Oshawa Daily Times, 20 Aug 1930, p. 2

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"PAGE TWO." a I SAIS Bo THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 20, 1930 Bowmanville Daily Times News, advertising and subscriptions will be received at the Bowmanville Office of Block, King Street, The Times in the Cowan Telephones--Office~--587; Houss--131, Bowmanville Repressuintivaitl Herbert Mortlock Local Improvement Bylaws Passe by Town Council, Special Session Last Night ------ ~ Watermains Will be Laid on As yot seen its way clear to go a head with the work, However with pleco which was called because of darkness with the score f-all, GIANTS TAKE SECOND PLACE St. Louis, Mo, Aug, 20,~The New York Glants moved into se cond place in the National League a half-game ahead of the Brooklyn Robins, by taking a hard-fought game from the Cardinals, 4 to 3, while Brooklyn was losing to Pitts. burg. The Giants piled up an early lead by scoring three runs in the second inning, then held off*the Cardinal assaults by good fielding and some steady pitching In the late innings by. Carl Hubbell, THOSE POOR OLD REDS Cineinnati, Ohlo, Aug, 20,~"The Cineinnati Jteds suffered another defeat yesterday, thelr fourteenth in the last sixteen games, o 4 to 0 shutout at the hands of the Bos The Whitby Advertising, subse Whitky Branch Off After Business tions and news will be , at Gazette and Chronicle, ~Telephons 23, Mours--Phone 359, Daily Times received "at the REPRESENTATIVE--JAMES H, ORMISTON HERBERT MUGEI APPEARS BEFORE WHITBY CADI Magistrate Willis Reserves Judgment At Preliminary the east over the brow of a s)ight knoll, This car he said came over to his side of the road, as it ap- proached him, To avoid being hit, Mucel sald, he pulled over to the south side of the road and in so doing grazed the guard rail of the bridge, In trying to apply the brakes his foot slipped onto the aceelator and the car leaped for- ward at Increased speed, entering the ditch where it turned over, Ernest Bogeln, a passenger In the back seat of the Muccl car, ¢orrob- FORMER BEAU NOW RUNS LEPER ISLE Brother Joseph, Now. Broken in Health, Used to be Idol of Ladies Clarksville, Tenn,~--A beau hrum- mel of 60 years ago hecame' the good samaritan of the Molokai lep- er colony, Buch is the story re- gounted by Clarksville belles of that day grown old and reminiscent their thoughts drawn to Honolulu hospital by news that Bother Joseph les with shattered health at B87 after 44 years of toll, In the early eighties, they recall, Ira B, Dutton, handsome and dash- {of Canada and the from Ottawa to the effect thet the work planned by the Government this year will he completed in time for the ceremonies on Pept, According to Dr, Coyne, the Southwold earthworks are the only doublewalled Indian fort ever dis covered on the continent, and the relic is regarded ps being of great historical value hy archaeologists United The old fort Is believed to be sev. eral centuries old; In fact, it may antedaile the discovery of Ameris en, Despite its great age, the walls of the fort are eloarly defined, REFUSE CRIMINALS PERMITS FOR GUNS Detroit, Aug, 20,--Permits to carry pistols will he denied in the future to persons who have police records, John FP, Bmith, Deputy Buperintendent. of Police, declared Btutes, | in to the icing on top of the cake, If desired peaches 15, ing hefore it 1s spread on the cakty one-half cup of chopped may he folded inte the iv RECIPES BRAIN D LIVER Take one pound of calf's liver, tie in shape If necessary, and place deep one-fourth onion and celery, hlespoons and two cloves, watery slowly for the last 20 minutes, pan, strain liquor and use for mak- ing a brown sauce with 1 1-8 tar hlespoons Bpoons liver for serving, baking dish, Surround enp each carol, diced, algo 2 ia chopped green pepper Add two eupe of Cover tightly and hake two hours, UDCOVETINE Remove from hitter and two table flour, Pour sauce around pr ---- SCOTCH POTATOES Wash, pare and ent a quarl each arated the evidence given hy Muecl, of potatoes and onfons in 1-8-nch ton Rraves, It was Boston's las! ing Yankee who had advanced from Man. yesterday, witl Brown and Second Streets and Lamb's Lane --New Sewer on Brown Street--Work to