Oshawa Daily Times, 23 Aug 1930, p. 3

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Eh Sa SS THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATUDAY, AUCUST 23, 19% FACE TREE Citizens Hear Argument Pro and Con on Building Bylaws New Administration Building Would Serve Civic Needs of City for Many Years to Come ®lans As Prepared By Archi tect Call For Substantial Structure of Pleasing Ap- pearance TO BE BUILT ON SIMCOE STREET Ratepayers Will Decide Fate Of Proposition When They Vote On Bylaw On August 28 PAGE THRE ' Lh Plans for the new civic admin istration building as prepared hy CO, C, Btenhouse, local avehitsot, call for a substantial structure of pleasing appearance which should serve the need of the city of Osh AWA for many years to come, The new hullding would not he elah orate but would he modern in avery particular and well adapted for the uses for whieh it is Intended On Thursday next, August 28, rate payers will decide whether the mueh needed administration build ing will become a reality hy voting upon the bylaw authorizing is cone struction at cost of $100,000, I'he new hullding would he erect ed on city owned property al the north-west corner of Bimeos und Meteplte streets divectly north of the present elvie oMees, Tt would he set well back from (the sires! lina and several feet south of ihe adjoining business block thus al lowing spunea for lawns and flower heads, In order to provide suMelent spies the south extremity of the block would he extended 42 fanl this making a slight jog in Mel ealfe mireel, Of brick construetion with stons faging the new administration hullding would present a fine ap pearance Arom the street, It would be two storeys in helght with a large and commodions hasement, to he divided Into oMces and also include public lavoratories The dimensions of the proposed sirie ture are 70 feet hy KO fest In addition to the heller room, and con! storage rooms, the buse ment floor would Include public rest rooms, A public welfare and juvenile court room, the metra and billing oMees of the public utilities commission, rellet oMeer's oMce, poll tax collector's oMea and stor age rooms for the publie utiiities Ten Reasons ~ Why You Should Support the By-laws -- a ' 1 It will help the unemployment situa- tion, Every dollar spent will be spent in Oshawa. Every man employed on it will be an Oshawa man. We are badly in need of a new civic administration building. Every municipal department in the city with the exception of Police and Fire department will be housed under one roof, Oshawa will have suitable quarters for its Juvenile Court, Public Clinics and Welfare Work. : Oshawa will at last have public lava- tories for men and women, Oshawa has never as yet had a police station, We will have an up-to-date Police Station, suitable for our re- These buildings will cost less today than in a few years. It will be money aved. And built when it is most needed. 10 dollar. G. T. MORRIS Chairman Property Com, Your Taxes will not be increased one T.B. MITCHELL Mayor LAURENCE CRAGG HAS BRILLIANT RECORD IN EXAMS. ---- Many Other Collegiate Stu- dents Make Fine Show- ing in Upper School, Exams, ' ¥ rr r-- For the sesbnd consecutive yaar Iawrence H, Cragg, non of the Hav, C, ¥, Cragg has made an outstanding record for himself In the Upper Rehool Examinations wt the Oshawa Collegiate, This year he wained 18 first class honors making first clans honors In avery subject tried, Home of these sub jects were (ried ast year and In most of them he Was Vary success: ful, As was the cake last year Lawrence is the outstanding stu: dont of the sehool with the fines record of any membdr of the Col leginte, The record for the two yours of this brilliant student in as follows 1080 Upper Rehool tons---English Comp; 1, Literature, 1; Algebra, 1; etry, 1; Trigonometry, 1; 1 Zoology, 1; Physics, 1; istry, 1; Latin Authors, 1; Comp, 1st; French Authors, Franch Comp, 1st 1080 Upper Hehool Hxaminn tHons-~Modern Hist, Ist; Alge- bra 11st; Geometry Ist; 'I'rig, 1st] Botany 1st; Zoology 1st; Physics and; Chemistry 8nd; Latin Aus thors 1st; Latin Camp Ist] Fons h Authors 1st; French Comp at, Other outstanding pupils in the 1080 examinations inclyded Krnle Marks who had eight firsts, Dor othy Crothers, with sight firsts, John