Oshawa Daily Times, 6 Aug 1930, p. 7

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 6, 1930 PAGE SEVEN LCTASSIRIED SECTION. 4 ANNIE, BA Ati Publis, Ete, and general prag of rd Wives 7% Slincos , Oshawa, Phone 4, 0, BA, LLB; AV, An: Money tu los King Bt. East, Oshiaws, nee phone : 2 Cogvaransers, sisi ehrine ote, OF d Bank, Boirsnce ime0s 00 Bt, Phone 18, J, V, Grierson, sighton, B.A, N, C, 00. 7 XX; On ] ' , over Dowland's Money 0 joan, 16 Simcoe ¢ orn Phone 67, Resi: AAW, WEY WAN: rs, Bolleitors, ets, 24% Bim- Bt, N, Phone 8160, Money to Conveyaneing and general tor, ot, vation. 99% King Bt. Bast. 7 of potion, i A ITH (J ry "ublie, Convey Aheey adh to loan, Third tloor oie din, opposite Post Otten: one 509 --dal 8, HAZLEWOOD & ' Disney Dlogk, Phone 8060, Of tice hours § am, to 8,80 pm, Dr, x J, Haslewood stadiat W Atention Surgery and x r ' per, special attention te ptr ren's Diseases and Obstetrics, Buns and night calls 8416 or 1832, DR, MoKAY PHYRIOIAN, 8 SUR son, Accoucher, Office and resi oa King St, Bast, corner Vie 2 ms Bt, Oshawa, Phone 04, GRANT BERRY, PHYSICIAN Buraeot. Obstetrician, diseases of fants and ehlldren, Office and 18 dance, 07 Bond East, Phone yO: My, RC B, diupurgh + Phy. We an, uve and Obstetrician, Office 143 Simeoe Wt, N, Phone $080, residence 40 Cadlling Ave, North, Phone #160, on Obstetrician Office and ur won. 619 Simcoe Street north, Ph 24 OR. A i" i one orth, Tohone Veterinary Ee WT PATRCEY, VITURTNANTAN sclalist Diseases Domestic Anime W oat and nok Hospital, 204 ent, Telephone . King (6 aug, tn) Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist ftreet' West Toronto will be at his offles over Juyv & Lovell's Drug Store each Hatyrday from 1 till 4 Lo) for consultation and treat. ent of diseases of ear, nose and throat uly. Appointments ma, be made at drug store, Phone 07, Tre, Ear, Nowe and Torout WIT WTOWERDION: ist, Ofice over Mitohell's g Store, Phone 2000 and 4388J, Architects rehiteotural work, "Decond floor, Royal Bank hullding. Phone 1406, Res, phone 000 an, 0 Hi Street _ soolate Architects, Himeoe st. 8, Pelt Bros, Watch Repairing wiss watehmaker, repair shop ab Ww Ki ret Weat, Your pat shoes fixed like 0-1 mo) Hanke) corner Simo Ham Ww. (July Classified Ads. | nw \aseriion=1 4 oonts Tar luged oharge 00. Piha 0 Tove Tha ETERS MIRREN Se Pox namber 100 additional or Busines HE , [tons Office, i U H Shasta et in | eyenigh Ld Bpeeial attention fo i work, Gas, wien Nurse 10 Atishdnnee, Phous 060, House Ul L] north, over Mitehell's Drug Stores, Gas for extraction, 0 b4, Nitrous oxid ti x ur oxtrae t, No over Dewlsnd's, hone 1067, Nes, 205W, Evenings ointment Dentists, 87 King Bt, 1, Bpecin) attention to gas extraction and X- ray work, Nurse In attendsnes, Phones 13485 and "oh Homatitching AUNTTTONING, -- PIOOTING, ard, Pleating skirts, reRsen cut and fired Bwmbrodery work, The 86% HBimeoe south, Be, (July 81-1 mo) ometrist " LJ muscle anomalies, glasses, Author of Bye Brain, The Dis " ite ar iy on oppos ne (LJ Phone by 16, " (July 161 mo) Engineering and Surveying DONEVAN AND SMITH ONTAN: Io Land Burveyors and Civil Engin: ours, subsdivisions, town planning, munieipal engineers, or 411 King Bt, B, Phones 8582) or nine cents a ane dollar, partasts, " fino Phone 1 fe, AM Undertaking J " [ Bast, Ambulance, - Residence hé% Bimeoe tree, north, Phone 810J and 810W Ri ORHAWA WURTAL 00, WI" Armstrong & Won, Proprietors, Funeral and Ambulance