Oshawa Daily Times, 27 Aug 1930, p. 12

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 27, 1930 2 EASTERN ONTARIO NEWS KINGSTON BOAT WINS Kingston, -- Four Winds, owned by Major L. ¥, Grant of the Kings. ton Yacht Club was Lhe winner in her class In the regatta of the Canadian National Exhibition held on Saturday, defeating several other boats in the event, FIRE THREATENS FARMS Wooler, --starting from a brush pile on the farm of Mr, John Jamie- son at Preston Hill, just north of Wopler village, on Thursday, a grass fire spread and threatened the homes of Mrs, John Penns and Mr. Murray Hanna, BROCKVILLE WIDOW PASSES Brockville,~~On Monday morn- ing August 18, at the General hos. pital, Brockville, Mrs, Mary Say- eau, widow of W, (i. Sayeau, who died on April 24 last, passed away in her sleep, after a lingering ill ness, at the age of H2, HIGHWAY REPAIRS Kingston.--The work of cutting down. the hills and fixing the road near the fingerboard on the Kings- ton-Gananoque highway, fis pro- gressing rapidly. The tops being taken off the hilly are used for fll, levelling out a considerable portion of the road, TREESITTING AT BRIDGE. NORTH Peterboro.~--A despatch from Bridgenorth informs the world that the tree-sitting record hag heen boosted to a still more formidable mark by the two youthful aerinlists, Donald Huffman and James Nicho- as who held the former record, To accomplish this feat they sat in a small cedar tree on Lewis Fowler's farm for seven and one half hours, COUNTERFEIT BILLS Brockville, --1In regard to the re port made a few days ago that bogus $10 bills are being circulated, the police have been notified that the bills which are heing passed are all of the one denomination drawn on the Bank of Nova Seotla, They are made from a photographie copy of genuine notes, the front of ELIMINATE DOUBTVUIL, GAMES Lindsay, Full details of the midway at the Lindsay Central Exhibition for this year are not available as yet, but the directors have heard enough of the attrae- tion to he able to say with cer. tainty that it will be bigger and better than ever before, The show Lis cleaner than ever as well as more entertaining, and the doubt. ful games hava been eliminated, NEW RECTOR AT BELLEVILLE Belleville, --1It is announced that His Graco M, J, O'Brien, Cond jutor Archbishop of Kingston Archdio- cose, has named the Very Rev, J, ¥, Nicholson, M, C., V. G., as pas- tor of Bt, Michael's Parish, Bello. ville, ag successor to the late Rey, C. J, Killeen, LINDSAY WATER IMPROVED Linday.--Lindsay town water is classed "A" meaning good In a re- port received from the Provineln) Department of Health laboratories at Toronto, STEAMER RAISED Cornwall,--The steamer Donald Stewart of the Canada Steamship Lines, sunk in a collision last week with the steamer Keyvive near the entrance to the Cardinal Canal at Cornwall, has been ralsed and pro- ceeded to Montreal under her own power, DOG TAXES OVERDUE Brockville, Notification has been sent by Chief Constable John Brown to many owners of dogs, who have falled to pay the tax on thelr animals, and unless these taxes aro paid promptly prosecution will follow, SEEK MISSING YOUTH Kingston,---Raymond V, Bquires, ugod 20, of Fort Lauderdale, Flor Ida, who, with his father has heen spending the summer at Newbhoro, has been missing sines Friday morning last at 10 o'clock and the father, R, J. Bquires, has sought the ald of the provincial police at Kingston in an endeavor to find his son, BEST EXHIBITION IN HISTORY transportation to the reformatory at Guelph to serve 18 months for breaking and. entering and theft, and Bailey Is sentenced to the same institution for breaking and enters ing at Baneroft, Another prisoner hime Brant, was i id implieat- THREE INJURED IN CAR ACCIDENT Automobile Jumps Ditch on Highway Near Lindsay Lindsay, Aug, 27.