Oshawa Daily Times, 26 Aug 1930, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, AUGUST 26, 1930 hd PAGE FIVE Women's Interests in the Home --- and the Community SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Mys, P, Kelly has returned after spending a week in Moptresl, as the guest of her hyother, Mr, John Hajotte, Miss Audrey Rombough and Miss Vi Wilher are spending 8 week al Island Grove, Lake Bimeoe, My, and Mrs, Burnham of Vert Wayne, Ind, were guests las night aL the Geposha Hotel, Mr. and Mrs. PP. 8, Rombough are spending their vacation at Island Grove Inn, Lake Eimeoe, Mr, Pred Beott. Montreal, forme erly of Llewellyn Hall Is in town visiting with Mr, Ployd Rombough J.P. Hittinger of Chicago, Is staying at the Genosha Hotel while visiting the Exhibition, He will leave this week end for his home, Miss Hazel Holmes has returned home after spending n week's vaca. tion at Inglewood Lodge, Wasaga Beach, Mrs Kast, summer at Sturgeon Paint, turned to town Mr, and Mrs, Ross Perry attend ed the funeral of the late Mrs James Moore of Napanee on Thurs day last, and while In that town visited My, William MeCabe Dr, and Mrs, A, W Bimeoe Street South have guests Lhe latter's parents, Mrs ¥, J. Butensehoen Michigan Mr. and Mrs, J, lL. Heauvias of Montreal, who has béen visiting friends in this district and who has heen at the Genosha Hotel for the past few days leaves today for his home in Munissing, Mich Dr, H, B HReland in town, staying al Hotel, Dr, Beland who |8 aceoms panied hy his wife Is grranking group insurance In two local plants H. H WwW. H, Ross, King Bireel who has heen spending the has re Harding ns Lhely Mr, and of Flint, of Ottawh, 1s the Genosha Crumhorn and H, M, Carl son of New Yark City, auditors for the G.M. A.C, are in town on busi ness and ave staying at the Genosha Hotel Mrs, J. H, Hillinan and ter stopped off at the Ceposho Hotel last night to visit friends In this eity while on their way ta thel summer cotlage al Hegumuris, Ont, dough» Other guests at the Genosha last night ineluded GQ, J. O'Connell af Pittsburgh, Pa, and W, Williams son, dispriet representative of the Heing Company from Peterhore Mackay of the HAritish Associations In Many of the phiysielans and Hritain will he Dr, "Archibald Id ats tending a meeting Canadian Medical Winnipeg this week, most distinguished surgeons of Creat praesent Mr, and Mrs, Ross. Perry and son, Karl, Brock Street, Myr, and Mrs: Hubert Chase, Colborne street spent the first of last week In the Kawartha Lake diastriet Mr, anna Mrs, Hubert Chase are at present spending a holiday at Frankford Miss Eleanor MeLaughlin whose marriage to Mr, Churchill Mann of Toronto takes place on Haturday afternoon 18 heing greatly enter: tained, her honer, Mrs' Fred Carswell, Mus, Krie Henry, Miss Helen Willlama, Miss Margaret Tamblyn, Mrs, Max Evans, Mrs Roland Moffatt gf Oshawa enter tained last week, Last evening Mrs, John Pangman, sister of the hride was hostess at-a delightful supper party at her summer home @t Whithy Heach and yesterday after. noon Miss Margaret MeCausland of Toronto one of the hridesmalds, In TET E i in oy ly, AB vandartily | Tye y children: After my T= |gette with Misses Tessie and Katheyine Hens drick ave among lenders of (the American invasion of Britain for, although danghters of a New York Tawyor, Veank Hendrick, they them: selves belong to the English = bar, gaye a tan at the Lambton Golf Club I Mi Misses Penn, of Mr, und Mrs Laughlin at Parkwood are louise Black of Ol Ci) and Ruth Cowan of Mantreal, hoth are to be hridesmaids at the wed ding of Miss