"All the News While It Is News" ' ta Ea La a SSE he Oshawa Daily Tunes Succeeding The Oshawa Daily Reformer A Growing Newspaper in # Growing City VOL. 7==NO. 45 Published st Oshawa, Ont, Vay Knsopt Bundays snd sbi OSHAWA, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, AUGUST 23, 1930 156 Cents » Week; 3 Cents a Copy TEN PAGES é ote adiodh ded dh News in Brief | - og Attacks Boy St, Cath net, = Lloyd Durham, uged 11, wap set upon by u lirge police dog here yesterday, thrown down and bitten about his eyes, lips and face, before the dog could be driven off Physicians said that one eve muy be permanently affecied » » » Died From Natural Causes Sarnia =A verdict that Mrs, Mary Richardson, aged 29, who died in the Lambton County Jull on Aug, 14, while awaiting trial on uw charge of murder, came to her death from nie tural causes, was rendered by a (or onet's jury last night alter a owt inquest » ' . Boy Drowns Sault Marie~ Alma Johnson, aged 14, of MeMahon Point, on the Brassar Road, was drowhed yveste day in the St, Mary's River, ncross from Bell's Poin LJ dte, L] L] Suspected Slayer Suicides Boston, =A body found floating | the harbor was identified us that ui Jerome Zwicker, of Norwood, wit ed for the slaying of his wife, Medi cal Examiner, George Magrath stated that Zwicker's death probab! wits caused by a self-inflicted bullet, whieh entered the head It > LJ » Ll Duke of Northumberland Dies London="The Duke of Northum berland died carly this marming after a long Hiness. He was 50 years old, and the eighth Duk: his Hine Is survived by the Duchess, four son and two daughters, I'he Duke ed with the British Army in Africa, in the Sudan and European war His heir Peres th Fur » » » Liner Makes Record Victoria, Bt Breaking ull ords for steamer travel ucross Pacific ocean, the new 20,00-ton hn or, Empress of Japan, arrived ut the British Columbia quarantine station yesterday, eight days, six hours and 27 minutes after leaving Yokohumn The distance was 1814 miles . Ld . May Contest Election North Pay Somewhat of uo wut prise has been sprung in local po litlen! elreles by the announgement at the Liberal-Conservative meeting here that A, C, Casselman, principal of the normal school, was willing to contest the impending by-election In Nipissing East » LJ » Boy Killed by Car l'orento, Iliree-year-old Stan Bryson was knocked down and killed hy an automobile here last night Murk Burke, driver of the car, way arrested on of manslaugh tery res the " charge Fe Ne Opposition For Ministers Toronto, Ont=Hon, Nelson Par Hament, of Ontario Liberal Head quarters sald he had not heard of any move to oppose the newly ap pointed Conservative cabinet minis ters from Ontario in the by-elections While no official decision had been reached, sald Mr, Parliament, he did not think the ministers would be op posed TWO BODIES FOUND IN SUBMERGED TAXI -- Sault Marie, Ont location on the racks of the power house canal yesterday, the taxicab driven hy Richard Flint, a driver for the Smith Delivery Company, which crashed through the guard rail of the power canal at the Ashmun street bridge on Wednesday night, was in vestigated and' found to contain, he sides the body of Flint, the body of James Foreman, aged 21, of the Michigan Sault, who is now believed tn have been the only passenger in the ca HEAVY FIRING ON INDIAN FRONTIER (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Simla, India, Aug, 28.-<Heavy firing has been resumed on tha several frontior districts of the northwest province during the last 24 hours, A hody of 8,000 Afridi han assembled at the town of Bagh SERIOUS FIRE IN TOLEDO VILLAGE (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Brockville, Aug, $¥,=Fire thin morning at Toledo, Kitley towu: ship, dostroyed a nervice station, a garage, two residences and a store, The bulldings and practically wl their contents ware totally de stroyed, Tho cause of the five I unknown, Damage has not yet baey estimated, WEATHER A disturbance "eontred west of Nantucket is moving northward while an extensive area of high pressure extends from Wisconsin eastward acrom Northern Ontario, Quebeo apd Newfoundland, The weather haa heen fair in all provinees with the exception. of