Hervine, day and night, Phone 1088W, M7 Celina, (4Lf) DAVIE AND BUN, INSUKANCK, 10 King Bt. west, Oshawa, The old. ost Fire Agency In Oshawa, §0 Res putable Fire Companies, WHEN PLACING INBUTIANUR consult RN, N, Johns, £0 Himeoe north, Your Insurance wants ab tended to and your Interests pros tected Transportation CANTAGH AND @TORAGH COLE. man's, 86 Bound west, Specialists in furniture moving storage ware house and moving van equipment, Phone #1, Ri GARTAOW, MOVING, OWAVEL sand and oinders, local and long distance hauling, wWmith & Cox Phone 084, 10 Hond Bt, West, ONHAWAN OLDERT ENTAW lished furniture movers, Park load cartage, Local and long distanes, Prank Cowle Prop, 656 Park Rd, South, Phone #16. (July 81<1 mo) = Beauty Parlors TWAVE permanent, Hhop, Hpecialists in finger and marcel waving, l'em manent wave prices #5, $7.60. $10 and $16, All other lines of Beauty Culture, Phone 2068, Apply 88 Himooe street north, KXPERT MARCELLING NY BRT: ty Ward at Netty Lou Permanent Wave Shoppe, Marcel and shame poo #1, Phone 800, ARDY Heauty Shop, » Celina Nt," We speor faline In ladies' halr cutting, mar gelling, shampooing, facials, Marcel 60 cents, Jor appYplinedls phone 2064, (July 17-1 mo) ONWAWA TADIO WERVIOE AG gensories for sale, repairs on elees trio and battery sets, Jab and Satterioe hp supplied $1 Phone oharged, ' SUB0Y, Charles Waien 1) fishy Kast, with rental $1.00, Repaired and rebullt, Called for and delivered. Prompt service, Stan Bligdon, ¥0 Mill St, Phone 1880W, (July 81-1 mo) Money to a TI YOU REQUIRE MONEY WE a first mortg your residence If It Is we cated, Bradley Broa, over Wa Store, Bimeos Bt, Houth, (July 88:0) an Arran 0 os LOANFON GOOD 0 ty and farms, Apply A, J. Parks Mil, 87 King St, East, Phone 1614 (July Att A | overhauled, sr All Classified Advertising Coming Events, Ftc. STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE This rule has has been found necessary lose arising from handling » large number of small arcounts of this nature, For thy convenience of Sista who find it inconvenient to some personally te will bring » messengar whe will receive the advertisement snd collest for same, » ------ "Times" Classified Ads Bring Results Telephone 35 44K FOR CLASSIFIED AD DEPARTMENT because of expense and es' office, a telephone call Building Supplies AND gravel for shle--=To 10eure prompt delivery, place. wders In advance of delivery date, W, Dorrowdale, Phone 1618, FAND, r WEA WM, stohe, also any kind of trucking. Phone 1070W, (July 13-1 mo.) Work Wanted NEW FROCENE=1¥" YOU ARE bothered with cockroaches, 1 will rid your house of them, 140 Olive Ave, Phone 187, July 16:1 mo) TOAN"WA OH 010K location, 1 mile out of city, secur: ity for three times amount, Will pay 7%. Mnquire evenings, Nox B14, 200) CTORNEED DRIVER WITH 0 yohrs experience, wishes: position for part or full time, WII also take care of lawns And garden, eto, In spare time, Apply Box Kil, The Oshawa Dally Times, (800) WORK WANTED 0Y~ BXPERI: enced man, driving washing and cleaning your ear, making and curing Yor Inwns, flower heds, or any odd jobs on small estates, Phone 1086] (400) WUNTARTAN OTHE WANTS housework with experience, Apply to 140 Olive Ave, ['hone 8873J, (40d) "e CANPRNTER, stale bhullder, gen: Phone 12031, (he) = LA oabinet maker, eral wood work, Caulking EVERY WOME WHOULD 1H oaulked around the door and win. dow frames, saves fuel, shuts out cold alr, draughts, files, soot, Adds