Eleanor Melaughlin to Mr, Churehill Maun of "Tors onto, which 1s to take place an Bal urday of this week I'he other bridesmaids sre Mes, Bruce King, Miss Helen Bieele, Miss Margaret MeCausland, Miss Betty Ellsworth and Miss Mary Mann of Toronto and Miss Tanhel Melaughlin and Mrs, Evie Phillips, sls of the Weddings HUBER==M¢INTY HH A vary pretty wedding was solem nized gt Bt. Andrew's Saturday afternoon at four-thirty n'elock, when KHeaheth Hoyd, youngest daughter of Mr, and Mrs Matthew Molntvre of Oshawa was united In marriage to Mr. Hepp Wilfred Huber of Toronto, Hey, ¥ M, Maxwell, pasting the church ofMeinted The Wie pret Lily decorated with asters, gladiolas and palm ferns The bride enter ed the church to the stralng of Lo hrengring Wedding Mareh played on the organ hy Mi W. Henley Hhe was given in marvinge hy her father Her charming wedding gown wis of shell pink Chantiliey Ince and net and the hat 1a mateh was of mohair trimmed with vel vel Hey only ornament wus a string of seed pearls, The bride's houguet was of Beiaraliffe roses and valley lilies, Miss Kathleen Wells, hridesmald looked lovely, wearing # Ireneh gown of pale green geor Ine moahuiy hat with velvel 1 of the sama dellente shode phe carried hutterfl he hrothe) Mi Ihe tha Grant y Ciliesls ters ehuren and Hmiinge arm and groom was al Mr. Lloyd Hans M¢ hride peted ning of Sang "Hes hauguet of TOs hahy's breath tended hy hi Huber of Montreal Intyre heather of Wehey During the register, Mrs Cale," Following the ceremony tion was held at the where Mre, Melntyre mother of thy hride received in black Eeovgetts over shell pink and Mrs, Huber in # gown of printed silk. Each wore oorsake hoilguets of hutterfly roses and Hiles of the valley The groom's gif was & diamond dinner ring bridesmaid a heautiful silver oom pact, to the best man gold cuff Hinks and the sololst™ necklace Af ter the reception the happy enuple left for a short haneymaon amid a shower of confetti and good wishes he bride travelled in a smart three plece jersey sult with hat of dark hrown felt and suede hoes and purse to mateh, The handsgme array gifts including weveral testified ta the esteem the hride is held, My Huber carey with them the hest wighes of thelr numerous friends for many years of wedded happiness, On thelr return the young coupla will reside in Toronto, LF] ARRET TP HILLS On Haturday afternoon, August 284, at three o'clock, Ht, George's Chureh, Centre Street was the scene of a very pretty wedding, when Ada Phillips, daughter of Mv. K, A. Phils lips and the late Ms, Phillips, of England, became the hride of Gam net Garrett, of Oshawa, only son of Mr, and Mrs, G, Garrett, Centre ft, Oshawa, The bride who was give n In marriage by her unele, Mr, G, D, Amith of this elty, was prettily ats tired In a gown of white celenese orepe with tulle weil, eap fashion and carried a bouquet of pale pink POseN, Her two bridesmaida,* Misses Nancy Ciag and Anple Willets of Oshawa wore hecomingly designed dresses of pale blue with hroad brimmed hats to mateh and cam [ry fiennsha Hote) to the hride to the of costly cheques which and Mpa, SUMMER SALE Where Talks at the F ASHION SHOPPE Phone Hosaw Fall HORIERY A ; : ATKINS HOSIERY & LINGERIE SHOP Neay Cor, Kin Lnited ghuveh | Hore eps heing geaduntes of Oxford and members of the Middle Temple hay in London, They are veturning to the United wintes next week (o ale tend the Chicago meeting of the American Bar Association, Mr, Hob hestinian of the ried Lyons Mrs houguels of uelers of Oshawa Whi (h, Garret groom entertained following the mother al a reception wedding