Oshawa Daily Times, 30 Aug 1930, p. 12

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PAGE TWELVE THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TRA AUGUST 30, FALL FAIR DATES Emo... Kmndalo ...oosriesriorionirns LT 1 TT rin Vissex So -------------- | || R11 }) Hopt, 26-00 wept, 19-40 I Ot, 44 wnrivnsrbmnrnnnn BOP 16:18 Exeter ......consnmernnenn dept, 16:17 Vairground wommmmnnivivenc; O86 1 Venwick ... wept, 30-0ct, 1 Vergus sept, 264 Vevershium Oct, 74 VIeSNerion .ommmmmmemns HPL 18:19 WMorenes Oct, 43 Vordwich ... Oct, #4 Yoram ...ucnovosin wee OOL, TR Vor, Xirle om , Wept, 18:10 Fort William Aug, IN24 Fan ford oom , Wept, 910 Vrankville , . Mept, 12:18 Caletta (Moh 's C 0rners) Hep, 50-0¢, 1 Galt... Hept, 26:27 Garden River ,., weer HOPY, $4 a0 CeUVBOLOWN vvcrrnrrinne « Rept, 10-20 G1ENBO6 ..viveris inne wee OPEL, 28:24 Goderieh , Wept, 171% Gooderham ht ou 0b: Gore Buy ah , Wept, 80-00t Grand Valley ... , Bept, 30-0et Gravenhurst , Mept, 1510 Haliburton were HOPE 25 Hanover ,, wept, 101% Harriston oes , Wept, 20286 Harrow wor Oct, 48 Hapworth , sept, 9-10 Highgate ., Oct, 84 Holstein . Wept, 28:24 Huntsville ,. « Hept, 11:12 Hymers , wept, 910 Hderton sept, 24 Ingersoll Wept, 26:20 Inverary wept, 21 Tron Bridge [STH | Jarvis $0001, 1 Kaguwong 1810 Kapuskasing 11 Kemble ha Kenora FL BA] Kilsyth 20 Kincardine 171K Kingston , MWept, 012 Kinmount , wept, 16:10 Kirkton « Bept, 80-0ct, J Lakefeld , wept, 20-34 Lambeth , Wept, 11 Lanark Mept, 14 Langton + Mept, 27 Lansdowne ,, , Mept, 17:10 Leaminglon Nept, 20:0ct, 0 Lindsuy wept, 17:30 IAon's Head Ot, 1:2 Listowel mept, 16:17 Lombardy Mept, 0 Loving pept, 171% London (Western Fair) Mepl wept, So-u0 Hept, Oel Hept, 20:2) pent, 25:24 Hept, 30001, 1 Mept, 171% Mept, 23:24 Mept, 17 Mept, 171K pept, 11:12 wept, 40-00t, 1 apt, 26 Rept, 22-84 Nept, 1710 Oct, 10 Nept, 28:36 Mept, 4:0 Hept, 16:17 " Oet, | , Mept, 18:20 Nept, 20-24 . . Oct, 2:8 , Bept, 2 A . we HOPL 24 ul Minden A, Mitehell ' Hept, 23:24 Mohawk Indian (Dereronto) Rept, 17 ADSTIOYI® ovis rrsrsseriernirrenire Ot Abingdon... were E80 3041 ACLOW oven sept, 16:17 Agineourt (ure) wept, 26:41 ABR CYall ovmmie wept, 18:49 Alerandrin S0-sept, 1 Alfred ... 16:17 PY LI 7 TE -- Mept, 19-20 AMOS ovrmmeseresmmnrerne: WOE, 22:00 Alvinston .. wept, B0-0e1, 1 Ancaster Pept, 19.80 AVBIBY ion svsinivine Hept, 910 Arden ou Wept, 0 Atprior wept, #11 Arthur... , Out, 748 Ashworth i Hopt, 40 AMWood ooo " Hept, 10:20 AVORINOVE ovrevrmrreenn BERL B0-00t, 1 Ayimer Hept, 2 Ayton Oct, #4 Baneroft wept, 26:40 Bur River Oct Barrie , Wept, 28 " Bayfield ... a wept, pri 1] Buysville . Eept, B0-Oct, 1 Heuchbuig . wept, 80001, 2 Beamsville wept, 26:47 Denyerton ,, wept, 2H-26 Beeton ....... . Bept, 30:0et, 1 Belleville .. ere UE: 30-29 Belmont , Bept, oh Binbrook wept, 12:14 Maekstock Hept, 26:27 Blyth pept, 2hH20 Bobeny BOON ui pept, 26:27 SBR sursrismras rivers Oct, 5:4 Bonfield ] wept, 24:45 Bothwell's Corners wept, 16:17 Bracebridge wept, 24:26 Bradford Oct, 78 Brampton wept, 24:24 Brigden come wept, 80 Brighton Hept, 26:37 Bruce Mines wept, 16:17 Brussels , Qet, 248 Burks Valls , ' wept, 18-10 Burford , wept, 50-0ct Burlington , CRIBAON wissevinstrssressrssrserrers Caledonia Campbellford Cape Croker Reserve Curp Casselmun Centreville (Addington) Charlton