comfort, preserves frames, J. H, Lawson, Phone 788RS, (July 10<1ma,) Second Hand Dealer NO VU: niture bought and sold, 186 Door Bt, K, Phone 1617M uly 84-1 mo,) WUOOND™ WARD DEATH =--WR buy and sell used furniture, sioves and tools, Phone 1080, M, Collis, # ohuroh At, (uly 16-1 mo) Articles For Sale MIXED HARD AND 20K) WOULD labs, 8). oo load, Le bone dry \ aterous Meek or Mu) FOR BALE~HEINTZ AN Lh Lid, pianos, new and used planos, also radios, latest models; terms arranged, Apply O. Trull, Phone 666 (11141) JARN: fshens We have the laren ARROMLe ment of paints, varnishes, eto, a ta the city, The Paint hor re Ing street west, Wh of GRAVEL AND BAND, 2) aid and a quarter of gravel, §2,00, Horeenod sand, $3.36, Prompt des livery, Phone 080R13 after 6 p.m, (July 10-1 mo.) TIN in Just (800) Hix Coach, ne model, body aplendid condition, Motor Phone #46, Motor Care "| Dominion Garage, 88 Hond strect west, Phone 2108, All cars at one price §1,00, (July 17-1 mo) Articles For Sale ---- ---- -- BAND, GR' "Vl, BTONKE, Ulin ders, bluck loam, $4.69 per yard, Vor Quaiiiy 8 and "ivi phone Ke sry Dros, B88 r 1), (May 8-1) FON BATE= NEW AND URED bloycles, aecessories, auto tree und tubes, anise clean household furniture, Mverything clonring cheap, 164 Kulalle Ave, a (AUK, FOR FALI=="RITCHEN "TANCK, #4, S-plate eleotrio stove, nlokel plated frame, #8; both In good condition, 14h Centre Mt (Hon) For Rent FOUR AND VIVE ROOMED MOD. orn aultes including eleotrig refrig- eration stove, laundry convene ences, ete, continuous hot water supplied, Apply Bupt, phone 2671, or The Trusts and Guarantees Co, Lid, manager for owner, Toronto, a -- Ed ace A TE FOI RENT=APARTMENT, CHEN. tral, 6 rooms, newly decorated, nll conveniences, lense or by the month Hox 740 Times, (16018) CHEERFUL" APARTMENT (N business section, newly decorated, by the month or year, Box 741 Times, (160-11) APAHTVNERT, FUTNTERED OW unfurnished, Hvery convenience "hone 1660 or RUATW, (Et) APARTHERT TO CET, CENTRAL All gonveniences, hardwood Hoors Apply Wradiey bros, LL FOR RUNT=1 FURNINAED rooms, every convenience for young couple, Phone #808W, (20e) FOR™ RENTS§" "FURNTRHED rooms for ght housekeeping with wll conveniences, Apply 187 Hime coe Bt, N, Phone 1804W, (dang tt) FON TRNT=WRLL FURNINHTED modern alx roomed house, veasoi ahle to careful tenants, 40 Warren Ave, (480) FOR WENT" ROOM" WOUN, oor, Church and Colborne Mts, Mod erate vent, Phone 007d, (Uke) FOR WENT room furnished apartment, Al convenlenobs, Ime mediate possession, Apply #7 Cols herne Rt, Ee & (270) FOR RENT-="WOUNE™-- TANTLY furnished, Vacant Hept, 1, Phone 117 or 2000W, =. (316) FOR WENT=T NOON IOUNK All conveniences, garage, 160 Druce Bt, o (8c) FOR WENT" = "FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, Cholee of first or second floors, $30 a month, Apply 23 Bim St, Phone 18040), (flo) TROONTD WRIOR WOURD Fol rent, 02 Alice street, close to High fohool and Motors, Thirty-five dollats per month, Louls Hyman, harrister, Phone 47, (100) TOR RENT=TWO FURNTRHED or unfurnished rooms, All cons yveniences, suitable for light house keeping, Phone 1608W, (#400) \ HOURK, all CORYORIONCON, 118 Ntacey Ave, Apply 20 Prince 8t, Phone 2114, aoe) Y NENT $22 a month, Apply 811 Division or phone 168TW, (400) OOM WOURR and gavage, all oonvenienoos, reas I=1 mo) 'down payment, 'bition, sonable, - 174 College Ave, Phone 1 Ww. (100) For Sale or Rent VOI BALE OR WENT ~BRICK