Kighty KUEsIs were present In the sven ing the marvied couple left for a motor trip to New York, Hinols | and Detroit and on thely return they will reside an Gibh Street, Osh. AwWR WTRONGER BOND | NUPPLY PRICES AN DRIES LP With litle municipal Apancing the hond market the high-grade honds strong, says The The Noating supply of the hest is sues Is helleved to he low and the few municipal issues that have heen offered this summer have hrought good prices Investment hankers consider that the present time Is mast apportune far municipalities tn nance and | ted that there will he # noticeable Inerepse in municipal Anancing the new government and coming Into demand for continues tn he Financial Post In axpar nee gsneronusly SOLINA my Bolina, Aug, 18 ~My €, Howsum were with (Wedron on Sunday, The Sunday Behool met al Widad with 87 members present with Messrs, Wervy and Balson ax Supt and Ase't Bupl, The session wins opened hy singing Hymus 21 and 191, followed hy prayer hy My, gin Taylor with My, B, (5, Slavens vending the lesson and the closing hymn, Thera was no presching service as the representative of the Bible Boelely did not arvive Dy, Vred Heatlle, Indiana, and Mrs, Dr, MeCullough, Oronn, ealled on Mr, and Mrs, Thos, Waker on Monday Mrs, Wilcox, My whank, Peterboro, with Mrs, H, Tink Miss [devin Reeves, Hampton, vig ted with Mr, and Mrs, John Vaseos recently On Tuesray night some Lh rave of young and older people gathered wl the home of Mr, Alan Mele sock to welcome hWmself and hig heide (nee nn Bmith of Thane ford, This they did with shooting and tin pans, After dots of noes and commotion Mrs. DJ, Mele sock served a splendid Yuneh to the purty and My Alan Melsossonk repaid the hunch for wind they journeyed fo no hel rel Finding nll business over in thi village they went to Moanlskillen where hey met with hatter suceo Mr, and" Mes, 1, U', Bnowden nnd family, Maple Grove, spent Manda avening as the guests of ho Hake IT Dawnll Kunkle hur Mi Murvion Parry Darathy with My Elgin and Mre friends al and Mew, Crilh visited recently thelr nose Humpton anjny Vern Baker and My, Bam spent Wednosday evening u of My, and Mrs. Elmer Wil Mrs Mi Hori Williams Goerrow, of Mrs, Norman William Niagara, spent Thu and Mra, (1, How Taylor met with ful accident while thre nelghhor's When maunting ladder to the mow i FILE BAYEe Wa and Mr, Taylor fell against 1h vhine tag the Aor King his and and My wna ii Bin A pin hing ul a» hiren log For that | Vin price hay holliday season Is nver | Pht block eos Impy Knows When to Sit Stil] LE AN By Thornton Ww. Burgess Vor learning theve is small excuse I knowledge he not pl 10 use, Old Mother Nature Clipmunk had a #on whose cont was sll black, His name with Imps eam the tip of his tall to the tip af Wis nose Impy wis bined Ha couldn't have heen Ile lien Now, thin meant that Finpy had to be smart, Had he heen Otherwise, | alll not have Hyved long. Yon Fhe rules of Vife for # chipmunk with un striped cont wold not wlways he the right rile with un There wid place where, If felped Chipmunk, sal would he tle helng ween That triped cost would wirroundings hist keanest ¢ faye ripe HEE ar ah Wine con! ware fin lil fut ha perfectly stitl, there hin fie | th danger of Wis hey fn Hp he mn nk nly notheed Ho Hut Ip "on Ihe conditions notlead ight sway of wouldn't he at all raunding I would On the other hand wind places where would he go tmpy had You ot differences wet of rules cond axeepl exper hadn't heen Hyved vor niet ne wg he Hike ihe tand ri thet ree time Biriped ( hit ont Wipmunh Hoan nt Hi eranees mithes whnla ii