a few local showers in southern Ontario and Manitoba, Forecasts: ~ Lower Lakes and Georgian Bay=Frosh or strong northeast ty north winds; wmeatly cloudy with oceasional showers today . and Sunday, After tx Ste south: LEGION WILL HOLD CONVENTION HERE Govt. May Prohibit Dumping of Russian fpr i pS o---- FUEL MINED BY CONVICTS DEPRIVING CANADIAN MEN ~ OF EMPLOYMENT, IS CLAIM Russian Coal Has Been Sold! in This Dominion at $5.50 Per Ton and Im | ports Are Increasing GOVT. SAID TO BE Early Action is Probable as Means of Reducing Un- South | | ports of Bt employment in Coal Areas of Canada | (By Canadian Viess Leased Whe) Oitawn, Aug LEH tall the dumping Moviet Russin con! Into Canada will, 1 1s under food shortly receive the considera Non of the government Thin the -nlleged produoct to un consider ahle extent of han heen ndvertined for snl unndn ut the of #6 ton, und Increasing gquantitie coming nto the Dominlon 1028 Karly anetlon, ne pn mean reducing nnemplo) nreas of Coanadn, In The of the would he kaoaping with {ts pro posul for a national fuel poliey Formulation of (his polley will Jie ly he haseil to i on un selen tne re phaee of the Close Lo one and one Hon dollars In value of Russie of con! wan imported into Canada' for the your ending July 11 Inst Total Imports for the you 205.870 ton Far the four months ending in July 104,781 ton wera Imported at a value of $449, A608, In June fmporte of this com modiy rencled 00,608 und in July the amount wan 27,485 tons April and May showed Imports of 6,200 and 7.5008 tons respectivel The four months period reviewed for 1000 shaw an Increase of HO BAG tons aw compared April May, June and July of OMelnl records show that hy far the great hulk of these shipment enter Canada vin. Montreal, with lonnor cargoes passing through the | John and Halifax A | eomparatively small tonnage passes through the ports of Quehee and | Hore! Protests against the entry of lot Russia eon] were registered re pentedly in the House of Commons Inst wosslony Tha basis of hose complaints wan that the importa tion of the products deprived Cana dian miners of employment elully during the off-season tha recent general elaction cam palgn alwo the lnoreaning quant itiog | of cond, luhoy int WM poy hnve convict low rats hoon sine of ment In the con | probuhle COurne government In ogres penreh Into ceripin problem quarter mil nlone ton with heh Hoy oRpo In of this, commodity arviving from Russia came uldor considerable eritielim, NORANDA PURCHASES | CANADA WIRE & CABLE, (My Canadian Presa Leased Whe) Toronto, Aug, oJ It clally announced by W. HL Marsh, vice-pres lent of Canada Wire & Cable and Juries Murdoch, president of Norandi that the latter had aeqavcd a substantial terest mm the turner company It ix expected the -transaetion will help to provide Norauda with a va het for its copper the Ciena Wire and Cable is a heavy user of copper The staterient also sald Canada Wire and Cable will shortly commence the constrnetion of a rod mill and wire drawing plant adja cent to the copper refinery now hes ing erected in Montreal hy Canadian Capper Refiners Ltd, the Noranda refinery subsidiary, Was ulh IY MINER I'L} | ministration Hndey | tomplotn | renched | | SERIOUS REVOLT THREATENS PERU | Garrison of Large City Mut CONSIDERING BAN inies and Government is In Danger (By Canadian Viesa Lensed Wire) Ama, Poru, Aug, 23 A Ker militar revolt In southern today threatened the ud of President, Aughsii fouu eM BH, Leguin The gnrelson at Arognlpn city of the Republie, helm of the movement. Revolting the leadership of their of fleers the garrison arrested the clvil and military chiefs of the department nnd todny n control the third wis ut the re Minister to Canada Gets Instructions Coal Here A --------------y U.S, REPRESENTATIVE ABOVE former head of The photograph shows Hanford MaeNider, the American Laglon, and now Am | Council Submits Proposals For Unemployment Relief Fins, Italians In Knife Fight: Three Wounded in Fracas After Card Game at North Bay (By Canadian Presa Leased Wire) North Bay, UE in me ded srect Aug, 4 Result which Inst: night hospital wounds und others ont he ling wed other In In njurie my treated iden fon wre bh then lions winful