Oshawa Daily Times, 29 Aug 1930, p. 6

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" pAcE 8% THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, AUGUST 29, 1930 KINGSTON JRS. DEFEAT OSHAWA BAKERY 7-6 FORCING THIRD GAME Victorias Score 2 Runs In 9th. Inning to Win Game and Tie Up Series Winners Play '"Heads-Up- Ball" Taking Full Advan- tage of All Opportunities -- Oshawa Bakery Team Fails to Play Their Usual Brand of Ball and Lose Game on Costly Errors -- the ball and then touched first base, Umpire Arnold called the runner out because he had not touched the first base, on his jour~ ney. Naturally, Kingston protest- od loud and long but the run was not allowed, The hit deserved a home run in any Park and when it meant the tying run, it was cer- tainly a tough break, But rules are I rules and must be abided by and Large Crowd Attends ,, Leyden was wide-swake, Lhe Umpire had to make his decision, Game ---- Rain Halts Play In a case of this kind, the Umpire For Ten Minutes at End of | doos not make any decision unless : he is asked for one by the field 8th Inning ing team, ------ The Bakery team did not play There was & large crowd of [their usual brand of ball and on softball fans at the Motor City | the night's play, Kingston de- #tadium last night to seo the sec- ond game of the series between the Oshawa Bakery Jrs, and King- ston Victorias and strange to say, a great many of those who paid admission, falled to see the game won. At the end of the eighth in- ning, a fairly heavy rain shower put a stop to the ball game and drove the spectators to shelter, At this time the Oshawa team was landing by 6 to 5, After ten min. utes, the teams came back and fin. ished the game, Going in for their last bat, with a one-goal deficit and elimination staring them in the face, the Victorias launched a successful drive for victory, Card, the lead-off man, struck out on his first two trips to the plate hut in the fatal ninth, he rose to the occasion with a smart single, The next man up, Roberts bunted and was safe on Leyden's third er- ror of the night, By this time Card was perched on third base with the tying run. Roberts went to second and Gingeroski threw to Goodall to make a putout, Card streaked for the plate and beat Goodall's return, Roberts was safe, He went to third on a passed ball, McCullough flyed out to Cornish, McKee grounded to Cornish and Cornish elected to make the pute out at first, He succeeded but Robe erts crossed the plate with the winning run, The . next batter grounded out and then the Bak- ery went to bat. They went out ons, two and three. Hamil ton, a pinch hitter, grounding out, Hurst watching the third strike go by and Cornish fouling out to Card, who leaned over the fence to make the catch, Considering an unfortunate In- eldent which took place in the olghth inning it was perhaps just AS well that the Kingston team won, Thompson, Kingston's right fielder, rapped out a beautiful home right over Hurst's head, in the first of the Sth, Hurst flashed some fast fielding in an attempt to make a put out hut just barely falled. This would have heen the tying run but Leyden called for ---- New Martin SATURDAY - MONDAY HOOT GIBSON we IN Roaring Ranch COMEDY "SO LONG LETTY"" NEARLY MARRIED LAST TIME TODAY ° COLLEEN MOORE in "Smiling Irish Eyes" Nap INAS Flan STARTS : 4 wm ---- If vou like worth=while pie- tures--you won't miss the screen's most polished AOLO $ha You'll Get a New Thrill? i ToNlgyT- | 'TEMPLE TOWER rorved thelr victory, The "Dough Boys" had quite a number of er. rors, Leyden, Goodall and Ginger. oski making the most costly of them, Kingston had only two mis- plays, The Oshawa team was out. hit 7 to 5, Gowwell, Borland and Card were outstanding for the winners while Cornish and Hurst stood out for the Oshawa team, Knox pitched « nice game and his defeat was due to lack of adequate support, Some- thing unusual for the Bakery, Third Game in Kingston, Tomorrow After a great deal of argument, discussion, it was decided that the third game would be played In Kingston on Saturday afternoon, The Bakery team feel confident of winning the third game but they realize that they will have to Play their best game ist, Inning Vietorias--Card struck out, Roberts struck out, MeCullough also fanned,--0 hits 0 runs, 0 er. rors, Oshawa Bakery-- Hurst walked. Hurst wont around on two errors to score, Cornish was safe on an error, Trott ran Into his own bunt, putting himself out. Hall fyled out to center, Leyden hit to short, forcing Cornish out,--0 hits, 1. run 3 errors, ' 2nd, Inning Victorias---McKeoo was safe on Leyden's error, Gowsell hit through the box. Bews sacrificed the two runners around with a bunt, Bor, land walked. Thompson hit to Hall, who threw to Gingerosk!; fore. Ing the runner out. Bruce singled, scoring two, Card struck out,--3 hy, 2 runs, 1 error, Jakery--Gingoroski fouled out to 3rd, Goodall out, 3rd to 1st. Amsbury walked. Knox fyled out to left.