Oshawa Daily Times, 27 Aug 1930, p. 2

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i 4 PAGE TWO THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 27, 1930 Bo es will be received at News, advertising and Subteripiions the Bowmanville Office of The Times in the Cowan Black, King Street. Telephones--Office--887; Housemr131, Bowmanville Representative=B, Herbert Mortlock Whiz Win Second Schedule When High School Default Whiz Awarded Game When High School Fail to Put in Appearance--First Game of Finals With Goodyear Tonight Whiz last night became winners of the second schedule when the High School defaulted the last game of the second series playoffs by failing to put in An Appearance on the grounds, Of course the action of the ex- ecutive in giving the game to the Whiz Is roundly condemned in some quarters while it is as strongly up- held in other quarters, While just as many would as well have seen the High School winners of the ser- les after their splendid showing in the second series it seems only fair to admit thet the exgcutive has done the right thing in awarding the game to the Whiz, Arguments The argument against the giving of the game to the Whiz is mainly based by those who condemn the proceedure on the fact that the High School should have been given another night to play when foul of their men were out of town at. tending an athletic meet in Belle- ville, They claim that the students are being unfairly treated, While avery one wishes to see the boys troated right the matter should be looked at fairly from all angles, Say for instance that thess four boys had been taken sick and were unable to play for that reason it would have been impossible to post. pone the game and it would have had to be played without these boys, Then again every team was allowed fifteen men and the High School could have, If they wished, made a team up of boys who should have been signed up for the season, Those who are for the verdict of the executive feel that it is the only fair way to deal with the matter and they are right, The executive has heen treated for the most part of the sexson an if it did not exist and those players who are against the verdlet have only themselves to blame, If an executive Is needed for the league, then thelr verdicts must be accepted, It seems of little use to have an executive at all if they have to stand by and be told by team managers what they are to do, The main fault is in the fact that #0 little interest was taken by team captains in the start of the season that they did not wee that they were fully represented on the executive, The executive should he made up of one or two unbiased members and the rest representatives from each team in the series. With a fully representative executive verdicts which would be favorable to the majority would be arrived at, While many of the opponents of the de- fault allowed last night claim that it is a "dirty trick" on the High School boys if they will look at the matter in an unbiased way without thinking of it as just a group of young lads who lost out they would likely see it in another light, Of course, there is bound to be lots of eriticlsm at a time like this, It was only to be expected but a little reasoning on the part of those con. agerned would moon bring the fact to light that the Executive have done the right thing, fairly and without favor, Let's hope this will be the last we hear of it, Finals Tonight The first game of the five game series to decide the winners of the league and the Silver Cup will be played this evening at seven o'clock, Those last two words in the last sentence were not put there to fll . Prompt Service « « Always You generally axpect prompt service when you want a physician's prescrip. tion filled=--and sometimes promptness is vitally neces ary. We realize the value and importance of prompt aoc. tien and you will always find our service both prompt and rellable, be cause we regard the work of tilling a presciption an a companion professional ser vies with that of the physiolan who writes It, and we are equally acours ate and dependable in our part of taking care of your requirements, Karn's Drug Next I, O, hone 378 Ld up space, They were meant for what they say, Mfeven o'clock and no later. If players wish to give the fans a full