All vardin police mn place of winds ol a three wre VFinlanders to statements nade the ststulned their notreedon or six Halians, Ww ular niture and a the inure who wielded Kuive {reel The Arucas developed from unsatisfactory ending of a « which the Finlander the home ont | an ire the Hime at visitors at Italinns Police Investigation prehension of Vincent Priolo Han iding at 16 Douglag street I'he police ure still searching for ne others whom they heli the from descriptions given hy the landers KING AND QUEEN ON VISIT TO SCOTLAND (My Canadian Press Leased Wire) Abherdoon, Heotland, Aug, 20 Their majestion the King and Queen arrived here thin morning with thelr youngest son, Prinee George, They were mot at tho sta. tion hy the lord provost of the efty, the magistraton and an un usually large crowd, The King was attired in kilts und necepted congratulations from the lord provost on the birth of tn granddaughter, the first prin. cenn horn In Beotland for more than 200 years loaves Large Estate Wellington, Naw Zealand, «The late Nir Joseph Ward, twice prime minister of New Zoaland and holds or, during a long politieal career, of many portfolios, left an estate of 400,000 pounds sterling, or about | 11,480,000, ol nl led toy the I linen Stolen C Car Crashes, Killing Unknown Man, Injuring Negro (My Canadian Press Loased Wire) Nitchener, Aug, Jd =An unknown white wan lies dead in the Lippert and Hunger Undertaking parlor here and Albert Jacobs, colored, lies ser fously injured in the Kitchener and Waterloo: Hospital as a result of an automobile. accident one hall mile cust of Breslaw, the Kitchener: Guelph highway about fou lock this morning he two men, ac lice, were proceeding th Kitchener from Guelph in a car alleged 10 have heen stolen from Windsor, when in rounding a gurve the drfver lost cons tral of the ear and it went over th shoulder of the road, sideswiped a telephone pole and swerved the ca) on willing to the pos around to face in the direction from whieh it had come, The front part of the ear wax undamaged but tlie rear was wrecked, The mishap was discovered song time afterwards when two brothers, William and George Smith, came wong in thelr ear and saw the two men stretched ont in the diteh, One they saw moving and approaching Jacobs they said the other man way dead, Jacobs veplied his companion was not dead and then he himself fell back unconscious and he was rushed to the hospital by his res eners, Jacobs refused to talk to the provincial police but he is heing held awaiting developments. An inquest will be held | wll with a group of five | (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) (Maw, Aun ommey dations for the wel of unemplo ment wer ented to the Fmplo Counedl of Cannda ye mittee appointed to ani) | ed with | I'hey included: Ap funds nt the special Parliament for unemploy ike) placing mdvanee upplies hy all 'Govern ment hb immediate commence ent of public works, high i and hutlding nosurvey of 1m ports to ind out what could he made Caunndu, and steps to mls of the w tinuation of the present HT of the Government List of Recommendations Ihe recommendations | I hat A Hiei of relief of wnemployment Federal municipal spheres pre ment yi ' terdn i URE renedie litle hae Hasion aprigtion ension of ment relied orders for Ww vies stich a immigration | the re con wre edinte pro authorities in hould com of a per as buildings and highways " in nets nnd thelr mence respective or continue manent nature, such work construction, including (Continued Page BH) NEW PROPOSALS FOR FEDERATION OF EUROPE MOOTED | French Covernmint Calls Conference of Powers For Sept. on (Ry Canadian Presa Leased Wire) Paris, France, Aug, 28.