Oshawa Daily Times, 27 Aug 1930, p. 11

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 27, 1930 To 11 ap srs. HE CLASSIFIED SECTION, - \ CONANT & ANNIS, BARRISTERS Bolleitors, Notaries Publie, Bte, Conveyancing and general prac tice of Law, Offices 7% Simcoe St. South, Oshawa, Phone 4, G. D, Conant, BA, LLB.; A. FV. An: nis, B.A, LL. WE, N, BINCLAIR KO, WANK of Commerce Building. JORWPH P WANGAN. BA ~DAR: rister. Sollgitor, Notary Public, Conveyancer, Money to loan, Of fice 14% King St, East, Osbewa, Phone 446, Residence hone 687, ' » N AND Yraser, Barristers, Conveyancers, Notaries Public, ete. Office over Standard Bank, Eotrance Himcos coe St. Phone 12. J. F, Griorson, K.C., 7. K. Creighton, B.A, N, C. Fraser, B.A, . . AN, DARRISTER, Solicitor, Notary, over Dewland's Store. Money to loan, street north, Phone denve 8478W, 67. Resi: REVS BAR: [] risters, Solicitors, ete, 24% BSim- coe St. N, Phone 8160, Money to Loan, iu ALEX C. HALL, B.A, BARRIS ter, etn, Conveyancing and general practice, 23% King Bt, Last, Phone 3737, (tf) A. J). PARKHILL, BARKISPER ete, Money to loan. Alger Bldg, op- osite Prst Office. Phone 1614, FRANK 8. EBBS, DARNISTER, Solleftor, Notary 'ublis, Convey- ancer, money to loan, Third floor new Alger Buillins, cpposite Pos. Office. Phone 2000, 16 Simcoe | Dental BN, € J. PHILLIPE, OVER BAS sott's, Special attention to X-ray work, Oas extraction, Nurse In stishidante, Phone 060. House ) north, over Mitchell's Drug Store. Oas for extraction, Phone 64, Nitrous oxid ox gon 808 for extrac. tions, Office, Royal Bank Bldg. Phone 948, residence. 1378M, Simcoe 6t. N, over Dewiand's. Phone 1067. Res, 202W., Evenings by appointment. i ' AID, vA Dencists, 37 King 8t. B. Special attention to gus extraction and X- ray work, Nurse fin attendance. Phones 1248 and 864. t "OPTOMETRIVT, specialist In muscle spnomalies, eyesight and glasses, Author of Eye Care and [Eye Btrain, The Chbilg and Its Development, Dis ney Bloek opposite Post Office. hone 1516, (Aug. 17-1 mo) Engineering and Surveying | DONTVAN AND SMITH ONTAR- | io Land Surveyors and Civil Engin. eors, sub-divisions, town planning, municipal engineers, 865 or 411 King St. EB. [hones 2032) or 2044, Undertaking Medical PRE, HAZLEWOOD & HARPER, Disney Mlock., Phone 2060, Of- fice hours 0 a.m. to 8,30 pm, Dr, B. J. Hazlewood, special attention to Surgery and X-Ray Dr, B. H Harper, special attention to child. ren's Diseases and Obstetrics, Sun. day and night calls 2416 or 123, CURE BURIAL CO., 67 KING ST, Kast, Ambulance. Hesidence 642 Simcoe street, north, Phone 210J and 210W, RENEE ORHAWA BURIAL CO, MIF Armstrong & Son, Proprietors. I'uneral and Ambulance Service, day and night. Phone 1082W, 87 Celina, (str) DR. McKAY PHYSICIAN, BSUR- geon, Accoucher, Office and resi dence. King St, East, corner Vie toria St., Oshawa, Phone 04. -------------------------------- -- TU ------------------y DR. GRANT BERRY, PHYSICIAN Surgeon, Obstetrician, diseases of {nfants and children, Office and residence, 07 Bond East. Phone 1166, DR. DAVID ARCHER, M.D, C.M,, L. R. C, P, and 8, Edinburgh, Phy slclan, Surgeon and Obstetrician, Office 1432 Bimcoa St, N. Phone 8020, residence 40 Cadillac Ave, North, Phone 3165, DR, C. W. CARR, PHISICIAN, Surgeon, Obstetrician Office and residence, 512 Simcoe Street north, Phone 34186, DR. J. ARCHER BROWN «lan, Surgeon and Obstetric! and residen:e, I85 Simeoe North phone 3107 Veterinary Surgeon PHYSI- an, office Street, ' ' J) A - Specialist Diseases Domestic Anim. als, Cat and Dog Hospital, 303 King West, Telephone 620, 6 aug ti) pT Tg . dy A ANS OF 160 BLOOR Street West Toronto will be at his office over Juv & Lovell's Drug Store each Saturday from 1 till 4 p.m, for consultation and trept- ment of diseases of ear, nose