Dryden, with five firsts, and two seconds, Adeline Fowke with seven firstn and a credit, Macken klo King with five firsts, three seo. onds and a third, Ferne A, lod Koll with five firsts, two seconds, and three thirds, and Hilda C Rice with six firsts, and two sen onds, Examine English Geom Botany, Chem Latin Int; TE -------------- rv ---- rommission, Entrance to the pub He vest vooms would "he gained from Metealle street, Wide steps would lead from the Wilk to the main or front entrance of the bullding which would open out into A large corridor an the main or Arst Aoor, To the right of the publie lebhy It Is planned to locate the show roem of the hydre department, adjoining the hoard room for the public utilities coms mission and the commission's main ofces, The oily engineer's departs ment would he housed to the right and rear with the eity clerk's de: partment to the front and left, It In planned to place the elty tress urer's aMee to the left and rear and adjoining the eollector's de: partment. Large vaults would he installed in olose proximity to all the main aMees, The "council chamber, counell committens rooms, the mayor's oMoee, and the oMees of the Chamber of Commerce are to ha provided far on the second floor, The counell eham« ber would have dimensions of #4 feet hy 40 feet with ample space provided for the publie who might wish to attend the meetings, The city health department, offices of the publio health nurse, the health Inspector, assessor, and the assess. ment department would he loeat ed on thin foor also, toward the front or east of the bhullding A wplendid feature of the admin istration hullding is that oMoes whieh are now spread at various points throughout the elty would all be housed under one roof thus ventralilang the various depart: ments and promoting greater aMos lenoy, A saving might also be ef- fected In rents which are now paid out to private property awners BELL TELEPHONE 10 INSTALL NEW EQUIPMENT HERE Will Spend $45,000 On "Repeaters" To Strengthen Long Distance Voice The Rell Telephone Company is planning to furnish the local tele, phone office with special equipment to care for long distance traffic, aes tording fo a recent announcement made by Manager H. M, Black. The proposed installation will eons sist of what in known as terminals, whieh werk in connection with res peater apparatus erected at various points in the territory to serve as amplifying agents of the voice ours rents as they pags over the wires, The repeater equipment with which the Oshawa office works is to he las oafed at Smiths Falls," and the tors minals will serve on the circuits hes Ween Oshawa and Pelienaity, Que, Mr, Rlack says that five of these ters minals are to be installed here, four to he utilised on the Eastern cir cuits ta DeReaujeu, and one to work with the Sudbury office, repeater equipment for these facilities being at North Ray : The cost of arranging and install ing the necessary Apparatus here will mean over $5,000, and officials expect the work ta he completed by about the end of next April, Int, First Shipm From Foreign Tree Line Steamer Pinebay, Docked Yesterday With) Consignment From Bel: glum For Local Firm -- Navigation Lights Needed The Hest timporitation from sn other country to arrive in Oshawe hy way of the new hiarhor was vecuived yesterday hy the Hobson Leather Co, when (he steamer Vinehuy, of (he Tree Line Navi gation Con docked here from Montreal with # shipment of 47,840 pounds of goods, The ship. ment had heen exported from Hols glum in bond and travelled hy wiler practically all the way Before leaving for the West, the inebay losded a shipment of 108,» O80 pounds of metal goods from the Padlay People 14d, tor Fort EASTERN ONTARIO AY.PA, ENJOYS LAKE EXCURSION Young People From Belle. ville and Tweed Go On Cobourg-Rochester Route Hponsared under the ausplees A, Y PA Anglican Churches of Twesd and Rellaville combined, 800 pan sengers loft Bellaville south via # spacial CNR, passenger excursion train at 7.80 o'clock ani. for Roehs estar, NY. on a good will erulse via the pupilar Cobourg-Noehester H MH, Route, thence Buffalo, Hoohesler und Pittsburgh |, HR, special train to destination On arrival at Rochester eity in the historic Genesse valley specially chartered parlour husses