Oshawa Daily Times, 22 Aug 1930, p. 8

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PACE EIGHT THE, OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, 'RIDAY, AUGUST 22, 1930 CLAREMONT Claramont, Aug, 17,Miwm Tes slo Graham of Toronto, spent the week end at her home In the vil Inge, Mr, and Mrs, Tiobert Beelby were in Uxbridge on Saturday, | Mr, and Mrs, Wm, Brown of Tov. | onto, spent the week ond at the | home of the Iatter's parents, My. | and Mrs, Wm, Thompson, ! My, and Mee, Baxter and dnugh | tar, of Toronto, visited with Mrs, | Borland on Sunday afternoon | Mr, and Mrs, DD, A, Heoll accom panied by Mr, Thos, Beott returned to Toronto on Monday, The seven months old child of Mr, and Mrs, Beaton died on Kun fdny evening after an Hiness of a fow hours, "The sgrrowing family have (he sympathy of the whole community, A capaeity audiences mel in the | hasemant of the United ehureh on | Priday evening last, with a fare | well banquet to My, and Mes, M, J) Wilker on tha occasion of thelr re moval to thaly new home In Tor: onto, An address and an engraved wold watch was presented to Mr, Witker, and a pair of silver mount od candlesticks to Mrs, Wilker A splendid supper wis served hy 'he adios and & programme of nusie and speeches followed In whish Mr, Wilker was nssurved of he good wishes of a host of friends Mrs, W, M, Thompeon, who has paen taking treatments in n Tor into hospital for some time return td to her home on paturday Mrs, Thos, Oliver and daughter, af Toronto, visited in Haremont on 1'riday Nev, HM, L. Ftephens was in Toy ante on Sunday, vielting his moth er, who 1s quite 111, Mr, and Mrs, Clements of Toy ante, spent the week and with Mr and Mes, J, Bulman Miss ap Mitehat! visiting heP nunt, Mrs key, Mrs, Ksther Valmay spent I'ri day in Whithy, with her sinter, Mrs Wm, Jones Rev, A, McLellan was In #hel aurne on Maturday, attending tha | funeral of the late Mr. Wm, John Mon, Master #iawart and Willis Oliver of Toronto, are holidaying with [rionds In Claremont Mr, and Mrs, Geo, Madill nf De Iroit, who have heen spending a wotlk with Mra, Father Palmar and anther ralatives returned home on saturday Dr, H.. G6, "ranch, Mrs, Vrench and children of Dresden, Ont, were sunday callers at the manse, Rey, Mr, Melood of Rouffville atoupied the pulpit In tha Baptist ohureh on Bunday morning Mr. Wm, Yorgie of Detroit and Mra, John Vorgia of Dunbarton, spent Monday with the Misses or. gio in the village, We are pleased to note that Mrs, | John Fleming Is recovering from | her recent linens, ve, Murey Fait, of Glencoe, 1s visiting with Miss Margaret Hamil on and other Claremont friends TYRONE | Tyrone, Aug, 14,-Mim May | Cameron, of 'Toronto, spent the | week-end at home | Mra, Devitt, of Pack, Mich, is visiting her daughter, Mrs, Otto friends of Litrien, In Lather Ii} | Rupture Expert Here Do you suffer from rupture. 1 no, your hg opportunity has now arrived. Mr, Reavely, the nated Fupture expert, will ba at the (GGenosha Hotel for ons day onl Saturday, Aug. 23rd and will be pleased to give free oxumination te any sufferer and to demonstrate his famous up» plisnce, This appliance will con tract the opening in 10 to 15 dav and hus cured cases in trem threg to six months, This appl wnee ia positively demonstrated 10 yeu right On Your own persen witheut any charge. You do net spend a penny unless are Hl fully satisfied that it ix the righ applinnce for you A eonsulta tien with Mr, Reavely will cost you nothing. Don't ler this op portunity get away from you 1 member the date USED |} CARS won A Fa Big Reductions FORD 1080 SPORT COUPK fumble Neat, Like new, MT8.00, URKEVROLET 1088 SEDAN Excellent condition, R00, FORD 1084 COACH, NO tradesin, #1580,00, KSHEX 1088 