Oshawa Daily Times, 6 Aug 1930, p. 2

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 6, 1930 | The Whitby Advertising, subse Whitby Branch Off After ss Hours=Ph s and news will be vecsived at , at Geantia snd Chronicle~Telephone 23, one 399, Daily Times the REPRESENTATIVE--JAMES H. ORMISTON NEW SIDEWALKS * AUTHORIZED BY TOWN COUNCIL [is May Improve Street Lighting at the Eastern Entrance to Town The construction of new cone yrote sidewalks in different parts bt the town, the repair of other wedhs now in oxistence and other tivie work wis authorized by the Town Council Tuesday night in the first session held for a month. * wing to the construction of a new bridge," for which money has been borrowed from tho bank un. tl debentures can he issued and sold, the account list was unusual- iy heavy. The New Sidewalks On. rocommendation of the Mreeis commitios, a bylaw will be prepared authorizing the construe- tion of the following sidewalks under the Local Improvement Act: Trent streot, south side, from the west side of Brock to (he east vide of Byron street. KARN THE Di. U GST POR SERVICE 'PHONE 378. NEXT THE POST OFFI) Byron street, oust side from the existing walk on the west side of Byron street, to the south side of Trent streot, Burns street, north side, from the west side of Byron street to the south side of Centro, The committee was authorized to got tenders for this work while the clork was instructed to adver- tise Council's intention to have the work done under section eight of the Local Improvement Act. The committee recommended that necessary repairs be made to sidewalks by day labor, also that M. BE. Campbell be engaged to su~ pervise the work at b0¢ an hour with an additional 50¢ an hour for the use of his cement mixer and tools. This work is now well in hand and is giving employment to foeal men, ) Improve Street Lighting Coun, Reid, chalrmidn of the Fire and Light committee, brought up the question of poor lighting on Dundas street east of Garden stroet, expressing the opinion that thers was much room for improve ments. More lights, he said, were needed, and in addition to beno- fitting the residents of that sec- tion, they would improve the east- orn approach to the town, Mr, Reid stated that the lights on the north side of the highway were so low that children could touch them, so that grave danger oxist- od. Council passed a motion in. structing the ¥ire and Light Com- mittee to take these mattors up with the Public Utility Committee and stbmit at next meeting a re- port on tho proposed changes and the cost of same, A motion was passed that the Town Property Committes have the dining room of the caretaker's residence papered. To Attend Convention On recommendation of the Board of Health, Chief Quantrill, a ee I 0 We have a complete stock of DUNLOP Cable Cord Tires Oo Fords, Chevrolets; Whippéts, Durants, etc; in a price range to suit your need 8 ese are all longmileage casings, built f maximum riding comfort, oe MERCURY SERVICE LIMITED Gasoline Oil Tires Storage PHONE 994 . Official Depot DUNLOP CABLE CORD TIRES Wholly Canadian and British EE ---------------- who is also sanitary inspector, will be allowed to attend the annual convontion of the sanitary inspec- tors to be held in Oshawa August 20, 21 and 22, For the Street ¥alr Permission was given to the street falr committee to close off a block north, south cast and west on Dundas on Brock streets from four in the afternoon until mid- night on the day of the street fair, August 18th, Sububan Road Tax No action was taken on a re- quost fri the mayor of Guelph Asking cbuncil to ondorses a pre- posal that the government relieve eftios from paying a portion of the cost of suburban roads outside city areas, and assume the entiro cost of this work, inasmuch as all taxes from highways go into the provin- cial treasury, The only way in which such a move would effect Whitby would bo that as a muni. clpality within the county it would be relieved of its portion of the cost of suburban road construction now chargeable to counties, MINISTERS HERE AT CONFERENCE Fine Address by Hon. E. C. Drury at Ontario Ladies' College For three days this week a conference of ministers of the Prosbyteries of Toronto, Hamil ton, Bay of Quinte, and London Presbyteries of the United Church is being held at tho Ontario La- dies' College, with about 40 in at- tendance, The conference, which was not open to the publie, opon od on Monday evening with an ad- dress by the Hon, BE, C. Drury, ex-premier