Vein the tmpy hind (0 len Ha had ta lewrn a inl fe Himsa Lope him i my dnt hinve wid ogi Wh NO one Wm to fn ind that he had tn when he 0 Malley in the wean win fn Ost harply nthe full i Ines could ore thers un Wea he WhH Bh desp comparatively hecihune the shadow eiell To the French dressmakers, the neckline is more than a place in the frosk to slip the head threughi it is the eeeasion for ingenuity, the Vogue sketch at Nha loft, above, will indicate, The collar that surmounts the sketch is taken fram a tweed dress by Werth, It is of white hand: kevehiof linen, a straight band, fin: ished with twa tiers of fine pleating: At the upper left is shawn another lingerie collar, tucked and hom: stitehed in vegular vows, The wal: vole is achieved hy the simple jahat, dean Patou gives dash te a white pique collar by a how that alips through slits on ane side, What ean he dene with a tie is illustrated hy the. twa lower suggetsions, At the loft Mivande uses on a jersey dress a band of linen te fallow the neck: line, This then slips threugh under 'the hadies, the vevers and ties in a soft how, Al the right is the striped silk searf whieh slips through applied tabs in front of The costume at the right of the layeut is a fall mode hy Made: lan, whigh is a aporta ensemble for the smart deb. It ia of embraidered black wanl evepe. The short jacket in single-hyeasted, and a jaunty sear! lends flash ta the dainty eveation,= Sketeh is hy Vogue, + wis hinek and he was hack Impy took to looking for shadows Then, tan he liked the late site noon, when Wack shadows hegan Lo eran Across the old stone wall His father, hig mother and brothers and gis tars didn't Vike that time of day we wall, and they all want lo anriinr than Impy wold stay oul quite lute, for felt snfer and was safer than wny other time of day; #11 hecnise hee could nol so easily he seen One day Linpy and Biripsd Chip mink were glone will with striped Chipmunk In the lead, He was quite a Hite digtanen ahead down helwean old. wall and disappeared knMw instantly (hat Striped munk had seen an enemy of wort: hut Just he didn't know the enemy himself Now Impy might have wiso dodged down he tween the stones of the old wall, hut he did nothing of the kind In the frst place, ha wanted to And wha! the danger was If dodged down into the wanldn't he ahle gnnmy wa Now (he sun was shining height | Fust tn front of Tmpy was 8 hig On one side wis # heavy the wtones of Chip HOME nul In wes Who the Kone hadow dia? In mped stopped I'here hie k TWEEN hued the shadow Impy Win almost hinek Hn much # moment Mharpshin the twinkling of an ey into that shadow und You, nly he stopped snl perfectly still, Just him was an opening he the slones That was fa apentng for 1 tan, whe Mo averyihing arnuna hinrk nr alt least He didn't move no whisker In wha should appear hut the Hawk Impy held his hraath He knew how swiftly tharpshin could sirike; he knew Kean were the ayes of sharp shin. Ho Impy held his breath and Kept perfectly still Hhaurpahin didn't see him at hi nf nn how Ina moment he had passed and wis why to hunt elsewhere, Then Kleked up his heels and frisk od nlong the tap of the old stane wall to Join Wis father, He had know when to keep still and had Kept still (Copyright I'he Warning BENNETT CABINET on hi Fmnpy 1hith, 'p, W Impy Hiurgous) next story Hus a ALL RE-ELECTED (Continued. from Page 1) hy Friday or Saturday, hy date, ton, Pramier Bennett will he in the elty after a stop=ayver in Win. In Kapp an Angapement Ministers Nieoted Memamhars of the Cabinet slect od hy acelamation today are Han. 1, 1 Rennett, Prime