--0 hits, 0 runs, Firs ay 8rd, Inning Victorius--Roberts out, Knox to Leyden, McCulough out Goodall to Leyden, McKee fiyed out to Good- all,==0 hits, 0 runs, 0 errors, Bakery---Hurst walked, Cornish got a double on a bunt. Trott bunted down 3rd and the ball roll. ed in, after going out, Hurst scored, Hall hit to Bews and wan thrown out, Cornish scoring. Ley- den had the "big one' called. Gin. garoski hit to left, scoring Trott, Goodall fiyed out to left, i 4th, Innin Viotorias--Leydon i Gownell a life, Bews flew out to Amsbury. Knox fumbled a bunt and Borland was safe. A passed ball allowed both runners to move around, Goodaall's error allowed both to score. "Ginge" had an, other passed ball but the runner Was caught at the plate when Bruce hit to Hall, Card singled and Bruce was safe at the plate when "Ginge" dropped the ball. Roberta flyed out to Trott,--1 hit, 3 runs, 4 er- rors, Bakery--Amsbury singled, Knox Was out on a sacrifice bunt, Hurst Kot a scratoh hit, stole second and Amsbury scored. Cornish was out on a sacrifice bunt, Hurst scoring, Trott flyed out to center,.--32 hits, 4 runs, 0 errors Sth, Inning Victorias--MeCullough flew out to Hurst, McKee was out whenhe ran into his own bunt, Gowsell Was out, Trott to Leyden.--0 hits, 0 runs, 0 errors, Bakery--Hall flyed ount to cen. ter, Leyden out, 3rd to 1st, in. geroskl struck out, 6th, Inning Viotorias--Bews was thrown out at first on a smart play by Cornish, Borland walked. Trott caught Thompwon's holst. Bruce walked, A smart force play, Cornish to Hall retired the side.--0 hits 0 runs, 0 errors, Bakery--Goodall 1st. Amsbury walked. Knox fan. ned. Hurst popped out to 3rd. 0 hits, 0 runs, 0 errors, error gave fouled out to Tth, Victorias--Roberts out, Cornish to Leyden. McCullough out, Good. all to Leyden, McKee walked, Gowsell got a nice single. Bews out, Cornish to Leyden to end the rally.=--1 hit, 0 runs, 0 errors Bakery--Cornish out, MeCul- lough to Bews, Bruce pulled in Trott's holst and Hall popped out to Gowsell,--0 hits 0 runs 0 errors, Sth Inning Vlotorlas=Borland struck out. Thompson homered to tie the game, The runner was called out by the umpire because he failed to touch first hase, Bruce out, Knox to Ley- den.--0 hits, 0 runs, 0 errors, Bakery--Leyden out, MecCul lough to Bews,. "Gingie" walked. Goodoll fiyed out to second. Ams. strike.~~0 hits, 0 runs, 0 errors. Oth, Inni Vietorias---Card + ' Rob- Orta was safe on Loyden's error, He tole second and Card scored. Mo. Culough flaw out to Carniah.. Me. Kee out, Cornish to Leyden, Rob- erty scoring, putting Kingston one up, Gowsell out, Hall to Leyden. bury was called out on a third I BIG CROWD EXPECTED TO ATTEND BIG GAME CHEVS. AT WHITBY If the residents of Oshawa hear a faint murmuring this evening, resembling somewhat the roar of the breakers when heard from a distance, they need not fear for an approaching earthquake, A thou- sand chances to one it will be but the echoes of the enthusiastic cheering which will be going on over in the Town Park of the County Town, Whitby, As far as Whithy Ladies' soft- ball fans are concerned, to-nipht's the night, Whitby Rovers and the Chevys, of Oshawa meet to-night In a sudden-death game to decide the winner of the second half of the schedule, If the Chevs, win they are 1030 champions of the league as they won the first half, If Whit. by wins, they will play a three gume series with the Chevs, to de- cide the league title, Both teams are anxious to go in the Ontario playoffs and hoth teams have plenty of supporters, The Chevs, have had an uphill fight since they lost their catcher, Ed, Elliott, through an Injury and they have earned the respect of many local softball fans who were not Chay, supporters be: fore by their gallant fight, These two teams generally put up a real battle and tonight's af- fait should be no exception. There whould he a large representation on hand from Oshawa, to help