rochester Ned [letie Association amateur hockey game, Hamilton having got their flew out to Wainwright and the game score standing at 6 to 5 against them, a heavy hitting aggregation, clibbing | tion, too, for the Parkdale Ladi Wings when they twice tossed them [team to play professional hockey el Tal In the aeeand inning, when | Wb over 0 runs. 0 hits, 0 errors, the Christie Bros, team launched | ho afferings of A, Weir and "Moose" | Canadian Ladies, Toronto Ladies and [for # loss this coming season Rodgers walked two and a sacrifice Riselays §; Textiles 0, . their victorious drive With one larrah to all corners of the lot, | Hamilton Olympic Clubs are sendin The Red Wings' feat of heating The players concerned fn the and # single scored one tally I'he teams: Riselays==Cheyne, as; man out, Healy drew a walk, Bunt |yiree home runs and a pair of doubles | down their best girls, and the relay [the Baltimore Orioles four styalght [wholesale jump from the ranks of Rodgers pitched a good game for Wainwright, 3b Stout, If; Kessler, grounded oyt and it looked as if the [peing included in their thirteen blows, [races and 100 yards dash will he spec. [meant nothing to the Leafs. Stave [the amateurs are Dave Kerr, goaler; the. Textiles and even though he P15 Martine 2b Fairbanks, pi Turn ' game was going to result in an Osh ----------------_-- tacular events, For the girls' high | O'Neill and his men acted on the | Paul Waynes, centre; Al Huggins, R hull, hi Greenlee, ef, and MacRae, | virtory when A, Nichol stepped th t ( y ( Ho 1d understanding, the mors cocky [forward, and Dess and Earl Roche wits much mare Hheral than usial y NI jump, e entries ol anny oulson [0 erst o " ¢ ' of ' "wl M as Tn . | J up and hanged out the second homer Point Anne Evens and Eva Dawes, the close rivals of [the other fellows, the harder they (wings which hrings another hro with free rips tg nb base, allowing Oshawa Textiles Brady, »fy } of the game, scoring Healy, and Series by Blanking Ethel Catherwood, are assured, and |fall ther combination to the profession six hits and no matter how good a | Lreamer, ely Young, ss; Hradd, 3h, utting Owen Sound one run up as both of these girls have already And the Wings fell. Tn no un-|al game Wieher is. he can't win the me if | Rodgers, p Parish, ci Marrs, bj 'heistie Bros, played inspired ball Peterboro C.G.E. 60) come within a fraction of an inch of [certain wav they were mada to yea y . ---- hi teammates don't gel or vans, | Turner, 163 and Gawer, If after that, Tannery got their first world's records, this should be a spec: [1120 that (his series Is anything but ] The M p y Umpires==Dell; Qshaw d Fick : \ i le pec : i hi Drives Them to It Ihe Hamilton team shawed them Hpires v Uthawa and 1 f man on by a walk hut the next three Peterboro, Sept, 2. « Paint Anne |tacular event, Hamilton "is also (# faw more games, a faw more vies | ap oa knew until 1 got a car" selves to he the better ball team: and | 12¥: Hamilton, -hatters ware patie in quick neces. up the round with Peterhoro | sending seme classy jumpers, and [1OTIe8 The Leute amacked them oh sald the hishop, "that profanity was deserved their victory, The Textiles r------ : tian tn close fhe eighth ning, Owen CGE in the O.BAA, intermediate [ Betty King, a girl hurdler who is al the morning, hand ; Vo} Sacks 20 hrevalent" Ned hard and It is Certainly no ais BUSINESS METHODS Sound came back in the half of the | (O00 00 ing the Electrics here | ready. an outstanding star, although | 04 them In the afternoon, 13-7, BIX{ ony vou hear much of it 'on the grace to be eliminated hy a team of |. Tommy="1 say, mother, will vey ninth and grahhed off two hits and Saturday afternoon 6 runs to 0, On ainly 18 vears old All in all. the [thousand fans turned out for the road distinguished guest the calibre of the Riselavs, who are llet me horrow a quarter for five three Rute of Suliman, who weaks [ye dnesday last Point Anne had suf | girls' events will he right up to Cana gala " A 'v hold the -- ada is I, Lee, mayor of Coventry, | expected tn win the Ontario Senior [minutes ; | Shed WA on 5 if e. fered a 7-8 defeat at home | Ban |S anpichiniy standard and Wb, athe he ny ie Captain="1{ anything moves, you "RH" utle this year Mother--"Rorrow a quarter! What L} rs naire } J " " ¥ in h The homesters showed a complete | should pack the Fair Grounds with . . shoot THE GAME mischief are you up to now, Tem y ters ang, just at this stage, Only reversal of form over their brilliant [enthusiastic spectators, in the morning and Khut them out, Private Tackson--"Yass sub, an if | daughter and a party | 4 E idlig 4) I ' I : ' four batters faced Moore in the' , A hut It was his hat that prope'led Int " Ist Innin : ' n display in the first game, Point ---- anthin' shoots, ah moves! L) i Well | Yun ' last of the ninth and the game was A 4 bhed four runs in the first ) Kddle Phillips home with the only ' Riselays Cheyne grounded out AALMLLAN ell, mother, Uncle Jae over, ind nate Jou uns hi For the men . vans, Practically