Oshawa Daily Times, 27 Aug 1930, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 27, 1930 OSHAWA BAKERY JRS. WIN FIRST GAME--BLUE DEVILS AGAIN ACTIVE O.M.l. Win Their Last League Game of Season From Chosen Friends -- Malleables Make Snappy Showing in last appear- ance of '1930 Season, in » League Game -- Chosen Friends Try But Are Out classed on Night's Play-- Winners Hit Heavy -- Losers Present Weakened Team The Mallsables celebrated their fast appearance of the season In A Isague game, last night by defeat: ing their opponents, Chosen Vriends by a score of 23 to §, The Chosen Friends did not pul op the usual scrappy Kame which they have put up nearly every other time this season, There was nothing to be won they knew it und thay played In that manner, The Malleables turned in a much better game than they did lust night, They have the smaller number of twenty» ons hits and made only seven ers rors, 'The Chosen I'riends did not do so well, They had only six hits and on the other hand they made gixteen misplays, After the second inning IL was simply a cane of how many, Marion Kay turned in « much hatter game on the mound than she did the previous night at short stop, Hhe pitched smart ball hays ing nine strikeouts and allowing four walks. MW. Mclean and M Hpencer each had a big night with the willow getting four safe hits during the evening's performance J. McDonald 1, McDonald and M, Kay, each had three hits while D, Attersley was the only member of the winning team who went hitless, being walked twice, A, Varrvell led the Chosen Friends with (wo hits, A, Fisher's contribution a» homer in the second, was respon, sible for three runs, After that In. nings, the Malleables drew steadily away and stayed well out in front, The crowd wan not as large as usual, due no doubt to the fact that the result of the game had no bear ing on the league standing, The Chosen Friends tried but they were outclassed on the night's play and did not have much of a chance, Twenty-one hits will win most any ball game, Chews, In Whitby Tonight There should he a large crowd of fans go to Whithy tonight to see the game betwesan Whitby Rovers and the Oshawa Chevs, Chevs, can tie up the second half of the schedule by winning, while vietory for the Rovers gives them the title of the second halt and the fight to meet the winners of the Ars half, Chevys, In the finals for the longue title, The league has heen very closely contested this season and none of the teams have heen completely outelassed, The Malleahles fielded A strong team, hut falled In the pinches, The Chosen Friends team Is deserving of all kinds of credit as it is thair first year fn the League, although some of the plays org have played hefore with other teams, They made a very oredit- able showing and have the satis. faction of having beaten hoth the i Hidden Treasure In a grim tower, black with mys: tery and erimes of desparate thieves, BULLDOG DRUMMOND'S Greatest Adventure Through / » You Are invited to - come lomerrow ar Briday and follow in ty this laugh: ing, ohilling phe. oH ling melodrama, -~ 1 Coat Includeges-- KENNETH MaeKENNA HENRY. B. WATHALL MARCELINE DAY TONIGHT "DUMB-BELLS in ERMINE" SLAUREL-HARDY MURDER CASE" ' K°¢ AY €LJ BLLENY! IVE AInN 1) ' Chevys, and the Whitby Rovers, the two leading teams, The teams lined up Inst night se follows Chosen Friends--I, Ilceca, Zhi T, Moody, vt; B, #iblock, ¢; R, Wilson, 1h; C. Biblock, It; A, Var. rell, 8b; M, Cunelifte, pi: A. Fisher, ef; K, Biblock, ws, and T, Darling. ef, OM, LM, HRpencer, £h; J. McDonald, ss; I, MeDonald, 4h; M, Kay, p; H, McLean, 1h; E, Pipher, vi; D, Attersley ¢; WH, MeDonald, If, and D, Murphy ef, | Beore hy Innings L234K07 89 Total Malleables 144266000 23 CC, Friends 080310100 L] Umplres, Dell and W, Valr. Beorer A, Walker, OSHAWA'S ATHLETIC MEETING Interst in growing in the Oshawa Amateur Athletic Association meets ng at Alexandria Park, Oshawa, on Wednesday and" Thursday, Septem ber 10 and 11, This is apparent not only in Oshawa, but alse in the neighbouring towns of Whithy and Bowmanville, where there ure ath letes not only capable of taking part in the local races, but also of mak mg # fine showing In the open ev ents, It Is expected that relay teams from hoth these places will be en tered, which will add, of course, to the number of runners in the indly idusl races, Oshawa Is expected (0 have at least one relay team, and maybe more will come along and have a» crack at winning