Oshawa Daily Times, 6 Aug 1930, p. 1

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pi EN A ay ed and wood firm, have lod ras ". hy oy of eating poisoned out for game, Many farm- have lost oth caftle and dogs 0 shme cause,' A thorough ipvestigation is being made, but as bit Is known whois doing the, polvonip uit, ' $1 2 N Opened slleville,~Making the pnd olleville's new bridge an integ- hioare of old home week celebra- pn hare, Hop, George 8, Henry, of highways, ofcially op- hruetire before a large se. LJ » Dies After Explosion Sudbury ~~Ligeoln Raromier, 20, is dead of injuries and Lurie re- opived when an explosion wrecked 8 filling station where he worked, He was found in the debris badly Plurned, a LJ Dies of Injuries ' Bt, Cloments,~Thrown '30 fest when a team of horses bolted while being led into a fleld, John B, Deli. rich, 36, farmer, Ts fojuries fom which he died three hours or, LJ » LJ . Killed in Tunnel ' Windsor.--Willlam Keith Van. oe, 1¥, was electrocuted while at k "in the ventilation tower of the Detroit-Canada Tunnel Com: pany, L » . Buys: Life Saying Boat fiton,~~At & special meeting y Councl approved of the Purchase of a 160-horsepower mot. ow aah or life-saving activities amilton Bay. LJ Quake. in California cig A Calif, =~ A selamor sfaph at the Carnegie Institute bere recorded a brief earthquake wen shook Santa Barbara, Vent. Ha the d other cities in the vicinity, 0" damage resulted, Autos, No Doles Guelph, Feeling that it Is golog & step too far for citizens to be operating motor cars and at the oe time applying for by Jalal, foipal authorities bt A stop to the Jrastien, Notices pont out by the relief department state doles to such applicants will bo out o forthwith, by A '2000 Ohinste Easohiad . Bbanghnl~Two thousand Chin. e886 were exectited while Comniun- ists wore in possession of Changsha, Hunan Province capital, Japanese press dispatches said today, addition, 4,000 Chinese were miss jug, either executed or kidnapped, In Dominion Debt Down Ottawa, ~A total debt decrease bE §47,740,746,30 1s noted In the annus! financial statement for the Dominion just published, At March Ley! 1920, Canada's net debt stood $2,926,608,705,10 and at the pi the financial year, March 31, 039, he debt yes $3,177,763 KTH For the previous twelve months there was a debt of reduction of $71,345,627,82, R-100-OFFICERS GIVEN WELCOME BY CITY OF TORONTO: Major G. H. Scott and W.|* A. Tiblett Presented With Medals .~ wo yom Toronte, Aug, 6, 3 tt, coms wander %. she British dirigible R- 100 'and W, Giblest, nigh APY emer al Aim ; Ottawa, and were the Union A tion' by, M a «Vom Pp and a ey ry Tr hols rivals he wisitors were entertained at a civic ast at the Royal York 1lgtel, bry proceeded to tha city hall, 8 a civie waloom h, tend: © the intrepid airm a azn or "Wemp congratulated. the olcers on the glorious achieve. in the a nglug oped HEE ik close yo yon. tect LOE [he mother cpuntry rosned. the same gi Mo stated, was ah bo. Nat he 0 knit Aha and closer the Bm. ey Re pan of the fom: 54 of the . two A dell ore a addrone x ig Both ore then proses with a amaTaive medals by "Mayor. f Bm 16 ttt a p Oshawa Daily Tones Succeeding The Oshawa Daily Reformer Dori Siders a peste iakisy: A Growing Newspaper in # Growing City OSHAWA, ONTARIO. WED! WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 6, 1930 16 Cents » Week; 3 Cents 8 Copy EIGHT PAGLS - rrr---- C0 - OPERATION BETWEEN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND NEW OFFICIAL ASSURED tario Cities With a View to Finding Out Possibil. ities for Location of Bri. tish Industries CONFERRED WITH C. OF C. SECRETARY Anxious to "Co-operate With 'Local Authorities in Bringing Branches of Bri. tish Firms to This Country An appointment which may have A very definite effect on Oshawa's industrial expansion of the future, is seen in the announcement by William Phillips, manager of the industrial department of Canadian Nationa! Rallways, that Mr, T, A, Hooker has been constituted in- dustrial agent for the CNR, with headquarters in London, England, Mr. Hooker is engaged at the Jrosent time in a survey of the éading industrial areas of the Dominion,' with » general study of the