nine innings game for their money they should be there on time and the umpire should call the game sharp on time also, | The teams Lo meet In this last of the softball season are the Whiz and the Goodyear, Both are strong teams and while Whiz have had much practice of late, the Goodyear have been sadly lacking in practice and there is a possibility that the first game will see them off form, However, that remains to be seen and fans are anxiously awaiting the outcome of the series, Benefit Game Please do not forget that the games tonight and the rest of the series are for the benefit of the Gatehell Family who ware left fath. ortess as a result of the terrible ex plosion a week ago. Those who have not yet purchased tickets for the games should do so at once for the cause is worthy, Members of the Executive and of the Orange Lodge are selling tickets besides other interested parties, We there, each night, on time and help a good cause, NEWS ABOUT TOWN American Hurt An American tourist from Michi. gan was slightly injured yesterday and his car was badly damaged when it turned over on the road west of Bowmanville, The tourist told the police that he was forced off the road and turned upside down, He was treated for cuts by Dr. V. H. Btorey, Be Punctual For the benefit of those who never seem (to get to .a softball game on time wa took the trouble to look in Webster's Internationa) Dictionary this morning to ind the true meaning of the word "Punctu ality," The meaning of the word is "a quality or habit of keeping engagements at the exact time" Be Punctual tonight, and see a good nine innings game, Special Busses Wpecial busses are dally heing run by the Garton Coach Lines be tween Bowmanville and the Cana: dian National Exhibition at Toron to, These busses leave Dowman ville at eight each morning and take the passenger right Into the | grounds returning after the fire. works at night, ' All Quiet Things have been very nuiet In police circles this past week and nothing of any importance has heen reported to police, It has heen re markable to notice how few Row os have heen before the this year. Clarke Township Winners The Clarke Township Agricult ural Boclety prize-winners for the standing fleld competition In oats in 1030 were as follows: I, T, Chap- man, W, J, Boyd, OC, A, Chapman, F. Brimacomb, I, W, LI. Tamblyn, R, Chapman, W. Monaghan of Well ington was judge, Sh bbbdrdeidd hb, WHAT OTHERS SAY LAGAAASAR AS AAR aamRE & SIENA THE TWO BYLAWS Mr, Editor, Being only a woman rate payer At the Public Meeting lant night, I would look hold to stand up and speak for the by-law, it may have Ita drawbacks, but is the lesser of two evils, If we have to give re- lief in such large figures, it will come out of our taxes, and we get nothing In return, d we humil. fate those who have to seek it, Vote for the by-law and give a large number work, and the man keeps his own self-respect, and we get the Bulldings needed as well, Wha wouldn't pay §1,00 extra taxes any. way, it it only helped fifty men; oven, and their families, and as the time goes on business will be im. proving too, and every dollar earn. od is going round and benefits more than one realise at the moment. It makes me tired to hear folks rave about Oshawa, the best heart. ed and free handed people as a City in the British Empire, What. ever Oshawa has undertaken to do in the years gone by, she has al. ways done it well, and gone over the tap, I know whereof I speak if I am only a woman, I have taken part in many campaigns for relief of many kinds, down through 21 yoara' residence here, and have al- ways been proud of our City, bes eaune of her generous hearted res nponse to a good cause, One mem- ory stands out very vividly during the war, when dear old Oshawa Eave in cold cash for relief more than any other City or place of its alee in the whole of the British Empire. Then, Oh, be a booster of our little city, and pay a dollar, It we have to, a good deed done rings its own reward, and it will olp the other fellow and you in the long run, I am alone, I gave my best so am not catering for a job, and don't begrudge paying a dollar extra to help my fellow citi. sons: who'are unemployed, | am proud to be.a Citizen of Oshawa, and oan trust those in Command to do well by her, and still merit