Oshawa Daily Times, 23 Aug 1930, p. 7

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATUDAY, AUGUST 23, 1930 PAGE SEVEN ' ROVERS WIN-- DISTRICT ATHLETES DO WELL--INTER. AVERAGES Unassisted Double Plays Feature Game Between Whitby and Whitby Rovers Defeat Chos- "en Friends 18.56 -- R. Reece Has Two Unassist- ed Double Plays and M. | Blow Has One -- Rove ors Show Distinct Supe periority Double plays, those flashing bits of fielding which can squelch A threatening situation so efféct~ ively, have been searce In Oshawa softball this year, Unassisted double plays have been even more searce, And three double plays, ull unassisted, all in one kame, wis A foal 'unheurd of before lust night's Whitby HRovers----Cholen Frionds gume, Miss I, Reece, who holds down the middle station for the Chosen Priends, was the standout of the avoning with two of the three (wos ply killings, Once In the thivd, aud Again in the eighth, she spenred a Huer out of the alr, and. stepped on the bag to nullify the efforts of two Whitby butters, Miss M Blow, of the Whithy outfit, hud the third to her credit in the first funing, Chosen Vriends put up a game struggle, as they usually do, but ones mors were doomed to defeat by the speeding league loaders Quthit 15 to ¥, the Chosen Vrlends Also stole only one base to nine for the county towners, the net result being 18 runs for Whithy, and B for the I"'rlends A truly appalling number of ors rors marred the game No loss than 22 misplays were noted hy the official scorer, with the xullt aqually divided, 11 to ench tedm, Gy Nowman, Whitby catcher, and B. Snowden, Chosen backstop, shared the doubtful honor of lead ing In this department, with four apiece. Miss Long and Miss Wilson, of the winning nine, were the home run sluggers of the game, Miss Long's four ply bingle came in the Chosen Friends LB third, with one runner on bases, while Miss Wilson connected for the clrenit in the sixth, with two un and two out, Whithy Rovers scored in every Anning but (the eighth, and wern never behind, They rushed in a pair in the first, and added lo thelr totul steadily throughout the game, Vour runs in the third, when three successive. Friend er- rors loaded up the bases, and an- other quartette of counters in the woventh, wided materially in run. ning up thelr total, The Friends started off bravely in the first Inning, Miss Moody singled, Miss Snowden walked, and pair of passed balls eawed In wu couples of runs before Miss Blow stepped In with her double killing, Again in the fifth they eame neross with a brace of runs, After two had heen retired, Miss Wil. cox gnined un life on a bid through the hox, scored ns an error, and two healthy hits followed In quick neces ion, Facod with a 14 run deficit the lust half of the ninth, Friends did not lose hope, Miss Wilson doubled to start the ine ning off, and eame home on Miss Moody's hit before the Yast out Wis mando, One run wag all they could dibble oft thelr red ink standing however, and the Move ere, with the final putout, found themuolves more firmly entrench. ed In first place In the second half of the league core by innings Whitby Rovers in the 31 42:13 40 1-18 Chosen Friends «00020001 4) Rovers--L, Watson, ah; H Allawny, rf; M, Forrester, "Mm; NB, Long, ¢f; M, Blow, 1h; J Wilson, ahi KE, Watwon, If; G, Newman, ¢; FF, Lott, p Friends Reece, 2b; ™ Moody, vf; BH. Snowden, ¢; C, Bib lock, pi A, Parrell, ib; A Fisher, ef; J, Morgan, ef; K, Hiblock, sn} W, Wilcox, 1h; J, Darling, If; n Wilson, ss; Cunliffe, 1h Umpires--Dell and Fair, | What Others Say About GENE SARAZEN LEADS FIELD AT ORION R m----" Orion, Mich, Aug, 23. ~Gene Sar zen of New York yesterday led the field of 7) qualifiers for Saturday's final round of the thirtieth annual western open. champlenship, The stocky little Lialian professional broke par hy three strokes in today's 18-hole round, with a 69 for a Jo-hole total of 142 and took a two stroke lead over his closest competitor, I ------ Tn ------" Geo. Sproule Will Play for Brampton | In Today's Game Brampton, Aug, 44.