vesidence on north side of King ston Road west of Oshawa, forme erly occupied by the late John Bartlett, Gardens well planted with flowers and shrubs, Apply to Conant & Annis, Barristers, &e¢., Oshawa, Ontario, (M-WeAug, 1) FOR™ BATION "RENT == B1X roomed house, «ll conveniences, piationary tubs, shower bath, ete, pleasant Joeality, 46 Buckingham Ave, (Hom) Real Estate For Sele FAURE VAR POW BALE, good buildings, all kinds of fruit, at Trout Creek, 7 miles north of Bowmanville, Apply Mrs, W, H, Hultugre, I. I, No, 6, Bowman. villa, (40h) FAURTVTOR RATI=¥T000 BUY 6 roomed houwe, electric, gas, good cellar, furnuco, ste, in good condition, $400 cash, Phone B106J, (40g) MURT TE ROLD TMMEDIATRLY, four roomed college, S88 French strent, Newly pupered and paints ad Inside and out, $1,760, B10 balance enslly are ranged, Apply above addross ov phone. 8404M, (Hon) "Room and Bdard ROOM ANT HOARD IN TRIVATH family, garage, all conveniences, Phone 10481, (400) "Situations Vacant TAIN TFTTO NT TEN DAY -"AM- relinble me wanted at once, Part time pay while training for Aviation Mechanios, Guarana Work, Driving, Battery, ¥leotrie Acetylene Welding, Housa Wiring, Industrial Wieotrieity, Machinist, Hrieklaying, Plastering, Drafting, Barbering ana Hairdressing, Ast (ulek, get your application in now, Write or eall for information, Dominion Trade [lehools 14d, TH Queen West, Toronto, Kastern Headquarters, Kmployment services = AORN LO const (Nat. Oct, 85) YOU AN "EARN money quickly, taking orders for the most beautiful line of Par sonal Christmas Greeting © Cards ever shown In Canada, Write for partionlars Regal Art Co, 810 Wpadina Ave, Toronto EARN MONEY NOW orders for Personal = Christina Greeting Cards Finest line gvel shown, Easy to sell. Write for par teulars, Regal Art Co, JI0 Spadina Ave, Faranto. (30a) FANT NOW= "TARING ~ Help-- Wanted Ma us STORE MAN AG Ii R Ww ANT Oshawa for ety and county, Kxperl Nee UNNECeRRRDY Salary $50.00 weekly, also substantial share of pro ts, $025.00 to $1250.00 cash deposit required on merchandise, Manager, 4083 8t, Denis St, Montreal, Que (0h 33) BARBER WANTED APPLY BID Drinkle, 46 King Ht, W (80h) WANTED FIRE CLARA Plumber Apply Goodfellow and Wels h, » oto hore ( aon) Help Wanted--Female BALER LADY WANTID Ton ready-to-wear, temporary Apply Manufacturers Outlet Company, 07 Himooe Rt. North, (Hon) AIRE" ORTWOMANTTOIT HO US: work, sleep at home, Apply 163 King wirest W, (00) TOOK "WANTED "FOR WHITH Kitohen Restaurant, Port Perry, phone 210, W, N, Cook, prop (40h) hy Persone) DIN WHY BUFFER =URE" THE NEW | Harmony Wleotra Magnetio Applis anes, Others are obtaining health, why not you! Klectro Magnetism is one of the greatest discoveries of the 20th century, In many cases where everything olse has falled the Harmony Kleotro Magnetie Appliance han brought health, We are not out to soll you something that you are not satisfied will benefit you, Therefore we give you a free offer to prove what we says in correct, When you are satisfied the Hare mony Will help you then it is up to YOu to use your own Judgment, Wi. ©, Hutoheson, Dominion Sales Manager, 164 Willlam 8, BR, Phone 260, Oshawa, (July 20:1 mo.) i A, Palmist MADAME WENA, PALNTET, 918 Buena Vista, Appointments, Phone 8404 W, (Julyds1 mo,) A 4 Phone appointments 8034F, 93 Louisa street, (July 261 mo) By Thornton Ww, Burgess Who from his "trensire cannot stay Is bound to give the thing iy we iarmer Brown's