Come mence Soon. By-laws providing for consider: able local improvements received their three readings at a special meeting of the town council held 1ast night, These by-laws provid. ed for watermains being Iald on Second Street and Lambs Lane and also for the laying of a watermain and sewer on Brown Street, The work which will commence, almost immediately will cost in the neigh. borhood of $3000, The sewer on Brown street is estimated to cost $832 while the watermain on the game street is expected to cost $1, 522, The watermains on Second Street and Lamb's Lane will cost $600 and $163 respectively, The council is to be commended on this effort to relieve the unem- ployment in the town and it is hop. od that the council will also seo its way clear to do further work this fall which will last well into if not all through the winter, Con siderable more work is yet to be done at the cemetery this year and it was decided last night that the work of installing the new gates which are expected to ultimately be named tha McGill Momorial Ciates will go ahead, The plans for th gates as approved by coun- cll call for granite pillars with or. namental wrought {ron gates and If the new gates when Installed ap pear ns nice as they are shown on the plans they will certainly be a oeredit to the town, One other job which might yet be done this year is the work of laying a further watermain to the Cream of Barley camp, This work has been petitioned for many times in the past, but the council has not Wakeful Nights From Indigestion Nothing wears you out more quickly than a period of wakeful, restless nights or NAtful slumber "marred by unpleasant dreams, The cause is often digestive disturbance 'and the remedy is a little "Bisur- + ated" Magnesia after the last moal or before going to bed, This calms the stomach, neutralizes excess acid, banishes the fermenting un- rest and induces healthy, restful slumber by the sensible means of -produeing peaceful normal diges- tion, "Bisurated" Magnesia is ob. "tained at any good drug store in either powder or tablet form and the changing hands of several pro. perties in that section of the town in recent weeks it has been found almost a necessity and the petition presented to council last night for this work by the residents In that part of the town Is expected to be acceded to, NEWS ABOUT TOWN | New Tool House A new tool house will be bullt In the cemetery in the near future the Council decided at its special wes. sion last night, It will be of frame construction and will cost about $226. Want Street Lights The village council of Bethany has appealed to the township coun. ell of Manvers to negotiate with the Hydro Electric Power Commis. slon of Ontario about securing street lights for the village of Bethany, New Hepresentatives E. A Summers of Winchester County, Ontario has been appoint ed Agricultural Representative for Durham County to succeed J, Y. Kellough who resigned to take a post with the Wheat Pool recently, The new appointment will take ef. fect on Sept, 1st, the date on which the resignation of My, Kellough be. comes offective, Mr, Summers, B, S.A, Is the present representative of Oxford County at Woodstock and graduated from tha OAC, I* 1023, He was a member of th? stock Judging teams in Toronto ut the Royal Winter Fair and at the Chicago International Show and he comes to Durham very highly re. commended, His headquarters wil) be in Port Hope, Mr. Kellough the resigning res presentative has been an invalus able ald to farmers In Durham County and has done creditable work throughout the distriet, 3 No New Cases There are no new cases of infan. tile paralysis in the town of Bow. manville according to locnl nes fals, With all three cases which have been reported now doing well fue epidemic Is hoped to have pas- sed, NATIONAL LEAGUE OUnS LOSE ANOTRER Chicago, Aug, 20.