Oshawa Daily Times, 30 Aug 1930, p. 1

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"All the News While It Is News" The Oshawa Baily Times Succeeding The Oshawa Daily Reformer ES... a... VOL. 7=NO. 5 Published of Oshows oe. Canatn frns " News in Brief (By Canadien Prose) Gangland Murder Chicago. ~Another murder, with gangland earmarks was that of John Kruspe, 38 years old, He fel] with five bullets in his hend after he had answered an enrly morning knock at the door of hig home, Blast *yatal to Two Willeox, Bask =Two baby boys Are desd, as the result of a EMM stove explosion, Thursday, Mrs, H 1. Fowler, mother of the two «hild- ren was burned when she tried to save them, but is expected fo ree cover, . gocond Fatal Plane Crash Curtiss-Reynolds Alrport, Chie Ago, ~The second fatal crash in three days at the National air races took the \ife of George ¥Vernie, 36, prominent Roumanian plrplane de- signer Vv LJ * * L] Driver Arvested Richmond Hill James ¥, pson, Toronto, was arrested Thom as a result of an accident In which A young woman was eritieally In jured, Thompson Is charged with reckless driving and violation of the L.C.A. and was held without ball, . ve Drayton Goes to England Toronto. ~8ir Henry Drayton, K ¢,, chairman of the Liquor Control Board eft yesterday for a holliday trip to England and the continent During the absences of the chief commissioner, J. McClennghan will be meting head of the hoard ------ I ------ -------- WILL FACE TRIAL ON MURDER CHARGE (By Canadian Prem Leased Wire) Quebec, Que, Aug, 40 Paul Cugens Dufour and Ludger Lah ris, two youths accused of the murder of Louis Bouchard, a hut cher of Ste, Anna de In Pocatlere, will appear before the criminal as sizes of Riviere-Du-Loup during the next term, January, 1941, as the result of a preliminary en- quiry which took Li yesterday, at Riviers-Du-Loup before Judge Pinel, a ------------ Air Pageant For Montreal Plans Made For Attendance of Many Aviators of World Wide Fame Montreal, Aug, 40.«Dafinile con. firmation of the holding of the we. cond annual Canadian alr pageant at Bt, Hubert on Rept, 6 and 7 wan made yesterday by oficiales of the Montreal Light Aeroplanes club While Incomplete at the present time, the tentative programme al ready drawn up promises the pre pence of many fliers of world wide fame. The most recent names to he added to the list are those of Flight 14. Atcherly of the toyal Alre oree who Is representing England at the national aly races in Chicago, Mar ell Doret of the Dewoltine company of France, Capt, Frank M, Hawke, both eastward and westward trans. continental rec poord holder, U.S, OFFIGER 1 CHARGED IN PERU Held For Court-Martial On Charge of Violating Military Code AUR, Lima, Peru, 30, Lieut, Col, Luls Sanches Cerro, told the Associated Press that Harold B, Grow, United States naval reserve officer acting as head of Peru's flying corps would be court-mare tialled. Grow was arrested and im. prisoned last week by the Arequ- ipa Junta, Sanches Cerro declared "Grow fs a mercenary who hax heen viol ating the rules of public right, MR otloving the orders of tho overthrown dictator, he Intended to fly over Arequipa and bomb the olty Without caring about the tre. mendous consequences of his ac tion, "As Grow violated the rules of the military code we will prose. cute him hefore a courtsmartial.' Lieut, Commander Grow served under Ex-President Legula ax chief of tho alr forces, nn -- WEATHER An extomsive area of low ure covers the Western vinces and Northwest Ntates, Light to moderate showers have oconrred in many districts of Northern Ontatio and Queber, Kises where in the dominion the weather has been fair, Forecastas= Lower Lakes Region and = Goorglan Daye Ottawa and Upper St, Laws rence Valleyss=Mostly fair tos . night and Sunday with a few soattered showers, moderate. Iy warm, Ea ~G AWA, ON TARIO, SATURDAY, AUGUST 3, 1930 18 Coots + Week: 3 Coats » RAS A and | taken to the jail farm last night, | | firm which had its head office hers, CONVICTED IN TRIAL FOR CONSPIRACY Harold Mowat and Duncan A. MacGillivray Each Sentenced to Terms of Three Years Imprisonment | ------ WERE PARTNERS IN | PROMINENT FIRM | Further Charges Have Been | Laid by the Province of | Quebec Against Both Men | A (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Otinwn Ag. #40 n Harold Mowat and Duncan A, MacGillivray, pariners in the defunct brokerage were today sentenced to three years each in Portsmouth Penitentiary on charges of conspiring fo de fraud the public hy the manipula tion of mining stocks I'he brokerage Hrm of Mowat 'und MacCilliveny, with ofMeces in Ottawa and throughout the Ottawa valley, and the Maritimes, with ad ditional branches in Helleville, Cornwall, Pembroke, Varth