And throat only, Appointments may be made at drug store, Phone 97, ye, , Nose an t specialist, Office over Mitchell's Drug Store, Phone 2660 and 432J. Architects architectural work, flecona floor. Royal Bank Building. Phone 1496. Res, phone 0007, AS. doolate architects, Simcoe st. 8, Over Felt Bros. Watch Repairing Swiss watchmaker, repair shop at 44% King Street West, Your pat. ronage ds solicited, your shoes fixed like new fs I corner Simcoe N. and William W, (July 30-1 mo) a hl i ---- ---------- Rates for Classified Ads. First insertion--134 cents per werd. Minimum charge 300. Three comsscutive inser tions for Shy price of tirst (msertions two (three cents a word), Minimum charge for three insertions, 60 cents. 'Pox number 10a additional Professional or Business Cards, $3.60 per month for 20 wordg-or lesa; 10 cents a word per wonth for each wdditional word, TIMES CLASSIFIED ADS COST LITTLE: AO. COMPLISH MUCR Ask for Classified AQ Department Insurance DAVIS AND ®ON, INSURANCE 19 King St, west, Oshawa, The old. ost Fire Agency in Oshawa, 30 Re. putable Fire Companies, WHEN PLACING INSURANCE consult R, N. Johns, 80 Simcoe porth, Your insurance wants at- Jendeq to and your interests pro. tected, Transportation GARTAGE AND STORAGE COLE. man's, 86 Bond west, Specialists jn furniture moving storage ware: house and moving van equipment, Phone 82, sand and cinders, dictance hauling. Smith & Cox Phone 034, 10 Bond Bt, West, ORHAWA'S OLDEST ESTAR: lished furniture movers, Park Road cartage., Local and long distance. Frank Cowle Prop. 656 Park Rd. South, Phone ns, Aug. 22-1 mo) All Classified Advertising Coming Events, Ftc. STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE of this nature. to come personally to and collect for same. This rule has been found necessary because of expense and loss arising from handling a large number of smal} arcounts For ths convenience of customers who find it inconvenient The Times' office, a telephope call will bring a messenger who will receive the advertisement "Times" Classified Ads Bring Results 'Telephone 35 1.3K FOR CLASSIFIED AD DEPARTMENT Building Supplies gravel for sale==To {asure prompt delivery, place 'ders ip advance of delivery date, W, Borrowdale Phone 1618, Second Hand Dealer NEW AND SECOND HAND FUR: niture bought and wold, 186 Bloor §t. E. Phone 1617M, (Aug. 22-1 mo) i he FPalmis MADAME WENA, FALMIET, 4b Buena Vista. Appointments. Phone UW, (Aug 3-1 mo.) MADAME BROWN, PALMIET. Phone »appointments 2030F, 93 Louisa street, (Aug. 26-1 mo) Personal WHY BUFFER T=UBE THE NEW Harmony Electro Magnetic Appli- ance, Others are obtaining health, why not you? Electro Maguotism i» one of the greatest discoveries of the 20th century. In many cases where everything 'clse has falled the Harmony Electro Magnetic Appliance has brought health, We are not out to soll you something that you are not sgtisfled will benefit you, Therefore we give you a free offer to prove what we says Is correct, When you are satisfied the Har mony will help you then it is up to you to use your own judgment, W. CO. Hutcheson, Dominion Sales Manager, 154 Willlam 8t, 8, Phone 260, Oshawa, (July 26-1 mo.) --., Beauty Parlors BETTY LOU PERMANENT WAVE Shop, Specialists in permanont, finger and marcel waving, Per manent wave prices $6, $7.60, $10 and $105, All othor lines of Beauty Culture, Phone 2068. Apply 84 Simeoe street north. . : TXPERT MARCELLING BY BET ty Ward at Betty Lou Permenent Wave Shoppe. Marcel and shaw- poo $1, Phone 2008, A Beauty Shop, 9 Celina St, We spec: falize in ladies' hair cutting, mare colling, shampooing, facials, Marce) 50 cents, Jor appiintments phone 8663, Aug. 17-1 mo) PRADY'S BARBER SHOP, § Richmond St, East, ladies' hale cutting, curling, marcelling, ete, I', M. Brady, proprietor, successor to Mr. Foshay, (47¢) Rn M---- Radio Service ¢ BATTERIES CHARGED 1] with rental $1,00, Repaired and rebuilt: Called for and delivered, Prompt service, Stan Bligdon, 20 Mill St. Phone 1880W. (Aug, 22-1 mo) SERVIOE--RE- pairs on radios, power packs and eliminators, Tubes tested and supplied, radio poles for cale. Batteries charged and repaired. Phone 8880J. Charles Wales, 146 Elgin oast. (Aug. 12-1 mo.) called for and dellvored, 760, Phone 1556J, (18Aug.