Oshawa Daily Times, 14 Aug 1930, p. 6

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PAGE SIX THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, AUGUST 14, 1930 ' The Whitby Advertising, subseriptions and Whith, After A No Salary Increases This Year; Made Pol Town Clerk Will Attend Police Court for Local Cases and | Handle Fines and Fees for the Town -~Night Constrble to Work Longer Hours Two Nights Per Week, for Which He Gets $60--Council Say Time Not Oppor- tune for Salary Boosts There will be no salary inerenses for elvie offielnls thin year, This wis the decision renched by the Town Counell at a special meeting on Thursday morning, when a re port of the Committen on Applica tion making this recommendation was adopted, The Council felt that while with. nut exception the upplicants, John R, Frost, town clerk, Herbert 1, Pringle, town engineer, assessor, cols lector and building and plumbing inspector, und Night Constable John Thomas, were giving the tewn good pervice, the time was not opportune; in view of high taxes and the fuet that many citizens aro out of work, | to Increase salaries | Made Police Court Clerk | On recommendation of the Appl eations Committee, John I, Frost town elerk and tremsurer, was ape Branch Office, at Gasette and Chronicle, ~Telophone 23, wsiness Hours--Phone 359 REPRESENTATIVE--JAMES H, ORMISTON tap ---- Daily Times news will be regsived #1 the John R. Frost ice Court Clerk expenbe involved In"the appointment wo far wn the town is concerned, To Work Extra Hours Night Constable John Thomas will be required to work extra hours two evenings per week as directed b Chief Quanteill, In secordance with un arranger ent made with the Chief, who will now be allowed two evenings per week to himself, from weven o'clock on, The Chief has been working 18 hours per day seven days | per week, and many days longer than this, For the extra work, which will Involve 42 extra days per year, Mr, Thomus will receive 560,00 a | year, or five dollars per month, Thins | Is not a salary Increswse, but com. pensation for extra services, Con. stable Thomas has been working elght hours dally recently, and ten | during the winter months, The salary Increase applications denlt with by the Counell have been | pointed Police Court elerk in nceord. ance with the Statute, Mr, Froat will now be required to attend all police | court seaslons where town enpes ure before the magistrate, and he will handle the fines and feen, instead of | the pollee nx heretofore, and turn | them over to the town, He will be provided with a book for keeping | proper records, Yor the extra wer. vices whieh he will perform ha will receive 8200 per hnum, There will ba cortuin fees, payable to the clerk whieh will eame to the town, »n thut there will be vary little « rn | | wu a ---------- | Stops ---- the Headache Thousands of people, who onos suffere from headache, do nok bua mo, Te take one ZUTOO 4 AY a0 soda, and are relieved In 2. mining, hanging fire wine the first of the | yenr, | WHITBY COMPANY CAMP IS SIICCRSS ON MOORE FSTATE: Sham Battle and Field Day Part of Regimental Outing The Whitby Company of the On. | tario Regiment spent a very pleas. ant week-end on the farm of W, H Aug. Oth and 10th, forty, all ranks, | going under eanvas, The farm was attacked by the Whithy platoons un der Lieut, H, 1, Taylor, nnd defend. od by the Plekerving platoon, under Liout, Allan Moore, Major R, B, Smith, second In Commund of the Rogiment, and Capt. G, B, Whitfield, the Company Commander, were the judges, Fighting continued for about | two hours, with heavy easunitios on | | both sides; but after a pleasant | [rwim In Lake Ontario all were re vived and were uble to do full just. | fen to the callnary skill of Sgt, Wm Harden and Steward Wm, Ayre when cook-house waa sounded, Fol. | lowing this a short talk wan given hy the Judges on the afternoon | work, | | A quart of | milk a day per person isdesirable | for the best of | health, You can get your folks to 'eat' milk by serving attractive foods calling for plenty of it, L] . » LJ The new St, Charles recipe book contains nearly 200such recipes, Send for It today, It is free, THR BORDEN CO, LIMITED 140 Sv, Paul W., Montreal Sond tres Recipe Book to; NAME Aponess Baseball, tug-of-war, relay and swimming races were earried out, with No. 11 Platoon, of Plekering winning the most points In Platoon | competition, Thess events were ar ranged to provide team play and amusement, and wera a decided sue cent In every way. A singesong and impromptu goneert in whieh every. one had to take part wan one of the high lights of the camp; and the fact has been definitely established {hat many an artist in born to blush un een On Bunday the Compuny, with Ita Bugle Bund, marched to 8t, George's Anglican ehureh at Pickering for | divine service, where un most ap: | yroprinte sermon was preached by | Rev. Mr, Robertson, the Rector, Or tha return to eamp a short cere monial parade was held, with the wnlute being taken hy Lt.