and Hawkesbury In Ontario, and in Hull, Three Rivers and Quebec Clty in the provines of Quuhece, hegan operations in March, 1024, the head office being In the capital, It eon ducted its mining oparations on the Standard Exchange, the Montreal Curb and the Vancouver Btock Exchange, In March firm the of the year the suspended Investigation of firm's alfwlre was undertaken hy the 'accounting firm of W, I, € Clarkson and Hons, which wos ap pointed interim receiver On Mareh 13 both partners were arrested on charges of conspiracy to defrand the publle, nud were released on ball of $60,000 each, They appeared for proiminary hearing threo weeks ago und wers committed for trial, They did nat Again npply for bail and have re mained In the cells since that time Further charges wera laid under Quebec law following an investiga tion of the Hull oMee, Warrants ware issued hot could not he servod owing to the men being in custody of Ontario courtn Says Politics Hold Up Project New York Governor Makes Statement on Waterways Plan Alexandria Bay, N.Y. Aug. 30. Exolusion of polities in both the United Staten and Canada, Govern or Roosevelt declared yesterday will result in the prompt development of the vast power resources of the BL, Lawrenea River and In construe. tion of bridges spanning the houns dary stream The Governor made (he state ment during an address ut Water: town. before a joint meeting of Chambers of Commerce fn that wee. tion, Hix address heralded his en. trance into the sato's greatest waterpowar section, since the exe. cutive left Watertown to motor to the Bt, Lawrence River at Alexand. ria Bay, there to eet two meme bers of the Watertown commin. slon who Arrived in advance of the main bodies of the power ana bridge commissions, The governor did not amplify hia remarks relative to the barring of polities, For more than two de- ondes waterpowor has heen a polls tional issue in this state' prior to creation of the commission by the last Loeglalature, nm--. Road Grading Will Give Work To Thousands (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Toronto, Aug, 30,--0One of the first unemployment relief schemes to be put Into Inauguration by the Ontario governmnet will grading work on a large scale this fall, Hon, George: 8. Henry, minister of highways and public works stated, last night, Plans are now being prepared to employ thousands of unemployed men on this work, mew who others wise would 80 idle Mr. Henry Ottawa Brokers Are Sentenced to Terms in Penitentiary Copy OSHAWA SCENE OF ONE OF SEASON'S SMARTEST WEDDINGS Councillor Asks! Investigation To Inquire Into Alleged Combine (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Toronto, Aug. io Counelllor John Handers of Hoarboro Town ship stated last night that he would move at the next mobt{ny of the township council to ask Hon, Maurice Dupre, nolleitor general, for an Investigation undey the Combines Investigation Act In to 'a contractors' combine alleged to be operating In munieipalition of greater Toronto Itis announcement followed ro velations at the probe hefor Judge. Denton yesterday rgenrding alleged Irregularities (pn awarding contracts in York Towaunip, ASK FOR SHARE Municipal Association Also Asks Gov't to Pay All Road Costs Toronto, AUR. 0 A resolution demanding that the provincial gov. ernment should bear the entire cost of construction of provinolal high ways, relieving urban wunieipall tien of a share of the cost in view of the fact that they hore the cost of paving streets, and also a share of the gasoline tax, was parsed you terday at the concluding session of the Ontario Municipal Association Another resolution declaring that the government should give a share of the profits from the sale of Ii quors and heer to municipalities in view of the fact that liguor stores recelveds pol and fire protection free, was passed without discuss salon, Wheat Yield on Prairies Higher Than Expected (Ry Canadian Press Lossed Wire) Winnipeg, Aug. 30.-Threshing returns from many distriots of the praitie provinces show a greats or yield than had been antleipated in early forecasts, according to a To Request Solicitor General =; IN GASOLINE TAX in Oshawa was this afteriicen, the setting of one of the season's most Interesting marriages, when thelr daughter, - Eleanor Victoria, hecame the bride of Lieut, C, Churchill Mann, of the Royal Canadian Dra: goons, son of C, Clarence Mann, Oriole Gardens, Toronte, Above ap+ pears the bride and groom and some of the nine bridesmaids who took part in the bridal procession, (1) A happy ploture of the bride in riding togs, (2) The bride taking a jump DAUGHTER OF R. 8. McLAUGHLIN MARRIES LIEUT, C, C. MANN "Parkwood," beautiful home of Mr. [on one of her