JEL "EASTERN ONTARIO NEWS Vavmey suicides Russell, ~Fleing one end of a rope around his neck and - Lhe other around the newel post, The mas Bhelp, 45 year old farmer, threw himself down un sinirwiy al his home, he was dead when » does tor arvived, Bhelp had been des ondent for some Lime and wis tn Wve heen vamoved (no the Ontario hospital at Brockville in a few ays, ---- IMs IN ARKANSAS Kingston, One of the eldest and 8 very distinguished graduate of Queen's University and n native of Kingston, passed away recently in the person of Dy, James MeMahon, aged KG, who died at his home in Yexarkana, Avk, UU.8 A NEW PORT OFFICE Kingston. ~The contraet has heen swarded and work commenced on the new post oMes al Sydenham, Yhe successful tenderers wers 1, MacDonnell for mason work and Alderman Thomas Andre for care penter work, All other work will he handled as sub-contracts under the twa mentioned ahove, The price of the naw hullding In yeports ed to he $11,000 BARN DESTROYED Kingston, ~The heavy Pana LA Baga Bl EM Healthy Children Learn Very Quickly |, vd alecivig may ha marathon, A school room likened tn a i supposed to have an equal chance of winning, Towards the end of the pues only those fortified with ahsoluia health and strength, to gether with a wsuperabun dance of vitality ave going tn come out ahead Tha i weaklings ave loft to drop f out slong the route { Perivaps your ohild ap | pears In good health an he romps ahout in his play, hut when ha comes In to stud) he falls asleep aver his hooks and in classes does ¢ nok seem to grasp thoughts qulekly Home call him a dull bay, This is the sign to guard against and alone will keep your ehild fram helng at the top Now {8 the time ta hulld } Up powers of concentration ! Hart your ohild at onee on # hattle of J&L, MALT EXTRACT [| f | # It fartifies My hady | against Coughs and Colds, f restores loss of vitality | really a most palatable and efficient hone and tia sue hullder the car since yieht YOUrs an minister where all the oceupants are i Riding al and COD LIVER Of, || aon storm recently sel Are tn & barn owned hy William Dull, Inverary, and destroyed it, COTANCTION OF CURIOS Pieton,=Pleton Public 1Abrary has an added stiraction in the dis ny of vellgs housed there, Vyed awman recently donated a ne vik cake, oight hy nine feet, and in this 18 housed a collestion of yells and euros owned hy by, W, K, Burr, who has spent many Years compiling the history of Prince ¥ids ward County families, or VAGLE OVER BAY Dessronto~=An sage With a spread of six oy seven fest his heen poen AL different paints' slong the hay Intely, My, Pogree at the Is land claims theve are (wo of them and thal he has seen them at dif fervent times on the island CHIFY HAR MEMORY Deseronto, Chief Thomson's git of memory fesulted in the In careeration in Deseronto lockup of f'erey Dogan of Cornwall, fol Fiavow of Brockville and twa oth ars, Dagan, it is alleged, ran awny from Broekyille on July 14, taking the ffteensyear-old Viavow girl with Wm and they have heen Vying In The othey ovenpants were held as vagrants In VRUIT GARDEN Kingston, =A gaunt elm ree glanding on the lawn of the leeal elub har blossomed forth ns me of the ehief sights of the elly THK for nature has turned iC into a smal) fruits garden, side of In a eroteh on one the tree a white currant wish has grown, while on the other gored currant and A goosehery ah hive sprouted PARTOR IRERIGNS P'oterhoro Alter gloss on eight of Gilmour Mem wind Chureh, Rey, W, 