Oshawa Daily Times, 30 Aug 1930, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, AUGUST 30, 1930 The Oshawa Daily Times THE OSHAWA DAILY REFORMER (Established 1871) An independent newspaper published ev afternoon except Sndays and legal hols days at Oshawa, Canada, by The [limes Printing Company, Limited, Chas. M, Mundy, Presidents A, R, Alloway, Ses retary, The 4 Daily Times is a member of the nadisn Press, the Canadian Dally News pers Anoeiation, the Ontario Provincial allies and the Audit Bureau of Cireulations, SUBSCRIPTION RATES Delivered by carrier, 15¢ a week, By mall in Canada Sautide Oshawa carrier deliv limits) $4.00 a yoox; United States, $5.0 » year, TORONTO OFFICE 518 Bond Building, 66 Temperance Street, Telephone Adelaide 0107, H, D, Tresidder, representative, REPRESENTATIVES IN U.S, Powers and Stone Inc, New York and Chicage SATURDAY, AUGUST 80, 1080 THE MAYOR'S STATEMENT Mayor Mitchell, in his statement regarding the defeat of the civic building and police station bylaws, gives It as his opinion that the people of Oshawa have decided that there are to be no capital expenditures, and that the sixteen hundred unemployed workers must either become the recipients of charity or will have to starve, It is to be hoped that the view of the mayor is not shared by his colleagues on the city council, It would be unfortunate, for the sake of the unemployed workers, if the de. feat of the bylaws were Interpreted as a mandate against all capital expenditures, and meant that the council was to sit back and do nothing to relieve the unemployment situation, Rather would we take the view that the ratepayers were not satisfied that the projects on which they voted were not the type of public works which they wished to endorse as unemployment relief works, In the course of the campaign on the by laws, opposition speakers, and these included members of the council, strongly advocated that the construction of the subway would provide more employment at less coat than the bullding projects, This, we believe weighed strongly in the minds of the rate. payers who rejected the bylaws, and in the hack of their minds there was probably the idea that if the bylaws were defeated the vouncil would go on with the subway pros posal, as a means of providing work, That, at least, should be the attitude of the coun- ell, and Immediate steps should be taken to set the subway work going, As the mayor points out, the bylaws are defeated but the unemployment still exists, and the council should not rest until it has reached a definite decision on public works, even although they do involve capital ex- penditures, that will relleve that serious sltuation, THE NEW POLICE MAGISTRATE There will be general satisfaction in Osh. awa at the choice of the attorney-general of Ontario in the appointment of T, K, Creigh- ton as police maglatrate for Oshawa and the township of East Whithy, an successor to the late Magistrate Hind, Magistrate Creigh- ton, to give him his new title, has won a high measure of esteem from his fellow-citizens during the eleven years in which he has been practising law in Oshawa, His has been a quiet type of efficiency, and he haa those qualities of heart and mind which should enable him to fulfil his duties an magistrate wisely and well, The office of magistrate Is not an eany one to fill, In that position, ita occupant needs to be more than a dispenser of justice, He must be ready to temper justice with mercy, and to look to the reclamation of those who have gone wrong, as well as to the satiafying of society in the enforcement of the lawa of the country, He needa to have a deep understanding of human nature, and A temperament which responds to the appeal of those in trouble, an well as being severe when occasion demands, The friends of the new magistrate will re. cognige in him one who possesses these at. ol and one who was, by reason of hia war service, brought into contact with hia fellow men in a way which fits him admin 'ably to occupy the magisterial bench, The Times joina with the citizens in congratulat ing Magistrate Creighton on his appointment, and in wishing him a useful career in the office to which he has been called, | MEN WHO MAKE THE EMPIRE Oshawa had a distinguished and interest ing visitor yesterday in the person of His Excellency Col, T, R, 8t, Johnaton, governor and commander-in-chief of the Leeward Ialands, a lonely little group of islands in the British Weat Indies, Col, St, Johnaton han had an interesting and adventurous career, Before he was appointed as governor. of the Leewards, he waa governor of the Falkland Islands, and before that governor of the Fiji Islands, the place