-~A large crowd gave the Kxcelslors a fine send-off yesterday when they en trained on thelr chartered CV. R, | conch for Montreal for the semi. fina! CA L.A, sudden death game ngainst Montreal M.A AA, team The locals had received no intima tion that Tad Nesve would nol he going and expect to present their strongest twelya for the very. Im portant gama, 'They expressed con fidence that they will be vietorious In the Montreal fixture, hut will take nothing for granted, and that old ally of defent, over-confidence, is not accompanying them on the trip Cieorge Rproule, who was oul of the last game with injuries, hax fully recovered, and will ha al his old position for this important tt He wan given a great hand by the fans and has heen the recip! ent of congratulations nll week pinee he was awarded the Jimmy Murphy Memorial Trophy, for heing the most valuable player to his team In the OA 1LA, Hproule, has no enemies In lacrosse, A smart, claver player, ha has also heen a ureat hooster for the sport among the juniors and juveniles, and hap often gratuitously given his servic es in the eapacity of referee, when ft has taken the gate roceipis to pay the visiting team's expenues It is expected that more than a hundred Brampton and district fans will he in Montreal tomorrow to cheer ofl the O.A. L.A. title-hold ors Campbellford-Oshawa Game | Campbelliord, Aug. 21 (By xam. iner Staff Correspondent With continuous and efficient use of the hickory in an old-time gume of la crosse, Oshawa fell before the Camp hellford squad with « J. score in the first game of the play-offs be tween thess teams' for the suprema of the intermediate group of th OALA, staged in Campbelliord Wednesday afternoon The game was a hard fight from start to finish and one where hard knocks were given and taken, advantage was given away hy either A NO team, and each side pressed for the nets: to pile up the score, Oshawa scored the first goal in the. first veriod, and the game remained with an adverse count of ane goal against Dampbellfard until the lust period, when the Millers swept to the fore hy netting the ball three time "Buster" Whitton for the Camp hellford team had the misfortune to collide with MH, Luke's stick In the first period, with the result that he sustained wu hroken nose, Rut this did not prevent him from playing the game, and when he was doctored up by Dr, Haig, he went into. the line=up and carried on to the finish Severe Checking Tailor-made : Tulormde $95 ()) Scotland Woollen Mills | 8, ROTINH, Manager aa TR Ye CAREW Both teams were dlter their op ponents, with the result that checks ing wis severe and play hard, Ale though rough In many places some pret combination was staged by hath forces, The last period was the fustest and showed signs at times of becoming a scramble, but the bell rang belore any such misfortune helell : Ingram Injured Lhe gate at this game was the best that has been seen this season in Canmipbellford After last Wednes diuy's exhibition, when Oshawa went lo defeat helore Camphellford, the locul funs looked for a tie ut least, and were hilariously happy when the hoys finished victors, Oshawa put up uw good fight and seemed to try to half the score after the first period, but this they were unable to-do