Oshawa Daily Times, 14 Aug 1930, p. 7

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A SRV Po Se 7 FAA i a a A HAWKS REGAINS FLIGHT RECORD Betters Lindbergh's Mark by Two Hours Across Continent Curtiss Field, ow York, Aug, 14.Captain Frank Hawks re Kained his title as cross-continent speed ehamplon of the United Winton ysntarday when he piloted lis Travelair monoplane Texaco from Los Angelos fo Curtiss Field in 12 hours 20 wminutes, 30 seo. onde, Thus Hawks hroke hy 8 hours 20 minutes 02 seconds the enst- ward flight record set on Apri) 20 by Colonel and Mre, Charles A Lindbergh, who made it over the sama route in 14.40.42 Only a week ago, on August 0, Although no definite report hus an yet heen vecelved from the threescorneved paviey nl OUawa, comprising the wheat pool offi clals, government and bankers, In rumored (that the result may be that the pool will be foreed to raise liv own funds for marketing, Marketing cireles In the west ane telpate a genevous gesture on the The rolls wos who with tablished a tained flight Hawks ragnined the westward ree ord, which Roseos Turner had taken from him, hy making the flight from New York to Los Ane goles In 14,6040, AVIATRIX MAKES BARRELROLL RECORD, tus formar record of 41 harvel held hy Dale Jackson, Farest O'Befne has es new regard for sus JUST ELEPHANTS ambo="Whar so" all gwine, Ris Bt, Louis, Mo, Aug, 14. Laura Ristuw="1"se liuntin' elephants," Ingalls, 20-year-old aviateix, es«| Sunbo tablished a new world's "harrat | kin we tiin't no elephants hegh roll" record last night when she Rastus="1 dev was, Ah wouldn't turned her bi-plane over 714 cons | halter hunt, an dil's what Ah wants secutive times, ter do." a ae As hE t mame Es Do as we did... it pays to get Tire FACTS | aight, | noldler had met, and thers and then | the romance began, | handscne man as well as brainy and I the spéalal delight of General Hehe There are '¢* reasons why wn sell Silvertowns THE PRODUCT ITRELF : o tors Hata sah {Faction and long wear, REPUTATION ~~ Gondeieh Mivariowne are haoked hy the veputation of one of the Industry's oat and largest tire manufacturers, NERYIC A Years Aurion and unsurpassed odie hel Thar p hd re, this Vive aoa od highs lor Nervice Organisation, PERFORMANCE ha ich, MAHON pir sonditions, MILEAGE Mileage fants, praven hy tua Prone tt nein ft vere veriown Tires, VALUE toviata deivi " ae ot a. fhe naper ire gives you a hatter mi ar value, DEPENDABILITY toh Mlvertowne, « Flo Li fv te a An fnaturer ies v SE voad more "Luwsee, boy, don't yo' ull | | In the laudable seal of the falr sex, |- sould give you an idea of her HR (tt Bi The Goodrich Silvertown made in standard a TL One of them is Dependability would over give a tire==have indisputably proved that Silvertowns stand up under every condition and give thousands of extra miles of trouble«free service, The famous Goodrich 'was terscure" process toughens Goodrich tires clear through! And Goodrich Dealer Sere vice adds extra miles to tire life. Come in and see us. We will prove it to yous extra heavy sizes. | In honor of his inauguration, WE stand back of the Goodrich Silvertown as the most dependuble tire on the market, giving most for the money==bar none! Aud behind every Silvers town sale stands the broad» est guarantee=--backed by "the total resources of one of the oldest and largest lire companies In the world, And no wonder , : Thorough grueling tive tests = more ~trenuous than you or we Goodrich {i Silvertowns Silver Fleet Tented B ND BROS, Cor. King Street East and Ritson Road Oshawa, Ontario Phone 2861 | high esteem, and he could net do trans nf Baan a THE, ROMANOK., OF, hry HAMY It was on a bright day in Jan. uary, 1777, that Alexander Hamil. ton onlled at the manor house which was the home of General Philip Behuyler, in Albany, N,'Y,, with & message from General | Washington, Hamilton was a cols onel on the staff of Washington, And wa may be sure that his pust ness was important, for he remaln od closeled with General Nehuyler for more than two hours, After that he met