Oshawa Daily Times, 6 Aug 1930, p. 8

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WHE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, AU ; PAYS KLECTION BET © Cornwal),=Horaldod by a pips nd and watehod by n erowd of 1000 persons, HM, 1. Bougle paid election bot, when he pushed ; Bothy through the main BEreots of Lancaster, 30 miles onst here, in a wheelbarrow, Mr, Hou io pledged himself to give Fe Brophy a six-block ride if the onddrvative candidate was elected n Glengarry viding, We willingly warried out the torms of the wae BOT, hut the pipe hand was thrown An by jubllant Conservatives, . CORNEINTONY LAID 5 Trenton.=="The wornor-stone of a Maw Cutholle chureh at Marysville been laid, ight Nev, Mgr, #1 I, Nicholson, of Kingston oftis olated, The special speaker wis Nev, Ki, M, Loagy, (hancellnr of he dioceses, Nov, Father €, J, "Gorman | ricviehy of Maryr neiest HEF CALGHY Helleville, David Little, giving his address as Windsor, was are rested by Mergeant Detective Trus Riweh and HWergt, Wooth after a break«in and theft had occurred Al the grocery store of Charles A, Campbell, Ration street, The man apponred in police opurt before Magistrate , Mikel charged with breaking and entering and theft and electing summary trial plead: ed guilty, He was remanded, All the stolen goods were recovered w HM YEARN ON NTAVY Belleville ~1ifty-iwo yours = weribe in the proud boast of Phillip Harrison, a member of the Ontarip Intelligencer's editorial staff for Ahat time, who rovently celebrated hin seventy-second birthday NEW INNPEOTOR Morrisburg William J, Blows Wart, BA, B.Vaed, wha for the PASE nine years a teacher in Otty Wa, has bean appointed Inspector of Publie Wehools for the County of Dundas, TELEPHONE Five Direct Lines -- EASTERN ONTARIO NEWS VIVE GENERATIONK Morrisburg, ~=Vor the first (ime in many yours, Morrishurg has o family of five generations within itn distriet, The family to whom the honors go Is headed by the great-gront-grandmother, Mw, Mary Elias Duvall, MAN IN MINMING Athens, =WHliam Thompson, an Inmate of tha House of Industry, has wandered from (he homo, Hearching partes have heen ors ganised hut as yet no trace of him oun be found, MURDER ATTEMPY CHARGED Cornwall, After 'u posse of Federal and Provincia! Pollen hud vombed Cornwall Island and ade Jncent Islands far the greater part of u night, rank Jacobs, an In dian, was nally located and ur rested on a charge of attempting Lo murder Vrovinelnl Constable Wilfred Bertrand at Wianigan's Point, Bertrand was hit" over (he head hy an our while attempting to make an arrest, JURY BAMEN NO ONK Cornwah,~=No blame wan, nis tached to anyone for (he death of Jean Arthur Beauchamp or Hogue, who way found on the tracks at the CN, station, by i coroner's Jury at an inquest held At the courthouse herve Cormwain =A verdioy of acelden tal death, attaching no blame to anyone, was returned by a coro ner's Jury Investigating the death of Miss Lilllan JK, Mowe, former wooretary In the offices of I'rime Minister, W, L, Muackengle King und Hon, James Maloolm, who was killed on the King's Highway nt Moulinette, when she ran Into the wide of a ear driven hy William Bdward Bwinarion, of Outromont Juehee Ad A result of Injuries which she sustained In an automobile acel dent on the King's Highway, east of Lancaster, Mra, Froderick Behn 262 FOR Jeddo Premium Coal Semet - Solvay Coke Pocahontas, Cannel Dixon Coal Company uufer, of Welllngion wires, Monts veul, dled at her summer home at Lancagtar, No inquest wily be held, PUBLIC NOTICE FAKE NOTICE that the following numbers (1) und (2) wre true syns opses of proposed by-laws of the Corporation of the City of Oshawa und number three a true copy ol the question ull of which are to be sibmitted to the vote of the electors qualified to vote on money by-laws at the time and places and with the deputy returning plificers hereinalter set forth Number 1, This bylaw Is for the purposs of borrowing the sum of $53,000,00 for the purpose of ereeting and paying for un building for the wecommodaton of the police offices, court room, and ete, In the suid City, The woount of the debt or Nihil ity to be created Is $5000.00 for which debentures will be issued Lieut mg hive per cent, Interest payable mn Installments of prinelpal and Inters est for twenty years from the dite of Ipsue, the annual payment being $4,254 85, Numbe hin byeaw is for the purposy of borrowing the sum of $100,000.00 for the purpose of erecting and paying for i Municipal Office: Building mn the sald City The amaant of the debt or Labi My to be ereated 1s $100,000.00 for whieh debentures will be Issued bear ng Nive per cent, interest payable In iatullinents af prinelpul and Interest for twenty laste, the $4,034.26 Number A The question to be answered Is us folluws =<" it Is deelded to build the police hullding which alte do you prefer medi) The South Kast ¢ornes Klehmond and Prince ¥treets or (h) the property owned by the Mum eipality on Bagot Street, Ihe