when Campbellford staged the comeback in the last innings. Pred Ingram of the Campbellford aggregation had to leave the field after the second period with u sprained shoulder and was out for the rest of the game. In the ah sence of Ao Armstrong, Pete King of Millbrook acted as referee Only four penalties were awirded maine, three against Oashawa ind one against Camphelliord in the FOURTH STRAIGHT Fon PIRATEN Pittsburg, Aug, 23.014 Tom Zachary was hit freely in the pinch en, while Larry Wrench kept Hos ton's nine hits weattered hern yew terday and Pittsburg defeated Row ton 10 to 0, The hitting of "Pls" Taylor, Pleats third-haseman and captain, alded his club to run up the large seore ADDITIONAL SPORTS | Toronto Wins 5th Straight From Orioles Toronto, August 24. «"Thare way a time when the coming of the Or. foles to Toronto would strike terror into the hearts of the Leafs and the fans, But (t's not that way in the present eampalgn For the 14th time this season the Lonin yesterday defentad the lock eight of the 14 victories he Ing reeled off at the Fleet Nireet park, The score yesterday was § to 1 Art Warring, stubby right-hander held the so-called sluggers from Baltimore to five hits, nttered | aver as many innings an his team: | mates slammed the offering of Lou Koupal and Foster Bdwards for 12 fneluding a triple hy Billy Rogel) and successive doubles by Joe Rab. bit and Rueky Burke, Bi Btroner. Orioles third bases man, spoiled a shutout for Herring when he lined the ball over the aft field barrier In the second Inning for a home run, The smash gave the Orioles thelr only weer of the game, Fow hits were squandered hy the Leafs, They grouped three with a Heinte Sand fumble for two vans in the opening inning, and two with a sacrifica and a passed ball for a pair In the fourth GI's Muff Telps A ningle, two doubles and a mupt out in left field by Gil enabled the Loaf to rush over a trin of tallies in the fAfth, Rogell's triple and Burke's long fly In the sixth ac counted for the Leafs' final run of tha game, Herring was well supported at avery point, the Leafs playing bril. lantly afield, thelr plekups, scoops and go.get-'em efforts in the outs fiold almost driving the Orioles tn distraction, and rite Maize, the "lock pilot, was ready to snatch the few remaining hairs out of his head by the time the game wan over, LuMBLR (© ON PAGE EIGHT RATES AMERICAN 'ANG COMRORY SHOWERS AND BATHS PL SURF BATHING airart from dove EOAENEC FETTER Ag. Din But the Leals wera just continus Ing the aparkling baseball they played in the Jersey City sevies and the kind of baseball they hope to ride on to a closer position to the top than they now acoupy, 'The vies tory was their fifth straight, SPORE SNAPSHOT By Gwo, Caxcrams, Sports Biter Snappy Fielding In Girls' Game Three unassisted double plays featured the game between the Whithy Rovers und the Chosen Vrlends, at the Motor City Stadium Inst night, RK, Reece, of the Chosen Friends, was responsible for two of them while M, Blow, of Whithy was the other playmaker, Outside of these three incidents the game was not very exciting The Rovers won quite readily hy a score of 18 (0 § # * » » Chevs, vs, Malleables Monday Night The Chevs, and the Malleables hook up in their last scheduled meet of the season on Monday night at the Stadium, This is a posts poned game, Defeat means elimination from the race for the lead. ership of the second hall and hoth teams will be trying their hardest fer wnnex a victory, » LJ] * * Aurabs in Toronto Today Aurabs, local entry in the OA BA intermediate Monarchs of Toronto this afternoon in the of the first round playdowps, The Anrabs have