Oshawa Daily Times, 20 Aug 1930, p. 8

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Sg _---------------- = i st PAGE EIGHT THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 20, 1930 TEXTILES VS. P. AND S. TONIGHT -- KING ST. U.X. 1. WIN "A" SECTION Three Canadian Girl Athletes Have Double Wins in Tuesday' s Events Mr Myrtle Cook McGowan senior events, Wins 100 and 60-Metre Senior Sprints -- Miss Ethel Catherwood Wins High Jump and Javelin Throw -- Miss Lillian Palmer 100 and 60-Metre Intermediate events -- Rose Grosse O'Neill, Kay Griffiths, Miss F. Bell, Miss D. Creamer, "Irene Storey and Miss M. Shumm are all Prominent Hamilton, Aug, 20.-A crowded program of fleld and track ovents for echamplonships among Cana- dian girl athletes held the atten: tion of 2,000 spectators at Hamil ton's Clvie Stadium yesterday af- ternoon, threat of further rain following brief showers at noon, coupled with the holding of aquatic and bowling events at the same time, tended to keep down the at- tendunce, No more rain fell and the championships were settled un. dor {deal weather and track condi. tions, Double honors to-day went to Mrs, Myrtle Cook McGowan of Mon- troal in the 100 and 60-metre events, to Mins Ethel Catherwood, Canada's premier jumper In the running high jump and the javelin throw, and to Miss Lillian Palmer of Vancouver, In tha 60 and 100 metre Intermediate finals The Vancouver girl figured pro minently as well in the victory of the Commerce girls of that elty, who captured the 400 metres senior relay. Running the anchor leg, she held a lead to beat out Mrs, Me- Gowan although the Montreal sprin- tor cut down the margin In a great effort to overhaul the Vancouver fiyer. Miss Palmer had a three. yard lead at the finish, In both the senior sprint events, Rose Grosse O'Neill of Toronto Ladies, and Kay Griffith, of Cana- dian Ladies, Toronto, finished jn socond and third places, respestive- ly, behind Mrs, McGowan, Falls to Break Record Following her triumph In the running high jump, Ethel Cather wood, after winning with a leap of feet, 1% Inches, attempted to establish a new Canadian record, Bhe holds the present mark of 6 foot, 3 Inches. but she failed to clear the bar, when set an eighth of an inch above the record mark, Two teammates of Miss Cather. wood, wearing the colors of the Parkdale Ladies' Athletle Club of Toronto, scored in the 100-melres hurdles and the 200 metres sprint, Miss I. Bell took first place in the former, and Miss D. Creamer was winner in the sprint, Both were a Two champions from Northern Ontario towns were crowned to-day, Miss Irene Storey of Allandale, out raced all opposition in the 60-met- re junfor final, while Miss M. shumm of Orillia, led in the senior shot put with a heave of 33 feet, 10 1-4 inches, Titles In the intermediate and junior running high jump events went respectively to Misses ¥, Car- tor of Parkdale Ladies, Toronto, and E, Miller of the Hamilton Oly. mpic Club, Pigeon Racing The Oshawa "Homing Society held Drumbo, Ontario, a miles air line. The close with birds from Whe Whiteley loft taking first dnd second posi- tions, The following is the result: I, V. Whiteley, 99244; 2, V, Whiteley, 991.68; 3, J, Askew, 990,- 64; 4, C. Sparrow, 99035; 5 W. Cowle, 990.06; 6, Bramley Bros, 98081; 7, J Askew, 98949; Bramley Bros, 989.14; 0, C. Spar row, 988.52; 10, W, Cowle, 988.45; 11, R, Arkwright, 986.87; 12, R, Ark- wright, 082.91 The next Thamesford, miles from 121 will he a distance of race Ont, Canada is Superior in their usual weekly pigeon race from distance of % CC WAS very 8, Paddling Ak 3 20, Canada stands the realm of paddling wearers the Maple Leal completely outclassed the best the U, 8, could offer ir the interna tional canoe regatta, staged on the rolling waters of Burlington Bay, and outpointed the Americans by the overwhelming total of 79 points to 33. And, strangely enough, in the nme-men war canoe events, and double blade races, innovations which the Americans are sponsoring, Canadian crews matched stroke for stroke with the crews from agross the line, and, in more than one case, emerged with