-The I'vench government has forwarded on propose] to the Kuropean pow ors Interested for a Europoan con ference at Geneva Hept, 7 and K, to discuss foreign minister Neland's plan of a "United States of Bus rope', The move today was accepted In diplomatie elreles to mean that M, Briand, after careful considera: tion of the veplien to his original memorandum, has formulated det nite new proposals to 'overcome some of the most werlous objen tonw to his plan mado by England, Germany, Italy and other powers What these proposals will he was not revealed, It fs known, however, that at yesterday's oabi net meeting the foreign minister recurved the nooord of the ministry to the general outlines of his new formula, which. will be distributed to the delogates at the conference In the form of a ""hlue hook", Editing of this blue book is now underway and Is expected to he Somplated during next week, AVIATORS FLYING HERE FROM GREENLAND (Ny Canadian Press Leased Wire) Ivigtut, Greenland, Aum, 24, Captain Wollgang von Gronay and hin three German companions, who landed hove yesterday in a flight fram leeland, will continue to Labrador or Nowloundliand to. morrow if weather permits, They presumably are on a flight to the United States, although they have not so announced definitely, implement | wore badly Injured, when a charge of Fwhen a guiantity arian Minister to Canada, with W, R. Castle (LEFT), tary of state, in Washington, Two Are Dying. f Atter Dynamite . Blast, Hamilton seere: Col, aetlstant TO OTTAWA CONFERS WITH STATE MaeNider conferved with lopartment hefore leaving to assume Changes in Hospital and Jail Systems Recommended ( nwanto, ml ed 0 table | This Seriously Injured en Charge Explodes Prematurely | | (By Canadian Press Leased Whe) HH Three Hamilton, Aug men dynamite exploded prematnyel in a sewer cut on Hamilton moun tain to-day, The men operations worn starting blasting on the rock ground of dynamite ex» hire ambulances were to the geone, blagt ocenrred In a storm tunnel about twenty-five feet The men and | and plodad rushed The nwer In from the opening shaft, Don Campbell, Alex, Barclay Angus were placing a charge adjusting the time fuse, They shouted from inside to other work men that the fuse had heen Rind | within a second or so a m tonation was heard I'he ities I 9 | been dofective and had ignited the dynamite almost instantly James Dawnon, the foreman, | went down the ghaft fmmediately | und found the three men huddiod | together some distance from the end of the shaft, They had evidently | crawled a fow fet after the terrible coneussion, Rescuers followed the foreman down the shaft into the poisonous fumes, and succeeded In bringing the unfortunate men to the sur faee, They were frightfully Injurs od, two of the men being mangled almost beyond recognition, but still allve Police ambulances arrived a few moments and the injured men were rushed to the general hospital, It In feared that Barclay and Hughos cannot recover, while Campbel)'s condition in very serious, The rescuers risked thelr own lives to reach the weunded trio, #0 strong was the gas in the shaft that the men became very ii from ita ofecth LAWYERS SOUND NEW PEACE NOTE ------ There Can be No Poace Not Founded on Justice, Says Lord Tomlin , Chivago, Mie, AVE 2A new note' on international peace wan sounded last night an the American Ray Amotiatjon onded its Chicago convention, Add®asing the banquet, at which Chief Justice Charles Kvans Hughes was the honor guest, the FRE, Hon, Lord Tomlin sald there conld be no peace that fa.not based on Juatioe, "You area great nation of great Ideals," Lord Tomlin sald, Peace In very near your heart not the mere absence of war hut peace in the broadest yonge, There can he no peace not founded on Justice and no Justice that Ia not based on the principles of the laws and the part dations it embodies are doe I'hey tens three (ta ALD, Lute Ih mn the [ bls, every iin movement a least used to de Hissicaners point Quel their ng tober revenue HEAD the state ew post By Canadian Pron Leased Wire) Aug 2) ne Royal Com on on Publi Wellnre, "bboint the Ontario government last do take ptock ol the ¢charl corrective Iatitutions « province has submitted is we he findings and recommen contuined In ument of several hundred pages; are the fruit of months of in ve study on the part of the commissioners; De, I) DD, Ro wi, chuwirman, 10M, Wright Stratford, and Dr. J. M, Md heon, Toronto, ec report points to certain defect present systens, notably in the branded as 'inferior in nearly sense of the word und eon many recommendations for well as indicating ut method which andght In for the rilsing of public revenue fray hospital costs Ihe com to the Provinee hospital tax on meals us, in