a tough proposition ahead of them in the Monarchs but they are determined to eliminate the Queen City team and advance in search of another I'he Oshaws vice, meet the snappy Irs manu Ontario championship for Oshnwa ' » " v ' Textiles uy in Hamilton, Monday lextiles, ofthall champions of Oshawa, ta Hamilton on Monday to play the Ambitions City first round of the B' O.AS return gume Ihe from | he intermediate travel winners in the A will be It is not known will likely team leaves for Hamiltom on Monday af 1.00 pa the Textile Office, All players and all ire to travel with the team are asked ta be on time * » * . Athletes From Local District Do Well athletes who wera winners In the local district enor playdowns lor certain when the played but it he next Saturda fternuon at others who I'he wha competed in the and truck and field final meet yvestey meet Interscholastic day at Hamilton, made a very creditable showing. R. ( ooper, i junior of Cobourg, won two firsts and in both events he set new records Ravensdale, Cobourg's star hurd ler, set a new record for the Senior hurdles. "The Maundrell brothers ul Whithy well, D. Maundrell setting a new record for the several other He placed in other events us well also did ver shot-put, placing in events, Howmanville's repre« sentatives did not place hut they made a creditable showing » . v C) Alf, Shrubb vs, Tom Longboat Today l'oda the day set for the race between Tom Longhost and Alf, Shrubb, wich will be lield at the Canadian National xhibition this alternvon, There is a great deal of local Interest in this event due to the fact that Alf, Shrubb is now a resident of Bowmanville * . * . Excelsiors in Montreal Today Brampton Lxcelsiors face a stiff test today when they meet Mont real AAA in a sudden-death game, In Montreal, to decide the winner of the Lastern Canada lacrosse champlonship anid decide which team will defend the Mann Cup against the Western invaders (yen proule will again he in action, and should ald the Fxcelsiors con. siderably . » » . Tannery Win South Ontario League Ihe Tannery played just u little better brand of ball than did the Whitby Maple Leafs, last night at Cowan's Park and as a res sult they won the game by « score of BR 10 7 and are now South Ontario solthull league champions and will meet Allandale in the hist round of the OASA, intermediate playdowns, There was a very large crowd at the game last night and the witnessed a good game . . . * King 8t. U, X. I. Win First Game King St Tuxis boys won the first game of the Sunday Schoo! softball league last night, over Cedardale hy quite a decided margin, IR. Cooper, of Cobourg, has Hamilton, Aug, A=lager school boys of the province early last night completed one of the most ruthless assaults on Interscholastic track and field records in the history of the Ontario meet, Shattered sport marks littered the cinder track and green infield of Hamilton civic the "fleet, record after record==sixteen in all, The meet, held in conjunction with 'Cobourg and Whitby Boys Make Fine Showing at Big I nterschol I ---------- | the British Empire Games, brought Two Wins in Junior nearly four hundred yourths from points seattered between Ottawa and Events and Sets New| I'ort William to the world's centre of track activity this week: They rips ped with wholeshearted enthusiasm to a schedule of $.0dd events, darting the record-smashing orgy in the morning, Hamilton athletes led the triumphant parade, scoring a total of 13 victories, Boys from To. tonto and Windsor split a doren wins between them, tying for see. ond place, . Four thousand persons saw the performances in an actionserammed day. They saw