cheer the Chevys, along, It will be a big game and a hig crowd Aarabs Play Monarchs Tonight 5.30 Tonight's game at Conboy Park, Toronto, at 5,30 pm, between Monarchs, of the North-western Basbeall League, and the Aarab club, Oshawa, winners of the Lake Shore League, In the first of home. and-home games in the Initial round of the O.B. A.A. intermedi. ate play-offs, section "A", Is #t- tracting clty-wide attention and undoubtedly a large crowd will be on hand when the game is called, | Tiekots wil go on sale at 4.30 o'clock, Monarchs have proven them- selves worthy representatives of the T.A.B.A, for the Ontario play- offs, and it Is hoped that the fans wil turn out In large numbers, us they are deserving of avery sup port possible, The last meeting between thesa Leams had every in- dieation of developing into a real struggle, when a downpour of rain necessitated a postponement At the end of the fourth inning with the Motor City nine out in front 4 to 0, Monarchs at this sage of the plece were beginning to find themselves, and fn the opinion of many would have made it interesting for the visitors had the rain not intervened, The Aarab crew have a clever list of performers, and on the strangth of their showing last Sat. urday a close struggle Is antiel- pated. Dainty, who needs ne in. troduction to Toronto fans, whi mont likely ascend the hilltep for the visitors, while "Red" Ewart, who topped the Farlscourt Park pitchers with tne wins and no losses, will he Monareh's choles to oppose him, ROBINS PASS GIANTS New York, Aug. 29.-The the Glants' defenses in the sixth inning yesterday and made thelr way Into second place by scoring seven runs in that frame, for an §<to-7 viotory in the second game of their series, The triumph clinched the season's series for the Robins with 12 victories over the Glants so far and only 6 defeats, «1 hit, 3 runs, 3 errors, Pakery---Hamilton, batting for Knox, out to Bawa, Furst watched the third strike go by. Card made a lovely catch of Cornih's foul holst to end and win the game, 0 hits, 0 runs, 0 errors, The teams: Kingston Victorias--Card, 3b; Roberts, cf; McCullough, sa; Me. Kee, 2b; Gowsell, 1b; Bews, Dp; Borland, ¢; Thompson, rf; Bruce, Oshawa Bakery---Hurst, If; Cor- nish, sa; Trott, rf; Hall, 8h; Ley- den, 1b; Gingerowskl, ¢; Goodall, gb: Amsberry, of; Knox, p; Ham. fiton, Umpires-- Plate, Twigg (King ston); bases, Rowden (Oshawa), and Arnold (Oshawa), Brooklyn Robins smashed through |, PORT SNAPSHOT After the game was postponed Bth inning, the Kingston Victorias Oshawa Bakery Jrs, by a score of necessary, LJ . ternoon, playoffs and can be depended upon out of the race, to five hits while they themselves lost the game for Knox ed with a great deal of interest \@ » of the second hall of the schedule ir are going to make a great fight to Relations Bldg, on Tuesday, Sept bring their own transportation and transportation supplied. The first Oshawa City By Ono. Caxcyems, Sports Biter did not return after the rain and failed to see the final result, did not play their best brand of ball and on the night's showing, Vic. torias deserved their victory but they are still a long way from putting the Bakery Boys out of the running. 2, for sure clock and the last car leaves at 530 pm Kingston Victorias Even Series for ten minutes, at the end of the came back after their shower, and scored two runs in the ninth inning to win the second game from the 7 to 6 and so make a third game The game was witnessed by a large crowd but many of them Bakery Sudden-Death Game Tomorrow After much discussion, it was finally decided that the third and de. ciding game of the series would be played at Kingston tomorrow af- The Bakery team are determined to go on in the OAS A, to do their best to put the Victorias The Oshawa team had many more than their usual allotment of errors, The Kingston pitchers restricted the "Dough Boys" had seven but even at that errors The result of tomorrow's game will be await. . LJ Chevs. at Whithy Tonight Tonight's the night for the sudden-death game for the championship the Oshawa Ladies' softball league Chevys, and Whitby Rovers are the contestants and the game will be played over in Whitby Town Park, This game should attract a large crowd, 1f the Chevs. win, they are Champs, but if Whithy wins, there will be more games » * » . Textiles vs. Hamilton Tomorrow Night Don't forget the big Senior "B" softball playoff game tomorrow night