Oshawa Daily Times, 30 Aug 1930, p. 3

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, AUGUST 30, 1930 THREE PAGEL New Zoning System Has Been Completed by ~ T.K. Creighton, Local Barrister is Appointed New City Police Magistrate Succeeds Late Major Hind-- Will Also Be Magistrate For Township of East Whitby HAS FINE RECORD AS LAWYER AND SOLDIER New Appointee Served Overseas in Great War -- Is Partner in Law Firm of Grierson and Creighton Thomas Kelso Creighton, harris. ter of this city, and partner In the law firm of Grierson Creighton ma Fraser, has heen appointed as police magistrate for the eity of Oshawa and the township of Vast Whithy, a8 successor to the late Magistrate Alfred Hind, who died early In July, after a lingering iliness, Mag istrate Creighton has received no- tice of his appointment in the form of a copy of whe order-in-council, passed on the recommendation of the Hon, W, H, Price, attorney general of Ontavie, oMelally ap pointing him to that position, The appointment Ig dated from Augusi 20, and the new magistrate will take office at once Magistrate Creighton wall known and highly regarded in the city of Oshawa, where he has been a practising lawyer for the last eleven years, and hig appointment is sure to he hailed with gnatisfae tion by all who know him, He was horn in Middlesex county and after preliminary education in the publie schools of that county and the Lon. don Collegiate Institute he studied at the University of Toronto and Osgoode Hall, His legal educa tion was Interrupted when he res ponded to .the call of hig country in the early days of the war, but on his return from overseas and retirement from military servica he was called to the Ontario bar in 1019, in which year he came to Oshawa to go into partnership with Col, Grierson, Since October, 1010, he has been a member of that part narship, which will still continue in spite of the magisterial appoint ment, Magistrate Creighton went seas nA 8 Jleutenant in tha 7hHth Battalion, CE. 1°, and after heing wounded In France, he was invalid ed heme in 1017, On his return home, he continued in military ser- viee for a time as captain in the depot hattalion at Toronto, and res mained in that capacity until the close of the wa Magistrate Craighton has taken a keen interest in the welfare of the war veterans and is at present the second vies president of the Oshawa Hranch of the Canadian Legion and is chaleman of the Memorial and Pop. py Fund committees, In politics he is 8 Conservative, hut he has never aepired to any political nMee, It is interesting to note, in econ nection with the appointment, that Magistrate Hind, tha late magis trate, was also a war veteran, who served honorably in France with the 116th Battalion, and died ahout two months ago as-a result of his disabilities Incurred in war service Monday at The C.N.E. MONDAY, BET, 1st, Ontario and Labor Day £2.00 am, ~--Buildings and Midway open, n or a.m ~--~8heep judging, Leleest. ers, Hampshires, Oxfords, Bouth/ downs and Cheviots Live Steck Avena, 0.00 am Judging Neal Cattle, fhorthorns, and Dual Purpose Shorthorns, Coliseum Arena, 0.00 am~Poultry, Pigeon and Pot Stock Bhow, East Annex, Coll. seum, 0.00 am, ~~ Judging of Fruit, tioulural Building, 11,00 am.---Rahy Bhow, Government Ruilding, 11,00 am, ~--~Lahor Day arrive Dufferin: Gates, 11,00 am =42nd International Dog Bhow Opens, Dog Hhow Building, 11.00 am, Educational Wma ars ranged by the Cinema Committee of the National Council of Wom. en, West Wing Women's Hide, 1.00:10,00 p.m.