Oshawa Daily Times, 20 Aug 1930, p. 5

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a Women's Interests wy a le uh THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 20, 1930 in the Home --- an . d the Commu ---- PAGE F IV) " - SOCIAL AND PERSONAL My, and Mrs, M, R, Johnson snd children have elt for Wasigo Beach to spend the remainder of Augusl Miss Marvithe MeGraw and Miss Helen. Mebane of Detroit stopped aL the Genosha Hotel en route for Baguenny Miss 1eahel MeDaonald, 4185 Mas: son street, Is spending hey Vaca tian at Jackson's Paint, the guest of her cousin, Hilda MeDonaid, Paul Bheri, 1. B, Meats and ¥, 5, Parter, of Cleveland, Ohio, spent the night #1 the Genosha Halel, They ave an thelr wav tn Blaney Lake for a week's Hehing A, H, Power, of the local sm: ployment office, has vetuvned altar spending a month in charge of the amployment. afflee al Baill Bis, Marie Oenver Walsh, W, 1. Jenkins, J Ww. Dalthy, Hohert Gihhie and M Melntyre Hood left this afternoan far Hamilton tn attend the annual Ontario Provinelal Convention of the Canadian Teglon Mr, David Smith 1s leaving on Thursday far the home af his par ents at Epsom, England, Mr, Emith may take up permanent residense at Epsom and his many Teel friends will regret to learn of hia departure The many friends of Mrs, I, A MeeDonald {16h Masson sires! will he pleased tn know that she has sufficiently recoversd fram her roan! ness ta he re moved from hospital ta her hame Mi and Mrs family acenmpanied hy ries Patten, have yeturnned fram thelr vacation, spent at tha home af Mr. Everett Thorne, Welland Thay were aceampanied on help return hy Mrs, Thorne and Miss Kdyithe Rhoughley, wha will spend A few days in the ely gnrinni th Roughle and Miss Heat SUMMER SALE | Whew | m Talks FASHION SHOPPE Phone Bossw soy Chiffon Fall Fashioned ROATERY | AM ATKINS HOSIERY & || | LINGERIE SHOP Nany One, King & Smee oe, Magical in its beau: tilying elect on the complexion. Soothes sunburn=a subtle | y thisdainty toilet requisite, Ab your druggist BALM {hitler tap Mr, and and Mrs, Bam Clark, Mr, and Mrs, Kenneth Clark, My, and Mm, Marvin Clark, My, and Mrs, CHEE Patinean ana family, My. and Mrs, Boy VFiinteft and family and Mrs, McConnell spat the week-end al Canaron and Hall Iake, Halthurton Mr, and Ms, VV, BD. Ryan and Migs 7, i, Reynolds nnd Miss 4, I, Friedie, of Cleveland, #pent the week-end al the Genoshs Hor tel, They age visiting relatives in Ontario nrg al the same Lime dre visiting heanuty spots in the prov: nen including the Lake of Bays, BF, W, Pucket and family of Grimsby, Ontario, who have heen slaying al the Genosha Hole while conducting husiness hers and visiting friends have lef for homa going hack (through eastern Ontario and through the Bate of Maine, Twenty-one members of the Waslern Hiinols State Teachers' College under My, and Mvs, W, 1, gehuppert stayed al the Genosha Hotel on the last lap of thelr edu cational tour in Canada, The party have heen on a trip thraugh On (arin and Queehe and were on thelr return when they stopped in Oshawa for thelr last night's stay in Canada, They travel by hus and 1. A, Wendt of Clayton, Ohio, had driven them en the entive Journey, They spent part of Baturday ses ing the sights of the elty and were much struck with the magnitude af the Industries located hers, All