Oshawa Daily Times, 2 Aug 1930, p. 7

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A 525, PI A -M i ...Ht The BAY, oF SASSY av he Summer Mod Designers Aze Lavish With Models For Both Town and Country Wear. There Is Little Thought Of The Future In Fabrics, Colors Or Lines, But A Very Great Deal Of Thought For Warm Weather Comfort, Sports Togs Are The Daytime MAT sve you going to do and where are pou going to do It? These are the questions thet determines your winter or your summer ward robs, whichever it may be. Thal it is now the outdoor messon is Lhe ohie! fagtor In the sholee of ap parel, but many spend July and August in the alty with week-end trips for resreation, keeping (heir real vacation until early fall, even to midwinter months, Some vaoa tion in the sountry, others al the shore, And the result is a demand tor both town and country clothes, teavaling attire and all of the usual types consistent with town life, And designers have seen Lo it thal avery need is met in an interesting way, #0 that thers need be no fear of inappropriatensss (0 Purposa And it 1s yet a bit too early to ba worried about fall fashions, = though they have been lony In the making, First Of All, Bports Correct tows for viding, yechung, tennis and golf are sasfly achieved, The chief char acteristics of the sports mode In are comfort, color and , 8) threes consistent with » mode that seems to take note of everything, To mentian in~ oidental fashions, you may ride In » habit of colored linen--~a deepe toned seat than the trousers, or sont In a contrasting color, and to Reach 'fashions, which may be hed te include yachting styles, never been so ploturesquely The old - time foreey pretorred for actual swim. though in a new gules, is unique and very modem, Shirt-and shorts outh® belong to the youthful, or at least, the slen. dor woman, and pyjama outfits are approved beach apparel, One in this versatile outfit, than which there ia nothing more ooo! and comfortable, : Por Tennis And Golf The one or two-piece frock (a the toundation of the tennis and go!f wardrobe, and medals for both wporis Ara, As A Tula, Interchange: able. (If you sleet to wear a shirt waist and shorts for Lannie, you will not wear it for golf!) The shirt. watst dress, reminisgent of a long ago time fs approved for both, and the golfer adds a Jaoket=of flan nal, of sik or knit. Materials in: elude linen, Bhantung allk, crepe, pique, and, newest of all, cotton and we use them together advised. ly, perisat for her purposes, A printed sllk frock and a lopg coat of tweed; a jacket sult of tweed, oven of plik; complemented by a silk blouse, when tweed, a linen or batiste blouses, when wiik;, or a four-piece outfit made up of skin, Jackel, blouse and long coat are the four possibilities from which 'the wise woman will shooss, The four-pisoe outht seems made for the purpess, The Woman-Abowt. Town Khe shops, lunches, attends a matines in goo! semfort, her at- tre skilfully planned te combat Warm weather in the smartest port of way, She will molude in her wardrobe a suit of Bhantung silk black ov navy, If she feels smarter in dark colors, or one of the lighter shades If they please her best, (Or she may lke a sult of erisp pique!) The blouse will be linen or batiste, And she oan finish the outfit with shoss of the silk, likewise a hat, sitehed, If her afternoon neads are many, she will like a long, caped cost of heavy silk, and it will be most sconomical In binek, or a dark NAVY, thus becoming 4 perfect background for many types of frocks, Mer footwear will be of Hnen, silk or some apanwork weave in leather, and she will have a choles of headwear in linen, silk or tha rough straw that possesses Just the right degrees of formality and of (nformality, A handbag of silk or linen will do, Form! Imnohing And Dining Yor the really formal luncheon there is the tallored suit of chiffon, printed, plain, or a judicions com bination of the two, Or iL may be A ruftled chiffon froek worn under the allk ooul, such a. freok quite perfect for the formal isa. One must have a frock that 1s servest W988 | ror anylight dining, (hese days, and | A wise choles of a chiffon (rook will make it serviceable for any | avent other than a truly forme! evening affair, Printed, or plpin ohiffon 1s eorrent, A lace frock with a wide-alseved jacket la a charming aholos for aves ning wear, for one may dine with the Jacket on and, Iater, dance with the jacket off. There is » wide caps collar, as well as wide sleeves, on one delightful jasket. The ruffied froek of chiffon is ) ly on the dance floor, and many | like the gown of organdie whish is] youthful! and hardly the correet nhales for a matron, Incidentally, formal frocks Reep to length and the sven hem, A CIV mesh, The traveler finds silk and tweed, ET -- rm -- ER ---- WAR FASHION WEY tall us that way back in 1889 