COACH, tradesin, $400,00, FORD 1088 TOURING Reconditioned, $885.00, OVERLAND 1008 TOU ing: Tiven like new, Su3,00, FORD 1080 TRLCK, 1), Ton Stake Nody, 8600.00, va) NO COX MOTOR SALES 10 BOND NT. W, eourse al Land Mrs | of Tarente, nre !arintendent | Grace J of young folks in honor of her neph. OWN brthday, Master Ross Ashton recently, PHONE Rd \ Gilbert, Virtue, Miss Lvy Park, of Newcastle, way uw weok-ond guest at Mr, H, Colls- cuil's flay, J, I, Trampour and Master Grenfell are holidaying with friends in Prines Kdward County, My, and Mrs, C, W, Woodley and daughters, XAith and Joyes, spent u woak-and at Pleasant Point, Blur. goon Lake, Mrs, Tamblyn, My, and Mrs, Can sidy, Mr, and Mrs, Bloan Cooper und sons, George and John, of To- | ronto; Mr, and Mrs, Binckwell, of Walland and Misses M, and ¥, Bhaw, of Ridgetown, were week. and guests of My, and Mrs, (', A, Bigelow, Mya, Clara Bryan, of Bowman ville, Is visiting her son, Mr, V, 1, Bryan, and rvenowing ncquaints Anees here, My, and Mrs, Kdgar Kooll, Jessie und Bruce, of Nakina, ave hollduy« Ing with the former's parents, Mr, and Mrs, Thos, Beott, Mr, and Mrs, A, 1, Clemens al. tended the wadding of the former dnughter, Miss Geraldine, to Mr Oliver Hanna, of Toronto, at Campheliford on Saturday, Con gratulntions to Mr, and Mrs, Han. na Rav, A. R, Banderson, of Toron lo, delivered a very interesting dis the avening wservies on Hunday, Mr, Kandarson spoks in the interest of the Lord's Day Al Hance We walcome to our village My Hinson, of Oshawa, who have taken aver C.D, Hodgson's grocery and general store busiooss Quite a number of men attend. ed the dinner wrranged by the Agricultural Boelety and served hy The Ladies' Ald at Hampton on the Linke on Tuesday The farmers in the district enteriained the Nota ans of Bowmanville Baveral of our villagers wears nwnkonad hy the great British diy ighle MN 1 0 O0-early Monday morning and found thay ware able (0 gol un falr view an the distin Kuished visitor passed on Vs trip from Otiawa 10 Taranto NEWCASTLE Newcastle, Aug, 1 Gibson, of Niagara Falls Ing har grandmother, Mrs (iihson Mr Mins Jean In visit ™ M Milton Robarishaw, holidaying at the H, Paarce Mrs, Ceorge Wright Toronto, spent clvic with Mr, and Mrs and Mrs home of W Mr, and and children holiday week J, I, Fisher Miss Annie Bhaw, Hospital Sup Piqul, © her aunt, Mra, B. Joss and other relatives Mr. Clarenea Batty, Manager of tha Bank of Commerce, and Mrs Patty nnd daughter, Miss Loreen Patty, ara away on thelr holidays Mr, and Mrs, Thos, Verguson Peterbore, spent Civie holiday weekend with Mr, and Mra, Albert Pollard, and met many old friends made when Mr, Ferguson carried on A smithy hare Miss Stewart, Arnprior, and a mamber of the RNanfrew Public school teaching staff, recently via ited with Mr, and Mrs, J, W, Glen ney, and Mr. and Mrs, W. M, Buck: lay, while an her way home from Torontn, whera she had bean tak- Ing one of the spacial summer courses for teachers Mrs, A, IL. Wisher and daughter, Marion, of Dellaville, ara visiting the former's mother, Mra George P. Rickard Mra, IT, B Britton and babe are home from Toronto, the hoy making his first acquaintances with the vil Inge last week-end Mra, Amos MeMullen, Mrs, Laalie Harris and son, Nay, of Kendal, and Mr. and Mra, Nplear, of Toronto, visited Mr and Mea, W. J, Rick ard, last wesk-end Mr, and Mrs, Jon Gordon and Iwo daughters motorad down from Manitou, Man, to visit Mpa, W Drage and Misses Neatricea and Prager, and other velatives hora On Faturday My and Mm | Gordon and ane daughter, accom panied by Mrs, Bragg and Miss Grace, 1aft on a motor trip through oantern Ontario and Quebec Miss Minnie Pearce spent the | weak-end with Mr, and Mr. 8, 0 Houlthorpe, of Part Hope, Mr and Mrs Robert Osborne ara over from Michigan visiting Mr and Mee, A. A, Colwell and Mr, and Mrs Lawrenge Cryderman and other relatives, Me, Wen, Branton and My, and Mery, Chan, Branton and ehildeen, Whithy, vidted Mr and Mrs, 7. 