or Chatsworth Chesley , Christian Island (Indian) Clarence Creek ' Clarksburg Clute Cobden Cochrane , Cos HIN ,, Calborne Coldwater Collingwood Combe) Cookstown , Cookeville ,.. Cornwall Courtland Delaware , Delta "- Bri Demorestville Desbarats Deshoro -~ Dorchester Btation Drayton , Dresden urns Drumbeo Dryden , Dunchureh ,.. Dundalk Dungannon -- Dunnville ,.. ett Durham ie Eimiras ,.. Aug Elmvale , Bept Embro . reraereer Aug sooneree OPE, a terrerrerierin OER 11 1000 rareretaRee erty cern tenes, Coreen ren Lr PRP ERPREREPRREREEERARIRL EELS ERROR ERROR 1, tenn ner ee ene CORNER RT 11 RE RETRAIN EE rears renee rem FORE Rf , Bept wn Hep, Hept, Hept . AUR, Hept Hept, $0-0et sept, 24:20 Oct, U4 wept, 18 Mept, hdl wept, 17:18 Oct, B10 Hapt Mept FHT] pept, D0 | Hept, 16 0:0cet, 1 He pt, In sept, 24.04 pept, 16:17 Lucknow Hept, 22:20 | Maberly .. ept, 1617 | Madoe Mept, 16:17 | Magnetawan Mept, 206-28 Manitowaning pent, 1820 | Markdale Oct, 9:10 | Marmora sept, 50-0ct, 1| Massey dept, 12:10] Matheson Oct, 8] Mattawa Oct, 8 Muxville , Hept, 13 Maynooth Oct, 11 | MeDonald's Corners 20:24 | MeKellar 18:10 | Meaford .. Oot, 1 | Melbourne , [| Merlin Merriekville | Meatenlfe Middleville Midland Mildmay . Millbrook HA MIAR .annnnnuns Milverton pept Ie} we Kapt , Hept . Mepl , Repl , Nept " Hept . ent, 3 pept, Oct, q Oot, 7 Hept, 16:17 20:-Kept, 2:0¢t Ont LB EA MOONDORMY ...ocoonniriviesnsimmmniene HOPE, 11 Mount Brydges ....oowimenmmini Ot, 1 Mount Vorest ......ooommn B6pL, 17:18 Muritla rvo---- Oct, 14 Aug, 19-22 NOWRA ois iwirinsrecosomtverremss opt, 21 Now Hamburg ps TY INOWINBLOR ......commerivsesseseenee iil 1647 New BURNIE ores rrnr srr NIBEUTRONANO LAKE sm rnr 'Wept, 20 Norwieh opt, 2824 Norwood mmm O68 1445 ORKWOOd ,.mmmmmnsorieene BODE, 16:16 OAOBBN ..ooovns memesmemsssniivie WOPL, 26-26 OhsWeken omni WOPL, 96:27 OrangeviNe commie Bopt, 18:19 Orig comenvmmssnrsnscrc BPE, 10-20 Orono cum rst ; on, 20-00t, 1 Oro ,., we WHORL, 10 Orrville ...onumivunsnnniuna Bopt, 18 OSNAWE coin nninnnin, HOPE N11 Ottawn (Central Canada) Aug. 18.28 Owen Bound oc. «Oct, 24 Pakenham comm Wept, 22-23 Palmerston oom WOPLAZH24 Paris ....ousvmniniviinnn Bopt. 39:30 Parham ..oomuuonuicnnnne. B6pt, 34 Parkhin , were O04, 33 Parry Bound .. Wept, 17:19 Perth , : we BOpt, 36 Peterboro brie "Sept, 813 Polrolon ...oumcmion Mept, 1810 Pleton seomsiseinnenmnnnne. AE 13:30 PINNOIrION os simsensacrsnnasn MWept, 10 Jorsubing unit enminnnnne. BOph. 930 'orquls Junetion wept, 1% Port Carling .. 010 Port Kigin ,.. 20-27 Port Hope , Wept, 2024 Port Perry , , Wept, 16:17 Powassan ... we HOpL, 2344 Priceville , . Oot, 24 Providence Bay ....onin , Oct, 84 Huiny River , Bept, 1617 Huma (Indian) ve BOPL 910 tumona wie BOPL, 24 Nenfrew ,, , Bept, 16:10 iceville wens B06 UH Ttichards Landing 7. Hept, 1810 Itiehmond « Bept, 18:20 Iidgetown , Oct, 60 ipley |, Kept, 20-94 Roblin Mills Hoseneath ,, Roeklyn , Rodney ,, Rockton .. Hosseau PONIES ny TT Tr tenors LT wna WEPL weeritierenes WOPL, "" 748 « Hept, 20.30 " Oct, TH . Kept, 10:13 Russell Hept, 0:10 wi, Marys we O01, TR Baugeen Indian (c Chippawa Hin Out Hept , AUK . Wept Hept, 24 ahah 18:16 20:26 15:19 Oct, 1 mept 2 wept, 17 Hept, 30-0¢t, 1 Mept, 20-44 Oct, 70 Sept, 22:21 Hept, 1132 Rept, 25:26 « Nept, 204) , Bept, 18:10 Hept, 16:17 Hept, 