apinion, a of rais In Quebee all restaur (Continued on Page 2) wn im one ol aut mean HARVESTING IS N { W weit ideal exee sean cone Com ont, vate {81} cent perce nel nortl striel ner nortl sont repoy avers class mn tend vest le hy Houy on, tion, day, In od fe the courts," cording points threshing report week, creased areas [ train in the grounds of the Ontaria at the hips later EAR COMPLETION ON THE PRAIRIES About 70 Per Cent, of Crop Cut, Threshing Weather is Ideal By Canadian Press Leased Wire) mnipeg, Ang, 2, hreshing her on the paraivies has heen during the past week, with the ption of Northern Alberta where ered showers have fallen, acs to the 15th report on evap the Canadian Dank of The statement points that late reports indi that rain has fallen at various nother districts, ting 18 approximately 7 per complete in Manitoba and some has been done, says. the In Saskatehewan 60 to 20 nt, of the grain has been ent threshing will be general next Conditions are hetter to the vand worse fn the drought ken south, Alberta wheat yields acre are placed at 22 in the yy 16 nthe centre, and 18 in the itions hy merce, however, [4 h Grades throughout the prairies, the t finds, will generally be a fal Ae, although below the high record established last year, In use of combines, especially where straw is short, will to hasten the completion of hares ng STRUCK BY TRAIN LONDON GIRL KILLED (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Hiruek Rallway Aug, 0 Pacifo mdon, Ont, Canadian tal here, an employee wan fatally Migs Dorothy Camers of that inatitn Injured early to. OMe manner not yal accounts Or the vietim was thrown across tracks and both legs severed She died a short time in a hospital, 'M. M. HOOD, OSHAWA, MADE 2nd VICE-PRESIDENT OF ONTARIO BRANCH OF LEGION spoctacylar whlaze I | ef FIRE THREATENS | MIDWAY AT G.N.E. Six Stands Burned, Others | Damaged in Blaze Today (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Aug, 24 A short hut hinge early this morn ing threatened destroction of the midway in the Canadian National Kxhibition grounds, Breaking out | from an unknown cause in & hooth NERY the grandstand tha flames spread with alarming rapidity and | in faw minute ix stands were | Toronto, | | | | | | | | | fl arrival of the fire brigade stationed at the groundy for sneh emergencies pravented the "big falr's" great amusement cents re from golng up In smoke 41 x haoths were gutted with an estimuts logs of $10,000, while adjoin Ing stands badly scorched and watarsonked Only the gueck were Noted Racer is | Hurt in Crash | Kaye Don Injured and Mech- anic Seriously Hurt When Car Overturns (By | Canadian Press Leased Wire) Helfast, Ireland, Alig Don, one Great Britain's suffered na mochanle was their car nn Kanye of motor racers, broken rib and his perlously Injured when overturned and eaught fire in the A10-mile Ulster Tourist Trophy raco of the Royal Automobile Club today The British driver, who only a lew: months pgo went to America in ap attempt to establish a new world's speed record, narrowly oncaped death In the crash, Another aceldent marred 'aed over the tortuous elreult of thirty laps, when Captain A, (', 1 Walte received a severe concussion ns his ear mounted a. bank and overturned, Thirty-six avent, driven (ermany, Great Three Italians mid-afternoon ovent noted the the from cars alarted hy oxperts Hritain and Italy, were leading this in the halr-rafsing NO INVESTIGATION | OF PRICE OF BREAD (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Ottawa, Aug, 28,11 ia not des sirable that action under the Com hines Investigution Act In cons nection with the price of bread should be taken at this time, Hon, (4, DD, Robertson, Minister of La- hor, sald yesterday at the meot- Ing of the Employment Nerviee Counefl, He sald he trusted the upivit of co-operation the Council was wooking to bulld up would oxtend to those concerned and lead to a correction of any unfairness without intervention of the Gove ernment, | whieh made [6 J. Keiller MacKay, Tos ronto, Elected President, and Col. F. J, Pickering, St. Thomas, First Vices President | LEGION ADVOCATES DOLE RELIEF SYSTEM Approves Resolution That Census Be Taken of All Unemployed War Vets erans