Betty Schuyler And he lost his heart to her on A protly girl and a brave He was a this gir) was his ideal of woman« hood, Nature gave every evidence of having made them for one ane other, When they parted that day It wan wilg the mutual hope that they might meet again, They did meet, not ones but many times, and In that quaint drawing room in the Albany home they exchanged their' vows, An engagement followed, to! uyler, wha had the greatest admira. tion tor Hamilton, Boon after this we find the fut: ure secretary of the Treasury writs Ing to his lady love In the language of the lovesick one from tims im memorial "I would net, he save, "have you imagine that 1 write you so often te gratity your wishes av pleases your vanity, hut merely to Indulge myself and to comply with that restless propen sity of my mind which will nat he happy unjess 1 am doing wome thing In whieh vou are concerned This may seam a vary (dis disposals tion in a soldier and philosopher, hut 1 aan pread {llustrious examples In my jJustitieation, Achilles hiked to hava saovifind Ciresce and his glory for a female captive, and An. tony oat the world for a woman IT am sorry that times have ao changed that | am abliged to go to antiquity for an apology, but | sen. fess, to the dlsmrace af the present, that 1 have not hesn able te find Any ons who so far gone as myself "1 suspect, howavar, that if ath. ors knew the charm of my sweats heart an 1 do, 1 could hava a urea number of competitors, 1 wish 1 You have no sonception of how sweat A Riv dhe is, Tt Is only In my heat that her image Is truly drawn, . She han a lovely form and A atill more lovely mind, Hhe is all goodness, the gentlest, dearest, the tendarsat of her aexe=ah, Retay, how 1 love her!" Elisabeth Bohuysr and Alevander Hamilton ware marred on Ducem- hor 14, 1780, and the young girl was immediately plunged inte the military and aivil lite of the new Rapublie, Washington danced with her an the acoasion of the hall hald The first President held Wamilten in too much to show his regard for the wife of his Neoretary of the Treas: ury, The + Hamilton dined with ------------ BAGGOTSVILLE a Alfred Lynde and family left on uraday for their home in Indianna, after a two weeks' holiday spent with the for mer's parents hare Mr, Jou, Cond Ho spent Sunday at ne home herve, Mrs, M, Dean, of Toronto, visited with Miss H, Pardon on Sunday, Misa Helen Mitchell, of Toronto, ieturned home last Friday after a tho weeka' vacation with her couas ne, ' Piles Go Quick Piles are chused by bad clronlas tion of blood in the lower bowel and a weakening of the parts, One ly an internal medicine oan res move the canss, That's why ex« ternal remedies and outting fail, Dr. Leouhardt's HEM-ROID, wsug seeds; beoauso it rell this eon. eation and strengthens the als fected parts, Dr, Leonhardt'a presoription has such a wonderful record for quick, sate and lasting relief even In ehronic and stub horn case, that Jury and Lovell, Ltd, says try HEM-ROID at my expense, Your pile suffering must Mr, and Mrs, True Stories Stranger Than Fiction STRANGEST TALES OF ROMANCE ax» MYSTERY By Vance Wynn (Author of To-Dag's True Detective Storie) end or money back, part of the banks, Nome reports concerning dooislons of tha cons fovence have hoen conflicting, The photographs above show; (1) A, Jd. MePhall, president of the Cane 1 =) NOHUYLER AND ALEXANDER 1/TON the Washingtons frequently, and on a number of occasions had the Prossdont and his lady at dinner, They were not rich so far as the goods of this world were concern ed, hut they had sufflelent to maintuin the dignity of the office held by Hamilton, On one oocasion they were visited by Tallsyrand the calabratad Frenchman, who nafs | terward wiote in Ms diary: I have seen one of the marvels of the world, | have seen the man who | made the fortune of a Nation Iabors ing All night to support his fam« Hy! There is a world of significance in (his simple sentence, Hamilton had truly given the best part of his Ife in the serviea of his country, The same