Boy, Boy was thoughtful, Mother Hrown was telling how whe had lost her thimble, I thought I put it en the windowsill," said she, "and I wasn't out of the room over two minutes, It that Crow had been around here I would suspect him; but he was down In the cornfield with you, Wo Chat let's him out, IL must ha that I didn't put the thimble thers as 1 thought I did, bul dropped iL and It rolled out of sight" Farmer Brown's Boy sald noth« ing, hut he looked over at Jim Crow na bit wusplelously, I, was Farmer Hrown's WEL true that Jim Crow had been with him most of the morning, Me had ridden down to the cornfield on his shoulder and had ridden hack on his shoulder, But now that he thought It over he reealled that thera had heen u hrief time when Jim Crow had disappeared, Hin muster thought nothing of it at the time, In fact he hadn't been quite sure that Jim Crow had really left the cornfield, Now, however, he suspected that the black weamp might have heen buck Pets and Live Stock. POUTANY "MEN ~=="UWT YOUR hoavy breed 1%-3 1b, coockerels eaponised at 100 each, Minimum charge, $1.00, It pays to eapons ike, Ives Bros, 680 Drew street, _ (July 86+1 mo,) FOR FATE=UNE" TEAM OF Clyde mares, age 7 years, Round und right, Fee them at the farm, Kimeroft Farm RR, 1, R. Ray Mo. Laughlin (#80) MOR FATE==HOLATEIN COW TU renew In one week HM, Mnowden, 40 Gladstone Ave, or phone 1067), (dhe) Notice OC THONAN HERAT ITO E moved to Bimeoe Mouth, Corner MIL Herbal Remedies for various Allments continued by same fale oun Herbalist, (Julylb- 1 mo, 0.) "For Sale or Exchange TOON TUG BRICK, CONTRA, ideal for doctor or good rooming house, Wnl exchange for 6 room bungalow, Hox 8156 Times, WANTED) WANTED =AN APARTMENT IN northern half of city, Apply Hox Kid, : (800) MODERN RIX ON FEVER "ROOM. od house wanted, to rent, for oos cupation October 1st, in good resi dential locality and with all cons vanlences, Apply Box No, #14, Times offioe (40d) VEO DEPORT ONTO ORT" Chev, for $76 or used car, 140 (Hndetone (Aon) Nursing HUNNY-NOOR, "TDHAT ) home, nursing care, #10 weekly up Phone J. M, MoKee, RN, 060 Whitby, (July 10:1mo) Lost and Found FORT=DRIVER A LICHNET NO, LM=400, also driver's permit, Re. turn to Albert Burrows, R.R, 8, Oshawa, Phone 030 » 0.9, (880) FORT ==" IHTWHEN ON AWR and Plokering, Dag, containing mentleman's uns derwoar; shirts and ladies' shoes, Finder please veturn te 108 Al bert street Oshawa, (200) (00) bat ONT KR pair of lassen, dark shell rime, gold arms, double lens, Finder please leave at 09 Elgin ft, a (20h) maney, keys, papers, car permit, Amerioan visa, Finder return to Jo M, Molntoah, ' Helwood Ave, Toronto, Reward (80h) " velope, Puree containing oar Is oense and other valuables, Finder leave at Times office and receive reward, (20-a) The Thimble | In | "| talt, leatherette Club] Found PROPERTIES FOR SALE Wome ven! snaps in beautiful homes, DISNEY REAL UNTATE, #0 King ¥, up to the house and then returned to the cornfield almost al once, Alter dinner Varmer Hrown's Boy went out with Jim Crow rid- ing on his shoulder, "Jim Crow," sald Farmer Brown's Boy "did you steal that thimhle?" Caw!" replied Jim Crow, might hive heen yes and have heen no "1 do bhelleye you did," continued his muster, "and Vn going Lo poarch your treasurs house "Caw, Caw,' sald Jim Crow Again Now, This might Farmer Brown's Toy linow where Jim Crow's favorite trea sure housa was and he went stralght to Hf He hunted