where the people wear their hair standing straight up on end like thick, black brooms, © One ean hardly visualise the experiences and adventures of Col, St, Johnston in these positions he has occupied as the representa ra-------- tive of the British crown, He has been a life of service to the Empire, Throughout, the generations, the British Empire has been for tunate in that it has had an abundance of such men, men willing to lose themselves in the distant places of the earth, serving their kind and thelr empire in a capacity which calls for self-sncrificing endeavor, These are the men who have made the Empire what it is, who have shown to native peoples of vari- ed races the meaning of British freedom and Justice, and, in doing so, have cut themselves off from the friendships and pleasures of life in the homeland, Buch men are true heroes of Empire, be cause they counted not the cost of them. selves In giving thelr service, and British people everywhere should look to them as the living embodiment of the spirit that has made the Empire what it Is today, THE ONE-EYED MONSTER A striking advertisement has been Issued by the Highway Bafety Commities of On. tario, It is headed with the caption "The One-Eyed Monster of the Highway," and it deplets n single gleaming headlight, such ax can be observed any night on almost any of the highways of Ontario, - The Inference In plain, Tt Is a warning against the menace of the car which Is driven on the highwa with only one headlight, The Times has referred to this breach of the Highway Traffic Act on many ocenslong, and has expressed surprise that with traffic officers supposed to be patrolling the high ways, it is allowed to continue ax it in Highway traffic officers, If they are really. on the roads, should have ni difficulty In observing these one-eyed monsters Any motorist who has driven hy night between Oshawa and Toronto has seen them, and I is beyond understanding that the officers do not also see them, particularly when the minister of highways has stated on more than one occaslon that this practice Is to he dealt with se erely, There is, however, a responsibility on the individual motorist to see that his head lights are in proper working condition, I in easy to detect a headlight that is not fund tioning, and just as easy to correct it, Why, then, should any motorist be so careless as to expose others to the danger he create hy neglecting to give attention to n matter that is of supreme importance in safe dri ing - EDITORIAL NOTE The Mail and Empire advocates making fall falrs interesting to young people, This should he easily gecomplished in Oshawa by means of the hig athletic meeting, Lon Chaney Is one motion pleture actor who will be remembered solely on account of his faithfulness to his art No matter how the vote on the bylaws turn out, the eity. council should go ahead at once with the construction of the sub WAY, If the enthusiastic comments heard at the automotive show at the C.N.I5. could only be translated into orders, Oshawa would soon be a husy place, "In this life of ours I am sure there Ia but one way to find true happiness, and that in to get some fun out of work, -=Winston Churchill, "History shows that to substitute mach inery for manspower ia desirable, in the long run, hoth Eoclally and economically," ==Otto H. Kahn, "I'here in undoubtedly a defect In our pre sent organization for police purposes, =Kl. ihu Root, "Finance i& only a mode of apeech, = method of moving things and commodities and changing thelr ownership," ==Thomas W, Lamont, "A lawyer is a learned gentleman who yeacues your estate from your enemies and keeps it himself," =Lord Brougham, "Posterity remains ax the supreme tri: bunal; yet in very few cases does il reverse a judgment of the lower court," == James Branch Cabell, people become usually trouble too contented ahead," ==Henry "When there's Ford, An English newapaper says wheat prices are likely to be lower. The only people who will welcome this will be those who are look. ing for cheaper bread=--and that means everybody except the growers, It seema to be up to Mr, Bennett to take up the challenge of the new United States minister to Canada, who claims that the next move for the development of the St, Lawrence Waterway reata with thia country, The Chamber of Commerce lx certainly not holding back in ita efforta to secure the pro. per. development of Oshawa's harbor, and en. suring ita more extensive use on behall of the people of Oshawa. The results of the werk of Secretary MeCormack have so far heen very gratifying, and he is to be cons gratulated on his success, CURING DISEASE BY KADIO You have been veuding