slender-legged young Sammy Jackson, a Toronto junior jump 20 feet 11 1.8 inches to create a new Ontario record in his division, Jackson's feat was the first of many similar, Cooper, a junior from Cobourg, raced over the 120.yard low hurdles in 18 1-§ seconds, and fol lowed it up with a winning leap in the pole vault of 10 feet 9 3+4 inches, Records in Both Events Ravensdale, Also of Co: bourg, Sets a New Rec: ord in His Event -- D. Maundrell, of Whitby Sets New Mark in 12. Pound Shot-put -- 16 Records Fall During Day stadinm, us skilled sehalars, tumbled ad, Portland and Ravensdale Star Two members of Canada's Empire astic Meet Hoth were records for the Cobourg: BASEBALL RESULTS INTERNATIONAL, LEAGUY, Won Lost P.C, Rochester ,..ovv0. 8% he 403 Baltimore .. 0000.81 BB HPA Montreal ,,vvevese 74 HO HH2 Toronto wieoenvsed18 62 hb Newark coonvvvioih2 78 ADV Buttale ." ..ivs00.81 14 483 dovsay City sovvvii hd BO 403 Roading ......... 01 #3 .I81 Yestordny's Nesulis Toronto .,,.K Baltimore ,,..1 Reading ....%" Rochester ,...4 Montreal ,.10 Newark ,,,...7 Buffalo ,...8 Jersey City ,,.,.0 AMERICAN LEAGUE Won Lost 1.C, Philadelphia ..,..,,. 54 41 87% Washington +0000. 746 4K 807 New York .iovaee07% Bh) BBD Cleveland sovvvevi hb BD 524 Dotrodt .ovvvvrves 0 64 484 BL, To0I8 sovnnvei dR TH BDD ChieREO wo iviviee dT 74 BBN Poston rirenreeihd BOD L044 Yesterday's Results Detroit .,...7 Philadelphia ,,1 Cleveland bh New York ,..,.4 Chicago ,.,.6 Boston ,,.... A Bt, Louis x4 Washington ,,. 5 NATIONAL: LEAGUE Won Lost 1.0, CMCRBO +000 iees 12 48 000 Now York ..oeee 0,08 HO 576 Brooklyn coven BD Bd LBB) Bt, Louis ...vvvi 04 HO HB PIARDUIE oiv0i iio U0 BR BON Hoston tr irs Bh AR 4hK Cinelnnati ,,,..,, i AK 424 Philadel nin AD BO L308 Yosterdny's Tesults Cincinnati , . 4 Brooklyn ,,,..1 Bt, Louis 10 Philadelphia ., . 8 Pittsburg 10 Howton ......5 Chicago +124 New York , i TORONTO MAPLE LEAFS DEFEAT THISTLES 2.1 | Fovonto, Aug, 23.~"Toronto Maple Leafs once again surprised the Na tonal League top pitchersmiwypmed tional League top notehers hy de feating Hamilton Thistles by 2 gouls fo 1 at Ulster Stadium last night I'he Leafs signalled their season's debut by taking full points from the Foronte Scottish, anc later on Ul ster United eleven wis lucky to break even, Then the Thistlese ame twice from behind to win a close 3.2 victory from the Leafs at Hamilton Mince that time several Nations! teams have had a difficult task in disposing of the tall-enders, whe, on numerous occasions, only lost hy the odd goal Betty Nuthall Reaches Finals After Hard Fight Forest Hills, N.Y, Aug, 4 It will be California against English tos day in the final round of the forty. third wnnual women's tennis singles cuhmplonship, Mrs. Lawrence A, Harper, of Oak land, Cal, and Hetty Nuthall, of England, won the right to fight it out for Mrs, Helen Wills Moody's discarded crown today when they eliminated Baroness Levi, of lly and Marjorie Morrill of Dedham, Mass, respectively, in the semis finals Judging solely from vesterday's play America stands an equal chance of keeping the title, which has never crossed ovérseas since the tourna ment was inaugurated. For Mrs, Harper, playing the best tennis of her career, brushed aside the tem pestuous Baroness in straight sets, O==3, 6==3, while "Miss Nuthall was forced to three hitterly-contested Kote hefore downing the rangy Maw sachusetts girl, 0-H, 0-4, 0-2 Miss Nuthall Extended Miss Nuthall struck a tartar in Miss Morrill, Betty lost hut eight games until she took the court against the Massachusetts girl, and was expected to rush into the fing round with little, or no trouble, But Miss Morrill, a husky