possibilities for location of British Industries in Canada, To- day he commenced his survey of Ontario and the eity of Oshawa was number one on his list, a now This morning Mr. Hooker spent in conference with Col, B, J. Mer Sovmich: Jiguarisl Dmissioasr, and the fullest pi tion between the Oshawa Chamber of Commerce and the new indus trial oMce in London, England, is assured, While Mr, Hooker, as a representative of the national rall- way system, can show no preference to any one Canadian city when In- teresting British industrialists in focating in this coyntry, he will be kept in close touch with conditions and developments in this city, and no stone will be left unturned te keep the London, England co primed with fyll information 'pe. garding the many advantages which Oshawa can offer to the manufacturer, "We are anxjous to co-operate 1 the fullest possible extent wth the Chambers of Commerce and Dourds of Trade throughout the eountry," Mr. Hooker told The Times today, "Mutual benefit can be achieved by the interchange of information through the C.N.R, industria! de partment," Tondon Office IMans "The new industrial once of the C,N.R. in London, England plans to co-operate in every possible way with elvie authorities as re. ards the possibilities of in- fronting British industrialists in the development of Can+ ada's natural resources, This co» operation between C.N.R. and oity Suthorities aims in part at the frente go-operation between Rri« ivh ndustrialists and Canadian indugtrialists," "In some irades, the. first step in this direction will be the as- sembly of parts: In Gadada," he saplained. In ather lines co-opera« shape of sending trained workers from the Old Country, in certain des for 'which the © fs » ous, and in which a Mah dear ot 'skill has been handed from he eration to 'generation, Some of these men and women are needed in Capada for new industries." Visited Factories Mr, Hooker spent the early part of the afternoon in visita to several by factories, Interested chiefly in & first hand study 'of the type and ginde of labour available in this wi was accompanied on his visit 4 is oy Br Mr. Jun of the ° ustrial department' of of the O,N.R, Patan! of POLICEMAN . BANDIT IN DETROIT - | 4 st Detroit, Mich, Aug. oP pofice- a early todaX shot 10 death one) hd men who field up a nll hotel, | pe © other man esea) with approx imately $100 in sah id The two robbers fielp up HC Bass, night clerk at the State Hotel and forced him to open the cash register, Patrolman George Caughs lin who had been assigned to guard the hotel in an effort of the police depuytiment to check robberies . ut such places, opened fire as the men ae tae the money, | ran Stariford, Conn, = Aug, $-~Fire, and slechel. { fumes, th three men aac oly, (Arie) a fourth, an did damage timated a ta the plant. of Richards & manufacturing . chemist,' T. A. Hooker Is Visiting On| SOVIET PULPWOOD COMES TO CANADA (By Canadian Press Lansed Wire) Montreal, Aug, 6.-~Move Rus- sian pulpwood is arriving in Cans ada enroute to the United Htates to feed paper mills in that coun- try, the BH, 8, Kirsten Miles being due a' Three Rivers today, With the American ombargo Against Russian pulpwood raised, the en try of the cargo will not he ques. thoned, as was that of the B, 8 Fishpocl some days ago, Two more vessols left Archangel C.N.R. Industrial Agent Visits Oshawa TORONTO FLIER DROWNED Jerry Fitton, Tovente airman, whe, in an attempt to swim ashore from his asroplane, which had made » on Aug: 2 for Canada, with pulp. wood cargoes for New York points and will dock this month at Borel, | Albany, N.Y., Aug. 6,-Colonel Frederick Stuart Green, state super: intendent of public works, last night asserted that Increase in tonnage carried on the state barge canals and decrease in tonnage carried on the Canadian Ht. Law- rence canals, point unmistakably to the necessity of building a ship canal from the Hudson River to the Great lakes, Up to July 24, Green sald, barge canal tonnage this year increased 487.088 tons over tonnage for the same period Jost year, and that up to June 80, tonnage on the Canadian canals forced landing, about a mile off. shore from Belleville, was drown: od, Claims