Oshawa Daily Times, 30 Aug 1930, p. 9

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IN I Ut FI 11 At THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, AUGUST 30, 1930 diss HE TH TR pe EE -- PAGE NINE MORE GRAFT IN ~ YORK TOWNSHIP (Continued from Yage 1) got 3100, None of "loans" of which were made this Swimmer, | have been repaid and Mohan stated that if repayment was not offered, he would not demand it | Must be Good Fellow Mohan, in response to questions by Judge Denton, said he saw thing improper in these, money fran sfers, He told Gideon Grant, K.C, that as far as the sewer inspector were concerned, a contractor had te be "a good fellow," "AT can then." terscly commented, your the all | 10 fudge Deg is that 1 perception is very LN ton think dull, moral LIGHTHOUSES ARE TARGETS Lindsay. Already thi and men have shot the 12 of the lighthouses way to Sturgeon Lal ing considerable day put the lighthouses sion temporarily, with th that travelling the been safe by vi lights out of arking the Jesides do yer ol in river vit nigl on dark MANY BICYCLES STOLEN WINS SCHOLARSHIP Stirling he Hor annonce Mini 1 been made 1 ter of | tion that ti arship of heen aware V, Fail SL he 3 \3 tlantic City is always season" Thers's never a dull moment at Atlantic all.yenr-round peation-time! Bracing alr--sports~ } wonderfullood relax. ation! Bpendaweek,or aweek-end, with us you'll return homefee) ingfit~fresh~vigorous! /7 \ oa > RATES | American Plan Single. , $7 to 49 ! Double$| Hh d fife ' io v olton Maser One of rhe Finest Holels In Atlantic Cily For a week or a week-end enjoy the luxury of the finest appointments without exorbitant price, Booklet, Write or wire for reservations £50 ROOMS OVERLOOKING THE OCEAN 8, Frm ov, Dr, Charles 'A, Seager, Bichop of Ontario, who strongly supported the stand taken by the Yambeth conference on birth con. trol, photographed on his arrival nt Montrenl on the Cunard liner Antonin, | | | succeeded the as America's Another Indian great Jim Thorpe greatest all-around athlete when | Wilson Charles, above, a member | of the Oneida tribe of the Mighty Nations, won the national | deenthlon championship, at the A, | AU, meet at Pittsburg, Pa, | | mix ticulars phone 2514W vo gn 5 v1 tp gue ONTARIO REGIMENT | Signalling Course A School of Signalling Will Commence un TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2nd, 8 p.m. at the ARMOURIES All interested are requested to attend A. M. STROUD, MAJOR, Signal Office, Ontario Regiment, | For Further par- J + EDS JS JS SOS JOS SIS TOS JOS 028 JS JS VN IR ANS JO TJ 2158 JOJO A ZETA | 10% TS TT TAS TK 4 - SOS JS SS SS BENJAMIN FRANKLIN AND THY, SHEWKLL Benjamin Franklin--the many- sided Franklin=--took a hand al practically everything that occiy- red in Philadelphia in his day. even helped a pretly Quaker mald- en to elope with Benjamin West, who was later to win fame as one | of the great historical painters, {ies which he gave In his modest home-=parties which pvorybody that was ahybody in the Quaker City, fo one of these came the pretty Betsy Bhewell, She waz not in the best of moods thal eve nipg because she had been crossed in love, and young ladies who have been crossed in love are not always the best company Her undeniaple beauty attracted many of the young men, but Hetsy frowned and pouted and was al. together a rather naughty person During the evening she met a young man named Benjamin West He was a dabblér In paints, had already wade some watercolors which attracted considerable atten. tion, He had the soul of an ertist, and so, of course, he was attracted to Betsy Bhewell, He paid marked attention to her, and Betsy, boing human, feit flattered Mareoy 558 was attracted to him, and both being young and impressionable, made an amazing discover It was 'that they were with one another, Usually luve a first sight occurs only in novels or on the stage, But here it happen ed in real life, and to make it all the more interesting, between (he Quaker and a Quakeress, Now no well ordered roma: complete without a villain was a villain in this case, the brother of the girl, fegwned on the match, He 164 in love Ho and did not Wis want his Betsy to marry a penniless) artist The suggestion that this particular artist might have a fut. ure only gerved to increase his anges er. All artists were alike to him, n species of Bohemians, who de. pended upon others, usually their