-1 mo) to LOANS ON GOOD ¢ ty and farina, Apply A. J. Parke hill, 87 King St. Hast. Phone 1614, (July 81-tf) » arrange first mortgage on your rosidence, it well located, Bradley Bros, over Ward's, Simcoe South, (July 28-tf) Auctioneer 6) W, J, SULL AUC. tioneer, 346 Simcoe St. 8, Oshawa, Ont, Spesial attention given to household furniture sales and Farm. stock and Implements, Your Patron. a ieited, : " health, comfort, Personal atten. tion- and service. Phone Mrs, Blat tor, District Manager, 2180M, (Aug, 221' mo) Hemstitching NG, nine cents a yard. Pleating skirts one dollar, dresses cut and fitted perfectly, Embroidery work and all kinds of men's repairing, ete, The Dell Shop, 263; Simcoe south, Phope 1666, (Aug. 23-1 mo) PARDER AND: Money Loaned ON YOUR AUTOMORITE. CARS ro-financed, Payments reduced. Additional cash given, Terms rea. sonable, Motor Loans and Dies counts, Suite 6, 14} King st. E Phone 2700, Open evenings, (Aug, 15 tf.) : "Painting and Decorating f{ GUTEOLE, VIRST OLASS PAs perhanger, painting and graining. Prices right, work guarauteed, $40 Pine Ave., phone 3066w or 2067w, ( 731) Motor Cars ONT YOUR CAR WASHED AT Dominion Garage, 88 Bound streut west. Phone 8108, All cars at ou¢ price $1.00, (Aug. 17-1 mo) FORD TOURING, CHEAP FOR quick sale, Apply 419 Masson St, (460) condition, newly painted, good tires. Will sacrifice for quick sale, Avply Box 860 Times, (47h) : ALLY Apply Glen FOI § --10 delivery truck, §75. Road South, Lakeview Gardens. Phone 1542 r b, (48h) ituations Vacant "MONEY" EASILY, quickly earned taking orders now for our beautiful line of Personal Christmas Greeting Cards, Sell on sight, Regal Art Co, 310 Spas dina Ave, Toronto, (33a) Wanted To "Buy fm WANTED=--§0 AUREY ' GOOD land, fair buildings in exchange for splendid home in Oshawa, No agents. Plone 1360J, 300 Albert street, Oshawa, Ontario, Vie) (470) For Rent FOUR AND FIVE ROOMED MOD- orn suites including electric refrig- eration stove, lsundry conveni- ences, etc, continuous hot water supplied. Apply Bupt, phone 2671, or The Trusts and Guarantee Co, Ltd.,, manager for owner, Toronto. (27-t1) YO RENT=APARTMENT, CEN- tral, 6 rooms, newly decorated, all conveniences, lease or by the month, Boz 748 Tim 1 CHEERFUL APAMUIM business section, newly decorated, by the month or year, Box 747 Times, (163-0) APARTMENT, FURNISHED OR unfurnished, Ivery convenlence. Phone 1560 or 2347W, (ate) APARTMENT TO LET, CENTRAL All conveniences, hardwood fHoors Apply Mradiey Bros. (HLT) FIVE ROOM TRICK BUNGALOW, all conveniences, Bloor St. west, Apply J. D. Rutherford, phone 638J. (aon HOUSE TOR WENT, NEAT MOT ors office. AN conveplences, Hard. wood floors throughout (fireplace, sun parlor. Apply 01 Ritson Road North, (Aug. 20<1 mo) A TULTY FURNISHED COTTAGE on bench, after September [first Cheap. Box 62, Telephone 1, Bowmanville, (440) NICELY FURNISHED ROOM TO rent, very central, hoard {f desired 78 Bond street west, (46¢) TO RENT=HIX ROOMS, MEATED apartmeénts, partly furnished, ine cluding electric stove, also unfur- nished 6 room apt, 287 Division t. Phone 2424M, (46¢) HOUSE TO RENT. WARDWOOD floors, furnished or unfurnished or | part, conveniences, garage Immedi- | ute possession, Apply 16 Ritson Ri | N. . Ll (47h) | FOR FTNT 3 ROOM APART: | ment, Apply Bowra Electric Shop, 70 Simcoe Street North, (470) TO RENITS"8 APARTMENTE one private, one semi private, with all modern improvements, Apply Dr, F, I. Henry, 231 King Ntroel | cant, Phone 16, (47h) FOR RENT=CORY 5 ROOMED bungalo with all conveniences, MoLaughlin Blvd, 325. 