suergy devoted to selfish ends would have made him rieh, Nut the time cama when he rej that he was end to rest, He Toft the Cabinet In order, as he sald "to Indulge m happiness freely Far a time he hind His home was the cen ter of social gatherings, nnd he whs forging ahead to the point where he would he beyond the ranch of want, "During this period he entertained many distingulshed mon from ahroad. For a time he had under hin roof a kinsman of the great lafpvatie=nons other than Georges Washington Lafayette, The young man stayed with Hams itn In this ecauntry during the days of the Franeh Navelution, It was part payment of the daly which was owned hy this country to the man who had alded us (n obtain ing our independence During thesa dave Hetty Sehuy ler Hamilton was the most popular hostess. of har day, BKhe retained her heaauty and har aniahiiity and ross from ans position tn another With the ease of the we|ltrained woman Hamilton had his dark days, and these were shared un compliainingly hy the young woman who had married him for hatier or for worse, Thay had a daughter who was the idol of her father, and wa ara told that he sang duets with her and found In her a companion after hin awn heart Then came the terrible dusl with Aaron Burr..a duel that was not | nought by the soldier, stateaman and finaneisr, Tha details af that LrARIe avent In American histary have no place In this artiele, It In enough to say that that celebrated ""affalr of honor" ended the life of the great Wamiltan It wan fallowad hy something als most traglo, His favorite ohild, this daughter » Mm he had fairly worshipped, loot gr mind Haw Netty fohuvier ved through It ecannnt ha mained hut ahe had strength of will anf | character, and they stood the ters rible fest, §he lived to he 07 years of age, and after her death A little sheet of worn and crumpled paner was found in her pookethook, It was the last letter ever writs ten by Hamiiton==tha farewell mise sive ha sent to hear on the morning of the day of the fatal duel, \ (Copyright by Publio Ledaer) damest) more his wish My, Philip Willis and Mr, and Mra, Geo, Willla visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Harry Willis in Lindnay, My, and Mrs, John Sanning Jont Muy at C, A, Lynde's The Hydro Co, were through this neighborhood lant week surveying for the third line of towers, SEEK SHARE OF INCOMF TAXES Saskatchewan Wants Feder. al Govt. to Share Up Revenue Regind, Aug. 14.Canada's Provinees will ask the Dominion Government to "shave up" the Fad. eral income tax, forecast Hon, How. ard MoConnell, Minister of Muni olpal - Anite yesterday, At the Annual convention of the Ansocist od Committes of Reoretary-Treasurs ora of Rural Municipalities, he looked forward to a conference be- tween Provincial Governments and the Dominlon Administration to seek for the Provinces a share of the tax, My, McConnell pointed out that the Provincial Governments were ndlan Wheat Pool, (%) Whent Pool elevator at Fort William, the Turgest In the world, orsl manager of the pool, we ---------- ---- faced with the nocessity of provid ing for additionnl sources of yey onus to meet increasing demands far narvices Deficits Too Common The Minister said that defect were as common in the Provinces from the Pacific to the Atlant an surpluses used to bi Tha Bri tish North Ameriean Act hud glven the Dominion the flald of both dlyect and Indirect tax ation, whereas the Provinces were Iynitea (to the direct form of taxa with un caps | city of 7,000,000 bushels, and (3) | Ko 1 Bnmway, of Winnlpeg, gen: | he wild, whole PAGE SEVEN norecent Hon wn Proavineinl income chewnn Aug, 1] My Brougham, wing of the late BONN, on Hundn witanded niternoon Much sympathy In Mins DOROTHY DELL GOVY 17eyenpendd- Now Ovieans girl, whe wan elected "Miss Universe internntionnl content al Galveston, Teas, They did not want 10 Impose Nn Haskat BROUGHAM In the ps Thomas: Kno our township loses one of Is oldest' hin funersl which took Wie i heat y plane Inrgely folt of Mrs, Knox br, Much anxiety Ig friends