-~Continuous Con- certs by All-Canada Permanent Forea Rand, and other bands in continuous concerts in south and north band stands, 1.30 pm, -- Judging Clydesdale Horses, Coliseum Avena, 1,80 pm~=Judging Shorthorn Cats tle, Coliseum Arena, 2,00 pm--Labor Day Grandatand, 2.00-2.30 pm-=Watchipg Netty Rroadeast in her Model Kitehun, Women's Bullding (upstairs), 2.10 pm.--Interesting programme on "The Cinema," West Wing, Women's Ride, 2.20 p.m. --~Vaudeville, Grandstand, 3.80 pom, Fleet of Racing Dinghys, Waterfront, 4.90 pwm~=Demonstration 'The Use .of Vegetables," East Wing, Women's Bldg, 0.80 pm,--Parachuto Waterfront, 7.00 p.m, --Outboard Motorboat Racing, Amateur I'ree-for-all, 10 'miles, Waterfront, 7.00:10.00 p.m. ~=Vaudeville, Musil cal Ridb, fpectacle "Los Vovae guers," Grandstand, is overs Hare West of Parades Sports, Jumping, Well Known THOMAS KELSO CREIGHTON Whose appointment as police mags trate for Oshawa and Fast Whith BUCCOSSON 4 the late Magistrate Mires I Hind, heen announced ANNUAL OSHAWA FALL FAIR WILL SOON BE OPENED Secretary Davis Will Receive | Entries Next Week and Fall in The sing avery Pair in fast pa the Oshawa time day hrings This hest YOAT promises be one of Lhe in the history of the fair, with now and added ant. teactions and a lavger preminm 1st than ever hefore Graced by good weather and the patronage that it dasoerves the fair should make his tory Exhibitors should take that thelr entries should he in the hands of the secretary-treasurer, Charles PP, Davis not later than Friday, peptember Hth, at H pm Entries may ha mailed or loft at 'the office of the secretary, 19 King Bilreet west, For those in the near vh inity of the eity, Mr, Davis will ha | in his oMea to receive entries, mo ning, afternoon and evening--Wed nesday, Thursday and rida of next week Entrants ara warned that no entries will he recelved af ter f p.m. an Friday September Hith All exhibits dn poultry, butter, cut lowers, plants, fine arts, ladies work, grain, and seeds vol atables, fruit, and merchants' ex. | hibits must he in place on the grounds on Tuesday, September at 6 pm. and remain until the clogs of the falr, Horses and cattle must he on the grounds hy 12 o'clock on Wednesday, Heptembhbey 10th The Junior Fair which was oar riled on last year under the aus plees of tha Oshawa Kiwanis Club The Routh Ontario Agricultural Society and the Ontario Depart ment of Agriculture, will again he a feature of the fair, The Junior Falr will be confined to Ave classes, { live Stack, Poultry, Reed Grain and | Sheaves, Potatoes, Fruits and Veg atahles In each of the five classes thera will he four priges given ha sides many cups Tha eompotitor, obtaining the largest number of points in the Junior section, wilt he glven a two weeks' course at the Ontario Agricultural College al Guelph, An added attraction for all prize winners in the Junior see tion Is the hanguet to ha given hy the Oshawa Kiwanis Club, at which the priges will he presented, This banquet will he held two weeks following the fair, As the entrance for the Junior Fale 1s only twenty five cants it Is hoped that there may he a large number of entries, Entry blanks may he obtained from the mearetary of the faly, Chas," 1 Davis, Oshawa, or the Department of Agriculture, Uxhridge While appointed as Magistrate, Mr, Creighton will of course, con tinue his private practice, ag (he appointment is not a full time one, and Mr, Creighton whl still he able tn devote himself tn tlie interests of his large oliemtele, OBITUARY 'W, T. DUNBAR Dunbarton, Ont, Aug, 20-NDorn in Pickering township in 1850 son of a pioneer family, William Turner Duns ar, one of