with in- Laren. of the experiments at Uni versity of Pittsburgh and at Gone ern) Klectrie Laboratories al Hehes necindy, N.Y. whaerehy certain longths have heen shown to des troy Warmful organisms in plants and animals, within the tissues that the organ fama are destroyed with no damage to the tissues, You will yemember that paraty wig, that has defied tha skill and knowledges of physielans since the dawn of history, has heen cured in many cases hy infecting the indi vidual with the organisms of ma luvin . After the malaria had run He courea for some time being kept within bounds hy quinine the pat font was then cured of his malaria, and in on number of instances his paralysis was cured also 1 owhe the guceass of this malarin frantment, which was fell (6 ha dun to the heat the hody manufactured to Nght off the malarin Infection (hut gave the Ides of the value of wives against nll organisms Hkaly that 10 will he a littla while vet hafors averything 18 per footod so that this may has tried on mun helngs Hown what 1 want fo talk Lahout 18 this heating of (the hody tht takes place when an Infection The temperatura immedi wlely goes up, heonuse that is Na fre method of Aghting off the trou And Nuture provides heat in the in whieh It In needed This is tha reason tha) Is A mistake when vou find you have » in temparnture to immediate) or other means to reduce radio It 14 ay aniay proportion Ine Hee drips that temparatire that MH prope sams lke the thing to do ha normal tempera urs of salel I CI right If youl I know nutinal or with a you have pa fpeling that all must hae temperatures is normal he proper (hing la to go ta hed und thers until the tem perature (a normal, using no drugs whateva until our doctor meen Hi Hr remain you If he nhout finds the tamperatire run tor ta 104%) he not give you any drug to re dues the temperature, hut give you inopurgative to frea the blood of any poisons that are preventing it doing {118 heat worl If thea tamparatiuras goon real high he will then try tao vontrel i Homembar then that heat is your hody's host friend Ngai lund hast defender | n Ant) ning Is hest (Hegistared neonrdance with | the Copyright Eye Care and Eye Strain by C. H, Tuek, Opt, D, (Copyright, 1088) NMOGNTFTCANCE OF OCULAR MY MPTOMN Part | I am lmpelled to cover the ahove tn the hest of my ability heanunse a cane of seversa natures Just cume to my attention tosday It in my object Lo relleve the pa: tient's mind and correct the error IF at nll possible, The frst: step to he taken In to And out what the pa tient In complaining of. In some ennen thin may he a long history of allmentp= nome of them deeply aoated and then on the other hand It may he the gane of the patient not complaining enough to give a pro per Interpretation of the trouble yen though thin may at times ap pear (adious and to the impatient mind unnecessary, It (4 neverthe loss a very important thing, Hay INE heard the patient'a history of the cane and after listening one whould in a general way be in a po ation to estimate their significance and hy follawing with the neces, sary objective examinations ancey tal any special slgnifioancs af hin portance, In spite of the value thal may he placed upon the examina. tion whatever Its purpose, there LIL ave those who wish te measure It in dollars and cents and even at thin advanced stage there are some who would expect that this tmpors tant feature he given free, Can you obtain a good workman to do ha work free? (To he continued) CAPITAL PUNISHMENT The Archbishop of York does not believe in capital punishment and he has spoken hin mind on the matter very forelbly before the House of Commonn Heleot Cams mittee on Capital Punishment, He thinks that "the Anflietion of the death penalty or outlawry would perhaps he justifiable for a man who ln wholly evil; but no person over was 80." He considera that the taking of life hy the State it: wolf lowers the whole general cons vaption of the sanctity af lite, Al. tar all, what in capital punishment but lynehing veduced to law and order; you cannct dissoelate | It from the idea of revenge, C,H Atwood, since 1919 ohiet engineer of the Dominion Water hranoh for Manitoba, hau been ap. pointed Deputy Mintater of Nines and natural Resources for that pro vince! Whiect he fden Is to create such a heat | Mi lin with Col Mr. i My AM cilles killey nev, 1, Vi, NIKINKON Wight, years na misslonary among the novithern Crees House, Man, a post, one week's travel heyond the noth eng of Linke Winnipeg, Is one of the commissioners general council of the United Church of Canndn, meeting at London, Ont, bev, We was horn near ville, Ont, and attended Vietorin College, Toronto, ut. Oxford