1° Branton on Hunday, Mrs, Rev, A, N, MoKvoy and daughter, Miss Melan, Detroit, are visiting Mes, MeRvoy, Mrs, Dr, I'arcomb, and Mr, and Mra, Rex, Lotirenley, Minn Allin, of Torontn, spent the weakend with Dr, and Mrs, Walton Ball at Harris Lodge, Mr, and Mew, ©, J, Staples, Wal. come, spent Hunday with Mr, and Mes, W, MH, Clemence, ! Me and Mrs, Adams, (nea Migs Aura Bivans), OMO, are visiting her yncle, Mr Ferrnadoe Perrin, her oousin, Mrs, Wellington Farrow, ant other relatives ENNISKILLEN Enniskillen, Aug, 19.-~Mrs, R. Ormiston entertained a number Mr. and Mra, W, Preston and family. Port Huron, Mr, Thos, Press ton, My, and Mra, George Preston an babe, Migs Joswle and Jean Peeaton, Lindsay, Mr, and Mea, Gore don Preston and Mr, W, Kills, Osh AWA, and Mr, A, Brooks, Toronte, were recent visitors of Mra, G, Preas Lon, Mr and Mere, A. Lambe, Mr. and Mek, J. Nrandon and Miss Mary Lumb, Fenelon Falls, spent Sunday With Mr, and Mea, Lorne Lamb, Minn Initing Kihel Gilbert, Toronto, ia her brother. Mr. Russell Mr. and Mm Francis Werry, In visiting | n | spent Sunday with friends al Co~ hours, My, , Dorland, Detroit and Mr. will Dorland, Toronto, are holiday. ing with the former's parents, My, and Mrs, J, Dorland, Mr. Jas, Mountjoy is on the sick Ist, We hope he will soon be around again, Mr, and Mrs, W. Kent and daughter, Paris, are visiting Mrs, Kent's mother, Mrs, A, Sharps and brother, Mr, Adam Hharps, My, and Mrs, J. H. Treeborn, visited friends at Blockstock res contly My, Jack Pickard and friend, My, Percy Sirong, Toronto, visited with Mr, It, Price on sunday, Miss Naya MeGil) 1x holldaying near Lake At, Clalr, Congratulations to My, Jos Whyls on obtaining seven frst class honors on his veecent exams al Kingston, Our sympathy is extended to Mr, Jan, Bradley In the death of his mother, Who died at North Oshawa on Thursdey, Aug, 14th and whose funeral took plies on Baturday, Aug, 16th Yo Orono cemetery, Misses CGartie and Winnie Oks, Bowmanville, spent the week end with thelr parents, Mr. and Mrs Wesley Oke, the Iatier remaining for a weak's holidays Congratulations to Miss Murisl Moore on passing her middle school OEAMN, t My, and Mee, FE, Ingles and [ Dorothyh Toronto, were guests of Mr, Rugell Griffin recently, | Miss Blya Grin, Toronto, holidaying with her parents, and Mrs, Wm, Griffin Miss Mas Martin Pause Lins, spent a few days with her cousin Mr. W. WH, Moore Mr, and Mrs, W Miss Wilma Werry, Kedron, Mr, J Wright, Misses V. and O {and Miss Mao Wright, Blackstock Miss I, Eiford, Toronto, Mr. and | Mrs, M, Werry, Miss M, Worry, Mr | Chas, Werry, Oshawa | of Mr, Jun, A. Werry recently I" Myr, Bert and Mr, Howard {wen, Newcastle, called on Mrs {Pye Mr, and. Mrs [od the Intters | Mrs, J, Hlemon Mr, and Mrs J) Clifford, who have spent nearly "three woaks holidays hers return od to their homs in Torontos, [ Wuturday; | Mr. Avithur Whyls, Mines, Is holidaying here with [ parents, Rev, and Mra, Whyte Mr, and Mrs. Ddgar Whittaker Ilene and Audrey, Hamilton, My and Mro, Wm, Whittaker, Newton ville, Mr, and Mrs. J, Cronin, Tor onto, recently visited Mr, RI Pethiek's home, Mr, and Mrs. 1, C. Ashion and family, visited Mr Ntewart Rod man, Port Perry, Bruce and Harola remaining for a week's holida with thelr sister, Mrs, Rodman Miss Maud Ashton, Toronto holidaying with her parents, and Ms, EC, Ashton Mr, W. Byers, Burketon, Mr, and Mrs, A, Robinson Hope, Mr, and I Mrs, HN. Wanamaker and sons, Ne i" Mr Wo J Hugh PATARLE, visit and ARnig Mr A