Oshawa Daily Times, 29 Aug 1930, p. 3

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, AUGUST 29, 1930 PAGE THREE Woman Charged With Daylight Theft From Local Store H. W. Cooper, Manager of Oshawa Railway Company Has Been Given Leave of Absence Distinguished Local Railway Man Will Enter Superan. nuation List After Six Months Holiday IN CHARGE OF LINE HERE SINCE 1912 Has Brought Local Company and Thousand Islands Railway Up to High Stan- dard -- Oshawa Will Lose Fine Citizen Oshawa loses a distinguished eit ten and a valued public servant in the person of H, W, Cooper, who has Just been granted leave of ab. sence for six months from the joint position, of manager of the Oshawa Railway and the Thousand Islands Rallway At the conclusion of the period, he will enter upon the super- annuation fund, ; ners rikllway services In the Dominion of Canada cover a period of 41 years, For 23 years be- fore he came to Oshawa, he was In the treasurer's: department of the old Grand Trunk Railway, stationed at Montreal, For 1B years past he has guided the destinies of the Osh sand Islands Railway, . When Mr, Cooper took over the dual position of manager of the two railroads, he found them in a dilap- dated condition, road-beds in poor shape, rolling stock inadequate, Dur- ing his first year in charge u seri ous fire destroyed the majority of the rolling stock of the Oshawa Railway, and made the successful functioning of the system even more diffieult, Sinee then Mr. Cooper has built the two systems up to their present nourishing state, Vast improves ments: have heen necessary, and large expenditures have been made pee the railroads in an up-to- date condition, "It has been our constant alm to give the best service possible to the publie, as well as tosthe various in- dustelal concerns," stated Mr. Coop. er thid morning, a Mr. Cooper expressed his sincere regrets in severing his "connections with. so many good friends which he has made during his railway career, more especially with the various ma- vers and councillors with whom he has come In eontaet from time to {ime "We have always enjoyed the fin est 'of co-operation with the muni. Joey, ana all our relations have ! crivited hy a snirit of co-op. eration 'for the benefit of the city of Oshawa, 4 ! Mr, Cooper considers that he is entitled to ehloy some leisure time while his health will permit, He will for the present reside in the fown of Gananoque, - Which he considers one of the beauty spots of the Dom. inion, SINCERE TRIBUTE PAID AT FUNERAL OF MRS. MOFFATT Well Known Local Woman Laid to Rest In Columbus Cemetery The funeral was held Wednes- day afternoon at 2,30 o'clock of the late Mrs, James Moffatt, from the family residence,- 53 Kenneth Ave, During her many years of residence in Oshawa, the cheerful personality and fine oharacter of the deceased, had won for herself a large circle of friends and the funeral service was a sincere and touching tribute, Rev. A. M. Irwin, pastor of Northminater United Church, was in charge and he spoke of the tine qualities which had endeared the late Mrs. Moffatt to her family and friends, while his was also a message of comfort to thoss who have been stricken in the loss of a loving wife and mother, An abund. ances of beautiful floral tributes told more eloguently than words of the esteem with whioh the de- ceased had heen regarded, Interment was made in the Bap. tist Cemetery, Columbus, the pall bearers including two sons-in-law, 8. DB. McTavish and 8, 0, Sher gold, of Oshawa; F, Dixon, Toe vonto; L. L. Rows, Utica; ©, Hols aibadbburn; and Frank Gray, Those who survive include the husband, two daughters, Mrs, 8, ©, Shergeld and Mrs, 8, ¥. MoTav. ish, of Oshawa, one sister, Mrs, James Dixon, Myrtle Station, and one brother, KE. M. Scurrah, of Caps Town, South Atria, : EA ------ New Trophy Offered Newport, R.I~8ir Thomas Lip. fon, British yachtsman and chal longer for the America's Cup, to day sald he would turnish a trophy for competition befween the fish- 4 2 3 oF 5 gic gin vi DISTRICT AWARDS IN VARIOUS CLASSES ATTHE EXHIBITION Local People Are Prize Win. ners at the Big Fair in Toronto Prize winners at the Canadian National Exhibition yesterday in- cluded the following local people in their respective classes, . Holsteins #tanley Croxall of Uxbridge, awarded 3rd prize