~Bert Shot: ten's pesky Phillles knocked a game from the Cubs' lead over the Giants in the National League pen. nant race yesterday, winning the first game of a doubleheader, 0 to RB, then proceeded to battle the Nas tional League champlons to a a simple trial will prove its value beyond question, standstill In a sixteen Innings arter. appearance here this year, Frankhouse allowed (he five singles and a double, DODGERS STILL RETREATING Pittsburg, Pa, Aug, 20,~-8Btave Bwetonle pitched his first full game of the season for the Pirates to-day and scored a shut-out tory over the Brooklyn Robins, 8 to 0, fiva games in the series, Bwetoniec allowed only and but one Broocklyn reached third, Ray Phelps, started for the Robins, two Innings, Elliott finished, Mix hits lasted only and Moss Reds | Hearing of slaughter Charge His Worship Magistrate Willis reserved judgment for one week, at the Police Court hearing yester. day afternoon, of the manslaughter vies Pittsburg won three of the runner who charge against Herbert Mucel, 126 Maria street, Toronto, The arrest of Mucel followed the death of his 10 year old sister Vera in an automobile accident at the Almonds Creek bridge on Sunday, August 14th, The party of which Miss Mucel was a member was on iis way to Midland and was made up of Mr, and Mrs, E, Bocela, of 136 Robina Ave, Toronto; Mary and AMERICAN LEAGUE Laura Mucel, sisters of the de consed, an well as young Mucel was driving the car, Vera Mujeel was killed almost Instantly GOOSK GOSLIN BHINES Philadelphia, Aug, 20,:=With Goose Goslin, equulling the world's record of hitting three home runs in the game and in successive times at bat, the St, Louls Browns took the Anal of the three-game segles with the Philadelphia AthlePier here yesterday by 7 to 0, Tony Blaeholder blanked the world's champions with five hits SENATORS NOSED OUT Washington, D.C,, Aug, 20, De troit won from the Nationals yester- day, 2 to 1, in a pitchers' duel he- tween Whitehill and Brown, White. hill had the better of the argument In total hits, allowing Washington only five, while his teammates eol lected six including two doubles FERRELL WINK AGAIN Boston, Mass, Aug, 20. ---Wesley Ferrell became the most victorious of American League pitchers here yesterday hy winning his twenty first victory of the season at the expense of the Boston Red Sox in the fArst game of a doubleheader Cleveland won hoth games, 7 to 2 and 7 to 3. After Ferrell had mates to victory in the first game an inexperienced rookle, Lawson, performed the same feat for the Indians in the night-cap, We ------ IN VIELD pitehed his RUTH SHINES New York, N.Y. Aug 20 Charley RuMng's two-hit pltehing backed up by Rabe Ruth's brilliant flelding, enabled the Yankees to geore a 3 to 0 victory over Lhe Chicago White Sox yesterday and make it three out of four for the final series between the teams; Ruth played a great game in the fleld and his two timely hits halped the Yankees score a pair of their runs, The chief difference is that a low. brow tells you what he thinks and a high-hrow tells you what some- body else thinks ~Wichitn Falls Record-News, chic, Felts '|-19 In the Smartest Shades for Autumn---Black, Brown, Eng- lish Green, Monet Blue, Sand and Navy Start at the TOP in Fashion atthe BOT TOM. .Price Never before have we been able to offer such values! And right at the begin ning of the Season! FELTS--Trimmed with velvet--in the new styles for fall VELVETS--That hug the head--and droop low at the back--They're new, such up-to-the-minute! And Values! HURRY FOR THE NEWS IS SPREADING! Dorothea Hats 3 King Street East ELT 0.2 HATS the car left the road at a two miles west of Whitby turned over twice after hitting The coroner's jury impanelled by C, ¥, McGilllyray returned a erdiet of reckless driving on the vt of Herbert Muccl when it met st Friday evening to enquire ints the circumstances of the unfortun- ate girl's death, The evidence presented to the court to-day did not tend to show | how fast the Mucel car was going | at the time of the aceldent, Ernest Vervoorn, an eyes witness of the tragedy wap unable to state how fast the death car was going, He said, however, that he was pros ceading at his usual rate of speed, which wag about thirty miles an hour. He could not say definitely | a8 he did not look at his speedo- meter, Mr, Vervoorn informed the court that the Mucel car passed him somes distance from the scene of the accident, and to the best of his knowledge there was no car approaching from the east Highway Trac OMeer Hilliard stated that when he made an exam ination of the ground around the