expressed a wish to reliurn to the city some time for a longer stay Helpful Hints In any veport of what Is wern al smart funetions and tunetions not gn smart in New York tne hlael velvel wrap trimmed with white fur must he written in italles, 1 6 the outstanding wrap of the win top, its mass popularity seeming ta have done IL Hittle harm In mines axalied clveles There Are wraps in other enlavs and In other fah vied, hut hlaek velvet with white fox, arming or 1apin Is the vinhkiug Wrap Waal Beret Is OF Two Tones A twastaned orange and hrewn ghetiand waol hayel tops i, with the fullness gathered towards (he hack, Her helgn gloves are eiih! hution length, wrinkled down al the wrist HOT GINGER BISCUIT Twn cups four, 4 tenspaons hak ing powder, 1 teaspoon salt, 1:8 hax candied ginger, ut not ton Ane i tahleapnons shoviening, 0-4 sup milk (LE you had rather make pineapple hiseuits, use pineapple) Pat out with your hand, Unver hefare cutting with hiss cult putter, with shortening. Hol oven ATRA00, IR tn BH minutes | Harve hot with pears and oream | house pilad WHITE OR CREAM BAVOW Put one tahlespoann each af hut ter and Aour In saucepan over Are When melted, without browning ald hall teaspoon of salt, quarter tenspann white pepper, then grad ually ane cup hot milk, Stir until smanthly thickened and simmer three minutes Ta make thiek orRAm BANC make As shove, hat usa double quantities of fAnur and I hutiey HANDE OFF Mather to Beide='"My daughter [will have a dowry af 350,000, hut fal pouraa I must inquire ahaut youp wutatedents and prospects Aultar---""Pan't make any inquir [es and FH taka her for J8A,000." The LAMP to rea d by ~ A comfortable ehair , . something interesting te read ++ and soft, well diffused li desire! Be sure te choose ght. What mere could yeu Edison Maagla Lamps for they are frosted on the inside and preteet the eyes from harmful glare, always have a home supp! EDISON Buy them by the carton and Y\ Wis MAZDA AREER - LAMPS A CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC PRODUCY AIMEE, SEMPLE MeV HERBON Eamous evangelist, whe Is very Win Low Angeles; Bhe has no doctors, trusting in the prayers of her followers, ENGAGEMENTS HUMMER SPENT How swift the summer goss, Vorgel-me-not, pink, rose The young grass when | staried And now the hay Is earied And now my song 1s ended And wll the summer splendid; The Wackhivd's second hrood outs hesih leaves In the wood; The pk and rose have speeded Vorgel-menolt has seeded Only the winds that hiew he rain (hat makes (Wings haw And hiessings manifold, 0 lovely Wy clean, O Hy springing green, 0 ly harsting white, Dear Wy af dslight, Bring In my heart agen That | may flower tn men whn Massheid ¥ FRUIT BALAD On individuni plates srrange ei tues leaves, | shies pineapple, |-4 hanann, spit in two places and # few slices of orange, which have heen allowed Lo stand in the afr garator with a Hille sigay for a few hours, Thin the mayonnaise with Mes. J, Davey, 188 Chureh 81 wn nauness the engagement of hor old onl daughter, 1della Hihelwyn Pow ers to My, William Young of Osh: | AWA; MAFFIRES Lo lake place quietly | in Beptemher | Let's buy more god Mather Cant then more to her, Don't ets lags We=bethhridge Heald What New York Is Wearing Annabelle: Worthington A com) Daieh am frock fn sll talk of 4 4 and 1 fil