the silver Wire, The announcement that a five mile race is to be included in the program has been received with cheers by fhe middle distance runners, There are plenty of good men at this distance avilable, and the list of entries for this event alone will be surprising The Monarch and Gladstone Clubs of Toronto and the Galt T'rack Club are expected to send wlong their best men, and this will produce the kind of competition the crowd likes, The race is not too long for a quarter mile track; and as it will all be run in full view of the crowd, it will he an interesting event Manager Hood was in communi eation with Bobby Robinson and the British Kmpire athletes who are now at Chicago yesterday, und It is al most certain that at least a few of the outstanding performers at the British. Empire Games will be on hand when the starter sends them off at Oshawa on September 11, The Oshawa meeting has been splendidly received hy the officials of the AA U, of C, and that in itself does a lot to ensure success. Myr, Hood Is go ing ta Toronto this evening to inter view some of the leading girls, ath letie club officials, and should "hay some Interesting news to bring back One of the hardest problems now Is to deelde which two girls' softhall teams will be selected from Oshawa and district to play against the two Toronts elubs in the softball tourna- ment, There are some whe can on ly see the Chevs, and the Malleables, but there are the Whithy Rovers to be taken into consideration, and the Chosen Friends are ready to give them all a battle On the other hand, the suggestion has been made that two all-star teams be picked, but that would he a hearthreaking job, Manager Hood would like tu have the views of the fans on this problem, and would also like to hear {rom the officials of the Girls' Soft. ball League as to what they would pugRest an a way out of the problem, The Girls' softball tournament is slated to start at two o'clock on the afternoon of Wednesday, September 10, with the final game at six o'clock, after the track sports program has heen completed. Now then, fans, managers and officials, let us have your suggestions, The crowds in the grandstand and around the track at the athletic meeting are going to he sure of hears ing all about what is going on, The announcer for the occasion will be Norman Walker; who has wen quite a reputation for himself an announgs or at hoxing matches in the armors los, and with Norman at the micros phone, it will hardly he necessary to use the amplifiers at all, ---- Suggestions for added events for the athletic meeting continue to pour in on the manager, Some of the competitions which have heen suggested care putting the shot throwing the discus, tug-of-war and horseshoe pitehing. All of these ideas are being considered, and furs ther announcement with reference to them are likely to he made soon, It oan he definitely stated, however, that the shot put and diseus throw: ing events are not to he included, since they lack the spectacular fons tures of the other events which have been included in the program, A 'tentative agreament has been made regarding the two local girls softball teams which will play in the softball tournament on the af ternoon of Wednesday Sept, 10. The Malleables of Oshawa will he one team and the other team wil) be either the Whitby Rovers or the Chevrolet Girla providing of course, they wish to enter, The idea in that one of these two teams will ¥o Into the Ontario playoffs, The other team, beaten In the local AREA AA A SRR Toronto Scottish Finally Dispose of CGE. 1-0 Toronto Aug, 27.~~A good woos cer game was witnessed last even. ing by a erowd of shout 1,500 at Conboy Park, when the Toronto Seottish and the C0. KE, teams met to decide which would meet Ulster in the semi-final of the Ontario Cup This was the second replay in this round, the previous series' games ending 1-1 and 2-2, Beottish won lust night's game hy 1 to 0, The first half was splendidly contested, with neither goalkeeper being sav orely tested, though play was fast and interesting, "Liz" Walker Will Coach Blue Devils "Tiughy Days are Here Aguin" The General Motors Rugby Vool- ball team and club have started thelr activities for the season of 1080, and Judging from the en thusiasm being shown hy saveryons who 18 In any way connected with the slub, the Blug Devils should have a very successful season, A hurriedly called meating of the players and executive of the elub was held