the best known residents of the village is dead, He was edu- cated in the public schools and in 1864 went to Toronto to take a bus: iness course, Later he entered the firm of James Scott, dry goods ims porter, King Street, In 1883 he starts od in business for himself in Picker ing, retiving in. 1903 pine residence in Toronto, he was a mems ber of St. James Square Proshy tenn Church and: in Plekering of the ses sion and treasurer of St. Andrew's Church, Vor the past two decades he had heen a member of the sess won of Dunbarton ehuweh, The ops ginal farm is still in the possession of the family, He is survived by his wile, formerly Miss. Margaret Gard. ner, of Glasgow, Seatland, two sons in Taronto, one daughter, Irene, at home, and a sister, Mrs |, R, Dales, close ront his of Runbarion. oa RR i ii EA ---- opportunity termed, | 161 West, will be played off tonight -at 2.00 I SWIMMING STARS T0 ATTEND JUBILEE PAVILION FROLIC Nelson, Margaret Ravoir, Vierkoetter and Others To Be Here lovers of Oshawa and dis be afforded a wonderful AL a very, yery early hour = Monday morning, meeting some of the world's champion swim ming stars such as Marvin Deleny winner of the $10,000 prize In tn men's marathon at the, NV, Mr garet Ravoir, the Philadelphin giv) who leaped into fame when she came Arst In the women's marathon ut the exhibition, the ever populny Ruth Tower-Corson, who eame ge cond in the women's marathon, Isador Bpondor, the Port Colborne youth who yanked second in the men's marathon, Ernest Vierkoel ter, the sturdy champion of many wn hard grind and several others The place will be the Jublles Pay ition at Lakeview Park and the nr caslon a midnight frolic which starts at 12.06 a.m, and will con tinue until the wee sma' hours This brilliant galaxy of natatorisl stars is heing hrought Oshawn through efforts and enterprise of Bob Fraser, well known manager of the pavilion Marvin Nelson alone ghould prova great drawing ear "The loway Kid" an he has heen affectionately first took part in the hig wimming meet last year when he "rade the humpers' to Toronto, His wonderful performance and his mo desty In victory have him hore, in Shousanda in and old Hiate Tat ip prasident of the American Swimming Association, will necompany the swimmers from Taronto to Oshawa and will intro duce each one individually to the audience at the pavilion Johnny Walker, the renowned trainer, will alan he present from Toronto Anna Benoit, who came Afth in this year's women marathon, lea) Riley, of Keenshurg, NJ ind Fivelyn Armstrong, two other girls who made a fine showing, will he included In the part (Jeorge Rlagdoy of Memphie, whn won fourth place in the men's marathon is expected as wall Musie for the dancing provided hy the Manhattan Blowers orchestra Bport trier will in made Canada will he Blue -------- er [CITY NEWS| So ---- ACCEPTR NEW POSITION Mr, Herhert MeCahe, loca] mana gar of tha Conger Service Hiation, King Ht West; Oshawa, has resigned 10 accept a new position distifet superintendent nver eastern division with the Regent gasoline and Of Company, Toapanto who are ,opeming up wholesale and vetall units from Toronto 1¢ Montreal As HOLIDAY PONTAL SERVICE On Labor Day, the Oshawa Post OMea will he closed except hetween the hours of 0 am. and 11 am during which time postage stamps will he sold and general delivery and registration wickets will he open Money Order and Savings Bank closed There will he delivery One he made from ahout pm nn Intter carrier eallectinn only wil) glreat letter hoxes K hn MOTORIST 18 CHARGED William Hamlyn, 512 was charged with