of Ontario, on the sub Jeet, "Is Thera a Rural Problem?" Hon. Mr. Drury spoke again on Tuesday morning, and several other speakers were heard. The conforsnce ends on Thursday. Early in September, a similar meeting on a much larger scale, with ministers here from all parts of tho country, will be held at the College. The September conference will be held just before the College opens for the new torm, and ropre sentative churchmen from all over Canada are expectod to attend, Many important problems facing the church will be discussed. The Ontario Ladies' College, because of its oquipment and {deal situation, has been the sene of many conferences during recent yours. Thore have been thres this year so far, SEEK TO ESCAPE WHEAT CROP 105s Western Premiers Discuss Wheat Prospects With Bank Heads Toronto, Aug. 6.---Pres tre In Toronto yesterday of Hon. John Bracken Prime Minister of Manit. oba and Hon, J, KE, Brownlee, Prime Minister of Alberta, In con forence with members of thé Cana dian Bankers' Association, indicat. od that the Prairie Provinces wora ongaged In discussion of the pro- vinelal guarantees of the 1029 Wheat Pool operations. The two prairie premiers discus- sed with J, A, McLood, general manager of the Bank of Nova Scotia and vice-president of the Rankers' Association, the entire economic situation In regard to western wheat, The Ottawa Government was in. formed recently by Andrew Cairns Wheat Pool statistician, that the provincial guarantees had expired without the provinces suffering any loss, Notwithstanding this, a carry- over of upwards of 115,900,000 bushels indicated that if this ea ry- over sold at recent prices or lens, $0 Printed Ensemble Suits and Dresses Two or three piece Ensemble Suits and one piece Dresses. Made from printed percales, card dimity, piques, waffle cloth and voiles. Values that sell regularly up to $5.75, $1.79 One price, Shadow Proof Silknit Slips . ...............$1.00 Woods' Lavender Bloomers. Reg, $1.95 for $1.49 Silk and Art Silk Hose .... + + *le's avs PoE A the loss would be heavy. This was explained away by the fact that the carryover would be tliirown in- to the 1980 pool and loss avoided as a matter of bookkeeping, Tae premiers from the prairios were discussing yesterday, it was under- stood, the means for making the avoidance of & loss real instead of a matter of beekkeeping. Hon, John Bracken, interview od gst night, declined to discuss the fssue in any other way than to say that the western proviLces were 'not worrying at all" about the carryover, the Bowmanville Office of Block, King Street, May The erection of a new $7,000 equalizer tank for the watorworks dopartment was the most import- ant subject discussed by council ut thelr regular monthly session held last night, The need of this has been apparent for some timo and ospecially noticeable lately whon the canning factory wns run- ning and thore was n great short. age of wator uptown. The reason for this appears Lo be the fact that when an extra amount of water is drawn from the main at a time when the canning factory is run- ning the malin line cannot carry the amount, The need of the extra tank is then seen, It will hold an extra supply which will be avail- able at emergency times. 'The spring although 'ractically inex- haustible is not nble to take a vory heavy draw nl one time al- though it is able to take care of more than the town uses In normal times, Several other local works were approved and it is expected that a special menting of council will be held to pass the necessary by laws to put these works in oper- ation Summary «f Counell Meeting Minutes of the last regular and special meetings were read and adopted. Letter was read concerning Harry Sutton, indigent patiant of the Bowmanville Hospital who has cost the town over $1000 and who it seems Impossible for the town to get rid of. The diputy minister In 'Toronto suggested either putting the man in the County House of Refuge or deport- ing him, Counell will await and seo if the man will walk out on his own accord, A. M. Hardy, superintendant of the local plant of the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company wrote counell complaining of the fact that the town purchased a truck equip- ped with Firestons tires. Mr, Tardy considered that the town should have seen that the truck was equipped with Goodyear tires. The chatrman of the Waterworks und Roads apd Streets committees will Interview Mr, Mardy and ex- plain that it was an oversight and the tires