-~A nerions nutomobile neeldent occurred about one mile south of Lindsay in Ops Township shortly before 6 o'clonk Fridoy evening, Mrs, John Conley of Lindsay, was driving south in a car in company with Mrs, J. Hunter of Boheaygeon, and Mr, and Mrs, Carl Hunter of Detroit, A car, driven by Mr, P, O'Loughlin of Lindsay, was going In the same direction, and after Mrs, Conley had sounded the horn, preparatory to PASSING, Mr, O'Loughlin pulled his ear t(o the right and then, it is claimed, pull ed back ngain, Mrs, Conley's car took (o Lhe diteh, and was completely wrecks od, When the occupants were re lonwed they were Immediately rushed to the Ross Memorial Hos pital, where it was found that Mrs Conley sustained injuries to her hack, Her shoulder blade us well as her arm were also broken, Mr Hunter of Bobcaygeon had three ribs broken, and her breast was badly lacerated, Mrs, Carl Hunter had her arm broken, and was badly cut shout the hody. Mrs Hunter escaped unhurt Into BUSINESS OUTLOOK The I"inanclal Post, Toronto, summarizes the current husiness situation In Canada as follows Commodity Prices Building and congtruection materials Index now H per cent helow July, 1020 Tron and Steel Present opera tions ahout HO per cent of capacity; no upturn seen till 1931 Foreign Trade July trade low er by $55,000,000 than In same CANADIAN NATIONAL HIGH SPOTS AT CN.E. MAGINY, a glorious section of the Canadian Lockies hewn boldly from the bosom of Mother Earth, and » giant hand reaching down into one of the Canadian National Steamships' West Indies' feet and stealing a group of luzurions cabins, then you have an iden of this year's exhibit of the Canadian National Railways st the Canadian Nationa! Exhibition, Jasper National Park Is one of. the two features of the exhibit, In a 50-foot long panorama of the mountains, a mother bear and her cubs go (rollicking in the forest, deer are pd to scam, through the brush snd the noble Athabusca river sings a rippling song of contentment, Marvellous effects are oblained by the use of colored lights, Beginning with the faint light of dawn, t in sky changes to the beautiful hues of sunrise and slowly dusk eomes and moving clouds are painted with reds and blues to give an excellent idea of the sunsets for which the mountains are noted, In another part of the railways' building. visitors walk the fang Ranke and over the side into Nelson", flagship of the we pay fleet, Inside the white hull, is a portion of the main lobby and, diree tly opposite, the purser's office, A uniformed officer is ready behind the grille and he has an efficient staff of six stewards waiting to initiate the visitor into the ship's mysteries, Leading off the lobby are rooms, exact replicas of those on board the "Lady" ships, and showing the various types of accommodation, only 6 Ing due to Increased grain movement little Htock 1 per of Murke ut Very Bond retall houses sales mart Trend: Natfonasl find Maritimes best helow 1029 parent company to hold all hares of the operating coms. panies in Canada, Including City Dalry Co., Toronto, says The Fin dian of the bh PU BORDEN'S PLAN COMPANY FOR business life and it is thought pro- bable that the shares of this Cana- dian company will be Visted on one or more of the Canadian stock ex~ changes, Buch a step would be following the courge adopted by Standard Oil of New Jersey, which controls Imperial O11, and the shares of which find their principal market in Toronto, and of Goodyear Tire, which controls Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co, of Canada, the shares of which are éxclusively traded on the Toronto stock exchagge, The purposes of this