Canal Traffic Against st. Lawrence "This is significant," Green sald, "when it Is noted from the Cana dian government report that ten- nage is lighter on thelr canals this year than in any year since 1036, Tonnage carried on the Cana- dian Ht, Lawrence canals in 10320 totalled 5,718,651 tons: in 1028, RB, 411,642 tons, a drop of 2,603, #01 tons, On the other hand barge canal tonpage has been maintaining a steady upward trond, At the present rate we will heat the 1080 record of 3,080,008 tons, predict that within five years barge canal tonnage will equal that of the dropped 226,671 tons, Canadian Bt, Lawrence canals, Demestic Servant Admits Her Story of Attack Is Fictitious Ottawa, Aug. 6Admitting that the attack of which she claimed to have been a vietim was purely fictis tious, Miss Frances Yiek, domestic at a Woodbridge, Ont, summer home, told Charles McCarthy, Carle- fen County police: chief, that after njuring: herself in the face she manufactured a startling story about three men invading her room and brutally attacking her, Chief Me- Carthy stated the girl gave as a re. ason for manufacturing the story that she was "worried about a friend in Toronto," The report of the attack on the girl caused several resident of the summer resort to ahanden their cot- tages, Miss Yzek told police that she wis attacked in her room on Thursday morning last and made to drink a liquid which burned her throat, The police sald at that time that she was found unconscious on her bed, . The screening on her win dow had" been cut, with a butcher knife, It was this that resulted in the breakdown of her story, Chief McCarthy finding that it had been cut from the inside, He stated that he also found in her handbag a watch which she reported stolen, mr -------- Pioneer of Peace Bridge Is Dead (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Fort' Erie, Aug. 6~Pioneer Cana dian promoter of the Peace Bridge and an artist of international note, ram H, Green, 68, of Fort Erle, is dead in a Buffalo "hospital after a short 'illness, Although born in Paris, NY, \¥,, Green had resided in Fort 'Brie for the past 25 years and main. tained a studio here, He had travel: ed 'and painted extensively, some of hy pietures having been used by the United * States Government for the Liberty loan drives during {he world war, ARCTIC STEAMER MEETS BAD STORM -------- Government Expedition ls Halted by Battle With Waves Oltaw y %, Aug. 6=The steamer Seothic"" an ng the department of the interior! 930 expedition to the posts in the Canadian Arctic archi is battling: storms about mid- Lv etween Labrador and Southern Greenland, h Astordin to wireless dis- Jaiches res rom George 1, naie, offieer in charge of this year's patrol. The noon position of the ship on Monday was given as half 'way between the coast of La- rador and Greenland where the first stop will be made at the Danish headquarters ut' Godhaven, About 'midnight on August J, the "Beothic" entered a storm area and for sixteen hours the fhip had been rolling Meavily in the grip of the tempeat, It was negespary to heave to 30 that the deek carga might be re-laghed, Tremendous scas breaks ing over the ship had lossened the + 178 King' Witnesses Fac Tragedy Seward Drowned When Racing Yacht Sinks in Collision (Ry Canadian Press Leased Wire) Cowes, Isle of ighi, Eng, Aug, fA steward was drowned and a racing yacht, the Lucilla, owned by J. Lauriston Lowis, Was sunk fn a collision at the start of the Royal Regatta events today, The King, aboard the Britannia, wit. nessed the tragedy, The Luellla, manoouvering with the twelve meter boats for the get- away, was hit by A, A, Paton's big cutter, the Lulworth, and went. to the bottom in three minutes, The Lulworth rescued the survivors of the Lucilla's crew, When the crew of the Lupllla game ashore iL was stated that William Saunders, a steward on the sunken craft, had lost his lite, The flag of the motorboat Mur Jorie, owned. by Lewis, was flown " half mast, -------------- Don't Tet your uplift work be con. fined to your® 'nose Kiwanis Maga: e, Lord Birkenhead Is Seriously Ii (By rw ks Lossed Wire) London, Aug, §--The Earl of Birkenhead" who as & Jawyer and oliticlan has been one