7 roomeo attractive house, Church and Col. borne, $30. Phone Holden 371W (470 AVAILABLE OCTORER TIRET, 0 | roomed home, hardwood through- | out, electric mantel, blinds, fix: | tures and garage, storm windows North end, Phone R., Martin, 1143M, (470) FOR ~ RENT--3 FURNISHED rooms, every convenience for light housekeeping, Phone J388W in morning or evenings, (470) THREE UNFURNISHED ROOMS, hardwood floors, all conveniences, Centrally located, Phone 2157J, (47¢) ATTRACTIVE HOME 4 ROOMS furnished, 302 Division Street, Ea aa a lA For Sale or Rent FOR SALE OR RENT -- BRICK reasldence on north side of King ston Road west, Oshawa, formerly ocoupled by the late John Bart. lott, Gardens well planted with flowers and shrubs, Apply to Conant and Annis, Barristers, ete, Oshawa, Ontario, (W.8. Aug, 80) Articles For Sale Cl per yard, phone EH» (May 8-1) AND + WOOD load. Also bene dry Por quality and ser scry Dros, 883 r 11, sla ah oh sterous Meek Limited Phon (Avr, 2611) FOR BSALE~-HEINTZMAN CO, Ltd, pianos, new and used planos, also radios, Istest models; terms arranged, Apply C. Trull, Phone 16606J, _ (111th) = PAINTH, VARN- ishes. We have the largest assort- ment of paints, varnishos, etc, in in the city, The Paint fitore 80 King street west. (Apr. 38 tf) For BALY=NEW vi USED bicycles, accessories, auto tiren and tubes, also clean household furniture, Kverything clearing cheap, 164 Eulalle Ave, (Aug, 1-1 mo) -- N~ TIMBER chiefly pine. A snap for quick slo, Phone 1767J, (48a) APPLES GOLDEN SWEETS, $1.00 per barrel undelivered, Phone 143 r 6, Bowmanville, John Aldwworth, (48d) WAXING BRUSH, OAK ROCK: ing chalr, doll carriage, veranda gate, kitchen table, Phone 070J. (480) ders, black loam. §(67 rvice Caulking to get your house caulked, makes house warmer, saves fuol, shuts out insects, drafts and dampness, stops window leaks, gives comfort, For estimates apply to J, H, Law- son, route 2, Oshawa, phone 723 ra (Aug. 21-1 mo) Real Estate For Sale TOW SATE LOVELY i ROOMED Whitby home with hardwood floors all conveniences, Garage, chicken house, spacious lawns and gardons, paved street, very attractive, Phone Holden 871W (47h) FOR RALE-TROTENTY, LOT ho x 110, Good louse, nll con venlences Small payment down, Also Findlay range, largo size, splendid condition, Apply 01 Ar lington Ave, (48a) FOR BALE=#1,500 BQUTTY IN six-roomed wsolld brick wseml-bung alow, three plece bath, hardwood floory and chestnut trim, white en amel upstairs side drive, lot 47% x 114 feet, paved street, north off Simcoe, Will suerifice, Apply box 872 Times (480) Agents Wanted DON'T WORRY SALARY INCREASED SELLING Imperiul . Art ""MadesIn-Canada' Christmas Greeting Cards, Solecs tion entirely now, Novelty and beauty combined, at. prices un- equalled elsewhere, Bample book went on approval to reliable men and women only, Write "Imperial Art", 61 Wellington West, To: ronto (Aug, 2% to Rept, 30) yaaa es l--A Work Wanted MIDDLE AGED TADY DESIRES position, housekeeping, either town or country, Apply Box 868, Times (471) ™ E----- I Art A ET NEGEE, ART TEACHLR, Instenctions given in all branches of Art, in harmony with rules used in the hest European Schools of Art Portrait and landscape painting a specialty, Sittings from life by ap- pointment, 203 King St. East, Phone JI03W, Ashay Ont (47¢) ARS mr -- =r Farm To Rent FARM TO RENT=T95 ACRES AT Oshawa Harbour, First class land In good state of cultivation, Good bhulldings and improvements, Im- mediate - possession to plough, I'ull