Almonds Creek bridge, he found no traces of skid marks on the pave. ment, to show that the brakes had heen appled, He also sald that from' what he found at the aceld- ent in the way of the condition of the car, that the cause of the aceld- ent seemed to ba fast driving, After being given the statutory warning by Hig Worship, Herbert Mucel gave evidence in his own de- | fense, He gald that he was driv | Ing the ear, which belonged to his sister at a moderate rate of speed, which he said was not over thirty. fiva miles an hour, He explained that the cause for the car swerving [ta the side of the road as Mr, Verfvoorn had seen it do, was due to a ear coming toward him from but could not set the speed of the ear as he could not see Lhe speed- ometer, Ball for Muccl's appearance next Tuesday was renewed, COURTICE MAN GETS ONE MONTH DRUNK IN AUTO For Second Offence In Whitby William Pairhond was sentenced to serve one month in jail when he was found gullty of being in an intoxicated condition while in charge of a motor vehicle on the evening of August 12th, It was Fairhead's second offense Highway Trae OMeer Richard- son testified that while standing in front of a services station, in the town, on the evening in question, he was informed hy a motorist that fn car was coming from the west in an irregular manner, He kept wateh and saw the car which the pecused was driving, approaching on the wrong side of the road and swerving from the curb to the cen- tre of the road way, On heing signalled to stop with a flashlight, Fairhead did not stop and it was only when shouted at that he fin: ally pulled in to the curh The OMcar stated that when the ar cused got out of the car he could not walk straight and had a distinct odor of liquor on his breath, Constable Hilliard who saw the accused later in the evening slated that he was still under ghe infly- ence of lquor, Falrhead had told him, Constable Hilliard stated that he had had two hotties of heer he- fore leaving Hamilton, Fairhead aMrmed that he had the two bottles of heer in Hamilton gome four hours hefore he was arrested, He sald that the irveg- ular course of the ear was attribut. able to a faulty steering mechanism and also said that rheumatism combined with his long ride wers responsible for the manner in which he walked, A plea for lenlency was lodged hy A, ¥, Annis, counsel for Fair head on the grounds of his good record for some time past, In summing up the evidence, Hin Warship found that there was suf ficient evidence to register a con vietion, Stock Market Prices | | Marke; Summary by Canadian I'ress | Toronto Stock Exchange High Low Ol 16% 16% Brag, 80% 01% HEE Can, 1st 01% Nl % Ml Y% Cty, Dry, 67 06 67 Dis, Sgrm, 0% 0% LR" Hr, Wal, H 8% 1] Ford ....81% 10% i Int, Util, 80% 1 J0% Int, Nkl, 21% YW Int, Pet, 18 4 18 Ind, Aleh, 4134 H LR" Imp, O11 10% 10% Loh, "A" 104 12% Ms, Hr, 20% My Moe, I'rt, 16% 16% Mt, Pwr, hdW 66% Pg, Hr, 84Y Ry Shaw, i414 044 8, Station 80% iy Standard Mining Exchange Abana ,. 43 1 40 Ajax ., 1381 175 178 Amulet 60 7 4 Ch, Res, KAH0 hah hd De, Mns, 7858 7856 786 Fatoon, 18K 165 18H Holl, ., B80 Aso B80 He, Oil 230 220 200 Close 16 % Htock Br. A, Hy, Gold 43 42% LH] 745 726 22285 2285 Id. Bay T7H0 t. 8h; 2300 Toronto and New Xork Stock Quotations Supplied by | : Biggar and Omawflord, Alger Building, Oshawa | | 20R0 126 108 ah0 180 2050 124 Nrnda, 8h, Grd, Nd, Bs, 1032 Tk, Hg, 6i0 Wr, Hr, 180 New York Exchange Close 127% 70% IN % HEL 406% T6% M%, ROW 78% 178 28 Y A085 42% 70% 2020 126 f 102 G40 180 High Low 128 136% Am, ¥r, Pr, 11% 69 Am, Tel, 211% 200% Am, Inter, 33% 48% Anaconda 418 4% Auto Strop 76% 6% Bendix ,.. 