the Rheumatism23 Yrs Discovers Way to Banish all Pain Nothing Helped Till She Took "FRUIT-A-TIVES" "Had rheumatism for 23 years, Hospl- tals couldn't help me, Was in bed when I took 'Vrulte a-tives', They have done wonders, Can do my work and no more pain,' '~=Mrs, A. N, Vield, Wynyard, Bask, Just one of thousands who say rheumatism, neuralgia, neuritis ny away quick with "Frult-a-tives," Chronle constipation and Jver troubles end overnight, Bad stom ach billousness, indigestion, Leart. burn, gas vanish Hike magic, idney and bladder lls, pain in hack go in hurry, Nerves quiet, sound sleep at once, Ten of nature's greatest romedios combined in handy little tablet Marvelous. discovery of famous Canadian doctor, Speedy results Get. "Frult-a-tives'" from drug gist today, Bleep fine, walks up great, Pr ETIITEII= a ESE well done, though the responsibility Is #0 much greater, we put Mayor and Counelllors in to do tha hast for our eity and us, then let ug trust them to do it Just one ratepaye) The The Editor Oshawa Oshawa, Ont Deny Mr. Kditoy The Oshawa Chamber of Com merce was established In 1028 and has since thal time been devoting its energies to the establishment of industries and the development of eivie enterprize We unked the Dominion Government to spend large on the bar hour, and this Is We Dally Times have sme of mone helng done hope that further improvement will | whish will Involve the expenditure of considerable sums of money We are constant ly pressing for the establishment of industries, involving the construe thon of plant which would hundreds of thousands of dollars In short, our constant effort is to inspire in others confidence in Osh awa, its development and 1tu future It would Indeed be an absurdity if wa ourselves the ratepayers of Osh AWA were to show by our vote on Thursday on the Administration and Pollee Bullding By-laws that wa lack confidence In our city he cause that fs what a negative would really mean We all naturally hesitate to do anything to increase taxes particularly at the present time, It should be pointed out in the first place that no payment would be due or addition made to thé tax bills In Oshawa until 1932 in any event If the hulldings were com he undertaken, cont vole out Imanced this fall they would be com pleted in 1051 and In that year the debentures would he issued, the first payment falling due In 1032 Furthermore, if we hallave in the future of our City, wa have the right to expect that long hefors the expiration of the Afteen or twenty your period, aver which the deben tures would run the City will have grown to such an extent that a frac tion of a mill added In the first year (103%) will have nimost to the vanishing point One cannot help but feel that It would be an absurdity for the 'ub He Utilities Commission to own and operate ity own Administration or OMee Bulldings separate and dis. | tinet from the City hut that is what will happen If the by-laws are defeated. The present arrangement of the oMees of the Public Utilities Commission are most uneconomionl and unhusinesslike and 1 hellave that it 1s the fixed policy of the Commission to obtain permanent quarters no that all its departments may ha housed together, 'Undouht edly the Publie Utiifties Commis ston will be glad to oceupy a part of the Administration Building but it the Administration Bullding Is not erected then other quarters will be obtained or constructed It is only logleal and businesslike that these moneys should he employed to defray a substantial part of the cont. of the Administration RBulld ing It 18 to he hoped that in this con troversy the sound progressive and businesslike common senso of the ratepayora of Oshawa will prevall Oshawa has yot a grand and glori ous future and we can best bulld for and assure that future hy sup porting the by-laws now presented for our approval, Respectively yours, G, D, Conant, NOTED SCRE Lon Chaney, famous motion ples tare charaoter actor, who died in Hollywood, early on Tuesday, from hemorrhage of the throat, onr | | The Whitby Advertising, subse Whitky Branch Off After » pp FIND WOMAN 15 NOT GUILTY OF SELLING LIQUOR Case Against Mrs, Dennis of Whitby Dismissed by Magistrate r-- A charge of keeping liquor for sale laid by Chief of Police H, w Quantrill against Mrs, Kate Den: nis, Brock