at the Motor City Stadium between the Textiles of Oshawa, and Rise- lays of Hamilton, The Hamilton team, last year's champs, won the first game but it was close and they got the breaks and the Textiles win the second game and force the series to the third game, We expect a record attendance for men's softball in Oshawa . . . . Blue Devils' Picnic Tuesday The General Motors Rughy Football Club, better known as the Blue Devils, will hold their annual pienic on Tuesday, President "Wally" Clark has had his committee working diligently and everything is ready All persons who have ever played for the club, all persons who intend to try out with the team this season and all others who are vitally interested in the club are asked to be at the Industrial Those who can, are to those who are unable to, will have ar leaves immediately after 5.00 o'- He there and be on time! Football Club Will the following players please report at Prince St. on Saturday, Aug. Joth, not later than 1.30 o'clock for the game with N, and D.; Shields, Cunclife, Saxby, Singer, Dunstall, Loban, Brown, Grant, Nichols, Ratcliff and Gilbert, Hewitt Wins Main Bout From Komar Toronto, August 239,--""Whitey" Hewitt proved that he is a capabls main-bout performer when he scored two out of three falls over "Bull" Komar at the Arena Inst night, Komar, who is noted as one of the strongest wrestlers in ths game, autweighed his opponent by 43 pounds, and, after gaining the first fall in 28 minutes and 27 seconds, appeared to he a certain winner, But Hewitt came back after the rest and evened the bout when he gained a fall with a back trip in 20 minutes and 6 seconds, The third and final fall went to Hewitt after a little more than four minutes' grappling. Hewitt has won a number of bouts in Toronto, but this was the first time that he had heen asked to appear in the final bout of the evening, and he made good with a vengeance, Siki Secures Verdict In the semi-final, Reg Siki, the colored marvel, gained the judges' decision over Renato Gardini after they had wrestled 45 minutes without scoring a fall. It was a close and Interesting bout from start to finish, and at the end Gardinl might quite easily have bean given a draw, However, the verdict to Siki was a just one, Referee Struck by Player in Ulster Vs. Toronto Scottish Game Toronto, Aug. 20.--Toronto Soot. tish and Ulster United met last night in the semi-Anal round of the Ontario Cup series, but the riv. al noccer teams failed to finish the game, A turbulent contest ended five minutes from full time when, in a mix-up, an Ulster player struck and injured Referee Mitchell, who Alex. Ponton Will Coach Balmy Beach Team Toronto, Aug. 20. Alex, Ponton, former star quarter back and a stalwart of the Balmy Beach foot ball team, has been appointed coach of the Old Gold and Blue squad for 1030, With a newly-formad and strong executive to back him up he may be the man to pull the Kast Enders out of the rut of de- fen in 'which they have floundered during the past two years Captain of Queen's Rugby Team Undergoes Operation Kingston, Aug. 20.--Ian "Hoot" Gourley, captain and outside wing of Queen's intercollegiate senior football team, who Wednesday af- tarnoon underwent An operation for appendicitis in the Kingston General Hospital, Is reported as Progressing very tavorably, Wheth- er the operation will keep him out of the coming football season or not remains to be seen, Gourley In very anxious to get into the game, especially as he Is the field leader of the tricolor squad, ALEXANDER HOMERS 8t, Louis, Mo, Aug. 20.~-Be- hind the brillant hurling of Ciaorge Blasholder and Chad Kim. sey, the St, Louis Browns scored a ® to 1 victory over the Detroit Tigers here yesterday, making it two straight for the series, INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE RED WINGS WIN AGAIN Rochester, N.Y, Aug. Rochester trimmed the fast ping Baltimore Birds hers yeater- day afternoon in the opener of the series which will determine a tem- porary hold on first place, In a ten-inning triumph by 7 to 8 the Red Wings Increased their mar gin over the flock to two ahd a halt games, thersupon declared play at an end, HOME-RUN STANDINGS HOME RUNS YESTERDAY Hellmann, Reds, 2; Meuse, Redy, 1; Suhr, Pirates, 1; Lindstrom, Glants, 1; Ott, Giants, 1; Jackson, Giants; 1; Berger, Braves, 1; Finn, Robins, 1; Wright, Robins, 1; Bot. tomley, Cardinals, 1; Morgan, In- dians, 1: Alexander, Tigers, 