his Mi the home of My A Mr, W, Sanderson, Mr, and Mrs, Rupert and Mra daughter lidith, Diackstoek and Miss Marah Dyers visited with My W, Nanderson recently, ihe latter remaining for a few holidays Mr. and Mpa, Milton Tamblyn and Glen, Mrs, A J. Knox and Mary Knox, Orond, Mr, and Mrs Landon, Ilinols, UN, visited My H, Werry recently, Mra, Frank Rohbins and Mr, . Moorey were called to llocheste: last week, owing to the serious 11} ness of their sister, Mrs. Burke Mr. Gordon and Miss Grace Mark Mourog, Mp, T J, Middleton, Geond. wood, vigited Mr. Orr Joffrey, Mr, and Mrs, Wm, Batty, Osh AWA, Mr, and Mrs, Prank Batty and son And daughter of Brooklin wera gusata of Mr. Levi RBrunt recently Dro and Mes. erguson, Allen and Donald, spent Munday alter | noon At Dr. Jelrey's, Port Perry MAPLE GROVE 19 Sharpe Byers, Mi Mapia Cirove, Aug | Men, Bwallow, Clifford motored ta Torento on and attended Mr, and and Edna, saturday, the wedding of Dy Glordon Nrown and Dr. Isobel Mengies, Mr and Mre. Swallow re maining In the eity over the wee ond, ' Mr. and Mra, Will Mundy, dau ghier, Lacutta, Miss 1a and Mr Lyle Chown Courtwright are vigits Ing the former's parents and broth orn here Miss Nellie Snowden spent wenk end at Scugox Island, There wera no worvicen hera on Sunday, ewing to x0 much sleknens, Misa Viola GIIAlan, BA, Kinoar dine veoently visited her aunt and unele, My, and Mra, Chester Power, The local girls journeyed tn Hampton on I'viday night and played a league gama of hall with the girls there, our girls winning, the A ------------ PORT PERRY Port Perey, Aug, 16, Mp, Irvine Contes spent tha week-end with hia mother, Mrs, Geo, Coates My, Frank MueDowell, of Toronto was the guest of Mort Perry friends thin week, - Mrs, MH, KB, Hitehman has veturns od 10 her home in Toronto after a week's visit with Mr, J, €. Cocks burn and family, Mr, Karl Nweatman, of Hamilton, In visiting his parents, Mr and Mr, Neil Sweetman, About thivtyfour members and friends of the Young Ladies Class of Port Perry United Church and their teacher, Mew, IM, II, Stone, motored to Port Nolster, on Wed. nesday afternoon, where they held A most delightful plenie Mr, and Avs, Lawson and daugh- tor, of Kingaton, and Mr, and My, Galloway and two sons, of Buck Ingham, Que, wera yecent guestu of Mr, and Mes, rod Taggart, Mr, and Mes, James, Mra, Read and Miss Grace Read were in Tor onto on Wedneaday Mra, Spain and family; of Toren to, have returned home after visit. ing friends in Port Perry, Mr and Mre, W. H. Harria wore the guests of friends in Copper CHI last week, Mr, and Mrs, Ross Milne, of Tor. oronto, visited her futher, My, John Irvin, lust wesk, Miss Marion Brent friends in Raglan, Miss M, Harraden, of Toronto, Is the guest of My, and Mrs, A H, Nore Miss Helan Potter and Miss Muy Venus, of Toronto, were guess of J, ©, Cockburn and family over the week-end Dr, and Mrs, David Aveher, of Oshawn, were guests of Mrs and Mrs, 1, BR, Bentley, on Bunduy Among the weekend guests In Port Perry ware, Mrs, 1, fipencer, Toronto; Myr, and Mrs. 1, H Brookes, Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs Thos, Milton, Toronto, Mr, and Mre, Geo, Millbanks, of Cleveland Ohio; Mr, Crowley, Miss Renn Ritchie and Migs Volts, of Toronto My, and Mrs, Vayne, My, and Mry n, W. Brown, of Windsor; Mr. nnd Mra, Crossley and family, of Tor onto, and My, and Mrs, Derirand fimith, of Detroit, Mich Is visliing Prohibition should ameunt 10 something now that Amos Wood cock has taken command of Hx en. foreament Waoodeoek Is A game bird. Los Angeles Timos, A I, wt BETHESDA Dethesdn, Aug, 12,Migs Dor uthy Voarce, of West, Orange, New Jarsoy, 1s visiting Miss Boris Cole Mrs, Thos, Ted, of Bowmanville, gpent. Lhe week-end at J, BIL, Cole's