yesterday evening and thera was a good attendance Dr, Norman "Lig" Walker to Conch The Arst Item of limportance whieh was brought befors ths meet. ing was the appointment of a conch for the 1030 season After care ful consideration, Dr, Norm, 1g" Walker was the popular choles "Lig Walker Is known all over Canada, wherever rughy is played CHE, Pound, who was conch during the seasons of 1028 and '20 was | elacted (no the Advisory Executive | Board, Cen, Campbell was elected | to tha Publicity Committees, Among those who were present 'AL the mesting were Bill Wanless formerly London's sensations! haek fielder and ('harlle MeDonald, who played Junior Rughy in Hamilton RR TOw era nns gan "The date for the annual plenl tha elubh Ww discussed and 11 | wis decided (on hold 'the plenie an Tuesday, Bept, 2. "The time, place and activities are being arranged by the Plenle Committee and will he announced some time this wesk All persons whoa have ever helons, od to the team or elub and all those | who are prospective members of the team are asked to keep this date open and wateh for further Aannouncaments A very interesting annnunesment wis made at the meating Harry Locky, pastspresident and one of the most energetic workers of the elub, has Just recently moved fin London and it was announesd that he has heen appointed viea-pres dent of the London Intermediate | Rughy Club, Oshawa's old rivals the London Cas House Gang, There should he plenty of friendly. rivals ry this season, he | | | of A Oshawa Aarabs Play Monarchs in Toronto Tomorrow Toronto, Aug, 27.--Monarchs, champions of the North-western Magus, have heen ordered hy the Ontario Daseball Amateur Assncin tion to play Oshawa Aarabs to. morrow evening, Monarchs have arranged for the use of Conboy Park, and the game will start at 5,00 pm, Oshawa han encountered diffi. oulty In securing grounds for the return game at Oshawa on Natur. day, no that it Is likely that the game will be played In the Motor City on Labor Day, Manager Aweotman with the knowledge gained in last Baturs day's tle game will be taking no chances with the Oshawa team, The Northwestern Leagues ohame plons are dealrous of bringing to Toronto {ta first Intermediate championship and a large crowd In expected at Conboy Park for this Important game, playoffs, will go into the tourna. ment, since it would hardly he pos. sible for the team in the Ontario playoffs to weours the necessary permission. from the provineial ore ganisation to take part in the tour. nament, The Malleables have als ready expressed thelr willingness to turn out for the tournament, and tha Whithy Rovers or Chevroleta wy he accepted an the second local entry, tional League race yesterday hy outs Congasco Puts C.P.R. PORT SNAPSHOT By Ono. Caxrems, Sports Bditer Oshawa Bakery Win First Game Kingston Victorians were given u rude surprise yesterday when they hooked up with Oshawa Bakery Juniors, The Vies, had been wonder ng who they would meet after having disposed of Oshawa but now they are wondering about their chances for the next game and their outlouk is not very bright, 'Ihe Bakery boys played uw smart brand of ball, having only two errors und gave the Victorins a 9 10 § defeat The Bakery finished strong, scoring (wo in the eighth und two more in the ninth to pull out of the tie and take the decision, Towns was in fine form, striking out three men in the first inning, From then on he had his opponents flying out and his teammates gathered them in The Oshawa team outhit and outhelded thelr rivals und deserved thelr victory, ' ' * ' Kingston Play Here Tomorrow The return game of the series will be played tomorrow night at the Motor City Stadium, Kingston believe that they can defeat the Bakery team right here in Oshawa but they will have to play res! smart hall un the Bakery team will take some beating, I'he game is called fo 0.30 pm. sharp and the admission is only 15 cents, There should be i good crowd on hand to see I'he. Bakery boys are sup porting themselves and are anxious 10 go. on in the Ontario pluyofs * » . . Intermediate Lacrosse Game Today There [oY he a good wtendance at the Intermediate olf game which Is being played at the Motor Ci Ing wt 5.40 v'elock I'he bringing up a larg crowd of supporters, who are confident that their team can hold their tworgonl lead and win the group title I'he Oshawa determined to go un the O.ALA. plavdowns and they game hy three goals or more to do so this game group play Stadium, today, stirl