delightfully comity and Chl so sn I 18 the choice nl litt! Parisienne It may al in keep and span It 1s days ul is sles 11 he ih mn he worn as un datighter LIL HHI frick spi unsurpassed for the win d Hoek. 1 Fhe sours I habia Ive WIE , W eles of vos neckline 1s cut giite low down the hack whieh mal mu the orange or pineapple Jules and UPPER SCHOOL | EXAM. RESULTY (Continued from Pages 8) | Authors, 1st; French Comp, 1st) Garman Authors Int, Herman Camp, ¢ CHANG LAURKNCE MH. King Hah Camp, Tat; Hagligh Lieratire 166; Algehen, Isl; Geameliryg, Is riganamely rl Hotany, Isl Fonlogy, 1a; Phyetes, 1a) Chemis ey, del Latin Authors, tel) Latin Camp, 1a; Frenoh Authors, 18 Franch Camp, 1st CROTHEHE, DOROTHY J. Al gehen, 180) Geometry, 1st) Latin Althors fatin Composition iat; Fyeneh Authors, 1st; Freneh Camp, 1at; German Authors, Tal Garman Comp, Int DAVIDRON, ZELLINORD King Hah Camp, Cp Hoghsh Lit, Sad ial) easily laundered: The hadies With & quaint sus! Fhe miniature diagram shins Ui erly single it is to mike Bivle Ni 148K takes hut 1 vierds of Anh Hh yards of braid or hig for th dvear-ald sie Aprigued datted pigs, dotted swi and cotton hraddeloth Wi very attraetivel Pitiern price 40 sents in pain ean preferred) In see of patiern Department, The Bummer Fashi Magasine . contain tere atvles for adults for town or variation Weil Asn darhi ties far th kiddies, 1 (5 10 A eng i Lier hi stern! (RIAL gingham cheek flowered th ail Prints din Hien By Organi lawn Prine Wahi lalip He sure 10 hii Address Patten ines Hn Fenty Ne, LTR 11 rige 14010 Name 'i ' Mivent Address HN Oly Pray vO DEOUERRR DAVIS, ¥. GORDON: Knglish | Camp frdi Modern History, HARE M1 teom Ltn Authors, TAHNT Algahra, Triganamelyy Chemistry, ina | lyy, dnd PHY DEA flenmetry, nl Physlos Ll rane h Authors, Comp, al KYANH, HELEN A Aloha Gaametry, 1800 Trigonometry Il French Authors, dnd; French Camp, Isl FOWKHE, ¥ tenmetry, ul Int ind French I ul ANMTANKE: Algebra fat) "Frigonomeiyy Chemistry, €F Latin Authors tub Latin Camp, 18t] Franch Au Fthors, tet French Comp, Isl FOWKE BHIRL IY Hnglish Camp, Tat; Knglish Lataratuve, (sf OARBUPYT, MURRAY A 1 Eng Heh Camp fad HERROW, OHA f GLa tamp., Am pl GORMAN, MERVYN fed) Geametyy, nd Trigonome try, 00 Chemistry, C1 Franch Auth nee, | French Comp, © GREEN, JOUN W.0 Hnglish Lit ted Algebra, End] Clenmetry, 1a] Veigonometey, 180; Chemistry, dvd Latin Authors, 0 Latin Camp, © Feaneh Anthovs, 2nd; French Com position, nd UUILTINAN, 1ul 181 Hnglish 10 MURTIL Knglish Hngtish LUerature M AlEshira TOHN Do Kngliah Com, Ind Wnglish La ature { Algebra, 2nd; Ceometry, 3nd Priganometry, 1a; French Authors ( HARCOURT, MARGARET Modern Histary, CF Algebra, 181 Ohemintey, CF Franch Camposition { HARK, WALLACH A Modern History, OF Algebra, C1 Franeh Au thors, 2nd French Camp, 2nd HARRIE, BTANLRY. | Wngliah Campa C1 Bogdiah Literature, dvd HARLEWOOD, RRENTON I Al gahra, 161 Geometry, 1st] Trigonn metry, tat Chemistry, Bnd] Franch Authors, nd French Comp, 2nd HENDERSON, DOUGLAR 0, Mnahish Comp. Tat) Knglish Litera ture, © HERRKLWOOD RENNIRON Wnglish Comp, OF English Lateran ira © HICKHE, 6, WHALEY Knuliah Comp, Iai; Baglinh Literature, dvd HIUGGINE, KDWIN 6. Baglish Sa Indi Hnadieh Literature, #l HOLLAND, DOROTHY A Heh Comp, 2nd Baghish ture, 0, IRWIN, RALPH L Algebhra Tal] Geametry, 1a] Trigonametvy