in Ontario, Giving Full Information Orhuwn honor ol VIBILINE grent w the of will have hundreds He veterans from all aver the provines of Ontario, 1a, night at Hamilton, at the closing elon of the Provinelsl Convens thon of the Canadian Legion of the Britigh Empire Rervice League, owas unanimously decided to hold the 1041 convention in the city of Oshawa, the invitation of the Oslis ww Hraneh of tha Legion, hy M, Melntyre Hood and. supported hy telegrams from Mayor Mitehell, DD. Conant, kecretary Chamher of Commerce, the gervies clubs and the Ontario Regiment helng rece ed with eheors as a tribute wonderful development activity In Oshawa in the London was the only Nest your entertaining to 1h of Legion last vi other « any effort to give eun petition, hut it was not seriou and the vote to come 1o Oshawa WOH an unsinimous one I'he date of the convention 1s, of course, un« cortaln, hut it is likely that it will he in the summer months, so that Oshawa will ha at its best for the great gathering of leaders of the organized war veterans of the provinee Another honor was done to (he Oshawa branch when M, Melntyre Hood, chairman of the executive committes of the branch, was elect « od second vice-president of the provincial command, defeating Brig. General Nelles, of Niagara Falls, and Mayor 8. A, Wallace, of Windsor, in a keenly contested ele ection, Comrade Hood was nomine« ated for the .oMea of Provineialy First "Viea-President, but on. thed election of Col, J Kalllor MeKay as Provincial President, he withel drew in favor of Col, 1, J, Pleking, who was elected hy acclamation, Dr, James Moore, of Brooklin, who was a delegate to the conven-| ton, dia splendid work in a special, committee appointed to deal with! the problem - of unemployment! AMONERL WAP veterans, a commities which will continue its work: for the next year Mamilton, Aug, 28-Delegates tim the fourth annual convention of the! Ontario Command of the Canadian Legion last night deelded to hold (Continued on Page 2) PORT ARTHUR EDITOR DIED THIS MORNING. (By Canadian | Frees Leased Wire) Port Arthur, Ont, Aug, i, 1, Allen, editor of the Port "Arthur News Chronicle died Whis morns Ing, after a short illness from » paralytie stroke suffered last Suns day and subsequent complications, Mr, Allen spent all hig life In the printing and publishing business, He came to Port Arthur in 1888 from Nrockville, During a busy career he served In many publie offices, the eity counell and hoard of education and was prominent in fraternal life, particularly with the Masons and Odd 1"ellows, The wis dow and family of five children sure vive (Ay Canadian Press Lasend Wire) Winnipes, Man, Aug, 28, =Iopes for a prairie wheat beard to-day aps peared to have faded, [Premier J. T. M, Anderson of Saskatchewan, whose oall to the next door prems fors for a wheat board or compuls sory pool parley at Regina yesters day went unanswered fa pessimiatio about prospects for an organization to handle the prairie erop, He atated last night that it is "une Hkely" effort would he made to call a conference at a later date, Only the Saskatchewan premier, It appears; han been approached hy the pool in hig province with an appeal that some single hod) handle the whole grain erop, Colin H, Burnell, president of the Mani toba wheat pool. says that no ve quest has heen made ta the Mani toba government for a wheat-board Hopes Fade For Wheat Board To Handle Entire 1930 Crop or a 100 or cent, pool, and Henry Wise Wood, head of the Alberta pool, ways the Saskatohowan talk in the first he hax heard about wu whet board, Neither Premier John Rracken of Manitoba nor Premier J, 1, Brown. 160 of Alberta has nade any coms ment on the Saskatchewan proposal, Mr, Bracken mentioned that he would have liked to attend the Res gina meeting but eonld not, Mr, Brownlee, holidaying in Ontario rus mained silent on the matter and none of hiv dephitios essnyod an opine fon, All three premiers stood back of the wheat pool in guaranteeing tho pool's loans on the 1020 crop Conservative. members. of the Saskatohewan legialature,. queried by the premier on thelr stand tos wird the proposed. "single chan nel' for wheat handling, were said Lo be opposed to the plan,