in taxicated in charge of a motor veh icle, ut the session of the city I lice court this morning, The case against Mi Hamlyn was man led until September Bih Bail of $1,000 was granted The charge arose tomobile accident on Ritson south last night, In which the driven hy the aceused eohided iene driven by Raley Burke Street. Tha lof and headlight «mn the were badly smashed injured in the erash, Dincoe Si south, hein aut of an an Road car with Ranme, 214 frimt wheel Rahme ear No tne was however NO FIRES The fire departent there have heen no hivs dirimg the last forty<eight hous, This is in deed a fine record af care und pre vention on thu part of the lovire holders of the eity, report that r-- EXHIBITION AWARDS Among the local prise winners at Exhibition in Toronto, yesterday, were R, 8, Mel aughlin, who cane third with his heifer, Pauline Mer con, of Crystal Spring in the Hal stein classes, Nelson Wagg of Clare: mont gained a third prize with his stallion, "The Salvage" in the stans dard bred show IH Collacott, of Port Perry, was a judge in this ev. ent Wr ---------- DAILY WINNERS AT THE TINY TIM GOLF COURSE Friday's winners, Mr, H, Chilton, Men's and Miss Kihel W J Ladies', The following are eligible for the weekly playoff, Gents', Ivan Ellicott, Geo. Fraser, Frank Leach, Art Rorrowdale and H, Chilton, Ladies's= Misses Lillian Purdie, Marie Terry, Beatrice Fraser, Mrs, Muyily, Ethel Mary Timmins, These games my host TROPHIES VOR The two silver cups shown nhove wre offered hy the manufacturers of Cevto for competition in the domestic selene department of the Oshawn Val, One is for the Jar of Jelly made with Certo, Mrs. Eric Phillips First in Two Events at C.N.E. Horse Show were one tables In Horus nlisatim at the Exhibition yes oayvent won hy $1000 sweeps felaughlin ridden bh Mrs whead of a the hunter horse was with n tahley ful nt Parkwood most I'he the the variou Bhow held Canadian National terdn he main this stable was Lhe stakes In whi 1 (elding Punch Brie Phillips came field thirt class another Ia suceassful when Dark Fred Baxior up ¢ McLaughlin's harny den hy Mra. Erie Phillips priee in the middleweight while the Parkwood move took third place welghts Miss Eleanoy ghtar nf RH marriages Mann take nfternoon ave hy riding at the show avery success ter Mrs, Irie frat Red Aces Defeat St. Gregory's in Last Juv. Game Inthe last game of the 16040 sen son of the Oshawa City and Indus tein) Juvenile softhall leagun od at Cowan's Park last lght Red Aces defeated Bi, (rego h weve of § tn Bb Whitels pitching the Haints had pirikeouts hut his teammates were unabile to get enough hits off the offerings of Magill to win the game They. outhit the Red Aves hy tn fi hut even ut that couldn't win The Cards mast runs, Ave in the Inning when triples hy Andison and Magill and a hamer hy Kltehon sent them Into a good lead I'hay wera never headed after that, The Red Aces. played hetter defensive hall behind Magill than the Baints did and the extrashasn hits were the means of winning the game for the. Aces Resides his triple in the second, Magill had: a homer In the ith The teams Red Aces M8 Kitehen, ¢.; Joyes Inge, 2h! Oke, ¢.; Magli! rE oand Andison, ef Bt, Gregory's Whitely, svel, 8h.; Keeley, 2h; Goadgen, o,f Trewin, wa MeDonald, 1.1; Hharpe, rf Umpires, Bretton ibid Freeman CONVENTION AT WINNIPEG ENDS Hundreds of Medical Men Vistiing Various Parks Of Canada 40, «Hundreds homeward-hound The #8tn nf eens events the In the ( h mm In wood Michael mn ol ane acond ogie rid Lonk first hunters Ruths Hght horse In the Melaughlin, dau Melaughlin Ideutenant