Camphellford team is Shamrocks ar Must win toduy J I'he admission to this game only the usual, "two hits" Q. M, I. Win From Chosen Friends Malleables won their last league game of the 1930 when they I'he lust night I'he Mal leubles must have heen feeling in the very best of spirits us the LJ] | hanided the Chosen Friends unother defeat played snappy ball and although the Chasen Friends tried hard, they did not have a look in LJ] LJ LJ ' Whithy Rovers vs, Chevs, Tonight Whithy Rovers and Chevys hook up tonight ever in Whiih Park, in the last league gare of the season they will tie Whithy for the to declare Town If the Chevys, win tonight leadership of the second half and so mak HH Whit i playoll necessary Hwy Chevs, winners of mowinner for the second hall will have won the second half and will then meet the by wins, frst half, LJ J in the L] King Street Tuxls Win Championship Ihere was a smart ball game Park last night in of the School Softhall hnuls As "H' winners, Cedardale, put up real stiff opposition down league playofis played at Cowan the second game Sunda dieted, the Wie pre on their own diamond, The game wis a nip and-tuck pitcher's batt! Both hurlers turned in and the SUX mikes the King 51 wll the good 2 to | Wi RIM games h o hirst champion wire given support, King won the gine the small score of This victor hie al th new Oshawa Sunday School softball league 1] LJ LJ Blue Devils Getting Ready Motors Blye Devils A meeting Several-new faces Blue Devils Fhe most important business last night De valuable addition Lhe approaching season Rugby club is preparing for the might and there way judging from the to make [ was the choosing of a General wis held lant " Kkood attendance were seen und enthusiasm shown, the are out this banner Vea! Norm. "Lig" Walker was the popular te the conch for the coming, season Very team last season the en "Liz" was a and he should prove even more valuable this year cholee acting in pacity ol coach Pigeon Racing The Oshawa Homing Soolety held their fourth Young - Birds Pigeon race of the 1030 series from Thamenford, Ontario, an air line distance of 122 miles, Thin race was far heyond expectations ax the wonther was very dull and raining but In upite of this fact every bird arrived home in good time and the speed wan far hetter than that made hy tha birds on fine days, The first bird which belongs to J, Askew, flew at the rate of 1883 yards per minute and only separa! od {twelf from the second bird, which helonged to. W, Cowle, by a decimal The following is the result of the race; J. Arkew , W, Cowle cl Askew , Nparrow Aramley Bron, , 0 Bparrow . W, Cawle Aramley Pros, ov R, Arkwright R. Arkwright 000, V., Whiteley +... V, Whiteley , ve 1148.00 The next race will he held from Caradoc, a distance of 150 miles, NATIONAL LEAGUE SHACK WHITSON TIES RUTH Chicago, Aug, 87. "Haok" Wil son, the stocky slugger who covers centrefield for the Cubs, smashed the heme-run hitting record of the National Leagues yesterday by hit ting his forty<fourth circuit hlow of the year to climax Chicago's 7 to B vietory over the Pittaburg Pirates CARDINALS NONE OUT REDN Cincinnati, Aug, 27.The Mt Louis Cardinals stayed in the Na. putiching the Cincinnati Reds, § to 1, hut they had to stave off a ninth inning rally, 1203.61 1238.00 1381.87 1980,10 1280,04 1308.46 1288.23 1307.47 1284.40 1200.44 1144.00 ---- - REE RRE EERE REE EERE ERE) EERE) Away in Ontario Cup Series by 1.0 Toronto, Aug, 27, Congasco and CPR. met at Ulster Stadium In tha semi-final of the Ontarin Cup series lant night. Tt was a typieal oup tie game, Conganco winning hy one goal to nil, EEE ERR BASEBALL RESULTS INTERNATIONAL LEAGUY Won Lost PC, G.0.1, KH Hh 607 4 Bh 604 [] 7% #1 66) hk 1% 63 .h33% 1% 63 17 450 22 h1 TK Al 2L% he KZ ADT 29 h2 Ka A311 A2 Games hehind leadory, Tuesday's Weores rhronto BH Newark ' Nochester | 4 Jersey City , Mantren) fi Mending xhaltimore A Buffalo x10 innings, ftochester Baltimore Montreal , ,, Toronto ..., Newark .... Buffalo Jersey City Heading a.n.1, tren NATIONAL LEAGUE Won Lost P.C Th 4% hn AK H2 .He7 hy Ke AK2 0K ha BAK a4. 