with his bull Highview Aleartra Veeman in the class for 3 year old bulls, R, 8. McLaughlin, of Oshawa, awarded sixth prize with Eco Bylv Begius Pontine in the class for (wo year old bulls, Kers Creamvale Poultry ¥arm, of Port Hope, received 2nd prize fur 30 dozen fresh specials, 1st prize for 12 dozen fresh specials, 1st for one dozen fresh extras, Ard for 30 dozen fresh firsts, Ard for 12 dozen fresh firsts, 3 rd for one dozen fresh firsts, and first in the ¥weep- stakes, Producers class, Fred, W, Battle, of Bowmanville, was awarded third for 30 dozen fresh extras Vegetables Whitby cams in seventh place with thelr vegetable show under the auspices of the Ontario Vege- table COrowers' Association In the exhibits for district class 311. A, KB. Cormack is secretary of the Whithy growers JAIL GUARD FOILS PLAN FOR ESCAPE Plot to Shoot Officer and Release Prisoners is Discovered Windsor, Aug. 20.Vigilance of the chief turnkey in Sandwich county Jail last night is believed to have frustrated a hold attempt at jail-breaking which probably would have resulted in the re- lease of the two seorsa or more prisoners now confined in that institution, among them Fred Mar- tin, awaiting trinl on a charge of murder, A man and woman, sald to bs from Detroit, whose names are given an Albert Kurtinitis and Mary Smith, are locked up in the jail, while authorities are conducts ing a thorough investigation of the affalr, Early yesterday afternoon the couple called at the Jall to visit Charles Venkunkis, a prisoner awaiting trial for receiving stolen goods, Shortly before nix o'clock the two called again, Smith ushered them Into the visitors' room, locks ad the door and went for assists Anos, When other guards arrived they entered the room and search. ed the two callers. The woman ap. parently had nothing contraband, but in the man's possession they discovered a loaded 38 calibre revolver together with a pocket full of cartridges, 'The man made a signed state. ment to the efeot that it had been planned to effect a general Jall break, and the weapon he carried Wan to have been transferred to the prisoner when the trio were left alone, The plan, ax explained, police fay, hy Kurtinitia, was to shoot the guard when he unlooked the firat cell for Venkunis, The latter first coll for Venkunkis, The latter unlocked all the cell doors, setting everybody free in the corridors. GOAL COSTS FOR HARBOUR REDUCED Department of Marine Has Agreed to Waive It's Storage Charge Through the efforts of the Chamber of Commerce an apprecls able saving 1s being effected this r on the cont of unloading coal at" Oshawa harbour--a saving which will tend both to encourage fncoming shipments, and to reduce to some extent the cost to imports ors of bringing coal into the city by water, At the request of the Cham. ber, the Department of Marine have decided to waive the storage charge of two and one half cents per square foot which is a regu. lar harbour fees at all other gov. ernment harbours on the lakes. The Chamber of Commerce points od out that the Oshawa harbour is still in the preliminary stages of flavelopment, and should not {nour the same rates as are in force in the older harbours. The waiving of this charge aps bios to fhe malader of the in other Canadian areas, in their territory, WADE TO RETIRING RAILWAY MANAGER Employees of Oshawa Railway--Mrs. Cooper Remembered On August 28th, 1980, in the Superintendent's office, a presenta. tion was made by the employees of the Oshawa Rallway, to Mr. H, W, Cooper, who is retiring as Manager of the Oshawa Railway Co, on September 1st, to accept super. annuation, With the exception of the employees on duty practically every employee of the Rallway was present, The following address wan read by Miss A, McEvoy. Mr. H, W, Cooper Manager Oshawa Ratlway Co, Dear Mr. Cooper It was with deepest regrel that we learned of your Intention of ac. wopting your supsrannuation, and retiring as Manager of the Oshawa Rallway, on Bept 1st, prox; after 41 years of service with The Grand Trunk Rallway, (now amalgamated with the Canadian Natfonal Rall ways), and the Oshawa Rallway Company, * It must be a souree of great sat isfaction to you to look' back and note the progress made by the Osh awa Rallway sines you hecame con. nected with it in 1912; a few of the examples being, during