move would he, probably, to interest Canadian investors to a greater extent in the sxpansion of the Borden interests fn Cannde and to militate against uny feeling which many exist that a foreign covporation was trying to dominate a phase of Canadian in. dustry 1o the detriment of thal industry, As a matter of fact, it is oMelally stated, Canadians own a larger proportion of the Borden Co, shares than is represented hy the Borden assets in Canada, With the City Dalry deal completed, Canadians, or residents of Tanuda, will own gomething like 800,000 shares of that company, which is more than 7 per cent of the outstanding capl- tal, 'These shares at 474 per share, have a market value in the neigh hortinod of $24,000,000, while the Borden gross assets In Canada, in- cluding City Dairy, are, or will bs in the near future, about $16,000, 000, Nearly half of this Is repres ented oy City Dairy and Is sub- pidinries, Thera will he more than 2,400 share-holders of Borden in Canada, it Is expected NORTH OSHAWA North Oshawa, AUR 18 The Misses Ciladys and Audrey Woolley are visiting with their Aunt and Uncle, Mr, and Mrs, M, Hare, ut King, Mr Mr, ren, Mr and Mrs, Dryant, Sr, and and Mrs, Bryant, Jr, and child of Oshawa, spent Sunday with and Mrs, ¥red Conlin Mrs, Collins, of Taronto, is ing with her daughter, Mrs goyne Mrs. R, Jollow and hoys, Bud and Ted, of Baseline east, are visiting her parents, Mr, and Mrs, J. Alexander, Mr, and Mrs, Robert Spencer and four children, of Hamilton, recently TH Bur two REDUCED- FARES oR Canadian National Return Fares to Toronto Gav Salle: ay oh FVare Bowmanville , $2.00 Newcastle ,.... 2.20 Oshawa ...... 1.55 Whitby ......4 1.35 Poti pn 2 CANADIAN NATIONAL LRAILWAYSJ EE and stayed there for a few dav Oshawa Sunday. Behool the Oshawa Sunda cloged on aceount of North along with Behools ere the epidemic The Misses EMe and Aylie Dove of New York, are visiting thely friends, Mr, and Mrs, Belleck and children Mr, and Mrs two children, Gordon Glover ani Betty and Joan, of Harmony, were Bundny guests of Mr, and Mrs, W, Glover Wo are glad to report little Mars ia Hartnett, is getting nlong nicel Miss Myra Cunningham is hol daying at Balan Lake, the guest « Mr, and Mrs, W, Cunningham Migs Marie Conlin spendin holidays in Port Perry, Miss Verna 1'ice is spending holl days In Rochester with her sister Mr, Fred Dearhorne, ol Pete borough, Is visiting his parents, Mr, and Mrs, Dearborne Miss Marjorie Moore, in visiting her cousins, ver children, In of Whithy,, the Gull they alwa will mar did, ~Montreal Warten are optimists; helieve their daughter better men than they Cagette, They Use It month, 1029 Employment Canada's unem ployed estimated between 150,000 participation : Canadians make approximately 240 telephone calls a year per pers pon, Canada is hecoming distinctly "telephone conscious," visited the home of Mr, T, J, Holo mon the counterfeit bill being taken from a note of the issue of Jan. 2nd., 1029 serial, CANADIAN INTERESTS ancinl Post, Toronto, If this coms | pany is formed, Borden Co, will en. fy on ihe Tuk: yehoo! yon and 200,000 lectinn slow Borden Co, is considering the ad. | deavor to have a board of direct. Mr, and Mrs, R, Heaslip and 'AN 0 DARL ever hole Vy ' . ' 1 Car L 'urre . H or ois representative of Canadian! family motored to Jackson's Point the socisty mince Its organization ar Loadings Current loads and Maritin Visablilty of organizing a Cana I The children's exhibits and histor). | "sees ---- --_ mont » . PETE - - LADIES HERE IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY Buy Hosiery Below Wholesale Prices fiananoque,--~ The annual Hort! cultural Boclety exhibition on ¥ri od tronge Credit | find col Vancouver consuls oxcapt In ! consider | ELECTRIC TRAIN BLOCK. SYSTEM Belleville. ~~With the completion of the work which {s now going on putting In an electric train block system between Kingston and Belleville, practically all the track of the Canadian National Railway's main line from Montreal to Sarnia will be automatically controlled The portion of the track now bhaing equipped runs form Kingston to Relloville and from Rellaville to Toronto the system has been work- ing for ahout a year, FULL FASHIONED SERVICE WEIGHT CHIFFON HOSE Regular $1.50, *$ 1 shades, 1] 10, Hoslery Sale Price, pair ...., LADIES' PURE THREAD SILK HOSE with Art "49¢ Hoslery Sale CHIFFON HOSE PURE SILK CHIFFON HOSE C NO, LADIES' ART SILK 107 "+10 quality, Sale NO. FULL FASHIONED M/60 LISLE HOSE NO. 213 All Shades, Kxtea Special. Price, pair Only 8 Pair AND GET RID OF FLIES Disease and Death are read wherever flies are allowed to gather, In these days of modern science there is no excuse for one ow bi hig! home, the rooms once a a "with FLY:KIL, a new insecticide that really kills flies and your troubles are over. Will not harm the most delicate fabric, harm. to humans and leaves only a mild pleasant aroma, Protect baby, protect the children, protect your own health, 'Phone for any of these FLY-CHASERS Fly Kill ,........ 50¢ & 75¢ Flytex ..... 50c & 75¢ yg Sprays Bes tnise Be. S0¢ Wilson's 'Fly 'Pads' Joe, 3 for ,....:.. 25¢ Tanglefoot Fly Paper, 3 Sheets for .,.......... 2c Fly Coils, 3 for ......... 10e When in Need of Drugs Phone Jury & Lovell, Ltd. King St, BE. «= mo St. 8. Phone 28 Phone 98 Value Sizes First osler, H y to MORE HIGHWAY PAVING Gananoque. ~~Work las heen started toaring up the surface of the highway about six miles west of Gananoque, The road for the six miles was permanently paved some years ago and permanent paving is being lald from this point west, and will eventually join the new paving from Kingston to Eastview, WARDEN OF JAIL PREVENTS ESCAPE Belleville Official Fights Off Three Prisoners Single Handed Belleville, Aug, | 26.- --Jallbreak at the county jail was frustrated on Monday by Robert E. Colling, the turnkey, who fought off three pri- soners armed with pleces of iron pipe, until his son, Kenneth Colling and the warden, Tom Ketcheson, came to his assistance, The three men, David Little, Gordon Asel- stine and George Bailey, all of thiy elty, will appear In police court tos day charged with attempted jails break and assault, Little and Aselstine are awaiting Germs, To a Customer NO. XTC Neinforced Regular 78c, Price, pair .. Tus. Neve Nale Super Quality, with fine tre finish, Regular 60c, eral shades, Hosiery Price, pair NO. LADIES' BLACK 824 SILK HOSE 49c Full Fashioned Hose (Slight Irregulars) PURE SILK HOSE 2 6 2 NO. | LADIES' PURE SILK 837 . HOSE Reinforced at all points of wear. . All colors and sizes, Regular $1,00, Hoslery Sale Pricey, PAIP ov iaesbonns [All colors and sises. Regular $1.85, 'Hoslery Sale Price, PRIE coinage EEE) Wonderful value, Regular {LIN Hosiery Sale Price, pair Full Fashioned Service Welght PURE SILK $1 MEN'S WOOL WORSTED 219 NO. 888 A wonderful wearing Stocks ing. Sold regularly at $1.80, All shades, Nises 834 to 10, Hoslery Sale Price, pair 4. Regular $1.50. In all the new Shades, Bises 84 10, Hoslery Sale Price, paler to TELEPHONE Five Direct chive Direct Lines -- se FOR : Jeddo Premium Coal Semet - Solvay Coke Pocahontas, Cannel Dixon Coal AN ADDED FEATURE MEN'S SOCKS English imported, Smart pats terns, in pure wool, and silk Heavy ribbed, for the outs CHILDREN'S STOCKINGS and wooly, Regular 78c and Beat Fes Sa He 19¢ "THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY Simcoe T TR | E A 54 C A D E Phone St. N. 1000

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