major honors, It was a strange day and a long one, For hours and hours, the re- gatta dragged along, with long de- lays being very frequent. At one time, it was temporarily postponed when a rainstorm swept across the bay. But most of the delays were caused by the fact that the paddlers competed in many events, They Hamilton, supreme in Yesterday, of ALS HERE / darting Thursday AL Just as you've always wanted in see him Happy-go-tneky and full of fin BACK TO BLACKFACE 1 INS NEWRST Ao BiooRsT Success with LOI8 MORAN LOUISE 'DRESSER LOWELL SHERMAN HOBART BOSWORTH Song Hits By Irving Berlin COME EARLY! The First BO Patrons attending the the ening perform. my" tomorrow et will he a guest ticket food one round golf on he Tiny "Fim course, Final Sereeninps TONIGHT " " Women Everywhere A Musical Romance of the Foreign Legion With J. HAROLD MURRAY FIFI D'ORSAY NIC FIAIN stepped out of single shells into tan- dems, fours and war canoes, and in the final race of 'he day, the half. mile war canoe, only enough men were available to man three boats The American entries were too tired to step into another gruelling race, In this event, after a foul, the dis tance was reduced to one-quarter mile Joyce Cooper Sets New Canadian Record in 100-yd. Free Style Event Hamilton, Aug. 20. Flashing through the shimmering green wat ers of the Municipal Bathing Pool here last night a tiny English girl, Joyea Cooper, set a new Canadian record In the women's 100-yard free style event at the British Empire meat, Miss Cooper negoti- ated the distance in 67 seconds flat, but way forced all the way hy a wee Scottish lassie, Ellen King, who was second a few inches back, Valeria Davis of Wales, was third and Majorie Linton, Toronto, four. th, English Rowers Take Supremacy Quite Easily Bayside Stadium, Hamilton, Aug. 20~Strong-armed oursmen from England, brawny men of the little British Isle, who combined into the mightiest rowing machine ever to drive through the squally waters of Hamilton, Bay, Yecame the Empire's greatest %eight-oared crew as dusk settled down on Hamilton last night, Eight black-garbed sons of far away New Zealand, who have jours neyed half around the globe for this single race with the Empire's row. ing great, flashed across the finish line three-quarters of a length be- hind the English boat. Five lengths of open water, separated the beaten crew from the «other side of the world and Canada's entry, Leanders of Hamilton, Thirty thousand people, who milled along the west heights above the bay course, cheered from large and small craft in the watera nd roared down approval of England's victory, wit: nessed the race, Canada never nad a chance with the two experienced visiting crews "The Canuck boat trailed, by a full length before the quarter mile was Thereafter the battle was and reached, in the grip of New Zealand England, Tne Britons came into the sprint area a quartermile from home with nearly a length lead, They drove the flimsy shell down to the finish Line with quick, deep strokes that the New Zealanders could not hold with their swéeping cuts, | | Over three hundred entries been received for the Canadian Na. tional Exhibition Marathon for the swimming championship of the world with total prizes of $25,000, The floats are all in readiness for seem to he shaping up favorably for water well above the minimum tem. perature rysuirements, The Men's Open Event is scheduled for Wed neaday, August 27th, in Lake On tario in front of the Exhibition Grounds at Toronto, and the winners in the Women's prize To Defeat Johnny Prudhomme Cele- brates Return to Active Service by Administering' Defeat to Jersey City Skeeters--Score 10-1 al End of Eighth Inning. I'rud nn re Toronto, Aug, 20. --Jlohnn homme, who has been nursing injured log for the past month, turned to active service, und ceeded to fling nome effective bald against the Jersey City Skeet ors at the Stadium yesterday after. noon, Tlie Lenfs had little trouble in inflicting another dafeat upon the Tinker troupe ax a result, the score being 10 tn 6, Until the ninth inning, Prud- homme had the Skeeters protiy well baffled. Only