the quaint old fashion magasine known as '"Gedey's Lady's Book' published de: " soription of a wrap known as the "Paletot," Ita comfort was stressed, and. the materials offared were sloth, plush and velvet, the gar: ment iaell made of the cloth, and are to be believed, And It 1a Also Lhe smartest sports wrap---se you will alimit that It is useful, Jead- ing an it doen a sort of Dr, Jekyl and Mr. Hyde axistence, playing | tannin by day and dancing in the evening, You will have one paletet, least, and that you may know just Green paletot for jacket for wear, trimmed with either the velvet or plush, The little cape waa fringed, there wars lines of bugle trimming, . and buttons were used to Anish the sleaves and close the garment. Now that little fitted coat, for it was fitted, and to & nlesty, on the slender waisted figure of the day, in back again, and we are wearing it, modeled in velvetean or velvet, and it 1a the smartest evening weap of many, if cortaln Paria designers wports and a pastel blue caped how to aak for (test Is pronounced "pal toe" rather than the obvious "pale tot," You will ind It in pale blue and real Nght blue, In the pink shades, In yellow, green smartest of all, and most black, . Of valveteen, Atted to the Agure, and elther sleeved or neevaless. And this gars ment may be plaip of line, or it may ba capede~one model lb dee murely ruffled! ' de Is A Merry Moi iS IL -HA ov BU Sl ie -------- pb -- --rm - in / \ 0 There's A Thought of Fall In The Paris Summer Openings, Advance News Concerning The Silhouette, Waistline, Skirt Length And Other Im. portant Details Of The Early Fall Mode Is Reassuring. There Is Nothing Radically New T 1s 100 early tar the Influence | "Hops deferred maketh the heart of 4 coming mode to be notice: sek," at the moment. Bliris are Ahly felt in summer styles, bul Just as lang for daytime wear, and It 16 nevar (oo early for us tein many sallsctions (they are longer be looking ahead to future faah-1and the sven length (4 hald. Bome fonn, Therefore wa are miidly ine show sven hemiines for evening tarawted in the mid-season (ashion | wear, down the instep. while showings that are heing held In| others shorten the skirl 4 wee pit Paris, showings that include tepta-! in front One designer achieves { Live Ideas for fall, tendencies that | differantness with a pointed skirt will basome fants and plana for the and there ts the usual number of trend that each new season Is bure' novelties to bring No ane will he more In. | terssted In the effect nf these show ings Lhan the designers thameelves for many an idea hat has heen fostered will dis a natural death While others will be taken up for general explotlation when | nesaon dawns, later on, Ini [ summer, we shall need adge of noming fashions hint | Incidental purchase may in | keeplog with tham We mummar [128 theses showings briefs In lLawaiing The | Fashion waist Waistline lates that the normal Is the thing, and ws And thraugh careful study of this de lall, that the normal waist is the heacoming waist, and why net? Blkirt length is so adjusted that it heecomes (he Individual, and the sucenssful waistline 1s Hkewise so ' Adjusted, With a fine thought for the woman whose figure Is heavy ar disproperiionate, many design ers are showing the doubles waist line, sven a triple line. Indtvidwsl | hecomingness is (he thing the new late awl any LL Cortaln Materials Are Favored Wa look in the fabrica that make onr WINEY | When (tL comes to detalles there clothes, for this an assentinl| iy much tn Interest. Melts are ve- | quality, sn we are nol surprised 10 tained and the holern theme 1s as And velvet very generally featlred, | good as aver while the bloused | Thers will he nead for both (hel hack (5 considered smart, Pleats | Arapy type of cloth and for Mas and tyoks are In evidence, there terials that possess & certain sf | spe yokes (hat extend down over | ness, ao the crepes, both heavy and | (he sleeves so that the upper part sheer, satin, sheer metal elothe | of the bodice 1s in sontrast to the moire and fallle will all be good. | track, and It Is noted for richness in x, ta retum te \ a ~~ Bw | / J Is or b The summer spectators wear, left, a knitted red and white baret and blouse set with white linen gob trousers; right, green and |, "oo 0 am white printed silk two-piece model, In the window a new fall model is displayed. "It is brown flat crepe and features a clever use of | 1, 41 sant start the buttons, EE T--------r THE SHIRTWALI ¥ you remember the days of J E55 Queen Victoria, the time when bleycling was an ap- proved outdeor sport and ade fon played "lawn' tennis, then you remember. asa part of the fashions of the day, tha long skirt, the shirtwalst, the belt and the nod: ding pampadods =~ made immortal by the Gibson girl. . And now, In 1080, we have the shirtwals froak Again a part of the