street north, was diy missed in police court Tuesday af ternoon by Magistrate J, ¥, Willis, His Worship found that there was no corroboration of the evidence of sale offered hy the Crown, therefore a conviction could not be recorded, The Crown evidence was to the | affect that Harry Bryan, of Whit. hy, visited the home of the &e¢- | cused on the night of July 16th und early morning of July 16th und purchased from Mrs, Dennis four hotties -of Labatt's ale, for which, It was alleged, he paid two dollars, Tryan clnimed that he consumed the contents of two bol. ties In Mrs, Dennis' kitchen, and took the other two home, Thess docronsed | ware Inter ramoved to his shop ['Tiryan was positive that the ale | he purchased was Labatt's, also that the price he pald was two I dollars, He told this story not only Lin court hut to Chief Quantrill In the hox Mrs, Dennis empliati ciully denied that she had sold heer too Mr, Hryan, and she claimed htat | Hiryan was only in her house on occasion and that was when was called to look over some pipes requiring repairs, Bhe wore that while she had pur | chased two oases of bear on her permit none of It wis Labatt's Mrs, Dennis stated she never sold Lisar to any person The evidence of Mrs, Dennis was corroborated In detall hy hey | daughtar, Mins Btolle, Witness | tated that on the night In ques. came from a dance {ul midnight and remained up for about an hour and a half, during which time Hryun did not come {10 the house, Miss Dennis stated that her mother did not well Heagum nlgo that she nnd her {hrother helped to keep the house 0D, A. J. Bwanson, for accused {nuked the court for dismissal of the charge for lack of corroborn- ton of the erown's evidence, Hq { contended that Rryan's story could not hold good In the Mght of tha | evidence given by the accused and her daughtey Magistrate Willis that while. Mr, Bryan in his evidence | nppoarad to he quite emphatic as tn the time of the alleged pur Chase and the amount he paid, tha necused and her daughter we. e equally as emphatic that no sa'e hud taken place, There was no an» rohoration of the Crown's avid anes, therefore there could he no convietion one he slove tion she home sated KEEN INTEREST INBYLAW MEETING (Continued from Page 1) | year, and finally pointed out that not a single elty In Canada has suc. conded In construeting a pewage Alsposal plant which in a complete SUCPAEN "Let us walt and gain the ex, Jerlenee of other municipalities then apply the knowledge which they have gained through experi: ment, to construct a sewage diss posal plant whieh will he entirely satisfactory," argued Mayor Mit, chell The question of the cost to the individual ratepay®r of carrying the debentures was a opular top. Ie, Alderman Sulley was the most pessimistic of the speakers, He ontimatad that the highest possible cout per year to the average rate. payer would be appreciably less than a dollar, The Effect on Taxes Mayor Mitehell went further, and guaranteed that the passing of the bylaws would not raise tlie taxes one ningle cent, He called atten: tion to the fact that the assessment of the oity will be increased this year hy about $400,000, and that the taxes on this additional assess: ment will more than cover the an. nual carrying charges on the $160,000 debenture issue, without any increase in the mill vate, Alderman Waterous Alderman Waterous dwelt in the conclusion of hin address upon the fact that if the city does not go ahead with the hulldings this year, the Publie Utilities Commission will put up a building themselves, In such a oase, he argued logically, the cont will come back on the rate payers in the shape of lest yredues tions In gas, water and electric rater, They will be out of pocket to the same extent as if they pass. od the bylaws, rand still will not own the bulldings which are con wtruoted, On the other hand if the bylaws Are passed, the buildings will he the property of the people of the olty, and a credit to Oshawa. Appeal For Faith in City A stirring appeal to the people of Oshawa to have faith in the fu. tura of their oity was made by M, MoIntyre Hood, who .in opening ARIA that while he was not a pros party owner, he had a vital interest in the welfare of Oshawa, "The #eutlemen who have been \ \ s and news will be vecsived at the , at