your time as our Manager, practically the entire road-bed has been re hullt, naw passenger cars and elec. trie shunters put Inte operation, new freight office, yard oMce and freight sheds bullt, and new ear barns and power plant erected, We feel that we could not allow this opportunity to pass, without expressing to you our deepest ap preciation, for your faithful work on behalf of the Company and em- ployees, You have always taken a deep Interest in the welfare of the employees of the Company and tn express our appreclatiqn we would therefore, ask you to accept this token for yourself, also the accom- panying gift, for your good wife Mra, Cooper, ay tangible evidence of our esteem, recall the pleasant relations he- {van you and the employees, p Yorn mployoes of the Oshawa Ral! Company The presentation of a travelling bag was made to Mr. Cooper, hy J. J. Mitchell, (oldent employee of the Railway), while Mra, Cooper was remembered with a tea-set of Dros. den China. . Mr. Cooper replied, thanking the employees on behalf of Mrs, Cooper and himself, assuring them he would always hold a deep interest in the affairs of the Oshawa Rail. way and employees, and hoped they would extend the same hearty co- operation to his successor an they had shown to him, Mr, Cooper will take up his ve- sidence at Gananoque and after a trip to Bermuda it is his intention to spend a rt of the coming winter in California, rea -------- RECEIVES SIGNAY, HONOR Mr, Chris. Vann, of Olive Ave, has had the signal honor confer red upon him of belng invited to the Directors' Luncheon at the Can. adian National Exhibition on Satur. day, August 30th, The luncheon which is held in the dining room of the Administra. tion of the O.N.E, will be one of the features of Athletic, Manufactur- ers and Floral Day at the fair, Mr, Vann has built up an envi. able reputation as a gardener here and has won a number of cups for his floral displays, Philadelphia, Pa, Aug. 20. The Braves evened up tha series with the Phillies here yesterday by winning 'the second game 18 to 10, MoKeohrie's men pounded five Philly pitchers for 18 hits, and clinched the vietore hy scoring six runs In the seventh inning. present season. If it were in force, it would: amount. to approximately AL0O0 per ware Ter BRA right, M, L, Fitzgerald and R. A. Tuck, assistant zone managers; hw sales manager; right oval, D, Danlels, parts and service manager; H. W. Cooper Honored By No. City of Oshawa, K. C. Mason, car distributor, M., Harvie, sales promotion manager A. R. Colwill, dealer finance and business management manager; and General Motors Establishes Zone Offices THE MEN WHO WILL HANDLE GENERAL MOTORS BUSINESS IN OSHAWA ZONE Local dealers and salesmen of General Motors and all dealers | by the establishment of a Zone office in the OfMcers of the Oshawa Zone, 3 1] ter, E. R. Birchard are shown here as follows: Top center, Fre pot A he n Eastern and Central Ontario are affected Seven other zone offices have been opened who will direct sales of all General Motors cars Zone Manager; top left and Heuchan, Toronto Chev. lower row, left to right, F. R. dardale Ward Totals Ward Ward Ward viii Ward ... Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward ,. « Ward 4. } Ward .iiii ih No. 12 NE. Ward . No, 13 Cedardale Ward TTI NIS Detailed Results of Vote Li On the Bylaws Yesterday ADMINISTRATION BUILDING BYLAW For Against 19 K'] 101 72 #0 oH 67 100 13 123 5. 148 14] 2 nar 1045 POLICE STATION SITE Bagot St. Prince and Richmond 2 9 OA] 2 4 28 18 13 13 16 50 24 19 2 L) 300 May they always Interviawad by The Times this morning, and asked for a state, ment as to the result of the voting on the hy-lawa for the eclvig ad- ministration and polies station bulldings, Mayor T, B, Mitchell Is sued the following statement: "The answer of the ratepayers was very much to the point, and I should judge from its tenor that they have uttered an emphatic 'No' to any capital expenditures on the part of the council, "In my estimation we presented a good husineas proposition to the oltizsenn of Oshawa, and time will demonstrate that the ratepayers let Mayor Makes Statement On Result of Bylaw Vote an opportunity pass that may never happen again, and when the time comes I shall make it a point to bring it to their attention, "In the meantime, what ia to be- come of the sixteen hundred unem. ployed men and women, Tha rate payers have sald they do not want capital expenditures, Are we simply to drag along, handing out doles, or are we to let them starve, The council is certainly left with a very serious problem on Its hands, and a very indefinite mandate from the ratepayers as to the manner in which It is to be handled." STOCK MARKETS -------- TORONTO STOCKS Stock High Low Br, A. O11 18 5% Bras. . Cty, Dry. Gypsum hy 8S. Station 89 Standard Mines 40 40 108 1901 Amulet 13) 53 Big Min, 56% 58% De. Mns, 800 §00 Falcon. 