possession April 1st, 1981, Apply to G, D, Conant, Barrister, &e,, Oshawa, Ontario. (W-8 Oct, 1) ak FEE -------- ---- SEL ITT Wanted To Rent WANTED T0 RENT BY RESPON: sible party four room bungalow, Good locality, also six room house with option of purchase. Phons 0027, (400) WANTED TO RENT BY EX- perienced farmer, first class farm from one to two hundred acres. Apply Rox 871 Times, (470) WANTED T0 RENT BITHER small furnished apartment or furnished housekeeping rooms, Must have all conveniences, State torms, Apply Box 873 Times, (48¢) WANTED ONE LIGHT HOUSE. keeping room, Central. Box 806 Times, (48a) Dressmaking 0 the day or sew at home, Phone 4810W, (Aug. 21-1 mo) fm AND children's dress and nurses' unl- forms. Phone 677J or call at 211 Albort Bt, (Aug. 18-1 mo) I] Music LEONARD RICHER, RAM, Su- pervisor of Music Public Schools, di- rector of Music Oshawa Collegiate. Lessons: Violin, Theory, ete. Only limited number of pupils accepted 052 Carnegie Ave, Phone 2578F, : oe (Aug. 251) MRE MEREDITR "MOFFATT," A. T.C.M,, Is prepared to take a lim- ited number of pupils in plano forte, Apply 90 Roxborough Avenue, Phone 3611W, Aug. 27-1 mo) Lost and Found AMALL LEATHER PURE CON- taining small sum of money, Own- or may have same by proving pro- perty and paying for ad at 492 Simcoe Bt, 8, (48a) I EU ia EH iLL Room and Board AMNRACTIVE™ ROOM WITH hoard for two collegiate pupils, Apply 288 Golf stiest, (48¢c) BE a. ----e , Pets and Live Stock. FOR FALE THOROUOWRRED pups, 3 fox terriers, one chese- penke, 2 beagles, Phone 1263W, (480) A RT I 4 For Sale or Exchange FON PALE ON EXCHANGE 0 room veneer house, garage, In good locality In exchange for small house In the city or acreage out nide, Box 874 Times, (48¢c) Simi Contracting NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the matter of the estato of Alfred Frederick Hind, late of the City of Oshawa, in the County of Ontario, Police Magistrate, docons- od, Notice is hereby given, that all creditors and others having claims or demands ugainst the owtate of Alfred Frederick Hind, who dled 'on or ahout the 11 day of August, 1030, at the City of Toronto are required, on or hofore the 1st day of September, to send by post, prepaid, or deliver tuo J. A, Me- Gibbon, solicitor for the executors of the last will and testament of the suid deceased, thelr Christian names and surnamos, addresses and descriptions, the full particu~ lars, In writing, of their claims, a statement of thelr accounts, and the nature of the security, if any, hold by them, And take notice that after such last mentioned date the wald exec- utor will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties entitled there- to having regard only to the claims of which it shall then have notice and that the said executor will not he Hable for the snid assets or any part thervof to any person or per. sons of whose claim notice shall not have haen recoived by fit at the time of such distribution, J. A, McGIBBON, Dominion Bank Chbrs. Oshawa, Ontarlo, Holleltor for the Kxecutors, Dated at the City of Oshawa this 11th day of August AD, 1030, io € A "LONG LETTER" Halifax, N.8.==A Detroit Iady who Is visiting In Halifax knows now that sonia man keep thelr pro- mines to write long letters, When she was leaving her Home, tho lady asked her father to write her all the news to Halifax, and that gentle. man, who Is 756 years of age, pro- CONTRACTING = CONURETE | == plastering, electric oi aiterations. Phone 180 for estimates. (1ste) Help Wanted--Female WANTED AT ONCE=EXPERT- onced general, references, Phono 122, Whitby, for temporary position, Apply In person North American Life In surance Company, 51 King street oast, Thursday morning, (48a) WANTED--CO0K, OGENERAT, must be experienced. Apply 425 Simcoe North. Phone 2791), 5 (48a) WANTED AN EXPERTENCED soneral, one willing to work out of eity. Apply stating experience, ete, to Box 870 Times, (470) COOR GENERAL WANTED. 