40 B12 Wh AT AB) Cincinnati 2 AK 43% Philadelphin 40 R34 426 0.0L dinmen hehind leaders G.B.1. h'% 7 T% 11% 19% 21% ah Chicago New York ,. Brooklyn ,, Ht, Louls ... Pittsburg Boston i Tuesday's Keores Chicago 7 Pittsburg Bt. Louis 4 Cincinnati Only games played AMERICAN LEAGUE Won Lost PC Philadelphia Ah an Washington Ah Hh Naw Yark 14. hi Hild Cleveland in h2d Detroit Ah ARO Chicago Th ann it, Lous 71 HE Hoston LE 947 | ant, hehind leaders G.RL 7% {4 Games Tuesay's Moores | Philadelphia 10 Washington Only gama ployed Salmon Bellies Come on East Winnipeg, Aug, 20 minster Halmonhellies hurled an other ohetacla in thelr path tows ards hringing he the histor! Mann Cup, emhle; the lacro supremacy of the Dominion, eliminating Winnipeg Argonauts in the play-down hy a margin of nine goals In a (wo-gAMe series Tha British Columbians won last night's contest & tn 8 while the first alen resulted in LU] triumph, therehy giving them round 17 to K As a result of thelr triumph the New Waostminster team leave for the Kast tomorrow whars they will play Brampton Kxeelsiors on Sat urday and Monday in the finuls The story of the game was Just tan mueh Class, Backed up by a stone wall defense that was sel dom heaten and a spesdy mid tinld lead hv the gonl-getting Johnny Vernon, the British Colum. hians deminnted the play from the start and after the first twenty minutes never looked lke relin quishing thelr margin Argos Keratle In Shooting Argonauts' fought vallantly hat without success, They resorted to ovary triek of the game that they knew hut it went for naught nealnat a machine that worked with eloeklke precision, The locals had several good openings hut wars erratic In thelr shooting while the defense WAN not as wound an in the Inftial mateh HOME-RUN STANDINGS Now Went. hy fn tn the Wilson, Cubs, 1 ples, 11 Cochrane, Simmons Athletics, 1 The leaders Nuth, Yankees, 44; Wilson, Cubs, 44; Gehrig, Yan. koos, 87. foxx, Athletics, 24; Klein Phillies, 81: Stmmons Athleties, 41. Goslin, Nrowns, 40 League totale National, A407, American, A673; grand total, 1,240 Waner, Pir Athletion, 1; Advances in Tourney British Doubles Team Rraokline, Mass, Aug. 27. The Nritieh team of J, 8 ON and I J. Parry yesterday advanced to the third round of the national doubles fennin championships, vanquishing the United States team of Wilbur Coen and Harrison Coggeshml, seeded wixth, hy scores of 6.1, 6.4, 6-1, The two Rritishers will undergo thelr severest test tomorrow when they will meet Tilden and Francis Hunter in the quarter finals, Should they survive their encounter with the two United States veterans, they would he favorites to win the tournament, fi | given | A | | | Kinsmen Beat Out Rotarians Perhaps 13 16 a unlucky number Or nEgRIn it may he that the fact of a man heing a Notars fan doss not guaranties his ability to rotate about the bases of 8 ball dinmond, Or again. the axplani- tion may Ve in the fact that Klang. men, pardon me, Kinsmen, have a more highly developed sense of teum play, Whatever the reason, the sober fuel remuing that the Rotarian hall team stepped out hrigkly Inst night, scored 173 runs and {hen stopped while their services club rivals the fun-loving Kinsmen gang, wen! ahead, and scored axact ly one more to win a nice tight I tle softhall game, However, the score was the least important thing shout the match | Far more Interesting to the | spectalo was the phenomenon of | the grave, dignified leaders of | thought and business In the come | munity forsaking thelr copies of "All Quist on the Western Front," and "The Financial Post," or what aver It 1a that dignifed lenders of thought Ado read in thelr spare avanings hy thé fAreplace, and sail. ing Inte each other with hase hits ind athletic apithels, instead of market quotations and adverts ing slogans Pr. Lou Hubbell performed with eclat on the mound for the Kins men, and ved up to the repitas tion established for the Hubbell family by his namesake late of the Toronto Maple leafs ni Karn and Jack Ferguson handled the slah duties for the Rotarians, and wers good support hy thelr elub mate (aammnates Morley Jacobi wag the onl ftuth of the game purging hares In the third Inning The lineups Rotarians Karn, pi -W Jacobi, 1h; Alger, ma; Alger, of} Hi he the | Bil | M n N Fivarson, » Langmald, 2h: # Phillips, if, A J. FParguson, ah; ¥ M. Miller, rf Kinsmen Houek, 1h: Hubbell, Bunt, e¢; €, Palmer, 4h; H, Pal ar, ar: Rinker, ef; Hinks, 2h; wells, vf; Gifford, If Leafs Treat Ex.Hurlers Harshly Toronto, Aug, 27..