180 180 Holl, ., 880 570 He. OHI 225 2285 Hy. Gold «0 40 Hd. Bay 735 785 Lk. 8h, 3380 233% Abana Ajax 1 11] LIE") 800 180 570 235 40 738 2336 Nada, 3138 3100 tl] 10 Sh Spd 130 He 112 640 840 180 180 NEW YORK High Low 113 "640 180 8d. Bs. 112 Tk, Hg. Wr, Hr, Stock Am, Inter, Anaconda iY Bendix .... 32 Beth, Stes! 83 Byers AM. 74% Can, Pao, 183% Cn, Fl. Om, 17% Chrysler ,. 238% Col, Gan ., 81% Fox Film 43% Gen, Blee, 74% Gen, Mot, 44% Int, Tel, ,. 41% Kelvinator 15% Mt, Ward 384% Nat, Cash 45% Pl. Rd, Coal 18% Paramount 80% Pb. N, Jer. MY Radio .... 41% Radio Kth, 38% Simmons .. 27 St. NJ... 04% U.S. Rubber 30% U.S Steel 171% % Vanadium HE] 1% Toh Bred 0M MN | Commerce SCHOOLS TO OPEN WEDNESDAY NEXT Ten Weeks of Holidays Will Close For Students on Tuesday Night Hundreds of school children in Oshawa will retrace their steps to thelr respective schools on Wednes- day next, September 3rd, according to an announcement this morning by ofeinls of the Public schools and Collegiate and Vocational In- stitute, The purpose behind the opening of Wednesday instead of Tuesday is to give all a chance to get back from their holidays and to get over the effects of Labor Day, he last legal holiday, Many, who will at- tend the exhibition on Monday avd who will be back in town late In the evening, will have a chance to gain lost sleep on the Tuowday in. stead of having to start right In to school, While it was expected in some quarters and perhaps hoped for by numerous students that school would bs postponed for a short while this will not be so as the infantile paralysis epidemic has parctically died out. No new canes have heen reported for several days and all canes now quarantin- od are reported to bs progressing favorably, So next Wednesday morning when the alarm clock sounds Its summons students of the city will be springing from their beds for the start of another year's activi. ties at the city's educational in- stitutions, Lunch bags will bs pack- od in a hurry and after ten weeks holiday steps will once more lead in the direction of the eity schools, Tomorrow at The C.N.E. Saturday, August 30th Manitoba, Manufacturers', Athletic and Floral Day 900 am. Buildings open am Fat Cattle Judging, Coli seum Arena am, Slaughter Judging Contest, lion am and Midway 9.00 9.00 Competition Cattle Pavi- 9.00 Swine Judging Tam- worths--Live Stock Arena am, Poultry, Pigeon, Rabbit and Pet Stock Show, Fast An nex, Coliseum am, Judging of Horses, Road sters and Carriage, Coliseum Arena 11.0012.00 noon Educational Exhib- ity arranged by Educational Committee of the National Council of Women and Queen's University, Women's Club, West Wing, Women's Bldg. 1.00 p.m, Sheep Judging, Live Stock Arena 1.00 pm. Canadian National Exhibi- tion Modified Marathon, Grand. ' stand, 1.00 pm. Lord Burghley, world champion hurdler, Eddie Tolan, Williams' only conqueror, and 250 outstanding athletes in in. ternational sports programme, Grand Stand track, 100 pm, Horse Show «- Harness, Saddle, Hunter, Roadster and Carriage Horses, Coliseum 1.301030 pm. Continuous Band Concert, South and North Band Stands 200 pm. Horse Show Judging, Coli- seum Arena 200-230 pm. Watch Betty Broad. cast in Her Model Kitchen, Women's Building (upstairs) 230 pm, Vaudeville, Grandstand, 230 pm. Yacht Racing, All classes /aterfront, . 230 pm, Demonstrations and Ad dresses arranged by the Na- tional Council YW.CA, and Canadian Girl Guides; Nation- al Council of Women, West Wing, Women's Bldg. 330 pm. Dinghy Racing, Waters front 6.30 pm front, 630 pm, Horse Show «= Harness, Saddle, Hunt . «Coliseum. 