-Col, B, C Hodging, Commanding Officer of the Ontario Regiment, with Capt, kK. Pearson an Adjutant, Thus elosed the fourth Company camp, all ranks being un animous that Po every stan aint It was the most successful, hen the fifth camp In held next year it fi oxpected that "C" Company will have four full strength platoons, ns well as its Bugle Rand, which making good progress, under the lendorship of Sergeant Jas, Wilde, | annual Mis, Nott=="De you miss the folks next door since they moved away I" Mrs, Butt"No, They never hor rowed unything, so I hardly knew them," sHummel, Hamburg, ---- A DRAW In a certain elub they own an abe normally slow card player. His part. ner onge observed, "Excuse pe, but is this Auction Bridge or Suspension Bridge?" Bargains USED condition , 1928 Chev. Coachwin ' 1927 Chev. Sedan--co 4 Ford Coupes--=from Ross, Ames 138 King St. W, One Whippet Six Sedan, late model, beautiful 1928 Model A Ford coach-=looks like a new car Company, Limited Oshawa in Good CARS first class condition mpletely overhauled $40 up & Gartshore Phone 1160 COMMUNICATION SENT TOWN COUNGIL BY COMMISSION Housing Commission to Pro- tect the Town as Regards Taxes AL necting of the Housing Com. mission, held on Monday evening of this week, n number of matters of importance enme up for discussion, The wecretary of the Commission wan Instructed to communicate with the Tax Collector and the Town Counell to the effect that all Hous- ng Commission taxes for the year 1030 und miso for emch subsequent yenr must be collected from the per. sons responsible, before the tax roll in returned. "The Housing Commis. slon ulwo asked that the Town Coun ell endorse the resolution as wet forth nhove, The Commission ulso moved to have the town solicitor take the proper procedure to proteel the com misslon, in the cases of those per sons living in houses that are the property of the commission, DUTIES INCREASED i i JOHN R, FROM Town Clerk and Treasurer, who has heen appointed by the Counell an Clerk of Whithy Police Court, He will in future handle fines and foes levied In local canen, Moore, M.P, elect, at Plekering, on | _ TRIBUTE PAID IN | MUSKOKA CHURCH TO WHITRY NATIVE Memorial to Mrs. Lenore Kennedy, Who First Saw Promise in Voice of Now World-famous Baritone The little community church in the wildwood at Norway Point, on the mainland opposite Bigwin Inn, Lake 0 uyn, Muskoka, wars on Sunday lant the seene of an impressive his torlenl service, when the Interest of one of Its woman members, the late Mra, Leonore Kennedy, of Toronto, in an Indian lad, now the world fumous baritone, Oskenonton, was slgnalized and perpetunted in na praetienl way, The ehureh, prettily THE palatial steamers "ASSINI. BOIA™ and "KEEWATIN" gall from Port NeNicol each Wednes. day ond Saturday, arriving Port Arthur-Fart William Fridays and Mondays, Connecting train leaves Toronto Linion at 12.30 pm, standard time. THE steamihip "MANITOBA" leaves Owen Sound each Mons day, arriving Wednesdays, with connecting train from _ Tarente Union ot 5,10 p.m., standard time, EouivaLin service edits ound, Ask for descriptive booklet, CANADIAN PACIFIC M. R. JOHNSON City Ticket Agent, decorated with evergroens und flow ers, was fled opacity, sympathty of the cottagers of entire distriet and of many guests at Bigwin Inn havirg been thorough- ly aroused Ly their recollection of the kindly lady whose memory was being honored, officiating clergyman was Rev, C, Williams, and assisting him were Rev, J, A, Brown, a ploneer of the distriet, and Rev, Mr, oi: wall, pastor of the ereuit, Mr. Wil» liams took as his text Psalm xvi: aThon wilt show me the Jath o 0 At the conclusion of the sermon Charles 0, aw, of Huntsville, made the formal presentation to the church of three oak chairs and » vending desk, Bearing $ bronze tab- lot, as a