8, Kdgar an notinead hig resignation af the lose of & recent sarvies, the resignation 0 take affect an Heptember 31, My idgar proposes to follow a further anrae of studies at Ceoger Thealn gional seminary, Chester, Pennusyl Yienia DIK AT AGE 90 Death has claimed residents of this aunty, tn the person of Mes, Hilda hambers, who passed away at the ima af her grandson near Hig ISIngelon ma of the nidest Creek, at the age of 64 TABERALR ENJOY PION Hroekyille "Jim Manelaren, fofonted Liberal candidate in Losds tha recent general ele lon, was host to move than 160 of his leading supporiers and workers from all seotions of the county at in excursion to the Thousand 1s: lands and a plenie, under the aus ees of the Leeds Liberal Associa lon FACE ATWON CHARGE Patarhoro, «Frederick Imming, waprietor of the Auto Kleotrie and Repalr Bhop #1 184 Chay Hiveel, was balled fop trial Wy Magistrate Langley In police our when he appeared for pee tminary hearing on a ehavge of ar Hall was sel al $5000 BORN NEAR BIIGHTON Gallant Fax, with Bande up, met his conquerar when he matched strides with Jim Dandy in the Travers Stakes mt Baratogn, New York Photograph above shows Jim Dan: dy with aker up, which paid 100 FALL FAIR DATES = Aherfnyla Oct, | | Abingdon Oct Artin Afinennrt Allan Craig Ale Alfred Alliston Hep, 104 Altnnte ol Alvinston pep Ancuslel opt, HI Almley Hept, 0 Arden whl Arnpriog ; Arthur el Ashworth op Altwnnil Avior el nil Mept, 16:17 (Benrhorn) ol, BHR mept, IK Aug. Hose Hopt, 14 unarin URS mpl, A apt. 1h gn URETH Ayime 1] Avion ( Haneynfi Hai wl Rive oil Hurrie op Hayfold top! | Haysville pep, HoOet | Heaehhurg Heameville Hegverion ap Heaton Holleville Helmont pr Hinhronk Hinekstook Hiyth opt Hoheaygoon opt Holton Ol Honflekl Hop! Hothwell's Hrueahridge Headford Ont Brampton Hop! Nrlgden Hrighton Bruen Mines Hrusneln Hurks Falls Hurford Hurtingion Cunledon Culedonin Campheliford Cape Croker Reserve (IER | mi i] Hep Jot Aug, 8 fap! opt, apt, 2 | | Corners Hop! fe map opt J] opt. 10 Opel Mopt, 1K pept, Ho-Opl Hept, 18 Opt, 17 el \[LE 8 IH] Hept, R400 ion! Bima Fhmivale Fimo inn Wnimilule Fnglahnel rin I linet ivy Fonwiek Feviun vernhinm apherion Chiletin (Mah Cialt | Chardon Hives (he elown CHenene Godertoh LF wh Hain tare Ha rand Vall Liranvenhurst Haliburton Hanne Harviaton Hai row Hepworth Highpute Huleiein Huntevith Hye Hidertom Ingersoll Ine Peon Hikidee Jaryl INBEAW On Icapusknming Keni Kenora Ilex th NTE RY Kingston Aug pep 20-pe ml Oe Oey ep! op ll 1nd ahh 120 Oct, 28 Hep Hepl [8] Mept, Ho Tm Out Hop (a tn (81 op All Hept Hep 8) fp fn pt "i Hepl oil Pept { Hop! 0nd opt, Hid Mepi ( epi Hept th Hep (h yet ail Hept Hep Hep Mey { mept, dod opi aj Hept ALE "pl opt Pept 161K 107 el, 7 [| ih LB J ! | ft, TR IN lh IH 2H fin 12:1 te | ] | 171 wt, | TI | TU | IK 10 " od uh 4h I, HN hin I | ' 111 fH wi, 1] wi 1 IN1h 1H TR) 2] | ta 1, won hy six lengths, Oct, 44 wap, 26:37 wept, Lh ah Minden Wopl, #0 MHehell Hapt, 24:24 Moliiwk Indian (Deseionto) wept, 17 Moonbeam Mept, 11 Mount Bryden Ont, 1 Mount Forest Hept, 171K Murilia Oct, 14 Nipnea Aug, 19:43 Nesta tent, 27 Now Hamby wept, 19148 Newington Mept, 16:17 New Liskeard Ninguirm onthe lake fept, 20 Niarwieh Mapl, 25:84 Nuovrwaoni) Ort, 140 Onlew ood Mept, 16:16 les i pept, 25.08 Ohaweken Mept, 2h dT | Ornaeyiile opt, 1610 Oita sept, 10:20 Oronn popt Milthrook Milton Milverton | | 7 Owen | 0-Ont, | vn fept, 10 Orevilie opt, 14 Mept, Hl Aug, INES | Onhinwn (Hn (antral Canada) in | Pinte Pukenhnm