7.00 pm. Outboard Motorboat Rac- ing=Three and Five miles, Wa- terfront, 7.001030 p.m Ride, Spectacle--"Les Pyrotechnic Display. LOCAL PICTORIAL CONTEST CLOSES TOMORROW NOON Entries Must Be Made at Chamber of Commerce Office Twenty-four hours yet remain before the close of the Chamber of Pictorial History con tent. All entries must be in to the Chamber office on King Street east by twelve o'clock noon to-mororw, Thirty dollars in cash prizes are waiting the winners. Judging will be done over the week end, and the announcement of the winners made early next week, There is still time to get en. tries in, Any ploture which de- {ots An interesting bit of Oshawa's story, past or present, has a good chance to win a ten dollar bill er a five dollar second prize, Mall all entries to the Chamber, or take them in personally, Make sure that your name and address and the Hie of the pioture, are written on 9.00 10.00 Parachute Jump, Water: Vaudeville, Musical Voyageurs," TORONTO WOMAN INJURED IN MOTOR CRASHNEAR WHITBY Charge of Reckless Driving Laid Against American Motorist (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, Aug. 29.~~Mrs, William Gale of 26 Eastman Ave, Toronto, sustained a hroken leg and Theo, Schultz of Washington, D.C, has been charged with reckless driving un the result. of a head-on colli, slon which occurred ou the King- ston highway a mile west of here Inst night between cars driven by Mrs, Gale's husband and Schulte, The Toronlo car was traveling westward on the highway while Schultz was approaching in the op- posite direction, "It is thought that the American cer crowded over on its wrong side thus causing the col. lislon, Both machiners were had. ly damaged, The Injured woman was removed to Toronto last night, SEEKING LIGHTS FOR THE HARBOUR Chamber of Commerce Makes Request to De- partment of Marine At the instance of the Chamber of Commerce, the department of Murine is taking up the matter of installing a range light on the in. ner end of the pler at the Oshawa harbour, This. action Is being taken an a result of the following night letter sont to the deputy minister of the department, by the secretary of the Chamber, "Flash gas light at end of pler working perfectly, but absolutely necessary to have additional light on inner and of pier. Ship masters claim dangerous to attempt enter. ing Oshawa harbor at night with, out proper range lights," At the request of the authoritieg in Ottawa, the Chamber is securing prices on the installation of the necessary range light, Jt is con. sidered probable that the light will be hooked up with the city light- ing system at the lake, and con- (rolled with the stréet lights, CITY NEWS| Appearing in court for sentence this morning after pleading guilty to w charge of forging a mortgage in favour of National Grocers, Peter Parayke received two years under suspended sentence, and was or- i jiny the costs of his prose. cution, Magistrate Willis was influenced in his pronouncement by the evid« ence adduced as to Parayko's char. acter and past record, and by an el- oquent plea made by his counsel, D, \. J. Swanson BEER EXPENSIVE Peter Sapinski was assessed $100 and costs or 3 months in city police court this morning, on a charge of illegal possession of liquor, Sapin- ski was caught with 175 quarts of beer in his possession, and admit- ted that he had neither a vendor's permit, nor a license to brew beer, GARDEN MAMMOTHS Willlam MePchant, 335 Gibbons Street, has meveral very fine ex- amples of the gardener's art of which he is justly proud, Last evening he brought to The Times office an extremely large table tur. nip and a potato that was almost as large, The turnip which was weighed by Mr, Merchant was three pounds eleven oz, An idea of the size of the turnip may be gained from the fact that it measured twenty inches around, The potato was Ax fine a speci. ment of tuber as one could wish for, It weighed one pound, one os, Mr. Merchant stated that there have been numerous large examples of garden produce raised in his section of the city this year, One of these was a radish as big an a tea oup. ST, GREGORY'S SCHOOL Rev. Father Bench of St. Gre. gory's Chureh, informed The Times this morning that St, Gregory's School would open for the fall term on Tuesaday morning next, Father Bench sald that he thought all fear of a spread of in- fantile paralysis was now past, He sald that a formal statement would be made on_Sunday. Card of Thanks Once again the management of D. M, Tod's