father's favorite horses, and Mrs, Robert Samuel McLaughlin | The bride is known practically in all the leading riding rings of the con: tinent, as a fine horsewoman, (3) The groom. (4) Miss Margaret MeCaua- land, bridesmaid, (5) Mrs, Ewe Phil lips, sister of the bride, matron of honor. (8) An attractive view of "Parkwood," where the wedding ceremony took place, followed hy a reception in the grounds, (7) Mrs Bruse King of Toronto, bridesmaid. (8) Mins ary Justin Mann, sister of the groom, bridesmaid. (9) Mins Betty Ellsworth, bridesmaid. (10) Miss Helen Steel, bridesmaid, (11) | | | | | "0 bride, maid of honor, Other hri dal attendants included: Miss Ruth Cowans of Mantreal,, Mis. Louise Black of Oil City; Penn, as brides: maids; and little Misses Jocelyn Pangman and Diana Phillips, nieces of the bride, as flower girl and train guide. Photograph of Lieut, Mann by Mr, Lyonde. Photograph of Miss MeCausland by Charles Aylett, Pha: tograph of Miss Mann by J. Ken nedy. Photograph of Minn Ells: worth by Bachrack, Miss Isobel MeLaughlin, slater of Fear Suicide At Brockville Man Believed to Have Drowned Himself in In St, Lawrence (By Canadian Press Lossed Wire) Broakvilde, Aug, H0,«-Afty' a man had failed to return last night after having given a boy 20 cents to wateh fn car and enquired about the location of the deepest part of the adjoining St, Lawrence River, police opened the car and dincovered letters apparently from one Bob Behlein, addressed to tho Clermont Motors, Limited, BH361 St. Denis Street, Montreal and A IL. Sofaky, Montreal, in which the writer expressed the intention of committing suicide, The man, it 18 sald, had heen noting strangely before approach. fig the boy to wateh the ear, Po. lea are conducting an investiga. tion, : FIVE KILLED BY MINE EXPLOSION (By Canadian. rem Pri Wire) Rlantyre, Scotland, Aug, 80,-- Five miners wore killed ang nine Injured in an explosion in the Auohinvaith Colliery here today. One of the injured 1a in a eritical oerop report fssued by the Canadian ntated, Bank of Commerce here laut night. eondition, a Challenge For Ontario Farmers Toronto, Aug, 20, ing the record of farmers at Chicago where they have won ten world's champion: whips In wheat hetween the years 1010 and 1020, Hon, J 1. Bryant K.C., Minigter of Public Works for Saskatchewan, speaking at. the 10x: hibition yesterday, ohallenged the farmers of Ontario to enter thelr products in contests at the Regina meeting, Although the World's Grain Show and Congress is still two yoars away it is time to pre pare for it, ha suggested, Urge Safe Driving on After wmtat. saskatchewan The following statement was Is. sued yesterday by the Ontario Safl- oly League: "The Ontario Safety League, in ita campaign against accidents of all kinds within the Province was delighted to note by the dally pross that there was not a single motors vehicle fatality recorded as hap. pening in Ontario during Dominion Day; July 1 and Clvie Holidap, Aug, 4 of this year, "This in & matter of great satis faction to all' safety workers who feel rewarded for their efforts, Hollywood ~=Dolores Del Rio, Mexican film beauty Is confined to her home here suffering with ptos maine poisoning, aad hy RRA 14 Labor Day RI Miss Carstairs In Race Today Will Compete at Detroit For World's Speedboat \ Title | Detroit, Aug, 0.-An English girl who can do a man's jon on the water was pitted against Gar Wood, silver haired veteran of countless speedboat races, in the contest for the championship of the wold thin afternoon on the Detroit River, Half a million people wore ox: pected to witness the first 30 mile heat for the Harmsworth trophy Miss Marvion Barbara (Betty) Carstairs has two hoats entored for Great Hritain to challenge Wood's supremacy in the field of unlimited hydroplanes, the Katelle IV and Estella V, Wood will dé. fend the trophy for the United Stats with Miss Amevioas V. and IN, Escaped Prisoner Is Still a at Large Kingston, Aug, 80.-=Walter Proctor, Toronto young man who made a sensational escape from the Frontenac jail Thuraday afternoon, wag still at lavge last night, Sherift Valr and a posse got a glimp pe of him near tha railway tracks an Rum Blockade Of Detroit U.S. Collector of Customs Takes Drastic Action To Stop Traffic (Ry Canadian Press Leased Wire) Detroit, Mich, Aug, #0 United Bates officials here nald tonight that 24 armored pieket boats of the United States coast guard were dispatehed today, from. Lake Erie ports with orders to lay down a blockade off the mouth of the Des troit river, Reports had heen received that the beer-laden ship Vedas had re turned to her position in rum row, Aftor receiving the report, Colonel Hoinvieh A. Plekert, United Hiatey collector, of customs at Detroit, made