of Mrs, Barclay ove warions Wines in Toronto st time and all wie hoping for speedy recovery, Houses are at 4 premium in the villuge al. poset The number amployed on road construction on No, 7 highway, wishing for a near hy plave of yosidence the Muathaw's house heing wall filled at present It, Veushy of Toronto Is working with W. sadler at earpontry Mr, and Mre, Crocker of "for onto wore with the |, Mathews fuinily on nduy CANADA MAY STOP al this time, felt hy the many her his her Restrict Influx of Europesns Oitawn, A that steps will he Dominfon Government immigration to Canada offiein] announcement made at the conclusion at mid muht of several sittings of the cabinet yesterday, 1 in understood that the matter of Immigration wis under disen Any netion taken, 14 would he snimed at the of newcomers from ng, 114 Indientions nye tnken hy the post rie While WhH 10 no #rion helidyved, rautrietion uropean weather, You pick, or choose, either for the family in the serious ine w] IMMIGRANT FLOW Action Believed Pending to| |", » u please, in the utmost comfort, now that this cool and comfortable mode of shoppin "Skinny" Sick Father Gains 15 Lbs. in 3 Weeks, New Pep Alla Mr, ¥ Was 80. run-down, wok conldn't work, Then tried fronigeg Yeast Guined 1H Ih in #4 week Heguined my heulth,"" Anselmo, Kothar HILYH I nervou YEkinn wail, nervous people winged ut gains of 5H to 15 Ibe, In pH) Lely hollows, bony Himhs fil om Wiemishied skin clears, Naw pep first day, Constipation, 1h. ie whan, "nerves ko overnight, Avolds danger of serious 11g | Irontized Yenst 16 two great Loney | In une Welght-hullding hrawer's oh Ji trengthening, blood. an | riewing fron fany times mora effective than unmedieatsd yeast half tha time { { Don't he Toho fbuny", wank, ners thers pleasant 1ittls inhleots 0 yeunty 1Aaste no Ear {If not delighted with aulek gaing munifucturver refunds money, (isl fronized Yeast from druggist to any Feel great tomorrow Naw pounds aulek nn a aR R- | eountyie 0 ik nol to add to the une ployed Is rumored that the o-cillod vallway ngreementis likely he renewed, especially under present provisions A statament on the subject of immigration may he iusied shortly Each Loblaw Groceteria is equipped to provide, in it's interior, a cool, pleasant temperature in the warmest hurriedly, or leisurely as blaw customers is also profitable for them and that while assured 0 highest quality they are at the same time making substantial savings. These Specials on Sale for Week of August SPECIAL STORE HOURS 8 am, till 6 pom, 8 am, till 12,30 Wednesday 8 am, till 10 p.m, Saturday SPECIAL~CROSSED FISH SARDINES 2 27° A Staple Line That Will Pay You to Steck Up On, lth lo 20th. Note the Yellow Tickels. LOBLAW'S BLUE LABEL Thrifty buyers will detect the savings on this item, Narry Horne's Double Cream CUSTARD ih 2d Tin Wholesome and Appetising Ingersoll Cream CHEESE Med. Sis 25¢ Php. Spreads Like Butter LUX For All Fine 2 Phys, The Health Soap 2 cam 15¢ Laundering 19¢ LIFEBUOY NONSUCH Liquid Steve Polish setts | 7c Ne Dust----Neo Rust SPECIAL= Halves Tuna Fish--Light Meat, Shell By Real Good Quality Coffee~Hi rh Park Br., True Rich Fl round Fresh Dally 1 Ib, avor, No. 2 Size Tina 2 to Serve PEARS 25° No trouble to gRisPre=Rudy mssessenpssimeerionnse 5 J Patent Barley -- Robinson' » suite able for Infants ............ 2 Marmalade--Robertson's Imported Golden & Sliver Shred, 12-ox, jar Sanitary Straws=No h home Should ou Bae Blscults--The rd cuit of its kind In the Bids. Giape Juice - --- "Wels: Nationa Dri ..Med, Size Bottle 29¢ 55¢ 28¢ 39¢ 21c S¢ 24c 32¢ SPECIAL PEAS A Bountiful Crop of Peas this season permits us to offer this exceptional bargain rw SPECIAL-CLASSIC OR BABBIT'S CLEANSER Well-Known Brands of Real Merit ~ 13° NUGGET 12¢ mn The Waterproof! Shoe Polish TODDY Slc in Serve Not or Cold Sovereign SALMON Finest Soc Lily Brand CHICKEN 24cm m21c HADDIE GILLEX Makes Nard Water Soft me 10c¢ SPECIAL--HANDY AMMONIA POWDER ~ §° 1] Groceterias in Ontario @12

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