vote of the electors of the City qualified to vote on money laws shal be taken on the mentioned by-law the sume day wind | hutiel) the JEth da 1980 between the Hi the wnuul payment being whl by hove und question on ut the ul hors LILA fime August AD ol ten ocho! furenyon and seven u'clogk In the uwtternoon, daylight saving time, ut the following places and by the following deputy veturning officers ) Ly comprising all that part of onth=-West Ward bounded on north hy Kin the south by Gibbs Street, on the east hy Bimeoe Street, on the West b | he Creek, ut the Centre Street School and Earl Moore shall be Deputy Returning Officer Na 2 hireet on Ward bounded King Street, on the CHR onthe Vast by the Creek and on the West by Vark { Road, ut 4 Burk Street and Geo, [ Puckett shall be Deputy Returning Othiee No | the | the the South-west the North hy | South by the om Locgmprising all that pat of South-west Ward bounded on Last by Simeog Street, on the | West by Park Road, on the South hy oor Stréet, and on the North by { Gibby Street between Shineos Street and the Creek and hy the CPR, be Liween the Creek and Park Road ut LR Simcoe Street South, and J), A | Dick hall be Deputy Returuing Officer [ No, 4, compri ing all that part of the South-east Ward lying between Ning Street and Hruee Street und | between Shimeoe Street and the Rit | son Road at Miller & Libby's Store, { Celine Street, and 8 HH Duekler hall be Deputy Returning Oficer | No, & comprising all that part of | the South-east Ward bounded on the {| Narth by Bruce Street, on the South by Flin Street, Wilkinson Avenue, Stacey Avenue from Court Street to MeKim Street and Eldon cnr from the date of | Albert Street School, and € ( Rheumatism23 Yrs Discovers Way to Banish all Pain Nothing Helped Till She Took "FRUIT-A-TIVES" "Had rheumatism for 28 years, Hospi. tals couldn't help ma, Was in bed when | took 'Fruit. ativan', They have done wonders, Can do my work and no more pain," ==Mrs, A, N, Field, Wynyard, Bask, Just. ons of thousands who say rheumatism, neuralgia, nenritis ty uway quick with ""Frult-a-tives,"' Ohronte constipation and diver troubles end overnight, Wad siom- ach billousness, Indigestion, Vieart burn, gue vanish Hike magle, Sidnoy and bladder Mis, pain In hack go in" hurry, Nerves quist, sound wleap nt once \ Ton of nature's greatest vi maging combined in handy little tablet, Marvelous discovery of famous Canadian doctor, MNpeedy results, Get "Irajtoatives' from drugs gint today Weep fine, wake up Brent, Roud, on the west by Shingoe Street and on the east by Ritson Road, at men house shall be Deputy Returning Oilicer, No, 0, comprising all that part ol the South-east Ward bounded on the North by Km Street, Wilkinson Avenue, Stacey Avenue from Court street to Mein Street and Eldon Avenue from MeKim Street to Kit son Road, on the South by Bloor street, on the Kast by the Ritson Koud and on the West hy Simeoe Street, ut Bimeoe Street Hehool, and W, gel shall be Deputy Returning Oiieer No, 7, comprising all that part o the South-enst Ward lying tu the Fast of Ritson Road between King Street und Bloor Street at KB) Rit son Koad South, and Geo, Shreve shall be Deputy Returning Officer No, KB, comprising all that part of the North-west Ward lying 10 the Nouth of the centre line of Colborne Street produced to the Western Limit of the City, at the City Hall, Simcoe Street North, and A, G, Lani bert shall be Deputy Returning v4 comprising wll that part of Avenue | hy ONleer No, 9, comprising all that part of the Northewest Ward lying to the North of the centre line of Colborne Street produced to the Western Limit: of the Clty at the Separate School, und HB, Samells shall be Deputy Returnbig OWicer Now 10, comprising all that part of the North-eust Ward bounded on the South by King Street, on the Nurth hy Aberdeen Street, on the West by Simcoe Street and on the East hy Mary Street at 141 Simcoe St, North, and MH, 1, Saunders shall be Deputy Returning Officer No. 1, comprising all that part of the Northeeast Ward bounded on the North by Alice Street from Mary Street to the Ritson Road and North Houndary of the City from Ritson Road to the Eastern Boundary, on the South by King Street, on the East by the Eastern Boundary of the City and on the West by Mary Street at Mary Street School and DD W, Parks, shall be Deputy Return Ing Offer No. 14, conmprising all that part of the Northseast Ward bounded on the North by the North Boundary of the City, on the South by Aberdeen Street and Alice Street, on the Wen Simcoe Street from the north from MeRim Street tor the Ritson | boundary of the City te Aberdeen Tomorrow Morning 8.30 Thurs., Aug. 7th a.m. ARCADE ULTIMATUM SALE Get Our Sale Bills--See Our Windows Follow the Crowds Iq rw m-- I 51r0et and Mary Street (rom Abers (deen Bireet 10 Alice Brest, und on thy Kast by the Kitson Kowd, ut v% Alice By nd J), C Young shill be Leputy Returning Off icdr, 0, 13, comprising wll thut the City of Qshuws south art of