of the lead. ng figures in British life for many years, ia seriously ill with bronchial pneumonia at his home in Grosvenor Gardens, Phpsiclans sald to-day they had noted a slight improvement in the last 24 hours, howsver, Bowmanville Brother and Sister United Reunion in Omaha, Neb., After Separation for Fifty Years (Special to The Times) Omaha, Neb, Aug, 6-Mrs, Mary Guest, Toronto, is in Omaha having A reunion with her brother, Frank Munson, whom she had not seen, nor communicated with until a short time ago, for fifty years, Aw chil dren, Munson and Mrs, Guest, lived In Bowmanville, Durham County, where they were born, Thelr father ded when Frank was ten years old, anid the boy was sent to Toledo, Ohlo, to Hye with in uncle. The girl, Mary, continued to live in Bow manville, married and settled in Tor onto, Irank's uncle died when the young fellow was eighteen years old, Fran) joined the Forepaugh-Sells Brothers Circus travelled all over the United States, When the United States got into war with Spain, Munson en listed and went to Cuba When that trouble was over, Munson re turned to Montgomery, County Western lows Mary Munson continued living In Toronto after her marrige to Mr Guest, Through chance she heard that her brother had lived near Red Oak, Towa, a number of years ago She wrote to lawyers at Red Oak and the brother was traced to Om aha, where he was discovered living in a suburb of the city, Following the discovery of Mun: son, the brother and sister exchang ed letters and Mrs, Guest has been In Omaha visiting with the long lost brother A---- Grain Prices Move Upwards Highest Level For Weeks Reached on Winnipeg Exchange (By Canadian Press Lotsnd Wire) Winnipeg, Man, Aug, 6 Reaching the highest levels in weeks, the wheat market continued to forge upward to-day and an hour after the opening had reached well above the "dollar mark" for all futures, Torrid weather across the grain helts of the United States and Canada was the dominating factor At 1030 am, wheat ranged 4%} cents to 434 cents higher than Tues day's close, October was quoted at Sos' December $1034 and May, Other grains followed the wheat trend, October flax recording the reatest gain 734 cents a bushel at Hi ------m---- THO MEN DIE IN | FIRE AT SUDBURY Three Others Make Escape From Blazing Room. ing House , (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Sudbury, Aug, 6.~In a fire whigh broke out about 4 o'oleck this morning in A new wing of a local rooming house and spread to the older part of the buldng two men, J, Brandes, travelling oecou- list of Montreal, about 45 years of age and Robt, Arneld, 65 were overcome by smoke and died be fore they could be reached. Arthur Keppla, who han worked in lumber camps around Sudbury for years Wak Also overcome by smoke, but wah revived by firemen with the pulmotor, Robert Milmoure was badly out and bruised when he leaped out of a second story win. dow while Wm, Gary was burned in attempting to make his escape, It was some time after the alarm wag given that the absence of Brandes and Arnold was noted, Firemen despite flames made a vapid search and located Arnold, Ho were unable to find Brandes, who was later discovered dead In a room in the - front part of the bullding, A Washington woman confessed she played the market on tips from the stars, In.other words, she prob. | armies, ably used the Big Dipper in the bucs ket shop=Chicago Evening Post, TAKES OVERSEAS POST Dr. Alex, O, Potter, of Kitchener, Ont, recently returned from two yoars' service at central office Ro. tary International at Chicago, whe sails shortly to take over the post of European secretary at Zurich, Switserland, B.C. Timber Lands Are Census 3 VOTE ON CIVIC BUILDINGS AUGUST 28 CITY COUNCIL PROVIDES FOR VOTE OF RATEPAYERS ON MUNICIPAL BUILDINGS 1. POPULATION 122,128,873 Shows "Increase of Over 17,000,000 in Ten Years first figure | United | Ine Washington, Aug. 0 The complete preliminary census today showed continanial Miates to nu mbar 122,728,470 habitants | The contiing an éstimate for ons Pennsylvania county, returns from which Are not complete | Outlying pos add 14 772,088, making a grand total of | 197501,661 The total population Increase of