Parkwood this wedding In half a dogen sventy not how her sigs Iwo whose In Churehil) place at marked hey hin was nlthough Phillips Lonk plny HY 0 for fen they nf thelr meond seored of them ih Johh LE: Tanp po Clark, Andisan, (ny 1h n Conlin, { 1h.) Normyle, Davis, of; and Aug, are Winnipeg, doctors from Winnipeg, meeting of the Nritlsh Association, attended hy 1600 medical folk from almost every Empire, drew of today annual Madtoal more than United Staten and part of the Nritisly to a close last night, Tta four days of sessions hrought out a host of opinions from distinguished phyalos fans and surgeons, Today two parties of dootors from the meeting ave visiting in Saskatoon, Sask, en route through the Reokien to fhe Pacific coast, Another gathering has veached Fort: William at the head of the Great Lakse while some ave hound for Minakl, Ont, A special tuberculosis party fa speeding toward Chicago, His, and A group is hound for Minneapolis and Rochester, Minn, Df A AGP ed TAKES COMPANION l | ORHAWA VAR | ¥ wand the other for the hest jar of | Jam made with Certo, These two clanses have heen added sine the prize list. was issued, and are nis ditional 1o those which ave contal ned in the lis i MCLAUGHLIN HORSE SECOND LEGION WINS FIRST HONORS CONCERT Wes BI SWEEPSTAKES GREAT SUCCESS Come) Ls People Render Delight. ful and Versatile Pro- | gram at Rotary Hall ] | | | Like the fi ( ond coneert of the neert month ugo, th red bh Oshawa n held in the enim AUN PONS the Sport Branch « 1 ot series heing Comnptte orth the Canadian le tary Hall standin pico in mimes tunale ices of Mi her ed ed th delightiul 1 Fhese Mine," "Wan Picard inl Irish Girl" "Fhe third nin Vil ariel well i is one that sol one of AE Sing which helped soldiers curing 1 Cirant Her with four repartol Lussie 0) Roses of Dy midi from her ay Wer imnhers lee Lit! 8 Di appreciated a dies the man the front hne, and one keep the #1 at the tty WW ol A remembe ngs wh well heing n " 11 of the ties entitled "Ihe Jarcial eh | Mis heart ! y well 1] Brant el ® n, and Mande i il tri com I, Mr. H | render pie re lye LN { and Mrs, } delightial and lors of fu ception posed Carnell nan Ihe ¢ plied | 1 A TI file numbers duriw enin 1nOWAS sup comic enter and: 0 A added In Powe \Vired Hennig the m studies which were the Lainers, H ith nlsn with well re Pharacter sii whose 88 fine ver con Mi ceived ma ia minke a were Mo Walsh, | nunihes Wwe ate Mm frinlte Fry, » her crowd pr oughly en every I] Mrs, Land ner ol litdlies' ment misiom Cirent les and Kram Ceres WAS, nrg thot eptionall sedmed an it who imher wis the win Pirie Refresh ved during the inter on the INram the Were. set period the endewvour The the CON oll eries and me will hikely he a they pn is dur ered Sports 101 the he on ha { fir the | well | Conte hehalt of certain! hranel oie f tw athers | of received us edecessors RR] WILBUR HALL WINS ON LONDON FLIGHT Former Columbia Pilot to| Join Boyd in Atlantic Trip U1 ® Montreal, Aug nov, Wavigator, from Roosevelt nounced that he would aecompany Captain J, Errol Hoyd, Toronto war pila, when he takes off in the fam oun plane, the Columbia, within the next few days on the projected west to east crossing of the Atlantic with London as the objective Connor brought with him the Paes ry artificial horizon and seience's la test invention ta combat the vagaries of fog, The harizon 1% an instrament for detecting: when the plane is not in level flight, 1 will be. installed in the veteran ship to-morrow and it weather conditions ares fair when the latest meteorlogieal veports ve received the start may be made on Sunday Connor recently navigated the Col umbia on a non-stop fight to Bers muda with Captain Hoyd and Roger Q. Williams, Previously Boyd in tended ta make the flight solo hut it is understood that his backers ins slatod on a navigator golng with him to aid in reaching the goal, Connor in a former Hetuenant in the United States Army, Harry. 