Tati Ohamistey, dvd; Franch Auth King Litera WOMEN'S CORNER add, 'Then garnish the salad with dutes suflad with evesm Cheess and a few broken niulmeats aa HAININ CRUMB PUDDING Ona np bread crime, add 4 1 pints milk, yolks of 4 egin, § Labs: WIOons Kukar, 1:8 sup raleing and # Hitle wall, Take 1:4 honr in mods arate oven, Then heat egg whites with 1:9 cup sugar very stiff, Place on pudding and hake 10 minutes UN nicely browned, BAKKD WAUSAGEN WITH APPLIN Pinus the sausages In |he ceniey of # voRsting pan, Le them cook for two or threes minutes, then pleres aigeh ons with a fork, Core til apples and surround the wail wakes with them, Return (0 oven and cook slowly until the sausages and apples are well baked, Basis Ihe apples and sausages (raquently with drippings in pan GLAZE VOR ROTA Ons Liahlegpoon cornstaren, | sup wold walmy Conk 1a a thick pase, Canl and Brush over rolls fst he fore (aking them from nven FRIED Modern History Inds 1eench Authors, Sed; Vreneh Comp, 1el German Author ai] German Comp, | ORK, HW ARNOLD Camp ut IAM Jie Vinglhish nklinh FAB FRLGPE ni JON FIR Comp ind KING (hstimetry ngiiah Faterutuye M ani FLA dAR nghinh MACKENZIE Alesha fal 'rigonomelry, Physlos, Jet: Chamintry, Isl Authors, nd; Latin Camp irs Freneh Althoy ind Wreeneh Camp dnd KINLIN Clamp I ul iri LEDUETT, A History, frd; Algebra vy, 18; Trigonomeiry Authors, Ard) Latin reneh Authors, 1a baby Caiman Authore {al Camp rd LoMEl Camp, Val 1 Camp, vd Mot EAH ful Iai fmiin English [Ate ptire HIEANAKRD 2 nghiah Modern flannel dnd; Latin Comp, nd Fyaneh amp German IHN inl FRANCIA Wnglish fnaliah 1 itaratures, { KATHANINI fingtinh Enghieh Literature (a) MARY | finghinh | Camp! fnEliah Literature, ( MOINTORH, 1. GHANT fn ieh Comp! pnghieh Literatu, | MAKE, BHNII Alpers (hanmet) {at Trigoanomelry Chamigtey, 1 Latin Authors Latin Camp, In! Praneh Authors ial Preneh Comp, 18! MABON, HELEN Bing Ti MAXWELL FRANCER K metry CF Lntin Authors, ( MAXWELL, A MAY Asha dnd; tisnimelry ful Frignnanmety dnd: Chemistry, ded; Latin Auth ars, Ind Latin Camp rd Feeneh At hors, 1a Feaneh Comp, Isl MICHAKL, HELEN Do English fAtaratura, MILLAON Camp, Ard MORIHON, rd fatin Camp, Ard Freneh Camp MENDY History met y ial In! n ten GEORGE Do English Kneliah Literature, HELEN AMpehia Athinrs Latin Franch 1a {1} (ENN W Alabina nd Trigonometry Franeh Authors, Md Camp, fed MUNDY Camp, © MY RR tary, © PARRONHE Kngliah Camp ture, PATH Camp, PHTERRON Ish Comp, Und AUThnrs Maodarn ten nn Freneh rl nd NORAH Fnalinh CONANT Modern His I'rigonnmetyy, M KRNINGTON 1rd lng iah Liars MARGARKT Bo English HOWARD RB Hog Rngliah Litevature JOHANNA | PINTRARAN Hnelieh Litera na ish Camp ture, POWELL A LORENAO | KoRlish Camp C1 Knalish Litevature, REED, MARGARET Noo English gomp, nd Bnglish Literatures, © REKNOR, I'RANK RB H Pina lish Camp, © RICH HILDA 00 Algehva tHanmetry, 186) Preiwonometry 1a Phyaton, 180; Latin Authors, ad fatin Comp, 2nd Feeneh Authors Pat] Kvanch Eamp, 18 ROBBING WILLOW WH Camp, RORKRTHON, FLORKNOR Hngtiah Literature, © RORINRON, RETYY Rnglish Fdterature, OF Eaglish Composition, ond RORINRON, BUNIOW NM History, €©1 Algebra, al] Gen metry, tat Latin Authors, 2nd; Latin Camp, 188; French Authors 1ati French Camp, 181 Greek Authors, dndi Greek Comp, 2nd ROBINRON, HARRY Modern Tab) ITA Modern ave, dedi Freneh Comp, 