threes hits had been made off his assortment until the final frame, and they were three widely separated hit The only run that accrued to the Jersey Clty cause during that stretch was Johnny's own fault, He walked "Stuffy" Stewart In the sixth and the latter raced to third on Walks or's single to centre, the second hit Prudhomme had permitted the opposition up to that time, Then Johnny uncorked a wild pitch, on which Htewart eame marching home, In the ninth Inning, run lead supporting homme eased up and pro bane with a nine. him, Prud- four runs HUGE ENTRY have | the take-off and weather conditions | ten mile | LIST FOR WORLD'S GREATE | event are eligible for entry into the There are | | 1o-mile grind any new | { names on the entry lists, but a great number of those who made swim. ming history in former years are veady for the plunge This group | shows: No, b--Ernst Vierkotter, for. merly of Germany, but now of Tor | onto, who won the sccond Wrigley | Marathon, On his entry form he gave his nationality as "Canadian, | No. 2-<-Mendell Burdett, of Toronto, | | who finished fifth last year, and now in fine shape No. 3-Sam Shields, of Miami, Florida, who Prudhomme H urls N ice Game Skeeters 10-5 were chased In hy the | visitor Four single on balls were tnllie At that, the Pests only éntitled to two runs, for Prudhomme had Schefflott finally vikked when the side should have heen retired, Nine men faced vad homme in that frame and all the | coring was done after two men | out Prudhomme wnlked hntters nnd truck ou! during the run-hungry nnd a couple of bane osponsible for those wore were | four (® many pastiming | Betty Nuthall Wins | Twice in National Women's ' Tennis Singles Tourney NY, Aug 20 part of Californian Forest. Hills, Steady advance on Betty Nuthall and the enlvuende featured wsocond round play in the National Women's Ten nix singles champlonship here ye torday The pretty and girl brushed aside Mrs me, Jr, of New York, sets to enter the third stongthon the helief that one the field must bent title, the capable English A J round and she is the for the | Salt all right of course, judging hy Mr, Gandhi's appong- | unece it might be a good idea to in. gist on a little poup with it.--De troit News, in | loan Lams | in straight | hut | A i re =~ ptr mtorr it ST SWIM defeated a two-mile race few weeks ago George Young in and later record for miles Manhattan Island, No, 4-Bill Sadlo of Seattle, who finished 'within the money in year's Consolation Swim No, established a new swims ming 27% around Inst S-lsador Ont, 0 who won fourth place last year 6, Marvin of Fort | Dodge, who was swimming fifth last your 50 from the finish Nelson lown but sank BOB PEARCE LEADS JOE WRIGHT FOURTH Boh Pearce, flashed his outed n selected Jiihition quart terday even was Aug, 20 cullen Hamilton Nuntralin Prowess a field of five er-mlle dash ing Among the lon Wright, Inst Canadian ning dinmond sculls Wright stayed hac) and finished fourt! It wns ( (Gimore, of the Rachelor Barge Club Philadel phin gove the ecolorfnl, flaw Ponrce competition The two out almost from the start to make an race of it hey were In lunes wide hy side Fifty yards from the finlgh, with the race he ween the Australian and Amer! n, Gilmore how shot over inte Ion rer territory, and to avold a olliglon Glim®'e stopped rowing Inck Nervesford of England was sec. ond, a full length and a half be. liind Pearce and Jack Bradley of Fneland third one mont impha of the day wax Winnipeg's donhles win Matched with two Philadelphin crews, Hole and Rich- ards gave a finished demonstration up a Canadian victory. hundred yards, the |, Wes secured a lead; drop. ped hack for a time and then left the Americans far behind gront de inane here yi conquered weonk erowned champion and mn 1028 pack I) winner with the nrret! of who ot was of the popular trl Lin marking the first terners | In | aa STILL AT LARGE "Ah hite='ore gentry!" "No, Indeed! Lod I'm still a ane of the land. bachels | | | runs, | | BASEBALL RESULTS INTERNATIONAL, Won resaivas BO vee 18 7% 13 hl LU HE] 49 LEAGUE Lost 1.0, A064 Ha) Hhb2 hil ABH AB A12 A711 