30 Rept, 20-44 Mept. Nept, 16:1 Hept, 24.20 Out, » SOMept. | Hept, 2431 Bept, 10:14 wAUR TH Bept, 30:0ct 3 ow Hept, 340 Bept, 30:0ct, | opt. 30-0ct, BO Karnia Mault Mee Marlo , Wehomberg | Henforth Hevern Dridge Mhannonville Mhedden Mhegulundah Mhelburne Himeoe Bmithville Mouth Mountain , Mouth River Wpencerville , Wpringheld Kpruecedale Hielln PRN Hiring . Hiraffordville Stratford oom ' BLrathroy ow i Btreetaville .. ron Sturgeon Falls « AUR Bunderiand umn Sundridge ... Button'... Tara Tavistock . Teeawater ,.., Thorndale ..... I'hedford ., sasnsnannne BODE. 30°30 THOPOM ..oomvnrvimsnsimpenminnss BOPL. 16:17 THOPORION ,iimmmeminmmiinnne HOPE, E14 TilIsonburg me we AUR. S008 Tiverton .... wane. 00) Trout Creek .... , Bept, 17:18 Toronto (Canadien National) Aug 22 Hept. 6 ol Tweed ....... Udora ... Underwood EE -- Veed lee, mayor Mes, Hd. Baker, mayor of Vinling mnyor of ating Lock of Hackney, Party of Vinglish mayors placing wreath In the Memorial Chamber of the House of Commons, Ottawa, In (tribute to Canada's war heps oon, They ave, left to rights Ald, wife of the Ald Councillor 1, G clef of pros Ha moavketing branch the British Columbia government Is arranging to invade Oyrientnl with Beitish Columbian up ple The Cuanndinn Minis dnpan hak reported the hilt of nu good husine helng devalopod in Chinn and Joapan mouth, Through Alter head of (he government had een | received in London, the Muchon wld family nt Losslemouth received a telegram from him of Catleriel The telegram snld he had met with a severe storm near the Foot tish border und had heap obliged to abandon his Night He will nr . rive In Lossiemouth (osmaorroy } how morning word of the safely 0! the, minke pos wintment for the pro thst of J, 1 provines, ( In the Trembla In nuvi np vinee Alhortn |) Tremblay, Quelin he ngriculiwrsl French-Cunndiun wil torn | hing for eulturn) ontario of of 0 ngent nmong aitlers Mi hot provinen of 1500 Cunnda's poptilation the freight her ratlwnys nvings de " Mince has more tan doubled anrried annually on has Increased sixfold posite In hanks have fold and life Insugance nearly 2h-fold provinee ame ven! n work In the Intronsed nd Chel In foree taurist tr given nf oon in I'he 1080 lof #2 ail hire ve In tin neh Domini "'h niin 000,000 aver in operating In the ia, Bridge dintriet of have contracted tomatoes With | ereasn of naprl I'he. contracted | the Kamloops district | ture | mhout 00% ners | $40 The canneries Asheroft-Bpencens British Columbia for 1080 ueren local growers HOPORK the in expected to he ispued he report un of of previo yonir'n total expend tou thin ann 000 aver the 1027 tot mn and of n Co 4 ¢ of Coventry tective service « Maker, | ro | 4% 1930 residues of Lhe In of the rieh in protein, und the use boan, which Is the form of mea) or cake an a lve Boyhoeun oll Is paint wnd the soybean Is constituent In used Hop wok food, in fish canning, manufacture; and also an important many of the popular patent foods now apponring on the market--in addition, ng n legume and forage crop I ranks among the hesl According te A recent compllas thon made by the Canadian Govern ment Bureau of Wiatistics, the aver nage value of the occupied farm Innds of Canada as nn whole, In cluding both improved and unim proved lund, ax well as dwelling ak REPAIRING WATCHES