Palmerston Paris | Parham | Parlin Purr | Perth 'etevhorn 1 Petrolen [ Photon Pinkerton Povapln Hopt, blo Porguls Junetion ept, IN Port Carling Hept, Ho Part Blin opt, 20g Port Hope Hepl Port Hot Pow nssinn Hept Piteeyvitio Ot Ha Oct, NN Hainy Hive opt, 16.17 Houma Cindiun) opt Bln I Humana apt | Henfrew Hept. 16:10 | Hiewyile Mept, 24 Hicharda Landing apt IN Hiehmand Mept, INO Hidgetown Out, #0 Providenos Wood iBE8 visi Out, 1911 Woods uuk nee EPL, 18:20 Wooler " wertrin wept, 17 Wyoming Out, 2% wmrieh wn BOP, S025 (8%) Buccessiil Canadian exhibitors in the International Grain and Way Show Lo he held ut Chicago, No vember 29:-December 6, will be awarded liberal bonuses in addi tion to the regular premiums of fered in the prize list now being distributed, The provineisl governs ments of Quebes, Ontario, Alberts, Baskatehewnn and British Colum- bis, the Calgary Board of "Trade and the Canadian Pacific Railway hive also announced offers of spe. ht awards for Canadian exhibie Ors, That alk are aliraeied by musie seems 16 he established by the as- tions of two fine spscimens of that animal which stroll out of the hush when dancing heging af (he Banff Hprings Motel avery evens Ing, Under the ballroom windows thay begin 16 shake their heads and prance, eavort and caper while the mugle 1asie, not sven slopping 1n oat until the orehesira has consed playing AIR TREATY WITH USA. 15 SIGNED Agreement is Far-Reaching Step in Interest of Air Navigation Washington, Aug, 24, "The 1'nll af Binley has entered Jnto uw recipro ol nie navigation agreement, ne gotigted under the provisions of thea Alr Commerce Act of 1026 with Canndn Ihe arrangement enables evil 400,000 more users in the last three months The tremendous increase in SALADA Tea sales shows this extraordinary growth in Canada. "SALADA" TEA We airevafl of ons country to enter the tarritory of the other, and provides for the intergranting of pilots' le cannes Lo nationals of each country, ach country ean areapt cortincalog of airworthiness for uwireraft ens taring In the form of merchandise The nigreament 16 sald Io he ons of the most far-renehing steps yo! taken In tha Interest of wily navi gntion hy the two nation hp ------ TAKES U1 DUTIEN Brockville Itay I', Bearer, who spent seven years al 1a puski 'Fresh from the gardens' Er ., ing, In the diocess of Moossones, has taken up his duties at Oxford Mills fey, Joseph Cantrell hay heen appointed to the Anglican parish of gharbo! Lake on tempor ary duty for a period of (wo months Amger glusn, Indirect lighting und other novel Innovations to pres vent glare on the finishes of motor ents mre being utilized fn the Autos movite Bullding at the Canadian National Exhibition ED -- ------------ by MINK, oa he fl Vi of i yA 0, 1) A Sk i Fo -- WG Van Eqmand b Shan E Shorey A A Heaing Nilesh, Hash WG A uidgtie design vet one with features Is (Hustea tiaing ont of gables, wire tive Cries Hany ed her A MODERN ENG VAN EGMOND & STAN LE STOREY, pe LISH BUNGALOW Architects Em] Hipley Mept, 2544 [ obling Mills Oot, Ba | 100 Rosenenih Oot, 1847 shingles Jad with thateh effect and | «| Roeklyn Oot, 7k | handsome dark timber surrounding | Rodney Hopt, 90.80 | # purdy doorway are sume of the in Rook ton Oct. 2.x] teresting points of the bungalow, 10] Rowson Hap, 10:19 I'he exterior suggests eoginess and Hunaell wept, Ha] the Interior docs tx shire in ears Lindany Gt. 17.001 BG, Marys Oct Tx] 1m out this soggestion, Te will he Laon's Head Oat 10 | Maugeen Iadian (Chippawa Hi) noticed that the sleeping quarters Liantnwel opt, HHT] Cet arranged so that they do not im Mop {IRE TH] ep; Rig Hept, 1 wept, 13 Hop! Hep, 17 Leamington tet tel Kinmount op Kirkton opt Repl Lakefield Hept, 17 Lavmheth Chatsworth Ont. Lishitt'} Chenley Hopt, #526] fanaton Christian Inland CIndiun) Hept, li Clavenes Creek Hepl Clarkabur g TIN ATH lute Hopt Cobden sep, 8 Large two pound lar Hpeclal $1.19 Jury & Lovell, Ltd, King Bt, KE, Nimope Nt, N, Phone 98 Phone 68 Carp Cusselninn Contreville (Addington) Charlton Helghton, Hon, Thomas Mirphy weeping sections of rool Neepawa, Man, who has heen given # portfolio In the Hennett Cabinet al Ottawa, was horn at Kdville, near Hrighton, He started In the drug business at Campheliford and for a enuple of years hefore going went worked in-the Heighten drug sore BEDROOM BEDROOM [0] EDROC "0'x10'0" 86"'%10'0" Fearne Hew ni Hepl CLOB eLos sexx . ny ave tertore with the RE FR RR SR AS SR Hving AMBULANC AND : FUNERAL SERVICL Oshawa Burial Co. MF, ARMNTRONG & BON, Props, 87 CELINA STREET DAY and NIGHT PHONE 1082w' TELEPHONE . . 262 * FIVE DIRECT LINES TO CENTRAL COAL oo COKE semersoLvay WOOD Au. kinds & DRY Service 20) delivery Vehicies 0 PREMIUM DIXON COAL CO. Coohrane ('oa HI mep!t Calhorne Coldwater Collingwood Comber Conkatown Conkaville Cnrnwall Hopt, 14 Mept. 18 pept, 14 Hopt, BiEN pept, 1890] Ont, B40 H0-Oet 19:00 | Hept Hep! Courtland Onl Delaware Oe, N Delta Pemoreatyilla . Oet, 11 Doasha rats i Peahorn . Dorehester tation Ot Drayton Drenden Prambo Dryden Punehureh Dundalk Dungannon \ Oot, 7 BARRVIHS sini Oot, 7 Durham --- wept, 11 pH BE 1800 Hop! Hep, , Repl, 16.15 dept, 20 U6 Hept, PH Hept. 24:86 Hept, B64 Hept, 2001 Rept, 16: em OW H- et Lamba y Laing Fanon Fneknnw Muherly Maid Magnetawan LE Manitowaning Murkdnle Marmara Munsey Matheson Mattawan Maxville Maynooth (Wanton Hi fen Nept apt np th Hep Hep Mept, Hod mepl Hop Ney Hopt Hep Hept, Hot Fal) MoDonald's Corners Mey MoRKellay Meaford Melbourne Merlin Morviekyville Meatealte Middleville Midland Mildmny [LEH lM SUST DOING PRACTICE s. // THRY MBRT YOU «fy ON GANS OF THOSE VACANT OT Ea : El ment, Hept nl 15:1 | WE} I, IE | HEE Yan wt 1708 i UI 17IN 11:13 LAL | {LB 1] 3. 0 17:00 | | | Oot, 10 Hh Hept . Hept 8) Hep! Hept MINIATURE Qe - HAERL | I) 1:17 | 1890 FARE] Nept, 24.34 Aug, 106 Mept, 26:00 Mept, 1810 Oot, | Wept, 20 Mept, 17 Hapt, 10:00t, 1 , Wept, 25:00 Out, 7:0 Wapt, 29:80 Nept, 111% Hept, 26:26 Nept, 2021 Nept, 1810 Hept, 16:17 Nept, fo Nept, WR Hept, 24 Nept, 16:17 , Hept, 24:24 Oot, N « Aug, Bh ept, | Nept, 21 , Wept, 10:13 WANE, T0 Hept, H0:0et, 1 Hept, 26:37 Rept, 80:00t, | Hept, A0:00t, 20 Nept, 2h-40 Nept, 18:17 Hurniia Haul Mie Hehombery Meaforth | Movern Bridge Hhannony ile | Mhedden | Whepniandanh Hhelburne Nimeoe wm ' "i Amtthyville Houth Mountain Howth River Hpeneerville | Hpringheld Hprieedale Hella Nike Hiraffordyille Hiratford Nirathrpy Mireetuville Hinrgean "alls Hundertand vi AUnAMGRE mim Hutton any Tara ) we Tavistook \ Tooswater , iy Thorndale Thedford . Thorold "n I'hensnion | wanmins NOPE 2M Tilson hu rg AVE BEN Tiverton, HR Oct, 1 Trout Creek Hept, 1718 Toronto (Canadian National) Aug. 23:Rept, | wang O04 BQ Sept, 20 Oot, Nept, 18:17 Nept, 17.20 Hept, 2021 Oot, 28 Aug, 27400 Oot, 1) dept, 244 Oot, hin Hept, 14:17 Oot, 24 wept, a Nept, Hin fapt, H10 Out, TR Nept, WM toNept, 1? dept, 2 Nopt, 181% Nept, {0 Murine Tweed umn Udora ERATE URAREWOO 41mm Uttorann SETHI Vankleek Hil nn Verner ahaa