fashion pieturs, but it Ia a very dierent, and we think, & much more situable thing | There's & dash and verve about | the shirtwalst frock of today that would startle the geod Quesan, A flash of color and a spirit of youth | that would Intrigue har, wa are sure, even though hoth fashion and | spOria Ara not exactly the "gentesl' variety of her day, And thers are naw and lavaly materials, 'an well as naw ideas, used In these freaks among tham sudanatte, cotton mesh, shirtings of various sorts, the erapes and the new sporia fashion of shirt and shorts Wicirta are flared, gored pleated, variously out te achieve som- fortable width, and they soma times have yokes, The shirtwaist ia sleeveless or has very short ho A Abt eT ------ | Fashion | Notes If you are planning to be very formal this summer, than you will suraly have lace mitts in your glove box, They are appearing ov orywhere, as A part of 'the son tame that takes ita lines fram the romantic ara, And they are not only adorable, but vary oeal and somtortable wri ed You will he interssted (n the newest sport handkerehifs, gay Uttle squares of linen hand-bloaked in cleaver dealgms that smphasise an idea. Links and ge!f clubs on ona, net, rackets and balls on an. other, and for her who Jul watches, flowers of approval! ht lie eam You will find them everywhers, at the 'races, on the links, an the | poreh of the country elub, Aannal suits made up of & white akirt and A blaser Jacket, The akirt is fared or wrap-around, and the jaoket fe a tailored, double-breastad affair in gay colored stripes, H-------- IA ------ The traveler will do wall to in. dulge harself in a ar bag of the newest typa, ttars not whether ahs be tra bY train, plans, boat ar mater, is quite roomy, has doubls Jeather hand!ds, keaps (ta shapes, fastens with a wp. por and 1a full of usable Ottings -- A -- sleeves, and may be single or dou- bia-hreastad, collared or not, ase cording to fancy, and thare may be details of pockets, ties, smock: ing, stitehary, buttons or bandings, Colors range from white through the pastels to dotiad and striped patterns against white backgrounds «widely spaesd, the designs, ST FROCK There will, of courses, ha a SOMpleie | the fabrin question, that as the | ravisal of tha color card for eM | o immer wanes prints are Alsap- | weather purposes pearing, but this is net at all un. ! They are speaking of shades! usual; hence to be azpected known as "off black," and we nat urally wonder what they will he The Return Of The Hleeve It is wenerally known that many| In models planned Jor falleand { may not wear black, hut when a Winter wear the sleeve 1s 4 neces: | nnlor Js so dark that It is nearly! ®t and ii the close « Atting | hiack, yet ralaine some eolor, |t|AleeVe, with without a euf, may prove becoming. He there ars | There are soma variations trom | very dark purples, hiues, greens) Nia rule, hut the short siseve is and reds, designated by names| NOt featured. Thera are models of | that may meem appropriate, al: | dinner dresses with long sleaves, though our interest in the matter "Niefy In lacs or chiffon, Neck: in oolor, net name. Black wil), | Ines oling to the generally hesoms | however, continue ita supremany, |/08 Veline, and it is noted that seve | eral deslgners lke the surplice The All:lmportant Silhouette | losing, Lingerie details are of | | Be far the slihoustts Is changed | continued importance | py few, and (hen only a little The ensemble continues ts tne | (Good news for the woman who! guence and there will he all inde | winter froek | of suits, tallored, afternoon and | season.) Des) general utility, The tatlored jacket | tally are variad, hut lines are prac: | guit remains, alse the more labor: we | Lioally the game, for we are not) aye suite for afternoon, of alk, yor (hrough with adventuring into | proadeloth and velvet and the suit | the period of romance. Flares on: | that has & long cost, usabls fer tinue and the tunie Is represented | oi nay frocks, worn aver a harmen- | In the major purtian of the mid: | izing or matehing dross of satin, summer collections, Ilkawise the yiaroemin, romain or Ceargetis { two-tiered skirt, The Bhealh skirt Conta continue to Aare, In various i» mentioned d LINENS ROM time teamelorial the shades that will net do at all, Con: | linen chest has bean A syn-| trast ware better than two or mors anym for brides and weddings. | shades that do not harmonise, | From the Ume of hand - waver When a kilehen has (wo colors, | things, secumulsted through the the digh linens may be in sither| yours, to the present day, when the | ane of the twe, or white with a shops provide the pisses, the bride | harder that repeats either anlor Nas sat great stare by her stove of | Linens for the breakfast reom or | fine linen, It ia one of the first dinette will ba In eeler, but It items In the furnishment of