oun SECIANY it your walich is uot giving satisfaction we can repair and make it tell the correct time D. J. BROWN THE JEWELER Officinl Wateh Incpoctor tor Cana/llan Nations) and Osh. awn MHallroads 10 King wt, W, "one 140 vr sw of the House of Commons; Ald, GJ, Keeteh, mayor of Hackney Ald, J, Kdward MoNelgh, Ottawn, who officially welcomed the party, and Horace Lee, won of the mayor of Coventry, Columbin Cdhnern mo Wott, mannge cannery nt Kamloops Thres hundred neres have been contyneied [ pek of 100,000 cape minimum output Limited, will estnl lish an this ven of tomatoes for und nu will be the LUMBER F.L. BEECROFT Whithy Lamber ang Wood Yard "hone Oshawe 824 Whithy 19 a COAL COAL Vhone 1B W. J. SARGANT Yard==#4 Bloor Fireet M. Orders Promptly Delivered Fix Boyhean Value | The commercinl demond for soy { bean oll or men! from time to time | Will hx the value the variou | yauriotie ited to cultivation In [ Canada In tha obeervation, of the Chamixt the Dominlon Depart ment of thre The correla oll' of fat content finds In remarkably wrietios being high yelatively lower In nd vies versn This mutter of Importance in fart that thers are now four ny whith have for cult inl crap in Cannda I value of (he of Art tion hetwaoep ind protein hn the j ron Intent I nt protein'! comi PHONE 22 For Your Drug Needs THOMPSON'S varieties of n proven sulls | noeommaey I'he tovhean ome twent { hewn hee nhl prion n comme houses, barns, stables and other farm buildings, is returned an $57 an ners for the year 1929, JUST HAPPEN! A child runs out in the round, there Is aA roar of squenling brakes, but the ear hasn't time to stop, An necldent happens, Time In preclous--the driver gets his ¥irst Ald kit out of the ear door, While a friend telephones for a doctor, he applies a tourniquet and checks the hemorrhage, » little antiseptic and draw Ing the adges of the lacera- tion together with adhesive he has made an Impromptu dressing until the doctor nrrives Thus the child has heen saved possible dis figuration for Hie and may- he-denth Not a plea sant thought hut fHustratey how simply an ncecident can happen---and the necessity of a complete First Ad squipment In every home camp, school and cur We have a First Ald Kit In a metal hox to sult your every need, ut a price that will appeal, from 1.85 up, Check over your ¥irst Ald supplies today and When In need of Drugs "QUICKLY" 'Phone The REXALL STORES Jury & Lovell Ltd, King 5t, E, Simeon St. 8 Arines | lon 10 Blmeoe Bt. A «= We Doliver = from the oll obtained by axpre am | Phone 28 Phone " IT'S wiset You TO yor CHOOSE A SIX can afford Six=Cylinder Luxury if vou ean afford any car! we HOPL, 1017 Oshawa Burial Co. N size, performance and appearance, the Chievrolet Vankleek Hill .. Sept, 1720 i m-------- " i: ARMBIRONG #80, Tvups VATA moreno Sept. 20.11 patria -- = wre -- I Six is superior to any other lowspriced car on the | Wallacetown .... a HX a) id road today, Because of this fact, many people believe Funeral : that the Chevrolet is priced much higher than it really is, Walpole Island (Indian) , Oct, 1) | Walsh , Sept, Ji Waltera ails p | Warkworth , Oct, 0:10 87 Celina Street Utterson oo Yet, with a base price of $635 at the factory, Chevrolet in actually one of the easiest cars in the world to buy! COSTS NO MORE TO OWN