Bread Limited, were hosts to their sales staff in enter taining them at the Canadian Na. tional Exhibition on Wednesday, 27th inst, This is a yearly event and is greatly appreciated by the staff, both Mr, Tod and Mr, Gray Mrs. Lottie Wilson, Toronto Is Arrested Twenty Minutes After Cash Missed from Till Local Branch of Agnew-Sure pass Shoe Stores Is Victims ized -- Hasty Departure of Woman Aroused Suse picions ACTING CHIEF McGEE MAKES THE ARREST Clerk Went In Pursuit = Police State That Stolen Money Has Been Recovs ered A daring theft was perpetrated in broad daylight in an Oshawa store yesterday, when Mrs, Lottie Wilson, Toronto, sauntered inte the Agnew Burpass shoe stores in a rush hour and is alleged to have abstracted $60 In bills from the till, and walked out again, The loss was discovered within ten minutes after her departure from the premises, and the woman wag rounded up within 20 minutes by Acting Chief Norman McGes,, Police state that the stolen money WAR recovered, Business was brisk at 3.00 pm, yesterday, when Lottie, a middle« aged lady, came into the store with a ten-year old girl in tow, At least an dozen customers were ahead of her, and the staff pald no particule ar attention to her movements, When a clerk accosted her she ree quested that she he shown some children's shoes, While examine ing a pair of child's oxfords she suddenly announced that thers way nothing to suit her and left hure riedly with her daughter Mrs. Wilson made good her ese cape from the stors hefore the loss wan discovered, but not without arousing some suspicions from hep evident haste, Accordingly, Frank Boyce, the clerk, set out in search of her as soon an the absence of the money was noted, He enlisted the aid of Sergeant McGee, and the woman was picked up on Centre street, apparently headed for a Whithy hus, The money was discovered in her possession, Mra. Wilson is at present detaine in Whithy Jalil, RAIN INTERFERES WITH PLAY-OFFS ed Whitby and Oshawa Tennis Clubs Tied For Group Leadership The rain last evening (nterfersd materially with the schedule of play of the group play-off in the Central Ontario Tennis League, The leaders in the distriet group, Oshawa and Whitby were tied for the lead and were to play off the tie last night, Three games were to be played in Oshawa and two in Whithy, The winner will take part in the league finals to he held in Belleville, In the games played last night Oshawa took the lead, taking two matches to one fur Whitby, Twe matches were completed in Oshawa both of which wera woh by the loce al club, J, H, Lister defeated J. Bascom of Whitby, in both sets of the matoh, Miss Ilene Martin and L. Corn defeated Miss N, Ross and Mr, Geale of Whitby, in a mateh that went three sets, The other mateh on the local courts had 'to he abandoned after tha local pair M. Hainer and G. Fletcher had taken the first set from the Whitby team composed of Dr, Mills and ¥, Lindsay, . In Whitby the only match to he completed was the women's doube les which was won by Whitby, The men's doubles event that was being played a Whitby was abandoned on account of rain before one sot had been finished, } In order to reach a conclusion, the match that was being played in Oshawa last night will be starte ed at the point where it was cone cluded, The other match will aot be played unless the Whitby team take the ungompleted match toe night, Oshawa have an excellent chance to advance to the finals by wine ning the second set of the mateh to-night, If they lose, however, the decision will rest with the mateh that was started in Whitby, The Times learned thin morning that the Oshawa team were trailing by match, Cleveland, 0, Aug, 29.~Wealey Ferrell, young right-hander yes terday ran his victory string for the season to 23, and his consecus tive wins to 12, as the Cleveland Indians won a ten to five decision over Chicago White Sox in the third game of the series, Chicago won a doubleheader yesterday, "Too Late To Classify, and wood range, reasonable, Ape ply Lycett's real estate, 85 King St. Bast, ara (80a) 0 RENT-- § F rooms; every convenience for ght housekeeping. Fhone 438 back of aaah Rhotokrenh sub MRT at iy proving . themselves = yewy capable | Boats, aoa) - " a considerable margin in this later «ww hoe

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