Nochester Baltimore Montreal Toronto Newark Buffalo Jersey City Reading ree rere Tuesday's Scores 10 Jersey City 4 Newark f Reading Montreal --Rain RICAN LEAGUE Won Lost P.C, A172 M06 9h B16 Toronto Rochester |, Buffalo Baltimore at AMF Philadelphia Washington New York Claveland Detroit At. Louis Chicago Boston seen EEE RE ERR ih 41 ERE Tuesday's Keores Claveland 7-7 Boston New York 3 Chicago ft. Louis 7 Philadelphia Detroit 2 Washington NATIONAL LEAGUE Lost Chicago New York Brooklyn Bt. Louis Pittsburg Roston Cincinnati 'hiladelphin Tuesday's Bcores New York 4 Bt, Louis xPhiladelphia 9-6 Chicago Boston .......4 Cincinnati Pittsburg +8 Brooklyn x8econd game called end 16th MAJOR LEAGUE | RECORDS Including games of Aug, 18 NATIONAL LEAGUE Batting, Terry Glantw, Klein, Phillies, 118%; Wilson, Cubs, 132; hits, 194; doubles Her "42; triples, Comoro- 20; home runs, Wil stolen buses, Cuyler, 114; runs batted In, Torry, Giants man, Robins, sky, Pirates son, Cubs, Cubs, 29, AMERICAN LEAGUE Batting, Gehrig. Yankees, 301; runs, Ruth, Yankees, 133; runs hat. ted in, Gehrig, Yankees, 145; hits Gehrig, Yankees, 1705; doubles, 12; Manush, Senators 31; triples, Combs, Yankees. 16; homs runs, Ruth, Yankeas, 44 stolen bases, | McManus, Tigers, 17, | |HOME-RUN STANDINGS | Sponder of Port Colborne, | yards | 11, O'Doul, 1 HOME RUNS YESTERDAY | Goslin, Browns, 3; Wilson, Cubs, 1: Hartnett, Cubs, 1; Blalr, Cubns, ! 1. Rell, Cubs, 1; Hurst, Phillies, Phillies, 1 THE LEADERS Ruth, Yankees, 44; Wilson. Cubs, 4 Gehrig, Yankees, 35; Foxx, | Athletics, 32; Goalin, Browns, 30; | Klein, Phillies, 20; Berger, Braves, | 20: Simmons, Athletics, 20, | League totals--National American 546. grand total, 879; 1,226 0. Bradman Leads | "Aussies" Sall| 20 took a big step toward recapturing London, AUR Australia the "ashes symbol for the Anglo Australian ericket champlonship when, In play yesterday in the tost match at the - Kennington Oval, they Iald the foundation for a big firat-Inning score in reply to Eng- land's Initial effort at the wicket England made 4056 and Australia have replied with 403 for three wickets, However, it must be horne In mind that a substantial first-inn. Ing lead is needed hy the Antipo- deans, ax in all probability the wicket will be worn when they bat in the last Inning, The honors so far in Australia's inning go almost ontirely to the present and past world individual record-holders. Don Bradman and W, H, Ponsford, although W, M, Woodfull's sterling inning yesterday helped to take the sting out of the English bowling. he CAREW | UMBER (© AlHOL WwW OS) PORT SNAPSHOT By Guo, Caxrams, Sports Editer Textiles vs. Parts and Service Tonight The second game of the local intermediate softball finals will be played at the Motor City Stadium tonight, starting at 7.00 o'clock sharp, The Textiles played below form on Monday night and they are quite liable to stretch the series into three games hy winning to night's affair, The Parts and team playing smart ball present time and are gertainly hard to beat " * " v Service Are at the Hamilton Plays Winner on Saturday If a third game is necessary, it will likely be played on Frida night, The softball fans of Oshawa will get a real treat on Saturday night when the first game of the first round of the O.AS.A, Inter mediate playoffs will be held here, at the Motor City Stadigm, The winners of the Hamilton League will play winner of the P. and S.~Textile serious, At the present time it looks as if the Parts and Service team will represent Oshawa but the can tell, Hamil the home of softball, always scyds out a very strong team and the Hamilton entry, the Ontario ou never ton, if the Oshawa representatives can get hy should go a long way towards winning the Intermediate softhall title 1 Ld + Cheys,~OM.I, Game Postponed Quite a number of people wended their way to Stadium the the Malleables but they were disappointed on theiy tot Motor Chevys City and the arrival at the grounds the last night to see game between slippery condition he Chosen had been postponed, lie The when owing softball as the game of the field Friday night the Ladies' vill