home, Miss tens Couch |» with her grandiathsr, Bragg, of Bowmanville, Mra, Johns und Misses Ksther, und Mary Johns motored from Thorohil) and were dinner guests fl the home of 1,11, R, Cole Mrs, Herman Gray, of Hamilton, wis guest of her aunt, Mrs, W G, Dundle, recently Mrs, Woodger, of Bowmanville Mra, Vd, Livivgston; Mr, and Mrs Arch Veaves and Migs Patricia Pearce, of West Orange, N, | ware anterinined at Mr, and Mrs, V, A Werry's Mr, nnd Mr Wallace Millay and daughters epant u day at Vorl Bowmanville, gueste of Dr, and Mra, J, Miller, of Toronto, who are cummering al Bowmanville Migges Mary nnd M, 1, Bhaw, of idgetown, Mr, nnd Mre, M, Black well and Margaret, of Welland, wers guests at the home of J, It, 1 Cole on Tuéedn Mra. I, A. Anderson, of Toronte, holidaying Mr, W. J ' # a Sh PA -------- ST { has been visiting her brother, My wa 1, Hoar, lev, A, NM. Bondsrson, of the lord's Day Alliance, deliversd n very futeresting discourse on Hah hath morning Meusrn, George Miller, Couch, J, Wt, and ¥.,, WV, tended the Agricultural Dinner ni, Hampton Vark on dny Mr, 1. Y, Kellough, of Port Hope, wis In this district vecently, Mr Kellough has resigned his position an Agriculturnl Representutive fol Durham, to weespt a position with the Wheat ool organization which in axtending Hs activities in On Lario SALEM Howard Cole, ut Holary Tues 1h Mrs, Wilking Wilking mitorsd Fuesdny nnd vigil fnlom, Aug and My, Nelson to PVatarhoro on ad friends Mrs, , Kiaplez, My, and Mrs Cavl Billing and family, of Orono, vigited Mr und Mrs. W, J. Doldgs on Mundny Mre, W # number afternoon ments ware Juneh G, Warry anterigined of ladies on Tuesdny Harvest Home nyrange. dle Aninty rerved pleasure an " nid Wan a combined with Mogsrs, G, M1, Btevens, It, lucutt, { | H, Col- | und Leslis Collacutt | business Cecil were In: Whithy on Thursday wate | ng wn poued view hetweaen Whithy Jot, and Vort Hope of Cakes the Honorable 1, C, Commisslonsrs promised to render 0 decision as soon ks the mailer hag been taken up with the bosrd Onawn it Mr, Ww. J, present and spoke of the the STOP DUMPING OF Commissioners who line compinint, against the pro re-adjustment of train wei he members of the Bowrd heard the Lawrence und Norris, "These were Calvin ide, toms duty purposes 'in order ia preserve the home market and (a give Canadian workmen a fair and equal opportunity of producing Fred Bowen, M, 1"., and My VIOOIED Bragg M, 1, V,, were ench | A candidates fn a recent eleclior In the interest | campaign mads the following ve farmers and citizens slong | mark in the course of his address; | There ix no question 'in the | world whieh | cannot angwer with Just "Yes' or 'No, "Well, then mister," sald an nid FIR DOORS IN CANADA farm hand, "What's the time?" hy Ollawi, Aug, government has taken action to stop the du fir doors into Canada ment was made by Bir George Ver neting prime minister here of the passing of an orderin-council Io; ising aluations of such imports for cus Rn Canadian Press Lossed Wire) Flapper. "Yea 1' mado him take 20, «"The dominion Me to dinner at the Walker. Then | he had box sents nt Lhe theatre and ln hig box of chocolates, Ws had » lovely time." {neptic; "What, both of you?" mping of large quantities of Announce killed bas You wil A #LAY Teporier was uss he knew Loo much, Harrisburg News, TE IT WA SMTA bb the (ca ad at a "reasonable price" i Va A nS Mountjoy and | Wright | wore guests | sainton and | on | Creighton | tram and Glen Loagrave visited at | and | Osmond Wright and little | Mins | THE Forp LEADS IN SALES AND VALUE Sales of the Ford have gone steadily ahead month by month and continue to show substantial increases. In many secticns from 50% to 70% of all cars sold are