the forty-eight Nintes and the Dix trict of Columbia was 17,018,200, | total figure ponrlons Threatened by Fires (By Canadian Press Lonsnd Wire) Vancouver, BU, Aug O=Danger of forest-fire destruction of valuable stands of timber is increasing with continuance of dry weather, high temperatures and low humidity, Con ditions are dangerous all through British Columbia, it is declared by forestry officials, Weather forecasts indicate a continuance of the present situation for seme time Several new fires are reported in various parts of Vancouver forestry district Fanned hy near Point the high wind the fire Atkinson Lighthouse, in the vieinity of Caulfield, West Van | couver, caused great anxiety late yesterday, Twenty extra men wer sent there by the forestry depart ment bringing the number of fire | fighters up to about 70. West. Vancouver is a popular sum | mer resort, and there summer camp= | ers turned out in foree to ussist the fire fAghters to combat the hlage Another fire was reported to-day to have hroken out at mile 52, on the Pacific Great Eastern Railway It 1s in a logging slash, and is said to eover about seven acres A { MM men is combatting the A hy ence and financial depression, More Foreign 'Warship # Added to Yangtse Fleet (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Mhanghal, Aug, G.-=Aroused hy | further outrages against foreigners lin China by bandit-Communista forelgn governments yes- terday ordered additional warships to proceed up the Yangtse River to reinforce 11 gunboats at Hankow and five at Changsha Despite announcement of the Na tionallst government that ita troops had re-entered Changsha recently raged by the Reds the situation was considered grave there and at Hankow, which is threatened by ap No Relief from Hot Weather Another Sweltering Day for Ontario, With Rain Still Absent (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Toronto, Aug, €.-'The rise ol another sun brought what promises to be one more of the hot days dun {ng whieh Ontario has sweltored this week, Weata phrrobabilities gave no hint of relief for any part of the province, except 'for the southwestern counties where thun« derstorms Aare regarded as 'probs able" Rain If ft comes, will be bene: fielal te - Southwestern Ontario where paucity of moisture since June has had a bad effect on the late crops. The corn and bean yield has been reduced and pass tures are drying up rapidly, Cen tral Ontaro has the same problems but the same relief ia not inoluded in the predictions of the .weathewn man, Lack of rain will not hurt North. ern Ontario, where . especially. in the Temiskaming distriet orops pro- apecth are sald to be very poor owing to excessivve rainfall in July South of here in the Cochrane area orop prospects are about normal Forecast Drop i in World Wheat Crop Rome, Aug, 6.--The Internation. al Institute of Agriculture tosday reported its wheat forecast as 6. 071,000 metric tons, as compared with 7,083,000 last year and a five-year average of 6,748,000, The rye forecast was 180,000, aganst 176,000; barley 200,800, compared witly 262. 700; oats, §70,« 000 against 705,000, The wheat proaching Communistic armies Leaving saseho, Japan for Shang- hal, four Japaneses destroyers were | rushing to join others in the Yang- tse patrol, The Communist menace aw ooping | the Yangtae Valley affected the | great southern provinces of Hun an, Hupeh, Kiangsi and Fukien Despatohen from far-flung areas throughout these provinces said numerous Red bands numbering from a few hundred.do 10,000 cons tinued to pillage towns and rob | the populace without opposition | House May Meet On September 2 -- Ottawa, Aug, 4,- September 2 now appears ta be the probable date for the opening of the session of Parliament to deal with unems ployment, Arrangements are being speeded up to have the session at this early date; and hy-election writs fr the return of the Minis tera chosen by Iremierselect Hon, R, B, Bennett will probably be is sued late on Thuraday an soon as the new Conservative administra. tion takes office, In political eircles the general belief is that the selected Ministers will not he op: poned, BANKS T0 CARRY | 'ballots for | lowe | discussions