1; Kimsey, Browns, 1, The leaders~Ruth, Yankees, 44; Wilson, Cubs, 44; Gehrig, Yankees, 47; Foxx, Athletics, 232; Klein, Phillies, 31; Simmons, Athletics, 31; Berger, Braves, 31; Goslin, Browns, 30, League totuls--National, 716; American, h66; grand total, 1,282, New Westminster Are Favourites to Take Mann Cup Toronto, Aug, 29--New West- minster's husky Pacific coast cham- pions, winners over Winnipeg and favorites in some quarters to take Brampton in the comjng Mann Cup series, arrive here to-day for the toughest lacrosse engagement of this or any other season, They es. capad injuries in the Winnipeg grind but will have no alibis to of- fer in the svent of having to re- turn home without the famous Ama- teur lacrosse trophy, Their scoring ace, Johnnie Vernon, is the king pin of a speady nitack and just who Brampton will ask to keep tab on this elusive youth remains to be seen, Much will depend, too, on what class the visitors substitute Iist shows, as with Brampton there is not much difference in the play when the second string Is Inserted, OSHAWA FAIR FIELD AND TRACK MEET The directors of the Oshawa Fair are being complimented on every side on thelr enterprise in substituting the two-day athletic meet at this year's fair in place of the horse races which used to fea ture the program, This spirit has been intensified by the announce, ment made yesterday that the out. standing girl stars of the athletic world had been booked Lo Appear here at the Falr Grounds, on the new cinder track and athletic feld, on September 10, This announce ment gave just the needed stimu- lus to the interest in the athletic programs for the Fair, and the suc- cess of the innovation is already assured, Excellent progress is being made with the construction of the cinder on the Fair grounds at Alexandra Park, and the sports committes of the Fair is confident that, when completed, it will stand up favor- ably with any in the province. The plans of the Fair Board and Parks Board are to provide mot only a first-class cinder track for track events but also to leave ample space to give first-class accomodas tions, close to the grandstand, for baseball, lacrosse, rughy, soccer football, and other team sports which require an Area of that size, The plans follow very closely that of other well-known quarter-mile tracks, in that they provide for a full-size rughy field within the cin« der track oval Many inquiries have been re- ceived about such events as local 440-yard relay race, tugrof-wa- and horse shoe pitching competitions, Whether or not these events are in. cluded will depend entirely on the number of requests received for these as the program Is already a heavy one and will tax the time al. lotted to have it run off. Those interested 'in these events are ask- od to communicate with M, Meln- tyre Hood, manager and secretary of the meeting, Art. Ravensdale the Canadian champion hurdler, will carry No. 1 as his number in the men's events, His wan the first entry for the Thursday program and he has been allotted that number on the wecre- ROYALS DOWN SKEETERS TWIOR Montreal, Aug, 29.--The Royals captured, their sixth straight game yesterday when they took both ends of a double-header that open- od: a tive-game series with the Jersey Qity Skeeters, The ncores ware 6-4, and 9-0. Herb Thormah- len 'won his thirteenth victory of the season in the first game, hold: ing the vinitors to five scattered hits, Errors gave the Cats three of their runs in the second inning. Record Crowd Expected to Attend Second Game of Series Between Textiles of Oshawa and Last Year's Champions, Riselays, of Hamilton -- Game Will be Played at Motor City Stadium, Tomorrow, Starting at 6.30 p.m. Sharp The Motor City Stadium should be a very popular place on Satur day evening, as it is the occasion of the second game of the first round of the O,AB8.A, Benfor "B"' playoffs, between the Textiles of Oshawa and Rigelays of Hamilton, Riselays defeated the Textiles In the first game on Monday hy a score of 4 to 0 and these two teams put up a real softball battle, Rise- lays won the Intermediate softball championship of Ontario last ydar and Hamilton fans, who profess to know thelr softball, claim that the team is even stronger this year and naturally they are pleked to repeat, The fact that it Is the Ontario championship team will prove a big attraction at any time but when the fact Is so obvious that the Tex- tiles of Oshawa