Fords. Everywhere it has proved an unnsual value at an unusually low price. It does not take long for the news about a motor car to get about. One motorist tells another. Superior performance is quickly apparent on hills, in traffic and on the open road. Greater value is always reflected in larger sal :s. Following is a partial list of the many features that make the new Ford such a satisfactory car: A Remarkable Engine The engine of the Model A Ford embodies many new mechanical features, 1t has been designed to give unusual speed, acceleration, power and smoothness without sacrifice of re. lability or economy, Ford engineering has found the way to include every essential fon. ture of good performance without the neces. sity of a highspeed motor, The design of the eylinder head is just one fuctor in this performance, Others are the direct gravity gasoline feed, the specially de. signed carburetor, the new hotspot manifold, the carefully planned large valve diameter, the chrome silicon alloy valves, the aluminum pis. tons, the statically and dynamically balanced XX] \ r [p= "ou Ra" 0 Nar ff (NM nnn -- ¥ THRE NEW TEREEWINDOW FORDOR SEDAN EV mr LE -- > 5 Ae KX 0 0 t x crankshaft and flywheel, and the simplicity and efficiency of the electrical, cooling, lubri eation and fuel systems, Accuracy in Manulaeturing The aluminum pistons in the new Ford are held true to within one onedthousandth of an inch, The connecting rod is not permitted to . exceed a variation of more than four one. thousandths of an inch in length, Every crank. shaft is statically and dynamically balanced, with a minimum of 174 checks for accuracy, Shatterloss Glass Windshield All of the new Ford cars are equipped with a shatterless glass windshield, 'This is a safety factor of the groatest importance because it reduces the danger of flying glass==the cause of most of the injuries in automobile accidents, Rustiess Steel An additional feature of the new Ford is the use of Rustless Steel fo. the head lamps, radia tor shell, hub caps, cows "nish strip, radiator cap, gasoline tank ca; and tah lamp. This Rustloss Steel polishes to 4 bright, white uster of enduring quality, It wii' not corrode, rust or tarnish in any kind of weather, There is no plate to wear off because it is the same _ right metal all the way through, Ball and Roller Bearings Evidence of the quality bullt into the new Ford is the extensive use of ball and roller bearings, There are more than twenty in all w= an unusually large number, In addition to smoother operation, these ball and roller bearings save gasoline, give the car more speed and power in first and second speeds, decrease noise and increase the durability and efficiency of the transmission gears, Unusual Riding Comfort One of the fine things about driving the new 'ord is the sted dy, even way it takes you over the miles without strain or fatigue. Every Ford is equipped with four Houdallle doubles acting hydraulic shock absorbers and specially designed transverse springs. Even bad stretches may be takon at & reasonably fast pace without hard jolts or bumps ~r the exaggerated bounce ing which is the cause of most motoring fatigue, Fully Enclosed Four Whee! Brakes The fourswheel brakes of the new Ford are un. usually safe and reliable because they are me- chanical, internal-expanding, with all braking surfaces (ully enclosed. This prevents mud, water, sand or snow from optering the brake mechanism or getting between the band and drum and interfering with brake action. Silent operation is another feature you will appreciates "Tun CANADIAN Cag! ey . New Low Prices Ask the dealer for a demonstration ForD MOoroR CoMPANY OF. CANADA, LIMITED

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