of the Ros chester Interrurban huss Hines coms pany Hmited met the party and those who desired to do so had the opportunity of going on a husa plght seeing trip through out the Interesting seenle pointy of the elly, Graced by perfect weather condi» tions the trip was an extremely and vary enjoyable event throughout The HA. Ontario No, 1 was gally decorated for the ocoasion this sommaodious vessel which enrries the proud distinetion for heing the An. est and fastest ship operating on the Great Lakes waler ways systems proved a very popular rendevous for enjoyment, the dining hall with oourteous stewards on hand to onter ta every want and whim wan particularly attractive and charm ing, fond of the two countries to choose from proved very appealing for those with sharp appetites, while the music room was an Interesting polit with its exeallent dancing fae ities Commities In sharge of proceed Ings wan very capably and equally well represented in a very Atting manner hy the Rev. Mr, W, 1, Wright, pastor of the Anglioan Chureh, Tweed, and Mr, W, N Hurst, president AY. PA, Christ COhureh, Relleville, while the pass wenger traMe dept of the rallways win represented In a like wine manner hy Mr, Jackson, Torento passenger representative for the C, NR The axeursion party arrived hack at Relleville one hour after mids ent of Goods Been: Received at Harbor LJ a --., Country Has William, there to bs iLransferred hy rail to. Winnipeg, The Vinehay lias & cArKo capacity of 1,100 tons or 4,400,000 pounds, Cuptaing of the Tres Line Navi gation Co, vessels point oul thet they ara experiencing difficulty In entering the naw harbor at night on mecount of the lack of wn Hights house and other navigation Hghts, hers are no Hghis on the buoys and no lights on the dock so that navigation into the harbor Is dangerous on a dark night, In fact some hots have anchored oulslde the harbor until early morning rather than risk dockliug under these conditions, It Is understood howaver that government enginesrs and surveys ars paid a visit to the harbor re cently in order to determine what should he dons to make 11 wile for navigation at night -- _--,-- --,;--€€ Kr Monday at The C.N.E. Program for Monday, Aug. 2h, Quehoe, Highways and Automotive my #t the Canadian National Ex. hibition: noo am WARY open, 0.00 a.m field crops and cultural Bullding products. £ollisenm 18.00 noop~ Luncheon wreanged hy Public Health Commities of the National Council of Women, Wor men's Bullding, 1.00 pom Harness horses on ex hibition, Horse Arcade, 1.00:10,00 pm Continuous band concerts, All-Canada Perman- ent Force Rand, Canadian Crena dier Guards' Hand and others, Mouth and North Hand Stands 1LA0-8.80 pm, ~Canadian Grenas diar Guards' Rand, with Madame Cedia Hrault, guest soloist, Boul Band Atand, Grand Pla 200-8.40 p.m Hetty casting In her model kitehen, men's Hullding (upstairs) 2.00 pm Grandstand ville 2.80:4.80 pm Program In charge of Queber Women's Twat tute, East Wing, Women's Building 2.00 pm, ~ Demonstmtions and addresses on health, Vietoria Order of Nurses Nocial Hygiene, National Council of Women, West Wing H.a0 pom Parachute jump, Waterfront 7.00 pm Class "R" Kmile out hoard motorboat race 7.00 pm Horse asum 7.001000 pmVaudeville, Ih ain, Musionl Hide, first. presenta tion. Hpectacle, "Les Voyageurs," and pyrotechnic display Grandstand FULLY" RECOVER ™"" The many friends of Mr, and Mrs, J, C, Ward, 25 Fairbanks streot, will he glad tn learn that their daughter, Natalie, han fully recovered from the alight 1liness that oaused some concern a fow days ago, The little girl was run ning A temperature which It was thought might prove serious hut préckutionary MOAR FON were taken and no further symptoms have oocurred, the ehild being now quite well again, CANCEL SUNDAY ROROOL The regular Runday wohool war viea of Calvary Baptist Chureh will not he held to-morrow on account of the Infantile paralysis outhreak, Bulldings and Mid flowers, Hortl falry Judging out vegptahles, Judging liroad Wo vaude Bhow, Call night, The adult Bible class alone will meat, tide AO BLU Stock Market Prices Markey Summary by Canadian Frese Toronto and New York Wook Quotations Toronto Stock Exchange Close 10K HW look High Be, A OIL IGN Nras, ., AR Cty, Dry, 00% Dis, Rgrm, M4 Gypsum 1) Hr, Wal, RY Ford ., WM Int, Util, 41% Nkl, 3 mt, Pot, 184 Imp, O11 10W Ms, Br 2M Shaw, fi Standard Mining Exchange 4 1 {0 7 180 ATO 200 10 2036 2150 11 628 Low 1) Aw 4) Abana 14 Alax 20h Amulet (1) De, Muna, 770 Faloon, 180 Holl, ATO He, Oil 220 Hy, Gold 40 Lk. 8h, 2438, Nrada, 2178 ]d, He, 118 Th, Hg 62% i 104 a 170 180 Ato 230 LL 2084 2160 111 A234 Wr Hr 180 © 180 180 CGreenley of Colborne and Mary 8, LER MW as LLL 1" Am, Can, Am, Fr, Pr, Am, Inter, Anaconda Auten 8trop Rendix 0 Nyera AM, 70% On, Film Pr, 204 Cn, Mim Qo, 10 Fox Mim 44 \ Gen, Wee, T1W Gen, Mot, 48 Int, Tel, .. 