Gasette and Chronicle, ~Telophone 23, hone 399, REPRESENTATIVE~JAMES H, ORMISTON Daily Times MANSLAUGHTER CHARGE DISMISSED Not Sufficient to Com- mit For Trial w---- The serious charge of man. slaughter Iaid mgainst Herbert Mucel, young Toronto Italian, fol lowing an automobile accident three weeks ago in which the sis: ter of the accused was killed in- stantly, was dismissed by Magis trate J, 16, Willis In Whithy Polley Cowrt on Tuesday afternoon, the Court, ruling thet there was not sufficient evidence to Warrant sending the accused up for tris) in a higher court; His Worship announced, however, that the driving Heense of the sccused had heen cancelled, and that before it wis again renewed he would recommend that he undergo ane other examination ay to Ws fitness to drive a car, The magistrate stated that In another examination it might be found that there wers some (things the young man did not know which he should have an wecurnte knowledge of hefors he was ullowed to again take the wheel of a oar The wccused young man was in court with his lawysr, parents brothers and sisters promptly at two o'clock, Tha magistrate heard naw words from the Crown and defense counsels, and after hriefly reviewing the evidence taken at the preliminary hearing a week AE, dismissed the manslaughter charge on the grounds already noted IN POLICE COURT, Magistrate Rules Evidence || There was a smile on the face of the accused as the court's veps dict was announced, As he and his relatives left the court they thank. officials Briefly, It will he the necuned young Ing a cay Way Just went Into the diteh, his 10-yeur nd sister, Miss Vora Mucel, being killed instantly The coroner's Jury, investigating the aceident a fow days later, returned a verdict that It was the result of reckless driving The Crown then lald a charge of manslaughter WHITBY POULTRY man was driy on the Kingston High Retain Record as Big Prize Winner Night Constable John Thomas well known local poultry fancler, who year after year carries off valuable prices at the Canadian National Exhibition, is spending hik annual vacation at. the hig Fair, at which he is displaying a number of his hest birds, Constable Thomas f(s President of the Barred Rock Association of Canada, and his many trophies won in past years Include sevéral valuable. cups, This year he ex. pects to retain his record as one of tha most noted poultry hreed. ers exhibiting at the ¥alr, Magistrate J, B, Willis, another well known local poultryman, who has won many prizes at Toronto, Is again exhibiting some of his birds Al the Exhibition, Mr, Willis h&& for many years taken a keen Interest in poultry hreeding and In hs pens are to be found many valuable birds, opposing this bylaw are obstruction, ists, who hlook the progress of the olty," he declared In ringing tones, "Times are hard, but we won't im. prove things by putting our hands In our pockets and weeping in a vorner, Let un have faith in the future of Oshawa, 1 believe that before the 20 years over which the payments for these hulldings are to oe wrend "labte we will have 60, people here to ) 200 ve I help pay for Cheers greeted hin declaration that, "It's time you people woke up and tied the can to the knock. ors ang, obatruetioniats. jection Wxapressed " Qbjustion to toe a is axe ress y a nlngle volee, av Lo | 8 lee, that of Mr, Coull objected, he declared, on behalf of the property awner is Is working short time in a factory, He maintained that such an indivs dual could not make use of the employment offered as a enult o ihe Reumrichon of mumioipa) Ka and yet would be b . od hy extra taxes, in in Aised nou trttewk hag "There are 1,600 men em loye od in this oity, Put them al al work on the municipal buildings, and you'd finish them in a week, Ww hat good In that?" he asked, Don't put yp the bulldings when men are out of work he urged, Rulld them when everybody fa Forkmg and times are good in the "I'm golng to vote against the bys laws anyway." he concluded deters minedly, Some women always manage to look veung. Others 'dye in the 'ats tempts od the magistrate and other court | recalled that | west of Whithy, when it | AT TORONTO EX. Constable Thomas Hopes to | FT Ty a ER a Ea il . MONTH END SALE THURSDAY, FRIDAY, and SATURDAY Final Clearance of Summer Merchandise together