81% 8% Reth, Hteel &1 TH Byers AM, 70% 78% Can, Pac, 170% 178 Chrysler LTRS 2% Col, Gan ,, 60% 1] Fox Film 40% 10% Gen, Rlee, T1% 70% Glen. Mot, LER Int, Tel, ,, 46% Kelvinator 16% Mt, Ward aa Nat, Gash 47% Pl, Rd, Coal 16% . Paramount 67% Ph, N, Jer, 8% Radio ,.., 40% Radio Kth, 72y Simmons ,, 26% ft, NJ, 78 U,8, Rubber 21 UB, Steel 168% Vanadium 02 Yel, Truck 234% Money 91% per cent, Stock Am, Can, INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE RED WINGS TAKE LEAD Rochester, ug, 20,~With Balti more idle because of rain I, Smith hurled the Rochester Red Wings Into & two-game lead in the Inter national League yesterday, Smith limited the Newark Hears to five singles to break the four-game los. ing streak of the Wings with a 4 to 0 vietory, SRip" Collinge made four hits in as many times at bat for a perfect day. RISONS OUTFIT, RUT WIN Buffalo, N.Y,, Aug, 20,~~The Bi. sons #oored thelr second straight vietory of the series aver the Read. ing Keys here yesterday by a count of 6-4, The Herd took full ads vantage of eight passes issued by Bell, a wild pitch and six timely eclouts to score as many runs, Fussell gave up nine hits but kept them fairly well scattered, William Fairhead Gets Jail the ranks to captain in the Union army came to Clarksville as a gov- ernment agent to settle claims of citizens for horses and quarter. master stocks selzad hy federal troops, Handsome and gracious, he became socially popular with the helles of the day, They were surprised, naturally, when he departed less than two years after his arrival to enter the Trappist monastry at Gethsemane, Ky, They had another stir when he reappeared in Clarksville three years Inter, completely transformed in spirit and appearance, and ap ologized to the girls he had known for letting them bhelleve he was a single man when ha was married and had separated from his wife, who in the meantime had died Bo eager to atone for the decep- tion he was that he spent a month in the community seeking out his friends, As the years have passed they have read with interest of his work--as Brother Joseph in the leper colony, He has sent Christ mas tokens every year to several of these friends, He went to the island in 1886 und three years later took up the work of administering the colony, By scrupulous care he escaped the disease and only recently was he persuaded to go to Honolulu for hospital care, Chancellor J, W, Btout, who as a lawyer, presented many war elaims hefore Captain Dutton, says "of all the different men the gov- ernment sent here, I thought he wag the fairest and most impars tial.' FAMILY PERMITS ARE CANCELLED TO CENTRAL EUROPEANS Toronto, Auf, 10~=Permits to bring in relatives from Central Europe will no longer he available to former inhabitants of that res glon who are now settled hero, according to the Interpretation given hy those interested in To- ronto to a elreular sent to officl- als by the dominion minister of immigration, The circular an- nounges the striking out of the winuse of the order under which permits have been secured since the war, SIX-YEAR-OLD 18 Portland. Tarrytown, N.Y., may hoast the oldest good golfer in the United States In the person of John D, Rockefeller, Hr, but this little one-stop village has a 6-year-old who shoots In the sixties for 0 holes, With special elubs Tommy Lock wood sometimes turns In a card of 60, and never goes over 70, He ean drive 185 yards straight down the fatrway, . Like Robby Jones, however, he has most of his trouble with his Putting, HOPE IS REVIVED Note in Bottle From Piiot Cannon Shows He Was Forced Down Montaeal, Aug, 20.~The re. cent finding in the Saguenay River of a message In a hottle has caused the family of Pilot Willlam H, Can- non to entertain slight hopes that he will ha found alive and a ve. quest will he made to Hen, CO, H, Cahan, secretary of state, to have the Canadian Government resume the search for the long lost flier, Cannon and Lisotte left Ht, Felliolen on Oct, 0, 1088, to fly prospectors' supplies to Chibouga- mau, A blinding rainstorm, with fog, apparently foreed them down somewhere in the wilderness, An intensive search was carried on by Canadian Government aviators and other planes but it was un- successful, OLD INDIAN FORT T0-BE PRESERVED Dominion Acquires Earth. works, Only Fort of Kind on Continent 8t, Thomas, Aus AVE. 20,~~The of» ficial dedication of the famous Southwold earthworks, twelve miles northwest of this eity, whieh have heen acquired by the Domins fon Government as part of the national parks system, will take place on Sept, 15 under the direc. tion of officials of the Historical Sites and Monuments Roard of the Dominion, Dr, J, H, Coyne, local historian, who is arranging the program, disclosures that such permits have heen issued Lo more than a dozen racketeers, Kangsters and