1% Kelvinator 18 Mt, Ward 82% PL Rd, Coal 1? Paramount H8% Ph, N, Jor, 01% Radlo 41% Radio Kin, AW flimmons LL ft, NL 0 ADK UH, Rubber 20% . UR, Neal 168% 167% Vanadium 90 0s Yel, Truok 33% 2% Harry Greenley, Flint, Michigan, is visiting hs hrother, W, RW, (RE) Oshawa, CONVENTION WAS SPLENDID SUCCESS DELEGATES STATE Sanitary Inspectors Pleased With Courteous Reception Here "fhe host convention we have aver had, and the most courienns reception we have evey experi: enced," was the eoncensiis of opin fon. among the delegries to the annunl convention of the Onlarin Sanitary Inspectors, who finished thelr 1080 conference al the Gene osha hotel yesterday very ono of (the visiting Inspece tors had words of praise for the way In which (hey had heen re ealved by the elty of Oshawa, he skilful planning of the convention hy Manftary Inspector Davida Hub hell of this oily, and the smooth and efficient handling of the sone vention arrangements hy the man agement of the Cenoshn ote) "In all our experiences, no hotel has handled the convention sn well, nor made us feol as much at home, AN has your new hotel Genoshn here In Oshawa," wax the volun tary statement nf Banltary Inspe tor i, BK, MeCanle Baullt Hae Marie, yesterday wlternoon "he most suoeessfil tan that | can remember, Dave A. Hubbell has certainly done # Kreat piece of work," was the One tribution of Mr, 1 Pleton, Ham ton, secretary of the Ontario As sociatinn Only one fault aid the vistors have to find with the city of Oshe AWA, ~-and 11 wns voleed vesier any afternoon when (he tity coun oll took the visliors fin an aulo mobile tour of the elty "Nurely that is not your hall," exclaimed Hanitary tor Banders, of Landon, the Kuesis were driven past the old ved house on Himens Kouth In whieh the municipal offlees are housed. "I expected (hat a progre Miva clty like Oshawa would he content with a oy hall that," TWO LOCAL BOYS ATTEMPT HITCH HIKE T0 OSHAWA Jack Henley and Douglas Henderson Arrive From Camp After Canoe and Hiking Trip dnck Henley and Douglas Hen derson well known Oshawa hoya linve arvived home after a splendid trip trom Camp OnDa=Da-Wa ks north west of the City of Ottawa conven "ity Inuper Ont, us nut like where they have heen spending » | part of thelr summer vacation, While they made the journey to the camp in the conventional way they eame home in a much les conventional way, a way touched with a little of tha spirit of ad venture, Leaving the Camp, it Is needless to try and pronounce that ward again, on Monday, August 11 they paddied hy canoe all the way down to Ottawa arriving (here on Friday, August 16, They stayed In the Capital City until Sunday morning when they asain left with the intentions of hiteh Wiking back to thelr home in this elty, Hut liek WAR With them and they only walked five miles of the 247 odd miles hetween Ottawa and Osh Wwa, The rest of that distance they were able to secure rides They arrived In Oshawa fealing very fit after their long and ar duous trip, Oshawa Mixed 'Bowling Club Host to deterboro The Oshawa Mixed Dowling Club on Thursday evening, Aus Sunt lat, entertained as RUKIA the Peterbora Howling Club, coms prising three ladies' rinks and three gentlomen's, Thin 1s the largest number of guests the mixed olub have had the pleasure of entertaining and play wan con tinued until quite late in the evening, The lady membors served ves freshments at the close of the play, which were thoroughly wpe preciated by both guests and hosts, in faot the amenitien of this soolal portion of the evening was only equalled hy the beilliant play of the participants, The veaulta of the play were aa follows; ° Lndion'==tirat prise, Mra. Legae, Oshawa; second, Mpa, Graham, Peterboro; third, Mra, Buckler, Oshawa: fourth, Mrs, Deyman, Peterboro, Gentlemen==Kirst prige, Mr, J, Thompson, Oshawa; seotnd, Mr, J), Maynard, Peterboro; third, Mv, J, Hetferman, Oshawa; fourth, My J, Foulds, Oshawa, Ohicagn, Aug, 28==Tha Cubs regained their three-game load aver the New York Glants yesterday and removed New York's hope of regaining Ava place in the ens rent "oruclal" series hy winning the second game, 12 to 4, "The Cuba scored five runs in the five innings, and five move in the alghth when Hartnett hit a home run with the baaea full, ' NINETEEN GASES OF POLIOMYELITIS EXIST IN CITY Later Cases Are Mild -- Cats Have No Connection With Outbreak Bevaral now cases of Polinmys tin have heen reported in the clly during the Inkl week bringing the total In guaranting up Lo nineteen However recenl. Capes have heen very much milder in typs than the Arst group and hets far resulin ars oxpscted Ahout half of thoke now In quarantine wil he released during the eoming wah On a whole the situation 1s conmiderahly improved, though there 1s still ustifieation for the relaxation of vigilanes on the part of he Parents Children whould still he kept at homas and particularly away from gatherings of people In any place The water and milk supply has heen rapepiadly tested hy the ro vinelal Depariment and found enti aly satisfactory In every raspece, Lately thera has hean some (alk of cals spreading he diseases, Thera In no basis for this report, Nevers) outs have heen (11 with a condition apparently simulating paralysis and (these have heen sent (on tha Pros vineinl Department of Health Lah oratories whera after death they have heen subjected to the most rigid and thorough examination possible Nn avidenea of Poliom yalitis or any other disease of (he Nervous system was deteeled Kix periments are in process 1o delay mine effects of Innoeulating 1xhora- tory animals with emulstons of tha brain and spinal cords of (he dead CRIN The examination of the dead oath showed an acute ulcerative process of the Intestine which was evidently the cause of thelr death | Thera In no ecapnection hetween | thely slekness and the vases of Pols {lomyelitin In this elty It should he mentioned that for pregant Many years solentists have haan als in Paloms rahibite [tempting transmit |yelitls 1a outs, dogs, and other laharatory animals ahuolubely without suecess, Ho fay only one hreed of monkey has heen found capable of contracting the diseasa consequently this animal is the only ane avatlable for experi mental purposes in this condition, SOLLOWAY, MILLS MUST FACE TRIAL (Ry Canadian Press Leased Wire) Toronto, Aug. 28. Harvey Milla and luane W, Holloway have heen committed for trial hy Magistrate Browne at the conclusion of thelr preliminary hearing in police eourt on charges of conspiring to defraud Rall was wet at $100,000 In each CHAR DUCHESS AND BABE BOTH VERY WELL -- Glamis, Seotland, Aug, 2A hal letin issued at Glamis * Castle this morning sald "The Puchess of York and the infant princess are hath vepy well, (Signed) Sir Henry Simson" TREE LINE PLEASED BY CO-OPERATION OF LOCAL SHIPPERS Intend To Continue Schedule Until Close of Season Offielals of the Tres Line Navi gation Company ave well satisfied With the oeocaperation they have received to date from the shippers of Oshawa, and intend to keep thelr regular three hoats a week service going until the end of the season, The Times learned in au Interview with Mr, Norman Moore, district frefaht agent of the line YOortevday, The Trea Line have heen puts ting boats into the Oshawa hare hour on sehedule since the opentag of the harbour on August Tth, and Will continue to do so. Mr, Moore stated that on only one 'ecoasion had a howt come in here and found no freight" waiting tor it, "I believe that the manufaoes tres of Oshawa, geperal apeaks Ing, ave awake {a the faot that AAVIREE oan be made on many ships ments hy the use of water trans portation," My, Moore stated. "We have heen well received hy the oity of Oshawa ta date, and we Ale anxious to co-operate with Your industries far the develops ment of their watewhorn trathio, and the Trelght. shipment savings Which can he made through the use of water routes, We ave pres paved to give the olty of Oshawa Just as mueh and aa frequent ser Vice