with Special Purchases of New Fall Goods 12 ONLY LADIES' AND MISSES' weed & Poiret Twill Coats Sizes 13 to 20. Values up to $25.00, Sale Price $4.95 Jackets In Tweed eof fects and Krinkle Leather alle leg, $4.05, $4.50 Sport Milk Bed Hose, Hlue, KO" x 100", rice ...:. Hpreads in shades of Gold and (Oreen, $4.29 Pure Irish Linen Table cloths, sigés § x 2 yds, or ¥ % 2% yds, Reg, $4.05 $3 98 ] $6.06, Bal Priece Bhadow 98¢ Deonne" Corseleties 40, Bale we sl19 Men's Hox of Bik and Wool and Bilk and Lisle, Neg The, Bale Price 49¢ Children's Bilk and Lisle Rox and Bocklets, Reg, 10 25 Cc 40e, Bale Price, palr Ladies' Bilk Hips, proof hem, all shade lteg, $1.40, Bale I'rive "Lin Hizes 40 to Price White faney wide Yard Table Damusk, horder, ht" 45 ¢ Cotton colored Mule Bench Vyjamas threa plece ptyle; go Mall | By al ePrice , (irls' Bik. and Hoke, jaquered designs, $1.25, Rizes 7% 69c Hale I'vice, pair Lounging Two und tegulur $0.05 or 10 Dogen Wool Reg to 0% and $6.06, Bale Price Gloves emhrold en 55 Ladies' Milk ered cuff, Reg, Price, paly ,. Hose 50c Ladies' all Blk Chiffon Black, white only, Neg $1.00, Bale Price, pair "let Curtain Nets, lace adge, i8" wide, Bale Price, Yard , TT 25¢ Mercerised "Broadeloth, plain shades, 36" wide, Reg, 9c, Bale Price, yd... 28¢ Of a Better Quality, Values up to $390.50, 8 Only - LADIES' COATS Poiret Twills, Tricotine and Broadcloth, Black, Navy and Sand, Fur trimming of Muskrat, Mole, Galleac and Monkey Fur. Sale Price $14.95 Reg. unbleached col 15¢ hemmed, good ee 17¢ Middles with navy col: 98¢c and 19¢ Children's Coveralls in Blue or Khaki, 8lges 3 to 6, 49¢ Hale Price ,.. Bleached or ton, good quality, #6" wide, Bale Price, ya, Pillow Canes quality cotton Price, each Girls' lar, sizes up to 14 yre Reg. #1.60, RBale Price Khaki YOars, Price Overalls, nigen 2-0 460, Bale Play Hlue, Reg, Rayon Hatin and Flat Crepes for lingerie and dresses, Hhades are pink, maize, navy, peach and white Neg, up Yard Pure Wool Bed (lovers, satin hound, largest Blue, Pox MM, egular ive. date Drier, $073 Bach (irle' Spring and Fall Coats, plges up to 14 years, Values up to $12.60, Bale $4 95 aay . Price Tr stock of Children's Dresses grouped in 8 for quick clearance 79c98¢ $1.49 Brant Forde ntive Print lots Values to $2.05 Pleated Years, Roys' Play Bults, sizes & fi years, Regular 70e, Bale Price sve y 39 Girl' Cotton Vests Bloomers, #slges up to 14 ecmant. ne, hr 25¢ Girle' Barly Fall Coats; Rlges Trice crrereceer. S0e98 "Penman's" full fashioned, chiffon and service silk hose, Hubs of §1,60:81,08, 89¢ Bale Price, pair ,... Girls' Navy Berge Hkirts, slees up to Regular #1.60, Price ..., 14 Bale SERRE EEE and 10 ONLY New Goat Skin Coats For Fall and Winter. The ideal Sport Coat. Special Value $34.75 (A Deposit will hold one for you) Ladies' lace Wim Gowns, "Watson's first quality, Regular to $1.08, Bale te Ye 2 only Down Filled Comforts era to clear at YW price, Br Sivan see $9.75 $6.25 200 only Night Make," $1.40 Price EEE RRR Regular $13.60, Hale Price Pillow Cases of fine Wabasso cotton, hemmed or hematitoh- ad, 40" x 43". wide, 68¢ Regu- 39¢ "Allan A" silk hose, 1st quale ity, All new #hades, Reg. $1.00, Sale Price 48¢c Stamped Aprons on unbleach- ed clear cotton, straps, 2 pockets, & designs, 19 C KROR vo vivannnnnnany Pug! Bik a Brotujed Ray on, new shades, ale 39¢ Children's Nunshades, lar THo-81,60,. Hale Price ... aan Reg, 800, Sale Price, pr, Pure Linen Clotha with Rose Salata border wig, iy x 70, egular 9, ale PHUO as ervnss snvrs 93c Price, Yard ivr avas Stamped Hematitohed Pillow Cases on fine fluality cotton, Pretty designs, 43%, 98 C PAF sonnnnrnnnnnany Watson's and Du Barry silk Vesta and Dloomers, plain and lace trim garments, Values up to $1.35 Garment vivvsavrany 49c Fancy bath towels, extra good quality, colored border, 24" x 48%, Cannon make, Regular $1.60, selling special at 74 080, Sale Price, each Cc Stamped Dresser #oarf, fine quality repp, 18% x 46%, 59 3 Deslgns, Sale Price Cc Stamped Pure Linen Tea Towels, white crash with oo» lored border, 6 different de. algne, Sale Price I 43c Business wear, NEW FALL DRESSES OF SATIN FOR New styles in shades of Green, Brown and Blue, also Black. ~ Sale Price $6.75 LAE LC I NR SUR TT 3 OSHAWA W. A. Dewland Ltd

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