Wallavetown Ah Walpole Taland (Indian) Walsh WHY N Walters Falls Warkworth Warren Waterford Welland Wellandport Welleslay Wheatley Aan Wiarton A Wilkeaport Ma Williamstown on Winohestey FRR Windham Centre os WIREDRI inn Oct, TR quarters, vel the bedroums are conveniently situated Fhrough the side entrance we en ter the Kitehen and the basement, In the kitchen we find cupboards oceu pring the space beside the sink These will take care of the neces sities of the room. Although small and compact after the modern vogue, it In arranged so that the work in i would be pleasant and efficient, Outline Specifications Sine of House: 25 feet, 11 Inehes x dln 8 dn Suitable Loti 40 it, frontage, Walls: Stuceo, Roof: Shinglen (thatched effect) Built:in-featuren: Cupboards Cuble Contentar 14,000 cu. fi Approximate Costi $5500 Readers desiving further infoimas ton regarding a house of thin des sgn should communieate with Messrs: W, Go Van Pgmond and Stan 1 Storey, MeGallum Hill Bldg, Regina, Sask, and mention design Noo 20 Consult a local architect designing anchiteet fx tou far pe moved, Copyright, 1930, House Depreciation Is Decreased With Proper Foundation The weoret of durability ery No matter how well built the sup errtrneture of a house, it will soon shows signs of depreciation 1 the foundation is defective, because any unequal strats no the foundation wall are eventually transferred to the framework or the walls of the house Cracks in the Toundation walls may spread up through the house, damag ig not only hreickwork and stucco on the exterior, hut alin plaster, wallpaper, wondwork and tlework on BEDROOM 10'0"x 12'0" 12'0"x17°0" of level and doors and windows stick in thelr frames OF the various causes of damage to foundations, settlement fs prob ably the most common Numerous precantions ave taken to prevent ity occurrence, In the fest plage, the foundation must rest on fiom soil which will not settle when the weight of the house ix brought to bear on it, The foundation should not be laid on newly filled ground, nor on soll whieh fx softened and weakened by water In any case the bottom of the foundation walls should be widened out on each wide th form what is khown asx "footings" These sap port "the house on soft soil very meh an anowshoes Support a person osolt snow. Toa house must be bull on a fled lot the founda tions must extend down to "viegin® oF undisturbed soil if unequal wet tings and ity disastrous vesulty ave to he entirely avoided the interior, Floors are thrown oul J 16 water fx encountered fn, the soil : LIVING ROOM !! T i sacs | DINING ROOM 10'0"x 12'6" CIEL - \ ed | when excavating, means should be taken to prevent ity entering the cel lar, either through walls or floor Ustially a line of tile drains Jaid all around the house Just outside the bottom of the foundation and runs NINE to a conspool, sewer, or dey well will Keep the cellar free of water, 1 the soil fx unusually wet the founs dation walls and cellar floor must be made waterproof by one of the methods in vogue, the choice des pending on the kind of foundation wall and tlie severity of the condis tons Conerete can he mada waterproof in most easer hy the nse of a ears rect mixture or by the additden ol waterproofing substances Brick, stone, hollow block wally and eons erete can be wade reasonably waters prank by the application of waters proof coatings to the outer . and sometimes te the foner surfaces Copyright, © 1930 The Architect's Small House Service Dueray, Ine