an Inspection of the part of Lake Krie whera the Vedas was neon Col, Plekert stated he was cers fain there was no rum row near Detroit, but that there might be one in the Vicinity of Cleveland, SPECIAL SESSION 10 COST §230-000 Expense May Be Greater if Session ia Lengthy One (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Toronto, Aug. 10-=A special despateh from Ottawa to the Globe today says! "The cost to Canada of the specs fal memslon of parliament which Premier Bennett has summoned to meet on Monday, Sept, 8 will total anywhore from $250,000 to $500, 000 according to the length of time members of the commons decide to stay in Ottawa. There are 245 members of tha House and 96 Sen ators, They are paid £4,000 indems nity if the sesslon lasts more than fifty-one days, or #25 per day it thelr labora are completed In a shorter period, Travelling expens- en to and from Ottawa will run into another §15,000 or $20,000, and printing and stationary will account for something like $30, 000, IT all the unemployed are to be glven Joby for the winter season, it will run into §100,000,000 more, on the basis of $20 per week, each for the 250,000 persons Senator Robertson estimated will be out of fn the village of Cataraqul Work when snow fles, ' LL A Growing Newspaper in # Growing City -- TO ER TWELVE PAGES )SHAWA TO BECOME PORT FOR COAL FIRST CARGO | WILL BE HERE ON TUESDAY Valley Camp Coal Company of Canada, Ltd., Will Have Distinction of Bringing First Coal to Oshawa Hey- bor HUGE COAL BINS ARE BEING BUILT Regular Trade in Shipping of Coal to Oshawa By Water Being Inaugurated ~ Means Lower Shipping Charge A cheering spectacle will he ens neted for the benefit of every Osh UWa citizen who pays conl bills when, the Mteamship Valley Camp ties up nt the doek in Oshawa Harbour next Tuesday The RH, Valley Camp, owned hy the Valley Camp Coal Company of Canada, Lad, will enjoy a triple dis tnetion on Tuesdny she will he the frst self-unlosding vessel to dock ut. Oshawa's harbour; she will be the first hoat to. bring a ship ment of eonl into Oshawa by water, and ahova all, her coming will ef ipproximately fift transportation charges mn ton of coal 'she brings for Osh iwi householders This announcement was made yesterday hy Mr. 1. B. Millar, re presentative of the Valley Camp Coa! Company in Eastern Ontario, whoi was In Oshawa for the day eons eluding urrangements for the arris vial of thea frst shipment During! the day Mr, Millar placed a cone tract with the Oshawa Lumber Com: pany for tha eonstruction of the conl hin on whieh work started thin! . morning. A Neal Opening "The Valley Camp Coal Company, Limited, feel that there is n rea | opening for the development of Wie | (0) ontinued on Page 19) / More Graft is Disclosed in York Township Contractor Testifies That He Paid Employees Total of $7,200 fect & saving of cents mn rver Toronto, Aug, J0=Good-will gifts, "loans" and payments "for services') all given to employes of York town- ships cost: Peter Mohan, Danforth' Avenue contractor, more than $7, 200 during the past 18 months, Mos | han testified yesterday afternoon nt the York township sewer probe in the city hall, While spectators and counsel! alike bent forward, eyes wide with amaze- | ment, Mohan, a stocky, iron-grey Irishman, calmly asserted that he had paid $6,500 to DK.(C Strathearn, assisted to the township commissions er of works, The sums making up this total, first of which was a $2,+ 000 cheque, were, said Mohan, for good-will and friendship," and for "services" Under the latter head came assistance in making up bids for jobs outside the township but Mohan admitted that Strathearn al so gave him information about cork Jobs, Another township employee, a My, Stevens, had been paid $25, $30 or $10 a job for the same Kind of ase sistance in the preparation of. outs side tenders that Strathearn gave said Mohan. He did not know the total paid Stevens Tao three township sewer inspectors all employed hy the township 10 check Mohan's work on contracts he received, Mohan sald he paid a total of $700 in "loans", Robert Me- Graw and IM, Dyer, both of whom testified and admitted it, got loans of $409 and $200 respectively while a Mr, Carson, the third inspector, (Continued on Page 9) Bombing Threat By Unemployed Wihmington, Del, Aug, AN, wy Letters threatening to bomb Wilm« ington's industrial plants from the alr unleas work fa provided for the eity's unemployed hafore Sept, 13, have been turned over to police by the Wilmington Evening Journ. ali The letters were signed, "un. employed citizens," One contain. ed a threat to bomb the News Jeu nal building if the paper refused to publish the bombing threaw

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