run of the game, It happened in I Bradd to Maley, = Wamwright flew [aid he'd sive me a dellar for en b ATV 1all the winners at the Canadian Na- | ni v \ ; S (quarter I could show him this wee Moore Hurls Well Tg ve Toto. Frost was sent in] he winners, at the Las he Atth inning and Phillips hit a out to Bradd, Stout flew out to ( | 1} Osh on I! | ona am on, | Haing many fearking double to get on Young 0 runs, 0 hits, 0 ITOrS ee iltinan, he , Oshawa hurler, [ag relief and he pitched a sterling | Canadian champions, will be hand "n . ' } . pitched a nice game, having nine | for the RE Asian champions, wil be an han There was more pelting of the Fextiles--Rrady struck out, Creamer ' ' ne ' game, strold paving the way Jel Relay teams for the 440 and one mile [hall in the afternoon, At least out, Fairbanks te Turnbull, Young --_-- . x " a -- other two Point Anne counters, relays ure coming fram the Hamilton | there was In the latter part of the struck out, 0 yung, 0 hits, 0 errors { Olympic Club, the Central Y MCA [affair In the early innings Arthup End Innin . TORONTO KIWANIS PUT and the West End YMCA, thus| Herring and Ira Emith made quite Riselays=--=Kessler walked and stole PETERBORO JUNIORS OUT [ensuring close competition in the thd. Ma Ike Faint It Pays To Sh : : A 2 Martin walked, Falrbanks was y ° op | ow art Toronto Kiwanis qualified for the sprimt events, while scores of indi out on a sacrifice hunt Kessler wa . final round in the OBAA, junior | vidual performers are also coming | while Pat Mulqueen, Charlie Higgin tagged out at the plate, Tusnbull Here Always ' series, when they eliminated Peter. along to contest all the races from [hottom, Dick Fry and Elwood attempted to steal dnd and was ; n v Now Playing hore by 8 to 4, Saturday afternoon |the 100 yards dash up te the mile, | Hughes dre helping to round up all caught' in between, Haley missed a ¢ at Viaduet Park The five mile race shauld he a stand the athletes of note in Toronto and throw and Martin scored at the plate t "WILD The winners were out-hit 12 to 9 [out event, "The entries so far include | elsewhere in the province, so as to Greenlee doubled to leit, McRae ' o but ten {ree passes issued by Waod | Harold W ebater, who on Saturday [make the meeting an unqualified suc had the Jed one called, 1 yun, 1 hit, ( \ COMPANY" in five innings, and loose work infwon the CN.E. modified. marathon; | cess ad th he / " . the field, resulted in Peterboro's [ in: Kevnolds Canadian chamnion [The co-operation: which is heing Textiles==Readd was thrown out at . Youth Its Fling downf'l, Like fva mig distaney AM Fred Meeived from high athletic officials first by Cheyne, Stout made a nice 0 n Ras r-------- Si " "up, and member wonderiy \eNe men ale intense catch of Rodger's left to lett, Haley Bi R . Collegiate : of the team for the Hritish Empire |ly interested in developing athletics fanned on a high ene. 0 runs, 0 hits, ' HURRAN I see you're letting your wife drive | Games, Dudley Powell, of Taranto, [im Oshawa, and they ure delighted 0 errors, 4 ATHOLL ST Ww i d The Plumbers Are Coming the car now, : ~ |another British Empire Games man, | with the action of the Oshawa Fair ded Inning fie M f Yen, | figure she Il have it Josking i Shisrad in the 440 yards race and | Board in sponsoring this athletic Riselays == Cheyne out, Bradd to i about right for my sen to take tothe hurdles, and Art, Ravensdule an. [meeting ax the big feature of the Haley, Wainwright bunted {oul o ollege with him in September other Canadian champion, will be in| f 0 i Si is thi id NS . PATHE NEWS college with September, ther Cattadian th plats + in [fair On every side on Saturday his third strike, Stout out, Morris ta . the hurdles, The Gladstone A.C, | comments were héard regarding the Haley, 0 vung, 0 hits, 0 erpors Tailor-made \ "DAD'S NIGHT OUT" the Monarch A.C, and the Spartan of | enterprise of the Oshawa Fair Board Teoxtiles=Parish watched the Jd 2 00 N Toronto are all sending in entries, | Athletes were enthusiastic aver the - ' strike hreese past, Morris fanned. |} Suits +. \. 0. . .. Laughs Galare Nhils some sytitanding talete Jrom foanbilities of regular athletic meet ~ wh { w Turner made it three in a row when |} erento Police Amateur Athletic | ings in Oshawa, and they are edming 4 | he also fanned, 0 | $ \ uns, 0 hits, 0 Associafion will also be on hand | down in scores, determined to make GWT IN MIDDL TEMPERANCE. Ty : I Scothad Woollen Mill Bashy Kerr is Jersonaliy wn Sate this meeting so successful that it will BROAD CAS bev Lop 4 SUDDEN 4th Inning! : " Bini of a large squad from Hamilton, [he the ' : W | " | large sq Wlto ne farerunner of many others, id [* Riselays = Kessler had the third . BRINGING UP FATHER * BY GEO. McMANUS a CS ----- \ . r N C ® QUT You Ll BTAY IN 1 CAN GO ACROSS THE STREET RATHER "THAN JURY & LOVELL'S Too a TE CR [11] Sy roa ne \ ALLING Er THERES Rh OPTICAL PARLORS oI Ok THEN YOURE NETH KNOW i] 3 W. Wornll, Oph. D. OF THATS ! Eyesight Specialist WORSE THAN 4 Phone 8918 THAT GAME: fe