Blour treet ut the Cedurdule mehool, and Phos, Stapleton shall be Veputy Kes turning Oifiesr, And that the Twentysseventh duy of "August A100, 1950 at the, hioyr ol ten welock "in the forenven at the City OWices In the sald Municipality his 'been hxed us the time and place for the appointment of persons (vo attend at the polling places und at the nal summing up of the votes by the Clerk und that if the assent ol the dectors In obtained to the said proposed bylaws, or either ol then, ior they will be taken into: cons sideration by the Muhicipal Council of the sald Corporation ut & meets ng thereot to be held after the ux» piration of ong month after the date ol the first publication of thiy notice, And that sueh first publication was mide on the Sixth day of August AbD, 1940, 'Vuko notice further that a tenant who desires Yo vote upon sald pier posed by-law must deliver tv the Clerk not later than the tenth day before the day appointed for taking the vole # declaration under The Canada Lvidence, Act, that he Is » tenant whose lense extends for the time for which the debt or Nability in to bs crested, or In which the money to bt raised by the proposed By-law 1s payable, or for at least twenty-one yeurs, and that he has by the lease covenanted to pay all niunie Clpnl taxes in respect of the properly ol which he is tenant other than lock) improvement rites HARV, V, E City Clerk Dated at Oshawa the oth diay of Aug, 1980, INVITATION TO ' ORGANIZATIONS TO * JOININ CEREMONY (Continued from Page 3) of the opening of our new harbour, that Oshawa will become known as on shipping port by water, It Is im possible to say to what extent Osh AWA han suffered from the Ilnek of i harbor in the past, Prospective in dustries desiring to locate where they oan have water shipping facilities, have In the past-not even looked at Oshawa," Tribute wan paid by the mayor, und by Alderman Boddy, to the work of Industrial Commissioner Col, B, J. McCormick in connection with the lining up of business for the har bor, Colonel MeCormiek, speaking to the council last night to urge them to take oMelul cognizance of the ar rival of the Arst boat tomorrow, pre sented a graphie ploture of the in torent taken In Oshawa by shipping Interests since the harbor eams into boing "On Wednesday last, the work on the harbour wan completed, and the dredge departed, On Thurs day the Tree Lina Navigation Com pany wera here making arrangements to inelude Oshawa on thelr sched ules, and on Friday 'the Canada Nteamship Lines wera following putt," "We have now a harbour capable of taking any boat of Nt, Lawrences draught, We want the world at large to know that Oshawa is now a port," he declared, General Motors of Canada will have a consignment amounting te one oarload lot or better for ship. ment eastbound on the "City of Mh as I! Su, ni your skin healthy ~and it will be lovely Jp fs - Ewzanern Axpen's method only aims to keep the skin healthy, to quicken circula- tion through the tissues, to stimulate the action of the res, But, in consequence, he skin grow Joweir. os every atep of the Elisabet Arden lb enlists the aid of nature to prevent and correct wrinkles, coarseness and other blemishes. You can follow the methed of an Rlisabeth Arden Treatment every morning and night at home, cleansing, toning and nourishing the skin 'with Elizabeth 's. Venetion Cleansing Cream, Ardena Shin Tonie, nian Spiel dir - gt and Orange Shin Food, Eligobith Ardm's Vmerion Toilet Preparations eke | Ra a-- Po Oy JURY & LOVELL, LTD. King St, KE, Simcoe St. N, Phone 98 Phono 68 cust 6,1930 - Kingston" to-morrow, Ho fay ay li will arrive on Ealurday moru [to obtain series of pltures of known now the shipment will being tha first General Motors shipment made up of Chavrolets with pow The publleity depsriments of | by water out of Oshawa, and (0 sibly a few Pontiacs, "The consign: |General Motors nnd of the Cenada|nrrangs publicity material on the ment 1s billed to Montres), where } Bleamship Lines avs co-operating | svent, -- BINDER TWINE BRANTFORD LARGE AND SMALL BALLS 650 feet per lb, 00 ft. per 1b. , HOGG & LYTLE, LTD. 64 CHURCH 8 PHONE 203 gos [re------ Luke F 3 i wh urniture Co. ALR Regular Price $15.50 Sale Price 1$11.95 -- Clearing Sale of Refrigerators This will be your last chance to get Refrigerators at We have a few of this handy size left which will be closed out at $11.95 Larger sizes in proportion are now on display 4 v 7 tb } :, BI... Sow, such a reduced price this season. 'Always Smooth in the daytime -- and More Comfortable SPRING MATTRESS The Marshall Spring Mattress ia soft, resilient, marvelously rile and it stays a Cannot pack, spread, jet hand, or lopy: hall Sp Thirty years of testin a proven Mam ng boil and durabilit soo truly it is the cheapest mattress you can buy, Invest in enduring comfort. Let us show you this famous mattress, Maker Nahe AAA Prices Ei oh ARORA) oe Luke Furniture Co. 63 Kine Sent Eust

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