relatives, for support, he found Betsy and Denjamin | spooning and he forbade the young had | he } 0 man in house, Atler gone the brother turned the girl ] "What dost thes mean by such conduct." She looked at the angry one of sky-blue eyes and sald simply, As lovers have sald for thousands of vears "I love him That was like dropping a maich ==f lighted mateh----Iinto a powder magazine, When the stern one caught his breath, he exclaimed; "Go te thy chamber, mise, and stay there until thea learns to have sone, He is not for thee She was locked In her room, and kept there as a prisoner 1iven the members of the family did not have the chance to see Hetey, ¢ cept when they carried mealy her News of her was noised about and young Jamin heard of it. One came to the outside of his out night be the ow, 8he cams to the ecusement, and they talked and wooed ike lovers are wont to.do~=very much after the manner of Rom and 0 2A | He'll Need New Clothes For School es SEE ..- IBERRY'S [ i Kin g: St. E. Opposite P. O. A BARN BI YBNI RV A Phone 1110 SS En True Stories Stranger Than Fiction STRANGEST TALES OF ROMANCE an» MYSTERY By Vance Wynn (Author of To-Day"s Prue Detective Ftories) Jet, He | The next morning a coach and a | the fhewell regidence, and the | from the company of the handsome V'ranklin was noted for the par-! attracted | gir] in the world, ! ove Jn Theron | he One evening | lad | to | imprisonment Ren | house | and threw pebbles agains her wind. | FEILOPEMENT OF BEINY In the midst of {t they were discovered, The brother had over. heard everyihing I pair of spirited horses appeared al Or whe Away to he Betsy was taken #0 that she might hellious Leountry prisone-for Was Mr, Her new | suen she persisied in calling it the spacious estate of her linsfolk {at Penn Rhyn, near Philadel shin iBhe had all that a girl could ds {sire except hey sdored one, res tently, in the pureuit of his art, the young painter galled for England, but not without conveying to the the assurance of his undying We the roman 6 dia MILITARY WEDDING AT PARKWOOD (Continued from age 5) Interesting members of the hrid party were Mrs, Mclaughlin's father and mother, Mr, and My i, i, Mowbray, of Brooklyn, N.Y the latter wenring a graceful gown of black lace over pale pink, a black hit and corsage of mauve and pink wweel pons and roses, Mre, Robert Melaughlin, of Oshawn, wig ane other Interesting member of the family party, gowned in block Houge guests Included Mr, and Mra, J Corde Taylor and Mrs George Taylor of Montelafr, N Mrs, |) C., Klipstein, of East Orange, NJ, ag wall as memborg of the hridal party from out of town Interesting guests nt the wedding included Mrve, Wm, D, Rose, win of the Heutenunt-governor and Miss Busan Ross, who wera present from Government House, Toronto Honor wag to on public engagement the lawn table and na altractively lnrge marge both the bride' buffet table were visnged with pink roses, on long nr tha lovely be This not end ped LILA hely to further was a case wher the heart [4 month Inter Wasl reported ii nheence mak OW fonda father of Mi Philade!p his with Lhe ta that tol in love mmin can jand he ns despers as evel It wa it thi Lage ) falr that peared sympathized with little Net hi ' ' Benjamin Frank on the seens AEA daughter Barah i ) pretty Quakers the of and happine man pn ayolve Ho heads | sehen " {Hn was t The idents other ence of together, for hep 16 great of 1 with nt att Pann np then [41] now son vialt vial ; the invita It wa were man of the them such wi believe | wonder! WM n.groenl evs proud 1 of Philadelpl United State lgnul he there leys th most ny show mn nt som preparatiol Ider pro eive "l'on time the f West Nf he hid then cr until of Dets er Penn until But and grounds a window hyn du round the heneath tl ell's roou Franklin and his daugl rived and were heartl ed, While the great ed his hosts the the house, Sarnh Franklir up to the bed chamber of tle Quakeress "Bet ther of the garder man 6) in hot ha wh! Henjamin pered Went Prey [things you need for he ia vend heloved ha heard he to take to your I'rom he 1d of you low eonld animated conversa surrounded by the borg of the fomily and thelr gues WhH them with one of | inimitable stories, OQutslde, he a clump of bushe the father Benjamin West waiting, man, who was In plot, pind ed a ladder against t side of the house, and Hetsy made wi from her "prison cell" That night she Ensand She was West