were not considered in the purchase of the truck. Fire department petitioned the council for the retention of the sorvices of the Fire Mall janitor, William Barry, who {tL appears might lose his job when the new janitor for all publi: buildings is appointed, Mayor of Guelph wrote the town asking them to join in a Jepuin- tion to call on the Ontario Gov- ornment with a view of having separate municipalities relieved of the burden of expense of highway passing through these places, Baw. manville not boing n separate muni- cipality was not affected. Public works to be done in the near future are, new buiment on the base line bridge, now *'ater mains on Brown street, Second street and Lamb street, and a new sewer on Brown street, The Brown ntroot sewer will cost in the nth. borhood of $832 while the water main on the same street will cost $1522. Second stroot watermains will cost $600 and the one on Lamb streot $163. Bowmanville may have new lights on the main streets a re- sult of a discussion of the council. Mayor Jllott questioned why Pontypool had cheaper }Jights than Bowmanyllle when the power bad to bo taken that much farther, An riptions will be received at The Telephones--Office--887; House--=131, Bowmanville Representative--B, Herbert Mortlock Build New Equaliser Tank for Waterworks Dept. News, advertising and subsc Times Times in the Cowan investigation into the sireet light- ing will be made with a view of changing the Main Street light standards to give a better light at less cost, Cemetery committee were given power to proceed with the propara- tions for the work in connection with the new gates and fences to J. Lyons & Co. (Canada), Limited Toronto, be installed at the cometery next spring. A bylaw to borrow the sum of $7600 to cover the cost of the new heating system installed this sum- mer in the Public School was given its three readings and becams law, Water works department and fin- ance committee precented reports for payment of $202 and $4394.87 respectively. These were ordered paid. Council adjourned at ten thirty, Bowmanville and Manvers| Give Bowen Large Major- ities While Darlington Polls Big Liberal Vote -- Candidates Tie in New- castle Division With a majority of 1606 ¥red W. Bowen, conservative, was offici- ally declared the member for Dur- ham County at the counting of the ballots by the returning officer yesterday, It was originally an- nounced that Mr, Bowen had a majority of 1566 but the oficial returns show this to be low. There was little excitement te the count. ing which occupied aho'it three hours. Mr. Bowen attended through out the proceedings snd Mr, Hol- man, defeated candidate, attended for a short time but left the count in the hands of Henry Knight, Two incidents of interest were notod at this meoting. When My, Holman entered the room Mr, Bowen wns seated in a chair and Mr, Holman advanced and taking Fred hy the hand extended congratulations on his victory. A little before this Mr. Holman had put in his appearance in the office but was unable to ud a seat, It was suggested that he sit on the ballot boxes which he declined suy- ing "they sat on me too hard and I don't think I'll sit on them." The full details of the poll in Durham County show some surpris- ing things. The first thing is the fact that out of a possible vote of 16,063 over 12000 or 75 per cent oxcercised their franchise, This record compared with many other ridings is very creditable, A coincidence occured in New- castle, number one division, when the candidates tied with 6S votes each this being the only tie in the riding while many others were vory close. Port Hope, Darlington, New- castle, Hope gave Mr, Holman a majority though small while Mr, Bowen received a majority of 601 in Bowmanville and nearly 600 in Manverg with large majorities in Cavan, Cartwright and Millhrook also, A recapitulation of the results in the respective centres show 'ust how the vote went in the riding, Town of Bowmanville with twelve polls, Bowen 1306, Holman 707, Bowen majority 601, Town ot Port Hope with 13 polls, Bowen 1066, Holman 1092, Hol- man majority 36. Township of Darlington, 12 polls, Bowen 760, Holman 1044, Holman majority 204, Township of Clarke, 11 polls, Performance Sold Him Another Pease Economy" URNACE Among the thousands of letters of appreciation sent us by Pease owners ig this striking testimony from Mr, Glenville, Park Road, North, sani Oshawa, Ontario: "I was renting a house with a Pease Furnace installed in it and 'had every