elected to the In mid-Beptems souff- KEDRON sow munvil vith M M a ure North Osh Miss Mn nh ay My nnd Mi wild i it | on M Fdith Pent lo, is spending i, J. Lake und Murguret Con da uw few nt hw ew Conlin A oti hi and I, Mount sited with AW, spe rEnerite and Mrs, Cecil Jeffrey and Doreen, Maple Grove; Mr, It, W. Lawrie and daughter, Womaine, Vrie, Penn, were guests of Mr, and Mrs, A, D, Van Dyke, Mrs, Ross Lee entertained her 5.9, Class of junior girls and boys, on Thursday afternoon, In honor of Misses Margaret and Ruth Ballard and Master Lee Scott, Mr, und Mrs, Harvey Crossman attended the Exhibition in Toronto, Monday night Mr, and Mrs, W. N, Hoskin and children spent Monday at Caesarea Mr, and Mrs, A, WK, Seott and fam ily returned to Arnprior on Vreiday alter spending their vacation with Mr, and Mrs, ¥, W, Lee, Mr, and Mrs, C. W, Hoskin, My and Mrs, W, N. Hoskin visited their sister-in-law, Mrs, Fva Hoskin in Bowmanville, Thursday evening, Mr. and Mrs, Harvey Crossman und Irene visited at the home of Mr, Cecil Pascoe, Soling, on Sunday Mrs. J, MeGregor, Miss Dorothy McGregor, North Oshawa Bruce McGregor, Oshawa; Campbell und Marjorie, Alberta; Mrs AT Stainton, Zion: Mrs, F, W, Lee Mr, and Mrs, M, Ballard, Mr, and Mrs, A, I, Scott and family were entertained by Mr, and Mrs, Rosy Lee on Thursday last Miss Mabel Mitchell holidaying with her sister, D, Van Dyke Mr, and Mrs, 11, ¥ on Mr, and Mrs Oshawn, on Sunda Mr, and Mrs. M, R Ballard, Mar guret and Ruth left on Sunday {or their home in Moose Jaw, Sask, af ter a pleasant holiday at the home of Mr, VV, W. Lee Mr. A. 1. Graves, Brooklin, took charge of the church service here on Sunday in the absence of Dr, Cooper Yoston, is Mrs, A Werry culled Wm. Stainton, who 1s on his liolidays, He preached uw splendid sermon and will all he looking forward to having him with us again sometime we Myrtle, | Cont lund witl iehinrd ent visitors Hatred 1, Wary My, una Were eid fan) Wer Inn Hosp iw 10 i) 1m Howm 0 HW lo. Hosp 10,00 LR 1] Hm Whit} Re hn [3 ® \ L! 1" 12 Ll ] 1h 1 12.01 il Ll \ L] L 8.00 Wu LA 0 LR) "10% 1.8 Leave Bowmanville Oshawa Whithy SUNDAY AND HOLIDAY Going fave Oshawa am 3,5 am Leave WOR am 400 pom SR LH TIME. TABLE | Whithy, Oshawa, Bowmanville BUS LINES ¢ DAY BUMEDULS aod slter 'Ar 1h¥ In LH Lea t paving Time) olng West ve Arrive Whithy LH Arrive Hospital mn EAE Going Kast Leave Whithy Rr ial ] pm pm pm JL me marked Hospital wnville won pm Lave Whit 1018 a al An pm pm vw Hospital haable Ra | | | | Wok fy | | 1 LEAS pom 1,15 pm Pima marked * Ariive Arrive Oshawa Bowmanville nt / 1" an | Ie 1] | 1 frm aie thiough busses to SCHEDULE Arrive Hospital 10,00 a.m pm West Arrive Whithy SA5 wn 1,00 pom, Arrive Bowmanville LOO am 10 pom, 1.00 pom hy Oshawa "w 0.00 am 100 pom 100 pm 0pm pom, 200 pn, 20 pom, 0.00 pov, 9.80 pm, PLA pom, 12.00 pom, ate through busses to Special Busses For All Occasions toa andl Cavell Drivers Ar GARTON, Propristo Bowmanville Phone 417 or Oshawa's Waiting Roam, 10 Prince 84, Phone 2283 C, PR, TIME TABLE Effeutive April 27, 1930 (Standard Time) Gi Noam, Dal 1 pom Dail ¢ Dall Dai Dail Dail Dail 0am U3 pn 2pm 10 pon OF a, ning ol SAF am Daily v RAS aon, Daily (Except Sunday) LIN pom, Daily Joing East v ly v (Bavept Sunday) Vv ¥ CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS Change in Time affective July 11h (Nandard Ji LANTROUND Leave Oshawa Ham Va, Dail Daily, Eavept Sunday y 50 pin, Ritts Eacept Sunday Wp am Daily LU At pom Daily St pom Daily, Except Sunday 98 pon, Dally 1109 pom, Daily, Except Saturday WESTBROUND Arrive Oshawa Ham WENN A a Dai 10 pom Nn, 18 pm GRAY (Stan fifoetive Leave Oshawa AM, MM, LR 1) LR J 40 10 A 1} ALS w 9.10 LR] Ho Dally SON aan, Dal Wily Daily vy Exvept Sunday ly, Exvept Sunday Dafly, Except Sunday Daily Daily Daily, Except Sunday Daily COACH LINES dard Time) April Zieh, 180, Leave Toente AM, WM, 1) 10 (R a nn TRY) | CHEWING GUM HABIT | The sditor of the Richmond | Christian Advocate had been looks ing nt the palatinl residence of the chawing-gum magnate oul In the California sunshine, and re. flected that "If you had as many afety Deposit Boxes For the sum of $3.00 and up per annum, you can rent a box in our modern Safety Deposit Vault, and place therein your Bonds, Stocks, Mortgages, Deeds, Insurance Policies, Jewellery and other valuables where they will be protected against fire, theft and misplacement." We invite you to call and personally safekeeping facilities: CENTRAL CANADA an rea OSHAWA Established 1884 ASSETS OVER ELEVEN MILLIONS inspect our Head Office TORONTO EL folk chewing for chewing for him you would be 1iv- These gum chew you as he has ing inn palace,' ors work day