2nd History, €; Geometry, 4nd; Vhyeleg J fl Hed; fra; 0 1 inl HHEPERD, Comp, dna; Bnglish Liaritive, © HMITH, Camp, HOVTHW ILL, BLDON A Heh Geometry, 4nd Physios, (; French Comp, HTACKY, Comp, rd, HOOK, JUANITA | Und; Authors, 4nd; Vreneh Comp FEIN G tCamp., 6 THICK! camp "na Zn THOMVEOM Geometry, | iene | el, | Usalild, ¥W, JEAN: Algehia Geometry, 160; Trigonometry, Chemistry, C; Latin Authors, Alin Comp, €; Vreneh Authors, Franeh Comp, End VILEANOK Frigonomelrvy, 1; "Prigomomieiry Vyeneh Author rd THOME! English Camp TWILANGY Heh Comp, YALL AL History, (; Aliharg, ( Al hot wa VaunNgY, 4 Comp., 2nd and inghish ower a1, % Ving mh Knghiuh Lateratire, ( Ving Iterative, 0; Algebra, 4nd; Trigonometry, 1s! Athos, 4) ( Veehieh Hrd MANS, mglinh Fingliah IAeratiure, | Iu} li. PEARL, IASON V Fingn ALLAN ¥ Hah Literate,' DOROTHY | V MATLLE, Algehra, © faitin Catip,, O Is IFraneh Camp, ANNOYS Vingheh nity {| Comp, 16; Vingligh | 4nd inva, | WOOD, HARA | Cap, Yi) Yi o" 4rd Literature hi BY Wii English leh 1Marattre, C, HELEN: ¥nglish Ie Wy LA] nehiah i ate Ving isonet are 4 4 | Comp, i Piyush rane Camp a | = L) AARGANRVYE V0 Ving oder Latin | Vraneh | ind inglish Jateratipye lw im | WILEON, HH, BEATTY Fnglish | v BLUE Label 33¢ HALF: POUND, iii yons & Go Toronto iti (Canndn), Limiied, SHE THOUGHT: "I hate to get wet, but I couldn'tstand 'D.O.' In ataxl Yet, io be polite, SHE SAID "I don't mind the rain, Let walk and enjoy the fresh alr," J ONS' TEA, Attentive... devoted... but "B 0 LE * AJ LJ (Mod p weEMEn Impossible to please her, v Odour) | Ph her to the movies == and she complained that the theatre was stuffy, Calla Lash to escape the rain == and she anld #he'd rather wall, Ho wan puselod, distrossed==hut determined to win her, Finally, two words overheard in a crowded trolley gave him the elue to her coldness, BO, <body odour , . ."loday ha and the girl are happily engaged, He knows the easy way to avold offending NOW, Beware treacherous 1,0." Nody odour never warns ita victims, Tt may be doing us untold harm in our social and business contaets==and wa never oneo surpect 1 because we ko quickly he come accustomed to an everspresont odour, But remember, pores are constantly Tr "\ LIFEBUOY h Mbecaita! Napa TW fh ban IW bendiviace, Jat the ai hes Shave you've av fad White or hers i Prot (mired ont ( ph AAA Lifebuo HEALTH SOAP tops body odour spoiled his chances until-- giving off odourscausing wasto=<ns mich ns nm quart dally, And though we don't notice "13.0." tn ourselves, others do, Why take chances? Use Lifehuoy and he aafe, Ila creamy, deepscloansing, antiseptio Inther purifies pores == removes every trace of "BO And how CdaB:AN you feel after a Lifehuoy bath==fresh, vigorous, "on top of the world!" Wonderful for the complexion There's no surer way to a clear, radiant complexion than regular eleansing with Litebuoy, Its gentle, Ay Bie conxen out impuritions from the elogged Joren makes dull ekins bloom with fresh, ealthy beauty. Its pleasant extra-cleam peont==that vanishes as you rinses<tolls vou Lifebuoy purifies, Adopt Lifebuoy tod ody i Y AR M \\ [ Mp, RAMPINE vi TILLIE THE TOILER--Conflicting Hours J YY LAR t A TEN Ring Paatsty Rondaais das, Bist Rig VERY By Russ Westove \ BOA \ [ ANELL You my Ries COR EranR

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