Wave an excellent Doeg and Lott Win From Veterans to Enter Tennis Finals in Doubles Chestnut Hill, Mass., Aug, 20, George M, Lott, Chicago, and John H. Dneg, Santa Monica, Calif, de- fending champions, successfully passed the semi-ingl round of the men's national tennis doubles championship yesterday. In doing so they required five gets to eliminate the veteran tan- dem of Bill Tilden and Frances T, Hunter, New Rochelle, N.Y, the former seeking vainly to enter his eighth national doubles final in 12 years, The scores were, 3.6, 6-3, 6-2, 9-11, 6-2, Advancing into the final Satur day with Lott and Doeg were the British champions Johnny Van Ryn of East Orange N.J,, and Wilmer Allison, Austin, Texas, The pair defeated the fourth-seeded entry, Berkeley Bell, Austin, Texas, and Gregory Mangin, Newark, N.J, In four wets, 6-8, 6-4, 6.4, 6.3, Seven Times Champions Is Belleville's Record Belleville, Aug. 20.--~For the seventh time in eleven years the Belleville Nationals will represent the Central Ontario Baseball Lea- gus in the Ontario play-downs. They will invade Conboy Park, Tor- onto on Saturday for the first game of the series with the Bdll Tele. phone team of Toronto, The locals have gained a Province.wide repu- tation since 1019 when they won their first Ontario champlonship. This year the team is practically as strong as ever with some of the veterans of the original squad still going strong, Textiles Meet Hamilton At Motor City Stadium Tomorrow Evening 6.30 1 chance of making the series go three games and perhaps winning the series, the game hecomes even more attractive, The Textiles did not play the very best softhall which they are capable of produc. ing, In the first game in Hamilton and if they can only play to the peak of thelr form eon Saturday evening, they should hs able to hand the Hamilton oulfit a sel, hack, However, MNiselays are a smart softhall team and ure worthy champions of Ontario, Every member of the team is a dan- gerous man with the bat and all field their positions well, It is likely that 'Gordie' Fairbanks will do the hurling for the Hamil ton team on Saturday, Fairbanks is considered one of the hest pit. chers in Hamilton and that means in Ontarfo, He and his teammates are well worth secing, The Textiles have had one or two light workouts since Monday's game and are all fit and ready fo the fray, with the exception of Art Gower, who is still suffering from his Injury received In Toronto on Saturday Art Rodgers will be on the mound for the Plush Men, This will be the first time that the fans of Oshawa have had a chance tn see Rodgers, pitching againgt out oftown opposition, In a game which really matters By their unexpected but brilliant, victory over the smart Parts and Bervice team, to win the local ine termediate league, the Textiles won for themselves a large number of enthusiastic supporters and Satur. day night should ses a new record set for attendance at a Men's soft. ball game in this city, The game is scheduled for 6.20 o'clock sharp and will start right, on time, providing the Hamilton team fis ready to play &t the ap- pointed hour, The admission which is being charged is the usual small sum of 15 cents, This is the only big sporting attraction of the day, in Oshawa, and if the weather man is at all favourable, there should be a big crowd on hand, AWRY HH DIC /74 ATHOLL ST W OSHAWA Phar is i Tailor-made | Suits ...... | 8. ROTINH, Manager | Scotland Woollen Mills ) A Friendship-Maker There are hohbles--and hobbies, A hobby is very expressive of a person, Mrs. Clark, for instance, is a friendly, Interested little woman who cannot bear solitude, she developed a "visiting" system over the Long Distance telpphone, It has proved a wonderful cure for loneliness, And as she calls after 7 p.m, the rates are remark. ably low, Announcing | BOWLING SEASON | Saturday August Thirtieth OPENING 1930 -- 1931 SIMOOE STRERT SOUTH Central Bowling Limited JAOK PURDIE, Manager. OVER STEELE STORE BRINGING UPFA 5. : " WHISPER + JERRY: AIN'T TS Wh BED ORR ~ wp NOW ] [-] : A +o 80: - - Nd BY GOLLY: SWE | [SHES $0 SINCE THEY AT ME aN' | | STUCK OP OWN A ho SPEAK: | NOW- SHE MINATURE MET HER WHEN WON'T EVEN Gour SHE WOZ CALLIN' [ill TALK TO HER: | 1 COURSE: TO HER N SELF AN' HER PATHER IN THE o CITY JAIL. 1D WORSE i : 5 ome 3 oo f n d } aay) ; o's Hy \ BY GEO. McMANUS THAT SETTLES pe ons ------------

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