on September church of St, Martin's men regnling wan the her Look 1 n«the.1"ields 4) in the a -- CUROpe, IN SIGHT ry A ringing cheer rises from the deck--someone's spyglass has picked up the lofty cliffs of Land's End--joyous realiz- ation of your dream-trip to Europe--then a short train oumey to London, Paris or other European points to be used as headquarters for sight seeing, shopping and, this year, The Passion Play at Oberam« ergau---sights and experiences to talk about for months after your return, 4 And travelling Canadian Pacific, on one of the Regal Duchesses or the ever popular "'Mont' and "M" ships, you combine cozy com- ort, tempting cuisine and satise fying service with economy. Tourist Third Cabin Return Fare &s Low es $185,00 + Ask your local agent or J. B. MACKAY, General Agent, Canadian Pacific Building, Toronto CANADIAN PACIFIC STEAMSHIPS 'Alwayo Carry Canadian Pacifio Bxpr raveliars' Cheques. , . Good the World Over tone of pink throughout | bloomy In the gardens, harmonized HHA | blue unable to attend owing {and Refreshments were served from a | Over where | Lweed A genern) | For onto | with the color sehenis of the whole | wedding, | the wedding breakfast offered In the marquee, Following tousty were | the toast to the bride being made hy the Rey, J, I", Wilson, of Belle ville, who had officiated at the mar. | riage of the bride's parents, | The magnificent, array of wedding | gifty which were on display in the ballroom upstairs included many of trienne flavor, in vier ¢ and groom's interest in | Outstanding among Lee | an exqiigite ttle Vi wn equ ol the bride riding gilts ho x wh from Her Kxeellency, the Vig counte Wilingdon, henrving 1h crest of the governor-genernl on is woyey A handeome silver (ray wig the gift of his fellow officers to the | groom a The I gift f er atien The bride y J dance at "Parkwood" in honor of dant wire platinum ping the bridal attendant while the groom gave ushers | and hest man cuff link Hin gift Enews to the bride war n handsome travel. [Were the following [ Mrs, IC, Bahhitt The hride and groom left for | Babbitt, My, and My Bul cngtern points by motoy, the ride | four Mr, George Beardmon Iivig travelling in on smart eggplant hine | Gen und My Arthnar HH, £1) | the dress of eggplant | Billy Boultan Juck IA crepe; with gealloped skirt |! ol, and Mrs, Douglag Bowl Mr of white spotted wool | Charles Burn My, H., (larlisle, embroidered with coral yings, |My, and Mre, Allan Cose, My, ane it #he of cheviol | Mre, Robt, W Ir. ond M me eoloring and | 0 Loy pnd Mi On thelr "return |G Mrs, Tur ; on Robinwond Ave, | Tamblyn t field | Ir, und My aver and se 1 Mi ith Va | dred {oi TEA 'Fresh from the gardens' Ea = : 1 W WwW, | und Mrs, 1, Hilloy i Toronto; Cal und pretty Chigrle Mrs Lorne Mr A Mr, and and My It M Ii Maowhray, Nr Lirn dl of Brooking (Continued on Vuge the ; AONg nt wedding | f vy Corday ling ears ensemble Meredith villa: Mrs it ensemhle My frown i bolero voile -_ fires Doviex, (iriss In wore no cal prontt Mr, und Akalth, Mi Bertha Fleanor Turnbull Mie I, Vaughan In the i nite Warr herve ali Je hut all they will re were I'his eyvenli Mr, and Mis find ned Laughlin are entertaining at a | khan, Mr, and Mi fdovd J, Whit This flavour will please you more than any other "SALADA 771 i ikon, Mr, Woodland, John MeLuugh- MeLaughling Henkler, Wm, Mowhray, Mowhray, Miss ¥lor- and Mrs, Ralph and Mr 10) swept hip on the farm | it sixty burned, ub falling to the in quelle World Famous wimmers To Be In Oshawa ill Be At Jubilee Pavilion Tomorrow Night I'he photographs here show a few of the group of famous swimming stars who will be at the midnight frolic, .To the left. Is ween andor spondor, of Mort Cols horne, who came wecond in men's marathon at the Canadian National Exhibition this year while in the centre In Marvin Nelson, of lowa, who succeeded In wine ning the fest prize of K10,000 in the mara. thon, The photograph to the right is of Mar. garet Ravolr, the good looking Philadelphia girl who captured the championship in the women's mavathon, Hes low is Krnest Vierkoet« ter, of Toronto, Jubilee Pa Midn Doors Open 12.05 a.m. THOSE WHO WILL BE PRESENT Misses Tower, Armstrong, Riley and Benoitt, Marvin Nelson, Johnny Walker, 1. Spondor, Geo. Blagdon and Ernest Vierkoetter Night of Sunday, Aug. 31 ion Froli ight C Dancing till? ---- and Bow Agar,

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