girl of ambi tion, was not in the least. awed by her apponent's superior technique or power, Games' squad appeared their specialtion, Jack Portland, sensa- tional young high jumper from Cel lingwood, who did not place in the event in the hig games, soared over the bar at six feet one-eighth ineh, setting a record that future genera: tions of intermediates are likely to shoot at for years, A, Ravensdale, competing for the Cobourg Colleg: late, brought the senior 120.yard high hurdles record down to 185 3.8 we onds from 16 2.5, Ravensdale clip ped a fifth of a second from the old mark in winning his heat In the final he left the field far behind to better the Dominion interscholastic as well as the Ontario figure Whithy Boy Makes Record D, Maundrell, of Whithy put the 12:pound shat 45 feet 11 1.2 inches in breaking the senior mark for this event, Official Averages For Local Intermediate League Below Is given the official averages Intermediate of the local league, which consisted of as compiled by Albert W cial seorer for that league, lowing figures denote a of hard work and reflect great credit on the scorer, ; Parts and Service fed both In team batting und fielding and ilso In every other depar capt in three-base hits, where Co» aver play " att den thed Bot) softhall six teams, alker, offi The (ol great dew! the league nor tment, ex- regular sges do not Include any of the ofl games, Joo! Rowden led In individual ing, 500 for Hifteen games, Rows und Parish of the Textiles, were for fielding honors, with 96), players are catchers, Other lending hitters, (seven or ¢ games) wre, LE, Cornish, A32; H, Peterson, 480; A, Haley, A400; A, Parish, Wo; IH, Little, 393 und A, [ 4 lumbias beat them by one, These | Gray 105, PHILLIPS ' [} vid NAME Played AB, Runs Hie Pe Po, A 5 PE nmin Co Spencer, M 1.0000 13 40 11] 2h5 25 | 5 8% 0 0 0 As Petrie, 3b ..o0vv 14 44 12 15 M1 20 42 HN 41 00 S Boneham, 2h ,,, 15 54 16 13 241 MRO 0 Bea 2.0 1 I. Bonham, o9 +100 15 88 12 15 273 o) 13 98 B20 2 1 Bowler, ¢ 0000 14 4D 7 13 NN) AB AR 7 A Tid W, Hepburn, tf ,.., 9 2 7 20 | ' P8500 0 0 0 It, Boneham, 1h, ¢f,, 14 50 10 10 200 47 2 BR 0 1 1 0 T, Leveque,'tf 4.00 10 38 7 0 A 0 1000000 K: Otto, ¢f 10010000 8 16 0] nh Ns hn A | oa 0.0 3 NN CIaus, 88 1oii000s B28 | 3 ME 1? # 5 81 3 00 Co Blake, tf ,.00000 3 4 0 {M40 0 nn 0 MO OD 0 J, Shewehuk, p voov 9 2 } A 220 In 1 083 0 0 ) Modager, U oo0o0es 7 13.2 4A N08 6 0 4 #0) 100 Gi, Campbell, p ,, 4 " 2 SR. | 4 | A 7 Nn 1 nH 0 H, Barker, 2h 're } | | 200 J | 3 M2 104% ' COLUMBIAS i Games Balt Fid' NAME syed AB, Runs His PI Fo, A E re HEF RL R, Ross, If ,,, M43 10 1 34 12 | 2 88 210 Re Lethe, 3b 2100000 14 i) i 1 AB 12 M 7 MEO 0H 0 IR, Fair, cf 0 J2 10 # 250 19 | § R01 0} BH, Shelenkoff, ss ,, | 3 12 14 72 NM MN R A822 2 0 ) Volaveque, H ..i..0 13 M4 10 10 4 13 2 A 0 200 We lair, 1b oro00000 13 8 - UH 14 Wa A H 7 008 2 2 0 Arnold, ¢ , aan 18 A 4 1 282 M K R B40 0 1 0 F. MeKay, 2b so0ev. 6 14 1 h AN 7 A h 47 0 0 I. Smereh, p 140000 7 IR } y A487 h } 5 M3 000 Keenan, p ,.000s 12 35 11 10 28 hk H 5 JR OO 0 J, Fair, vf Pa | aed | | 7 140 33 NB 4 n 763 1 0 0 D, Toppings, 2b, 1 A 2 4 0 4 a 8 56000 H. Dainty, ¢f, 1b ,, 10 32 i 1 Me 4) 0 5 M01 0 ONTARIO REGIMENT 1 Games Batt, Vids NAME Played AB, Runs Hits FC, PO, A EFC 2030 WR IL, Snowden, ss , i | 4 10 d4 MN 2 10 B81 0 0 ) R. Bennett, If «+2030. 12 38 11 10 63 16 0 9 040 2 0.0 Salmon, ef veers 13 43 13 16 472 A 1 7 A 3 1 0 K, Hubbell, 10,100 12 37 8 1 207 70 4 13 8H 4-1 i} ldvingstone, p soeev 7 18 . 