a sheuid contrast with the ahina to) home, and Is always a gift that! make both mere affective, It ia will prove asceptable, for tabie«| the same in the dining-reem. A clothe and towels have a habit of | rose-hued cloth and hiack wiame, & wearing out, and thay are, to say | lace sloth over yellaw, (he shina the least, oontly and glassware running the FANGS | That (as, If the linen ohest in:' of the pastels, soft gresns, a touch | aludes: the newast and smartest of | of blue and a bit of roms, table, bad, Ktahen and bathroom | The bedroom linens will he In appointments, and what hride does celor, or, at least, with a touch of not lang for Just that? And usual-| sealer. There are sheets and cases ly the blankets and spreads, like« in the pastal tones, and there are wise balh mata, aven showsr ours sheets and oases In white with tains, are inoluded In the list of borders in eelor, and blankets will "inena for the hama, Tf you are | repsat that eelar, as wall as the the prospective bride, or are seek «| yprend, only the repetition will not If you are hoping for a return | spring | of the short skirt we can anly say: | hy suEEestion F nll winter needs, or two may be (A hooked ry had with a IKtle offart, for you ean make it yenr wolf, following a stamped pattern that has heen drawn from a real many, T= ahops arg keenly Inter from Lhe many sugKestions antique, handed down from the ™ for warm weather but for, days of hooked rugs) The trim - _ oy ------ TT ented, apparently, In sum meriging our homes, and offerad, averyons is sure tno And something that maets a need, not nold An old armsohalr, out of | settee with a removable slip cever Cape Cod, Ita design an old one, | Is a modern convenience, fer wy ing » suitable gift for a bride, then | you Are Up against he problem of anler, which ia, Ye five, & splendid friend, but a deadly enemy, For bedrooms, hathroems the dining-reom and kitahan have all| "gone into celar.' And of course a decision has haen reached as te what colors shall dominate the dit: | have so many, ferent rooms, A yellow and green ¥itahen, perhans, lavender or blae or rose In aA bedroom, and se on through the housa, Great care must be taken to keep shades nr menious, for avery dalor Ras snemy | wood things, even If you may net ba whelly without contrast, For the room that demands IL, (here will ba a spread that has hess matched by ourtaina, and when ahints is the fabric, a boudoir ahatr | may really mateh Make eolor your friend, and buy And If It 1a to be a pit, remembar that a single place of real linen or Ane lace will he far mors acceptable than a greater dlgplay of places that are not of linen, or are inferior in quality, TRICKS IN ALL TRADES ITH such a warld of de tall, and so many needs te be met, it ia net strange that seme of the frocks that are affared should he nothing mare than "trick" medals, planned for one purpose and answwel more than one, Only uniimit pookethooks permit a cestume for every oceasion, yet it is im Hve that we he properly ad for everything we und . 'We know the valus of the sleave: loan dross that haa a matohing Jacket, It ln not at all new, yet it 1a being offerad In naw guises, nye, ota that repeat the the materials are it nous ---- m---- Then there are freaks with detach. | Able slaaves, the idea being a frock for street wear that will hecoms, when the sleaves are removed, suit. able for informal dining---we shall se much of this later on when roof dining ie in full swing. There will be some sort af a cans, in many. of theses models which will tall somewhere between the shoulder and elbow, The cape plays many roles this aman, It may be used for its original purpose, or it may he re. moved and worn as an overshirt It will ba of another fabric from the freak, One of the oleverest outhta offered at the moment is & wit made up of a afik froek, a wrap-around 'skirt of tweed and a tweed coat, The skirt ls war over the frook for traveling, hut it ean he removed at the and of the journey, leaving the one-piece froek of silk = plain of color or printed, A Cape Cod arm-chair should be covered with nautical chints, The pattern shown has a clipper cavered with map ohints, will doek wall any season of the year In ex actly the right setting, especially If 1t haa the just:right hooked ruw sleeping at ita feat, And a ohintas covarad love seat will fit into the summer scheme with assurance, for when summer ia gone the ahints cover can be removed, leave. in full sail, are permitted ta ohonse our own pattern, and the prim little boxe pleated ruffle fa a real antioament, 'Wa wouldn't have any other pats then on the Cape Cod ehalr, for the quaint salling ships of the seve enteenth eantury that travel at random over seat, hack and arma ing the damin upholstery to mestiars fasainating and appropriate,

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