1. Con here yesterday NY, and an i tow CARD OF THANKS The Hports Committe of Oghs awa Branch 40 Canadian Legion, LIER LL, winh to tender thelr heat thanks to the Rotary Club, Gens osha Hotel, the Orchestra under Mrs, ® G, Carnell 'and all the are tists who so generously gave of their services at the concert, Aug, 0th, at Rotary Hall, (81g) aman i man ---- HAROLD SKINNER TAKES SEVENTEEN SHEEP PRIZES ATE, Tyrone Man Has Fine Rec. ord With Shropshires At The CN.E. (Wy wial Reporter) Tao take seventeen prizes In thi teen classes of sheep 6 the Cann dinn Nationa) Exhibition 1s vn un usual record hit this was done yes tarday hy Harold gkinney af Ty rone who wis remarkably sncces ful with his Shropghire sheep, My skinner has heen one of the prom Inent ghaowmen In his class wt the axhibitlon for 4 number of years and hans always done well hut this snr he has eapped every other bi SR Ha took wll prizes for ghropshives pl the Bowmanville alr for many years Hig record | YUBIarany was nd and Ath for ram two shears und over, Svd for ram ehearting, 1st and 4nd for vam lamb, reserve for heegt vam any nee, 16 and Lith awe two shears and under three, Grd fm owe shieariing, 1st and Grd for ewan famhb, 18t and reserve for hest age, Iat for pen of one vam and ea ewe lambs, 4th for pen of nne wn ewes one year old and un three and two lambs, 1st pen of 1 ram and "WEEK OVE one and under three, 1st for hes pen of five lambs get of one ram NGE CRAGG | WINS SCHOL ARSHIP, Local Student Awarded F iret | Edward Blake In Science em | "wi inn ram fey nw | for fd nf achiny chonl 1 lawrence H Mrs. (!, EE further re nton mest University nward Heholar The hrillinnt ment in tha Upper tions attained bh Cragi, gon of Ne Cragg, has heen cognition L.asl evening ing of the Senate of the of Torontn, Lawrence Ww ed the Nest Edward Hinks ship In Helence Proficiency Mr, Cragg w eligihle nthe scholar ranking in Meh 11d however hold only received the Mist Edward Heholarship in | hin need felence ' Algehra (ion The subject 'hysins Pen Amina nnd glven wn first [1] fm hip Ha 1 one and Hine (ine 0 h the and wera on whi ing for the seholar wers latin, French metrp Trigonometyy Chemistry and Biology Mr, Cragg atinined record the examinations Upper Behoal Von clan Joris GRAIN IN STORAGE SHOWS DECREASE Canadian Press Leased Wire) | Aug, io Returns re the Dominion Hurean of nu focks of grain | Ihe ending August net decrease Kid Locks for follows: Wheat, 01 114, A616244 barley, 21 flux, 450,008 and rye hushels, a total of 127 hushel Wheat and. ont show decreasn of LAREDO and (A040 hushels respectively while increases are noted in barley of Ann nnl, flax 3.641 and oan, hitwhels anvinhle nf the winte thi frst uh Hn mn he Thirteen thirteen which mec red In the wrote having honors that he (By Oawa, colvad at fatistics nlore for oshnw In Wael fl of i SON hushels Lhe week Ware T1h, onls 280.285 NA 201 ing. ean ne GOLF CLUB CADDIES MATCH FRIDAY The annual "Caddies' Mateh' of the Oshawa Golf Club was held yesterday morning and afternoon and proved a very successful tour ney Many fine seores were turned in and the winners made an ea captional fine showing I'wenty- nine caddies took part in the Renloy waction of the, tourney, Wilbur Hall led the field