8 A004 4 0 1000 1 0600 E.Corniah, 3b +0000 13 MM - 14 19 A2 15 48 10 B87? | 0 1} | I, Snowden, vf ,..vs 10 27 i h 2 13 J A JR 00 0 (, Russell, « rt 'A 7 ' 10 270 2M BR 09 RY 0 00 RK: Clary, 200 ss040s HA A] ) 7 2 20 LU] 7 #06 3 00 M. Ostler, 9 +0000 3 12 1] 333 | 7 0 100 0 1 0 F, Rutherford, p «oo 10 22 0 a7 . § 2 78 0 0 1 M, Zubkaviteh, 2b ,, 6. IR 4 a3 1 10 § ROB O OO Hall, Hf vvssvivnseie 6 17 0 2 M8 7 | 4 667 01 0 H, Hester, 3b ' 1 ] R LAR) 0 1 2 As 20) Roughley, i, vy Foctpsngono a 80h Foc God cd lal . TIMES Games Batt, : er NAME Played AB, Runs Hin FC, PO, A FE, , 20 3B WA FP. Ritchen, ¢ ,.ovvy 13 81 10. 060 118 87 8 10 867 0 0 0 V, Burr, 2b are JR 00 19 21 30 BR ON hn N08 2 0) 6), Cornish, tf 20444 3 7 2 pA 0 1 4 4 1 00 Brown, 3b sovsovene M1 NR 5 Hh LIBR 3 13 i] 681.010 EF. O'Dowd, ¢f 444s 11 40 5 nD 25 19 0 3 M200 1 0 Hood, dbf wos 15 46 1) C13 M3 AH OM M4 NK 300 C, Hubbell, #f v.iss 11 2 § 6 A R 0 4 400 1 00 Huxtable, i vossees 7 10 l 4 Ml 5 0 HN 10001 00 MeArthur, Ib vi000v 8. 20 4 2 no 5 1 3 98 0 00 L, Magilh, p vives R21 A] 5 28 1 10 -0 1000 O 1:0 R. Wilsen, p ,., 9 19 p YAM J IR 4 MOO OO I, Thompson, ef, ¢f 9 3 4 4 IM 1§ | 3 848 1 10 di Toppings, 08 «iv 8 0 4 oo 0 12 7 2 008 0 OG WH. Mths, i voi00es 1 8B 2 1. 30 1 3 Al ao MH. Paterson, 1b ,... 7. 88. 7 12 A & 0 3 S12 20 ¢ TEXTILES (League Champions)' mes Batt, 4 (} NAME Played AB, Runs Hita PC, PO, A KE, E20 He I. Rrady, ef NG mn a | TE A) | 1 A800 20 0 G, Creamer, 2b, If , 9 A 9 3 02 10 | 2 M5000 Go Youngh a «vive. 10 87 7 12 3M 10 3) g 26 1 1. 2 Sh Carver, if ....s HH 46-10 18 306 JO | 2 8 Yo) M. Morris, 3b ,0uv 14 88 184 13 236 0 2 6 AB 1600 MiSutten, 2b ..... 11 M4 4 oo 087 13 12 38 BS 140 A. Haley, #8 oven 34 40 IR 160 AOD 16 8B 4 AS? 4° 0 4 A, Parish, 6 1000014 HH MM 12 2 J IN Rh) S§ 99 20 0 A. Rogers, ¢ «veeeee 14 46 6 10 07 R 17 3} 808 200 S. Turner, tf coi ea 10 22 R 10. M0 3X 0 0 1000 1 06 0 F. McCallum, ef «,o 6 12 \ 2 J67 8% 0 06.1000 10:0 A, Gower, 1b «i000 10 33 0 9 48 2B 0 3 97 §8 1. 4 O Baird, H vii 000n 8 9 3 SR 7 | 1 0 0 1000 000 Bradd, 3b vvaesv 8 18 A 3 H [) 2 M2000 G, Norris, 1h nod 1H | 155 10 O 2:83 304 ' PARTS AND SERVICE (Runners-up) Games . Hatt, Fid'sg NAME Played AB, Runs Hin PC, PO, A EE, PCN 3B NR W. litte, of ....o 1448-10 16 033 13 | Jd 82 200 W,Gummow, 3b... 1§ 8 2 18 316 18 1a 3} 9I2.4 1 2 Dy Rowden, Gaon 13 83 8 7 S00 (IV 7? 4 09 on 11 A. Webster, p ois 4 M18 17 318 1 R } 8% 11 23 F. Elliott, ib, ss «+» 13 4% 13 13 268 WO ] n B87 4 1) Co FlHott, 3b anew 12 48 160 13 488 13 JO 6 A 2 0 8S. Hubbell, 1b 7 8 6 10 02 BB 0 3 $8140 32 HL Smith, vf 00 9 0 7 8 S08 13 0 | 98 1061 A Grey, HH oon IF 8 12 17 5808 15 12 880 304 DD, Trotter, vf ovo v 0 IR A) I 08a { 0 1 800 0 000 Hughes v 2ae0s0ex 0 30 10 10 313 L} 1 a 6001 00 1. Atkinson, ad «sos 10 30 13 11 306 6 8 3 201 00 F. Rovee, 1h yivees N : 4 foo 1) n 0 1000 0 0) A Whitely, p svvass 4 0 | 1.8 | 0 nN 100 00 0 8S. Gay, ¢ Faria | | J 4d A 15 1 0 100 00 1 TEAM AVERAGES Games Ratt, Pid NAME Played AB, Runs Hin PC, PO, A EK WC 20 38 NR P& Service (v0, 18 S14 IAL 170 30 320 64 41 004 26 4.12 Textiles ovo vvveny 15 483 IM 142 234 JR RY 46 S00 2 7 TINes oo ovverirnny 15 407 108 110 282 97 128 of 48113 8.2 Columblas yiavanney 18 422 111 133 29] 208 118 70 B10 8 3 Ont; Regiment voy 18 407 917117 287 206 19 86 B21 19 4 § Phillips insane 18 446 01 123 3M MBL HS 12 B613 4 § AVERAGE OF TWO LEADING PITCHERS Games w LP, 80. | AB Alex, Webster (P, & Service) (viii NT 10 NB WW Art Rogers (Toxtiles)* WAL 9 4 101 1 Wo *Also finished another game making t \ ofal really 134 games, BRINGING UP FATHER (AeA -------- THIS MAKES THE NOW LOOK AT THAT B) mFTY: RT COURSE PLAYIN THE GAME AN LOOW AT I'VE PARBED THE Hebe JOBT TELLTHAY TODAY" RIA) , Wi BY GEO. McMANUS 1 Ph Fe

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