-The loals newest rackel In the baseball world In treating with utter disrespect pitchers who at one time ar an other have strut thelr wares in Tors anton toggery, They blasted Myles Thomas from the peak on Monday and then went and humbled Kimer,. the Creat Faulkner vegterday, , ax they seored thelr second straight victory over the Newark Hears, The final figures ware A to 2 Faulkner jung around until the alxth Inning, pltehg mood ball until the' stage was reached and would not have been meored upon but for Harry Layne's muff of a fly ball on Clayt Sheedy with two out in the third, Two hits follows | ed the flop for a run And Lefty wan invited the pastime in the sixth after he had fallen all over himself in an honest endeavor to field a hunt off Harry Davia' bat, Tt went as & hit for Davie and filled the basen With the situation thus and one run In, the score tied and none out, Byron Speece, late of Indiana. polin took Faulkner's place and finished the game, He allowed two runs in the eighth When the Leafs' half of the sixth came around Faulkner had a «1 load due to a paler of homers hy Layne and Bill Zitsmann, Lay. na's homer wan pelted fn the frat Inning and wan a mighty drive over the left field barrier, and Zitamanny Mt hin fn the sixth, but It was of tha fluky variety, the ball hound Ing against the left-field wall and then back over the low guard. hee tween the grand stand and the fence, Barnes' Twelfth Win Only In one inning, the sixth, did Rarnes give up more than one hit, and in this frame the Nears did not mcore, He walked three batamen hut enly one previous te the ninth, and he struck out three, pi to leave T------------ Miss Macphall is officially elected hy 23 majority, She continues to hold on to the seat in Southeast Grey in a most tenacious manner, and it {x not surprising to know that her par ents were hoth Scotch, «= Brantford Expositor, Athletics Defeat Senators 10-9 Thanks to Homers by Cochrane and Al. Simmons Philadelphia, Pa, Aug. AR slght-inning rally which netied four runs, thres of them on sucs conslve homers by Mickey Cochrane and Al Bimmons, gave the Athletics #10 to 0 victory over Washington ih un slugfost yesterday and increas. 6d thelr lend to seven and one-half rama After giving awny five runs in the first inning, the A's staged an uphill strugele which finally sanded the Benntor bid to make a real race aut of the American Lange pen nant parade, The Athletics want in. to the eighth trailing, 6-9. Hummn slaried with a single and Cochrane elowted a home run, Simmons fol lowed with another to tie the gore, Wawanekas of ' ' Owen Sound Again ' ' '4 ' Win District Title Owen Bound, Aug, 27 Wawan alng runners-up Iasl Year in the Ontario Ladies' Hofthall Associa tion Intermedinte sovies, captured the title of the Georgian ay Ladies Softhall Lengue, whan they defeat ad tha Lady Greve, also of Owen Hound hy 16 to 6 here last night They thereby earned the right enter the Ontario playdowns largest crowd ever to witnes A gofthall game Haw the Wawas (ake the third and deciding games of the series with the Lady by making a spectacular comeback after thely opponents had started off like world enters, Belleville's Athletic Meet A Big Success nn wi u - 1 in The here Gireyva The held In this took place yesterday In connection with the annus! fal There wera 175 entries, Including the athletic team from Newfound land which: competed at the Ems pire Games; Johnston, mile chams nion of Ontario; Cooper, Cobourg, Onl hurdles and pole-vault champlon: Harry Cleman, wells lknown walker, and the girls' relay teams from Parkdale Ladies and Canadian Ladles, Toronte The star avent of the afternoon was the flve-mile open, won by Etone of Newfoundland, with Wal. herg of Huskatehewan wecond Rosa O'Nelll had Vitle troubles in Winning the 100.yard open for Birle, running the distances fn 11 seconds, The surprise of the afters noon was the defeat of the Park. dala Tadies' wenfor relay team hv the Junior members from that club, J Cooper, schoolboy champion, upheld his record hv winning 'all the Intermediate field Pity and also the senior poles vault AUR, firsy, to he Nislleville, wihletir district meet hays R always side of a A woman looks. an the height thing=I{ the thing Ina mirrore=Chicago Daily News A statistician says that very few women are eantent to stick to the Hgld path of economy, They prefer the buy-ways.--=Montreal Star, Ea lB _-_ Ae New Martin THURSDAY FRIDAY COLLEEN MOORE sf Na "Smiling Irish Eyes" PERFECT MATCH COMEDY FOX NEWS BNDR TODAY Wings of Adventure Doe CAREW LumBER (© ATHOIL I Ww BRINGING UP FATHER WLLL AROUND TO THAT COURSE AN SER WHAT HAPPENED: "L\. BET THEY MOD HIM OFF rve CA OFF THE C COUNCIL. MEETING M GOW Gr DO TH BY GEO. McMANUS

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