as we tind Ahem capable and willing te use" Much Interest is Aroused At Well Attended Meeting In Old City Hall Last Nigh Opposition To Measures Manifested At First But As Meeting Neared Cone clusion Opinion Seemed In Favor of Expenditures MAYOR PRESENTS STRONG ARGUMENTS Ald, MacDonald Leads Op position =~ Majority Of Aldermen Speak In Fave vor of Bylaws A (alr sized crowd Hlled the council chafibers last night to heir the case for and against the hylaws presented hy the members of the city council, and Mr, John Stacey, ex-alderman, At the beginning of the meeting, the feching of the majority, msefar as 1 cold he sensed hy the onlooker was perhaps agininst the bylaws, but tos wards the end of the two hour sess slon, the trend of opinion seemed to he quite appreciahly in faver of the expenditure Ihe drguments in favor of the ex« penditure were marshalled hy a group headed hy the mayor, and including Alderman George Morris, Sulley, Wil lam Boddy, Bunker, Cameron and Limmaow Aldremen 8. Jackson and Peter Mes Donald, who have consistently ops posed the expenditure, both spoke, and were backed up in an address hy Alderman John Stacey The arguments in favor of the hy« law were ably summed up hy Mayon Mitchell at the close of the meeting, enumerated them as fol when he lows I, Relief work of some kind Is gos ing to he urgently needed during the! coming winter, a winter which pros mises ta he extremely severe so far as industrial eonditions are concerned, 4 During the present depression, the work cian he done cheaper than at any other time, and thus the city will he saved money on work which would have to he done soon anys Wah J, New hulldings are urgently need« ed to replace the present inefMeient, insufficient, and unsanitary accommon dation for the police departments and administration offices of Oshawa, The arguments against, as presents ed hy; Alderman Peter MeDenald, stressed chiefly the faet that tha elty, in his opinion, eonld not afford te spend the money, and if they did spend it, should devote it to some athe purpose Mr, Stacey hiased his objections on the fact that the scheme was not an il nclusive one, and would not bring the fire hall and police station inte the same group of buildings. as the remainder of the eity offices, Mr Stacey recommended a larger expen diture of £300,000 ar $350,000, which would yprovide a complete eonsolidas tion of the city's administrative and protective departments, and en this account thought that the present hys laws should he voted down en Aus gust eth Mr, Stacey also wan of the apinien that the eouneil should have selected i definite site for the police building, instead of leaving it to the discretion of the voters, and for this reason he advised those present to vote against the police hullding bylaw, Some Pertinent Statements Alderman Morris: "There was never a time when the buildings wera needed more; never a time when they could be hutlt cheaper; never a time when unemployment was needed more [here are 1600 unemployed in this elty today, and we foe! thas it ix our duty to do something, Hows ever, i's out of our hands now it's up to you" Mayor Mitchell: "Men out of work have heen coming to us steadily, asks ng un what we intend to do abeut providing work, Our sewers are built a year ahead of program, Te kill two birds with aie stone, we decided on the construction of a munieipal bullding and a police station," Alderman Boddy "The. $83,000 ens timated cost of the police station ins cludes no frilla, Nor does the $100,« 000 which we ask for the municipal administration building, We will have only the necessary facilities, (Continued on Page 2) Too Late To Classify WE WANTR FONTARTAN ORT housework, 18% Olive Ave, THRE ROON TX to rent, all conveniences, 108 Agnes 8t, (48a) (Y SOUTHWEST WARD 1, IRATE. payers' Assn, will hold a ow inl meeting Monday, Aug, Win, to discuss proposed eivio builds IE programme, All BW, Ward Ratapayera' should he present AL Contre ®t, Sehool auditorium at Rpm, (48a) PAYS (Stratford Reavon-Herald) Three Chatham youths whe were Ofolally spanked, returned a week later to say they had learned their lesson, Which seems to indicate that It pave to get to the seat of the trouble as quickly es Dossihia,

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