with a fine eavd of NI Douglas was second with Bf and DD, Bowman took thivd place with 88 In the Junior sees tion, eleven hoya took part and there was a tie for fivat place, with (4, Navelay and |, Blmmons shaving the load with cards of 64, J, Broek man was third with 48 In the Junior series, only nine holes were played, The following is the 1st of the players and their seores, These results are not in order of standing, Ww, Nondoy Douglas Young, 84; J MeAdam, 8&0; IY, Lovett, 101 Hall, 81, nN, Rowman, 8; Jd, Germand, 04; H, Martin, 108; HK. Kearney, 100 G, Delong, 00; H, Michael, 118; J, Rherwood, 111; I, Martin, 108, I, Montgomery, #0; i, Young, Hf W. dames, 107; D, Pleroe, 1160; 1, Conlin, 110; 1, Tucker, 114: 1, MoNab, 100; «, Qoultey, 92: K Ruoknan, 108; D, Tait, 81; 1s Ham ton, 108; §, Ogden, 118; J, Law, 117; QO, Gamble, 100; R, Buttle, 007 1 Pollitt, 111; 1, Cavaon, 115; Junior Rarvelay, 64; J, a8 Qa J. Nrookman, J. Crawford, Fletoher, 87: W. Roberts, Cooper, 62 Simmons, 64, Jo Omden, (04 10; BE, York, 64, N, Rraekman, a3: JF Rrlek, 70, | Heinging eneral Motors hrm -------- J. H. Beaton Retires from His Position of General Sales Manager After Long Service J. H, BEATON Wha has retived from the of general sales manager + General Motors of Canada, ed, after 28 years of the firm which hs inined Ervin in position if the Limit with 1002, | | | ASSISTANT M.0.H. Ri STATEMENT , H. Lewis Believes Poli omyelitis Outbreak Subsiding he | Harte Ith re not I) 1) foll | heret connection he nd ine peaordane it ol Health the ( UR Born Al Ihe Wadne Mi YOUNG Hospital 7, 1030 Young and Mi n In Memoriam In lovin wile Molin) HA] ha her hurde through the midst of Call fram He Hho gentle Dade and Lally memory moth whe Mes AY denn Violet 10, 18 'atiently Amiling Hoftly came (he nd leg hoe pence . In fond and loving Mi Melsay, who d ad this fe one year ago 1 August Ho Death often to let Wa love more dearly than we But love in_death shall let What Inve in Hie should alwa Mic and Mes, A, W MeKAY ary of Comes IT] Oshawa (f e with Ausgiel | 1H) | H. A (hla) Aung, 1] (LR) nyen in (hin) | i mem apart | oday, | { know | how 16 BAL ya he wil (hla) | IR. 8, McLaughlin Sales Organization For Do- minion Has Been Divided Into Right Zones, Each With a Manager and Two Assistants | ROSS McKINNON TO BE ZONE SUPERVISOR Issues Letter to All General Mot« ors Dealers Informing Them of Change in Syse tem #l der uy i Mop I ung time, h ' id neted, peearaiy general under izition, nnouneing Heat tit of twenty whi {hye aril firm in 1002, that the Limited, eutan, ed thie ri rel My gonrecintion of his ds to hii the hest I future MeLaughlin's Letter I' tar the }] | | the My letter hileh Zone Hew nowe de | hes! Fal zation Dealer 0 M (Continued on 'n 10) Too Late To Classify ALY INGER OR BALI Jou Burk Hirast Phone (hile) EXCHANGE fa oll, on high horn, present wall nt ones hones in Times (hle) ITM WITHIN pleas phone (hin) CA Appl KEM "On If ALK nl cling Wi gond hip mariguge $4000 Will exchanga Oshicwn, Apply OR loam rool Mist wmnll HON for Hox AND" Findey TI Hmit AW Coming Events # Oants per word each hae sertion, Minimum charge for each Insertion, Bie, VETA BTEPHENEON, AT. OM, teacher of plano and theory, On the salt of tha Toronte Conservas tory of Music, dtudio, 28 Aberdeen il (AUR, 10:1 mo) LADIK AUNILTARY ORHAWA Hospital, regular meeting. Tues day, dept, nd, & pm, in nurses' residence, Important business (hla) Start Back to School With a Good PEN Sheaffers Watermans Parkers Desk Sets Karn's Drug Store Next P, O, Phone 378

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