and night on their Jobs, not even resting on Bunday. Wao remomber that America spends mors on chewing rum than on all her missionary efforts, Apart from the waste nf money, ¢ ing " J VICAR MUNRO, ARCHITECT prt Bam, BHTARS the |. ---- apm Jlonthsome touch of parked gut und the spread of disease, oves one knows that the habit of chew Ing gum just puts you in the gite chewing class, And nothing ther need hoe said, f fut "I've changed my mind." "Well, does it work and better Tit-Bitn, wm Charming simplicity In tha key note of thin home, By simplicity, we do not mean a drab unintorest ing affair for certainly no one could term such charming, We mean, rather, a quiet unassuming, vet dignified structure---refined in the hetter word It in a house without fussily arranged detalls, hut with a forceful personality, It In the type of home which stands equally well with or without awn- Ings The neat arrangement of windows, however, would make the hanging of awnings a simple mat. tar Gach room In the home han its own characteristics, The living room with handsome central fires place in unique in the management T [1 TR 1 wan KITEHEN f= IH 30490 qv i i" 1H DINING ROOM | 1Ho'x nr'e' o FIRST FLOOR SIMPLE, COMPACT J. VICAR MUNRO, Architect of stairs whieh rise from it, A grilled arch between living room und staircase situated partway up the stairs presents an interesting offect, A large archway opens into the dining room, This room {s well Muminated on two sides, n delight ful change to so many dining rooms whose small poky windows are in- ndequate and result In a dark, dis. mal room, Breakfast nook and cupboard apace show the kitehen to he an offlelont room, Entrance to the stairs both up and down, may be made here, Notice the conven lence of the rear entry, Tach DATH EM LIVING ROOM 19'0"x22'0 AND ECONOMICAL bedroom has a pleasant outlook unhampered by a lot of awkward corners, Outline Specifications Size of House: 26' 0 x 27" 8", Sultable Lot: b0' frontage, Walls: Brick, Roof: Wood shingles, Bullt<iln Featuros: nook, cupboards, Cuble Contents: 22,000 cu, ft, Approximate Cost: $7,800, Readers dosiring further infor. mation regarding a house of this design should communicate with Mr. J. Vicar Munro, Coote Block, London, Ont, and mention design No, 244, Consult a loeal archis tect If designing architect far romoved. Copyright 1930, Breakfast in too BEDROOM 10x 13'0° BEDROOM 9'0"x 1210" ¥ } 26'0" Cost of House Built To Order Includes Many Items Neve is a lst of the (tems In figuring out what it will cost to build a house, it ia well to bear in mind that there are three points of view to he considered, One is the viewpoint of the owner, who har a cortain total amount to spend and wants thin total to include everything, Another ia the archit- eot's viewpoint, which must natu ally reconcile the great discrep. ancy between what the owner wants to got and what he wants to spond, and which conatders the vost of a houre the figure that in typed on' the dotted line over the contractor's signature, The third viewpoint Is that of the bullder himself, who must erect the bulld- ing an per plans and specifications, and must see that enough is left over to take care of overhead, in oldentaly, and profit--if any. Certain {tema are always includ. od in the house cost, and should be fully covered in any agreement made with the bullder, These sum- marie the contractor's viewpoint; the cost In his mind being the total dost of labor and materials Involved in the plans and specifica. tions, plus a certain percentage for overhoad and contingencios and a certain percentage for. profit, This list includes: ExcAvating and backfilling, masonry and foun dations, framing and rough cars pontry, roofing, flashing, and sheet: metal, Later items include tile. work and bathroom accessorive: ase SECOND FLOOR painting and staining, plumbing, heating, and electrical works plumbing fixtures, boller, radiators; insulation, lathing, plastering; fine fshed carpentry; flooring: hard ware, glass and glazing; ornaments al metalswork, Neither the cost of the lot nor the cost of the landscaping is in. cluded in the building costs, These like financing costs, are something Which can be decided only by eac\ owner for himself, While a cer. tain house may be {temiged to show a cost of $10,000 on a cash pay ment basis, the same house built under an elaborate system of loans and mortgages might come to $11, 600, © Other (toms never. included in' the building cost are the fees for title wenreh and guarantee, for sure voying, and necessary legal work Copyright 10300 The Architects' Small House Service Bureau. Ina,

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