And, while it is a six-cylinder, 50-horsepower, heavier car==the Chevrolet Six costs no more for gas . . costs no more for oil . . costs no more for upkeep! | Warren Waterford Welland Wellandport .. IR} a 13 . Rept, Su w Hept, 15:10 , Mept, 0 ow Qot, 74 , Oct, 10:1) Sept, 10 - Nept, 1 oi bE Wiarton ,.. Wilkesport Williamstown Winchester ... Windham Centre Wingham ...... Woodbridge .. Woodstock | Wooler... So easy is Chevrolet to buy==and so economical to operate==that it alone can give you the full dividends of motoring pride and satisfaction which your money ought to carn when invested in the lowspriced field, GO FOR A CHEVROLET RIDE Call up the nearest Chevrolet dealer today, and have him send a Chevrolet Six for you to drive, without obligation, Out on the straightaway==step on the gas w=and learn what it means to drive a car for the sheer thrill of driving! Find out how much more enjoyable sixseylinder motoring is . . how sixseylinder power is always smooth and flexible . , how six-cylinder speeds are quiet, comfortable and safe. Ask your dealer about the General Motors Owner Service Policy; the most complete in the industry==and about the G.M.A.C., General Motors' own deferred payment plan, Mo, LW ARMNT HONG Ambulance Service DAY AND NIGHT 'PHONE 1082W ARMNTRONG , Dot Zurich Sept TERRIFIC STORM IN BRITISH ISLES Premier MacDonald Forced Down in Flight to Lossiemouth London, Aug, 30,-~A violent rain and thunderstorm struck London at 13.80 am, washing tha heat from the parched pavements and bringing relief after a week of tor rid temperatures in which tha mer: cury daily spurted into the nineties, Clouds gathered during Friday evening and lightning flashed con. tinuously as darkness fell, The hoat wan oppressive and clung lke a plague over Houthern England as the death toll mounted and millions aweltered, Thermometora hit a peak of f4 late yesterday, Premier Ramsay MacDonald, ve. turning by airplane to Lossiomenth, footland, to resume hin vacation, waa foread to turn back and land at | Catteriok airdrome, Yorkahiva, Ja boarded a trainor the res: of the | Journey to Losslemouth, An of flolal at the Leuchers alvdvonme, near Ri, Andrews; toward which the Prime Minister wan heading, vald It wan the worst storm "with: in living memory." For several hours official Lon. don was anxious about Mr, Maes Donnld's safety, Though the long distance lines to Edinburgh held, local systems wera disrupted and It was impossible ta reach either Catteriek Alrdrome or Losale 262 FIVE DIRECT LINES TO CENTRAL COAL Eppo PREMIUM COKE seMersoLvay WOOD ALL kinos & pry Service 0 biivey Venice io fvatemil's all Tour Can Countless worth seeing, vistas of vugaed splendony pa the motorist travelling The Club Soden + + 020 The Sport Coupe + + 240 The Soden + « + 44 The Sport Soden + (Ow wire wheels ---- The Sport Roadoter + "0 ' ROADSTER or PHARTON The Coupe «+ + The Coueh « + + «+ 130 E-0'635 (Sty oy whos vondors ) Prices ot foctory, Qileva Ton Tones a Sune "re rom 083 op . A complete line of CHEVROLET SIX 'S BETTER BECAUSE IT'S C NADIAN tA Columbia's aconie avibon Road through the foothills of the Rockies, DIXON COAL CO. THERE IS TO SERVE YOU -------- A CHEVROLET DEALER NEAR YOU pS obi isha saa dis: LRA NT Nah ime TER dae

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