Mind itor, Prastdent of the Privy Coun ofl, Meoretary of Nate for I Jin O. O'Keefe's Dry time rae ik nipex GINGER i lke 0 Wi fio Hiriped Chipmunk, and hed fometimes he he wt rinning along the old suddenly he dived the Impy who thst enemy wah for he couldn't see he nld wall he What do you think Impy which Kxternal ee, in the han: (al TR) WEDNESDAY COME EARLY FOR Drapery Chintz & Madras Curtain Muslin ONLY 250 YARDS OF EACH TO SELL THE CHINTZ in 10 Patterns--A Yard Wide, THE MADRAS in 5 Patterns--A Yard Wide, ON WEDNESDAY MORNING AT 830 am For 1Q¢C Yard J A Alfilre Minis ey Finuner Calgary Han figties and Wellington Hon, H, 0H, Kleven Trade and Commerce hi Hon Hullwa Hon, | Nations! Hon General, Han Minute Health Hon uhh Han, nnd of West Hugh Guthrie AtLorney-tisneral, CAMPERS BLAMED FOR FOREST FIRES Algoma Tourists Being Cautioned---Woods Very Dry Hie. Maria, Ont, Aug, 24, It was reported last night that the hush fire on the Ghost River in the Puckasaw area, was still out of control, and that 60 men are Aghts Ing 1 with four pumps, The fire is still In the slashings where it has heen hurning for several days now, There wre also two campers' fires in Jarvis township, opposite Belles via an the CR, on the north hore of an fuland, There are two Nres townehip, one started hy herry plekers and the other hy campers One of the fives 18 under contre! and the other has heen extinguish: od The campers' Are near Mashfamna Lake, back of the phalon, Is under control The rangers are holding a Are haok at Point Aux Pins, which hat heen hurning for several days on the round there The hush Is very dry and those who enter It are esutioned to he very careful of any fra they may find It necessary to use, Minister of Houth Minister Kant Kools nN H, J. Manion Minister of Hnmin, wnt Port Witham HH, Wyckman, Minlgter of Hevenue, Taronto Kast Arthur Hinuve, Postmaster favalTwo Mountalng nl Murray Mua loan of Penstons and Nations) Maint John-Alheyt H, A, Mewart, Ministe) Warks, |eed H, Cahan Mintle, Bi, Lawrence:pl Hon. OD, M Maul nf decrutnry of George utherland, Minister National Defence Oxford. North Han, Alfred Duranlenu, Minister of Marine, Chambly-Verecheras Hon, Thomas CG, Murphy, Ministey of Interior wand Muperintendents Ganeral af Indian Affairs, Neepawa Man ' Hon In Wiriker Maurie General, Quebe Hon, W, A fmmigration Minister of Mouth Hon, Rahert Wale, Minletoy Ariaulture, Melfort, Mask, Dupre, Hollelior Want Gorden, Minister of and Colontgation sand Mines Timiskaming of DEEN AFTER BRIDGE GAME Walaton-Lalle, Hungary Hyoly "post-mortem on the ylay in A hides game hers eaused he death of Countess Alpdar Janko vieh The Countess heepme sn ox clted during the discussion us to how whe should have played oe fuin cards that she suffered an at tnek of npoplasy and died In a fow Mminuies, "Caroline is false to the league," phrl growled at a strawberry festival "Ilse How sof" sald a visitor from the eit "Here we are," the gl! evplained ellng kisses for charity, hi Carn line {a hootlegging them outside the moonlight! L in 3 Lm , 2 LE mellowed and © sparkling champagne it is aged in Witeied by You can get it at whan nd restaurants, or, for home a rare old wine, 1a battle cartons from ell TILLIE HET TOILER--A "Paper" Rival Gi por BE BES | EA BuO N I$ NOT a. nA ON AM GEE TILLIE, | Wi | GOULD THINK "THAT LTR King Fenn gndoain (oe, Gionr Brin vig seed KEEFE'S BEVERAGES LIMITED By Russ Westowym LET ME HAVE A BOX OF OAL sehen WHEN THIS LETTER ARR\VES AT THE opriGE TOMORROW SHELL WAV Som HING TO THINK Nt A

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