1X. porienced. Apply 184 Celina Street, (48a) "Auction Sale THE UNDERSIGNED WAS RE. colved Instructions to sell at Public Auction on the premises South half lot 10, concession 8, Township ot Whithy, on Tuesday, September and, 1930, commencing at 1,30 p.m, sharp (standard time) the farm stock, standing crops and Implements of Mr, N, H. Hircock, including the following: 2 heavy wagans; 1 single plough; 1 set bobaleighs; 1 gang plough; 1 stone boat; 1 hay rack; 1 binder; 2 nots harrows; 3 horse rakes; 3 cultivators; 1 buggy; 1 cutter; 1 mood drill: 1 light wagon; 1 mows ing machine; | fanning mil; 1 souffler;' 6 horses; 2 cows; a stand- Ing erop of buckwheat; standing corn; 60 chickens: 10 ducks; 8 Reese; and other articles too num- orous to mention. Terms Cash, Willlam Maw, Auctioneer, (48-51) INTERESTING MOMENTO Fredericton, Ing momento of the first repairs to the steeple of Wilmot United Church in this city, made in 1887, wan discovered hy workmen employ- od In rejuvenating the tall spore re- cently, A small aguare of lead cov. ering taken from the wrist band of "Thumbs up" the large human hand surmounting the spire was found to have inscribed on it the names of James W, Briggs and the late John F, Payne, The two men were working on the steeple when It, was first staged to the top a height of 108 feet, forty-three years ago. ---------------- It should be noted that the excess sive heat of the last few days was the "roorback" from different parts of anada on July 28.~Regina Leader: ost, N.B.--=An interest.' | EATON GROCETERIA It Pays To Shop | Here Always ---_ mised he would, His daughter in- 'sisted that it bo & "really long let~ ter," and Mr, I, W. Warren, the father, answered quite gravely that he would send a long letter, The letter arrived, It was written on 1-4 fnch ribbon paper, 23 1-2 yards in length, EXCHANGE=84 Acres beautle ful home and surroundings. All modern, Also 40 acres and barn. Ideally located. Willing to take my 100 acres, brick house, hip roof barn, bush, creek, all close to Oshawa; for Oshawa property. Don't walt but write Box 8085, Times. wr ROYAL YORK ores Tag | 28¢ Half Pound At all Superior Pkg. Expert Watch Repairing ug STORE 4 to es i ds PHONE 22 For Your Drug Needs THOMPSON'S 10 Simcoo Bt. B, «= We Deliver C3 Machinery Repairing » NUTHING 200 LARGE NOTHING 100 SMALL AdanacMachine Shop 101 King St, W, Phone 1214 Em COAL COAL Phone 108 W. J. SARGANT Yard-=ti) Bloor Atroet MN. Orders Promptly . Delivered' LUMBER F. L. BEECROFT Whitby Lumber ang Wood Lard t*hone Oshawa 834 Whitby 18 REPAIRING WATCHES OUR SPECIALTY It your watch is uot §i¥ing satisfaction we can rephit and make it tell the correct time D. J. BROWN THE JEWELER Official Watch Inspector tor Canalian Nattonal and Osh. awa Railroads * 10 King St. W, hone 180 | Men's Suits. Regular | $25.00. Special... 912,90 Dominion Clothing Co. ' | U8 King St, W. [I'hone 2141 The Leading Jeweler Established 1880 12 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH ||. Ontario Motor Sales Ltd. Felt Bros: EU ll FREE 3 POINT ADJUSTMENT Check ignition, clean and ade Just points, adjust carburetor on Chevrolet Cars, 1028 to 1030 models, , * 99 Simcoe St, South ---- Zn [HumBiR (© 4 ATHOIL I W ( . Diamonds! " Bassett's. On Oshawa's Main Corner FEECS Use CEMENT BLOCKS 'For Fireproof Garage W. BORROWDALE 80Q. Carnegie Ave. Phone 1058 EAR-- 1 ORT pig {TW / and glasses ELLA CINDERS---Setting Up Exercises a #1 0 AL Su Sy - ALKED ALL RN e Sem BOUND THE RST uP BY | AND \ by JH WAS & RA \C, \ Move on A 5 a § SNOW BE CARS

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