gamblers, though in each instance the person receiving he permit had a long police recs rounds, 'Put into saucepan until Drain, put galt, Boll minutes, spoon ahout 2h sauce apd hake in hot oven utes hoiling water to gover, Adding a cis tender, to dish and cover with thick cream 25 min A COMING GOLFER | FOR LOST AIRMAN APPLE CROP SHOWS 25 PERSENT DROP THROUGHOUT CANADA Toronto, Aug. 20 Glan commercial apple pect, reported on Aug, i yield of 2,000,100 compared with a 01h harrels in 1929, or 75.8 per cent, of last year, or 98.9 of the five-year average of 8,182,105 harrels. British Columbia, with an cstimated crop bf 4,160,186 boxes, Id the only Province reporting an Increase over last year, Nova Scotia Expects a crop of only slightly over Lalf that of the humper crop of 1020, while Ontario, Quebec and New Brunswick report decreases ranging from 12.5 per cent, fo UR. per cent, The Cana crop prog. 1, Indicates barrels, ny yield of 8,080, GEORGIA PEACH CAKE Cream together one and a hall cups of sugar and one-half cup of hutter Add four egg yolks heat en thoroughly Hift together two and a hall eups of flour spoons of baking powder and one half teaspoon of galt, Mix thorough ly and add one-half cup of water and two cups of peaches chopped fine Fold in four egg whites heat en stiff Bake in three layers in a moderate oven (37h degrees), for twenty-five minutes and conl, To make the icing, cook together to the goft hall stage (or to 284 de- Erees) one cup of white sugar, one cup of brown sugar, one-half cup of cream and two tablespoons of of hutter, Cool, heat until stiff and add one teaspoon of almond extract Just after the cake is fced sections of freshly cut peaches in Ag you need, three-eighths Hghtly and quickly, one side only under Anes slightly on toasted side and spread thickly fregh slices and toast hoth sides serve hot A nnt togethey, on 200 PARKER HOUSE rolls milk (6r' milk and water), 2 small Cups BUEAY, 10 1-2 7 teaspoons salt lard, cakes, conl milk; BUERAT | flour, or Cover until Hight or sufficient to make a rather gofl dough, Let it rise until double in hulk, and let twn tea~| Roll oul butter 'rEARe and fold room in pan let rise until light and hake in hol oven and dough In navow strips, brush with hutter, These are very attractive to serve, Lure Hushand 1 earth must that comes to the door? know you were gn press | 10Y | FOARTED RTRAWBERRY BAND. WICHES & many slices of fresh hread Let them be ahout inch thick, Tons! the toss! Butte #0 that hard, hroller, hecome sweetened Place LW sandwich faghion exterior qulekl in strips and with erushed Lrawherries non the Cut ROLIA 200 lar half qual makes and a recipe Three one and two-thirds cup quarts flour, 7 yeast Heald and in it disolve yeast and add lard and ahout half the enough to make a hatter rise in warm placa Add remainder of flour, and the salt rather thin, Cut with round eytter, with knife through reentry nver Allow plenty of gpread wi I use same mi make love knots. Cut tie in a knot, rise and hake, say, Joan, why on you fead every tramp I didn't generous You've no idea what a it is to see a man eat a meal without finding fault with the cook | Bank by Mail It is convenient and may save you a trip to town, Your bank book, with the deposit entered, will be promptly re- turned to you, DOMINION BANK Established 1871 ""- OSHAWA BRANCH T, W, JOYCE, Manager foy other s the Raion, | " ots wetk t he gives his endorsation, ease owners have Kaiser writesy oe Joris does, Ontario unquilike Base Roller Fi stalled Bireet, ( aw yo thensands of one, Dr, said that he has received word » "The Pease Boiler is the het PRATALUS | for wy y Noth pe sould mare sali jactarys- a] ragular--scanamisal=to ¢ a SAtumption of | Shh Mey J) pevsanal sxperisnte with and It outs | ho them No heat is wasted the efficient Mogul, The products of A ustion flow aver an anusually Targe water area before they Are dicharged, practically heat aH IW the chimney us for literature: deserihy ny this Mannie efficient unit, nd Jouve 4 heating problem our Pg will advise you {8 Convenient deferved Warments tered to ; veaponsible home awner PEASE FOUNDRY. COMPANY, 118:120 King Street Enat Toronto 2 + Ontario

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