al) through Ht Thera wera many things in that storehouse und most. of (ha things were shiny There was the handle of a broken cup! there were two or threes whits pabbles; thera was a len-cent placa, Farmer Brown's Noy pook eted that with nm ehuelkl Thera wore many other things, hut there wasn't a thimble, Varmer Brown's Boy hunted thoroughly, hut thera | Wan no thimble "Jim Crow," sald he, "I mise Judged you You slr, 1 misjudged | you" | "Caw!" sald Jim Crow "Tt must be that Mother really | did drop that thimble," sald Farmer | Brown's Bey, "Wea will go In and | have another look for it In the house," | He started for the door, hut Jim | Crow didn't follow Jim Crow | flew over to an apple tres in the oy chard Farmer Wrown's Boy went | inside the house, Then a sudden | thought led him to go peek oul ut | Jim Crow, Jim Crow was waleh ing tha house Farmer Brown Boy took ouare that Jim Crow shouldn't ssa him APparaitly watiafied that he wasn't heing walehed, Jim Crow flew to a certain knothole and peered into 1 Then he thrust his bill In and took something out with which he aps paared to play for a few minute He then dropped It back In the knothole and flew over toward the | house Farmer Drown's Noy 'et him in to the shed and then shut him in there, Then he went straight over to that knothole where Jim Ciow hid heen wo busy He peelkod in Nomething bright was In there, He put his finger in and he could feel something, The hola was not hg enough for him to put his hand in, Finally with a little stiok he man Aled to get oul the thing he had It was the missing thimble Yeu wiv, It wan the missing thimble! Farmer Hrown's Boy went haek to the house and let Jim Crow out At first Jim Crow just hung | around, Winally, when he thought noe one was watehing him he flew over to the tres with the knothole A moment later Farmer Nrown's Roy ehuokled as he heard the vales of Jim Crow "Caw, Caw, Caw!" shrieked Jim Crow, And one did not need to understand that he was both disappointed and angry, (Copyright 1080, 1, Burgess) Dan't let your uplift work be con fined to your nose~Kiwanis Maga sine There was mare horse sense digs played in the highways in the eld days, but the horse had it=Calgary News {OYAL YORK Tas Tea he 28¢ At all Superior Stores LUMBER F. L. BEECROFT Whithy Lumber and Weta Lard hone Suhive 88% "Caw!" Ls "EATON GROCETERIA It Pays To Shop Hore Always ET A EE I ---- » ert Watch Repairin lt i ' STORE King & Prince Bs, Vodinay Repairing NOTHING 100 LARUB NOTHING 100 SMALL Baga Boal Ss, Ea Good Weather Ahead! ------------ w=) NOL 1080 YOUP CAP Lot me fAnnnce yous=Addie tional Cash Given, G. R. Holden MOTOR LOANN Noon 6, 14 4 King St, Kast EE FREE 3 POINT ADJUSTMENT lgnition, clean and Ade points, adjust carburetor on Chevrolet - Cars, "1088 to i 1080 model Ontario Motor Sales Ltd. 0h Bimoeoe Nt, Mouth Cheo) Juat RL Men's Suits, "Regular $28.00, Speenl .. 912.90 | Dominion Clothing Co. | on King Nt, WV. Phone uid Ye CARI W LumBi R ( A ATHOLL ST WwW (OO, Phen Diamonds ! Bassett's | On Oshawa's Main Corner "a Use CEMENT BLOCKS For Fireproof Garage W. BORROWDALE 900 Carnegie Ave, Phone 1008 Personal atten ao mgan 118 Naw Jul 0) health, comfort, tion and serv he. Ph tor," District v tar, work Ruarau Pine Ave, Bh Ey CONTRAUTING™ =""CONURETE ABLOIIg, @leatria 0: Alterations, - AARARA ELLA CINDERS--A Friend in Need er ri me [= \ ge) 3 i on al EE

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