of the same matter, {| Donald standing Armly against | the rest of the | nolid bloc | expenditaren * Civie Buildings Cost $100,000 and Police Building to Cost $53,000 Included in Bylaw to Ge Before Ratepayers to | WILL ALSO VOTE ON POLICE STATION SITE | Council Divided by Eleven Votes to Two on Bylaw Providing for Submitting Questions to the People Thursday, August 28th, ths of Oshawn will east thelr ngainst two bylaww which will provide, if approved hy | the electorate, for the raising by do On ratepayers of | henture of $100,000 for the construcs tion of an munieipal oes bhullding, und of $55,000 0,0 the construetion of a polices bhullding They will algo voila on a supple. mentary question, worded us fol If it is declded to build nn poliea building, which site do you prefer (rn) Tha south-east eornee of Richmond and Prince sireets, (h) the property owned hy the Munie cipality on Bagot street? Tha holding of referendums on these by-lnws was made certain last night, when the city council passed the requisite bylawa providing for the holding of the referendums on theses (three questions, I'he whole case for and against tha erection of the two buildings Was res haehed ngain during the discussion [on the firet and second readings of the two bydawas last night, "The couns ell lined up exactly as in previous with Moe tha expenditure on grounds of inexpedis while formed wn proposed Alderman Jackson and Peter counell in favor of the Two Opposed As each of the two hylaws cama | for the first and second readings i ontinyed on Page b) R- 100 to Make 'Toronto Trip Official Statement Made Tox day Clears Up Uncer- tainty (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) ft, Hubert Airport, Montreal, Aug, 0, The British dirigibla will make a combined flight over Ot tawa and Toronto, the date to be announced in the near future, aes cording to an official statement issued here today, "Repairs to the R100 are pro= ceeding satinfactorily and it ix ex» peoted they will he completed within the next 48 hours, In the meantime there has been no ale teration of plans as announced in the official press statement issued on August 4, which read in part: The idea of a flight over Canadian territory hofare the return jours ney has not been abandoned, hows ever, and it i« hoped to combine the flight to Ottawa and Toronto into one and carry that out if reas sonably favorable woather condi tions should ocour for the flight prior to the departure of the ship for England," Today's statement clears much uncertainty regarding programme of the R-100, nally, t had been planned to up the Orig= BALANCE OF CROP OF 1920 WHEAT Aagunett Completed at| Conference Held in Toronto Today Toronto, Aug. & . that the Cans adian banks had promised to carry the 'unsold balance of the 193) wheat orop and that the arranges ments were satisfactory was the statement issued by Premier John Rracken of Manitoba, following a conference here to-day between elght managers of leading banks and tha premiera of Manitoba, Al. berta and Saskatchewan and of Aflclals of the wheat pools, Promiers In Conference Toronto, Aug. 6, == Uremiers John Bracken, Manitoba and John BE. Drownlee, Alberta, along with A. J. MacPhail, president of the Saskatohewan and co-operative make three separate Canadian flights, ever Ottawa, Toronto, and Quebhee, ------- | COTTAGES ARE LOST IN FOREST FIRES (Ry Canadian Press Leased Wire) Bourne, Mass, Aug, 6.=An alarm was sounded for all avails able firemen at € a.m, today when foroat fires that had been brought under control early today broke out anew along a five mile frout at Klllaville, near Plymouth, The fire last night haa destroyed sev. eral square miles of woodland and & number of cottages before being controlled. 12 Killed in Riot ---- London. Aug. 5~Karachi deipateh« ers to the Daily Herald report that Wheat Producers Assoolation and George Melvor, general sales mans ager of the Canadian Wheat Pool, are in conference here to-day. decrease, 14 1-3 per cent, 12 persons were killed, and 130 ine hired during an ontbreak vi comm unal rioting this evening. at Sukkur » Northwestern India i sae TER---- a EE} a, i p--

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