memorial and reminder of Mry, Kennedy, Mr, Shaw spoke with evident emotion, Was Accomplished Musician The lute Mrs, Lennedy was born in Whitby, he ssid, and resided most of her 1ife In oronto, wl.ere sh. was wall and favorably known in mul onl cireles, u member of the Men. delssohn chor and a soloist In one of the ehurches, For about 28 years it wan her habit to spend each wsum- mer with her husband, Mr, A, M, Kennedy, and family, at Lake of Bays, While there she ehaneed to ineet, more than twenty years #go, A oung Indian hunter snd guide, Ari] ns Loule Deer, whose volee she belleved gave great ,romise, That young Indian lad was to-day known to the world as Oskenonton, The. kindness, counsel and assist. unee of Mrs, Kennedy were directly sponsible for his success, The gifts were nceepted on behalf f the ehureh by Mr, Hugh Ritehle, vhose fellow trustees are J, W, Ty- ell, George 1, Robinson, WW, A 'umpbell and Donald MasDonald, Ihe local management committee of he church {x composed of Dr, 1, A, Dickson, of Hamilton, Robert Ross, Ir, James Caven, Dr. H, O, Crang: Md, Godwin, of Toronto, and W, Buckingham, of Guelph, During the serviee Oskenonton ung two numbers, "Thanks be to God,"and a pecs! wrrangement of "Nearer my God to Thee His ne. ompanist was Mrs, Margaret ..iles, lnughter of Lhe Inte Mrs, Kennedy, Many Whitby people remember he Mrs, Kennedy both as a resident of Whithy, and {rer as an outstanding oenlist in Toronto, 'Old Fire Engine May be Exhibit at the C.N.E. | | | Whithy's old Merryweather | fire engine, which rendered ser- vice to the town for over 40 | years, being replaced with the present modern fire Aghiing equipment, may do service of another kind at the Canadian | National Exhibition, A manu. | facturer of fire equipment has | written the Counell asking if | the machine ean be borrowed to | + he used for heating walker at a refreshment stand, The Coun. | elt In willing to rent it, an it in [not in use, and might as well be earning a little money for he | town, The elerk has heen in structed to write the enquiring ely and state that the old Merryweather is available, | The Week in Whithy Mr. Fred MeCann, of Toronto, is visiting with his sister here, Miss Gertrude Beat, of Centre St south, in spending the holidays at | Niagara Falls, Ont, | The death oecurred suddenly in| Toronto, on Saturday, Aug. 9, 1030 of Robin Blake, beloved son of Fred: | orick and Bessie Lyonde, Mr, and | | Mrs, Lyonde have the sympathy of | | many Whitby friends in thelr be. resvement, [ Rev. Dr, L. J. Ruttan, of Cam-| | den, NJ, and Mr. Wesley Ruttan, [of the Collegiate staf at Sault Ste | Marie, were in town on Sunday and called on many old friends, Mr. and Mrs, James Andrews, of | Plekering, announce -the engagement | of thelr only daughter, Laura Jean | to Mr, John Draper, second son of | Mr, and Mrs, Jno, Draper, of Kan: | wick, Ont, the marriage to take | place the end of August, [ Misses Dorothy Johnson and | Verna Huntley have been visiting in Buffalo for two weeks, Mr, and Mra. R. T. MacLean, of Toronto, Jure Fy over he wath ond with My, and Mrs, H, L. 3 am, Lillian Lowe, of the CR, up-town office, in on & month's vaca: tion, v, John Anderson, © ww in town last wee ition his ¢ and sisters, John was on prover, home from vaeation, , and Mra, Sidney Thompson, of Neo, York, are on he with his mother, Centre St, §, Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Downie are on! a month's trip to Ottawa and east: ern points, Miss Luella MeCarl is holidaying for two weeks at Bala, Muskoka. Miss Laura Dalby, of Londen, ¥ngland, ix visiting with Mr, and Mrs. James Dalby, Kent Street. Rav, A. J. and Mra, Goldring and little daughter, of Lindsay, Miss Moody and Mrs. Easson Brock, ef Toronto, are visiting Mr. and Mrs, I, Goldring, Port Whitby, . Miss Elisabeth Woodhouse, teashs op, of Dryden, Ont, spent the wae oi With Mrs Inaae hy other rela: tives, Goldring, nurga-ine tral of Hamilton, h spending i with her parents, My, yo Toronto, M d chard Goldring, at Port Whi i. Don't forget tha Lennox pionle, which In be ng ad at Inland Grove, neay Jackson's aint, | 11 King St, East, Oshawa ga go on 3 expected that tha 5 KC, MP, Canada's new Prime , will be present to deliver ens, MRS, JOHN ARD PASSES AWAY An old and highly respected i1eni- dent of Whitby, in the person of Hes John Ard, passed away at her ne Mtrest, on Baturday last, | Ing , Her death came 'o