played on Whiths next the Rovers meet the Friends al Stadium LJ LJ LJ v Oshawa Shamrocks Play Campbellford Today The Oshawa Shamrocks, Oshawa's intermediate entry in ALLA. play the first game of the group playoffs with Campbellford today, in the castern town, The OALA playoffs hellford on but the the O series goes on in the io go to Camp today, winner of the intermedinte Oshawa expected ordered to vesterday the round and the goals to Saturday were play locals are the good morning count on determined to come ont of Camphellford with a few It is not will he played * * return * Oshawa Bakery Go To Kingston Saturday Oshawa Bakery Juniors play the first game of their Kingston Junior Saturday, game » vet known when the I'he vith the series softhall entry, « Osh The return game will be played ek from softball to win the mn when the plays in Kingston I hurse awa Bakery team at Motor The Oshawa local title City Stadium on lay, a wi tomorrow, Bakery Junior the Juniors had to pla rl for Oshawa they will have a and as representatives great deal of support v Ld LJ LJ Four Oshawa Players on All-Star Team One of the best-informed lacrosse authorities in the country has Association disapproval ef Amateur Lacrosse the point, selected an all-star Ontario team, hereby Large Oshawa ; which is submitted for approval or the Thom, St. Simon's; ecoverpoint, and Ella, all of Brampton; Davidson of Osh- fans: Goal, Brampton; defense, Reeve, Beatty Delray Coulter, centre, Stapleton," Brampton; home, and awa and Thompson of Brampton; outside home, Brampton; inside home, White, Oshawa; substitutes, Silke f Oshawa, Bain of Simon's and Wilson of Brampton, It will he noticed that eight Excelsiors are included in this mythical team, clipping, taken this morning's Oshawa General team has One help but Sproule, Nt of the it four rep notice that from Globe, Mi cannot above that the From the Hors can he seen resentatives on this all-star team particular to get the the above choice was very the mid-field the person who made and age and experience on vouth and speed in rearguard King St, U, X, I. Win "A" Title King St. Tuxis Boys softball team deféated the King St. Bene dicts last night in the third and deciding game for the championship of YA" the Sunday School softball league. The score of the game was 12 to J, The Tuxis Boys were right on their toes and played smart ball. The Married Men failed to come through with the necessary hits to win the game and they were forced te accept the back vivals, King St, U. X. 1. will now meet the Cedardale team for Sunday School softball league title " . / section ol to their younger the Ld seat Clever Bowling At Br. E. Games Hamilton, Aug, 3 20,~Arthur 8, Reid, who last week came to the Kast and' conquered the pick of Daminlon lawn bowling yesterday has his challenge for Empire trund- ling supremacy definitely blocked in a late game rally by New Zea- land's Individual champion, The Vancouver star, an easy victim Monday to the deadly draw shots of a South African opponent, lost a commanding lead early as W, Fielding staged a remarkable come. hack to win on the twenty-elghth end, With both players eanny, runs ning when an end seemed lost, and bunching bowls around the kitty at both ends of the green, the only singles avent of the morning became a close battle that attract. od a large gallery, Reid went into an early lead with a three and two on the first two ends, Ha led hy 10 to & at the tenth and by 16 to 7 at the fourteenth, arrears when was within a four shots in Vancouverite o fthe match, New Martin THURSDAY . FRIDAY 'PARADISE ISLAND' ROMANTIUO MUSICAL COMEDY OF THE SOUTH BEAS "STOP THAT NOISE" COMEDY FOX NEWS ENDING TODAY BIG NEWS Fielding'n rally started here but he was stilp the point a BRINGING UP FATHER By Geo. McManus 1" THANK GOODNESS | WIN STAY INTHE HOUSE AN' NOT SEE A GOLF COURSE TO DAY: NOW FRG ABOLT 1099, 1017 Feature Sorvies, Ine, Bre Britain rights reserved. KIN ONLY WHATS THAT? 16 MAGGE CRYIN OR SINGIN'R MISS JONES WON TWO GAMES OF MINATURE GOLF FROM ME THIS MORNING [0 \ ue, of - Fi

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