satisfaciton with same, #0 I had tho same type of furnace. Bowen Officially Declared Durham County Victor with Majority Ower Holman 1606 Bowen 786, Holman 700, Bowen majority 86, Township of Hope, 8 polls, Bow- en 666, Holman 669, Holman ma- jority 13, Township of Manvers, Bowen 8456, Holman 277, majority 668. Township of Bowen 612, Holman 304, majority 248. / Township of Cartwright, 5 polls, Bowen 619, Holman 201, Bowen majority 318, Village of Newcastle, Bowen 154, Holman 160, majority 6, Village of Millbrook, Bowen 2 Holman 107, majority 136, Total vote for Bowen 6827. Total vote for Holman 6221. Bowen majority 16086, GENERAL MOTORS, PEDLAR'S TOMAKE FIRST SHIPHENTS Continued from Page 1) globe. Pedlar People, Limited, are shipping a carload lot of goods later in the month direct from Oshawa harbor to Buenos Aires, Argentine Republic. Representatives of the Canada Steamship Lines are now engaged in a comprehensive survey of the freight shipping possibilities of Oshawa and its surrounding territory, stated Mr, Burns and Mr. Robinson, of the To- ronto office of Canada Steamships, who were in the city on business yesterday, On the results of this 8 polls, Bowen Cavan, 7 polis, Bowen 2 polls, Holman 2 polls, Bowen n Jy survey will be based to a large ex-| tent the number of calls per week for Oshawa when this city is placed on the C.8.L. regular schedule, pos. sibly a month hence, Mr, Burns expects that shipments into Oshawa will consist largely of bulk cargoes, while outgoing ship: ments will be composed largely of package freighh Until the regular schedule for Osh. awa is worked out, ealls will be made intermittently, averaging about one per week. The service will be han. dicapped for a short time on account of the fact that range lights have not been put in position at the harbor, and all calls will have to be made during daylight, It is understood, however, that the government engineer is in the city today, making a survey of the har bor requirements, and it is expected that range lights will be placed out in the very near future, A portion of the freight shipped out of here tomorrow afternoon on the eastbound Canada Steamship Line boat, "City of Kingston," will be delivered in Montreal on Saturday morning, Oshawa will be included in the Montreal to Fort Willlam run, It is estimated that this eity will be about 86 hours by water from Mon: treal, and slightly over three hours run from Toronto. ACT NOW! jor. on the purchase of a Parker Duofold (Pen or Pencil) For Your 01d Pen or Pencil El -- BARGAINS IN GOOD USED CARS 1929 ESSEX SEDAN. A Beautiful Car for the Whole Family 1928 ESSEX SEDAN. Thoroughly reconditioned and sold with our 30 Day Guarantee 1929 CHEVROLET SEDAN, small mileage, runs and looks like new. New Car Warranty. 1926 CHEVROLET CANOPY top-truck, 4 ton, just the truck for delivering groceries. Ross, Ames & Gartshore Company Limited | 135 King Street W. Subtle and Distinctive is the Quaker Corn Flakes Flavour Quaker Corn Flakes is subtle u Il agree it is the finest you we The flavour of and distinctive, Yo ever tasted in a corn flake. If you do refund your money, We print this guarantee on e pockage, It is backed by the pee of the pb. s largest cereal millers. It has appeared on millions of packages Quaker Corn Flakes, Crispness and freshness are protected from and moisture by the triple-sealed, vax-wripped package. Quaker Corn Flakes reach you with all eir fine, distinctive flavour. Delicious at breakfast 'day. ous ot. brea fug or any other time of day. installed in my own house that) bullt. I have also had every sate Isfaction up to fate," x the. hot air \[ ii i | a JOUDIY es tin a dust tight, ash-pit and an Jretptionally large surface. are just three of the many that make the Peare truly: an y" {arnace, These details are worth studying, Send for lterature--and enlist our free consulting service to guide you in cor. W.A.Dewland [|| 42 =... re .® LIMITED i Fasten XKuras Drug Store Ontario 26 King St. BE. Phone 378 Look around your desk or home and JRhat up Your Sid Dems and Denelly. is worth $1,00 to you at this store on the purchase of & Parker Duofold Pen ($5.00 to Pencil Shaped Top Silknit Slips CREE ROE TR 1.49 Printed Rayon Dress Materials a Trimmed Nainsook and Crepe Night Gowns . . $1.00 Girls' White and Peach Cotton Bloomers. Fol ' Ladies' and Girls' Print Dresses. On sale .. $1.00 ARIO, ~ Quaker Corn Flakes COMPANY, PE 'BOROUGH, ONT. Toronto 8» Te Tr TY TI Vn ide

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