her many friends, while aware that she had not well for a time, had no thought that her illness was of so serious a nature, : The late Mrs, Ard, though born in Devonshire, England, eame to Can. tan early age, and has lived in Whitby ever since, being one of the elder residents of this town, She nd Mr, Ard had enjoyed a long and "appy married life, and to the sor. row ne husband much Jympithy in axtended by a wide eirele of friends, Mrs, Ard was 8 member of the United Chureh, She is survived in addition to her husband, by two wsons, Ernest, of Vietoria, B.C., and Elmo, of 'Vhithy; one daughter, Mrs, A, W, Craw. forth, of Bowmanville; and three sisters, Mro, M, 1, Jennings, of Whitby; Mrs, Clearwater, of Hamil. ton, and Mrs, Miller, of Toronto, | he funeral service wag held on eondueted hy Monday afternoon, The pallebourers Rev. T, V. Best, wero Messrs, W. J. H, Richardson J, KE. Disney, C, A, McClellan, Kd, Bowman, Geo, Britton and Perry Johnson, Interment was in Grove side Cometery, UNITED CHURCH FRESH AIR CAMP, HEYDNKHORE PARK What a delightful summer for enmp life, Though from every source come wlories of extreme heat in «i thes und towns, here by the shoros of Lake Ontario the most pleasant summer weather prevails, The outs ings sforded to children from the erowded city have meant to them not only fun and recrestion, but also un wvery definite chance to lay up store for sound hodles and better foneral healtn, The eamp building mn been fled to eapueity all wum- mer, which means that to date four parties of girls, each numbering about seventy-five, have been enter. tained, The last of this group ure leaving camp Friday, - August 16th, On the following Monday the uni. ul hoy's party will arrive, and with their entertalr rent the eamp &. ison f r » L Xo YOU SAVE WHEN (aie In ure Indeed work, BOVRIL DELICIOUS will draw to a close, The hoy's pu ty "overflow" finds sleeping quarters the numbers about one hundred, so the grounds, The members of he staff for the deep personal Interest taken by W"thy worthy ile While the entertainment of organizations sueh un those given hy | the Indies of the United Chureh, the | members of the Woman's Christian | WT I TER ¥ : wo ITE WANT Lo] BY pevern) tenis pitched on grateful riends 1 this very a a SPECIAL- LY HEAVY SYRUP Choice Quality Peaches NN VALLEY | i | Ge SPECIAL Large | Bottle Tiger Brand Ketchup i18c¢c MID-SUMMER TO ADD ZEST AND FL PIG'S FERY Boneless cooked, plokied ready Yn 10-08 ar 84¢ KNORR'S SOUP RoLLS Asvatiad pire 2 for 28¢ AYLMER Jumso PEAS bit ind enter." 200 JELLY POWDERS n rip rod Ravors 8 nits 240 FRAY BENTOS CORNED akar y rid ees avn B86 UTILS Gans Hi in an 2 1 ¢ SUGGESTIONS AVOR TO EVERY MEAL CURTISS TUNA FisH ") i Klass Jar Prive 2 SWERLTHEART PEANUY BUTTER 19 WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE Whyte's Aor, bottle 12¢ MAYFAIR GRAPE MARMA- LADE Hake FRUITS FOR SALAD Aylmer No. 2 must tin 2 RED PITTED CHERRIES yimer, tholoe . 2 for 26¢ 1 tell in Dainty Lunch Mayonnaise ie 2c Jar SPECIAL- ~ Shortening Lb. Package i1S¢c Jewel H. A. G. COFFEE N Caffein. Fin 68¢c GILLEX Cleans Everything KEEN'S Mustard 11h, 24c¢ For Jams and Jellies Sunglo Butter 32¢ 1b. POTATOES 90 Ib. Bag $1.29 While They Last FRIDAY & SATURDAY Thistle Brand Easy to Fry For Making Fish Cakes SPECIALS SANDWICHES . os Temperance Unlon, and the mem- bers of the Masonic lodge are the "high points, "there are also many Instances of per-onal Interest, which hava helped along the "good work" lessened the bills "ough the ma terinl help given, Additional Whitby News en Page If a -- a -- SPECIALS on SALE of These Prices AUG. IS te 21 Watch for Red Price Togs SNOWFLAKE AMMONIA Powder 2 Pkts. 15¢ SHIRRIFF'S PINEAPPLE Marmalade 2-lb. Jar 47¢ Household Blend i TEA 38¢c The Lver-Popular Blend Per Lb. SLICED PINEAPPLE Ry waptp RAISINS w fit Brod 17¢ 2 270 EATON'S CANDIES Yrultdrone. Vor x Joories Aliso: 0, DON. \y Tar he vases Jelly Reans, yeh, pk 8.0.8. SLEANSING PADS Ll Lo Price nr 230 "N For Fri. and Sat. Only. | "SPECIAL. Thin, Sliced SHORT RIBBED Roasts- 22¢ 1b. FINEST QUALITY CHOICE SMOKED ICNIC HAMS» 22¢ I'SPECIAL- FINEST QUALITY BOILED HAM" 49 wl Round Steak 25¢ 1b. SEALERS Pints .......98¢ Quarts $1.00 52 SIMCOE STREET NORTH @ Ye Yall COPERATRD ye "1 EATON | Shirifi's Marmalade 4 1b, tin .,, 49¢ Hip] OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY

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